* style_str - style string * styletype - stype of style change */ ini_set("display_errors", "1"); ini_set("display_startup_errors", "1"); include "include/dbcommon.php"; header("Expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT"); include "include/reportfunctions.php"; // #9875 It's expected that webreport_style table belongs to the webreport db connection $_connection = $cman->getForWebReports(); $xml = new xml(); if (!postvalue('str_xml')) { echo "Error: No se han obtenido resultados. Inténtelo de nuevo."; exit(0); } $arr = $xml->xml_to_array(postvalue('str_xml')); $repname = postvalue('repname'); if ($_POST['str_xml'] == "del_all") { $strSQL = "DELETE FROM " . $_connection->addTableWrappers("webreport_style") . " WHERE " . $_connection->addFieldWrappers("repname") . "=" . $_connection->prepareString($repname); $_connection->exec($strSQL); die; } $arrayer = array(); foreach ($arr as $key => $style_record) { if ($style_record['type'] == "table") { $strSQL = "DELETE FROM " . $_connection->addTableWrappers("webreport_style") . " WHERE (" . $_connection->addFieldWrappers("repname") . "=" . $_connection->prepareString($repname) . " AND " . $_connection->addFieldWrappers("styletype") . "='" . $style_record['params']['styleType'] . "')"; $_connection->exec($strSQL); } if ($style_record['type'] == "group") { if ($style_record['params']['groupName'] != 0) { $strSQL = "DELETE FROM " . $_connection->addTableWrappers("webreport_style") . " WHERE (" . $_connection->addFieldWrappers("group") . " = " . (0 + $style_record["params"]["groupName"]) . " AND " . $_connection->addFieldWrappers("repname") . "=" . $_connection->prepareString($repname) . " AND " . $_connection->addFieldWrappers("styletype") . "='" . $style_record["params"]["styleType"] . "' AND (" . $_connection->addFieldWrappers("type") . "='cell' OR " . $_connection->addFieldWrappers("type") . "='group'))";
require_once "include/dbcommon.php"; header("Expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT"); require_once "classes/charts.php"; require_once getabspath("include/xml.php"); require_once getabspath("classes/searchclause.php"); if (!isLogged()) { Security::saveRedirectURL(); HeaderRedirect("login", "", "message=expired"); return; } $xml = new xml(); $chrt_strXML = ""; if (checkTableName(postvalue("chartname"), titCHART)) { include_once "include/" . postvalue("chartname") . "_variables.php"; $chrt_strXML = GetChartXML(postvalue("chartname")); $chrt_array = $xml->xml_to_array($chrt_strXML); $_SESSION["webobject"]["table_type"] = "project"; $_SESSION["object_sql"] = ""; } $webchart = false; if (!$chrt_strXML) { $sessPrefix = "webchart" . postvalue('cname'); $chrt_strXML = LoadSelectedChart(postvalue('cname')); $webchart = true; $chrt_array = $xml->xml_to_array($chrt_strXML); if (is_wr_project()) { include_once "include/" . $chrt_array['settings']['short_table_name'] . "_variables.php"; } } $param = array(); $param["webchart"] = $webchart;
/** * 将XMLL 字符串或文件转为数组 * @param string $xml XML字符串或XML文件 * @return array 解析后的数组 */ public function xml_to_array($xml) { return xml::xml_to_array($xml); }
function GetReportsList() { $connection = getWebreportConnection(); // #9875 $xml = new xml(); $arr = array(); $arrUserGroup = GetUserGroup(); $strSQL = "SELECT " . $connection->addFieldWrappers("rpt_name") . ", " . $connection->addFieldWrappers("rpt_title") . ", " . $connection->addFieldWrappers("rpt_owner") . ", " . $connection->addFieldWrappers("rpt_status") . ", " . $connection->addFieldWrappers("rpt_content") . " FROM " . $connection->addTableWrappers("webreports") . " WHERE " . $connection->addFieldWrappers("rpt_type") . " = 'report' order by " . $connection->addFieldWrappers("rpt_title"); $qResult = $connection->query($strSQL); while ($row = $qResult->fetchNumeric()) { $report_arr = $xml->xml_to_array(escapeEntities($row[4])); $view = 0; $edit = 0; if (isset($report_arr['permissions'])) { foreach ($report_arr['permissions'] as $arr_prm) { if (in_array($arr_prm['id'], $arrUserGroup)) { $view = $arr_prm['view'] == "true" ? 1 : 0; $edit = $arr_prm['edit'] == "true" ? 1 : 0; } } } else { $view = 1; } if (!$report_arr["tmp_active"]) { $arr[] = array("name" => $row[0], "title" => $row[1], "owner" => $row[2], "status" => $row[3], "view" => $view, "edit" => $edit); } } return $arr; }
function GetReportsList() { global $conn; $xml = new xml(); $arr=array(); $strSQL = "SELECT ".AddFieldWrappers("rpt_name").", ".AddFieldWrappers("rpt_title").", ".AddFieldWrappers("rpt_owner").", ".AddFieldWrappers("rpt_status").", ".AddFieldWrappers("rpt_content"); $strSQL .= " FROM ".AddTableWrappers("webreports")." WHERE ".AddFieldWrappers("rpt_type")." = 'report' order by ".AddFieldWrappers("rpt_title"); $rsReport = db_query($strSQL,$conn); $arrUserGroup = GetUserGroup(); while( $row = db_fetch_numarray( $rsReport ) ) { $report_arr = $xml->xml_to_array( escapeEntities($row[4]) ); $view = 0; $edit = 0; if ( isset($report_arr['permissions']) ) { foreach ( $report_arr['permissions'] as $arr_prm ) { if (in_array($arr_prm['id'], $arrUserGroup)) { $view = ( $arr_prm['view'] == "true" ) ? 1 : 0; $edit = ( $arr_prm['edit'] == "true" ) ? 1 : 0; } } } else { $view=1; } if(!$report_arr["tmp_active"]) { $arr[] = array( "name" => $row[0], "title" => $row[1], "owner" => $row[2], "status" => $row[3], "view" => $view, "edit" => $edit ); } } return $arr; }