Beispiel #1
  * Tests whether XML Report element matches ORM objects provided for download
  * @test
  * @depends testReadDownloadXML
  * @param array $domnodes DOMNodeList Objects
 public function testCheckReportsXML(array $domnodes)
     $d_reports = $domnodes[2];
     // Ensure that the DOMNodeList Object is not empty
     $this->assertGreaterThan(0, $d_reports->length, 'Reports Element MUST exist.');
     // Contents of <Reports> element
     $reports_element = $d_reports->item(0);
     /* Report Check */
     // If we have no reports on this deployment
     if (count($this->incident) == 0) {
         // Ensure the customforms element has the following message
         $this->assertEquals('There are no reports on this deployment.', $d_reports->item(0)->nodeValue);
     } else {
         // Grab individual Report
         $incident = $this->incident[0];
         // Grab contents of <report> element
         $report_element = $reports_element->getElementsByTagName('report');
         // Test to see if the <report> element exists
         $this->assertGreaterThan(0, $report_element->length, 'Report element does not exist for deployment with reports');
         /* Report Check */
         // Test report id
         $id = $report_element->item(0)->getAttribute('id');
         $this->assertEquals($incident->id, $id, 'Report id does not match/attribute does not exist');
         // Test Report approval status
         $approved = $report_element->item(0)->getAttribute('approved');
         $this->assertEquals($incident->incident_active, $approved, 'Report active status does not match/attribute does not exist');
         // Test Report verified status
         $verified = $report_element->item(0)->getAttribute('verified');
         $this->assertEquals($incident->incident_verified, $verified, 'Report verified status does not match/attribute does not exist');
         // Test Report mode status
         $mode = $report_element->item(0)->getAttribute('mode');
         $this->assertEquals($incident->incident_mode, $mode, 'Report mode does not match/attribute does not exist');
         // Test Report form_name
         // Grab Default form object
         $default_form = ORM::factory('form', 1);
         $expected_form = $incident->form->loaded ? $incident->form->form_title : $default_form->form_title;
         $form_name = xml::get_node_text($report_element->item(0), 'form_name', FALSE);
         $this->assertEquals($expected_form, $form_name, 'Report form_name does not match/attribute does not exist');
         // Test Report Title
         $title = xml::get_node_text($report_element->item(0), 'title');
         $this->assertEquals($incident->incident_title, $title, 'Report title does not match/element does not exist');
         // Test Report Date
         $date = xml::get_node_text($report_element->item(0), 'date');
         $this->assertEquals($incident->incident_date, $date, 'Report date does not match/element does not exist');
         // Test Report Dateadd
         $date_add = xml::get_node_text($report_element->item(0), 'dateadd');
         $this->assertEquals($incident->incident_dateadd, $date_add, 'Report dateadd does not match/element does not exist');
         // Test report description
         $description = xml::get_node_text($report_element->item(0), 'description');
         // If download report description option is selected by user
         if (in_array(2, $this->post['data_include'])) {
             $this->assertEquals($incident->incident_description, $description, 'Report description does not match/element does not exist');
         } else {
             $this->assertEquals(FALSE, $description, 'Report description element should not exist');
         /* Location Check */
         $locations_element = $report_element->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('location');
         $location = $incident->location;
         // Include location option has been selected
         if (in_array(1, $this->post['data_include'])) {
             // Make sure the <location> element exists
             $this->assertGreaterThan(0, $locations_element->length, 'Report location element SHOULD exist');
             // Test location name
             $location_name = xml::get_node_text($locations_element->item(0), 'name');
             $this->assertEquals($location->location_name, $location_name, 'Location name does not match/element does not exist');
             // Test Latitude
             $latitude = xml::get_node_text($locations_element->item(0), 'latitude');
             $this->assertEquals($location->latitude, $latitude, 'Latitude does not match/element does not exist');
             // Test longitude
             $longitude = xml::get_node_text($locations_element->item(0), 'longitude');
             $this->assertEquals($location->longitude, $longitude, 'Longitude does not match/element does not exist');
         } else {
             $this->assertEquals(0, $locations_element->length, "Report location element should not exist");
         /* Media Check */
         $incident_media = ORM::Factory('media')->where('media_type = 2 OR media_type = 4')->where('incident_id', $incident->id)->find_all();
         $media_element = $report_element->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('media');
         if (count($incident_media) > 0) {
             $media_count = count($incident_media);
             $media_index = rand(0, $media_count - 1);
             // Make sure the media element exists
             $this->assertGreaterThan(0, $media_element->length, 'The media element SHOULD exist');
             // Grab contents of media <item> element
             $media_item = $media_element->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('item');
             // Grab random individual media item
             $this_media = $incident_media[$media_index];
             if ($this_media->media_type == 2 or $this_media->media_type == 4) {
                 // Make sure the <item> element exists
                 $this->assertEquals('item', $media_item->item($media_index)->tagName, 'The media item element SHOULD exist');
                 // Test Media Type
                 $media_type = $media_item->item($media_index)->getAttribute('type');
                 $this->assertEquals($this_media->media_type, $media_type, 'Media type does not match/ attribute does not exist');
                 // Test media active
                 $media_active = $media_item->item($media_index)->getAttribute('active');
                 $this->assertEquals($this_media->media_active, $media_active, 'Media active does not match/ attribute does not exist');
                 // Test Media date
                 $media_date = xml::get_node_text($media_item->item($media_index), 'date', FALSE);
                 $this->assertEquals($this_media->media_date, $media_date, 'Media date does not match/ attribute does not exist');
                 // Test media link
                 $media_link = $media_item->item($media_index)->nodeValue;
                 $this->assertEquals($this_media->media_link, $media_link, 'Media link does not match/ element does not exist');
             } else {
                 // Make sure the <item> element does NOT exists for this particular media item
                 $this->assertNull($media_item->item($media_index), 'The media item element SHOULD NOT exist');
         } else {
             // Make sure the media element does NOT exist
             $this->assertEquals(0, $media_element->length, 'The media element should NOT exist');
         /* Personal info check */
         $person_info_element = $report_element->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('personal_info');
         $incident_person = $incident->incident_person;
         // Include personal info option selected?
         if (in_array(7, $this->post['data_include'])) {
             // If we actually have an incident_person for this report
             if ($incident_person->loaded) {
                 // Make sure the <personalinfo> element exists
                 $this->assertGreaterThan(0, $person_info_element->length, 'Report personal-info element SHOULD exist');
                 // Test First Name
                 $firstname = xml::get_node_text($person_info_element->item(0), 'first_name');
                 $this->assertEquals($incident_person->person_first, $firstname, 'Person first name does not match/ element does not exist');
                 // Test last name
                 $lastname = xml::get_node_text($person_info_element->item(0), 'last_name');
                 $this->assertEquals($incident_person->person_last, $lastname, 'Person last name does not match/ element does not exist');
                 // Test Email
                 $email = xml::get_node_text($person_info_element->item(0), 'email');
                 $this->assertEquals($incident_person->person_email, $email, 'Person email does not match/ element does not exist');
             } else {
                 $this->assertEquals(0, $person_info_element->length, "Report personal-info element should not exist");
         } else {
             $this->assertEquals(0, $person_info_element->length, "Report personal-info element should not exist");
         /* Incident Category check */
         $report_categories_element = $report_element->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('report_categories');
         $incident_categories = $incident->incident_category;
         $incident_cat_count = count($incident_categories);
         $cat_index = rand(0, $incident_cat_count - 1);
         // Include categories option selected?
         if (in_array(3, $this->post['data_include'])) {
             // Make sure the <reportcategories> element exists
             $this->assertGreaterThan(0, $report_categories_element->length, "Report categories element should exist");
             // Pick a random incident category
             $this_cat = $incident_categories[$cat_index];
             $report_cat_element = $report_categories_element->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('category');
             // Test incident_category title
             $incident_cat = $report_cat_element->item($cat_index)->nodeValue;
             $this->assertEquals($this_cat->category->category_title, $incident_cat, 'Incident_category does not match/element does not exist');
         } else {
             $this->assertEquals(0, $report_cat_element->length, "Report categories element should not exist");
         /* Custom response check */
         $custom_responses_element = $report_element->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('custom_fields');
         $sql = "SELECT form_field.*, form_response.form_response\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM form_field\n\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN roles ON ( = field_ispublic_visible)\n\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN\n\t\t\t\t\t\tform_response ON (\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tform_response.form_field_id = AND\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tform_response.incident_id = :incident_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE form_id = :form_id " . "ORDER BY field_position ASC";
         $customresponses = Database::instance()->query($sql, array(':form_id' => $incident->form_id, ':incident_id' => $incident->id));
         // Grab response count
         $response_count = count($customresponses);
         // Include custom fields option selected?
         if (in_array(6, $this->post['data_include'])) {
             // If we have custom field responses for this incident
             if ($response_count > 0) {
                 // Make sure the <customfields> element exists
                 $this->assertGreaterThan(0, $custom_responses_element->length, "Report custom responses element should exist");
                 // Grab a random custom response by generating a random index to select based on field count
                 $response_index = rand(0, $response_count - 1);
                 $this_response = $customresponses[$response_index];
                 // Grab contents of <field> element
                 $field_element = $custom_responses_element->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('field');
                 // Make sure a form_response has actually been provided
                 if ($this_response->form_response != '') {
                     // Make sure the <field> element exists
                     $this->assertNotNull($field_element->item($response_index), 'Custom Field response element should exist');
                     // Test Field Name
                     $field_name = xml::get_node_text($field_element->item($response_index), 'name', FALSE);
                     $this->assertEquals($this_response->field_name, $field_name, 'Response field name does not match/attribute does not exist');
                     // Test Field Response
                     $response = $field_element->item($response_index)->nodeValue;
                     $this->assertEquals($this_response->form_response, $response, 'Custom response does not match/element does not exist');
                 } else {
                     $this->assertNull($field_element->item($response_index), 'Custom Field response element should NOT exist');
             } else {
                 $this->assertEquals(0, $custom_responses_element->length, 'Custom Field response element should NOT exist');
         } else {
             $this->assertEquals(0, $custom_responses_element->length, "Report custom responses element should not exist");
Beispiel #2
  * Import Reports via XML
  * @param DOMNodeList Object $report
  * @return bool
 public function import_reports($reports)
     /* Import individual reports */
     foreach ($reports->getElementsByTagName('report') as $report) {
         // Get Report id
         $report_id = $report->getAttribute('id');
         // Check if this incident already exists in the db
         if (isset($report_id) and isset($this->incident_ids[$report_id])) {
             $this->notices[] = Kohana::lang('import.incident_exists') . $report_id;
         } else {
             /* Step 1: Location information */
             $locations = $report->getElementsByTagName('location');
             // If location information has been provided
             if ($locations->length > 0) {
                 $report_location = $locations->item(0);
                 // Location Name
                 $location_name = xml::get_node_text($report_location, 'name');
                 // Longitude
                 $longitude = xml::get_node_text($report_location, 'longitude');
                 // Latitude
                 $latitude = xml::get_node_text($report_location, 'latitude');
                 if ($location_name) {
                     // For geocoding purposes
                     $location_geocoded = map::geocode($location_name);
                     // Save the location
                     $new_location = new Location_Model();
                     $new_location->location_name = $location_name ? $location_name : NULL;
                     $new_location->location_date = $this->time;
                     // If longitude/latitude values are present
                     if ($latitude and $longitude) {
                         $new_location->latitude = $latitude ? $latitude : 0;
                         $new_location->longitude = $longitude ? $longitude : 0;
                     } else {
                         // Get geocoded lat/lon values
                         $new_location->latitude = $location_geocoded ? $location_geocoded['latitude'] : $latitude;
                         $new_location->longitude = $location_geocoded ? $location_geocoded['longitude'] : $longitude;
                     $new_location->country_id = $location_geocoded ? $location_geocoded['country_id'] : 0;
                     // Add this location to array of imported locations
                     $this->locations_added[] = $new_location->id;
             /* Step 2: Save Report */
             // Report Title
             $report_title = xml::get_node_text($report, 'title');
             // Report Date
             $report_date = xml::get_node_text($report, 'date');
             // Missing report title or report date?
             if (!$report_title or !$report_date) {
                 $this->errors[] = Kohana::lang('import.xml.incident_title_date') . $this->totalreports;
             // If report date is not in the required format
             if (!strtotime($report_date)) {
                 $this->errors[] = Kohana::lang('import.incident_date') . $this->totalreports . ': ' . html::escape($report_date);
             } else {
                 // Approval status?
                 $approved = $report->getAttribute('approved');
                 $report_approved = (isset($approved) and in_array($approved, $this->allowable)) ? $approved : 0;
                 // Verified Status?
                 $verified = $report->getAttribute('verified');
                 $report_verified = (isset($verified) and in_array($verified, $this->allowable)) ? $verified : 0;
                 // Report mode?
                 $allowed_modes = array(1, 2, 3, 4);
                 $mode = $report->getAttribute('mode');
                 $report_mode = (isset($mode) and in_array($mode, $allowed_modes)) ? $mode : 1;
                 // Report Form
                 $report_form = xml::get_node_text($report, 'form_name', FALSE);
                 if ($report_form) {
                     if (!isset($this->existing_forms[utf8::strtoupper($report_form)])) {
                         $this->notices[] = Kohana::lang('import.xml.no_form_exists') . $this->totalreports . ': "' . $report_form . '"';
                     $form_id = isset($this->existing_forms[utf8::strtoupper($report_form)]) ? $this->existing_forms[utf8::strtoupper($report_form)] : 1;
                 // Report Date added
                 $dateadd = xml::get_node_text($report, 'dateadd');
                 // Report Description
                 $report_description = xml::get_node_text($report, 'description');
                 $new_report = new Incident_Model();
                 $new_report->location_id = isset($new_location) ? $new_location->id : 0;
                 $new_report->user_id = 0;
                 $new_report->incident_title = $report_title;
                 $new_report->incident_description = $report_description ? $report_description : '';
                 $new_report->incident_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($report_date));
                 $new_report->incident_dateadd = ($dateadd and strtotime($dateadd)) ? $dateadd : $this->time;
                 $new_report->incident_active = $report_approved;
                 $new_report->incident_verified = $report_verified;
                 $new_report->incident_mode = $report_mode;
                 $new_report->form_id = isset($form_id) ? $form_id : 1;
                 // Increment imported rows counter
                 // Add this report to array of reports added during import
                 $this->incidents_added[] = $new_report->id;
                 /* Step 3: Save Report Categories*/
                 // Report Categories exist?
                 $reportcategories = $report->getElementsByTagName('report_categories');
                 if ($reportcategories->length > 0) {
                     $report_categories = $reportcategories->item(0);
                     foreach ($report_categories->getElementsByTagName('category') as $r_category) {
                         $category = trim($r_category->nodeValue);
                         $report_category = (isset($category) and $category != '') ? $category : '';
                         if ($report_category != '' and isset($this->existing_categories[utf8::strtoupper($report_category)])) {
                             // Save the incident category
                             $new_incident_category = new Incident_Category_Model();
                             $new_incident_category->incident_id = $new_report->id;
                             $new_incident_category->category_id = $this->existing_categories[utf8::strtoupper($report_category)];
                             // Add this to array of incident categories added
                             $this->incident_categories_added[] = $new_incident_category->id;
                         if ($report_category != '' and !isset($this->existing_categories[utf8::strtoupper($report_category)])) {
                             $this->notices[] = Kohana::lang('import.xml.no_category_exists') . $this->totalreports . ': "' . $report_category . '"';
                 /* Step 4: Save Custom form field responses for this report */
                 // Report Custom Fields
                 $this_form = $new_report->form_id;
                 $reportfields = $report->getElementsByTagName('custom_fields');
                 if ($reportfields->length > 0) {
                     $report_fields = $reportfields->item(0);
                     $custom_fields = $report_fields->getElementsByTagName('field');
                     if ($custom_fields->length > 0) {
                         foreach ($custom_fields as $field) {
                             // Field Name
                             $field_name = $field->hasAttribute('name') ? xml::get_node_text($field, 'name', FALSE) : FALSE;
                             if ($field_name) {
                                 // If this field exists in the form listed for this report
                                 if (isset($this->existing_fields[utf8::strtoupper($field_name)][$this_form])) {
                                     // Get field type and default values
                                     $match_field_id = $this->existing_fields[utf8::strtoupper($field_name)][$this_form];
                                     // Grab form field object
                                     $match_fields = ORM::Factory('form_field', $match_field_id);
                                     $match_field_type = $match_fields->field_type;
                                     $match_field_defaults = $match_fields->field_default;
                                     // Grab form responses
                                     $field_response = trim($field->nodeValue);
                                     if ($field_response != '') {
                                         // Initialize form response model
                                         $new_form_response = new Form_Response_Model();
                                         $new_form_response->incident_id = $new_report->id;
                                         $new_form_response->form_field_id = $match_field_id;
                                         // For radio buttons, checkbox fields and drop downs, make sure form responses are
                                         // within bounds of allowable options for that field
                                         // Split field defaults into individual values
                                         $field_defaults = explode(',', $match_field_defaults);
                                         /* Radio buttons and Drop down fields which take single responses */
                                         if ($match_field_type == 5 or $match_field_type == 7) {
                                             foreach ($field_defaults as $match_field_default) {
                                                 // Carry out a case insensitive string comparison
                                                 $new_form_response->form_response = strcasecmp($match_field_default, $field_response) == 0 ? $match_field_default : NULL;
                                         // Checkboxes which
                                         if ($match_field_type == 6) {
                                             // Split user responses into individual value
                                             $responses = explode(',', $field_response);
                                             $values = array();
                                             foreach ($match_field_defaults as $match_field_default) {
                                                 foreach ($responses as $response) {
                                                     $values[] = strcasecmp($match_field_default, $response) == 0 ? $match_field_default : NULL;
                                             // Concatenate checkbox values into a string, separated by a comma
                                             $new_form_response->form_response = implode(",", $values);
                                         } else {
                                             $new_form_response->form_response = $field_response;
                                         // Only save if form response is not empty
                                         if ($new_form_response->form_response != NULL) {
                                         // Add this to array of form responses added
                                         $this->incident_responses_added[] = $new_form_response->id;
                                 } else {
                                     $this->notices[] = Kohana::lang('import.xml.form_field_no_match') . $this->totalreports . ': "' . $field_name . '" on form "' . $new_report->form->form_title . '"';
                 /* Step 5: Save incident persons for this report */
                 // Report Personal Information
                 $personal_info = $report->getElementsByTagName('personal_info');
                 // If personal info exists
                 if ($personal_info->length > 0) {
                     $report_info = $personal_info->item(0);
                     // First Name
                     $firstname = xml::get_node_text($report_info, 'first_name');
                     // Last Name
                     $lastname = xml::get_node_text($report_info, 'last_name');
                     // Email
                     $r_email = xml::get_node_text($report_info, 'email');
                     $email = ($r_email and valid::email($r_email)) ? $r_email : NULL;
                     $new_incident_person = new Incident_Person_Model();
                     $new_incident_person->incident_id = $new_report->id;
                     $new_incident_person->person_date = $new_report->incident_dateadd;
                     // Make sure that at least one of the personal info field entries is provided
                     if ($firstname or $lastname or $email != NULL) {
                         $new_incident_person->person_first = $firstname ? $firstname : NULL;
                         $new_incident_person->person_last = $lastname ? $firstname : NULL;
                         $new_incident_person->person_email = $email;
                         // Add this to array of incident persons added during import
                         $this->incident_persons_added[] = $new_incident_person->id;
                 /* Step 6: Save media links for this report */
                 // Report Media
                 $media = $report->getElementsByTagName('media');
                 if ($media->length > 0) {
                     $media = $media->item(0);
                     foreach ($media->getElementsByTagName('item') as $media_element) {
                         $media_link = trim($media_element->nodeValue);
                         $media_date = $media_element->getAttribute('date');
                         if (!empty($media_link)) {
                             $media_item = new Media_Model();
                             $media_item->location_id = isset($new_location) ? $new_location->id : 0;
                             $media_item->incident_id = $new_report->id;
                             $media_item->media_type = $media_element->getAttribute('type');
                             $media_item->media_link = $media_link;
                             $media_item->media_date = !empty($media_date) ? $media_date : $new_report->incident_date;
     // end individual report import
     // If we have errors, return FALSE, else TRUE
     return count($this->errors) === 0;