public static function listSettings(xPDO &$xpdo, array $criteria = array(), array $sort = array('id' => 'ASC'), $limit = 0, $offset = 0) {
        /* build query */
        $c = $xpdo->newQuery('modSystemSetting');
            'name_trans' => 'Entry.value',
            'description_trans' => 'Description.value',
        $c->leftJoin('modLexiconEntry','Entry',"CONCAT('setting_',modSystemSetting.{$xpdo->escape('key')}) =");
        $c->leftJoin('modLexiconEntry','Description',"CONCAT('setting_',modSystemSetting.{$xpdo->escape('key')},'_desc') =");

        $count = $xpdo->getCount('modSystemSetting',$c);
        foreach($sort as $field=> $dir) {
        if ((int) $limit > 0) {
            $c->limit((int) $limit, (int) $offset);
        return array(
            'count'=> $count,
            'collection'=> $xpdo->getCollection('modSystemSetting',$c)
    public static function listProfiles(xPDO &$xpdo, array $criteria = array(), array $sort = array('id' => 'ASC'), $limit = 0, $offset = 0) {
        /* query for profiles */
        $c = $xpdo->newQuery('modFormCustomizationProfile');
            (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT( FROM '.$xpdo->getTableName('modUserGroup').' AS UserGroup
                INNER JOIN '.$xpdo->getTableName('modFormCustomizationProfileUserGroup').' AS fcpug
                ON fcpug.usergroup =
             WHERE fcpug.profile =
            ) AS usergroups
        $c->where($criteria,null,2);// also log issue in remine to look at this usage of where()
        $count = $xpdo->getCount('modFormCustomizationProfile',$c);

        foreach($sort as $field=> $dir) {
        if ((int) $limit > 0) {
            $c->limit((int) $limit, (int) $offset);
        return array(
            'count'=> $count,
            'collection'=> $xpdo->getCollection('modFormCustomizationProfile',$c)
Beispiel #3
 public static function listEvents(xPDO &$xpdo, $plugin, array $criteria = array(), array $sort = array('id' => 'ASC'), $limit = 0, $offset = 0) {
     $c = $xpdo->newQuery('modEvent');
     $count = $xpdo->getCount('modEvent',$c);
         'IF(ISNULL(modPluginEvent.pluginid),0,1) AS enabled',
         'modPluginEvent.priority AS priority',
         'modPluginEvent.propertyset AS propertyset',
         modPluginEvent.event =
         AND modPluginEvent.pluginid = '.$plugin.'
     foreach($sort as $field=> $dir) {
     if ((int) $limit > 0) {
         $c->limit((int) $limit, (int) $offset);
     return array(
         'count'=> $count,
         'collection'=> $xpdo->getCollection('modEvent',$c)
    public static function listProfiles(xPDO &$xpdo, array $criteria = array(), array $sort = array('id' => 'ASC'), $limit = 0, $offset = 0) {
        $objCollection= array ();

        /* query for profiles */
        $c = $xpdo->newQuery('modFormCustomizationProfile');
        $c->where($criteria,null,2);// also log issue in remine to look at this usage of where()
        $count = $xpdo->getCount('modFormCustomizationProfile',$c);

        foreach($sort as $field=> $dir) {
        if ((int) $limit > 0) {
            $c->limit((int) $limit, (int) $offset);

        $rows= xPDOObject :: _loadRows($xpdo, 'modFormCustomizationProfile', $c);
        $rowsArray = $rows->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
        foreach($rowsArray as $row) {
            $objCollection[] = $xpdo->call('modFormCustomizationProfile', '_loadInstance', array(&$xpdo, 'modFormCustomizationProfile', $c, $row));
        unset($row, $rowsArray);
        return array(
            'count'=> $count,
            'collection'=> $objCollection
  * Gets a count of {@link modUserMessage} objects ascribed to the user.
  * @access public
  * @param mixed $read
  * @return integer The number of messages.
 public function countMessages($read = '')
     if ($read == 'read') {
         $read = 1;
     } elseif ($read == 'unread') {
         $read = 0;
     $criteria = array('recipient' => $this->get('id'));
     if ($read) {
         $criteria['messageread'] = $read;
     return $this->xpdo->getCount('modUserMessage', $criteria);
  * @param sTaskRun $run
  * @return mixed
 public function _run(&$run)
     $snippet = $this->get('content');
     $scriptProperties = (array) $run->get('data');
     $scriptProperties['task'] =& $this;
     $scriptProperties['run'] =& $run;
     // Check if the snippet exists before running it.
     // This may fail with OnElementNotFound snippets in 2.3
     $key = !empty($snippet) && is_numeric($snippet) ? 'id' : 'name';
     if ($this->xpdo->getCount('modSnippet', array($key => $snippet)) < 1) {
         $run->addError('snippet_not_found', array('snippet' => $snippet));
         return false;
     /** @var modSnippet $snippet */
     $snippet = $this->xpdo->getObject('modSnippet', array($key => $snippet));
     if (empty($snippet) || !is_object($snippet)) {
         $run->addError('snippet_not_found', array('snippet' => $snippet));
         return false;
     $out = $snippet->process($scriptProperties);
     unset($scriptProperties, $snippet);
     return $out;
 public static function listSettings(xPDO &$xpdo, array $criteria = array(), array $sort = array('id' => 'ASC'), $limit = 0, $offset = 0)
     $c = $xpdo->newQuery('modUserGroupSetting');
     $c->select(array($xpdo->getSelectColumns('modUserGroupSetting', 'modUserGroupSetting'), 'Entry.value AS name_trans', 'Description.value AS description_trans'));
     $c->leftJoin('modLexiconEntry', 'Entry', "'setting_' + modUserGroupSetting.[key] =");
     $c->leftJoin('modLexiconEntry', 'Description', "'setting_' + modUserGroupSetting.[key] + '_desc' =");
     $count = $xpdo->getCount('modUserGroupSetting', $c);
     $c->sortby($xpdo->getSelectColumns('modUserGroupSetting', 'modUserGroupSetting', '', array('area')), 'ASC');
     foreach ($sort as $field => $dir) {
         $c->sortby($xpdo->getSelectColumns('modUserGroupSetting', 'modUserGroupSetting', '', array($field)), $dir);
     if ((int) $limit > 0) {
         $c->limit((int) $limit, (int) $offset);
     return array('count' => $count, 'collection' => $xpdo->getCollection('modUserGroupSetting', $c));
Beispiel #8
  * Get a full list of all boards on the forum, for any user
  * @static
  * @param xPDO $modx
  * @param int $board
  * @param bool $category
  * @return array
 public static function getList(xPDO &$modx, $board = 0, $category = false)
     $response = array();
     /* get a comma-sep-list of thread IDs for comparing to read ids for user */
     $threadsCriteria = $modx->newQuery('disThread');
     $threadsCriteria->where(array('Threadr.board ='));
     $threadsSql = $threadsCriteria->toSql();
     /* subboards sql */
     $sbCriteria = $modx->newQuery('disBoard');
     $sbCriteria->select(array('GROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT_WS(":",, SEPARATOR "||") AS name'));
     $sbCriteria->innerJoin('disBoardClosure', 'subBoardClosure', 'subBoardClosure.ancestor =');
     $sbCriteria->innerJoin('disBoard', 'subBoardClosureBoard', ' = subBoardClosure.descendant');
     $sbCriteria->where(array(' =', 'subBoard.status:!=' => disBoard::STATUS_INACTIVE, 'subBoardClosureBoard.status:!=' => disBoard::STATUS_INACTIVE, 'subBoardClosure.descendant !=', 'subBoardClosure.depth' => 1));
     $sbCriteria->groupby($modx->getSelectColumns('disBoard', 'subBoard', '', array('id')));
     $sbSql = $sbCriteria->toSql();
     /* get main query */
     $c = $modx->newQuery('disBoard');
     $c->innerJoin('disCategory', 'Category');
     $c->innerJoin('disBoardClosure', 'Descendants');
     $c->leftJoin('disPost', 'LastPost');
     $c->leftJoin('disUser', 'LastPostAuthor', ' =');
     $c->leftJoin('disThread', 'LastPostThread', ' = LastPost.thread');
     $c->where(array('disBoard.status:!=' => disBoard::STATUS_INACTIVE));
     if (isset($board) && $board !== null) {
         $c->where(array('disBoard.parent' => $board));
     if (!empty($category)) {
         $c->where(array('disBoard.category' => $category));
     $ugc = $modx->newQuery('disBoardUserGroup');
     $ugc->where(array('board ='));
     $userGroupsSql = $ugc->toSql();
     $response['total'] = $modx->getCount('disBoard', $c);
     $c->query['distinct'] = 'DISTINCT';
     $c->select($modx->getSelectColumns('disBoard', 'disBoard'));
     $c->select(array(' AS category_name', '(' . $sbSql . ') AS ' . $modx->escape('subboards'), '(' . $threadsSql . ') AS ' . $modx->escape('threads'), '(' . $userGroupsSql . ') AS ' . $modx->escape('usergroups'), ' AS last_post_id', 'LastPost.thread AS last_post_thread', ' AS last_post_author', 'LastPost.createdon AS last_post_createdon', 'LastPostThread.replies AS last_post_replies', 'LastPostThread.title AS last_post_title', 'LastPostAuthor.username AS last_post_username', 'LastPostAuthor.use_display_name AS last_post_udn', 'LastPostAuthor.display_name AS last_post_display_name'));
     $c->sortby('Category.rank', 'ASC');
     $c->sortby('disBoard.rank', 'ASC');
     $modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, $c->toSQL());
     $response['results'] = $modx->getCollection('disBoard', $c);
     return $response;
Beispiel #9
  * Fetch a list of active users in the forum
  * @static
  * @param xPDO $modx A reference to the modX object
  * @param int $timeAgo If set, will grab within X seconds
  * @param int $limit Limit results to this number
  * @param int $start Start at this index
  * @return array A response array of active users
 public static function fetchActive(xPDO &$modx, $timeAgo = 0, $limit = 0, $start = 0)
     $response = array();
     $c = $modx->newQuery('disUser');
     $c->innerJoin('disSession', 'Session', $modx->getSelectColumns('disSession', 'Session', '', array('user')) . ' = ' . $modx->getSelectColumns('disUser', 'disUser', '', array('id')));
     $c->innerJoin('modUser', 'User');
     $c->leftJoin('disUserGroupProfile', 'PrimaryDiscussGroup');
     if (!empty($timeAgo)) {
         $c->where(array('Session.access:>=' => $timeAgo));
     if (!empty($limit)) {
         $c->limit($limit, $start);
     $response['total'] = $modx->getCount('disUser', $c);
     $c->select(array('', 'disUser.username', 'PrimaryDiscussGroup.color'));
     $c->sortby('Session.access', 'ASC');
     $response['results'] = $modx->getCollection('disUser', $c);
     return $response;
Beispiel #10
  * Mark all posts in this thread as read
  * @static
  * @param xPDO $modx
  * @param string $type
  * @return bool
 public static function readAll(xPDO &$modx, $type = 'message')
     $userId = $modx->discuss->user->get('id');
     $sql = 'SELECT `disThread`.`id`
     FROM ' . $modx->getTableName('disThread') . ' `disThread`
         INNER JOIN ' . $modx->getTableName('disThreadUser') . ' `ThreadUser`
         ON `ThreadUser`.`thread` = `disThread`.`id`
         LEFT JOIN ' . $modx->getTableName('disThreadRead') . ' `ThreadRead`
         ON `ThreadRead`.`thread` = `disThread`.`id`
         `ThreadUser`.`user` = ' . $userId . '
     AND `ThreadRead`.`id` IS NULL
     AND `private` = 1
     ORDER BY `disThread`.`id` DESC';
     $stmt = $modx->query($sql);
     if (!$stmt) {
         return false;
     while ($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
         $read = $modx->getCount('disThreadRead', array('thread' => $row['id'], 'user' => $userId));
         if ($read == 0) {
             $read = $modx->newObject('disThreadRead');
             $read->fromArray(array('thread' => $row['id'], 'board' => 0, 'user' => $userId));
     return true;
  * Indicates if a previous version of the package is installed.
  * @return boolean True if a previous version of the package is installed.
 public function previousVersionInstalled()
     $count = $this->xpdo->getCount('transport.modTransportPackage', array(array("UCASE({$this->xpdo->escape('package_name')}) LIKE UCASE({$this->xpdo->quote($this->identifier)})"), 'installed:IS NOT' => null, 'signature:!=' => $this->get('signature')));
     return $count > 0;