die('The default template id must be set. Check that $default_template_id is set and is an integer.');
// Include the xpdo and modx classes
include '../../xpdo/xpdo.class.php';
include '../../model/modx/modx.class.php';
// Instantiate a new modx object.  MODx inherits from xpdo so we can use it
// like an xpdo object, but it has the extra functions needed for saving content.
// Thanks to Shaun McCormick for writing docs on this.
$modx = new modX();
// Add the Quip package
$can_migrate_comments = $modx->addPackage('quip', '../../components/quip/model/', $modx->db->config['table_prefix']);
// Now instantiate a new xpdo object and add our wordpress package.  This gives
// us the ability to make queries on the wordpress database as an xpdo object.
$wp = new xPDO('mysql:host=' . $wp_database_host . ';dbname=' . $wp_database_name . ';charset=' . $wp_database_charset, $wp_database_username, $wp_database_password);
$can_migrate_wp = $wp->addPackage('wordpress', '../', $wp_database_prefix);
if (!$can_migrate_wp) {
    die('Wordpress Package could not be loaded.');
 * during migrations where you need to try, try and try again to get it right,
 * it's easier to truncate the tables here instead of doing it manually.
 * setting $empty_tables to true will delete data from the following tables.
if ($empty_tables) {
    if ($can_migrate_comments) {
        $modx->db->query('TRUNCATE ' . $modx->getFullTableName('quip_comments'));
        $modx->db->query('TRUNCATE ' . $modx->getFullTableName('quip_comments_closure'));
    $modx->db->query('TRUNCATE ' . $modx->getFullTableName('site_content'));
    $modx->db->query('TRUNCATE ' . $modx->getFullTableName('site_templates') . 'WHERE id != 1');
Beispiel #2
 public function getXpdoInstanceAndAddPackage($scriptProperties)
     $modx =& $this->modx;
     $prefix = isset($scriptProperties['prefix']) ? $scriptProperties['prefix'] : '';
     $usecustomprefix = $modx->getOption('useCustomPrefix', $scriptProperties, '');
     $usecustomprefix = empty($usecustomprefix) ? $modx->getOption('usecustomprefix', $scriptProperties, '') : $usecustomprefix;
     $usecustomprefix = empty($usecustomprefix) ? $modx->getOption('use_custom_prefix', $scriptProperties, '') : $usecustomprefix;
     if (empty($prefix)) {
         $prefix = !empty($usecustomprefix) ? $prefix : null;
     $packageName = $modx->getOption('packageName', $scriptProperties, '');
     if (!empty($packageName)) {
         $packagepath = $this->modx->getOption('core_path') . 'components/' . $packageName . '/';
         $modelpath = $packagepath . 'model/';
         $xpdo_name = $packageName . '_xpdo';
         if (isset($this->modx->{$xpdo_name})) {
             //create xpdo-instance for that package only once
             $xpdo =& $this->modx->{$xpdo_name};
         } elseif (file_exists($packagepath . 'config/config.inc.php')) {
             include $packagepath . 'config/config.inc.php';
             if (is_null($prefix) && isset($table_prefix)) {
                 $prefix = $table_prefix;
             $charset = '';
             if (!empty($database_connection_charset)) {
                 $charset = ';charset=' . $database_connection_charset;
             $dsn = $database_type . ':host=' . $database_server . ';dbname=' . $dbase . $charset;
             $xpdo = new xPDO($dsn, $database_user, $database_password);
             //echo $o=($xpdo->connect()) ? 'Connected' : 'Not Connected';
             $this->modx->{$xpdo_name} =& $xpdo;
         } else {
             $xpdo =& $this->modx;
         $xpdo->addPackage($packageName, $modelpath, $prefix);
     } else {
         $xpdo =& $this->modx;
     return $xpdo;
Beispiel #3
    print_msg(sprintf('<br/><strong>Ok:</strong> Using existing XML schema file:<br/><code>%s</code>', $xml_schema_file));
$xpdo = new xPDO("mysql:host={$database_server};dbname={$dbase}", $database_user, $database_password);
$xpdo->setLogTarget(XPDO_CLI_MODE ? 'ECHO' : 'HTML');
$manager = $xpdo->getManager();
$generator = $manager->getGenerator();
// Use this to generate classes and maps from your schema
if ($regenerate_classes) {
    print_msg('<br/>Attempting to remove/regenerate class files...');
print "<br/>Parsing schema {$xml_schema_file} <br/>";
$generator->parseSchema($xml_schema_file, $model_dir);
$generator->parseSchema($adjusted_core_path . "components/{$package_name}/model/schema/foxycart.mysql.schema.xml", $model_dir);
if (!$xpdo->addPackage('survey', $adjusted_core_path . 'components/survey/model/', 'survey_')) {
    return 'Package Error.';
// Clear out Tables
print '<h3>Dropping Tables...</h3>';
//$xpdo->setLogLevel(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_FATAL); // keep it quiet
print '<code>Done.</code>';
print '<h3>Removing Taxonomy and Term Records on modx_site_content Tables...</h3>';
//Removing Taxonomies
$taxonomies = $modx->getCollection('Taxonomy',array('class_key'=>'Taxonomy'));
if($taxonomies) {