public static function dropdownUserType($data, $selected = NULL, $extra = '') { // standardize the $data as an array, strings default to the class_type if (!is_array($data)) { $data = array('name' => $data); } // add in all the defaults if they are not provided $data += array('nullOption' => FALSE); // append or insert the class $data = arr::update($data, 'class', 'user_type_dropdown'); // render a null option if its been set in data if (!empty($data['nullOption'])) { $options = array(0 => $data['nullOption']); } else { $options = array(); } unset($data['nullOption']); $userTypes = self::getUserTypes(); foreach ($userTypes as $userType => $displayName) { if ($userType <= users::getAttr('user_type')) { $options[$userType] = $displayName; } } // use kohana helper to generate the markup return form::dropdown($data, $options, $selected, $extra); }
public static function echo_test() { $featureCode = new FeatureCode(); $featureCode['name'] = 'Echo Test'; $featureCode['registry'] = array('feature' => 'echo'); $featureCode->save(); try { $location = Doctrine::getTable('Location')->findAll(); if (!$location->count()) { throw Exception('Could not find location id'); } $location_id = arr::get($location, 0, 'location_id'); $number = new Number(); $number['user_id'] = users::getAttr('user_id'); $number['number'] = '9999'; $number['location_id'] = $location_id; $number['registry'] = array('ignoreFWD' => '0', 'ringtype' => 'ringing', 'timeout' => 20); $dialplan = array('terminate' => array('transfer' => 0, 'voicemail' => 0, 'action' => 'hangup')); $number['dialplan'] = $dialplan; $number['class_type'] = 'FeatureCodeNumber'; $number['foreign_id'] = $featureCode['feature_code_id']; $context = Doctrine::getTable('Context')->findOneByName('Outbound Routes'); $number['NumberContext']->fromArray(array(0 => array('context_id' => $context['context_id']))); $numberType = Doctrine::getTable('NumberType')->findOneByClass('FeatureCodeNumber'); if (empty($numberType['number_type_id'])) { return FALSE; } $number['NumberPool']->fromArray(array(0 => array('number_type_id' => $numberType['number_type_id']))); $number->save(); return $number['number_id']; } catch (Exception $e) { kohana::log('error', 'Unable to initialize device number: ' . $e->getMessage()); throw $e; } }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); if (users::getAttr('user_type') != User::TYPE_SYSTEM_ADMIN) { message::set('You are not authorized to manage sip interfaces!'); $this->returnQtipAjaxForm(NULL); url::redirect('/'); } }
public function login($userId) { if (users::getAttr('user_type') == User::TYPE_SYSTEM_ADMIN) { users::masqueradeUser($userId); url::redirect('/'); } else { Event::run('system.404'); die; } }
public function index() { stylesheet::add('callcenter'); javascript::add('callcenter'); javascript::add('jquery-ui-1-7-2-custom'); // Prepare device info for use $device_info = array(); $location_id = users::getAttr('location_id'); $location = Doctrine::getTable('Location')->findOneBy('location_id', $location_id); foreach ($location['User'] as $user) { foreach ($user['Device'] as $device) { $device_info[] = array('name' => $device['name'], 'id' => $device['device_id']); } } $this->view->devices = $device_info; $this->view->domain = $location['domain']; }
public static function maintenance() { kohana::log('debug', 'Preforming maintenance on the media files'); $accountId = users::getAttr('account_id'); if (!empty($accountId)) { $records = Doctrine::getTable('MediaFile')->findAll(); foreach ($records as $record) { kohana::log('debug', 'the path is ' . $record->filepath(TRUE) . ' and does it exists? ' . is_file($record->filepath(TRUE))); //if (!file_exists($record->filepath(TRUE))) if (!is_file($record->filepath(TRUE))) { //kohana::log('debug', 'mediafile_id to be deleted :'.$record->filepath(TRUE)); kohana::log('debug', 'The mediafile_id ' . $record['mediafile_id'] . ' no longer exists...'); $record->delete(); } } } else { kohana::log('debug', 'Account_ID Empty or Invalid, canceling the maintenance on the media files'); } }
public function createSubGrid() { $subview = new View('generic/grid'); $subview->tab = 'main'; $subview->section = 'general'; // Setup the base grid object $grid = jgrid::grid('User', array('caption' => 'Users')); // If there is a base model that contains an account_id, // then we want to show locations only that relate to this account $base = $this->getBaseModelObject(); if ($base and !empty($base['location_id'])) { // Set a where clause, if we're playing plug-in to someone else $grid->where('location_id = ', $base['location_id']); } else { if ($base and !empty($base['account_id'])) { // Set a where clause, if we're playing plug-in to someone else $grid->where('account_id = ', $base['account_id']); } } // Add the base model columns to the grid $grid->add('user_id', 'ID', array('hidden' => TRUE, 'key' => TRUE)); $grid->add('email_address', 'Email Address'); $grid->add('first_name', 'First Name', array('width' => '100', 'search' => TRUE)); $grid->add('last_name', 'Last Name', array('width' => '100', 'search' => TRUE)); $grid->add('Location/name', 'Location', array('hidden' => empty($base['location_id']) ? TRUE : FALSE, 'width' => '100', 'search' => TRUE, 'sortable' => TRUE)); $grid->add('user_type', 'User Type', array('callback' => array('function' => array($this, 'userType'), 'arguments' => array('user_type')))); $grid->add('logins', 'Logins', array('hidden' => TRUE)); $grid->add('last_login', 'Last Login', array('hidden' => TRUE)); $grid->add('last_logged_ip', 'Last Logged IP', array('hidden' => TRUE)); $grid->add('debug_level', 'Debug Level', array('hidden' => TRUE)); // Add the actions to the grid $grid->addAction('usermanager/edit', 'Edit', array('arguments' => 'user_id', 'attributes' => array('class' => 'qtipAjaxForm'))); $grid->addAction('usermanager/delete', 'Delete', array('arguments' => 'user_id', 'attributes' => array('class' => 'qtipAjaxForm'))); if (users::getAttr('user_type') == User::TYPE_SYSTEM_ADMIN) { $grid->addAction('usermanager/login', 'Login', array('arguments' => 'user_id')); } // Produces the grid markup or JSON $subview->grid = $grid->produce(); $subview->gridMenu = html::anchor('/usermanager/create', '<span>Add New User</span>', array('class' => 'qtipAjaxForm')); // Add our view to the main application $this->views[] = $subview; }
public function allow($controller, $method, $options = array()) { $userID = users::getAttr('user_id'); $permission = Doctrine_Query::create()->select('p.permission')->from('Permission p')->where('p.user_id = ?', array($userID))->andWhere('p.controller = ?', array($controller))->andWhere('p.method = ?', array($method))->execute(array(), Doctrine::HYDRATE_SINGLE_SCALAR); if (empty($permission)) { $permission = Doctrine_Query::create()->select('p.permission')->from('Permission p')->where('p.user_id = ?', array($userID))->andWhere('p.controller = ?', array($controller))->execute(array(), Doctrine::HYDRATE_SINGLE_SCALAR); } switch ($permission) { case 'location': case 'owner': return $permission; break; case 'custom': case 'disabled': return FALSE; break; default: return TRUE; break; } }
public function inform($hash = NULL) { $error = $this->session->get($hash, ''); $report['issue'] = empty($_POST['report']['issue']) ? '' : $_POST['report']['issue']; $report['while'] = empty($_POST['report']['while']) ? '' : $_POST['report']['while']; $report['contact'] = empty($_POST['report']['contact']) ? users::getAttr('email_address') : $_POST['report']['contact']; $report['error'] = empty($_POST['report']['error']) ? $error : $_POST['report']['error']; $report['log'] = isset($_POST['report']['log']) ? $_POST['report']['log'] : TRUE; if ($action = $this->submitted(array('submitString' => 'Send'))) { if ($action == self::SUBMIT_CONFIRM and $this->submitReport($report)) { message::set('Request was submitted, you will receive emails as we update your support request. Thank you.', 'success'); $this->returnQtipAjaxForm(NULL); url::redirect(Router_Core::$controller . '/thankYou'); } else { if ($action == self::SUBMIT_DENY) { $this->exitQtipAjaxForm(); } } } $this->view->report = $report; }
public function account($account_id = NULL, $redirect = TRUE) { if ($account_id && users::masqueradeAccount($account_id)) { $masquerade_account = TRUE; } $loadedModels = Doctrine::getLoadedModels(); $driver = Telephony::getDriver(); $driverName = get_class($driver); if (!$driver) { message::set('Can not rebuild configuration, no telephony driver active'); } else { try { foreach ($loadedModels as $model) { $modelDriverName = $driverName . '_' . $model . '_Driver'; if (!class_exists($modelDriverName, TRUE)) { continue; } $outputRows = Doctrine::getTable($model)->findAll(); foreach ($outputRows as $outputRow) { Telephony::set($outputRow, $outputRow->identifier()); } } Telephony::save(); Telephony::commit(); $account = Doctrine::getTable('Account')->find(users::getAttr('account_id')); parent::save_succeeded($account); message::set(users::getAttr('Account', 'name') . ' configuration rebuild complete!', 'success'); } catch (Exception $e) { message::set($e->getMessage()); } } if (!empty($masquerade_account)) { users::restoreAccount(); } $this->returnQtipAjaxForm(); if ($redirect) { url::redirect(Router_Core::$controller); } }
public function filepath($full = FALSE, $actual = TRUE) { $basepath = kohana::config(''); $basepath = rtrim($basepath, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . users::getAttr('account_id'); Event::run('mediafile.basepath', $basepath); $filepath = rtrim($basepath, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; if ($this->get('path')) { $filepath .= rtrim($this->get('path'), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } if (!$actual and kohana::config('mediafile.hide_rate_folders')) { $default_rates = kohana::config('mediafile.default_rates'); $default_rates[] = trim(kohana::config('mediafile.unknown_rate_folder'), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); foreach ($default_rates as &$value) { $value = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $value . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } $filepath = str_replace($default_rates, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $filepath); } if ($full) { $filepath .= $this->get('file'); } return $filepath; }
echo form::input('user[confirm_password]', isset($confirm_password) ? $confirm_password : NULL); ?> </div> <?php echo form::close_section(); ?> <?php if (isset($views)) { echo subview::render($views); } ?> <?php if (users::getAttr('user_type') == User::TYPE_SYSTEM_ADMIN) { ?> <?php jquery::addPlugin('spinner'); ?> <?php echo form::open_section('Debug'); ?> <div class="field"> <?php echo form::label('user[debug_level]', 'UI Level:'); echo form::input('user[debug_level]'); javascript::codeBlock('$("#user_debug_level").spinner({max: 4, min: 0});');
</div> </div> </div> <!-- END OF CONTENT --> <div class="footer"> </div> <!-- END OF FOOTER --> </div> <?php if (class_exists('DashManager', TRUE) && users::getAttr('user_id')) { echo DashManager::renderDialogs(); } ?> <?php javascript::renderCodeBlocks(); ?> </body> </html> <?php if (Kohana::config('core.render_stats') === TRUE) { ?> <!-- Kohana Version: {kohana_version} --> <!-- Kohana Codename: {kohana_codename} --> <!-- Execution Time: {execution_time} -->
<body id="bluebox-com"> <?php echo $header; ?> <div class="container"> <div class="header"> <div class="topbar"> <?php if (users::getAttr('user_id')) { ?> <div> Welcome <?php echo users::getAttr('full_name'); ?> ! </div> <div class="quiet"><?php echo html::anchor('user/logout', 'logout'); ?> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <div class="bottom hide"> </div>
javascript::renderCodeBlocks(); ?> </body> </html> <?php if (Kohana::config('core.render_stats') === TRUE) { ?> <!-- Kohana Version: {kohana_version} --> <!-- Kohana Codename: {kohana_codename} --> <!-- Execution Time: {execution_time} --> <!-- Memory Usage: {memory_usage} --> <!-- Included Files: {included_files} --> <!-- User ID: <?php echo users::getAuthenticAttr('user_id'); ?> --> <!-- Account ID: <?php echo users::getAuthenticAttr('account_id'); ?> --> <!-- Masq User ID: <?php echo users::getAttr('user_id'); ?> --> <!-- Masq Accoutn ID: <?php echo users::getAttr('user_id'); ?> --> <?php }
public function getUserId() { return users::getAttr('Account', 'account_id'); }
/** * * blast * <user>@<domain> <sound_file> [<cid_num>] [<cid_name>] * voicemail_inject is used to add an arbitrary sound file to a users voicemail mailbox. */ public function blast() { $account_id = users::getAttr('account_id'); $domain = VoicemailManager::getDomain($account_id); $this->view->mailboxes = VoicemailManager::getAllMailboxes(); if ($this->input->post()) { if ($this->input->post('file_id') == 0) { message::set('Select a file to to use in the voicemail message'); } else { foreach ($this->input->post('blast') as $mailbox) { echo VoicemailManager::blast($mailbox, $domain, Media::getMediaFile($this->input->post('file_id'))); } } } }
<?php echo $header; ?> <div class="container"> <div class="header"> <div class="topbar"> <?php if (users::getAttr('user_id')) { ?> <?php echo __('Welcome') . ' ' . users::getAttr('full_name'); ?> <?php echo html::anchor('user/logout', __('Logout')); ?> <?php } ?> </div> <div class="bottom"> </div> </div>
$swdb->where('account_id', users::getAttr('account_id')); $result = $swdb->get(); $DeviceRows = $result->as_array(); $swdb->from('trunk'); $swdb->select('name,trunk_id,server,plugins'); $swdb->where('account_id', users::getAttr('account_id')); $result = $swdb->get(); $TrunkRows = $result->as_array(); $swdb->from('voicemail'); $swdb->select('name,voicemail_id,mailbox'); $swdb->where('account_id', users::getAttr('account_id')); $result = $swdb->get(); $VoircemailRows = $result->as_array(); $swdb->from('context'); $swdb->select('context_id,account_id'); $swdb->where('account_id', users::getAttr('account_id')); $result = $swdb->get(); $ContextRows = $result->as_array(); $DevListHeight = count($DeviceRows) * 80; if ($DevListHeight < 500) { $DevListHeight = 500; } ?> <style> .calldividercall{background: url('<?php echo url::base(); ?> modules/switchboard-1.0/assets/images/connectgreen.gif');float:left;height:100px;width: 26px;} .calldividertrunk{ background: url('<?php
protected function post_save(&$object) { if (!strcasecmp(Router::$method, 'create')) { $object['Location'][0]['User'][0]['account_id'] = $object['account_id']; $object['Location'][0]['User'][0]->save(); Doctrine::getTable('Location')->getRecordListener()->get('MultiTenant')->setOption('disabled', FALSE); Doctrine::getTable('User')->getRecordListener()->get('MultiTenant')->setOption('disabled', FALSE); Doctrine::getTable('Context')->getRecordListener()->get('MultiTenant')->setOption('disabled', FALSE); if (!empty($object['account_id'])) { $users_account_id = users::getAttr('account_id'); users::masqueradeAccount($object['account_id']); // Initialize sample data Event::run('bluebox.account.initialize', $object); users::masqueradeAccount($users_account_id); } } parent::post_save($object); }