function task_gs_timeout()
     $task_gs = db_factory::query(sprintf("select * from %switkey_task where model_id=2 and task_status=5 and '%d' > sp_end_time", TABLEPRE, time()));
     if (is_array($task_gs)) {
         foreach ($task_gs as $k => $v) {
             $task_gs_obj = new mreward_task_class($v);
Beispiel #2

$page and $intPage = intval($page);
$intPage = intval($intPage) ? $intPage : 1;
$intPagesize = intval($intPagesize) ? $intPagesize : 10;
$objTask = mreward_task_class::get_instance($arrTaskInfo);
$arrTaskInfo = $objTask->_task_info;
if ($arrTaskInfo['task_pic']) {
    $arrTaskPics = explode(',', $arrTaskInfo['task_pic']);
$arrWorkPrize = $objTask->get_work_prize();
$arrTaskPrize = $objTask->get_task_prize();
$arPrizeWorkDate = $objTask->get_prize_work_count();
$arrTaskFiles = $objTask->get_task_file();
$arrWorkStatus = $objTask->get_work_status();
if (strtoupper(CHARSET) == 'GBK') {
    $arrWorkStatus = kekezu::gbktoutf($arrWorkStatus);
$jsonWorkStatus = json_encode($arrWorkStatus);
$arrPayitemShow = $objTask->getPayitemShow();
$jsonWorkStatus = json_encode($arrWorkStatus);
$arrProcess_can = $objTask->process_can();
$arrProjectProgress = $objTask->getProjectProgressDesc();
$objTime = new mreward_time_class();
$prizeDesc = $objTask->getPrizeDesc();
$Exitworker = db_factory::get_one("select * from " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_task_work where task_id = " . $arrTaskInfo['task_id'] . " and uid=" . $gUid);
switch ($view) {
    case "work":
        $arrUid = db_factory::get_one("select uid from " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_task where task_id = '{$id}'");
 function order_charge()
     $task_info = db_factory::get_one(sprintf("select * from %switkey_task where task_id='%d'", TABLEPRE, $this->_obj_id));
     $task_obj = mreward_task_class::get_instance($task_info);
     return $task_obj->dispose_order($this->_order_id);
Beispiel #4
 public function set_task_delay($delay_day, $delay_cash, $trust_response = false)
     global $kekezu, $user_info;
     global $_lang;
     $basic_config = $kekezu->_sys_config;
     $task_info = $this->_task_info;
     $delay_obj = new Keke_witkey_task_delay_class();
     $task_obj = $this->_task_obj;
     $mycredit = $this->_userinfo['credit'];
     $mycash = $this->_userinfo['balance'];
     $basic_config['credit_is_allow'] != 1 and $mycredit = '0';
     if ($delay_cash > $mycredit + $mycash) {
         $repay_cash = $delay_cash - $mycredit - $mycash;
         return $_lang['your_account_balance_not_enough'];
     } else {
         $delay_id = $delay_obj->create_keke_witkey_task_delay();
         if ($delay_id) {
             $credit_cost = '0';
             if ($basic_config['credit_is_allow'] == 1) {
                 $mycredit < $delay_cash and $credit_cost = $mycredit or $credit_cost = $delay_cash;
             $credit_cost < $delay_cash and $cash_cost = $delay_cash - $credit_cost or $cash_cost = '0';
             $data = array(':task_id' => $this->_task_id, ':task_title' => $this->_task_title);
             keke_finance_class::init_mem('task_delay', $data);
             $delay_cash > 0 and keke_finance_class::cash_out($this->_uid, $delay_cash, 'task_delay', $cash_cost * $this->_profit_rate, 'task', $this->_task_id);
             $add_time = $delay_day * 24 * 3600;
             $real_cash_add = $delay_cash * (100 - $this->_profit_rate) / 100;
             db_factory::execute(sprintf(" update %switkey_task set end_time=end_time+'%s',sub_time=sub_time+'%s',is_delay =ifnull(is_delay,0)+1\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t,credit_cost=credit_cost+'%s',cash_cost=cash_cost+'%s',real_cash=real_cash+'%s',task_cash=task_cash+'%s' where task_id='%d'", TABLEPRE, $add_time, $add_time, $credit_cost, $cash_cost, $real_cash_add, $delay_cash, $this->_task_id));
             db_factory::updatetable(TABLEPRE . "witkey_order", array("order_amount" => $task_info['task_cash'] + $delay_cash), array("order_id" => $task_info['order_id']));
             if ($this->_model_id == 3) {
                 $add_single = $delay_cash / intval($this->_task_info[work_count]);
                 db_factory::execute(sprintf("update %switkey_task set single_cash = single_cash+'%s' where task_id='%d'", TABLEPRE, $add_single, $this->_task_id));
             if ($this->_model_code == 'mreward') {
                 mreward_task_class::task_delay($this->_task_id, $task_info['task_cash'], $delay_cash);
             return true;
         } else {
             return $_lang['task_delay_fail'];
Beispiel #5
                    $filelist = $taskfilelist[work_file];
                    $f_list = db_factory::query("select * from " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_file where file_id in ({$filelist})");
                case 'comm':
                    $c_list = db_factory::query(sprintf(' select a.content,a.on_time from %switkey_comment a 
						left join %switkey_task_work b on a.obj_id=b.work_id where b.work_id=%d', TABLEPRE, TABLEPRE, $work_id));
            require keke_tpl_class::template('task/' . $model_info['model_dir'] . '/admin/tpl/task_edit_ext');
        } else {
            $o = keke_table_class::get_instance('witkey_task_work');
            $tmp = $o->get_grid('task_id=' . $task_id, $url, $page, $limit, ' order by work_status desc,work_time desc ', 1, 'ajax_dom');
            $list = $tmp['data'];
            $pages = $tmp['pages'];
            $satus_arr = mreward_task_class::get_work_status();
    case 'comm':
        if ($ac && $comm_id) {
            $id = intval($comm_id);
            switch ($ac) {
                case 'del':
                    $sql = ' delete from %switkey_comment where comment_id=%d';
                    $type == 1 and $sql .= ' or p_id=%d';
                    $res = db_factory::execute(sprintf($sql, TABLEPRE, $id, $id));
                    $res and kekezu::echojson('', 1) or kekezu::echojson('', 0);
                case 'load':
                    $list = db_factory::query(sprintf(' select * from %switkey_comment where p_id=%d', TABLEPRE, $id));
Beispiel #6

defined('ADMIN_KEKE') or exit('Access Denied');
$task_config = unserialize($model_info['config']);
$model_list = $kekezu->_model_list;
$task_status = mreward_task_class::get_task_status();
$table_obj = keke_table_class::get_instance('witkey_task');
$page and $page = intval($page) or $page = 1;
$page_size and $page_size = intval($page_size) or $page_size = 10;
$wh = "model_id=" . $model_info['model_id'];
if ($w['task_id']) {
    $wh .= " and task_id = " . intval($w['task_id']);
if ($w['task_title']) {
    $wh .= ' and task_title like ' . '"%' . $w['task_title'] . '%" ';
if ($w['task_status']) {
    $wh .= " and task_status = " . intval($w['task_status']);
$w['task_status'] === '0' and $wh .= " and task_status = 0";
$url_str = "index.php?do=model&model_id=2&view=list&w[task_id]={$w['task_id']}&w[task_title]={$w['task_title']}&w[task_status]={$w['task_status']}&ord[0]={$ord['0']}&ord[1]={$ord['1']}&page={$page}&page_size={$page_size}";
$ord[0] && $ord[1] and $wh .= " order by {$ord['0']} {$ord['1']} " or $wh .= " order by task_id desc ";
$table_arr = $table_obj->get_grid($wh, $url_str, $page, $page_size, null, 1, 'ajax_dom');
$task_arr = $table_arr['data'];
$pages = $table_arr['pages'];
if ($task_id) {
    $task_audit_arr = get_task_info($task_id);
    $start_time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $task_audit_arr['start_time']);
    $end_time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $task_audit_arr['end_time']);
    $url = "<a href =\"{$_K['siteurl']}/index.php?do=task&id={$task_audit_arr['task_id']}\" target=\"_blank\" >" . $task_audit_arr[task_title] . "</a>";