function create_selection($selection, $flag, $access_rights) { $right = "<tr><td align='right'><label for='" . clean_id_string($selection) . "'>" . get_lang($selection) . ":</label></td>\n\t\t\t <td align='left'><input id='" . clean_id_string($selection) . "' type='checkbox' name='" . $selection . "' value='1' checked='checked' /></td></tr>\n\t\t\t <tr><td colspan='2' class='info'>" . get_lang($selection . '_info') . "</td></tr>"; if (preg_match("/{$flag}/", $access_rights)) { return $right; } }
function renderCustomFields($field, $home_id) { global $db; $attributesString = ""; foreach ($field->attribute as $attribute) { $attributesString .= $attribute['key'] . "='{$attribute}' "; } //get used custom value or get default $custom_fields = json_decode($db->getCustomFields($home_id), True); if (array_key_exists((string) $field['key'], $custom_fields)) { $fieldValue = (string) $custom_fields[(string) $field['key']]; } else { $fieldValue = (string) $field->default_value; } $idString = "id='" . clean_id_string($field['key']) . "'"; $nameString = "name='fields[" . $field['key'] . "]'"; $fieldType = $field['type']; if ($fieldType == "select") { $inputElementString = "<select {$idString} {$nameString}>"; foreach ($field->option as $option) { $optionValue = (string) $option['value']; $selectedString = $optionValue == $fieldValue ? "selected='selected'" : ""; $valueString = "value='{$optionValue}'"; $inputElementString .= "<option {$selectedString} {$valueString}>{$option}</option>"; } $inputElementString .= "</select>"; } else { if ($fieldType == "checkbox_key_value") { if ($fieldValue) { // convert the XML object to string $attributesString .= "checked='checked' "; } $fieldValue = $field['key']; $fieldType = "checkbox"; } else { if ($fieldType == "checkbox") { if ($fieldValue) { // convert the XML object to string $attributesString .= "checked='checked' "; } } } $inputElementString = "<input {$idString} {$nameString} " . "type='{$fieldType}' value='{$fieldValue}' {$attributesString}/>"; } echo "<tr><td class='right'><label for='" . clean_id_string($field['key']) . "'>" . $field['key'] . ":</label></td><td class='left'>{$inputElementString}<label for='" . clean_id_string($field['key']) . "'>"; if (!empty($field->caption)) { echo $field->caption; } if (!empty($field->desc)) { echo "<br/><span class='info'>(" . $field->desc . ")</span>"; } echo "</label></td></tr>\n"; }
function renderParam($param, $param_access_enabled, $home_id) { global $db; $attributesString = ""; foreach ($param->attribute as $attribute) { $attributesString .= $attribute['key'] . "='{$attribute}' "; } $disabledString = $param_access_enabled ? "" : "disabled "; //get last used param or get default $last_param = json_decode($db->getLastParam($home_id), True); if (array_key_exists((string) $param['key'], $last_param)) { $paramValue = (string) $last_param[(string) $param['key']]; } else { $paramValue = (string) $param->default; } $idString = "id='" . clean_id_string($param['key']) . "'"; $nameString = "name='params[" . $param['key'] . "]'"; $paramType = $param['type']; if ($paramType == "select") { $inputElementString = "<select {$idString} {$nameString}>"; foreach ($param->option as $option) { $optionValue = (string) $option['value']; $selectedString = $optionValue == $paramValue ? "selected='selected'" : ""; $valueString = "value='{$optionValue}'"; $inputElementString .= "<option {$selectedString} {$valueString}>{$option}</option>"; } $inputElementString .= "</select>"; } else { if ($paramType == "checkbox_key_value") { if ($paramValue) { // convert the XML object to string $attributesString .= "checked='checked' "; } $paramValue = $param['key']; $paramType = "checkbox"; } else { if ($paramType == "checkbox") { if ($paramValue) { // convert the XML object to string $attributesString .= "checked='checked' "; } } } $inputElementString = "<input {$idString} {$nameString} " . "type='{$paramType}' value='{$paramValue}' " . "{$disabledString} {$attributesString}/>"; } echo "<tr><td class='right'><label for='" . clean_id_string($param['key']) . "'>" . $param['key'] . ":</label></td><td class='left'>{$inputElementString}<label for='" . clean_id_string($param['key']) . "'>"; if (!empty($param->caption)) { echo $param->caption; } if (!empty($param->desc)) { echo "<br/><span class='info'>(" . $param->desc . ")</span>"; } echo "</label></td></tr>\n"; }
function create_selection($selection, $flag) { return "<tr><td align='right'><label for='" . clean_id_string($selection) . "'>" . get_lang($selection) . ":</label></td>\n\t\t<td align='left'><input id='" . clean_id_string($selection) . "' type='checkbox' name='" . $selection . "' value='1' checked='checked' /></td></tr><tr>\n\t\t<td align='left' class='info' colspan='2'>" . get_lang($selection . '_info') . "</td></tr>"; }