public function execute($function) { if (is_callable(array($this, $function))) { try { $this->{$function}(); } catch (Error_Cron $e) { $mail = new mail(def::notify('mail')); $mail->text(serialize($e))->send(); } } }
function shutdown_handler() { $error = error_get_last(); if ($error && ($error['type'] == E_ERROR || $error['type'] == E_PARSE || $error['type'] == E_COMPILE_ERROR)) { if (strpos($error['message'], 'Allowed memory size') === 0) { ob_end_clean(); $mail = new mail(def::notify('mail')); $mail->text(serialize(query::$url) . serialize($error))->send(); } else { ob_end_clean(); $mail = new mail(def::notify('mail')); $mail->text(serialize(query::$url) . serialize($error))->send(); } } }
public function move () { $id = query::$post['id']; $to = query::$post['to']; if (!is_numeric($id) || !is_numeric($to)) { return; } if (query::$cookie != def::get('board', 'moderator')) { return; } Database::update('board', array( 'thread' => $to, 'sortdate' => ceil(microtime(true)*1000) ), $id); $mail = new mail(def::notify('mail')); $mail->text("Moved board №$id, to " . $to)->send(); }
function clear() { // default self::$charset = 'utf-8'; self::$type = 'html'; self::$from = false; self::$subject = false; self::$html = false; self::$text = false; self::$from_name = false; self::$from_email = false; self::$file = false; }
function send_mails() { $data = obj::db()->sql('select * from misc where type = "mail_notify" and data1 < '.time()); if (!empty($data)) { foreach ($data as $send) { $mail = new mail($send['data2']); if (!obj::db()->sql('select id from orders where (id ='.$send['data5'].' and spam = 0)',2)) { if ($send['data3']) $mail->text($send['data4'])->send($send['data3']); else $mail->text($send['data4'])->send(); obj::db()->sql('delete from misc where id ='.$send['id'],0); } } } }
function sendText($template, $to, $toName, $from, $fromName, $subject) { $body = $this->gui->fetch($template); mail::text($to, $toName, $from, $fromName, $subject, $body); }