public static function create($data) { $user = ORM::factory('User'); $user->create_user($data, array('username', 'password', 'email')); $user->add_role('login'); $mail = mail::create('usercreated')->to($user->email)->tokenize(array('username' => $user->username))->send(); user::login(arr::get($data, 'email', ''), arr::get($data, 'password', '')); }
protected function _execute(array $params) { $query = DB::query(Database::SELECT, 'SELECT,, opt.reminder, opt.last_reminder, opt.next_reminder FROM `users` AS user JOIN `user_options` AS opt ON = opt.user_id WHERE opt.reminder = 1 AND opt.next_reminder > ' . strtotime('-5 minutes') . ' AND opt.next_reminder < ' . strtotime('+5 minutes') . ' AND != "";'); $results = $query->execute()->as_array(); if (is_array($results)) { $sent = array(); foreach ($results as $result) { $user = ORM::factory('User', arr::get($result, 'id', '')); if ($user->loaded()) { if (!in_array($user->email, $sent)) { $sent[] = $user->email; // Send the mail here.. $mail = mail::create('reminder')->to($user->email)->tokenize(array('username' => $user->username, 'writeurl' => '', 'link' => HTML::anchor('', 'It’s time to write your Morning Pages'), 'contactlink' => HTML::anchor('', 'contact us')))->send(); // Then: $option = $user->option; $option->last_reminder = time(); $option->next_reminder = $user->get_next_reminder(true); //$option->save(); } } } } }
public function action_contact() { $errors = false; if ($_POST) { $val = Validation::factory($_POST); $val->rule('sprot', 'exact_length', array(':value', 1)); $val->rule('email', 'not_empty'); $val->rule('email', 'email'); $val->rule('suggestion', 'not_empty'); if ($val->check()) { notes::success('Your message has been sent and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Thanks!'); $mail = mail::create('suggestion')->to('*****@*****.**')->from(arr::get($_POST, 'email', ''))->content(arr::get($_POST, 'suggestion') . '<br /><br />.E-mail: ' . arr::get($_POST, 'email', ''))->subject('Message to ' . site::option('sitename'))->send(); site::redirect('contact'); } else { $errors = $val->errors('suggestions'); } } $this->bind('errors', $errors); seo::instance()->title("Contact Morning Pages"); seo::instance()->description("Feel free to contact if you have questions or concerns about your account, the site or for more information regarding your Morning Pages."); }
public function action_talk() { $tag = $this->request->param('tag'); $talk = $this->request->param('talk'); if (user::logged()) { // Iterate views if ($talk->user_id != user::get()->id) { $talk->views = $talk->views + 1; try { $talk->save(); } catch (ORM_Validation_Exception $e) { //var_dump($e->errors()); } } // Set when the user last saw the topic $user = user::get(); $viewed = $user->talkviews->where('talk_id', '=', $talk->id)->find(); if (!$viewed->loaded()) { $viewed->user_id = $user->id; $viewed->talk_id = $talk->id; } $viewed->last = time(); $viewed->save(); } $replies = $talk->replies->where('op', '!=', 1); $counter = $talk->replies->where('op', '!=', 1); $limit = Kohana::$config->load('talk')->get('pagination_limit'); $numreplies = $counter->count_all(); $numpages = ceil($numreplies / $limit); $page = (int) arr::get($_GET, 'page', 0); if ($_POST) { $this->require_login(); $reply = ORM::factory('Talkreply'); $reply->values($_POST); $reply->user_id = user::get()->id; $reply->talk_id = $talk->id; try { $reply->save(); $page = $numpages; $talk->last_reply = time(); $talk->save(); $subscriptions = $talk->subscriptions->find_all(); if ((bool) $subscriptions->count()) { foreach ($subscriptions as $subscription) { if ($subscription->user_id != $reply->user_id) { mail::create('talkreplyposted')->to($subscription->user->email)->tokenize(array('username' => $subscription->user->username, 'sendername' => $reply->user->username, 'title' => $talk->title, 'reply' => $reply->content, 'link' => HTML::anchor(URL::site($talk->url() . '?page=' . $page . '#comment-' . $reply->id, 'http'), $talk->title)))->send(); } } } $vote = ORM::factory('User_Talkvote'); $vote->type = 'talkreply'; $vote->user_id = user::get()->id; $vote->object_id = $reply->id; $vote->save(); notes::success('Your reply has been posted.'); site::redirect($talk->url() . '?page=' . $page . '#comment-' . $reply->id); } catch (ORM_Validation_Exception $e) { notes::error('Whoops! Your submission contained errors. Please review it and submit again'); $errors = $e->errors(); } } if ($page < 1) { $page = 1; } if ($page > $numpages) { $page = $numpages; } $replies = $replies->limit($limit); if ($page - 1 > 0) { $replies = $replies->offset($limit * ($page - 1)); } $replies = $replies->find_all(); $this->bind('tag', $tag); $this->bind('talk', $talk); $this->bind('replies', $replies); $this->bind('tags', ORM::factory('Talktag')->find_all()); $this->bind('numpages', $numpages); $this->bind('currentpage', $page); seo::instance()->title($talk->title); seo::instance()->description("Talk About Morning Pages, or anything else you might find interesting. Use this area to ask questions, make friends, or find out information about Morning Pages."); }
public function send_password_email($password) { try { $mail = mail::create('userautocreated')->to($this->email)->tokenise(array('username' => $this->username, 'password' => $password))->send(); return true; } catch (exception $e) { log::instance('Couldnt send user autogenerated password', $e); } return false; }
public function action_help() { if ($_POST) { $user = ORM::factory('User')->where('email', '=', $_POST['email'])->find(); if ($user->loaded()) { $token = ORM::factory('User_Token'); $token->user_id = $user->id; $token->created = time(); $token->expires = strtotime('+2 hours'); //$token -> type = 'password'; $token->save(); $mail = mail::create('userforgotpass')->to($user->email)->tokenize(array('username' => $user->username, 'resetlink' => user::url('password/' . $token->token, 'http')))->send(); notes::info('Check your e-mail! We\'ve sent you a mail with instructions on resetting your password.'); user::redirect('login'); } else { $url = user::url('signup'); notes::add('error', 'No account is registerred with that e-mail address'); } } }