  * Updates the in-memory digest records to add a new post to the given
  * user's digests.
  * @param object $user User object (must include special ->emailtype, etc)
  * @param array $userdigests Array of user id => digest information object
  * @param forum_post $post Post object
  * @param forum_post $inreplyto Parent post
  * @param forum_discussion $discussion Discus
  * @param forum $forum
  * @param object $cm
  * @param object $course
  * @param object $context
 private static function digest_add_post_for_user(&$user, &$userdigests, &$post, &$inreplyto, &$discussion, &$forum, &$cm, &$course, &$context)
     global $CFG;
     // Set up digest for user if required
     if (!array_key_exists($user->id, $userdigests)) {
         $userdigests[$user->id] = new StdClass();
         $userdigests[$user->id]->discussionid = -1;
         // So we do header next
         $userdigests[$user->id]->user = $user;
         $userdigests[$user->id]->forumid = -1;
         // Get header text
         $headerdata = new object();
         $headerdata->sitename = format_string($course->fullname, true);
         $headerdata->userprefs = $CFG->wwwroot . '/user/edit.php?id=' . $user->id . '&course=' . $course->id;
         $userdigests[$user->id]->text = get_string('digestmailheader', 'forumng', $headerdata) . "\n\n";
         // Get header HTML
         $html = "<head>";
         foreach ($CFG->stylesheets as $stylesheet) {
             $html .= '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . $stylesheet . '" />' . "\n";
         $html .= "</head>\n<body id='forumng-email'>\n";
         $headerdata->userprefs = '<a target="_blank" href="' . $headerdata->userprefs . '">' . get_string('digestmailprefs', 'forumng') . '</a>';
         $html .= '<div class="forumng-emailheader"><p>' . get_string('digestmailheader', 'forumng', $headerdata) . '</p></div><hr size="1" noshade="noshade" />';
         $userdigests[$user->id]->html = $html;
         // Get email subject
         $userdigests[$user->id]->subject = get_string('digestmailsubject', 'forumng', format_string($course->shortname, true));
     // New forum?
     if ($userdigests[$user->id]->forumid != $forum->get_id()) {
         $userdigests[$user->id]->forumid = $forum->get_id();
     // Is this a new discussion?
     if ($userdigests[$user->id]->discussionid != $discussion->get_id()) {
         $strforums = get_string('forums', 'forumng');
         // Per-discussion header (text mode)
         $text = "\n \n";
         $text .= '=====================================================================';
         $text .= "\n \n";
         $text .= "{$course->shortname} -> {$strforums} -> " . format_string($forum->get_name(), true);
         if ($discussion->get_subject(false) !== $forum->get_name()) {
             $text .= " -> " . format_string($discussion->get_subject(false), true);
         $text .= "\n";
         // HTML mode
         $html = '<hr size="1" noshade="noshade" />';
         $html .= "<div class='forumng-breadcrumbs'>" . "<a target='_blank' href='{$CFG->wwwroot}/course/view.php?id={$course->id}'>{$course->shortname}</a> -> " . "<a target='_blank' href='{$CFG->wwwroot}/mod/forumng/index.php?id={$course->id}'>{$strforums}</a> -> " . "<a target='_blank' href='{$CFG->wwwroot}/mod/forumng/view.php?" . $forum->get_link_params(forum::PARAM_HTML) . "'>" . format_string($forum->get_name(), true) . "</a>";
         if ($discussion->get_subject(false) !== $forum->get_name()) {
             $html .= " -> <a target='_blank' href='{$CFG->wwwroot}/mod/forumng/discuss.php?" . $discussion->get_link_params(forum::PARAM_HTML) . "'>" . format_string($discussion->get_subject(false), true) . "</a>";
         $html .= '</div>';
         $userdigests[$user->id]->text .= $text;
         $userdigests[$user->id]->html .= $html;
         $userdigests[$user->id]->discussionid = $discussion->get_id();
     // Get both plaintext and html versions (and subject).
     // The html version will be blank if set to
     // plain text mode.
     $post->build_email($inreplyto, $subject, $text, $html, $user->emailtype & 1, $user->emailtype & 2, $user->emailtype & 4, $user->lang, $user->timezone, true);
     $userdigests[$user->id]->text .= $text;
     $userdigests[$user->id]->html .= $html;
Beispiel #2
     * Skjema for å opprette ny tråd
    protected function show()
        // kontroller rankkravet
        if (!$this->forum->check_rank()) {
            // sett opp ranknavnet
            $rank_info = game::$ranks['items_number'][\Kofradia\Forum\Category::TOPIC_MIN_RANK];
            echo '
<div class="bg1_c xsmall">
	<h1 class="bg1">Ny forumtråd i ' . htmlspecialchars($this->forum->get_name()) . '<span class="left"></span><span class="right"></span></h1>
	<p class="h_left"><a href="forum?id=' . $this->forum->id . '">&laquo; Tilbake</a></p>
	<div class="bg1">
		<div class="error_box" style="padding: 10px 0">
			<p>Du har for lav rank for å kunne opprette forumtråder i forumet.</p>
			<p>For å kunne opprette en ny forumtråd må du ha nådd ranken <b>' . htmlspecialchars($rank_info['name']) . '</b>.</p>
			<p>Se også <a href="' . ess::$s['relative_path'] . '/node/5">hjelp</a>.</p>
			<p><a href="forum?id=' . $this->forum->id . '">Tilbake</a></p>
        // kontroller blokkeringer
        $block = $this->forum->check_block();
        // opprette forumtråden?
        if (!$block && isset($_POST['opprett'])) {
            $title = postval("title");
            $text = postval("text");
            // type forumtråd og låst/ulåst
            $type = NULL;
            $locked = NULL;
            if ($this->forum->fmod) {
                $type = postval("type");
                $locked = isset($_POST['locked']);
            // forsøk å opprett forumtråden
            $this->forum->add_topic($title, $text, $type, $locked);
        echo '
<div class="bg1_c forumw forumnewtopic">
	<h1 class="bg1">Ny forumtråd i ' . htmlspecialchars($this->forum->get_name()) . '<span class="left"></span><span class="right"></span></h1>
	<p class="h_left"><a href="forum?id=' . $this->forum->id . '">&laquo; Tilbake</a></p>
	<div class="bg1">
		<boxes />
		<div id="topic_info_add"></div>
		<div class="forum_reply_edit_c">
		<form action="" method="post">
			<dl class="dl_2x">
					<input type="text" name="title" id="topic_title" class="styled w300" value="' . htmlspecialchars(postval("title")) . '" maxlength="40" />';
        if ($this->forum->fmod) {
            $type = intval(postval("type"));
            echo '
					<select name="type" id="topic_type">
						<option value="1"' . ($type == 1 ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>Normal forumtråd</option>
						<option value="2"' . ($type == 2 ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>Sticky forumtråd</option>
						<option value="3"' . ($type == 3 ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>Viktig forumtråd</option>
				<dd><input type="checkbox" name="locked" id="topic_locked"' . (isset($_POST['locked']) ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . ' /><label for="topic_locked"> Lås forumtråden for endringer</label>';
        echo '</dd>
				<dd><textarea name="text" rows="20" cols="75" id="topic_text">' . htmlspecialchars(postval("text")) . '</textarea></dd>
			<p class="c">Husk at <a href="' . ess::$s['relative_path'] . '/node/6" target="_blank">forumreglene</a> til enhver tid skal følges.</p>
			<p class="c">
				' . show_sbutton("Opprett", 'name="opprett" accesskey="s" id="topic_add"') . '
				' . show_sbutton("Forhåndsvis", 'name="preview" accesskey="p" id="topic_preview"') . '
		<div id="topic_info">';
        // forhåndsvisning
        if (isset($_POST['preview'])) {
            $data = array("ft_text" => postval("text"));
            echo '
			<div class="forum">' . \Kofradia\Forum\Category::template_topic_preview($data) . '
        echo '
        // div javascript
        ess::$b->page->add_js_file(ess::$s['relative_path'] . "/js/forum.js");
	new NewForumTopic(' . $this->forum->id . ');');
Beispiel #3
     * Vis forumet
    protected function show_forum()
        // markere som sett?
        if ($this->forum->ff) {
        // vise slettede forumtråder?
        $show_deleted = false;
        if (isset($_GET['sd']) && $this->forum->fmod) {
            // ff
            if ($this->forum->ff && !access::has("mod")) {
                ess::$b->page->add_message("Du viser også forumtråder som ble slettet for mindre enn " . game::timespan(\Kofradia\Forum\Topic::FF_HIDE_TIME, game::TIME_FULL) . " siden.");
            } else {
                ess::$b->page->add_message("Du viser også slettede forumtråder.");
            $show_deleted = true;
        $vis_bokser = isset($_GET['vis_bokser']) && !$show_deleted;
        // vis forum informasjon
        echo '
<div class="bg1_c forumw">
	<h1 class="bg1">' . htmlspecialchars($this->forum->get_name()) . '<span class="left"></span><span class="right"></span></h1>
	<p class="h_right">
		<a href="topic_new?f=' . $this->forum->id . '">Opprett ny forumtråd</a>' . ($this->forum->fmod && !$vis_bokser && !$show_deleted ? '
		<a href="' . htmlspecialchars(game::address(PHP_SELF, $_GET, array(), array("vis_bokser" => true))) . '">Vis merk innlegg knapp</a>' : ($vis_bokser ? '
		<a href="' . htmlspecialchars(game::address(PHP_SELF, $_GET, array("vis_bokser"))) . '">Skjul valg</a>' : '')) . '
	<p class="h_left">
		<a href="sok?s' . $this->forum->id . '">Søk</a>
		<a href="' . ess::$s['relative_path'] . '/node/6">Forumregler</a>' . ($this->forum->fmod && !$vis_bokser ? $show_deleted ? '
		<a href="' . htmlspecialchars(game::address(PHP_SELF, $_GET, array("sd"))) . '">Skjul slettede</a>' : '
		<a href="' . htmlspecialchars(game::address(PHP_SELF, $_GET, array(), array("sd" => true))) . '">Vis slettede</a>' : '') . '
	<div class="bg1">';
        // hvor lenge etter den er slettet vi kan vise den
        $access_expire = max(time() - \Kofradia\Forum\Topic::FF_HIDE_TIME, $this->forum->ff ? $this->forum->ff->data['ff_time_reset'] : 0);
        // finn ut hvor mange topics det er
        $expire_deleted = $show_deleted ? !$this->forum->ff || access::has("mod") ? "" : " AND (ft_deleted = 0 OR ft_deleted > {$access_expire})" : " AND ft_deleted = 0";
        $result = \Kofradia\DB::get()->query("\n\t\t\tSELECT COUNT(IF(ft_type = 1, 1, NULL)) AS normal, COUNT(IF(ft_type = 2, 1, NULL)) AS sticky, COUNT(IF(ft_type = 3, 1, NULL)) AS important\n\t\t\tFROM forum_topics\n\t\t\tWHERE ft_fse_id = {$this->forum->id}{$expire_deleted}");
        $count = $result->fetch();
        // alle important og sticky topics skal vises på første siden
        // mens bare 15 normale topics skal vises på hver side
        $pagei = new pagei(pagei::PER_PAGE, 15, pagei::TOTAL, $count['normal'], pagei::ACTIVE_GET, "p");
        if (isset($_GET['p']) && (string) $pagei->active != $_GET['p']) {
            $add = $pagei->active > 1 ? '&p=' . $pagei->active : '';
        // sjekke status?
        $fs_count = 0;
        // markere alle emner og svar som lest?
        if (isset($_GET['fs_force']) && login::$logged_in && \Kofradia\Forum\Category::$fs_check) {
            // legg til og oppdater innleggene på denne siden
            \Kofradia\DB::get()->exec("\n\t\t\t\tINSERT INTO forum_seen (fs_ft_id, fs_u_id, fs_time)\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\tSELECT ft_id, " . login::$user->id . ", IFNULL(fr_time, ft_time)\n\t\t\t\tFROM forum_topics\n\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN forum_replies ON ft_last_reply = fr_id\n\t\t\t\tWHERE ft_fse_id = {$this->forum->id} AND ft_type = 1 AND ft_deleted = 0\n\t\t\t\tORDER BY IFNULL(fr_time, ft_time) DESC\n\t\t\t\tLIMIT {$pagei->start}, {$pagei->per_page}\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\tON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE fs_time = VALUES(fs_time)");
            redirect::handle(game::address("forum", $_GET, array("fs_force")));
        // oppdater tidspunkt for visning hvis crewforum
        if (login::$logged_in && $pagei->active == 1 && $this->forum->id >= 5 && $this->forum->id <= 7) {
            login::$user->params->update("forum_{$this->forum->id}_last_view", time(), true);
        if ($pagei->active == 1 && ($count['important'] > 0 || $count['sticky'] > 0) || $count['normal'] > 0) {
            echo ($this->forum->fmod && $vis_bokser ? '
<form action="" method="post">' : '') . '
<table width="100%" class="table forum tablem">
			<th>Tittel' . ($this->forum->fmod && $vis_bokser ? ' (<a href="#" class="box_handle_toggle" rel="emne[]">Merk alle</a>)' : '') . '</th>
			<th><abbr title="Visninger">Vis</abbr></th>
			<th>Siste innlegg</th>
	<tbody' . ($this->forum->fmod && $vis_bokser ? ' class="pointer"' : '') . '>';
            $i = 0;
            // skal vi hente important og sticky topics?
            if ($pagei->active == 1 && ($count['important'] > 0 || $count['sticky'] > 0)) {
                // hent important og sticky forumtråder
                $result = $this->get_topics(false, $show_deleted);
                // vis hver topic
                while ($row = $result->fetch()) {
                    // sjekke status?
                    $fs_info = '';
                    $fs_link_suffix = '';
                    if (\Kofradia\Forum\Category::$fs_check) {
                        if (empty($row['fs_time'])) {
                            $fs_info = ' <span class="fs_ft_new">NY!</span>';
                        } elseif ($row['fs_time'] < $row['fr_time']) {
                            $fs_info = ' <span class="fs_fr_new">' . $row['fs_new'] . ' <span class="fs_fr_newi">NY' . ($row['fs_new'] == 1 ? '' : 'E') . '</span></span>';
                            $fs_link_suffix = '&amp;fs';
                    echo '
		<tr class="' . (++$i % 2 == 0 ? 'color2_1' : 'color2_0') . ($row['ft_deleted'] != 0 ? ' ft_deleted' : '') . '" id="emne_' . $row['ft_id'] . '">
			<td class="f"><a href="topic?id=' . $row['ft_id'] . $fs_link_suffix . '">' . htmlspecialchars($row['ft_title']) . '</a> ' . ($row['ft_type'] == 3 ? '<span style="color: #CCFF00; font-weight: bold">(Viktig)</span>' : '<span style="color: #CCFF00">(Sticky)</span>') . ($row['ft_locked'] == 1 ? ' <span class="forum_lock">(låst)</span>' : '') . ($row['ft_deleted'] != 0 ? ' (slettet)' : '') . $fs_info . '</td>
			<td class="t_uinfo">' . game::profile_link($row['ft_up_id'], $row['up_name'], $row['up_access_level']) . '<br /><span class="f_time">' . ess::$b->date->get($row['ft_time'])->format() . '</span></td>
			<td>' . game::format_number($row['ft_replies']) . '</td>
			<td>' . game::format_number($row['ft_views']) . '</td>
			<td class="t_uinfo">' . ($row['fr_time'] ? game::profile_link($row['fr_up_id'], $row['r_up_name'], $row['r_up_access_level']) . '<br /><span class="f_time2"><a href="topic?id=' . $row['ft_id'] . '&amp;replyid=' . $row['fr_id'] . '" title="Gå til dette svaret">' . game::timespan($row['fr_time'], game::TIME_ABS) . ' &raquo;</a></span>' : '<span style="color: #AAA">Ingen</span>') . '</td>
            // hent vanlige forumtråder
            $result = $this->get_topics(true, $show_deleted, $pagei->start, $pagei->per_page);
            // vis hver topic
            while ($row = $result->fetch()) {
                // sjekke status?
                $fs_info = '';
                $fs_link_suffix = '';
                if (\Kofradia\Forum\Category::$fs_check) {
                    if (empty($row['fs_time'])) {
                        $fs_info = ' <span class="fs_ft_new">NY!</span>';
                    } elseif ($row['fs_time'] < $row['fr_time']) {
                        $fs_info = ' <span class="fs_fr_new">' . $row['fs_new'] . ' <span class="fs_fr_newi">NY' . ($row['fs_new'] == 1 ? '' : 'E') . '</span></span>';
                        $fs_link_suffix = '&amp;fs';
                echo '
		<tr' . (is_int($i / 2) ? ' class="color' . ($row['ft_deleted'] != 0 ? ' ft_deleted' : '') . ($this->forum->fmod && $vis_bokser ? ' box_handle' : '') . '"' : ($this->forum->fmod && $vis_bokser ? ' class="box_handle"' : ($row['ft_deleted'] != 0 ? ' class="ft_deleted"' : ''))) . '>
			<td class="f">' . ($this->forum->fmod && $vis_bokser ? '<input type="checkbox" name="emne[]" value="' . $row['ft_id'] . '" />' : '') . '<a href="topic?id=' . $row['ft_id'] . $fs_link_suffix . '">' . (empty($row['ft_title']) ? '<i>Mangler tittel</i>' : ucfirst(htmlspecialchars($row['ft_title']))) . '</a>' . ($row['ft_locked'] == 1 ? ' <span class="forum_lock">(låst)</span>' : '') . ($row['ft_deleted'] != 0 ? ' (slettet)' : '') . $fs_info . '</td>
			<td class="t_uinfo">' . game::profile_link($row['ft_up_id'], $row['up_name'], $row['up_access_level']) . '<br /><span class="f_time">' . ess::$b->date->get($row['ft_time'])->format() . '</span></td>
			<td>' . game::format_number($row['ft_replies']) . '</td>
			<td>' . game::format_number($row['ft_views']) . '</td>
			<td class="t_uinfo">' . ($row['fr_time'] ? game::profile_link($row['fr_up_id'], $row['r_up_name'], $row['r_up_access_level']) . '<br /><span class="f_time2"><a href="topic?id=' . $row['ft_id'] . '&amp;replyid=' . $row['fr_id'] . '" title="Gå til dette svaret">' . game::timespan($row['fr_time'], game::TIME_ABS) . ' &raquo;</a></span>' : '<span style="color: #AAA">Ingen</span>') . '</td>
            echo '
            // merk alle som lest?
            if ($fs_count > 0 && login::$logged_in) {
                echo '
<p class="c" style="margin-top:0"><a href="' . htmlspecialchars(game::address("forum", $_GET, array(), array("fs_force" => true))) . '">Marker alle emner og svar som lest</a></p>';
            // flere sider?
            if ($pagei->pages > 1) {
                echo '
<p class="c" style="margin-top:0">
	' . $pagei->pagenumbers() . '
            // slett emner knapp
            if ($this->forum->fmod && $vis_bokser) {
                echo '
<p class="c red" style="margin-top:0">' . show_sbutton("Slett merkede emner", 'name="slett_emner" onclick="return confirm(\'Er du sikker på at du vil slette valgte emner?\')"') . '</p>
        } else {
            echo '
<p align="center">Dette forumet er tomt. Bli den første til å opprette en forumtråd ved å <a href="topic_new?f=' . $this->forum->id . '">trykke her</a>.</p>';
        echo '