Beispiel #1

  Coppermine 1.5.x Plugin - forum
  Copyright (c) 2010 foulu (Le Hoai Phuong), eenemeenemuu
  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
  (at your option) any later version.
echo table::open();
echo form::open('forum.php?c=profile&amp;id=' . $user['user_id'], 'profile', 'post', TRUE);
echo table::td(Lang::item('profile.profile_title'), 4);
echo table::td(Lang::item('profile.avatar'), 4, 'tableh2');
echo table::tds(array(array('class' => 'tableb', 'width' => '5%', 'align' => 'center', 'text' => form::radio('avatar_type', 'url', '', $user['fr_avatar'] ? 'url' : '')), array('class' => 'tableb', 'width' => '20%', 'text' => Lang::item('profile.url')), array('class' => 'tableb', 'width' => '50%', 'text' => form::text('fr_avatar_url', $user['fr_avatar'])), array('class' => 'tableb', 'width' => '25%', 'align' => 'center', 'rowspan' => 2, 'text' => !php::is_empty_string($user['fr_avatar']) ? html::img($user['fr_avatar'], Config::item('fr_avatar_size')) . BR . BR . html::button('forum.php?c=profile&m=remove_avatar', Lang::item('profile.remove_avatar')) : '')));
echo table::tds(array(array('class' => 'tableb', 'align' => 'center', 'text' => form::radio('avatar_type', 'file')), array('class' => 'tableb', 'text' => Lang::item('profile.file')), array('class' => 'tableb', 'text' => form::file('fr_avatar_file'))));
echo table::td(Lang::item('profile.profile'), 4, 'tableh2');
echo table::tds(array(array('class' => 'tableb', 'colspan' => 2, 'rowspan' => 3, 'text' => Lang::item('profile.signature')), array('class' => 'tableb', 'colspan' => 2, 'text' => forum::generate_bbcode_tags('profile', 'fr_signature'))));
echo table::tds(array(array('class' => 'tableb', 'colspan' => 2, 'align' => 'center', 'text' => form::textarea('fr_signature', $user['fr_signature']))));
echo table::tds(array(array('class' => 'tableb', 'colspan' => 2, 'text' => generate_smilies('profile', 'fr_signature'))));
echo table::tds(array(array('class' => 'tablef', 'colspan' => 4, 'text' => form::submit(Lang::item('common.change'), 'submit'))));
echo form::close();
echo table::close();
Beispiel #2
            document.getElementById('pv_subject').innerHTML = datas[0];
            document.getElementById('pv_body').innerHTML = datas[1];
echo "<div name=\"preview_area\" id=\"preview_area\" style=\"display: none;\">";
echo table::open();
echo table::td(Lang::item('board.topic_preview'), 1);
echo table::tds(array('class' => 'tableh2', 'id' => 'pv_subject', 'text' => ''));
echo table::tds(array('class' => 'tableb', 'id' => 'pv_body', 'text' => ''));
echo table::close();
echo "</div>";
echo table::open();
echo table::td(Lang::item('topic.new_topic'), 2);
echo form::open('forum.php?c=message&m=edit&id=' . $msg_id, 'editmsg');
if (count($errors) > 0) {
    echo table::td(table::error($errors), 2, 'tableh2');
echo table::tds(array(array('class' => 'tableb', 'width' => '30%', 'text' => Lang::item('topic.subject')), array('class' => 'tableb', 'width' => '70%', 'text' => form::text('subject', $form['subject']))));
if (Config::item('fr_msg_icons') == 1) {
    echo table::tds(array(array('class' => 'tableb', 'text' => Lang::item('topic.message_icon')), array('class' => 'tableb', 'text' => forum::generate_message_icons('icon', $icons, $form['icon']))));
echo table::tds(array(array('class' => 'tableb', 'text' => NBSP), array('class' => 'tableb', 'text' => forum::generate_bbcode_tags('editmsg', 'body'))));
echo table::tds(array(array('class' => 'tableb', 'text' => Lang::item('topic.message')), array('class' => 'tableb', 'text' => form::textarea('body', $form['body']))));
echo table::tds(array(array('class' => 'tableb', 'text' => NBSP), array('class' => 'tableb', 'text' => generate_smilies('editmsg', 'body'))));
echo table::tds(array(array('class' => 'tablef', 'text' => NBSP), array('class' => 'tablef', 'text' => form::submit(Lang::item('common.modify'), 'submit') . html::jsbutton('return false;', Lang::item('common.preview'), array('id' => 'preview')) . NBSP . html::button('forum.php?c=board&id=' . $board_id, Lang::item('common.cancel')))));
echo form::close();
echo table::close();
Beispiel #3
print table::td(Lang::item('board.topic_preview'), 1);
print table::tds(array('class' => 'tableh2', 'id' => 'pv_subject', 'text' => ''));
print table::tds(array('class' => 'tableb', 'id' => 'pv_body', 'text' => ''));
print table::close();
print "</div>";
print table::open();
print table::td(Lang::item('topic.topic_reply'), 2);
print form::open('forum.php?c=topic&m=reply&id=' . $topic_id, 'reply', 'post');
if (count($errors) > 0) {
    print table::td(table::error($errors), 2, 'tableh2');
print table::tds(array(array('class' => 'tableb', 'width' => '30%', 'text' => Lang::item('topic.subject')), array('class' => 'tableb', 'width' => '70%', 'text' => form::text('subject', $form['subject']))));
if (Config::item('fr_msg_icons') == 1) {
    print table::tds(array(array('class' => 'tableb', 'text' => Lang::item('topic.message_icon')), array('class' => 'tableb', 'text' => forum::generate_message_icons('icon', $icons, $form['icon']))));
print table::tds(array(array('class' => 'tableb', 'text' => NBSP), array('class' => 'tableb', 'text' => forum::generate_bbcode_tags('reply', 'body'))));
print table::tds(array(array('class' => 'tableb', 'text' => Lang::item('topic.message')), array('class' => 'tableb', 'text' => form::textarea('body', $form['body']))));
global $CONFIG;
if ($CONFIG['comment_captcha'] == 1 || $CONFIG['comment_captcha'] == 2 && !USER_ID) {
    global $lang_common;
    print table::tds(array(array('class' => 'tableb', 'text' => $lang_common['confirm']), array('class' => 'tableb', 'text' => '<input type="text" name="confirmCode" size="5" maxlength="5" class="textinput" /><img src="captcha.php" align="middle" border="0" alt="" />')));
print table::tds(array(array('class' => 'tableb', 'text' => NBSP), array('class' => 'tableb', 'text' => generate_smilies('reply', 'body'))));
print table::td(Lang::item('topic.addition_options'), 2, 'tablef');
print table::tds(array(array('class' => 'tableb', 'text' => Lang::item('topic.notify_this')), array('class' => 'tableb', 'text' => form::yesno('notify', $authorizer->is_notify_topic($topic_id) ? 1 : 0))));
print table::tds(array(
    array('class'=>'tableb', 'text'=>Lang::item('topic.upload')),
    array('class'=>'tableb', 'text'=>''),