static function isAvailable() { $extensionName = 'zlib'; if (!extension_loaded($extensionName)) { $dlExtension = eZSys::osType() == 'win32' ? '.dll' : '.so'; @dl($extensionName . $dlExtension); } return extension_loaded($extensionName); }
/** * Instanciantes the image converter with a set of filters * * @param array(ezcImageFilter) $filter Filters to add to the image converter * @return void * @throws ezcBaseSettingValueException Error adding the transformation */ public function __construct($filter) { $imageINI = eZINI::instance('image.ini'); // we get an array of handlers, where order of entries in array gives priority // for each entry, we need to check if the matching handler is enabled, and this has to be manual $imageHandlers = $imageINI->variable('ImageConverterSettings', 'ImageConverters'); foreach ($imageHandlers as $imageHandler) { switch ($imageHandler) { case 'ImageMagick': $hasImageMagick = $imageINI->variable('ImageMagick', 'IsEnabled') == 'true'; if ($hasImageMagick) { break 2; } break; // GD2 is required for the image editor // @todo Make the image editor degrade as nicely as possible if GD is not bundled // GD2 is required for the image editor // @todo Make the image editor degrade as nicely as possible if GD is not bundled case 'GD': $hasGD2 = $imageINI->variable('GD', 'IsEnabled') == 'true' && $imageINI->variable('GDSettings', 'HasGD2' == 'true'); if ($hasGD2) { break 2; } break; } } if ($hasImageMagick) { // we need to use the ImageMagick path configured in the image.ini file $executable = $imageINI->variable('ImageMagick', 'Executable'); if (eZSys::osType() == 'win32' && $imageINI->hasVariable('ImageMagick', 'ExecutableWin32')) { $executable = $imageINI->variable('ImageMagick', 'ExecutableWin32'); } else { if (eZSys::osType() == 'mac' && $imageINI->hasVariable('ImageMagick', 'ExecutableMac')) { $executable = $imageINI->variable('ImageMagick', 'ExecutableMac'); } else { if (eZSys::osType() == 'unix' && $imageINI->hasVariable('ImageMagick', 'ExecutableUnix')) { $executable = $imageINI->variable('ImageMagick', 'ExecutableUnix'); } } } if ($imageINI->hasVariable('ImageMagick', 'ExecutablePath') && $imageINI->variable('ImageMagick', 'ExecutablePath')) { $executable = $imageINI->variable('ImageMagick', 'ExecutablePath') . eZSys::fileSeparator() . $executable; } // @todo Remove if ezc indeed do it automatically // if ( eZSys::osType() == 'win32' ) // $executable = "\"$executable\""; $imageHandlerSettings = new ezcImageHandlerSettings('ImageMagick', 'eZIEEzcImageMagickHandler', array('binary' => $executable)); $settings = new ezcImageConverterSettings(array($imageHandlerSettings)); } else { $settings = new ezcImageConverterSettings(array(new ezcImageHandlerSettings('GD', 'eZIEEzcGDHandler'))); } $this->converter = new ezcImageConverter($settings); $mimeType = $imageINI->variable('OutputSettings', 'AllowedOutputFormat'); $this->converter->createTransformation('transformation', $filter, $mimeType); }
/** * Search text in files using regexps (recursively through folders). * Assumes egrep is available if not on windows */ static function searchInFiles($searchtext, $cachedir, $is_regexp = true) { //$fileHandler = eZClusterFileHandler::instance(); $result = array(); if (eZSys::osType() != 'win32') { if ($is_regexp) { exec('egrep -s -R -l "' . str_replace('"', '\\"', $searchtext) . "\" \"{$cachedir}\"", $result); } else { exec('fgrep -s -R -l "' . str_replace('"', '\\"', $searchtext) . "\" \"{$cachedir}\"", $result); } } else { $files = @scandir($cachedir); if ($files === false) { return false; } foreach ($files as $file) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') { if (is_dir($cachedir . '/' . $file)) { $result = array_merge($result, self::searchInFiles($searchtext, $cachedir . '/' . $file, $is_regexp)); } else { $txt = @file_get_contents($cachedir . '/' . $file); /// @todo escape properly # if ($is_regexp) { if (preg_match("#" . $searchtext . "#", $txt)) { $result[] = $cachedir . '/' . $file; } } else { if (strpos($txt, $searchtext) !== false) { $result[] = $cachedir . '/' . $file; } } $txt = false; // free memory asap } } } } return $result; }
function eZSetupTestFileUpload($type) { $uploadEnabled = ini_get('file_uploads') != 0; $uploadDir = ini_get('upload_tmp_dir'); $uploadDirExists = true; $uploadDirWriteable = true; $uploadDirCreateFile = true; $uploadIsRoot = false; // Empty upload_tmp_dir variable means that the system // default is used. However the system default variable is hidden // from PHP code and must be guessed. // See: if (strlen(trim($uploadDir)) == 0) { $osType = eZSys::osType(); if ($osType == 'win32') { // Windows machines use the TEMP and TMP env variable. // TEMP is checked first. $uploadDir = eZSys::hasEnvironmentVariable('TEMP') ? eZSys::environmentVariable('TEMP') : ''; if ($uploadDir === '') { $uploadDir = eZSys::hasEnvironmentVariable('TMP') ? eZSys::environmentVariable('TMP') : ''; } // When TEMP/TMP is not set we have to guess the directory // The only valid guess is %SYSTEMROOT%/TEMP // If %SYSTEMROOT% is missing we keep the string empty if ($uploadDir === '') { if (eZSys::hasEnvironmentVariable('SYSTEMROOT')) { $uploadDir = eZSys::environmentVariable('SYSTEMROOT') . '/TEMP'; } } } else { if ($osType == 'unix' or $osType == 'mac') { $uploadDir = eZSys::hasEnvironmentVariable('TMPDIR') ? eZSys::environmentVariable('TMPDIR') : ''; // When TMPDIR is not set we have to guess the directory // On Unix systems we expect /tmp to be used if (strlen($uploadDir) == 0) { $uploadDir = '/tmp'; } } } } $uploadDirs = array(); if (strlen($uploadDir) > 0) { $uploadDirExists = file_exists($uploadDir); $uploadDirWriteable = eZDir::isWriteable($uploadDir); if ($uploadDirExists and $uploadDirWriteable) { $uploadDirCreateFile = false; $tmpFile = 'ezsetuptmp_' . md5(microtime()) . '.tmp'; $tmpFilePath = $uploadDir . '/' . $tmpFile; if ($fd = @fopen($tmpFilePath, 'w')) { $uploadDirCreateFile = true; @fclose($fd); unlink($tmpFilePath); } } $splitDirs = explode('/', trim($uploadDir, '/')); $dirPath = ''; foreach ($splitDirs as $splitDir) { $dirPath .= '/' . $splitDir; $uploadDirs[] = $dirPath; } if (substr($uploadDir, 0, 5) == '/root') { $uploadIsRoot = true; } } $result = ($uploadEnabled and $uploadDirExists and $uploadDirWriteable and $uploadDirCreateFile); $userInfo = eZSetupPrvPosixExtension(); return array('result' => $result, 'php_upload_is_enabled' => $uploadEnabled, 'php_upload_is_root' => $uploadIsRoot, 'php_upload_dir' => $uploadDir, 'php_upload_split_dirs' => $uploadDirs, 'upload_dir_exists' => $uploadDirExists, 'upload_dir_writeable' => $uploadDirWriteable, 'upload_dir_create_file' => $uploadDirCreateFile, 'user_info' => $userInfo, 'persistent_data' => array('result' => array('value' => $result))); }
static function linkCopy( $sourceFilename, $destinationFilename, $symbolicLink = true ) { if ( in_array( eZSys::osType(), array( 'unix', 'linux', 'mac' ) ) ) { if ( $symbolicLink ) $result = eZFileHandler::symlink( $sourceFilename, $destinationFilename ); else $result = eZFileHandler::link( $sourceFilename, $destinationFilename ); if ( $result ) return $result; return eZFileHandler::copy( $sourceFilename, $destinationFilename ); } else { return eZFileHandler::copy( $sourceFilename, $destinationFilename ); } }
static function isWriteable($filename) { if (eZSys::osType() != 'win32') { return is_writable($filename); } /* PHP function is_writable() doesn't work correctly on Windows NT descendants. * So we have to use the following hack on those OSes. */ if (!($fd = @fopen($filename, 'a'))) { return FALSE; } fclose($fd); return TRUE; }
private function installPackage($package) { $persistentData = array(); $persistentData['package_name'] = $package->attribute('name'); $persistentData['currentItem'] = 0; $persistentData['doItemInstall'] = true; $persistentData['error'] = array(); $persistentData['error_default_actions'] = array(); $installItemArray = $package->installItemsList(false, eZSys::osType()); foreach ($installItemArray as $installItem) { $installer = eZPackageInstallationHandler::instance($package, $installItem['type'], $installItem); if (!$installer || isset($persistentData['error']['choosen_action'])) { $result = $package->installItem($installItem, $persistentData); if (!$result) { $templateName = "design:package/install_error.tpl"; break; } else { $persistentData['error'] = array(); } } else { $persistentData['doItemInstall'] = false; $installer->generateStepMap($package, $persistentData); $displayStep = true; break; } } $package->setInstalled(); }
$persistentData = array(); $persistentData['package_name'] = $packageName; $persistentData['currentItem'] = $currentItem; $persistentData['doItemInstall'] = false; $persistentData['error'] = array(); $persistentData['error_default_actions'] = array(); } if ( !eZPackage::canUsePolicyFunction( 'install' ) ) return $module->handleError( eZError::KERNEL_ACCESS_DENIED, 'kernel' ); $package = eZPackage::fetch( $packageName ); if ( !$package ) return $module->handleError( eZError::KERNEL_NOT_AVAILABLE, 'kernel' ); $installItemArray = $package->installItemsList( false, eZSys::osType() ); $tpl = eZTemplate::factory(); if ( $module->isCurrentAction( 'SkipPackage' ) ) { $http->removeSessionVariable( 'eZPackageInstallerData' ); return $module->redirectToView( 'view', array( 'full', $package->attribute( 'name' ) ) ); } elseif ( $module->isCurrentAction( 'InstallPackage' ) ) { $persistentData['doItemInstall'] = true; } elseif ( $module->isCurrentAction( 'HandleError' ) ) { $persistentData['doItemInstall'] = true;
static function isWriteable( $dirname ) { if ( eZSys::osType() != 'win32' ) return is_writable( $dirname ); /* PHP function is_writable() doesn't work correctly on Windows NT descendants. * So we have to use the following hack on those OSes. */ $tmpfname = $dirname . eZSys::fileSeparator() . "ezsetup_" . md5( microtime() ) . ".tmp"; // try to create temporary file if ( !( $fp = @fopen( $tmpfname, "w" ) ) ) return FALSE; fclose( $fp ); unlink( $tmpfname ); return TRUE; }
function convert($manager, $sourceMimeData, &$destinationMimeData, $filters = false) { $argumentList = array(); $executable = $this->Executable; if (eZSys::osType() == 'win32' and $this->ExecutableWin32) { $executable = $this->ExecutableWin32; } else { if (eZSys::osType() == 'mac' and $this->ExecutableMac) { $executable = $this->ExecutableMac; } else { if (eZSys::osType() == 'unix' and $this->ExecutableUnix) { $executable = $this->ExecutableUnix; } } } if ($this->Path) { $executable = $this->Path . eZSys::fileSeparator() . $executable; } if (eZSys::osType() == 'win32') { $executable = "\"{$executable}\""; } $argumentList[] = $executable; if ($this->PreParameters) { $argumentList[] = $this->PreParameters; } $frameRangeParameters = $this->FrameRangeParameters; if ($frameRangeParameters && isset($frameRangeParameters[$sourceMimeData['name']])) { $sourceMimeData['url'] .= $frameRangeParameters[$sourceMimeData['name']]; } $argumentList[] = eZSys::escapeShellArgument($sourceMimeData['url']); $qualityParameters = $this->QualityParameters; if ($qualityParameters and isset($qualityParameters[$destinationMimeData['name']])) { $qualityParameter = $qualityParameters[$destinationMimeData['name']]; $outputQuality = $manager->qualityValue($destinationMimeData['name']); if ($outputQuality) { $qualityArgument = eZSys::createShellArgument($qualityParameter, array('%1' => $outputQuality)); $argumentList[] = $qualityArgument; } } if ($filters !== false) { foreach ($filters as $filterData) { $argumentList[] = $this->textForFilter($filterData); } } $destinationURL = $destinationMimeData['url']; if ($this->UseTypeTag) { $destinationURL = $this->tagForMIMEType($destinationMimeData) . $this->UseTypeTag . $destinationURL; } $argumentList[] = eZSys::escapeShellArgument($destinationURL); if ($this->PostParameters) { $argumentList[] = $this->PostParameters; } $systemString = implode(' ', $argumentList); system($systemString, $returnCode); if ($returnCode == 0) { if (!file_exists($destinationMimeData['url'])) { eZDebug::writeError('Unknown destination file: ' . $destinationMimeData['url'] . " when executing '{$systemString}'", 'eZImageShellHandler(' . $this->HandlerName . ')'); return false; } $this->changeFilePermissions($destinationMimeData['url']); return true; } else { eZDebug::writeWarning("Failed executing: {$systemString}, Error code: {$returnCode}", __METHOD__); return false; } }
function convert($manager, $sourceMimeData, &$destinationMimeData, $filters = false) { $argumentList = array(); $executable = $this->Executable; if (eZSys::osType() == 'win32' and $this->ExecutableWin32) { $executable = $this->ExecutableWin32; } else { if (eZSys::osType() == 'mac' and $this->ExecutableMac) { $executable = $this->ExecutableMac; } else { if (eZSys::osType() == 'unix' and $this->ExecutableUnix) { $executable = $this->ExecutableUnix; } } } if ($this->Path) { $executable = $this->Path . eZSys::fileSeparator() . $executable; } if (eZSys::osType() == 'win32') { $executable = "\"{$executable}\""; } $argumentList[] = $executable; if ($this->PreParameters) { $argumentList[] = $this->PreParameters; } $frameRangeParameters = $this->FrameRangeParameters; if ($frameRangeParameters && isset($frameRangeParameters[$sourceMimeData['name']])) { $sourceMimeData['url'] .= $frameRangeParameters[$sourceMimeData['name']]; } // Issue EZP-21357: // ImageMagick has it's own meta-characters support, hence: // $ convert 'File*.jpg'' ... // Still expand File*.jpg as the shell would do, however, this is only true for the file's basename part and not // for the whole path. $argumentList[] = eZSys::escapeShellArgument($sourceMimeData['dirpath'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . addcslashes($sourceMimeData['filename'], '~*?[]{}<>')); $qualityParameters = $this->QualityParameters; if ($qualityParameters and isset($qualityParameters[$destinationMimeData['name']])) { $qualityParameter = $qualityParameters[$destinationMimeData['name']]; $outputQuality = $manager->qualityValue($destinationMimeData['name']); if ($outputQuality) { $qualityArgument = eZSys::createShellArgument($qualityParameter, array('%1' => $outputQuality)); $argumentList[] = $qualityArgument; } } if ($filters !== false) { foreach ($filters as $filterData) { $argumentList[] = $this->textForFilter($filterData); } } $destinationURL = $destinationMimeData['url']; if ($this->UseTypeTag) { $destinationURL = $this->tagForMIMEType($destinationMimeData) . $this->UseTypeTag . $destinationURL; } $argumentList[] = eZSys::escapeShellArgument($destinationURL); if ($this->PostParameters) { $argumentList[] = $this->PostParameters; } $systemString = implode(' ', $argumentList); system($systemString, $returnCode); if ($returnCode == 0) { if (!file_exists($destinationMimeData['url'])) { eZDebug::writeError('Unknown destination file: ' . $destinationMimeData['url'] . " when executing '{$systemString}'", 'eZImageShellHandler(' . $this->HandlerName . ')'); return false; } $this->changeFilePermissions($destinationMimeData['url']); return true; } else { eZDebug::writeWarning("Failed executing: {$systemString}, Error code: {$returnCode}", __METHOD__); return false; } }
* @license GNU General Public License v2 * @version 2012.8 * @package kernel */ $cli->output("Checking link ..."); $cronjobIni = eZINI::instance('cronjob.ini'); $siteURLs = $cronjobIni->variable('linkCheckSettings', 'SiteURL'); $linkList = eZURL::fetchList(array('only_published' => true)); foreach ($linkList as $link) { $linkID = $link->attribute('id'); $url = $link->attribute('url'); $isValid = $link->attribute('is_valid'); $cli->output("check-" . $cli->stylize('emphasize', $url) . " ", false); if (preg_match("/^(http:)/i", $url) or preg_match("/^(ftp:)/i", $url) or preg_match("/^(https:)/i", $url) or preg_match("/^(file:)/i", $url) or preg_match("/^(mailto:)/i", $url)) { if (preg_match("/^(mailto:)/i", $url)) { if (eZSys::osType() != 'win32') { $url = trim(preg_replace("/^mailto:(.+)/i", "\\1", $url)); list($userName, $host) = explode('@', $url); list($host, $junk) = explode('?', $host); $dnsCheck = checkdnsrr($host, "MX"); if (!$dnsCheck) { if ($isValid) { eZURL::setIsValid($linkID, false); } $cli->output($cli->stylize('warning', "invalid")); } else { if (!$isValid) { eZURL::setIsValid($linkID, true); } $cli->output($cli->stylize('success', "valid")); }
/** * NOTE: What if other data is also in the db? Either we do not convert it and * have it most likely corrupted, or we convert it - and leave to the client * for the other apps to set up NLS_LANG correctly to keep working. * * We could use the csalter script iff we where sure that db version was > 9... * * Oracle 9 exp exports data using the DB charset * * From May be the best procedure is the following one: On PROD Database: 1. export full=y rows=n file=export_db_structure.dmp 2. export full=y file=export_db_date.dmp On TEST Database: 1. create tablespaces with the same name on PROD 2. import full=y file=export_db_structure.dmp ignore=y Now we have users of PROD, on TEST database. SYSTEM user is not imported, because already exists. 3. import fromuser=user1,user2,user3 touser=user1,user2,user3 file=export_db_data.dmp ignore=y now we have user1..3 data on their tables... * Unfortunately even if we do that, Oracle will nto let us convert a db from * latin1 to utf8 charsets. The only way is to drop the db and creater it * from scratch. Since we have no clue about db storage, we will let the admin * take care of that part, and only do the export/import parts. * * @todo oracle servers might use UTF8 charset instead of AL32UTF8: check before executing! * * @todo using dbname as file name does not work with easy conection naming * * @todo log somewhere results of imp, exp commands for better understanding of errors */ function changeDBCharsetORACLE($charset, $collation) { global $db, $oracleDbaAccount, $oracleHome, $eZDir; //$db = eZDB::instance( false, array( 'user' => $oracleDbaAccount['user'], 'password' => $oracleDbaAccount['password'] ), true ); // since we are here, we should be connected with a dba account (extra conditions check did it) $oracleCharset = $db->arrayQuery("select value from nls_database_parameters where parameter = 'NLS_CHARACTERSET'"); $oracleCharset = $oracleCharset[0]['value']; //$oracleLocale = $db->arrayQuery("select language||'_'||territory as locale from (select value as language from nls_database_parameters where parameter = 'NLS_LANGUAGE'), (select value as territory from nls_database_parameters where parameter = 'NLS_TERRITORY')"); //$oracleLocale = $oracleLocale[0]['locale']; /*$users = $db->arrayQuery("select username from all_users where username not in ('SYS', 'SYSTEM')"); $oracleUsers = array(); foreach( $users as $row ) { $oracleUsers[] = $row['username']; }*/ if ($oracleCharset == 'AL32UTF8') { // lucky case: client was configued to use another charset, but db was internally utf8 already! showMessage3(" database charset is already UTF8: skipping."); } else { // get database name $dbName = $db->DB; //$dbversion = $db->databaseServerVersion(); // get connection params //$host = $db->Server; //$port = $db->Port; //$user = $db->User; //$pass = $db->Password; $connectionParams = $oracleDbaAccount['user'] . '/' . $oracleDbaAccount['password'] . "@{$dbName}"; // get temporary dir to store dumps $ini = eZINI::instance(); $dumpDir = $ini->variable('FileSettings', 'TemporaryDir') . basename(__FILE__, '.php'); $dumpFile1 = $dbName . "_structure_export.dmp"; $dumpPath1 = "{$dumpDir}/{$dumpFile1}"; $dumpFile2 = $dbName . "_full_export.dmp"; $dumpPath2 = "{$dumpDir}/{$dumpFile2}"; $commandPath = "{$dumpDir}/{$dbName}" . "_cmd.sql"; $logPath = "{$dumpDir}/{$dbName}" . "_cmd.log"; $users = implode(',', $oracleUsers); //$ora_charset = ""; // prepare utility commands $exe = eZSys::osType() == 'win32' ? '.exe' : ''; $exec = eZSys::osType() == 'win32' ? '' : './'; $expdb1 = "{$exec}exp{$exe} {$connectionParams} CONSISTENT=Y FULL=Y ROWS=N FILE={$dumpPath1}"; $expdb2 = "{$exec}exp{$exe} {$connectionParams} CONSISTENT=Y FULL=Y FILE={$dumpPath2}"; $impdb1 = "{$exec}imp{$exe} {$connectionParams} FULL=Y IGNORE=Y BUFFER=30960 FILE={$dumpPath1}"; $impdb2 = "{$exec}imp{$exe} {$connectionParams} FROMUSER={$users} TOUSER={$users} IGNORE=Y BUFFER=30960 FILE={$dumpPath2}"; /* $alterdb = "SET ECHO ON SPOOL $logPath; WHENEVER SQLERROR EXIT FAILURE; WHENEVER OSERROR EXIT FAILURE;"; if ( $dbversion['string'][0] == '8' ) { /// @todo: check if using oracle < 8.1.5: we have touse svrmgrl then, as sqlplus was not good enough yet $sqlplus = "{$exec}sqlplus{$exe} $connectionParams"; $alterdb .= " CONNECT $connectionParams AS SYSDBA"; } else { $sqlplus = "{$exec}sqlplus{$exe} -L $connectionParams as sysdba"; } //$dropdb = "dropdb $connectionParams"; //$createdb = "createdb $connectionParams"; foreach( $oracleUsers as $user ) { $alterdb .= " DROP USER $user CASCADE;"; } $alterdb .= " SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE; STARTUP MOUNT; ALTER SYSTEM ENABLE RESTRICTED SESSION; ALTER SYSTEM SET JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES=0; ALTER SYSTEM SET AQ_TM_PROCESSES=0; ALTER DATABASE OPEN; ALTER DATABASE CHARACTER SET AL32UTF8; SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE; -- or SHUTDOWN NORMAL; STARTUP; EXIT; "; */ // finalizing changes. Note that since we asked for admin connection before, // disconnecting and reconnecting, this is surely a NOOP //showMessage3( 'finalizing current changes' ); //$db->commit(); /// @todo add a database logfile switch or checkpoint here? it would be nice... // close current connection $db->close(); showMessage3(' sleeping..'); sleep(5); // dump db showMessage3(" taking the db dump, tmp storage is '{$dumpPath1}', '{$dumpPath2}'"); eZDir::mkdir($dumpDir, false, true); chdir($oracleHome . '/bin'); eZExecuteShellCommand($expdb1, "failed to dump db schema. tried command '{$expdb1}'", true, true); eZExecuteShellCommand($expdb2, "failed to dump db data. tried command '{$expdb2}'", true, true); chdir($eZDir); // verify that dump files exist if (!file_exists($dumpPath1) || !file_exists($dumpPath2)) { showError("DB Dump files cannot be found. Aborting..."); } /* showMessage3( "altering db with charset '$charset'" ); $command = $sqlplus . " @$commandPath"; file_put_contents( $commandPath, $alterdb ); eZExecuteShellCommand( $command, "failed to alter db. tried command '$command'"); */ showMessage3(''); showMessage3("Now you will have to alter the database character set."); showMessage3("The recommended way is to create a new database from scratch"); showMessage3("using AL32UTF8 as character set (THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT),"); showMessage3("and delete the existing one."); showMessage3("The new database should be empty (all schemas will be recreated by this script)"); showMessage3("and have the same DBA account as the old one."); showMessage3("It should also use the same connect identifier as the old one."); showMessage3(''); showMessage3("PLEASE do not terminate this php script while doing that,"); showMessage3("use a different command line shell."); showMessage3(''); $continue = eZGetUserInput("Press Y when you are ready to continue... "); if ($continue != 'y' && $continue != 'Y') { showError("Aborting"); } // connect to new db with dba account, check that charset is OK while (true) { $db = eZDB::instance(false, array('user' => $oracleDbaAccount['user'], 'password' => $oracleDbaAccount['password']), true); if (!$db->isConnected()) { showWarning("Cannot connect to the new database.\n" . "Please check that it is up and running before continuing"); } else { $oracleCharset = $db->arrayQuery("select value from nls_database_parameters where parameter = 'NLS_CHARACTERSET'"); $oracleCharset = $oracleCharset[0]['value']; $db->close(); if ($oracleCharset == 'AL32UTF8') { break; } else { showWarning("The new database uses the {$oracleCharset} character set instead of AL32UTF8.\n" . "Please recreate the database using AL32UTF8 before continuing"); } } $continue = eZGetUserInput("Press Y when you are ready to continue. Any other letter to abort "); if ($continue != 'y' && $continue != 'Y') { showError("Aborting"); } } // restore dump into newly created db showMessage3(" restoring db dump"); chdir($oracleHome . '/bin'); eZExecuteShellCommand($impdb1, "failed to restore db dump. tried command '{$impdb1}'"); eZExecuteShellCommand($impdb2, "failed to restore db dump. tried command '{$impdb2}'"); chdir($eZDir); showMessage3(" cleaning up"); // clean up eZDir::recursiveDelete($dumpPath1); eZDir::recursiveDelete($dumpPath2); } // re-initialize db interface, *** this time in UTF8 - with the standard user *** $db = eZDB::instance(false, array('charset' => 'utf8'), true); if (!$db->isConnected()) { showError("Cannot reconnect to DB. Aborting..."); } //$db->begin(); }