function sendMail(ezcMail $mail)
     $separator = "/";
     $mail->appendExcludeHeaders(array('to', 'subject'));
     $headers = rtrim($mail->generateHeaders());
     // rtrim removes the linebreak at the end, mail doesn't want it.
     if (count($mail->to) + count($mail->cc) + count($mail->bcc) < 1) {
         throw new ezcMailTransportException('No recipient addresses found in message header.');
     $additionalParameters = "";
     if (isset($mail->returnPath)) {
         $additionalParameters = "-f{$mail->returnPath->email}";
     $sys = eZSys::instance();
     $fname = time() . '-' . rand() . '.mail';
     $qdir = eZSys::siteDir() . eZSys::varDirectory() . $separator . 'mailq';
     $data = $headers . ezcMailTools::lineBreak();
     $data .= ezcMailTools::lineBreak();
     $data .= $mail->generateBody();
     $data = preg_replace('/(\\r\\n|\\r|\\n)/', "\r\n", $data);
     $success = eZFile::create($fname, $qdir, $data);
     if ($success === false) {
         throw new ezcMailTransportException('The email could not be sent by sendmail');
 function sendMail(eZMail $mail)
     $ini = eZINI::instance();
     $sendmailOptions = '';
     $emailFrom = $mail->sender();
     $emailSender = isset($emailFrom['email']) ? $emailFrom['email'] : false;
     if (!$emailSender || count($emailSender) <= 0) {
         $emailSender = $ini->variable('MailSettings', 'EmailSender');
     if (!$emailSender) {
         $emailSender = $ini->variable('MailSettings', 'AdminEmail');
     if (!eZMail::validate($emailSender)) {
         $emailSender = false;
     $isSafeMode = ini_get('safe_mode') != 0;
     $sendmailOptionsArray = $ini->variable('MailSettings', 'SendmailOptions');
     if (is_array($sendmailOptionsArray)) {
         $sendmailOptions = implode(' ', $sendmailOptionsArray);
     } elseif (!is_string($sendmailOptionsArray)) {
         $sendmailOptions = $sendmailOptionsArray;
     if (!$isSafeMode and $emailSender) {
         $sendmailOptions .= ' -f' . $emailSender;
     if ($isSafeMode and $emailSender and $mail->sender() == false) {
     if (function_exists('mail')) {
         $message = $mail->body();
         $sys = eZSys::instance();
         $excludeHeaders = array('Subject');
         // If not Windows PHP mail() implementation, we can not specify a To: header in the $additional_headers parameter,
         // because then there will be 2 To: headers in the resulting e-mail.
         // However, we can use "undisclosed-recipients:;" in $to.
         if ($sys->osType() != 'win32') {
             $excludeHeaders[] = 'To';
             $receiverEmailText = count($mail->ReceiverElements) > 0 ? $mail->receiverEmailText() : 'undisclosed-recipients:;';
         } else {
             $receiverEmailText = $mail->receiverEmailText();
         // If in debug mode, send to debug email address and nothing else
         if ($ini->variable('MailSettings', 'DebugSending') == 'enabled') {
             $receiverEmailText = $ini->variable('MailSettings', 'DebugReceiverEmail');
             $excludeHeaders[] = 'To';
             $excludeHeaders[] = 'Cc';
             $excludeHeaders[] = 'Bcc';
         $extraHeaders = $mail->headerText(array('exclude-headers' => $excludeHeaders));
         $returnedValue = mail($receiverEmailText, $mail->subject(), $message, $extraHeaders, $sendmailOptions);
         if ($returnedValue === false) {
             eZDebug::writeError('An error occurred while sending e-mail. Check the Sendmail error message for further information (usually in /var/log/messages)', __METHOD__);
         return $returnedValue;
     } else {
         eZDebug::writeWarning("Unable to send mail: 'mail' function is not compiled into PHP.", __METHOD__);
     return false;
Beispiel #3
 public function tearDown()
     // Make sure to restore the RequestURI in case other tests depends on
     // on the RequestURI variable.
     $ezsys = eZSys::instance();
     $ezsys->RequestURI = $this->originalRequestURI;
 public function __construct()
     $sys = eZSys::instance();
     $storage_dir = $sys->storageDirectory();
     $this->ArchiveDir = $storage_dir . '/' . $this->ArchiveDirName;
     if (!file_exists($this->ArchiveDir)) {
         eZDir::mkdir($this->ArchiveDir, false, true);
 function storageDir( $sub_dir = false )
     $sys = eZSys::instance();
     $storage_dir = $sys->storageDirectory();
     if ( $sub_dir !== false )
         $dir = $storage_dir . "/$sub_dir/" . $this->MimeCategory;
         $dir = $storage_dir . "/" . $this->MimeCategory;
     return $dir;
 public function setUp()
     // Backup previous instance of eZSys (if any) and reset it
     $this->oldSysInstance = eZSys::instance();
     // Set the RequestURI to a known value so that eZSys::requestURI()
     // returns something known and useful.
     $this->queryString = "?foo=bar&this=that";
     eZSys::setServerVariable("REQUEST_URI", "/all/work/and/no/sleep/makes/(ole)/a/(dull)/boy{$this->queryString}");
 function deleteStoredObjectAttribute($contentObjectAttribute, $version = null)
     $contentObjectAttributeID = $contentObjectAttribute->attribute("id");
     $mediaFiles = ezflowMedia::fetch($contentObjectAttributeID, null);
     $sys = eZSys::instance();
     $storage_dir = $sys->storageDirectory();
     if ($version == null) {
         foreach ($mediaFiles as $mediaFile) {
             $mimeType = $mediaFile->attribute("mime_type");
             list($prefix, $suffix) = split('[/]', $mimeType);
             //                $orig_dir = "var/storage/original/" . $prefix;
             $orig_dir = $storage_dir . '/original/' . $prefix;
             $fileName = $mediaFile->attribute("filename");
             if ($fileName == '') {
             $file = eZClusterFileHandler::instance($orig_dir . "/" . $fileName);
             if ($file->exists()) {
     } else {
         $count = 0;
         $currentBinaryFile = ezflowMedia::fetch($contentObjectAttributeID, $version);
         if ($currentBinaryFile != null) {
             $mimeType = $currentBinaryFile->attribute("mime_type");
             $currentFileName = $currentBinaryFile->attribute("filename");
             list($prefix, $suffix) = is_string($mimeType) && $mimeType ? split('[/]', $mimeType) : array(null, null);
             //              $orig_dir = "var/storage/original/" . $prefix;
             $orig_dir = $storage_dir . '/original/' . $prefix;
             foreach ($mediaFiles as $mediaFile) {
                 $fileName = $mediaFile->attribute("filename");
                 if ($currentFileName == $fileName) {
                     $count += 1;
             if ($count == 1 && $currentFileName != '') {
                 $file = eZClusterFileHandler::instance($orig_dir . "/" . $currentFileName);
                 if ($file->exists()) {
     ezflowMedia::removeByID($contentObjectAttributeID, $version);
  * @param unknown_type $receiver
  * @param unknown_type $subject
  * @param unknown_type $message
  * @param unknown_type $extraHeaders
  * @param unknown_type $emailReturnPath
  * @return file
 function createMailFile($receiver, $subject, $message, $extraHeaders, $emailReturnPath = '')
     $sys = eZSys::instance();
     $lineBreak = $sys->osType() == 'win32' ? "\r\n" : "\n";
     // $separator =  ($sys->osType() == 'win32' ? "\\" : "/" );
     // $fileName = date("Ymd") .'-' .date("His").'-'.rand().'.mail';
     $fileName = time() . '-' . rand() . '-cjw_nl.mail';
     // $mailDir = eZSys::siteDir().eZSys::varDirectory().'/log/mail';
     // $mailDir = eZSys::siteDir().'var/log/mail';
     $data = $extraHeaders . $lineBreak;
     if ($emailReturnPath != '') {
         $data .= "Return-Path: <" . $emailReturnPath . ">" . $lineBreak;
     $data .= "To: " . $receiver . $lineBreak;
     $data .= "Subject: " . $subject . $lineBreak;
     // $data .= "From: ".$emailSender.$lineBreak;
     $data .= $lineBreak;
     $data .= $message;
     $data = preg_replace('/(\\r\\n|\\r|\\n)/', "\r\n", $data);
     return eZFile::create($fileName, $this->mailDir, $data);
 function __construct()
     $this->ReceiverElements = array();
     $this->MobileElements = array();
     $this->From = false;
     $this->CcElements = array();
     $this->BccElements = array();
     $this->ReplyTo = false;
     $this->Subject = false;
     $this->BodyText = false;
     $this->ExtraHeaders = array();
     $this->TextCodec = false;
     $this->MessageID = false;
     $this->Date = false;
     // Sets some default values
     $version = eZPublishSDK::version();
     $this->MIMEVersion = '1.0';
     $this->ContentType = array('type' => 'text/plain', 'charset' => eZTextCodec::internalCharset(), 'transfer-encoding' => '8bit', 'disposition' => 'inline', 'boundary' => false);
     $this->UserAgent = "eZ publish, Version {$version}";
     $ini = eZINI::instance();
     // HACK! Ignore system content type
     //if ( $ini->hasVariable( 'MailSettings', 'ContentType' ) )
     //    $this->setContentType( $ini->variable( 'MailSettings', 'ContentType' ) );
     if (!defined('EZ_MAIL_LINE_SEPARATOR')) {
         $ini = eZINI::instance('site.ini');
         $ending = $ini->variable('MailSettings', 'HeaderLineEnding');
         if ($ending == 'auto') {
             $sys = eZSys::instance();
             // For windows we use \r\n which is the endline defined in RFC 2045
             if ($sys->osType() == 'win32') {
                 $separator = "\r\n";
             } else {
                 $separator = "\n";
         } else {
             $separator = urldecode($ending);
         define('EZ_MAIL_LINE_SEPARATOR', $separator);
Beispiel #10
  * Implementation of an 'ezurl' template operator
  * Makes valid eZ Publish urls to use in links
  * @param string &$href
  * @param boolean $ignoreIndexDir
  * @param string $serverURL full|relative
  * @return string the link to use
 public static function transformURI(&$href, $ignoreIndexDir = false, $serverURL = null)
     if ($serverURL === null) {
         $serverURL = self::$transformURIMode;
     if (preg_match("#^[a-zA-Z0-9]+:#", $href) || substr($href, 0, 2) == '//') {
         return false;
     if (strlen($href) == 0) {
         $href = '/';
     } else {
         if ($href[0] == '#') {
             $href = htmlspecialchars($href);
             return true;
         } else {
             if ($href[0] != '/') {
                 $href = '/' . $href;
     $sys = eZSys::instance();
     $dir = !$ignoreIndexDir ? $sys->indexDir() : $sys->wwwDir();
     $serverURL = $serverURL === 'full' ? $sys->serverURL() : '';
     $href = $serverURL . $dir . $href;
     if (!$ignoreIndexDir) {
         $href = preg_replace("#^(//)#", "/", $href);
         $href = preg_replace("#(^.*)(/+)\$#", "\$1", $href);
     $href = str_replace('&amp;amp;', '&amp;', htmlspecialchars($href));
     if ($href == "") {
         $href = "/";
     return true;
    function fetchNodeInfo( &$node )
        // When finished, we'll return an array of attributes/properties.
        $entry = array();

        // Grab settings from the ini file:
        $webdavINI = eZINI::instance( eZWebDAVContentServer::WEBDAV_INI_FILE );
        $iniSettings = $webdavINI->variable( 'DisplaySettings', 'FileAttribute' );

        $classIdentifier = $node->attribute( 'class_identifier' );

        $object = $node->attribute( 'object' );

        // By default, everything is displayed as a folder:
        // Trim the name of the node, it is in some cases whitespace in eZ Publish
        $entry["name"] = trim( $node->attribute( 'name' ) );
        $entry["size"] = 0;
        $entry["mimetype"] = 'httpd/unix-directory';
        $entry["ctime"] = $object->attribute( 'published' );
        $entry["mtime"] = $object->attribute( 'modified' );

        $upload = new eZContentUpload();
        $info = $upload->objectFileInfo( $object );
        $suffix = '';
        $class = $object->contentClass();
        $isObjectFolder = $this->isObjectFolder( $object, $class );

        if ( $isObjectFolder )
            // We do nothing, the default is to see it as a folder
        else if ( $info )
            $filePath = $info['filepath'];
            $entry["mimetype"] = false;
            $entry["size"] = false;
            if ( isset( $info['filesize'] ) )
                $entry['size'] = $info['filesize'];
            if ( isset( $info['mime_type'] ) )
                $entry['mimetype'] = $info['mime_type'];

            // Fill in information from the actual file if they are missing.
            $file = eZClusterFileHandler::instance( $filePath );
            if ( !$entry['size'] and $file->exists() )
                $entry["size"] = $file->size();
            if ( !$entry['mimetype']  )
                $mimeInfo = eZMimeType::findByURL( $filePath );
                $entry["mimetype"] = $mimeInfo['name'];
                $suffix = $mimeInfo['suffix'];
                if ( strlen( $suffix ) > 0 )
                    $entry["name"] .= '.' . $suffix;
                // eZMimeType returns first suffix in its list
                // this could be another one than the original file extension
                // so let's try to get the suffix from the file path first
                $suffix = eZFile::suffix( $filePath );
                if ( !$suffix )
                    $mimeInfo = eZMimeType::findByName( $entry['mimetype'] );
                    $suffix = $mimeInfo['suffix'];
                if ( strlen( $suffix ) > 0 )
                    $entry["name"] .= '.' . $suffix;

            if ( $file->exists() )
                $entry["ctime"] = $file->mtime();
                $entry["mtime"] = $file->mtime();
            // Here we only show items as folders if they have
            // is_container set to true, otherwise it's an unknown binary file
            if ( !$class->attribute( 'is_container' ) )
                $entry['mimetype'] = 'application/octet-stream';

        $scriptURL = eZSys::instance()->RequestURI;
        if ( strlen( $scriptURL ) > 0 and $scriptURL[ strlen( $scriptURL ) - 1 ] != "/" )
            $scriptURL .= "/";

        $trimmedScriptURL = trim( $scriptURL, '/' );
        $scriptURLParts = explode( '/', $trimmedScriptURL );

        $siteAccess = $scriptURLParts[0];
        $virtualFolder = $scriptURLParts[1];

        $startURL = '/' . $siteAccess . '/' . $virtualFolder . '/';

        // Set the href attribute (note that it doesn't just equal the name).
        if ( !isset( $entry['href'] ) )
            if ( strlen( $suffix ) > 0 )
                $suffix = '.' . $suffix;

            $alias = $node->urlAlias();
            if ( $virtualFolder == eZWebDAVContentServer::virtualMediaFolderName() )
                // remove the real media node url alias, the virtual media folder is already in $startURL
                $aliasParts = explode( '/', $alias );
                array_shift( $aliasParts );
                $alias = implode( '/', $aliasParts );
            $entry["href"] = $startURL . $alias . $suffix;
        // Return array of attributes/properties (name, size, mime, times, etc.).
        return $entry;
    static function lineSeparator()
        $ini = eZINI::instance( 'site.ini' );
        $ending = $ini->variable( 'MailSettings', 'HeaderLineEnding' );
        if ( $ending == 'auto' )
            $sys = eZSys::instance();
            // For windows we use \r\n which is the endline defined in RFC 2045
            if ( $sys->osType() == 'win32' )
                $separator = "\r\n";
            else // for linux/unix/mac we use \n only due to some mail transfer agents destroying
                 // emails containing \r\n
                $separator = "\n";
            $separator = urldecode( $ending );

        return $separator;
Beispiel #13
  * Sets eZSys instance or clears it if left undefined.
  * @param eZSys $instance
 public static function setInstance( eZSys $instance = null )
     self::$instance = $instance;
Beispiel #14
  * generateTag
  * @param array $files
  * @return string $html
 private function generateTag($files)
     eZDebug::writeDebug($files, 'ezLessOperator::generateTag');
     $html = $cssContent = '';
     $ini = eZINI::instance('ezless.ini');
     $compileMethod = trim($ini->variable('ezlessconfig', 'CompileMethod'));
     $useOneFile = $ini->variable('ezlessconfig', 'useOneFile');
     // ToDo: siteaccess as parameter
     $bases = eZTemplateDesignResource::allDesignBases();
     $triedFiles = array();
     $importsTried = array();
     if ($compileMethod === 'javascript') {
         foreach ($files as $file) {
             $match = eZTemplateDesignResource::fileMatch($bases, '', 'stylesheets/' . $file, $triedFiles);
             if ($match) {
                 $path = "/{$match['path']}";
                 $html .= "<link rel=\"stylesheet/less\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"{$path}\">" . PHP_EOL;
         $lessJSFilename = $ini->variable('ezlessconfig', 'LessJSFile');
         $lookForLessJS = eZTemplateDesignResource::fileMatch($bases, '', 'javascript/' . $lessJSFilename, $triedFiles);
         if (!$lookForLessJS) {
             eZDebug::writeDebug("Using LessJS mode but unable to find less.js (LessJSFile={$lessJSFilename}).\nTried files : " . implode("\n", $triedFiles), __CLASS__ . "::" . __FUNCTION__);
         } else {
             $path = "/{$lookForLessJS['path']}";
             $html .= "<script src=\"{$path}\" type=\"text/javascript\" ></script>" . PHP_EOL;
         return $html;
     } elseif ($compileMethod === 'lessphp') {
         $sys = eZSys::instance();
         $path = $sys->cacheDirectory() . '/public/stylesheets';
         require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/lessphp/';
         $packerLevel = $this->getPackerLevel();
         $less = new lessc();
         foreach ($bases as $base) {
             $less->importDir[] = $base . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'stylesheets';
         $importContent = "";
         $importCss = "";
         if (count(self::$imports) > 0) {
             foreach (self::$imports as $import) {
                 $match = eZTemplateDesignResource::fileMatch($bases, '', 'stylesheets/' . $import, $importsTried);
                 $importCss = file_get_contents($match['path']);
                 $importContent .= $importCss;
         foreach ($files as $file) {
             $match = eZTemplateDesignResource::fileMatch($bases, '', 'stylesheets/' . $file, $triedFiles);
             $content = file_get_contents($match['path']);
             $content = ezjscPacker::fixImgPaths($content, $match['path']);
             if ($useOneFile == "true") {
                 $cssContent .= $content;
             } else {
                 try {
                     $parsedContent = $less->parse($importContent . $content);
                     if ($packerLevel > 1) {
                         $parsedContent = $this->optimizeCSS($parsedContent, $packerLevel);
                     // $file = md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), true)) . ".css";
                     $file = substr($file, 0, -4) . 'css';
                     // we wan't to know what's the name of the less file on the browser
                     $file = $path . '/' . $file;
                     $clusterFile = eZClusterFileHandler::instance($file);
                     $clusterFile->storeContents($parsedContent, 'ezless', 'text/css');
                     eZURI::transformURI($file, true);
                     $html .= '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . $file . '" />' . PHP_EOL;
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                     eZDebug::writeError($e->getMessage(), 'ezLessOperator for ' . $match['path']);
         if ($useOneFile == "true") {
             $file = md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), true)) . ".css";
             try {
                 $parsedContent = $less->parse($cssContent);
                 if ($packerLevel > 1) {
                     $parsedContent = $this->optimizeCSS($parsedContent, $packerLevel);
                 $file = $path . '/' . $file;
                 $clusterFile = eZClusterFileHandler::instance($file);
                 $clusterFile->storeContents($parsedContent, 'ezless', 'text/css');
                 eZURI::transformURI($file, true);
                 $html = '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . $file . '" />' . PHP_EOL;
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 eZDebug::writeError($e->getMessage(), 'ezLessOperator parsing error');
         return $html;
     } else {
         eZDebug::writeError("Unknown compile method : '{$compileMethod}'", __CLASS__ . "::" . __FUNCTION__);
    function deleteStoredObjectAttribute( $contentObjectAttribute, $version = null )
        $contentObjectAttributeID = $contentObjectAttribute->attribute( "id" );
        $sys = eZSys::instance();
        $storage_dir = $sys->storageDirectory();

        if ( $version == null )
            $binaryFiles = eZBinaryFile::fetch( $contentObjectAttributeID );
            eZBinaryFile::removeByID( $contentObjectAttributeID, null );

            foreach ( $binaryFiles as  $binaryFile )
                $mimeType =  $binaryFile->attribute( "mime_type" );
                list( $prefix, $suffix ) = explode('/', $mimeType );
                $orig_dir = $storage_dir . '/original/' . $prefix;
                $fileName = $binaryFile->attribute( "filename" );

                // Check if there are any other records in ezbinaryfile that point to that fileName.
                $binaryObjectsWithSameFileName = eZBinaryFile::fetchByFileName( $fileName );

                $filePath = $orig_dir . "/" . $fileName;
                $file = eZClusterFileHandler::instance( $filePath );

                if ( $file->exists() and count( $binaryObjectsWithSameFileName ) < 1 )
            $count = 0;
            $binaryFile = eZBinaryFile::fetch( $contentObjectAttributeID, $version );
            if ( $binaryFile != null )
                $mimeType =  $binaryFile->attribute( "mime_type" );
                list( $prefix, $suffix ) = explode('/', $mimeType );
                $orig_dir = $storage_dir . "/original/" . $prefix;
                $fileName = $binaryFile->attribute( "filename" );

                eZBinaryFile::removeByID( $contentObjectAttributeID, $version );

                // Check if there are any other records in ezbinaryfile that point to that fileName.
                $binaryObjectsWithSameFileName = eZBinaryFile::fetchByFileName( $fileName );

                $filePath = $orig_dir . "/" . $fileName;
                $file = eZClusterFileHandler::instance( $filePath );

                if ( $file->exists() and count( $binaryObjectsWithSameFileName ) < 1 )
Beispiel #16
 function createFile($message)
     $sys = eZSys::instance();
     $lineBreak = $sys->osType() == 'win32' ? "\r\n" : "\n";
     $separator = $sys->osType() == 'win32' ? "\\" : "/";
     $fname = time() . '-' . rand() . '.sms';
     $qdir = eZSys::siteDir() . eZSys::varDirectory() . $separator . 'mailq';
     $data = $message;
     $data = preg_replace('/(\\r\\n|\\r|\\n)/', "\r\n", $data);
     // echo 'eZFile::create('.$fname.', '.$qdir.', '.$data.');';
     eZFile::create($fname, $qdir, $data);
Beispiel #17
 static function eZImage($tpl, $operatorValue, $operatorName, $skipSlash = false)
     $sys = eZSys::instance();
     if ($skipSlash && strlen($sys->wwwDir()) != 0) {
         $skipSlash = false;
     $bases = eZTemplateDesignResource::allDesignBases();
     $triedFiles = array();
     $fileInfo = eZTemplateDesignResource::fileMatch($bases, 'images', $operatorValue, $triedFiles);
     if (!$fileInfo) {
         $tpl->warning($operatorName, "Image '{$operatorValue}' does not exist in any design");
         $tpl->warning($operatorName, "Tried files: " . implode(', ', $triedFiles));
         $siteDesign = eZTemplateDesignResource::designSetting('site');
         $imgPath = "design/{$siteDesign}/images/{$operatorValue}";
     } else {
         $imgPath = $fileInfo['path'];
     $operatorValue = $skipSlash ? $imgPath : $sys->wwwDir() . '/' . $imgPath;
     $operatorValue = htmlspecialchars($operatorValue);
     return $operatorValue;
  * Called by PHPUnit before each test, bakup eZSys instance
 public function setUp()
     $this->eZSysInstanceBackup = eZSys::instance();
Beispiel #19
 static function getWwwDir()
     static $wwwDir = null;
     if ($wwwDir === null) {
         $sys = eZSys::instance();
         $wwwDir = $sys->wwwDir() . '/';
     return $wwwDir;
Beispiel #20
 static function requestURI()
     return eZSys::instance()->RequestURI;
 function deleteStoredObjectAttribute($contentObjectAttribute, $version = null)
     /* This is called when you delete the datatype from the class*/
     $contentObjectAttributeID = $contentObjectAttribute->attribute("id");
     $sys = eZSys::instance();
     $storage_dir = $sys->storageDirectory();
     require_once 'kernel/classes/ezclusterfilehandler.php';
     if ($version == null) {
         $binaryFiles = eZBinaryFile::fetch($contentObjectAttributeID);
         eZBinaryFile::removeByID($contentObjectAttributeID, null);
         foreach ($binaryFiles as $binaryFile) {
             $mimeType = $binaryFile->attribute("mime_type");
             list($prefix, $suffix) = split('[/]', $mimeType);
             $orig_dir = $storage_dir . '/' . $downloadPath . '/' . $prefix;
             $fileName = $binaryFile->attribute("filename");
             // Check if there are any other records in ezbinaryfile that point to that fileName.
             $binaryObjectsWithSameFileName = eZBinaryFile::fetchByFileName($fileName);
             $filePath = $orig_dir . "/" . $fileName;
             $file = eZClusterFileHandler::instance($filePath);
             if ($file->exists() and count($binaryObjectsWithSameFileName) < 1) {
     } else {
         $count = 0;
         $binaryFile = eZBinaryFile::fetch($contentObjectAttributeID, $version);
         if ($binaryFile != null) {
             $mimeType = $binaryFile->attribute("mime_type");
             list($prefix, $suffix) = split('[/]', $mimeType);
             $orig_dir = $storage_dir . "/original/" . $prefix;
             $fileName = $binaryFile->attribute("filename");
             eZBinaryFile::removeByID($contentObjectAttributeID, $version);
             // Check if there are any other records in ezbinaryfile that point to that fileName.
             $binaryObjectsWithSameFileName = eZBinaryFile::fetchByFileName($fileName);
             $filePath = $orig_dir . "/" . $fileName;
             $file = eZClusterFileHandler::instance($filePath);
             if ($file->exists() and count($binaryObjectsWithSameFileName) < 1) {
Beispiel #22
  * Implementation of an 'ezurl' template operator
  * Makes valid eZ Publish urls to use in links
  * @param string &$href
  * @param boolean $ignoreIndexDir
  * @param string $serverURL full|relative
  * @param boolean $htmlEscape true to html escape the result for HTML
  * @return string the link to use
 public static function transformURI(&$href, $ignoreIndexDir = false, $serverURL = null, $htmlEscape = true)
     // When using ezroot, immediately stop if the linked element is external
     if ($ignoreIndexDir) {
         // The initial / needs to be removed as it is not expected by the cluster handler,
         // but we must use a temp variable since $href is required later
         $trimmedHref = ltrim($href, '/');
         $modifiedHref = eZClusterFileHandler::instance()->applyServerUri($trimmedHref);
         if ($modifiedHref != $trimmedHref) {
             $href = $htmlEscape ? self::escapeHtmlTransformUri($href) : $href;
             return true;
     if ($serverURL === null) {
         $serverURL = self::$transformURIMode;
     if (preg_match("#^[a-zA-Z0-9]+:#", $href) || substr($href, 0, 2) == '//') {
         return false;
     if (strlen($href) == 0) {
         $href = '/';
     } else {
         if ($href[0] == '#') {
             $href = $htmlEscape ? htmlspecialchars($href) : $href;
             return true;
         } else {
             if ($href[0] != '/') {
                 $href = '/' . $href;
     $sys = eZSys::instance();
     $dir = !$ignoreIndexDir ? $sys->indexDir() : $sys->wwwDir();
     $serverURL = $serverURL === 'full' ? $sys->serverURL() : '';
     $href = $serverURL . $dir . $href;
     if (!$ignoreIndexDir) {
         $href = preg_replace("#^(//)#", "/", $href);
         $href = preg_replace("#(^.*)(/+)\$#", "\$1", $href);
     $href = $htmlEscape ? self::escapeHtmlTransformUri($href) : $href;
     if ($href == "") {
         $href = "/";
     return true;
Beispiel #23
 function filepath()
     $sys = eZSys::instance();
     $storage_dir = $sys->storageDirectory();
     return $storage_dir . '/pdf/' . $this->attribute('pdf_filename');
Beispiel #24
    public static function serverShardingURL( $href )
        $siteINI = eZINI::instance( 'site.ini' );
        if ( $siteINI->variable( 'SiteSettings', 'UrlSharding' ) == 'enabled' )

            if ( eZSys::isSSLNow() && $siteINI->variable( 'SiteSettings', 'UrlShardingSSL' ) != 'enabled' )
                // If SSL and Sharding disabled for SSL : use relative path :
                return '';

            $shardingList = $siteINI->variable( 'SiteSettings', 'UrlShardingList' );
            if ( ! empty( $shardingList ) )
                $shardingKey = fmod( hexdec( substr( sha1( $href ), 0, 7 ) ), count( $shardingList ) );
                $sys = eZSys::instance();
                return $sys->serverProtocol().'://'.$shardingList[$shardingKey];

        // use relative path as fallback :
        return '';
 * File containing the updateviewcount.php cronjob
 * @copyright Copyright (C) 1999-2012 eZ Systems AS. All rights reserved.
 * @license GNU General Public License v2
 * @version  2012.8
 * @package kernel
$cli->output("Update content view count...");
$dt = new eZDateTime();
$startTime = $dt->day() . "/" . date('M', time()) . "/" . $dt->year() . ":" . $dt->hour() . ":" . $dt->minute() . ":" . $dt->second();
$cli->output("Started at " . $dt->toString() . "\n");
$startLine = "";
$hasStartLine = false;
$updateViewLogPath = eZSys::instance()->varDirectory() . "/" . eZINI::instance()->variable('FileSettings', 'LogDir') . "/updateview.log";
if (is_file($updateViewLogPath)) {
    $fh = fopen($updateViewLogPath, "r");
    if ($fh) {
        while (!feof($fh)) {
            $line = fgets($fh, 1024);
            if (preg_match("/\\[/", $line)) {
                $startLine = $line;
                $hasStartLine = true;
$cli->output("Start line:\n" . $startLine);
$lastLine = "";
     * Regression test for issue 16400
     * @link
     * @return unknown_type
    public function testIssue16400()
        $className = 'Media test class';
        $classIdentifier = 'media_test_class';
        $filePath = 'tests/tests/kernel/datatypes/ezmedia/ezmediatype_regression_issue16400.flv';
        eZFile::create( $filePath );
        $attributeName = 'Media';
        $attributeIdentifier = 'media';
        $attributeType = 'ezmedia';
        //1. test method fetchByContentObjectID

        $class = new ezpClass( $className, $classIdentifier, $className );
        $class->add( $attributeName, $attributeIdentifier, $attributeType );
        $attribute = $class->class->fetchAttributeByIdentifier( $attributeIdentifier );

        $attribute->setAttribute( 'can_translate', 0 );

        $object = new ezpObject( $classIdentifier, 2 );
        $dataMap = $object->object->dataMap();
        $fileAttribute = $dataMap[$attributeIdentifier];
        $dataType = new eZMediaType();
        $dataType->fromString( $fileAttribute, $filePath );


        //verify fetchByContentObjectID
        $mediaObject = eZMedia::fetch( $fileAttribute->attribute( 'id' ), 1 );
        $medias = eZMedia::fetchByContentObjectID( $object->object->attribute( 'id' ) );
        $this->assertEquals( $mediaObject->attribute( 'filename' ), $medias[0]->attribute( 'filename' ) );
        $medias = eZMedia::fetchByContentObjectID( $object->object->attribute( 'id' ),
                                                    $fileAttribute->attribute( 'language_code' ) );
        $this->assertEquals( $mediaObject->attribute( 'filename' ), $medias[0]->attribute( 'filename' ) );

        //2. test issue
        // create translation
        $contentObject = $object->object;
        $storedFileName = $mediaObject->attribute( 'filename' );
        $version = $contentObject->createNewVersionIn( 'nor-NO',
                                                        $fileAttribute->attribute( 'language_code' )  );
        $version->setAttribute( 'status', eZContentObjectVersion::STATUS_INTERNAL_DRAFT );
        $sys = eZSys::instance();
        $dir = $sys->storageDirectory();
        //verify the file is deleted
        $storedFilePath = $dir . '/original/video/' . $storedFileName;
        $file = eZClusterFileHandler::instance( $storedFilePath );
        $this->assertTrue( $file->exists( $storedFilePath ) );
        if ( $file->exists( $storedFilePath ) )
            unlink( $storedFilePath );
Beispiel #27
 function scan()
     $this->IsValid = false;
     $this->CPUSpeed = false;
     $this->CPUType = false;
     $this->CPUUnit = false;
     $this->MemorySize = false;
     $sys = eZSys::instance();
     $osType = $sys->osType();
     if ($osType == 'win32') {
         // Windows (win32) is not supported yet
         // eZDebug::writeWarning( "System scan for Windows (win32) machines not supported yet" );
     } else {
         if ($osType == 'mac') {
             // Mac means FreeBSD type of structure?
             $this->IsValid = $this->scanDMesg();
             return $this->IsValid;
         } else {
             if ($osType == 'unix') {
                 // Now determine specific 'Unix' type
                 $osName = $sys->osName();
                 if ($osName == 'linux') {
                     $this->IsValid = $this->scanProc();
                     return $this->IsValid;
                 } else {
                     if ($osName == 'freebsd') {
                         $this->IsValid = $this->scanDMesg();
                         return $this->IsValid;
                     } else {
                         // Not known so we just try the various scanners
                         // /proc for Linux systems
                         if ($this->scanProc()) {
                             $this->IsValid = true;
                             return true;
                         // dmesg.boot for FreeBSD systems
                         if ($this->scanDMesg()) {
                             $this->IsValid = true;
                             return true;
     return false;
Beispiel #28
 static function lineSeparator()
     $ini = eZINI::instance('site.ini');
     $ending = $ini->variable('MailSettings', 'HeaderLineEnding');
     if ($ending == 'auto') {
         $sys = eZSys::instance();
         // For windows we use \r\n which is the endline defined in RFC 2045
         if ($sys->osType() == 'win32') {
             $separator = "\r\n";
         } else {
             $separator = "\n";
     } else {
         $separator = urldecode($ending);
     return $separator;
Beispiel #29
$viewParameters = array('offset' => $Offset);
$searchData = false;
$tpl->setVariable("search_data", $searchData);
$tpl->setVariable("search_section_id", $searchSectionID);
$tpl->setVariable("search_subtree_array", $subTreeArray);
$tpl->setVariable('search_timestamp', $searchTimestamp);
$tpl->setVariable("search_text", $searchText);
$tpl->setVariable('search_page_limit', $searchPageLimit);
$tpl->setVariable("view_parameters", $viewParameters);
$tpl->setVariable('use_template_search', !$useSearchCode);
if ($http->hasVariable('Mode') && $http->variable('Mode') == 'browse') {
    if (!isset($searchResult)) {
        $searchResult = eZSearch::search($searchText, array("SearchType" => $searchType, "SearchSectionID" => $searchSectionID, "SearchSubTreeArray" => $subTreeArray, 'SearchTimestamp' => $searchTimestamp, "SearchLimit" => $pageLimit, "SearchOffset" => $Offset));
    $sys = eZSys::instance();
    $searchResult['RequestedURI'] = "content/search";
    //    $searchResult['RequestedURISuffix'] = $sys->serverVariable( "QUERY_STRING" );
    $searchResult['RequestedURISuffix'] = 'SearchText=' . urlencode($searchText) . ($searchTimestamp > 0 ? '&SearchTimestamp=' . $searchTimestamp : '') . '&BrowsePageLimit=' . $pageLimit . '&Mode=browse';
    return $Module->run('browse', array(), array("NodeList" => $searchResult, "Offset" => $Offset, "NodeID" => isset($subTreeArray[0]) && $subTreeArray[0] != 1 ? $subTreeArray[0] : null));
// --- Compatibility code start ---
if ($useSearchCode) {
    $tpl->setVariable("offset", $Offset);
    $tpl->setVariable("page_limit", $pageLimit);
    $tpl->setVariable("search_text_enc", urlencode($searchText));
    $tpl->setVariable("search_result", $searchResult["SearchResult"]);
    $tpl->setVariable("search_count", $searchResult["SearchCount"]);
    $tpl->setVariable("stop_word_array", $searchResult["StopWordArray"]);
    if (isset($searchResult["SearchExtras"])) {
        $tpl->setVariable("search_extras", $searchResult["SearchExtras"]);
 function cachedTransformationPath()
     $dir =& $GLOBALS['eZCodeMapperCachePath'];
     if (isset($dir)) {
         return $dir;
     $sys = eZSys::instance();
     $dir = $sys->cacheDirectory() . '/trans';
     return $dir;