Beispiel #1
 * @uses WebcomicTag::the_webcomic()
 * @uses WebcomicTag::webcomic_dropdown_transcript_terms()
 * @uses WebcomicTag::get_webcomic_transcript_authors()
 * @uses WebcomicTag::get_the_webcomic_transcript_term_list()
 * @uses is_webcomic()
 * @uses webcomic_prints_available()
 * @uses is_webcomic_archive()
 * @uses is_webcomic_storyline()
 * @uses is_webcomic_character()
if (is_webcomic()) {
    global $post;
    if (webcomic_prints_available()) {
        $prints = array();
        $prints[] = WebcomicTag::webcomic_print_form("domestic", sprintf(__('%1$s%2$s%%total Domestic', "webcomic"), __("%dec.", "webcomic"), __("%sep,", "webcomic")));
        $prints[] = WebcomicTag::webcomic_print_form("international", sprintf(__('%1$s%2$s%%total International', "webcomic"), __("%dec.", "webcomic"), __("%sep,", "webcomic")));
        if (webcomic_prints_available("original")) {
            $prints[] = WebcomicTag::webcomic_print_form("original", sprintf(__('%1$s%2$s%%total Original', "webcomic"), __("%dec.", "webcomic"), __("%sep,", "webcomic")));
        if ("_cart" === self::$config["collections"][$post->post_type]["commerce"]["method"]) {
            $prints[] = WebcomicTag::webcomic_print_form("cart");
        $append .= "<div class='webcomic-prints'><style scoped>.webcomic-prints form{display:inline}</style><h2>" . __("Prints", "webcomic") . "</h2><div>" . implode("\n", $prints) . "</div></div><!-- .webcomic-prints -->";
    $append .= WebcomicTag::webcomic_collection_link("<div class='webcomic-collection'>%link</div><!-- .webcomic-collection -->", "%title");
    $append .= WebcomicTag::get_the_webcomic_term_list($post->ID, 'storyline', '<div class="webcomic-storylines"><b>' . __("Part of ", "webcomic") . "</b>", ", ", "</div><!-- .webcomic-storylines -->");
    $append .= WebcomicTag::get_the_webcomic_term_list($post->ID, 'character', '<div class="webcomic-characters"><b>' . __("Featuring ", "webcomic") . "</b>", ", ", "</div><!-- .webcomic-characters -->");
    $append .= WebcomicTag::webcomic_dropdown_transcript_terms(array("before" => "<div class='webcomic-transcript-languages'>", "sep" => __(" | ", "webcomic"), "after" => "</div><!-- .webcomic-transcript-languages-->", "show_option_all" => __("- Transcript Language -", "webcomic"), "taxonomy" => "webcomic_language"));
} elseif (is_webcomic_archive() or is_webcomic_storyline() or is_webcomic_character() or is_search()) {
    $prepend = "<div class='integrated-webcomic'><div class='webcomic-img'>" . WebcomicTag::the_webcomic("medium", "self") . "</div><!-- .webcomic-img --></div><!-- .integrated-webcomic -->";
Beispiel #2
  * Render the widget.
  * @param array $args General widget arguments.
  * @param array $instance Specific instance arguments.
  * @uses WebcomicTag::webcomic_donation_form()
 public function widget($args, $instance)
     if (!empty($image) and $image = wp_get_attachment_image($image, 'full')) {
         $label = preg_replace('/alt=".+?"/', 'alt="' . esc_attr($label) . '"', $image);
     if ($output = WebcomicTag::webcomic_print_form($type, $label)) {
         echo $before_widget, empty($title) ? '' : $before_title . $title . $after_title, $output, $after_widget;
Beispiel #3
  * Render a print purchase form.
  * <code class="php">
  * // render a purchase domestic webcomic print form
  * webcomic_print_form( 'domestic' );
  * // render a purchase international webcomic print form for webcomic 42
  * webcomic_print_form( 'international', '', 42 );
  * // render a shopping cart form with a custom label
  * webcomic_print_form( 'cart', 'View Your Cart' );
  * </code>
  * <code class="bbcode">
  * // render a purchase domestic webcomic print form
  * [webcomic_print_form type="domestic"]
  * // render a purchase international webcomic print form for webcomic 42
  * [webcomic_print_form type="international" the_post="42"]
  * // render a shopping cart form with a custom label
  * [webcomic_print_form type="cart" label="View Your Cart"]
  * </code>
  * @package Webcomic
  * @param string $type The type of print form, one of 'domestic', 'international', 'original', or 'cart'.
  * @param string $label The form submit button label. Accepts %dec, %sep, %total, %price, and %shipping tokens.
  * @param mixed $the_post The post object or ID to get print adjustments for.
  * @uses WebcomicTag::webcomic_print_form()
 function webcomic_print_form($type, $label = '', $the_post = false)
     echo WebcomicTag::webcomic_print_form($type, $label, $the_post);
Beispiel #4
  * Handle webcomic_print_form shortcode.
  * @param array $atts Shortcode attributes.
  * @param string $content Shortcode content.
  * @param string $name Shortcode name.
  * @return string
  * @uses WebcomicTag::webcomic_print_form()
 public function webcomic_print_form($atts, $content, $name)
     extract(shortcode_atts(array('type' => '', 'label' => '', 'the_post' => false), $atts));
     $label = $content ? do_shortcode($content) : $label;
     return WebcomicTag::webcomic_print_form($type, $label, $the_post);