Beispiel #1
  * Return Webcomic attachments for a post.
  * @param integer $id Post ID to retrieve attachments for.
  * @return array
 protected static function get_attachments($id = 0)
     if (!current_user_can('edit_post', $id) and (!WebcomicTag::verify_webcomic_role(get_post_type($id)) or !WebcomicTag::verify_webcomic_age(get_post_type($id)))) {
         return array();
     return get_children(array('order' => 'ASC', 'orderby' => 'menu_order', 'post_type' => 'attachment', 'post_parent' => $id, 'post_mime_type' => 'image'));
Beispiel #2
  * Verify a users age against collection age limit.
  * <code class="php">
  * if ( is_null( verify_webcomic_age() ) ) {
  * 	// the current user's age has not be checked
  * } elseif ( verify_webcomic_age() ) {
  * 	// the current user is old enough to view content in the current collection
  * } else {
  * 	// the current user is not old enough to view content in the current collection
  * }
  * if ( verify_webcomic_age( 'webcomic42' ) ) {
  * 	// the current user is old enough to view content in webcomic collection 42
  * }
  * if ( verify_webcomic_age( 'webcomic42', 2 ) ) {
  * 	// the user with an ID of 2 is old enough to view content in webcomic collection 42
  * }
  * </code>
  * <code class="bbcode">
  * [verify_webcomic_age]
  * // the current user is old enough to view content in the current collection
  * [/verify_webcomic_age]
  * [verify_webcomic_age collection="webcomic42"]
  * // the current user is old enough to view content in webcomic collection 42
  * [/verify_webcomic_age]
  * [verify_webcomic_age collection="webcomic42" user="******"]
  * // the user with an ID of 2 is old enough to view content in webcomic collection 42
  * [/verify_webcomic_age]
  * </code>
  * @package Webcomic
  * @param string $collection The collection to verify against.
  * @param object $user The user to verify with (defaults to the current user).
  * @param integer $age Age (in years) to verify against. Overrides the collection age setting, or forces use of the collection age if -1.
  * @return mixed
  * @uses WebcomicTag::verify_webcomic_age()
 function verify_webcomic_age($collection = '', $user = false, $age = 0)
     return WebcomicTag::verify_webcomic_age($collection, $user, $age);
Beispiel #3
  * Handle verify_webcomic_age shortcode.
  * @param array $atts Shortcode attributes.
  * @param string $content Shortcode content.
  * @return string
  * @uses WebcomicTag::verify_webcomic_age()
  * @uses WebcomicTag::get_webcomic_collection()
  * @filter string webcomic_verify_age_inline Filters the output of the `verify_webcomic_age` shortcode. Defaults to a generic age verification message.
 public function verify_webcomic_age($atts, $content)
     extract(shortcode_atts(array('collection' => '', 'age' => 0), $atts));
     $age = $age ? $age : -1;
     $collection = $collection ? $collection : WebcomicTag::get_webcomic_collection();
     if ($clear = WebcomicTag::verify_webcomic_age($collection, false, $age)) {
         return do_shortcode($content);
     } else {
         return apply_filters('webcomic_verify_age_inline', is_null($clear) ? __('Please verify your age to view this content:', 'webcomic') . '<form method="post"><label>' . __('Birthday', 'webcomic') . ' <input type="date" name="webcomic_birthday"></label><input type="submit"></form>' : __("You don't have permission to view this content.", 'webcomic'), $clear, $collection, $age, $content);