Beispiel #1
     * Generate PDF for fake AP using FPDF library without saving to database.
     * @param $poId
     * @param bool $approved
    public static function generatePdfFpdfPreview($ap, $ckRequest, $apDists,$approved = false)
        // get PO formatting
        $poFormatting = PoFormatting::model()->findByAttributes(array(
            'Project_ID' => Yii::app()->user->projectID,

        // get Sign_Requested_By user info
        $signRequestedByUser = Users::model()->with('person')->findByPk($ckRequest->Sign_Requested_By);

        $aproval_detail_list = Audits::getApprovalDetailList($ap->Document_ID);
        // get current vendor info
        $currentVendor = Vendors::model()->with('')->findByPk($ap->Vendor_ID);

        $condition = UsersClientList::getClientAdminCondition($currentVendor->client->Client_ID);
        $vendorAdmin = UsersClientList::model()->with('user.person')->find($condition);

        $pdf = new FpdfAp('P','mm','Letter');

        $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(true, 10);


        //$path=Helper::createDirectory('batches');// creates directory "protected/data/batches" if not exists
        $fileName = 'ApTempPdf'.date('Y-m-d h:i:s').'.pdf';
        $filepath = Helper::createDirectory('ap');
        $filepath = Helper::createDirectory('ap/'.Yii::app()->user->clientID);
        $filepath.= '/'.$fileName;
        $pdf->Output($filepath, 'F');

        $last_page = $pdf->custom_page_num;

        return array(
Beispiel #2
    public static  function LogAction ($doc_id,$event_type) {

        $ucl =UsersClientList::model()->findByAttributes(array(
            'User_ID' => Yii::app()->user->userID,
            'Client_ID' => Yii::app()->user->clientID,

        $audit = new Audits();
        $audit->Document_ID = $doc_id;
        $audit->Event_Type = $event_type;
        $audit->Event_User_ID = Yii::app()->user->userID;
        $audit->User_Appr_Value = $ucl->User_Approval_Value;
        $audit->Event_Date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");

        //list of actions that cause update of FileCache

        $events_for_cashe_update = array(self::ACTION_PDF,self::ACTION_REPDF,self::ACTION_REVERT,self::ACTION_REUPLOAD,self::ACTION_ROTATE);

        if (in_array($event_type,$events_for_cashe_update)) {

Beispiel #3
     * Assign project users, when project was edited or created
     * @param $projectId
    public static function assignProjectUsers($projectId)
        $condition = new CDbCriteria();
        $condition->join = "LEFT JOIN users ON users.User_ID = t.User_ID";
        $condition->condition = "t.User_Type = '" . UsersClientList::APPROVER . "'";
        $condition->addCondition("users.User_Type = '" . Users::ADMIN . "'", 'OR');
        $condition->addCondition("users.User_Type = '" . Users::DB_ADMIN . "'", 'OR');
        $condition->addCondition("t.User_Type = '" . UsersClientList::CLIENT_ADMIN . "'", 'OR');
        $condition->addCondition("t.Client_ID = '" . Yii::app()->user->clientID . "'");
        $clientAdminsAndApprovers = UsersClientList::model()->findAll($condition);

        foreach($clientAdminsAndApprovers as $clientAdminsAndApprover) {
            $userProject = UsersProjectList::model()->findByAttributes(array(
                'User_ID' => $clientAdminsAndApprover->User_ID,
                'Project_ID' => $projectId,

            if (!$userProject) {
                $userProject = new UsersProjectList();
                $userProject->User_ID = $clientAdminsAndApprover->User_ID;
                $userProject->Client_ID = Yii::app()->user->clientID;
                $userProject->Project_ID = $projectId;
Beispiel #4
     * Get list of documents that can be deleted. Used for Ajax request
     * @param $queryString
     * @param $options
     * @param $sortOptions
     * @param int $limit
     * @return CActiveRecord[]
    public static function getDeleteDocListByQueryString($queryString, $options,$sortOptions , $limit = 50)

        $sql="SELECT  d.Document_ID,d.Document_Type,i.File_Name,i.Mime_Type,d.Created,u.User_Login,p.First_Name, p.Last_Name,

        $sql .="    FROM documents as d
                    right join  images as i on d.Document_ID=i.Document_ID
                    left join  users as u on d.User_ID=u.User_ID
                    left join  persons as p on u.Person_ID=p.Person_ID
                    left join  aps as ap on  ap.Document_ID=d.Document_ID
                    left join  pos as po on   po.Document_ID=d.Document_ID
                    where (ap.Approved!=1 or ap.Approved is null)
                            and (ap.AP_Approval_Value!=100 or ap.AP_Approval_Value is null)
                            and (po.PO_Approved!=1 or po.PO_Approved is null)
                            and (po.PO_Approval_Value!=100 or po.PO_Approval_Value is null)  ";
        //cheking user for client-admin priveleges

        //  1.create instanse of current user
        //  2. check for clientadmin priveleges
        if(!$user->hasClientAdminPrivileges()) {
            $sql=$sql." and d.User_ID=".Yii::app()->user->userID ;

        if(Yii::app()->user->projectID != 'all') {
            $sql=$sql." and d.Project_ID=".Yii::app()->user->projectID ;

        if (count($options) > 0 && trim($queryString) != '') {

            $countCond = 0;

            if ($options['search_option_filename']) {
                $sql=$sql." and i.File_Name like('%".$queryString."%') ";
            if ($options['search_option_doctype']) {
                $sql=$sql." and lower(d.Document_Type) like('%".$queryString."%')";
            if ($options['search_option_date']) {
                $sql=$sql." and d.Created>=' ".$queryString." ' ";
            if ($options['search_option_createdby']) {
                $sql=$sql." and (lower(u.User_Login) like('%".$queryString."%') or upper(p.First_Name) like('%".$queryString."%') or upper(p.Last_Name) like('%".$queryString."%')) ";
            if ($options['search_option_modified']) {


        if($sortOptions['sort_by']!='' && $sortOptions['sort_direction']!='') {
            $sql = $sql." order by ".$sortOptions['sort_by'] . " " . $sortOptions['sort_direction'];
        } else {$sql = $sql." order by d.Created desc"; }

        $sql=$sql." limit ".$limit;

        $row = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($sql)->queryAll();
        return $row;

Beispiel #5
     * Generate or regenerate PDF for AP using FPDF library
     * @param $apId
     * @param bool $approved
    public static function generatePdfFpdf($doc_id, $doc_type, $approved = false)

        if ( $doc_type == 'AP' ) {
            // get AP
            $ap = Aps::model()->with('dists', 'document', 'ck_req_detail')->findByAttributes(
                array('Document_ID' => $doc_id)

            $ckRequest = $ap->ck_req_detail;

            // get PO dists
            $apDists = $ap->dists;

            // get PO formatting
            $poFormatting = PoFormatting::model()->findByAttributes(array(
                'Project_ID' => $ap->document->Project_ID,

            // get Sign_Requested_By user info
            $signRequestedByUser = Users::model()->with('person')->findByPk($ckRequest->Sign_Requested_By);

            $aproval_detail_list = Audits::getApprovalDetailList($ap->Document_ID);
            // get current vendor info
            $currentVendor = Vendors::model()->with('')->findByPk($ap->Vendor_ID);

            $condition = UsersClientList::getClientAdminCondition($currentVendor->client->Client_ID);
            $vendorAdmin = UsersClientList::model()->with('user.person')->find($condition);

            $pdf = new FpdfAp('P','mm','Letter');

            $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(true, 10);


            //$path=Helper::createDirectory('batches');// creates directory "protected/data/batches" if not exists
            $fileName = 'ApTempPdf'.date('Y-m-d h:i:s').'.pdf';
            $filepath = Helper::createDirectory('ap');
            $filepath = Helper::createDirectory('ap/'.Yii::app()->user->clientID);
            $filepath.= '/'.$fileName;
            $pdf->Output($filepath, 'F');

            $last_page = $pdf->custom_page_num;

        if (( $doc_type == 'PO' )) {

            $po = Pos::model()->findByAttributes(
                array('Document_ID' => $doc_id)

            // get PO dists
            $poDists = $po->dists;

            // get PO details
            $poDecrDetails = $po->decr_details;

            // get PO formatting
            $poFormatting = PoFormatting::model()->findByAttributes(array(
                'Project_ID' => $po->document->Project_ID,

            // get Sign_Requested_By user info
            $signRequestedByUser = Users::model()->with('person')->findByPk($po->Sign_Requested_By);

            $aproval_detail_list = Audits::getApprovalDetailList($po->Document_ID);

            // get current vendor info
            $currentVendor = Vendors::model()->with('')->findByPk($po->Vendor_ID);

            $condition = UsersClientList::getClientAdminCondition($currentVendor->client->Client_ID);
            $vendorAdmin = UsersClientList::model()->with('user.person')->find($condition);

            $paymentTypes = array(
                'OA' => 'On Account',
                'CC' => 'Credit Card',
                'DP' => 'Deposit',
                'CK' => 'Payment Check',
                'PC' => 'Petty Cash',

            $pdf = new FpdfPo('P','mm','Letter');

            $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(true, 10);


            //$path=Helper::createDirectory('batches');// creates directory "protected/data/batches" if not exists
            $fileName = 'TempFile.pdf';
            $filepath = Helper::createDirectory('po');
            $filepath = Helper::createDirectory('po/'.Yii::app()->user->clientID);
            $filepath.= '/'.$fileName;
            $pdf->Output($filepath, 'F');

            $last_page = $pdf->custom_page_num;

        return array(
          'path' => $filepath,
          'pages'=> $last_page
Beispiel #6
     * ReAuthenticates a user.
     * @param int $timezoneOffset
     * @return boolean whether authentication succeeds.
    public function reauthenticate($timezoneOffset = 0)
        $user = Users::model()->with('person','clients')->find('User_Login=:login',
        if(!empty($user->User_ID)) {
            $user->Last_IP = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
            $user->Last_Login = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");

            // Set user info
            $this->setState('userInfo', $user->person->First_Name . ' ' . $user->person->Last_Name);
            $this->setState('userID', $user->User_ID);
            $this->setState('userLogin', $user->User_Login);
            $this->setState('userTimezoneOffset', $timezoneOffset);

            // get client
            $client = false;
            foreach ($user->clients as $cl) {
                if ($cl->Client_ID == $_SESSION['last_client']) {
                    $client = $cl;
                } else {
                    $client = $cl;

            //set user's tier settings

            //check for delayed settings

            $user_client_settings = $client->service_settings;
            $user_tier_settings = TiersSettings::agregateTiersSettings($user_client_settings->Service_Level_ID);
            $this->setState('tier_settings', $user_tier_settings);

            if ($client && $client->company) {
                $this->setState('clientInfo', $client->company->Company_Name);
                $this->setState('clientID', $client->Client_ID);

                $userClientRow = UsersClientList::model()->findByAttributes(array(
                    'User_ID' => $user->User_ID,
                    'Client_ID' => $client->Client_ID,

                //get projects
                if ($userClientRow->hasClientAdminPrivileges()) {
                    $projects = Projects::model()->findAllByAttributes(array(
                        'Client_ID' => $client->Client_ID,
                } else {
                    $condition = new CDbCriteria();
                    $condition->condition = "users_project_list.User_ID = '" . Yii::app()->user->userID . "'";
                    $condition->addCondition("t.Client_ID = '" . $client->Client_ID . "'");
                    $condition->join = "LEFT JOIN users_project_list ON users_project_list.Project_ID = t.Project_ID";
                    $projects = Projects::model()->findAll($condition);

                if ($projects) {
                    if (isset($_SESSION['last_project']) && $_SESSION['last_project'] == 'all') {
                        $this->setState('projectInfo', 'All Projects');
                        $this->setState('projectID', 'all');
                    } elseif (isset($_SESSION['last_project']) && is_numeric($_SESSION['last_project'])) {
                        foreach($projects as $project) {
                            if ($project->Project_ID == $_SESSION['last_project']) {
                                $this->setState('projectInfo', $project->Project_Name);
                                $this->setState('projectID', $project->Project_ID);
                    } else {
                        $project = $projects[0];
                        $this->setState('projectInfo', $project->Project_Name);
                        $this->setState('projectID', $project->Project_ID);
                } else {
                    $this->setState('projectInfo', 'No project');
                    $this->setState('projectID', 0);

                if ($userClientRow->User_Type == UsersClientList::CLIENT_ADMIN) {
                    $this->username = '******';
                } else if ($userClientRow->User_Type == UsersClientList::APPROVER) {
                    $this->username = '******';
                } else if ($userClientRow->User_Type == UsersClientList::PROCESSOR) {
                    $this->username = '******';
                } else if ($userClientRow->User_Type == UsersClientList::USER) {
                    $this->username = '******';
                } else {
                    $this->username = '******';

                // reset user type if he id Admin, DB Admin OR DEC
                if ($user->User_Type == Users::ADMIN) {
                    $this->username = '******';
                } else if ($user->User_Type == Users::DB_ADMIN) {
                    $this->username = '******';
                } else if ($user->User_Type == Users::DATA_ENTRY_CLERK) {
                    $this->username = '******';

                if ($user->User_Type == Users::USER) {
                    $this->setState('userType', $userClientRow->User_Type);
                } else {
                    $this->setState('userType', $user->User_Type);
            } else {
                $this->setState('clientInfo', 'No company');
                $this->setState('clientID', 0);
                $this->setState('projectInfo', 'No project');
                $this->setState('projectID', 0);
                $this->setState('userType', 'Single User');
                $this->username = '******';
        return !$this->errorCode;
Beispiel #7
    public static function getApproversArray ($clientId) {
        $client = Clients::model()->with('company', 'users')->findByPk($clientId);
        $client_users = $client->users;
        $admins_array = array();
        $approvalValue = array();
        $approvers_array = array();

        if ($client_users) {

            //$_SESSION['tabs_to_auto_load']['client_users_list_appr_value'] = array('client_id'=> $client->Client_ID);

            foreach ($client_users as $key => $cuser) {

                $uClRow = UsersClientList::model()->findByAttributes(array(

                self::$approversIdValueArray[$cuser->User_ID] = $uClRow->User_Approval_Value;

                $state_appr = $uClRow->hasApproverPrivileges();

                if($state_appr) {
                    $approvers_array[] = array(
                        'user' =>$cuser,
                        'approval_value' =>$uClRow->User_Approval_Value


            self::$approversArray = $approvers_array;
            usort(self::$approversArray, 'self::sortClientUsersByApprovalValue');
            $approvers_array = self::$approversArray;

        return $approvers_array;
     * Returns array of summarized settings for current client
     * @return array Tier_Name,Users_Count, Projects_Count, Storage_Count, Base_Fee, Additional_Users,Additional_Projects,Additional_Storage,Additional_Fee
    public static function getSummarySettings($client_id) {
        $result = array();
        $i= 0;
        $limiter ='';
        $client_id = $client_id ? $client_id :Yii::app()->user->clientID;

        $css = ClientServiceSettings::model()->findByPk($client_id);
        $result['Tiers_Str'] = $css->Service_Level_ID;
        $tiers_array = explode(',',$result['Tiers_Str']);
        foreach ($tiers_array as $id) {
            $settings = ServiceLevelSettings::model()->findByPk($id);

            if ($i != 0) {$limiter = ', ';}
            if ($settings->Service_Level_ID == 1) {
                $w9_exist =true;
                $w9_price = $settings->Base_Fee;
            if ($settings->Service_Level_ID == 2) {
            if ($settings->Service_Level_ID == 3) {
            }if ($settings->Service_Level_ID == 4) {

            $result['Tier_Name'] .= $limiter.$settings->Tier_Name;

        $add_users_price = $settings->Additional_User_Fee;
        $add_projects_price = $settings->Additional_Project_Fee;
        $add_storage_price = $settings->Additional_Storage_Fee;

        $result['Base_Fee'] =  ClientServiceSettings::CalculateBaseFee($tiers_array);
        $result['Users_Count'] = $settings->Users_Count;
        $result['Projects_Count'] = $settings->Projects_Count;
        $result['Storage_Count'] = $settings->Storage_Count;

            $result['Additional_Users'] =$css->Additional_Users;
            $result['Additional_Projects'] =$css->Additional_Projects;
            $result['Additional_Storage'] =$css->Additional_Storage;
            $result['Storage_Index'] = ServiceLevelSettings::getStorageIndexByValue($css->Additional_Storage);
            $result['Additional_Fee'] = $add_users_price * $css->Additional_Users + $add_projects_price*($css->Additional_Projects) + $add_storage_price* ($result['Storage_Index']);

            //$result['Additional_Storage'] =$settings->	Additional_Storage;

        $users = UsersClientList::model()->findAllByAttributes(array(
        $result['Used_Users'] =count($users);

        $result['Used_Projects'] = Projects::clientProjectUsage();
        $result['Used_Storage'] = ceil(Images::getUsedStorage($client_id));

        return $result;
     * Approve users action
    public function actionApproveUsers()
        if (isset($_GET['users']) && isset($_GET['userTypes'])) {
            foreach ($_GET['users'] as $id => $value) {
                if (is_numeric($id) && ($value == 'Y' || $value == 'N') && isset($_GET['userTypes'][$id]) && isset($this->userTypes[$_GET['userTypes'][$id]])) {
                    // get user type
                    $userType = $this->userTypes[$_GET['userTypes'][$id]];
                    $id = intval($id);

                    //get users to approve row
                    $usersToApprove = UsersToApprove::model()->with('user', 'client')->findByPk($id);
                    if ($usersToApprove && $value == 'Y') {
                        //approve user
                        if ($usersToApprove->New_Client == UsersToApprove::NEW_CLIENT) {
                            $client = $usersToApprove->client;
                            $client->Client_Type = 1;
                            $client->Client_Status = Clients::ACTIVE;
                            $client->Client_Number = $client->Client_ID;

                            ClientServiceSettings::addClientServiceSettings($client->Client_ID, true);

                            $password = Helper::generatePassword();
                            $user = $usersToApprove->user;
                            $user->Active = Users::ACTIVE;
                            $user->User_Pwd = md5($password);

                            $userClientRelation = UsersClientList::model()->findByAttributes(array(
                                'User_ID' =>$user->User_ID,
                                'Client_ID' =>$client->Client_ID,

                            if ($userClientRelation) {
                                $userClientRelation->User_Type = $userType;

                                if (in_array($userType, UsersClientList::$clientAdmins)) {
                                    $userClientRelation->User_Approval_Value = Aps::APPROVED;
                                } else if ($userType == UsersClientList::APPROVER) {
                                    $userClientRelation->User_Approval_Value = Aps::READY_FOR_APPROVAL + 1;
                                } else {
                                    $userClientRelation->User_Approval_Value = 0;

                            $emailSuccess = Mail::sendRegistrationMail($user->person->Email, $user->User_Login,$password, $user->person->First_Name, $user->person->Last_Name, $client->company->Company_Name);
                        } else {
                            $usersToApprove->Approved_By_Admin = UsersToApprove::APPR_BY_ADMIN;

                            $client = $usersToApprove->client;
                            $client->Client_Type = 1;
                            $client->Client_Status = Clients::ACTIVE;
                            $client->Client_Number = $client->Client_ID;

                            $user = $usersToApprove->user;

                            if ($user->User_Pwd == md5('temp100')) {
                                // if user requested to join company by registration form
                                $password = Helper::generatePassword();
                                $user->Active = Users::ACTIVE;
                                $user->User_Pwd = md5($password);
                                $user->Default_Project = 0;

                                Mail::sendUserRegistrationMail($user->person->Email, $user->User_Login, $password, $user->person->First_Name, $user->person->Last_Name, $client->company->Company_Name);
                            } else {
                                // if user requested to join company and there is not client-admins
                                $user->Active = Users::ACTIVE;

                            $condition = UsersClientList::getClientAdminCondition($usersToApprove->Client_ID);

                            $client_admins_list = UsersClientList::model()->findAll($condition); //this is client admins for current client

                            if ($client_admins_list) {
                                // if client has client-admins
                                foreach ($client_admins_list as $clientAdm) {
                                    $clientAdmin = Users::model()->with('person')->findByPk($clientAdm->User_ID);
                                    $emailSuccess = Mail::sendClientOfUserRegistrationMail($clientAdmin->person->Email, $clientAdmin->person->First_Name, $clientAdmin->person->Last_Name, $user->person->First_Name, $user->person->Last_Name, $client->company->Company_Name);


                                // if client hasn't client admins
                                $usersClientList = UsersClientList::model()->findByAttributes(array(
                                   'Client_ID' => $usersToApprove->Client_ID,
                                    'User_ID' => $usersToApprove->User_ID

                                if (!$usersClientList) {
                                    $usersClientList = new UsersClientList;

                                $usersClientList->User_ID = $usersToApprove->User_ID;
                                $usersClientList->Client_ID = $usersToApprove->Client_ID;
                                $usersClientList->User_Type = $userType;

                                if (in_array($userType, UsersClientList::$clientAdmins)) {
                                    $usersClientList->User_Approval_Value = Aps::APPROVED;
                                } else if ($userType == UsersClientList::APPROVER) {
                                    $usersClientList->User_Approval_Value = Aps::READY_FOR_APPROVAL + 1;
                                } else {
                                    $usersClientList->User_Approval_Value = 0;


                                $project = Projects::model()->findByAttributes(array(
                                    'Client_ID' => $usersToApprove->Client_ID,

                                $usersProjectList = new UsersProjectList;
                                $usersProjectList->User_ID = $usersToApprove->User_ID;
                                $usersProjectList->Client_ID = $usersToApprove->Client_ID;
                                $usersProjectList->Project_ID =  $project->Project_ID;

                                if ($user->Default_Project == 0) {
                                    $user->Default_Project = $project->Project_ID;


                                Mail::sendAddUserToClientMail($user->person->Email, $user->person->First_Name, $user->person->Last_Name, $client->company->Company_Name);

                    } else if ($usersToApprove && $value == 'N') {
                        //reject user
                        $user = $usersToApprove->user;
                        $client = $usersToApprove->client;

                        if ($usersToApprove->New_Client == UsersToApprove::NEW_CLIENT) {
                            $company = $client->company;
                            $addresses = $company->adreses;

                            //delete company addresses
                            foreach ($addresses as $address) {
                                $companyAddress = CompanyAddresses::model()->findByAttributes(array(
                                    'Company_ID' => $company->Company_ID,
                                    'Address_ID' => $address->Address_ID,

                                if ($companyAddress) {


                            $usersClientList = UsersClientList::model()->findByAttributes(array(
                                'User_ID' => $user->User_ID,
                                'Client_ID' => $client->Client_ID,

                            if ($usersClientList) {

                        } else {

                        if ($user->User_Pwd == md5('temp100')) {
                            $user->Active = Users::NOT_ACTIVE;
                            $user->Default_Project = 0;

                            Mail::sendRejectUserByAdminMail($user->person->Email, $user->person->First_Name, $user->person->Last_Name);
                        } else {
                            Mail::sendRejectMail($user->person->Email, $user->person->First_Name, $user->person->Last_Name, $client->company->Company_Name);

            Yii::app()->user->setFlash('success', "Users have been successfully approved/rejected!");
        } else {
            Yii::app()->user->setFlash('success', "Users was not approved/rejected!");
Beispiel #10
	 * Lists all models.
	public function actionIndex()
        if (isset($_POST['oper']) && $_POST['oper'] == 'edit') {
            $companyId = intval($_POST["id"]);
            $company = Companies::model()->with('client', 'adreses')->findByPk($companyId);
            if ($company) {
                if ($company->client) {
                    $client = $company->client;
                    $client->Client_Number = $_POST["Client_Number"];
                    $client->Client_Logo_Name = $_POST["Client_Logo_Name"];
                    $client->Client_Approval_Amount_1 = $_POST["Client_Approval_Amount_1"] ? $_POST["Client_Approval_Amount_1"] : null;
                    $client->Client_Approval_Amount_2 = $_POST["Client_Approval_Amount_2"] ? $_POST["Client_Approval_Amount_2"] : null;
                    if ($client->validate()) {
                        echo "client\n";

                if ($company->adreses) {
                    $addresses = $company->adreses;
                    if (isset($addresses[0])) {
                        $address = $addresses[0];
                        $address->Address1 =  $_POST["Address1"];
                        $address->Address2 =  $_POST["Address2"];
                        $address->City =  $_POST["City"];
                        $address->State =  $_POST["State"];
                        $address->ZIP =  $_POST["ZIP"];
                        $address->Country =  $_POST["Country"];
                        $address->Phone =  $_POST["Phone"];
                        $address->Fax =  $_POST["Fax"];

                        if ($address->validate()) {
                            echo "address\n";

                $company->Company_Name = $_POST["Company_Name"];
                $company->Company_Fed_ID = $_POST["Company_Fed_ID"];
                $company->Email = $_POST["Email"];
                $company->SSN = $_POST["SSN"];
                $company->Business_NameW9 = $_POST["Business_NameW9"];

                if ($company->validate()) {
                    echo "company\n";

        if (isset($_POST['oper']) && $_POST['oper'] == 'add') {

        if (isset($_POST['oper']) && $_POST['oper'] == 'del') {
            $companyId = intval($_POST["id"]);
            $company = Companies::model()->with('client', 'adreses')->findByPk($companyId);
            $documents = Documents::model()->findByAttributes(array(
                'Client_ID' => $company->client->Client_ID,

            if ($company && !$documents) {
                if ($company->client) {
                    $client = $company->client;

                        'Client_ID' => $client->Client_ID,

                        'Client_ID' => $client->Client_ID,

                        'Client_ID' => $client->Client_ID,

                        'Client_ID' => $client->Client_ID,

                        'Client_ID' => $client->Client_ID,

                        'Client_Client_ID' => $client->Client_ID,

                        'Vendor_Client_ID' => $client->Client_ID,

                    $w9s = W9::model()->findAllByAttributes(array(
                        'Client_ID' => $client->Client_ID,

                    if ($w9s) {
                        foreach ($w9s as $w9) {

                    $projects = Projects::model()->findAllByAttributes(array(
                        'Client_ID' => $client->Client_ID,

                    if ($projects) {
                        foreach ($projects as $project) {
                                'Project_ID' => $project->Project_ID,


                if ($company->adreses) {
                    $addresses = $company->adreses;
                    foreach ($addresses as $address) {

                    'Company_ID' => $companyId,


        $conn = mysql_connect(Yii::app()->params->dbhost, Yii::app()->params->dbuser, Yii::app()->params->dbpassword);
        mysql_query("SET NAMES 'utf8'");


        // set columns
        $col = array();
        $col["title"] = "Company ID"; // caption of column
        $col["name"] = "Company_ID";
        $col["dbname"] = "companies.Company_ID"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql
        $col["resizable"] = false;
        $col["editable"] = false; // this column is editable
        $col["hidden"] = false;
        $col["viewable"] = true;
        $col["search"] = false;
        $col["sortable"] = false;
        $cols[] = $col;

        // set columns
        $col = array();
        $col["title"] = "Company Name"; // caption of column
        $col["name"] = "Company_Name";
        $col["dbname"] = "companies.Company_Name"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql
        $col["resizable"] = true;
        $col["editable"] = true; // this column is editable
        $col["viewable"] = true;
        $col["search"] = true;
        $col["sortable"] = true;
        $cols[] = $col;

        $col = array();
        $col["title"] = "Fed ID"; // caption of column
        $col["name"] = "Company_Fed_ID";
        $col["dbname"] = "companies.Company_Fed_ID"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql
        $col["resizable"] = true;
        $col["editable"] = true; // this column is editable
        $col["viewable"] = true;
        $cols[] = $col;

        // set columns
        $col = array();
        $col["title"] = "SSN"; // caption of column
        $col["name"] = "SSN";
        $col["dbname"] = "companies.SSN"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql
        $col["resizable"] = true;
        $col["editable"] = true; // this column is editable
        $col["viewable"] = true;
        $col["search"] = false;
        $col["sortable"] = true;
        $cols[] = $col;

        $col = array();
        $col["title"] = "Email"; // caption of column
        $col["name"] = "Email";
        $col["dbname"] = "companies.Email"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql
        $col["resizable"] = true;
        $col["editable"] = true; // this column is editable
        $col["viewable"] = true;
        $col["search"] = false;
        $cols[] = $col;

        $col = array();
        $col["title"] = "Business_NameW9"; // caption of column
        $col["name"] = "Business_NameW9";
        $col["dbname"] = "companies.Business_NameW9"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql
        $col["resizable"] = true;
        $col["editable"] = true; // this column is editable
        $col["viewable"] = true;
        $col["search"] = false;
        $cols[] = $col;

        // set columns
        $col = array();
        $col["title"] = "Client ID"; // caption of column
        $col["name"] = "Client_ID";
        $col["dbname"] = "clients.Client_ID"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql
        $col["resizable"] = false;
        $col["editable"] = false; // this column is editable
        $col["hidden"] = false;
        $col["viewable"] = true;
        $col["search"] = false;
        $col["sortable"] = false;
        $cols[] = $col;

        $col = array();
        $col["title"] = "Client Number"; // caption of column
        $col["name"] = "Client_Number";
        $col["dbname"] = "clients.Client_Number"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql
        $col["resizable"] = true;
        $col["editable"] = true; // this column is editable
        $col["viewable"] = true;
        $cols[] = $col;

        $col = array();
        $col["title"] = "Client Logo Name"; // caption of column
        $col["name"] = "Client_Logo_Name";
        $col["dbname"] = "clients.Client_Logo_Name"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql
        $col["resizable"] = true;
        $col["editable"] = true; // this column is editable
        $col["viewable"] = true;
        $cols[] = $col;

        $col = array();
        $col["title"] = "Client Approval Amount 1"; // caption of column
        $col["name"] = "Client_Approval_Amount_1";
        $col["dbname"] = "clients.Client_Approval_Amount_1"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql
        $col["resizable"] = true;
        $col["editable"] = true; // this column is editable
        $col["viewable"] = true;
        $col["search"] = false;
        $cols[] = $col;

        $col = array();
        $col["title"] = "Client Approval Amount 2"; // caption of column
        $col["name"] = "Client_Approval_Amount_2";
        $col["dbname"] = "clients.Client_Approval_Amount_2"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql
        $col["resizable"] = true;
        $col["editable"] = true; // this column is editable
        $col["viewable"] = true;
        $col["search"] = false;
        $cols[] = $col;

        // set columns
        $col = array();
        $col["title"] = "Address ID"; // caption of column
        $col["name"] = "Address_ID";
        $col["dbname"] = "addresses.Address_ID"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql
        $col["resizable"] = false;
        $col["editable"] = false; // this column is editable
        $col["hidden"] = true;
        $col["viewable"] = true;
        $col["search"] = false;
        $col["sortable"] = false;
        $cols[] = $col;

        $col = array();
        $col["title"] = "Address1"; // caption of column
        $col["name"] = "Address1";
        $col["dbname"] = "addresses.Address1"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql
        $col["resizable"] = true;
        $col["editable"] = true; // this column is editable
        $col["viewable"] = true;
        $cols[] = $col;

        $col = array();
        $col["title"] = "Address2"; // caption of column
        $col["name"] = "Address2";
        $col["dbname"] = "addresses.Address2"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql
        $col["resizable"] = true;
        $col["editable"] = true; // this column is editable
        $col["viewable"] = true;
        $cols[] = $col;

        $col = array();
        $col["title"] = "City"; // caption of column
        $col["name"] = "City";
        $col["dbname"] = "addresses.City"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql
        $col["resizable"] = true;
        $col["editable"] = true; // this column is editable
        $col["viewable"] = true;
        $cols[] = $col;

        $col = array();
        $col["title"] = "State"; // caption of column
        $col["name"] = "State";
        $col["dbname"] = "addresses.State"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql
        $col["resizable"] = true;
        $col["editable"] = true; // this column is editable
        $col["viewable"] = true;
        $cols[] = $col;

        $col = array();
        $col["title"] = "ZIP"; // caption of column
        $col["name"] = "ZIP";
        $col["dbname"] = "addresses.ZIP"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql
        $col["resizable"] = true;
        $col["editable"] = true; // this column is editable
        $col["viewable"] = true;
        $cols[] = $col;

        $col = array();
        $col["title"] = "Country"; // caption of column
        $col["name"] = "Country";
        $col["dbname"] = "addresses.Country"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql
        $col["resizable"] = true;
        $col["editable"] = true; // this column is editable
        $col["viewable"] = true;
        $cols[] = $col;

        $col = array();
        $col["title"] = "Phone"; // caption of column
        $col["name"] = "Phone";
        $col["dbname"] = "addresses.Phone"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql
        $col["resizable"] = true;
        $col["editable"] = true; // this column is editable
        $col["viewable"] = true;
        $cols[] = $col;

        $col = array();
        $col["title"] = "Fax"; // caption of column
        $col["name"] = "Fax";
        $col["dbname"] = "addresses.Fax"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql
        $col["resizable"] = true;
        $col["editable"] = true; // this column is editable
        $col["viewable"] = true;
        $col["search"] = false;
        $cols[] = $col;

        $g = new jqgrid();

        $grid["caption"] = "Clients";
       // $grid["multiselect"] = true;
        $grid["autowidth"] = true;
        $grid["resizable"] = true;
        //$grid["toppager"] = true;
        $grid["sortname"] = 'companies.Company_Name';
        $grid["sortorder"] = "ASC";
        $grid["add_options"] = array(
            "closeAfterEdit"=>true, // close dialog after add/edit
            "top"=>"200", // absolute top position of dialog
            "left"=>"200" // absolute left position of dialog


                "add"=>false, // allow/disallow add
                "edit"=>true, // allow/disallow edit
                "delete"=>true, // allow/disallow delete
                "rowactions"=>true, // show/hide row wise edit/del/save option
                "export"=>true, // show/hide export to excel option
                "autofilter" => true, // show/hide autofilter for search
                "search" => "advance" // show single/multi field search condition (e.g. simple or advance)

        $g->select_command = "SELECT  clients.Client_ID, clients.Client_Number, clients.Client_Logo_Name,
                                      companies.*, addresses.*, clients.Client_Approval_Amount_1,
                              FROM clients
                              LEFT JOIN companies ON clients.Company_ID = companies.Company_ID
                              LEFT JOIN company_addresses ON company_addresses.Company_ID = companies.Company_ID
                              LEFT JOIN addresses ON addresses.Address_ID = company_addresses.Address_ID";

        // set database table for CRUD operations
        $g->table = "clients";


        // group columns header
        $g->set_group_header( array(
                        "startColumnName"=>'Company_ID', // group starts from this column
                        "numberOfColumns"=>6, // group span to next 2 columns
                        "titleText"=>'Company Information' // caption of group header
                        "startColumnName"=>'Client_ID', // group starts from this column
                        "numberOfColumns"=>5, // group span to next 2 columns
                        "titleText"=>'Client Information' // caption of group header
                        "startColumnName"=>'Address1', // group starts from this column
                        "numberOfColumns"=>8, // group span to next 2 columns
                        "titleText"=>"Company's Address" // caption of group header

        // render grid and get html/js output
        $out = $g->render("Clients");

	 * Lists all models.
	public function actionIndex()
        if (isset($_POST['oper']) && $_POST['oper'] == 'edit') {
            $ids = explode(',', $_POST["id"]);
            $userId = $ids[0];
            $clientId = $ids[1];

            if (is_numeric($userId) && is_numeric($clientId)) {
                $userClientRow = UsersClientList::model()->with('client', 'user')->findByAttributes(array(
                    'User_ID' => $userId,
                    'Client_ID' => $clientId,

                if ($userClientRow) {
                    $client = $userClientRow->client;
                    $company = $client->company;
                    $user = $userClientRow->user;
                    $person = $user->person;
                    $addresses = $company->adreses;

                    $userClientRow->User_Type = $_POST["User_Type"];
                    $userClientRow->User_Approval_Value = intval($_POST["User_Approval_Value"]);
                    if ($userClientRow->validate()) {
                        echo "UsersClientList\n";

                    if (isset($addresses[0])) {
                        $address = $addresses[0];
                        $address->Address1 =  $_POST["Address1"];
                        $address->Address2 =  $_POST["Address2"];
                        $address->City =  $_POST["City"];
                        $address->State =  $_POST["State"];
                        $address->ZIP =  $_POST["ZIP"];
                        $address->Country =  $_POST["Country"];
                        $address->Phone =  $_POST["Phone"];
                        $address->Fax =  $_POST["Fax"];

                        if ($address->validate()) {
                            echo "adresses\n";

                    if ($company) {
                        $company->Company_Name = $_POST["Company_Name"];
                        if ($company->validate()) {
                            echo "company\n";

                    $user->User_Login = $_POST["User_Login"];
                    $user->Last_Login = $_POST["Last_Login"] ? $_POST["Last_Login"] : null;
                    $user->Active = intval($_POST["Active"]);
                    if ($user->validate()) {
                        echo "user\n";

                    $person->First_Name = $_POST["First_Name"];
                    $person->Last_Name = $_POST["Last_Name"];
                    $person->Email = $_POST["Email"];
                    $person->Mobile_Phone = $_POST["Mobile_Phone"];
                    $person->Direct_Phone = $_POST["Direct_Phone"];
                    $person->Direct_Fax = $_POST["Direct_Fax"];
                    if ($person->validate()) {
                        echo "person\n";


        if (isset($_POST['oper']) && $_POST['oper'] == 'add') {

        if (isset($_POST['oper']) && $_POST['oper'] == 'del') {
            $ids = explode(',', $_POST["id"]);
            $userId = $ids[0];
            $clientId = $ids[1];
            if (is_numeric($userId) && is_numeric($clientId)) {
                $userClientRow = UsersClientList::model()->with('client', 'user')->findByAttributes(array(
                    'User_ID' => $userId,
                    'Client_ID' => $clientId,

                if ($userClientRow) {
                        'User_ID' => $userId,
                        'Client_ID' => $clientId,

        $conn = mysql_connect(Yii::app()->params->dbhost, Yii::app()->params->dbuser, Yii::app()->params->dbpassword);
        mysql_query("SET NAMES 'utf8'");


        // set columns
        $col = array();
        $col["title"] = "Joined Key (User_ID, Client_ID)"; // caption of column
        $col["name"] = "joined_key";
        $col["dbname"] = "joined_key"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql
        $col["resizable"] = false;
        $col["editable"] = false; // this column is editable
        $col["hidden"] = true;
        $col["viewable"] = true;
        $col["search"] = false;
        $col["sortable"] = false;
        $cols[] = $col;

        $col = array();
        $col["title"] = "User Type"; // caption of column
        $col["name"] = "User_Type";
        $col["dbname"] = "users_client_list.User_Type"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql
        $col["resizable"] = true;
        $col["editable"] = true; // this column is editable
        $col["viewable"] = true;
        $col["edittype"] = "select";
        $col["editoptions"] = array("value"=>'User:User;Approver:Approver;Processor:Processor;Client Admin:Client Admin');
        $cols[] = $col;

        $approvalValues = array();
        for ($i = 0; $i <= 100; $i++) {
            $approvalValues[] = $i . ':' . $i;

        $col = array();
        $col["title"] = "User Approval Value"; // caption of column
        $col["name"] = "User_Approval_Value";
        $col["dbname"] = "users_client_list.User_Approval_Value"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql
        $col["resizable"] = false;
        $col["editable"] = true; // this column is editable
        $col["hidden"] = false;
        $col["viewable"] = true;
        $col["search"] = false;
        $col["sortable"] = true;
        $col["edittype"] = "select";
        $col["editoptions"] = array("value"=>implode(';', $approvalValues));
        $cols[] = $col;

        // set columns
        $col = array();
        $col["title"] = "User ID"; // caption of column
        $col["name"] = "User_ID";
        $col["dbname"] = "users.User_ID"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql
        $col["resizable"] = false;
        $col["editable"] = false; // this column is editable
        $col["hidden"] = false;
        $col["viewable"] = true;
        $col["search"] = false;
        $col["sortable"] = false;
        $cols[] = $col;

        $col = array();
        $col["title"] = "User Login"; // caption of column
        $col["name"] = "User_Login";
        $col["dbname"] = "users.User_Login"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql
        $col["resizable"] = true;
        $col["editable"] = true; // this column is editable
        $col["viewable"] = true;
        $cols[] = $col;

        $col = array();
        $col["title"] = "Last Login"; // caption of column
        $col["name"] = "Last_Login";
        $col["dbname"] = "users.Last_Login"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql
        $col["resizable"] = true;
        $col["editable"] = true; // this column is editable
        $col["viewable"] = true;
        $cols[] = $col;

        $col = array();
        $col["title"] = "Active"; // caption of column
        $col["name"] = "Active";
        $col["dbname"] = "users.Active"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql
        $col["resizable"] = true;
        $col["editable"] = true; // this column is editable
        $col["viewable"] = true;
        $col["search"] = false;
        $col["sortable"] = true;
        $col["edittype"] = "select";
        $col["editoptions"] = array("value"=>'0:0;1:1');
        $cols[] = $col;

        $col = array();
        $col["title"] = "Last_IP"; // caption of column
        $col["name"] = "Last_IP";
        $col["dbname"] = "users.Last_IP"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql
        $col["resizable"] = true;
        $col["editable"] = false; // this column is editable
        $col["viewable"] = true;
        $col["search"] = false;
        $col["sortable"] = true;
        $cols[] = $col;

        // set columns
        $col = array();
        $col["title"] = "Person ID"; // caption of column
        $col["name"] = "Person_ID";
        $col["dbname"] = "persons.Person_ID"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql
        $col["resizable"] = false;
        $col["editable"] = false; // this column is editable
        $col["hidden"] = true;
        $col["viewable"] = true;
        $col["search"] = false;
        $col["sortable"] = false;
        $cols[] = $col;

        $col = array();
        $col["title"] = "First Name"; // caption of column
        $col["name"] = "First_Name";
        $col["dbname"] = "persons.First_Name"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql
        $col["resizable"] = true;
        $col["editable"] = true; // this column is editable
        $col["viewable"] = true;
        $cols[] = $col;

        $col = array();
        $col["title"] = "Last Name"; // caption of column
        $col["name"] = "Last_Name";
        $col["dbname"] = "persons.Last_Name"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql
        $col["resizable"] = true;
        $col["editable"] = true; // this column is editable
        $col["viewable"] = true;
        $cols[] = $col;

        $col = array();
        $col["title"] = "Email"; // caption of column
        $col["name"] = "Email";
        $col["dbname"] = "persons.Email"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql
        $col["resizable"] = true;
        $col["editable"] = true; // this column is editable
        $col["viewable"] = true;
        $cols[] = $col;

        $col = array();
        $col["title"] = "Mobile Phone"; // caption of column
        $col["name"] = "Mobile_Phone";
        $col["dbname"] = "persons.Mobile_Phone"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql
        $col["resizable"] = true;
        $col["editable"] = true; // this column is editable
        $col["viewable"] = true;
        $cols[] = $col;

        $col = array();
        $col["title"] = "Direct Phone"; // caption of column
        $col["name"] = "Direct_Phone";
        $col["dbname"] = "persons.Direct_Phone"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql
        $col["resizable"] = true;
        $col["editable"] = true; // this column is editable
        $col["viewable"] = true;
        $col["search"] = false;
        $cols[] = $col;

        $col = array();
        $col["title"] = "Direct Fax"; // caption of column
        $col["name"] = "Direct_Fax";
        $col["dbname"] = "persons.Direct_Fax"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql
        $col["resizable"] = true;
        $col["editable"] = true; // this column is editable
        $col["viewable"] = true;
        $col["search"] = false;
        $cols[] = $col;

        // set columns
        $col = array();
        $col["title"] = "Company ID"; // caption of column
        $col["name"] = "Company_ID";
        $col["dbname"] = "companies.Company_ID"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql
        $col["resizable"] = false;
        $col["editable"] = false; // this column is editable
        $col["hidden"] = false;
        $col["viewable"] = true;
        $col["search"] = false;
        $col["sortable"] = false;
        $cols[] = $col;

        // set columns
        $col = array();
        $col["title"] = "Company Name"; // caption of column
        $col["name"] = "Company_Name";
        $col["dbname"] = "companies.Company_Name"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql
        $col["resizable"] = true;
        $col["editable"] = true; // this column is editable
        $col["viewable"] = true;
        $col["search"] = true;
        $col["sortable"] = true;
        $cols[] = $col;

        // set columns
        $col = array();
        $col["title"] = "Address ID"; // caption of column
        $col["name"] = "Address_ID";
        $col["dbname"] = "addresses.Address_ID"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql
        $col["resizable"] = false;
        $col["editable"] = false; // this column is editable
        $col["hidden"] = true;
        $col["viewable"] = true;
        $col["search"] = false;
        $col["sortable"] = false;
        $cols[] = $col;

        $col = array();
        $col["title"] = "Address1"; // caption of column
        $col["name"] = "Address1";
        $col["dbname"] = "addresses.Address1"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql
        $col["resizable"] = true;
        $col["editable"] = true; // this column is editable
        $col["viewable"] = true;
        $cols[] = $col;

        $col = array();
        $col["title"] = "Address2"; // caption of column
        $col["name"] = "Address2";
        $col["dbname"] = "addresses.Address2"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql
        $col["resizable"] = true;
        $col["editable"] = true; // this column is editable
        $col["viewable"] = true;
        $cols[] = $col;

        $col = array();
        $col["title"] = "City"; // caption of column
        $col["name"] = "City";
        $col["dbname"] = "addresses.City"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql
        $col["resizable"] = true;
        $col["editable"] = true; // this column is editable
        $col["viewable"] = true;
        $cols[] = $col;

        $col = array();
        $col["title"] = "State"; // caption of column
        $col["name"] = "State";
        $col["dbname"] = "addresses.State"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql
        $col["resizable"] = true;
        $col["editable"] = true; // this column is editable
        $col["viewable"] = true;
        $cols[] = $col;

        $col = array();
        $col["title"] = "ZIP"; // caption of column
        $col["name"] = "ZIP";
        $col["dbname"] = "addresses.ZIP"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql
        $col["resizable"] = true;
        $col["editable"] = true; // this column is editable
        $col["viewable"] = true;
        $cols[] = $col;

        $col = array();
        $col["title"] = "Country"; // caption of column
        $col["name"] = "Country";
        $col["dbname"] = "addresses.Country"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql
        $col["resizable"] = true;
        $col["editable"] = true; // this column is editable
        $col["viewable"] = true;
        $cols[] = $col;

        $col = array();
        $col["title"] = "Phone"; // caption of column
        $col["name"] = "Phone";
        $col["dbname"] = "addresses.Phone"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql
        $col["resizable"] = true;
        $col["editable"] = true; // this column is editable
        $col["viewable"] = true;
        $cols[] = $col;

        $col = array();
        $col["title"] = "Fax"; // caption of column
        $col["name"] = "Fax";
        $col["dbname"] = "addresses.Fax"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql
        $col["resizable"] = true;
        $col["editable"] = true; // this column is editable
        $col["viewable"] = true;
        $col["search"] = false;
        $cols[] = $col;

        $g = new jqgrid();

        $grid["caption"] = "Client/User List";
       // $grid["multiselect"] = true;
        $grid["autowidth"] = true;
        $grid["resizable"] = true;
        //$grid["toppager"] = true;
        $grid["sortname"] = 'users.User_ID';
        $grid["sortorder"] = "ASC";
        $grid["add_options"] = array(
            "closeAfterEdit"=>true, // close dialog after add/edit
            "top"=>"200", // absolute top position of dialog
            "left"=>"200" // absolute left position of dialog


                "add"=>false, // allow/disallow add
                "edit"=>true, // allow/disallow edit
                "delete"=>true, // allow/disallow delete
                "rowactions"=>true, // show/hide row wise edit/del/save option
                "export"=>true, // show/hide export to excel option
                "autofilter" => true, // show/hide autofilter for search
                "search" => "advance" // show single/multi field search condition (e.g. simple or advance)

        $g->select_command = "SELECT   concat(users_client_list.User_ID, ',', users_client_list.Client_ID) as joined_key,
                                       users_client_list.User_Type, users_client_list.User_Approval_Value,
                                       companies.Company_Name, companies.Company_ID, addresses.*, persons.*,
                                       users.User_ID, users.Default_Project, users.User_Login, users.Last_Login,
                                       users.Active, users.Last_IP
                              FROM users_client_list
                              LEFT JOIN clients ON clients.Client_ID = users_client_list.Client_ID
                              LEFT JOIN companies ON clients.Company_ID = companies.Company_ID
                              LEFT JOIN users ON users.User_ID = users_client_list.User_ID
                              LEFT JOIN persons ON users.Person_ID = persons.Person_ID
                              LEFT JOIN company_addresses ON company_addresses.Company_ID = companies.Company_ID
                              LEFT JOIN addresses ON addresses.Address_ID = company_addresses.Address_ID";

        // set database table for CRUD operations
        $g->table = "users_client_list";


        // group columns header
        $g->set_group_header( array(
                        "startColumnName"=>'User_Type', // group starts from this column
                        "numberOfColumns"=>2, // group span to next 2 columns
                        "titleText"=>'User-Client Rel.' // caption of group header
                        "startColumnName"=>'User_ID', // group starts from this column
                        "numberOfColumns"=>5, // group span to next 2 columns
                        "titleText"=>'User Information' // caption of group header
                        "startColumnName"=>'First_Name', // group starts from this column
                        "numberOfColumns"=>6, // group span to next 2 columns
                        "titleText"=>'Person Information' // caption of group header
                        "startColumnName"=>'Company_ID', // group starts from this column
                        "numberOfColumns"=>2, // group span to next 2 columns
                        "titleText"=>'Company Information' // caption of group header
                        "startColumnName"=>'Address1', // group starts from this column
                        "numberOfColumns"=>8, // group span to next 2 columns
                        "titleText"=>"Company's Address" // caption of group header

        // render grid and get html/js output
        $out = $g->render("Client_User_List");

Beispiel #12
     * Lists all models.
    public function actionIndex()
        if (isset($_POST['oper']) && $_POST['oper'] == 'edit') {
            $userId =  intval($_POST["id"]);

            $user = Users::model()->with('person')->findByPk($userId);

            if ($user) {
                $person = $user->person;
                $addresses = $person->adresses;

                if (isset($addresses[0])) {
                    $address = $addresses[0];
                    $address->Address1 =  $_POST["Address1"];
                    $address->Address2 =  $_POST["Address2"];
                    $address->City =  $_POST["City"];
                    $address->State =  $_POST["State"];
                    $address->ZIP =  $_POST["ZIP"];
                    $address->Country =  $_POST["Country"];
                    $address->Phone =  $_POST["Phone"];
                    $address->Fax =  $_POST["Fax"];
                    if ($address->validate()) {
                        echo "adresses\n";

                $user->User_Login = $_POST["User_Login"];
                $user->User_Type = $_POST["User_Type"];
                $user->Last_Login = $_POST["Last_Login"] ? $_POST["Last_Login"] : null;
                $user->Active = intval($_POST["Active"]);
                if ($user->validate()) {
                    echo "user\n";

                $person->First_Name = $_POST["First_Name"];
                $person->Last_Name = $_POST["Last_Name"];
                $person->Email = $_POST["Email"];
                $person->Mobile_Phone = $_POST["Mobile_Phone"];
                $person->Direct_Phone = $_POST["Direct_Phone"];
                $person->Direct_Fax = $_POST["Direct_Fax"];
                if ($person->validate()) {
                    echo "person\n";


        if (isset($_POST['oper']) && $_POST['oper'] == 'add') {

        if (isset($_POST['oper']) && $_POST['oper'] == 'del') {
            $userId =  intval($_POST["id"]);
            $user = Users::model()->with('person')->findByPk($userId);
            $documents = Documents::model()->findByAttributes(array(
                'User_ID' => $userId,

            if ($user && !$documents) {
                $person = $user->person;
                $addresses = $person->adresses;

                if (count($addresses) > 0) {
                    foreach ($addresses as $address) {

                    'Person_ID' => $person->Person_ID,


                    'User_ID' => $user->User_ID,

                    'User_ID' => $user->User_ID,

                    'User_ID' => $user->User_ID,

                    'User_ID' => $user->User_ID,

                    'User_ID' => $user->User_ID,



        $conn = mysql_connect(Yii::app()->params->dbhost, Yii::app()->params->dbuser, Yii::app()->params->dbpassword);
        mysql_query("SET NAMES 'utf8'");


        // set columns
        $col = array();
        $col["title"] = "User ID"; // caption of column
        $col["name"] = "User_ID";
        $col["dbname"] = "users.User_ID"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql
        $col["resizable"] = false;
        $col["editable"] = false; // this column is editable
        $col["hidden"] = false;
        $col["viewable"] = true;
        $col["search"] = false;
        $col["sortable"] = false;
        $cols[] = $col;

        $col = array();
        $col["title"] = "Default Project"; // caption of column
        $col["name"] = "Default_Project";
        $col["dbname"] = "users.Default_Project"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql
        $col["resizable"] = false;
        $col["editable"] = false; // this column is editable
        $col["hidden"] = true;
        $col["viewable"] = true;
        $col["search"] = false;
        $col["sortable"] = false;
        $cols[] = $col;

        $col = array();
        $col["title"] = "User Login"; // caption of column
        $col["name"] = "User_Login";
        $col["dbname"] = "users.User_Login"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql
        $col["resizable"] = true;
        $col["editable"] = true; // this column is editable
        $col["viewable"] = true;
        $cols[] = $col;

        $col = array();
        $col["title"] = "User Type"; // caption of column
        $col["name"] = "User_Type";
        $col["dbname"] = "users.User_Type"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql
        $col["resizable"] = true;
        $col["editable"] = true; // this column is editable
        $col["viewable"] = true;
        $col["edittype"] = "select";
        $col["editoptions"] = array("value"=>'User:User;Admin:Admin;DB Admin:DB Admin;Data Entry Clerk:Data Entry Clerk');
        $cols[] = $col;

        $col = array();
        $col["title"] = "Last Login"; // caption of column
        $col["name"] = "Last_Login";
        $col["dbname"] = "users.Last_Login"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql
        $col["resizable"] = true;
        $col["editable"] = true; // this column is editable
        $col["viewable"] = true;
        $cols[] = $col;

        $col = array();
        $col["title"] = "Active"; // caption of column
        $col["name"] = "Active";
        $col["dbname"] = "users.Active"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql
        $col["resizable"] = true;
        $col["editable"] = true; // this column is editable
        $col["viewable"] = true;
        $col["search"] = false;
        $col["sortable"] = true;
        $col["edittype"] = "select";
        $col["editoptions"] = array("value"=>'0:0;1:1');
        $cols[] = $col;

        $col = array();
        $col["title"] = "Last_IP"; // caption of column
        $col["name"] = "Last_IP";
        $col["dbname"] = "users.Last_IP"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql
        $col["resizable"] = true;
        $col["editable"] = false; // this column is editable
        $col["viewable"] = true;
        $col["search"] = false;
        $col["sortable"] = true;
        $cols[] = $col;

        // set columns
        $col = array();
        $col["title"] = "Person ID"; // caption of column
        $col["name"] = "Person_ID";
        $col["dbname"] = "persons.Person_ID"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql
        $col["resizable"] = false;
        $col["editable"] = false; // this column is editable
        $col["hidden"] = false;
        $col["viewable"] = true;
        $col["search"] = false;
        $col["sortable"] = false;
        $cols[] = $col;

        $col = array();
        $col["title"] = "First Name"; // caption of column
        $col["name"] = "First_Name";
        $col["dbname"] = "persons.First_Name"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql
        $col["resizable"] = true;
        $col["editable"] = true; // this column is editable
        $col["viewable"] = true;
        $cols[] = $col;

        $col = array();
        $col["title"] = "Last Name"; // caption of column
        $col["name"] = "Last_Name";
        $col["dbname"] = "persons.Last_Name"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql
        $col["resizable"] = true;
        $col["editable"] = true; // this column is editable
        $col["viewable"] = true;
        $cols[] = $col;

        $col = array();
        $col["title"] = "Email"; // caption of column
        $col["name"] = "Email";
        $col["dbname"] = "persons.Email"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql
        $col["resizable"] = true;
        $col["editable"] = true; // this column is editable
        $col["viewable"] = true;
        $cols[] = $col;

        $col = array();
        $col["title"] = "Mobile Phone"; // caption of column
        $col["name"] = "Mobile_Phone";
        $col["dbname"] = "persons.Mobile_Phone"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql
        $col["resizable"] = true;
        $col["editable"] = true; // this column is editable
        $col["viewable"] = true;
        $cols[] = $col;

        $col = array();
        $col["title"] = "Direct Phone"; // caption of column
        $col["name"] = "Direct_Phone";
        $col["dbname"] = "persons.Direct_Phone"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql
        $col["resizable"] = true;
        $col["editable"] = true; // this column is editable
        $col["viewable"] = true;
        $col["search"] = false;
        $cols[] = $col;

        $col = array();
        $col["title"] = "Direct Fax"; // caption of column
        $col["name"] = "Direct_Fax";
        $col["dbname"] = "persons.Direct_Fax"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql
        $col["resizable"] = true;
        $col["editable"] = true; // this column is editable
        $col["viewable"] = true;
        $col["search"] = false;
        $cols[] = $col;

        // set columns
        $col = array();
        $col["title"] = "Address ID"; // caption of column
        $col["name"] = "Address_ID";
        $col["dbname"] = "addresses.Address_ID"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql
        $col["resizable"] = false;
        $col["editable"] = false; // this column is editable
        $col["hidden"] = true;
        $col["viewable"] = true;
        $col["search"] = false;
        $col["sortable"] = false;
        $cols[] = $col;

        $col = array();
        $col["title"] = "Address1"; // caption of column
        $col["name"] = "Address1";
        $col["dbname"] = "addresses.Address1"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql
        $col["resizable"] = true;
        $col["editable"] = true; // this column is editable
        $col["viewable"] = true;
        $cols[] = $col;

        $col = array();
        $col["title"] = "Address2"; // caption of column
        $col["name"] = "Address2";
        $col["dbname"] = "addresses.Address2"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql
        $col["resizable"] = true;
        $col["editable"] = true; // this column is editable
        $col["viewable"] = true;
        $cols[] = $col;

        $col = array();
        $col["title"] = "City"; // caption of column
        $col["name"] = "City";
        $col["dbname"] = "addresses.City"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql
        $col["resizable"] = true;
        $col["editable"] = true; // this column is editable
        $col["viewable"] = true;
        $cols[] = $col;

        $col = array();
        $col["title"] = "State"; // caption of column
        $col["name"] = "State";
        $col["dbname"] = "addresses.State"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql
        $col["resizable"] = true;
        $col["editable"] = true; // this column is editable
        $col["viewable"] = true;
        $cols[] = $col;

        $col = array();
        $col["title"] = "ZIP"; // caption of column
        $col["name"] = "ZIP";
        $col["dbname"] = "addresses.ZIP"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql
        $col["resizable"] = true;
        $col["editable"] = true; // this column is editable
        $col["viewable"] = true;
        $cols[] = $col;

        $col = array();
        $col["title"] = "Country"; // caption of column
        $col["name"] = "Country";
        $col["dbname"] = "addresses.Country"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql
        $col["resizable"] = true;
        $col["editable"] = true; // this column is editable
        $col["viewable"] = true;
        $cols[] = $col;

        $col = array();
        $col["title"] = "Phone"; // caption of column
        $col["name"] = "Phone";
        $col["dbname"] = "addresses.Phone"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql
        $col["resizable"] = true;
        $col["editable"] = true; // this column is editable
        $col["viewable"] = true;
        $cols[] = $col;

        $col = array();
        $col["title"] = "Fax"; // caption of column
        $col["name"] = "Fax";
        $col["dbname"] = "addresses.Fax"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql
        $col["resizable"] = true;
        $col["editable"] = true; // this column is editable
        $col["viewable"] = true;
        $col["search"] = false;
        $cols[] = $col;

        $g = new jqgrid();

        $grid["caption"] = "Users";
        // $grid["multiselect"] = true;
        $grid["autowidth"] = true;
        $grid["resizable"] = true;
        //$grid["toppager"] = true;
        $grid["sortname"] = 'persons.Last_Name';
        $grid["sortorder"] = "ASC";
        $grid["add_options"] = array(
            "closeAfterEdit"=>true, // close dialog after add/edit
            "top"=>"200", // absolute top position of dialog
            "left"=>"200" // absolute left position of dialog


                "add"=>false, // allow/disallow add
                "edit"=>true, // allow/disallow edit
                "delete"=>true, // allow/disallow delete
                "rowactions"=>true, // show/hide row wise edit/del/save option
                "export"=>true, // show/hide export to excel option
                "autofilter" => true, // show/hide autofilter for search
                "search" => "advance" // show single/multi field search condition (e.g. simple or advance)

        $g->select_command = "SELECT addresses.*, persons.*, users.User_ID, users.Default_Project,
                                     users.User_Login, users.User_Type, users.Last_Login, users.Active,
                              FROM users
                              LEFT JOIN persons ON users.Person_ID = persons.Person_ID
                              LEFT JOIN person_addresses ON person_addresses.Person_ID = persons.Person_ID
                              LEFT JOIN addresses ON addresses.Address_ID = person_addresses.Address_ID";

        // set database table for CRUD operations
        $g->table = "users";


        // group columns header
        $g->set_group_header( array(
                        "startColumnName"=>'User_ID', // group starts from this column
                        "numberOfColumns"=>7, // group span to next 2 columns
                        "titleText"=>'User Information' // caption of group header
                        "startColumnName"=>'Person_ID', // group starts from this column
                        "numberOfColumns"=>7, // group span to next 2 columns
                        "titleText"=>'Person Information' // caption of group header
                        "startColumnName"=>'Address1', // group starts from this column
                        "numberOfColumns"=>8, // group span to next 2 columns
                        "titleText"=>"User's Address" // caption of group header

        // render grid and get html/js output
        $out = $g->render("Users");
