     * Get company info for users to approve tab
    public function actionGetCompanyInfo()
        if (Yii::app()->request->isAjaxRequest && isset($_POST['type'])) {
            if ($_POST['type'] != '') {
                $show = false;
                $view_name = 'users_to_approve_company';
                $companyInfo = array();
                $id = intval($_POST['userId']);

                // get user to approve
                $usersToApprove = UsersToApprove::model()->with('client', 'user')->findByPk($id);
                $client = $usersToApprove->client;
                $user = $usersToApprove->user;

                // get company info
                $company = $client->company;
                $adreses = $company->adreses;
                $adress = $adreses[0];
                if ($company && $adress) {
                    $show = true;

                    if ($usersToApprove->New_Client == UsersToApprove::NEW_CLIENT) {
                        $companyInfo['add_text'] = 'Wants to add new company:';
                    } else {
                        $companyInfo['add_text'] = 'Wants to join existing company:';

                    $companyInfo['name'] = $company->Company_Name;
                    $companyInfo['fed_id'] = $company->Company_Fed_ID;
                    $companyInfo['adr'] = $adress->Address1;
                    $companyInfo['city'] = $adress->City;
                    $companyInfo['state'] = $adress->State;
                    $companyInfo['zip'] = $adress->ZIP;

                    $companyInfo['client_admins'] = '';
                    $companyInfo['come_from'] = '';
                    $companyInfo['client_active'] = 'Client is not active now';
                    $companyInfo['company_activated'] = "This company will be automatically activated after user approval";

                    // check existing of client-admins of company
                    if ($usersToApprove->New_Client == UsersToApprove::OLD_CLIENT && !UsersClientList::checkClientForAdmins($client->Client_ID)) {
                        $companyInfo['client_admins'] = "This company doesn't have Client Admin";
                        if ($user->User_Pwd == md5('temp100')) {
                            $companyInfo['come_from'] = 'User came from registration form';
                        } else {
                            $companyInfo['come_from'] = 'User was previously in the system and asks for being added to the company by "Request to join company"';

                    $view_name = 'users_to_approve_company';

                if ( $usersToApprove->client->Client_Type === '2' ){
                    //single user without company
                    $show = true;
                    $companyInfo['add_text'] = 'Single user without company';

                    $companyInfo['name'] = 'not defined';
                    $companyInfo['fed_id'] ='not defined';
                    $companyInfo['adr'] = 'not defined';
                    $companyInfo['city'] = 'not defined';
                    $companyInfo['state'] = 'not defined';
                    $companyInfo['zip'] = 'not defined';

                    $companyInfo['client_admins'] = '';
                    $companyInfo['come_from'] = '';
                    $companyInfo['client_active'] = 'This is a single user without company';
                    $companyInfo['company_activated'] = "This company will be automatically activated after user approval";

                    if ($user->User_Pwd == md5('temp100')) {
                        $companyInfo['come_from'] = 'User came from registration form';
                    } else {
                        $companyInfo['come_from'] = 'User was previously in the system and asks for being added to the company by "Request to join company"';
                    $view_name = 'users_to_approve_without_company';

                $this->renderPartial($view_name , array(
                    'show' => $show,
                    'companyInfo' => $companyInfo,
                    'new_client' => $usersToApprove->New_Client,
                    'active_client' => $client->Client_Status,