public function on_term_update($term_id, $tt_id)
     // Get an array of fields that we need to update. We don't care about their groups here.
     $term = get_term_by('term_taxonomy_id', $tt_id);
     if (!$term instanceof WP_Term) {
     $factory = Types_Field_Group_Term_Factory::get_instance();
     $groups = $factory->get_groups_by_taxonomy($term->taxonomy);
     if (empty($groups)) {
     $field_definitions = Types_Field_Utils::get_field_definitions_from_groups($groups);
     $update_errors = $this->update_term_fields($term_id, $field_definitions);
     // Display errors if we have any.
     if (!empty($update_errors)) {
         foreach ($update_errors as $update_error) {
             wpcf_admin_message_store($update_error->get_error_message(), 'error');
         wpcf_admin_message_store(sprintf('<strong>%s</strong>', __('There has been a problem while saving custom fields. Please fix it and try again.', 'wpcf')), 'error');