  * This method is to be used only for bringing existing fields under Types control.
  * At this point it is assumed that there doesn't exist any field definition for given meta_key.
  * See Types_Field_Utils::start_managing_field() for details.
  * Maybe the usage could be wider, but that is not yet clear from the legacy code. The behaviour is slightly
  * different for meta_keys with the wpcf- prefix from the ones without it. More details in the code.
  * The field will be created as a text field.
  * @param string $meta_key Field meta key.
  * @return string|false New field slug on success, false otherwise.
  * @since 2.0
 public final function create_field_definition_for_existing_fields($meta_key)
     // If the meta_key has our wpcf- prefix, we will not use it in the slug.
     $field_slug = preg_replace('/^wpcf\\-/', '', $meta_key);
     $definition_array = array('slug' => $field_slug, 'meta_key' => $meta_key, 'meta_type' => Types_Field_Utils::domain_to_legacy_meta_type($this->get_domain()), 'type' => Types_Field_Type_Definition_Factory::TEXTFIELD, 'name' => $field_slug, 'description' => '', 'data' => array(), 'id' => $field_slug);
     // Now comes a funny part that I don't fully understand. When the field's meta_key does contain the Types
     // prefix ('wpcf-'), we assume that this was most probably a Types field whose definition got lost. If not,
     // it's a completely "foreign" field that we'll only manage from now on.
     // In the first case, the legacy code says "let's take full control" and that means setting 'controlled' to 0,
     // while for other fields (apparently without "full control") we set 'controlled' to 1... well, ok...
     // But it also says "WATCH THIS! MUST NOT BE DROPPED IN ANY CASE", so let's not drop it.
     // Name of the legacy function is: wpcf_types_cf_under_control().
     // I assume this setting is somehow related to toolset-forms.
     $adding_field_with_prefix = substr($meta_key, 0, strlen(WPCF_Field_Definition::FIELD_META_KEY_PREFIX)) == WPCF_Field_Definition::FIELD_META_KEY_PREFIX;
     $definition_array['data']['controlled'] = $adding_field_with_prefix ? 0 : 1;
     // Sanitize the definition array by type
     $textfield_type = Types_Field_Type_Definition_Factory::get_instance()->load_field_type_definition(Types_Field_Type_Definition_Factory::TEXTFIELD);
     if (null == $textfield_type) {
         return false;
     $definition_array = $textfield_type->sanitize_field_definition_array($definition_array);
     // Save the data
     $this->set_field_definition($field_slug, $definition_array);
     // Indicate success
     return $field_slug;