public function validateTicket(Ticket $ticket) { // this is all the numbers that has been matched for the ticket $numbers = [[], [], []]; // this is the count of the different rows $rows = [0, 0, 0]; // this is the array of the numbers that completed the different rows $winningNumbers = [0, 0, 0]; // the number of rows completed $completedRows = 0; // the last row with a valid number $winningRow = 0; foreach ($this->drawnNumbers as $number) { $row = $ticket->getNumberRow($number); // number is located in a row in the ticket if (!is_null($row)) { $numbers[$row][] = $number; $winningRow = $row; if (++$rows[$row] == 5) { $winningNumbers[$completedRows] = $number; $completedRows++; } } } if ($completedRows >= $this->rows) { return ["win" => True, "numbers" => $numbers, "winningNumbers" => $winningNumbers, "winningRow" => $winningRow]; } else { return ["win" => False, "numbers" => $numbers, "winningNumbers" => $winningNumbers, "winningRow" => $winningRow]; } }
protected function getallAction() { $translate = $this->application->getBootstrap()->getResource('translate'); $view = $this->application->getBootstrap()->getResource('view'); $view->setScriptPath(APPLICATION_PATH . '/views/scripts'); $acl = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getParam('bootstrap')->getResource('formacl'); $queueticketObj = new Queueticket(); $queueticketRows = $queueticketObj->fetchAll("ghost = false"); foreach ($queueticketRows as $queueticketRow) { try { $mail = new Zend_Mail_Storage_Imap(array('host' => $queueticketRow['input_email_host'], 'user' => $queueticketRow['input_email_user'], 'password' => $queueticketRow['input_email_password'])); for ($i = 1; $i <= $mail->countMessages(); $i++) { $message = $mail->getMessage($i); if (!$message->hasFlag(Zend_Mail_Storage::FLAG_SEEN)) { $values = array('subject' => $message->subject, 'content' => $message->getContent(), 'priority' => substr($queueticketRow['available_priority'], 0, 1), 'state' => substr($queueticketRow['available_states'], 0, 1), 'start' => date("c"), 'id_queue' => $queueticketRow['id']); $model = new Ticket(); $row = $model->createRow($values); $row->save(); $mail->setFlags($i, array(Zend_Mail_Storage::FLAG_SEEN)); } } } catch (Exception $e) { print_r($e->getMessage()); } } }
static function afterAdd(Group_Ticket $item) { global $DB; //Toolbox::logDebug(__METHOD__, $item); $config = PluginBehaviorsConfig::getInstance(); if ($config->getField('add_notif')) { if ($item->getField('type') == CommonITILActor::ASSIGN) { $ticket = new Ticket(); if ($ticket->getFromDB($item->getField('tickets_id'))) { NotificationEvent::raiseEvent('plugin_behaviors_ticketnewgrp', $ticket); } } } // Check is the connected user is a tech if (!is_numeric(Session::getLoginUserID(false)) || !Session::haveRight('own_ticket', 1)) { return false; // No check } $config = PluginBehaviorsConfig::getInstance(); if ($config->getField('single_tech_mode') != 0 && $item->input['type'] == CommonITILActor::ASSIGN) { $crit = array('tickets_id' => $item->input['tickets_id'], 'type' => CommonITILActor::ASSIGN); foreach ($DB->request('glpi_groups_tickets', $crit) as $data) { if ($data['id'] != $item->getID()) { $gu = new Group_Ticket(); $gu->delete($data); } } if ($config->getField('single_tech_mode') == 2) { foreach ($DB->request('glpi_tickets_users', $crit) as $data) { $gu = new Ticket_User(); $gu->delete($data); } } } }
/** * @dataProvider ticketProvider */ public function testCreateTicketWithActors($ticketActors) { $ticket = new Ticket(); $ticket->add(array('name' => 'ticket title', 'description' => 'a description') + $ticketActors); $this->assertFalse($ticket->isNewItem()); $ticketId = $ticket->getID(); foreach ($ticketActors as $actorType => $actorsList) { // Convert single actor (scalar value) to array if (!is_array($actorsList)) { $actorsList = array($actorsList); } // Check all actors are assigned to the ticket foreach ($actorsList as $index => $actor) { $notify = isset($actorList['_users_id_requester_notif']['use_notification'][$index]) ? $actorList['_users_id_requester_notif']['use_notification'][$index] : 1; $alternateEmail = isset($actorList['_users_id_requester_notif']['use_notification'][$index]) ? $actorList['_users_id_requester_notif']['alternative_email'][$index] : ''; switch ($actorType) { case '_users_id_assign': $this->_testTicketUser($ticket, $actor, CommonITILActor::REQUESTER, $notify, $alternateEmail); break; case '_users_id_observer': $this->_testTicketUser($ticket, $actor, CommonITILActor::OBSERVER, $notify, $alternateEmail); break; case '_users_id_assign': $this->_testTicketUser($ticket, $actor, CommonITILActor::ASSIGN, $notify, $alternateEmail); break; } } } }
static function plugin_vip_item_delete(Ticket $ticket) { global $DB; $ticketid = $ticket->getField('id'); $delticketquery = "DELETE FROM glpi_plugin_vip_tickets\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t WHERE id = " . $ticketid; $delvipticket = $DB->query($delticketquery); }
static function pdfForTicket(PluginPdfSimplePDF $pdf, Ticket $ticket) { $survey = new TicketSatisfaction(); $pdf->setColumnsSize(100); $pdf->displayTitle("<b>" . __('Satisfaction survey') . "</b>"); if (!$survey->getFromDB($ticket->getID())) { $pdf->displayLine(__('No generated survey')); } else { if ($survey->getField('type') == 2) { $url = Entity::generateLinkSatisfaction($ticket); $pdf->displayLine(sprintf(__('%1$s (%2$s)'), __('External survey'), $url)); } else { if ($survey->getField('date_answered')) { $sat = $survey->getField('satisfaction'); $tabsat = array(0 => __('None'), 1 => __('1 star', 'pdf'), 2 => __('2 stars', 'pdf'), 3 => __('3 stars', 'pdf'), 4 => __('4 stars', 'pdf'), 5 => __('5 stars', 'pdf')); if (isset($tabsat[$sat])) { $sat = $tabsat[$sat] . " ({$sat}/5)"; } $pdf->displayLine('<b>' . sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), __('Response date to the satisfaction survey') . '</b>', Html::convDateTime($survey->getField('date_answered')))); $pdf->displayLine('<b>' . sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), __('Satisfaction with the resolution of the ticket') . '</b>', $sat)); $pdf->displayText('<b>' . sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), __('Comments') . '</b>', $survey->getField('comment'))); } else { // No answer $pdf->displayLine(sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), __('Creation date of the satisfaction survey'), Html::convDateTime($survey->getField('date_begin')))); $pdf->displayLine(__('No answer', 'pdf')); } } } $pdf->displaySpace(); }
static function pdfForTicket(PluginPdfSimplePDF $pdf, Ticket $job) { global $CFG_GLPI, $DB; $ID = $job->getField('id'); //////////////followups/////////// $query = "SELECT *\n FROM `glpi_ticketcosts`\n WHERE `tickets_id` = '{$ID}'\n ORDER BY `begin_date`"; $result = $DB->query($query); if (!$DB->numrows($result)) { $pdf->setColumnsSize(100); $pdf->displayLine(__('No ticket cost for this ticket', 'pdf')); } else { $pdf->setColumnsSize(60, 20, 20); $pdf->displayTitle("<b>" . TicketCost::getTypeName($DB->numrows($result)), __('Ticket duration'), CommonITILObject::getActionTime($job->fields['actiontime']) . "</b>"); $pdf->setColumnsSize(20, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10); $pdf->setColumnsAlign('center', 'center', 'center', 'left', 'right', 'right', 'right', 'right', 'right'); $pdf->displayTitle("<b><i>" . __('Name') . "</i></b>", "<b><i>" . __('Begin date') . "</i></b>", "<b><i>" . __('End date') . "</i></b>", "<b><i>" . __('Budget') . "</i></b>", "<b><i>" . __('Duration') . "</i></b>", "<b><i>" . __('Time cost') . "</i></b>", "<b><i>" . __('Fixed cost') . "</i></b>", "<b><i>" . __('Material cost') . "</i></b>", "<b><i>" . __('Total cost') . "</i></b>"); while ($data = $DB->fetch_array($result)) { $cost = TicketCost::computeTotalCost($data['actiontime'], $data['cost_time'], $data['cost_fixed'], $data['cost_material']); $pdf->displayLine($data['name'], Html::convDate($data['begin_date']), Html::convDate($data['end_date']), Dropdown::getDropdownName('glpi_budgets', $data['budgets_id']), CommonITILObject::getActionTime($data['actiontime']), Html::formatNumber($data['cost_time']), Html::formatNumber($data['cost_fixed']), Html::formatNumber($data['cost_material']), Html::formatNumber($cost)); $total_time += $data['actiontime']; $total_costtime += $data['actiontime'] * $data['cost_time'] / HOUR_TIMESTAMP; $total_fixed += $data['cost_fixed']; $total_material += $data['cost_material']; $total += $cost; } $pdf->setColumnsSize(50, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10); $pdf->setColumnsAlign('right', 'right', 'right', 'right', 'right', 'right'); $pdf->displayLine('<b>' . __('Total'), CommonITILObject::getActionTime($total_time), Html::formatNumber($total_costtime), Html::formatNumber($total_fixed), Html::formatNumber($total_material), Html::formatNumber($total)); } $pdf->displaySpace(); }
static function pdfForTicket(PluginPdfSimplePDF $pdf, Ticket $ticket) { global $CFG_GLPI, $DB; $pdf->setColumnsSize(100); $pdf->displayTitle("<b>" . __('Approvals for the ticket') . "</b>"); if (!Session::haveRight('validate_request', 1) && !Session::haveRight('validate_incident', 1) && !Session::haveRight('create_incident_validation', 1) && !Session::haveRight('create_request_validation', 1)) { return false; } $ID = $ticket->getField('id'); $query = "SELECT *\n FROM `glpi_ticketvalidations`\n WHERE `tickets_id` = '" . $ticket->getField('id') . "'\n ORDER BY submission_date DESC"; $result = $DB->query($query); $number = $DB->numrows($result); if ($number) { $pdf->setColumnsSize(20, 19, 21, 19, 21); $pdf->displayTitle(_x('item', 'State'), __('Request date'), __('Approval requester'), __('Approval date'), __('Approver')); while ($row = $DB->fetch_assoc($result)) { $pdf->setColumnsSize(20, 19, 21, 19, 21); $pdf->displayLine(TicketValidation::getStatus($row['status']), Html::convDateTime($row["submission_date"]), getUserName($row["users_id"]), Html::convDateTime($row["validation_date"]), getUserName($row["users_id_validate"])); $tmp = trim($row["comment_submission"]); $pdf->displayText("<b><i>" . sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), __('Request comments') . "</i></b>", empty($tmp) ? __('None') : $tmp, 1)); if ($row["validation_date"]) { $tmp = trim($row["comment_validation"]); $pdf->displayText("<b><i>" . sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), __('Approval comments') . "</i></b>", empty($tmp) ? __('None') : $tmp, 1)); } } } else { $pdf->displayLine(__('No item found')); } $pdf->displaySpace(); }
/** * Register custom CSS/JS for the page * @return void */ public function loadCustomCssJs() { $html = $this->head['html']; parent::loadCustomCssJs(); $this->head['html'] = $html; if (is_null($this->resourceArray['properties'])) { $this->resourceArray['properties'] = array(); } $this->resourceArray['properties']['tickets'] = $this->resource->getProperties('tickets'); /** @var Tickets $Tickets */ $Tickets = $this->modx->getService('Tickets'); $Tickets->loadManagerFiles($this, array('config' => true, 'utils' => true, 'css' => true, 'ticket' => true, 'comments' => true)); $this->addLastJavascript($Tickets->config['jsUrl'] . 'mgr/ticket/update.js'); $ready = array('xtype' => 'tickets-page-ticket-update', 'resource' => $this->resource->get('id'), 'record' => $this->resourceArray, 'publish_document' => (int) $this->canPublish, 'preview_url' => $this->previewUrl, 'locked' => (int) $this->locked, 'lockedText' => $this->lockedText, 'canSave' => (int) $this->canSave, 'canEdit' => (int) $this->canEdit, 'canCreate' => (int) $this->canCreate, 'canDuplicate' => (int) $this->canDuplicate, 'canDelete' => (int) $this->canDelete, 'show_tvs' => (int) (!empty($this->tvCounts)), 'mode' => 'update'); $this->addHtml(' <script type="text/javascript"> // <![CDATA[ MODx.config.publish_document = ' . (int) $this->canPublish . '; MODx.onDocFormRender = "' . $this->onDocFormRender . '"; MODx.ctx = "' . $this->ctx . '"; Ext.onReady(function() { MODx.load(' . $this->modx->toJSON($ready) . '); }); // ]]> </script>'); }
function ticket_count() { $cc = new ConstraintChain(); $cc->add(new Constraint('ticket_release_version_id', '=', $this->id)); $ticket = new Ticket(); $tickets = $ticket->getAll($cc); return count($tickets); }
function post_addItem() { if ($this->fields['itemtype'] == 'Ticket') { $ticket = new Ticket(); $ticket->update(array('id' => $this->fields['items_id'], 'date_mod' => $_SESSION["glpi_currenttime"], '_forcenotif' => true, '_donotadddocs' => true)); } parent::post_addItem(); }
static function afterUpdate(TicketSatisfaction $ticketsatisfaction) { $config = PluginBehaviorsConfig::getInstance(); $ticket = new Ticket(); if ($config->getField('add_notif') && $ticket->getFromDB($ticketsatisfaction->getField('tickets_id')) && $ticketsatisfaction->input["date_answered"]) { NotificationEvent::raiseEvent('plugin_behaviors_replysurvey', $ticket); } }
function garbage() { $deadline = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() - 24 * 60 * 60 * 5); // keep tickets for 5 days. App::import('model', 'Core.Ticket'); $ticketObj = new Ticket(); $data = $ticketObj->query('DELETE from tickets WHERE created < \'' . $deadline . '\''); }
/** * This function is beign used to reply on a ticket. * It will first check if the user who executed this function is a mod/admin or the topic creator himself. If this is not the case the page will be redirected to an error page. * in case the isset($_POST['hidden'] is set and the user is a mod, the message will be hidden for the topic starter. The reply will be created. If $_POST['ChangeStatus']) & $_POST['ChangePriority'] is set * it will try to update the status and priority. Afterwards the page is being redirecte to the ticket again. * @author Daan Janssens, mentored by Matthew Lagoe */ function reply_on_ticket() { global $INGAME_WEBPATH; global $WEBPATH; //if logged in if (WebUsers::isLoggedIn() && isset($_POST['ticket_id'])) { $ticket_id = filter_var($_POST['ticket_id'], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT); $target_ticket = new Ticket(); $target_ticket->load_With_TId($ticket_id); //check if the user who executed this function is a mod/admin or the topic creator himself. if ($target_ticket->getAuthor() == unserialize($_SESSION['ticket_user'])->getTUserId() || Ticket_User::isMod(unserialize($_SESSION['ticket_user']))) { try { $author = unserialize($_SESSION['ticket_user'])->getTUserId(); if (isset($_POST['Content'])) { $content = $_POST['Content']; } else { $content = ""; } $hidden = 0; if (isset($_POST['hidden']) && Ticket_User::isMod(unserialize($_SESSION['ticket_user']))) { $hidden = 1; } //create the reply Ticket::createReply($content, $author, $ticket_id, $hidden); //try to update the status & priority in case these are set. if (isset($_POST['ChangeStatus']) && isset($_POST['ChangePriority']) && Ticket_User::isMod(unserialize($_SESSION['ticket_user']))) { $newStatus = filter_var($_POST['ChangeStatus'], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT); $newPriority = filter_var($_POST['ChangePriority'], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT); Ticket::updateTicketStatusAndPriority($ticket_id, $newStatus, $newPriority, $author); } header("Cache-Control: max-age=1"); if (Helpers::check_if_game_client()) { header("Location: " . $INGAME_WEBPATH . "?page=show_ticket&id=" . $ticket_id); } else { header("Location: " . $WEBPATH . "?page=show_ticket&id=" . $ticket_id); } throw new SystemExit(); } catch (PDOException $e) { //ERROR: LIB DB is not online! print_r($e); //header("Location: index.php"); throw new SystemExit(); } } else { //ERROR: No access! $_SESSION['error_code'] = "403"; header("Cache-Control: max-age=1"); header("Location: index.php?page=error"); throw new SystemExit(); } } else { //ERROR: not logged in! header("Cache-Control: max-age=1"); header("Location: index.php"); throw new SystemExit(); } }
static function afterPurge(Document_Item $document_item) { $config = PluginBehaviorsConfig::getInstance(); if ($config->getField('add_notif') && $document_item->fields['itemtype'] == 'Ticket' && isset($_POST['item'])) { // prevent not use in case of purge ticket $ticket = new Ticket(); $ticket->getFromDB($document_item->fields['items_id']); NotificationEvent::raiseEvent('plugin_behaviors_document_itemdel', $ticket); } }
public function update() { $q = "UPDATE messages SET text = '" . DB::esc($this->text) . "', modified = '" . date('Y-m-d G:i:s') . "', updated = 1\n WHERE id = " . DB::esc($this->id); $res = DB::query($q); if (!$res) { throw new Exception(DB::getMySQLiObject()->error); } $ticket = new Ticket(array('message_id' => DB::esc($this->id), 'text' => DB::esc($this->text))); $ticket->updateText(); }
function post_addItem() { $t = new Ticket(); $no_stat_computation = true; if ($this->input['type'] == Ticket::ASSIGN) { $no_stat_computation = false; } $t->updateDateMod($this->fields['tickets_id'], $no_stat_computation); parent::post_addItem(); }
public function process() { if (!($data = $this->handleFile())) { return $this->failure($this->modx->lexicon('ticket_err_file_ns')); } $properties = $this->mediaSource->getPropertyList(); $tmp = explode('.', $data['name']); $extension = strtolower(end($tmp)); $image_extensions = $allowed_extensions = array(); if (!empty($properties['imageExtensions'])) { $image_extensions = array_map('trim', explode(',', strtolower($properties['imageExtensions']))); } if (!empty($properties['allowedFileTypes'])) { $allowed_extensions = array_map('trim', explode(',', strtolower($properties['allowedFileTypes']))); } if (!empty($allowed_extensions) && !in_array($extension, $allowed_extensions)) { return $this->failure($this->modx->lexicon('ticket_err_file_ext')); } elseif (in_array($extension, $image_extensions)) { $type = 'image'; } else { $type = $extension; } $hash = sha1($data['stream']); $path = '0/'; $filename = !empty($properties['imageNameType']) && $properties['imageNameType'] == 'friendly' ? $this->ticket->cleanAlias($data['name']) : $hash . '.' . $extension; if (strpos($filename, '.' . $extension) === false) { $filename .= '.' . $extension; } // Check for existing file $where = $this->modx->newQuery($this->classKey, array('class' => $this->class)); if (!empty($this->ticket->id)) { $where->andCondition(array('parent:IN' => array(0, $this->ticket->id))); } else { $where->andCondition(array('parent' => 0)); } $where->andCondition(array('file' => $filename, 'OR:hash:=' => $hash), null, 1); if ($this->modx->getCount($this->classKey, $where)) { return $this->failure($this->modx->lexicon('ticket_err_file_exists', array('file' => $data['name']))); } /* @var TicketFile $ticket_file */ $ticket_file = $this->modx->newObject('TicketFile', array('parent' => 0, 'name' => $data['name'], 'file' => $filename, 'path' => $path, 'source' => $this->mediaSource->id, 'type' => $type, 'createdon' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'createdby' => $this->modx->user->id, 'deleted' => 0, 'hash' => $hash, 'size' => $data['size'], 'class' => $this->class, 'properties' => $data['properties'])); $this->mediaSource->createContainer($ticket_file->path, '/'); unset($this->mediaSource->errors['file']); $file = $this->mediaSource->createObject($ticket_file->get('path'), $ticket_file->get('file'), $data['stream']); if ($file) { $url = $this->mediaSource->getObjectUrl($ticket_file->get('path') . $ticket_file->get('file')); $ticket_file->set('url', $url); $ticket_file->save(); $ticket_file->generateThumbnail($this->mediaSource); return $this->success('', $ticket_file->toArray()); } else { $this->modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, '[Tickets] Could not save file: ' . print_r($this->mediaSource->getErrors(), 1)); return $this->failure($this->modx->lexicon('ticket_err_file_save')); } }
private function formatAlertContent(Ticket $ticket, $time) {/*{{{*/ $inspector = $ticket->getInspector(); $leaderName = ''; if (false == $inspector->isLeader() && false == $ticket->getInspectGroup()->getLeader()->isNull()) { $leader = $ticket->getInspectGroup()->getLeader(); $leaderName = ", 组长: ".$leader->realName; } return $inspector->realName."(".$ticket->getInspectGroup()->displayName.") ".get_class($ticket->source).": {$ticket->source->id} {$time}分钟".$leaderName.";\n"; }/*}}}*/
static function pdfForTicket(PluginPdfSimplePDF $pdf, Ticket $job, $private) { global $CFG_GLPI, $DB; $ID = $job->getField('id'); //////////////Tasks/////////// $RESTRICT = ""; if (!$private) { // Don't show private' $RESTRICT = " AND `is_private` = '0' "; } else { if (!Session::haveRight("show_full_ticket", "1")) { // No right, only show connected user private one $RESTRICT = " AND (`is_private` = '0'\n OR `users_id` ='" . Session::getLoginUserID() . "' ) "; } } $query = "SELECT *\n FROM `glpi_tickettasks`\n WHERE `tickets_id` = '{$ID}'\n {$RESTRICT}\n ORDER BY `date` DESC"; $result = $DB->query($query); if (!$DB->numrows($result)) { $pdf->setColumnsSize(100); $pdf->displayLine(__('No task found.')); } else { $pdf->displayTitle("<b>" . TicketTask::getTypeName($DB->numrows($result) . "</b>")); $pdf->setColumnsSize(20, 20, 20, 20, 20); $pdf->displayTitle("<b><i>" . __('Type') . "</i></b>", "<b><i>" . __('Date') . "</i></b>", "<b><i>" . __('Duration') . "</i></b>", "<b><i>" . __('Writer') . "</i></b>", "<b><i>" . __('Planning') . "</i></b>"); while ($data = $DB->fetch_array($result)) { $actiontime = Html::timestampToString($data['actiontime'], false); $planification = ''; if (empty($data['begin'])) { if (isset($data["state"])) { $planification = Planning::getState($data["state"]) . "<br>"; } $planification .= _e('None'); } else { if (isset($data["state"])) { $planification = sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), _x('item', 'State'), Planning::getState($data["state"])); } $planificiation = sprintf(__('%1$s - %2$s'), $planification, Html::convDateTime($data["begin"]) . " -> " . Html::convDateTime($data["end"])); $planificiation = sprintf(__('%1$s - %2$s'), $planification, sprintf(__('%1$s %2$s'), __('By'), getUserName($data["users_id_tech"]))); } if ($data['taskcategories_id']) { $lib = Dropdown::getDropdownName('glpi_taskcategories', $data['taskcategories_id']); } else { $lib = ''; } if ($data['is_private']) { $lib = sprintf(__('%1$s (%2$s)'), $lib, __('Private')); } toolbox::logdebug("lib", $data); $pdf->displayLine(Html::clean($lib), Html::convDateTime($data["date"]), Html::timestampToString($data["actiontime"], 0), Html::clean(getUserName($data["users_id"])), Html::clean($planification), 1); $pdf->displayText("<b><i>" . sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), __('Description') . "</i></b>", Html::clean($data["content"]), 1)); } } $pdf->displaySpace(); }
/** * @since version 0.85 **/ function canCreateItem() { if ($this->canChildItem('canViewItem', 'canView')) { $ticket = new Ticket(); if ($ticket->getFromDB($this->fields['tickets_id'])) { if ($ticket->fields['type'] == Ticket::INCIDENT_TYPE) { return Session::haveRight(self::$rightname, self::CREATEINCIDENT); } if ($ticket->fields['type'] == Ticket::DEMAND_TYPE) { return Session::haveRight(self::$rightname, self::CREATEREQUEST); } } } }
function getGroups($ticket_id, $removeAlreadyAssigned = true) { $groups = $user_groups = $ticket_groups = array(); // get groups for user connected $tmp_user_groups = Group_User::getUserGroups($_SESSION['glpiID']); foreach ($tmp_user_groups as $current_group) { $user_groups[$current_group['id']] = $current_group['id']; $groups[$current_group['id']] = $current_group['id']; } // get groups already assigned in the ticket if ($ticket_id > 0) { $ticket = new Ticket(); $ticket->getFromDB($ticket_id); foreach ($ticket->getGroups(CommonITILActor::ASSIGN) as $current_group) { $ticket_groups[$current_group['groups_id']] = $current_group['groups_id']; } } // To do an escalation, the user must be in a group currently assigned to the ticket // or no group is assigned to the ticket // TODO : matching with "view all tickets (yes/no) option in profile user" if (!empty($ticket_groups) && count(array_intersect($ticket_groups, $user_groups)) == 0) { return array(); } //get all group which we can climb if (count($groups) > 0) { $group_group = $this->find("groups_id_source IN (" . implode(", ", $groups) . ")"); foreach ($group_group as $current_group) { $groups[$current_group['groups_id_destination']] = $current_group['groups_id_destination']; } } //remove already assigned groups if (!empty($ticket_groups) && $removeAlreadyAssigned) { $groups = array_diff_assoc($groups, $ticket_groups); } //add name to returned groups and remove non assignable groups $group_obj = new Group(); foreach ($groups as $groups_id => &$groupname) { $group_obj->getFromDB($groups_id); //check if we can assign this group if ($group_obj->fields['is_assign'] == 0) { unset($groups[$groups_id]); continue; } //add name $groupname = $group_obj->fields['name']; } //sort by group name (and keep associative index) asort($groups); return $groups; }
/** * @param string $where - WHERE of the sql query * @param array $data - sql values to bind to the prepared query * * @return array */ public static function loadAll($where = '', $data = array(), $return_array = true, $order_by = '') { global $con; if (!empty($where)) { $where = ' WHERE ' . $where; } if (!empty($order_by)) { $order_by = ' ORDER BY ' . $order_by; } $sql = 'SELECT tTicket.TicketID AS ticket_id, tTicket.IssueTitle as ticket_issue_title, tTicket.Description as ticket_description, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(tTicket.DateOpened) AS ticket_date_opened, tTicket.CategoryID AS category_id, jCategory.Description AS category_description, tTicket.OpenedBy AS opened_by_id, jOpenedBy.FirstName AS opened_by_first_name, jOpenedBy.LastName AS opened_by_last_name, jOpenedBy.EmailAddress AS opened_by_email_address, jOpenedBy.PhoneNumber AS opened_by_phone_number, jOpenedBy.CellPhoneCarrierID AS opened_by_cell_phone_carrier_id, jOpenedBy.ProfilePicture AS opened_by_profile_picture, jOpenedByLogin.TypeID AS opened_by_type_id, jOpenedByLogin.LastPasswordChange AS opened_by_last_password_change FROM tTicket LEFT JOIN tUser jOpenedBy ON jOpenedBy.UserID = tTicket.OpenedBy LEFT JOIN tLogin jOpenedByLogin ON jOpenedBy.UserID = jOpenedByLogin.UserID LEFT JOIN tCategory jCategory ON jCategory.CategoryID = tTicket.CategoryID ' . $where . ' ' . $order_by . ''; $statement = $con->prepare($sql); $statement->execute($data); $rows = $statement->fetchAll(); $tickets = array(); if (!empty($rows)) { foreach ($rows as $row) { $ticket = new Ticket(array('id' => $row['ticket_id'], 'category' => array('id' => $row['category_id'], 'description' => $row['category_description']), 'opened_by' => array('id' => $row['opened_by_id'], 'first_name' => $row['opened_by_first_name'], 'last_name' => $row['opened_by_last_name'], 'email_address' => $row['opened_by_email_address'], 'phone_number' => $row['opened_by_phone_number'], 'cell_phone_carrier_id' => $row['opened_by_cell_phone_carrier_id'], 'profile_picture' => $row['opened_by_profile_picture'], 'type_id' => $row['opened_by_type_id'], 'last_password_change' => $row['opened_by_last_password_change']), 'issue_title' => $row['ticket_issue_title'], 'description' => $row['ticket_description'], 'date_opened' => $row['ticket_date_opened'])); $ticket->loadNotes(); if (!$return_array) { return $ticket; } $tickets[] = $ticket; } } return $tickets; }
function cannedResp($params) { $sql = 'SELECT answer FROM ' . KB_PREMADE_TABLE . ' WHERE isenabled=1 AND premade_id=' . db_input($params['id']); if (($res = db_query($sql)) && db_num_rows($res)) { list($response) = db_fetch_row($res); } if ($response && $params['tid'] && strpos($response, '%') !== false) { include_once INCLUDE_DIR . 'class.ticket.php'; $ticket = new Ticket($params['tid']); if ($ticket && $ticket->getId()) { $response = $ticket->replaceTemplateVars($response); } } return $response; }
/** * View the ticket * */ function view() { if ($this->active_ticket->isNew()) { $this->httpError(HTTP_ERR_NOT_FOUND); } // if if (!$this->active_ticket->canView($this->logged_user)) { $this->httpError(HTTP_ERR_FORBIDDEN); } // if ProjectObjectViews::log($this->active_ticket, $this->logged_user); $this->smarty->assign(array('page_back_url' => assemble_url('mobile_access_view_tickets', array('project_id' => $this->active_project->getId())))); $this->addBreadcrumb(str_excerpt(clean($this->active_ticket->getName()), 10), mobile_access_module_get_view_url($this->active_ticket)); $this->addBreadcrumb(lang('View')); }
function plugin_init_escalation() { global $PLUGIN_HOOKS, $CFG_GLPI; $PLUGIN_HOOKS['change_profile']['escalation'] = array('PluginEscalationProfile', 'changeprofile'); $PLUGIN_HOOKS['csrf_compliant']['escalation'] = true; // After escalation, if user can't see the ticket (dan't see all ticket right), it redirect to ticket list if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) and strstr($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], "escalation/front/group_group.form.php")) { if (isset($_GET['id'])) { $ticket = new Ticket(); $ticket->getFromDB($_GET['id']); if (!$ticket->canViewItem()) { // Can't see ticket, go in ticket list $ticket->redirectToList(); } } } if (isset($_SESSION["glpiID"])) { $plugin = new Plugin(); if ($plugin->isActivated('escalation')) { Plugin::registerClass('PluginEscalationProfile', array('addtabon' => array('Profile'))); Plugin::registerClass('PluginEscalationTicketCopy', array('addtabon' => array('Ticket'))); Plugin::registerClass('PluginEscalationConfig', array('addtabon' => array('Entity'))); Plugin::registerClass('PluginEscalationGroup_Group', array('addtabon' => array('Ticket', 'Group'))); $PLUGIN_HOOKS['menu_entry']['escalation'] = false; PluginEscalationGroup_Group::convertNewTicket(); // limit group $peConfig = new PluginEscalationConfig(); if ($peConfig->getValue('limitgroup', $_SESSION['glpidefault_entity']) == '1') { if (strpos($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "ticket.form.php") && !isset($_GET['id'])) { $group = new Group(); $a_groups = array(); $a_groups[0] = Dropdown::EMPTY_VALUE; foreach ($_SESSION['glpigroups'] as $groups_id) { $group->getFromDB($groups_id); $a_groups[$groups_id] = $group->getName(); } $_SESSION['plugin_escalation_requestergroups'] = $a_groups; register_shutdown_function('plugin_escalation_on_exit'); ob_start(); } } // end limit group } $PLUGIN_HOOKS['pre_item_add']['escalation'] = array('Ticket' => array('PluginEscalationGroup_Group', 'selectGroupOnAdd')); $PLUGIN_HOOKS['item_add']['escalation'] = array('Ticket' => array('PluginEscalationTicketCopy', 'finishAdd')); // $PLUGIN_HOOKS['pre_item_update']['escalation'] = array('Ticket' => array('PluginEscalationGroup_Group', 'notMultiple')); } }
private static function buildTicket($row, $pdo) { $db = DB::get(); $id = $row['ID']; // Get lines $lines = array(); $lineSql = "SELECT * FROM TICKETLINES WHERE TICKET = :id " . "ORDER BY LINE"; $lineStmt = $pdo->prepare($lineSql); $lineStmt->bindParam(":id", $id); $lineStmt->execute(); while ($rowLine = $lineStmt->fetch()) { $product = ProductsService::get($rowLine['PRODUCT']); $tax = TaxesService::getTax($rowLine['TAXID']); $line = new TicketLine($rowLine['LINE'], $product, $rowLine['ATTRIBUTESETINSTANCE_ID'], $rowLine['UNITS'], $rowLine['PRICE'], $tax, $rowLine['DISCOUNTRATE']); $lines[] = $line; } // Get payments $payments = array(); $paySql = "SELECT * FROM PAYMENTS WHERE RECEIPT = :id"; $payStmt = $pdo->prepare($paySql); $payStmt->bindParam(":id", $id); $payStmt->execute(); while ($rowPay = $payStmt->fetch()) { $pay = Payment::__build($rowPay['ID'], $rowPay['PAYMENT'], $rowPay['TOTAL'], $rowPay['CURRENCY'], $rowPay['TOTALCURRENCY']); $payments[] = $pay; } // Build ticket $tkt = Ticket::__build($row['ID'], $row['TICKETID'], $row['TICKETTYPE'], $row['PERSON'], $db->readDate($row['DATENEW']), $lines, $payments, $row['MONEY'], $row['CUSTOMER'], $row['CUSTCOUNT'], $row['TARIFFAREA'], $row['DISCOUNTRATE'], $row['DISCOUNTPROFILE_ID']); return $tkt; }
function getTicket() { if (!$this->ticket && $this->getTicketId()) { $this->ticket = Ticket::lookup($this->getTicketId()); } return $this->ticket; }
public function create($request) { $req = $request->getParameters(); $response = new ViewResponse('assist/ticket'); if (trim($req['bug']) != '') { if (Session::isActive()) { $user_id = Session::get()->id; } else { if (trim($req['email']) != '') { $user_id = $req['email']; } else { $user_id = 0; } } $ticket = Ticket::create(array('user_id' => $user_id, 'description' => $req['bug'], 'timestamp' => time(), 'ip' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])); $ticket_id = $ticket->id; $response->addMessage(ViewMessage::success('Envoyé ! Vous serez notifié de l\'avancement par E-Mail ou Message Privé (Ticket #' . $ticket_id . ')')); /*$username = (Session::isActive()) ? Session::get()->username : '******'; $notif = new PushoverNotification(); $notif->setMessage('Nouveau ticket de '.$username); $notif->setReceiver('all'); $notif->setExtraParameter('url', ''.WEBROOT.'admin/tickets'); $notif->send();*/ } else { $response->addMessage(ViewMessage::error('Merci de nous décrire votre problème.')); } return $response; }
public function execute() { global $gvOfficeCode; $deskList = Desk::fromDatabaseCompleteList(); $content = array(); if (!$deskList) { $content['ErrorCode'] = "AE004"; $content['ErrorMsg'] = "No desks in this office"; return $content; } $content['OfficeCode'] = $gvOfficeCode; $content['NumDesks'] = count($deskList); $content['Desks'] = array(); foreach ($deskList as $desk) { if ($desk->getOpCode() != null) { $ticket = Ticket::fromDatabaseByDesk($desk->getNumber()); if ($ticket) { $ticket = $ticket->getTextString(); } else { $ticket = ''; } } else { $ticket = ''; } $deskObj = array('Number' => $desk->getNumber(), 'Ticket' => $ticket); $content['Desks'][] = $deskObj; } return $content; }