Beispiel #1
//Print the student name
$studentname = '';
$studentname = $certrecord->studentname;
$classname = '';
$classname = $certrecord->classname;
//Print the credit hours
if ($certificate->printhours) {
    $credithours = $strcredithours . ': ' . $certificate->printhours;
} else {
    $credithours = '';
//Print the html text
$customtext = $certificate->customtext;
//Create new PDF document
$pdf = new TCPDF_Protection('L', 'pt', 'A4', true);
$pdf->print_header = false;
$pdf->print_footer = false;
$pdf->setHeaderFont(array(PDF_FONT_NAME_MAIN, '', PDF_FONT_SIZE_MAIN));
//set language items
if (ini_get('magic_quotes_gpc') == '1') {
    $customtext = stripslashes($customtext);
// Add images and lines
$orientation = "L";
print_border($certificate->borderstyle, $orientation);
draw_frame($certificate->bordercolor, $orientation);
print_watermark($certificate->printwmark, $orientation);
// Print the code number
$code = '';
if ($certificate->printnumber) {
    if ($certrecord) {
        $code = $certrecord->code;
//Print the student name
$studentname = '';
if ($certrecord) {
    $studentname = $certrecord->studentname;
$pdf = new TCPDF_Protection('L', 'pt', 'A4', true);
$pdf->print_header = false;
$pdf->print_footer = false;
$pdf->setHeaderFont(array(PDF_FONT_NAME_MAIN, '', PDF_FONT_SIZE_MAIN));
//set language items
$orientation = "L";
$color = $certificate->bordercolor;
print_border($certificate->borderstyle, $color, $orientation);
print_watermark($certificate->printwmark, $orientation);
print_seal($certificate->printseal, $orientation, 175, 420, 80, 80);
print_signature($certificate->printsignature, $orientation, 550, 440, '', '');
// Add text
$pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 120);