Beispiel #1
  * Used to make an API call
  * @param $access_token
  * @param $endpoint
  * @param $data
  * @return \StdClass
 public function request($access_token, $endpoint, $data)
     try {
         $wepay_object = new \WePay($access_token);
         return $wepay_object->request($endpoint, $data);
     } catch (\WePayRequestException $e) {
         return NULL;
Beispiel #2
 public function payment()
     $captcha = $this->f3->get('SESSION.captcha_qpay');
     if ($this->f3->exists('POST.amount')) {
         if ($captcha && strtoupper($this->f3->get('POST.captcha_qpay')) != $captcha) {
             $this->f3->reroute('/home/Invalid CAPTCHA code');
         $amount = $this->f3->get('POST.amount');
         $submit = $this->f3->get('POST.submit');
         if ($submit == 'paypal') {
             $charge = $amount * 3.9 / 100;
         if ($submit == 'credit') {
             $charge = $amount * 2.9 / 100;
         if ($submit == 'bank') {
             $charge = $amount * 0.9 / 100;
         $amount1 = $amount - $charge;
         $service_fee = 10;
         $vend_amount = round($amount1 * 41 - 10, 0);
         $this->f3->set('amount', $amount);
         $this->f3->set('charge', $charge);
         $this->f3->set('service_fee', $service_fee);
         $this->f3->set('vend_amount', $vend_amount, 60);
         $this->f3->set('meter', $this->f3->get('POST.meter'), 60);
         //set the session vairables
         $this->f3->set('SESSION.vend_amount', $vend_amount);
         $this->f3->set('SESSION.meter', $this->f3->get('POST.meter'));
         $client_id = "100047";
         $client_secret = "dc6457521d";
         $access_token = "STAGE_0340a90c4dcbf2101713e14fe5dec0acf509e8db983ab647e2e9a81de0b8ac37";
         $account_id = "1443337002";
         // you can find your account ID via list_accounts.php which users the /account/find call
          * Initialize the WePay SDK object 
         //require '../../wepay/wepay.php';
         Wepay::useStaging($client_id, $client_secret);
         $wepay = new WePay($access_token);
          * Make the API request to get the checkout_uri
         try {
             $checkout = $wepay->request('/checkout/create', array('account_id' => $account_id, 'amount' => $amount, 'fee_payer' => "payee", 'short_description' => "this is a qpower payment", 'type' => "SERVICE", 'mode' => "iframe"));
             $this->f3->set('SESSION.checkout', $checkout);
         } catch (WePayException $e) {
             // if the API call returns an error, get the error message for display later
             $error = $e->getMessage();
             $this->f3->set('error', $error);
         $this->f3->set('checkout', $checkout);
         $this->f3->set('view', 'home.htm');
         $this->f3->set('body', 'ajax-display.htm');
 function charge(&$order)
     //create a code for the order
     if (empty($order->code)) {
         $order->code = $order->getRandomCode();
     //code to charge with gateway and test results would go here
     // application settings
     $account_id = pmpro_getOption('wepay_account_id');
     $client_id = pmpro_getOption('wepay_client_id');
     $client_secret = pmpro_getOption('wepay_client_secret');
     $access_token = pmpro_getOption('wepay_access_token');
     // credit card id to charge
     $credit_card_id = $order->wepay_token;
     //TODO: Make sure we're getting this
     // change to useProduction for live environments
     $environment = pmpro_getOption('gateway_environment');
     if ($environment == 'live') {
         Wepay::useProduction($client_id, $client_secret);
     } else {
         Wepay::useStaging($client_id, $client_secret);
     $wepay = new WePay($access_token);
     // charge the credit card
     $response = $wepay->request('checkout/create', array('account_id' => $account_id, 'amount' => '25.50', 'currency' => 'USD', 'short_description' => 'A vacation home rental', 'type' => 'goods', 'payment_method' => array('type' => 'credit_card', 'credit_card' => array('id' => $credit_card_id))));
     //test response
     //simulate a successful charge
     $order->payment_transaction_id = "TEST" . $order->code;
     return true;

<div class="wrap">
<h2> All Transactions</h2>

include_once 'wepay_api.php';
$account_id = 471568071;
$client_id = 167371;
$client_secret = "798f5f4b8a";
$access_token = "STAGE_5dcc267978e11dfb927d91a5dd5f7ed1972484f30f59a64b3f30760ee7faf897";
Wepay::useStaging($client_id, $client_secret);
$wepay = new WePay($access_token);
if (isset($_REQUEST['refund_btn'])) {
    $chechout_id = $_REQUEST['refund_btn'];
    $refundtype = $_REQUEST['refundtype_' . $chechout_id];
    $refund_amount = $_REQUEST['refund_amount_' . $chechout_id];
    $refund_description = $_REQUEST['refund_description_' . $chechout_id];
    $refund_arg = array('checkout_id' => $chechout_id, 'refund_reason' => $refund_description);
    if ($refundtype == 'partial') {
        $refund_arg['amount'] = $refund_amount;
    try {
        $refund_trs = $wepay->request('/checkout/refund', $refund_arg);
        //echo "<pre>";
        //	print_r($refund_trs);
        if ($refund_trs->state == "refunded" || $refund_trs->state == "captured") {
			<div class="updated"><p><strong>Transaction Refunded Successfully</p></strong></div>
Beispiel #5
$scope = WePay::getAllScopes();
// If we are already logged in, send the user home
if (!empty($_SESSION['wepay_access_token'])) {
    header('Location: index.php');
// If the authentication dance returned an error, catch it to avoid a
// redirect loop. This usually indicates some sort of application issue,
// like a domain mismatch on your redirect_uri
if (!empty($_GET['error'])) {
    echo 'Error during user authentication: ';
    echo htmlentities($_GET['error_description']);
// If we don't have a code from being redirected back here,
// send the user to WePay to grant permissions.
if (empty($_GET['code'])) {
    $uri = WePay::getAuthorizationUri($scope, $redirect_uri);
    header("Location: {$uri}");
} else {
    $info = WePay::getToken($_GET['code'], $redirect_uri);
    if ($info) {
        // Normally you'd integrate this into your existing auth system
        $_SESSION['wepay_access_token'] = $info->access_token;
        // If desired, you can also store $info->user_id somewhere
        header('Location: index.php');
    } else {
        // Unable to obtain access token
        echo 'Unable to obtain access token from WePay.';
Beispiel #6

require './_shared.php';
<h1>WePay Demo App: Open Account</h1>
<a href="index.php">Back</a>
<br />

    if (isset($_POST['account_name']) && isset($_POST['account_description'])) {
        try {
            $wepay = new WePay($_SESSION['wepay_access_token']);
            $account = $wepay->request('account/create', array('name' => $_POST['account_name'], 'description' => $_POST['account_description']));
            // WePay sanitizes its own data, but displaying raw POST data on your own site is a XSS security hole.
            $name = htmlspecialchars($_POST['account_name']);
            $desc = htmlspecialchars($_POST['account_description']);
            $account_uri = htmlspecialchars($account->account_uri);
            echo "Created account {$name} for '{$desc}'! View on WePay at <a href=\"{$account_uri}\">{$account_uri}</a>. See all of your accounts <a href=\"accountlist.php\">here</a>.";
        } catch (WePayException $e) {
            // Something went wrong - normally you would log
            // this and give your user a more informative message
            echo $e->getMessage();
    } else {
        echo 'Account name and description are both required.';

<form method="post">
Beispiel #7

require './_shared.php';
<h1>WePay Demo App: Open Account</h1>
<a href="index.php">Back</a>
<br />

    if (isset($_POST['account_name']) && isset($_POST['account_description'])) {
        // WePay sanitizes its own data, but displaying raw POST data on your own site is a XSS security hole.
        $name = htmlentities($_POST['account_name']);
        $desc = htmlentities($_POST['account_description']);
        try {
            $wepay = new WePay($_SESSION['wepay_access_token']);
            $account = $wepay->request('account/create', array('name' => $name, 'description' => $desc));
            echo "Created account {$name} for '{$desc}'! View on WePay at <a href=\"{$account->account_uri}\">{$account->account_uri}</a>. See all of your accounts <a href=\"accountlist.php\">here</a>.";
        } catch (WePayException $e) {
            // Something went wrong - normally you would log
            // this and give your user a more informative message
            echo $e->getMessage();
    } else {
        echo 'Account name and description are both required.';

<form method="post">
Beispiel #8

require './_shared.php';
<h1>WePay Demo App: User Info</h1>
<a href="index.php">Back</a>
<br />

try {
    $wepay = new WePay($_SESSION['wepay_access_token']);
    $user = $wepay->request('user');
    echo '<dl>';
    foreach ($user as $key => $value) {
        echo "<dt>" . htmlspecialchars($key) . "</dt>";
        echo "<dd>" . htmlspecialchars($value) . "</dd>";
    echo '</dl>';
} catch (WePayException $e) {
    // Something went wrong - normally you would log
    // this and give your user a more informative message
    echo $e->getMessage();
 private function loadWePayAPILibraries()
     $root = dirname(phutil_get_library_root('phabricator'));
     require_once $root . '/externals/wepay/wepay.php';
     WePay::useStaging($this->getWePayClientID(), $this->getWePayClientSecret());
     return new WePay($this->getWePayAccessToken());
Beispiel #10
 * Put your API credentials here:
 * Get these from your API app details screen
$client_id = "PUT YOUR CLIENT_ID HERE";
$client_secret = "PUT YOUR CLIENT_SECRET HERE";
$access_token = "PUT YOUR ACCESS TOKEN HERE";
 * Initialize the WePay SDK object 
require '../wepay.php';
Wepay::useStaging($client_id, $client_secret);
$wepay = new WePay($access_token);
 * Make the API request to get a list of all accounts this user owns
try {
    $accounts = $wepay->request('/account/find');
} catch (WePayException $e) {
    // if the API call returns an error, get the error message for display later
    $error = $e->getMessage();

Beispiel #11
  * create the cURL request and execute it
 private static function make_request($endpoint, $values, $headers = array())
     self::$ch = curl_init();
     $headers = array_merge(array("Content-Type: application/json"), $headers);
     // always pass the correct Content-Type header
     // send Api Version header
     if (!empty(self::$api_version)) {
         $headers[] = "Api-Version: " . self::$api_version;
     curl_setopt(self::$ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'WePay v2 PHP SDK v' . self::VERSION);
     curl_setopt(self::$ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
     curl_setopt(self::$ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
     curl_setopt(self::$ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 30);
     // 30-second timeout, adjust to taste
     curl_setopt(self::$ch, CURLOPT_POST, !empty($values));
     // WePay's API is not strictly RESTful, so all requests are sent as POST unless there are no request values
     $uri = self::getDomain() . $endpoint;
     curl_setopt(self::$ch, CURLOPT_URL, $uri);
     if (!empty($values)) {
         curl_setopt(self::$ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode($values));
     $raw = curl_exec(self::$ch);
     if ($errno = curl_errno(self::$ch)) {
         // Set up special handling for request timeouts
         if ($errno == CURLE_OPERATION_TIMEOUTED) {
             throw new WePayServerException("Timeout occurred while trying to connect to WePay");
         throw new Exception('cURL error while making API call to WePay: ' . curl_error(self::$ch), $errno);
     $result = json_decode($raw);
     $httpCode = curl_getinfo(self::$ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
     if ($httpCode >= 400) {
         if (!isset($result->error_code)) {
             throw new WePayServerException("WePay returned an error response with no error_code, please alert Original message: {$result->error_description}", $httpCode, $result, 0);
         if ($httpCode >= 500) {
             throw new WePayServerException($result->error_description, $httpCode, $result, $result->error_code);
         switch ($result->error) {
             case 'invalid_request':
                 throw new WePayRequestException($result->error_description, $httpCode, $result, $result->error_code);
             case 'access_denied':
                 throw new WePayPermissionException($result->error_description, $httpCode, $result, $result->error_code);
     return $result;
Beispiel #12
  * Configure SDK to run against WePay's staging servers
  * @param string $client_id      Your application's client id
  * @param string $client_secret  Your application's client secret
  * @return void
  * @throws RuntimeException
 public static function useStaging($client_id, $client_secret)
     if (self::$production !== null) {
         throw new RuntimeException('API mode has already been set.');
     self::$production = false;
     self::$client_id = $client_id;
     self::$client_secret = $client_secret;
Beispiel #13
 * Put your API credentials here:
 * Get these from your API app details screen
$client_id = "PUT YOUR CLIENT_ID HERE";
$client_secret = "PUT YOUR CLIENT_SECRET HERE";
$access_token = "PUT YOUR ACCESS TOKEN HERE";
$account_id = "PUT YOUR ACCOUNT_ID HERE";
// you can find your account ID via list_accounts.php which users the /account/find call
 * Initialize the WePay SDK object 
require '../wepay.php';
Wepay::useStaging($client_id, $client_secret);
$wepay = new WePay($access_token);
 * Make the API request to get the checkout_uri
try {
    $checkout = $wepay->request('/checkout/create', array('account_id' => $account_id, 'amount' => 100, 'short_description' => "this is a test payment", 'type' => "GOODS", 'mode' => "iframe"));
} catch (WePayException $e) {
    // if the API call returns an error, get the error message for display later
    $error = $e->getMessage();

Beispiel #14
  * Use this to do the final payment. Create the order then process the payment. If
  *  you know the payment is successful right away go ahead and change the order status
  *  as well.
  *  Call $mp->cart_checkout_error($msg, $context); to handle errors. If no errors
  *  it will redirect to the next step.
  * @param array $cart. Contains the cart contents for the current blog, global cart if $mp->global_cart is true
  * @param array $shipping_info. Contains shipping info and email in case you need it
 function process_payment($cart, $shipping_info)
     global $mp;
     $settings = get_option('mp_settings');
     //make sure token is set at this point
     if (!isset($_SESSION['payment_method_id'])) {
         $mp->cart_checkout_error(__('The WePay Card Token was not generated correctly. Please go back and try again.', 'mp'));
         return false;
     $order_id = $mp->generate_order_id();
     //Get the WePay SDK
     require $mp->plugin_dir . 'plugins-gateway/wepay-files/wepay-sdk.php';
     $totals = array();
     $coupon_code = $mp->get_coupon_code();
     foreach ($cart as $product_id => $variations) {
         foreach ($variations as $variation => $data) {
             $price = $mp->coupon_value_product($coupon_code, $data['price'] * $data['quantity'], $product_id);
             $totals[] = $price;
     $total = array_sum($totals);
     //shipping line
     if ($shipping_price = $mp->shipping_price()) {
         $total += $shipping_price;
     //tax line
     if ($tax_price = $mp->tax_price()) {
         $total += $tax_price;
     try {
         // Application settings
         $account_id = $this->account_id;
         $client_id = $this->client_id;
         $client_secret = $this->client_secret;
         $access_token = $this->access_token;
         // Credit card id to charge
         $credit_card_id = $_SESSION['payment_method_id'];
         if ($this->mode == 'staging') {
             WePay::useStaging($this->client_id, $this->client_secret);
         } else {
             WePay::useProduction($this->client_id, $this->client_secret);
         $wepay = new WePay($access_token);
         // charge the credit card
         $response = $wepay->request('checkout/create', array('account_id' => $account_id, 'amount' => number_format($total, 2, '.', ''), 'currency' => 'USD', 'short_description' => $order_id, 'type' => $this->checkout_type, 'payment_method_id' => $credit_card_id, 'payment_method_type' => 'credit_card'));
         if (isset($response->state) && $response->state == 'authorized') {
             $credit_card_response = $wepay->request('/credit_card', array('client_id' => $this->client_id, 'client_secret' => $this->client_secret, 'credit_card_id' => $_SESSION['payment_method_id']));
             //setup our payment details
             $payment_info = array();
             $payment_info['gateway_public_name'] = $this->public_name;
             $payment_info['gateway_private_name'] = $this->admin_name;
             $payment_info['method'] = sprintf(__('%1$s', 'mp'), $credit_card_response->credit_card_name);
             $payment_info['transaction_id'] = $order_id;
             $timestamp = time();
             $payment_info['status'][$timestamp] = __('Paid', 'mp');
             $payment_info['total'] = $total;
             $payment_info['currency'] = $this->currency;
             $order = $mp->create_order($order_id, $cart, $_SESSION['mp_shipping_info'], $payment_info, true);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $mp->cart_checkout_error(sprintf(__('There was an error processing your card: "%s". Please <a href="%s">go back and try again</a>.', 'mp'), $e->getMessage(), mp_checkout_step_url('checkout')));
         return false;
  * @phutil-external-symbol class WePay
 public function processControllerRequest(PhortuneProviderController $controller, AphrontRequest $request)
     $viewer = $request->getUser();
     $cart = $controller->loadCart($request->getInt('cartID'));
     if (!$cart) {
         return new Aphront404Response();
     $cart_uri = '/phortune/cart/' . $cart->getID() . '/';
     $root = dirname(phutil_get_library_root('phabricator'));
     require_once $root . '/externals/wepay/wepay.php';
     WePay::useStaging($this->getWePayClientID(), $this->getWePayClientSecret());
     $wepay = new WePay($this->getWePayAccessToken());
     switch ($controller->getAction()) {
         case 'checkout':
             $return_uri = $this->getControllerURI('charge', array('cartID' => $cart->getID()));
             $cancel_uri = $this->getControllerURI('cancel', array('cartID' => $cart->getID()));
             $total_in_cents = $cart->getTotalPriceInCents();
             $price = PhortuneCurrency::newFromUSDCents($total_in_cents);
             $params = array('account_id' => $this->getWePayAccountID(), 'short_description' => 'Services', 'type' => 'SERVICE', 'amount' => $price->formatBareValue(), 'long_description' => 'Services', 'reference_id' => $cart->getPHID(), 'app_fee' => 0, 'fee_payer' => 'Payee', 'redirect_uri' => $return_uri, 'fallback_uri' => $cancel_uri, 'auto_capture' => true, 'require_shipping' => 0, 'shipping_fee' => 0, 'charge_tax' => 0, 'mode' => 'regular', 'funding_sources' => 'bank,cc');
             $result = $wepay->request('checkout/create', $params);
             // TODO: We must store "$result->checkout_id" on the Cart since the
             // user might not end up back here. Really this needs a bunch of junk.
             $uri = new PhutilURI($result->checkout_uri);
             return id(new AphrontRedirectResponse())->setIsExternal(true)->setURI($uri);
         case 'charge':
             $checkout_id = $request->getInt('checkout_id');
             $params = array('checkout_id' => $checkout_id);
             $checkout = $wepay->request('checkout', $params);
             if ($checkout->reference_id != $cart->getPHID()) {
                 throw new Exception(pht('Checkout reference ID does not match cart PHID!'));
             switch ($checkout->state) {
                 case 'authorized':
                 case 'reserved':
                 case 'captured':
                     throw new Exception(pht('Checkout is in bad state "%s"!', $result->state));
             $unguarded = AphrontWriteGuard::beginScopedUnguardedWrites();
             $charge = id(new PhortuneCharge())->setAmountInCents((int) $checkout->gross * 100)->setAccountPHID($cart->getAccount()->getPHID())->setAuthorPHID($viewer->getPHID())->setPaymentProviderKey($this->getProviderKey())->setCartPHID($cart->getPHID())->setStatus(PhortuneCharge::STATUS_CHARGING)->save();
             return id(new AphrontRedirectResponse())->setIsExternal(true)->setURI($cart_uri);
         case 'cancel':
     throw new Exception("The rest of this isn't implemented yet.");