Beispiel #1
# set and check permissions
$subnet_permission = $Subnets->check_permission($User->user, $subnet['id']);
$subnet_permission > 1 ?: $Result->show("danger", _('Cannot edit IP address details') . '! <br>' . _('You do not have write access for this network'), true, true);
# set selected address fields array
$selected_ip_fields = $User->settings->IPfilter;
$selected_ip_fields = explode(";", $selected_ip_fields);
//format to array
# get all custom fields
$custom_fields = $Tools->fetch_custom_fields('ipaddresses');
# if subnet is full we cannot any more ip addresses
if (($action == "add" || $action == "all-add") && $subnet['isFull'] == 1) {
    $Result->show("warning", _("Cannot add address as subnet is market as used"), true, true);
# if action is not add then fetch current details, otherwise fetch first available IP address
if ($action == "all-add") {
    $address['ip_addr'] = $Subnets->transform_address($id, "dotted");
} else {
    if ($action == "add") {
        # get first available IP address
        $first = $Addresses->get_first_available_address($subnetId, $Subnets);
        $first = !$first ? "" : $Subnets->transform_address($first, "dotted");
        $address['ip_addr'] = $first;
    } else {
        $address = (array) $Addresses->fetch_address(null, $id);
# Set action and button text
if ($action == "add") {
    $btnName = _("add");
    $act = "add";
} else {
Beispiel #2
                     if ($l['isFolder'] == 1) {
                         $l['ctype'] = "Folder";
                     } else {
                         $l['ctype'] = "Subnet";
                 case "section":
                     $l['ctype'] = "Section";
             print "<tr>";
             print "\t<td>{$l['real_name']}</td>";
             print "\t<td>{$l['ctype']} / {$l['caction']} {$l['cresult']}</td>";
             # subnet, section or ip address
             if ($l['ctype'] == "IP address") {
                 print "\t<td><a href='" . create_link("subnets", $l['sectionId'], $l['subnetId'], "address-details", $l['tid']) . "'>" . $Subnets->transform_address($l['ip_addr'], "dotted") . "</a></td>";
             } elseif ($l['ctype'] == "Subnet") {
                 print "\t<td><a href='" . create_link("subnets", $l['sectionId'], $l['tid']) . "'>" . $Subnets->transform_address($l['ip_addr'], "dotted") . "/{$l['mask']}</a></td>";
             } elseif ($l['ctype'] == "Folder") {
                 print "\t<td><a href='" . create_link("folder", $l['sectionId'], $l['tid']) . "'>{$l['sDescription']}</a></td>";
             } elseif ($l['ctype'] == "Section") {
                 print "\t<td><a href='" . create_link("subnets", $l['tid']) . "'>{$l['sDescription']}</a></td>";
             print "\t<td>{$l['cdate']}</td>";
             print "\t<td class='hidden-xs'>" . implode("<br>", $diff) . "</td>";
             print "</tr>";
             // next item
# id must be numeric
is_numeric($_POST['id']) || strlen($_POST['id']) == 0 ?: $Result->show("danger", _("Invalid ID"), true);
# get IP address id
$id = $_POST['id'];
# fetch subnet, vlan and nameservers
$subnet = (array) $Subnets->fetch_subnet(null, $_POST['id']);
$vlan = (array) $Tools->fetch_object("vlans", "vlanId", $subnet['vlanId']);
$vrf = (array) $Tools->fetch_object("vrf", "vrfId", $subnet['vrfId']);
$nameservers = (array) $Tools->fetch_object("nameservers", "id", $subnet['nameserverId']);
# get all custom fields
$custom_fields = $Tools->fetch_custom_fields('subnets');
# checks
sizeof($subnet) > 0 ?: $Result->show("danger", _("Invalid subnet"), true);
# set title
$title = _('Subnet details') . ' :: ' . $Subnets->transform_address($subnet['subnet'], "dotted") . "/" . $subnet['mask'];
# address
$content[] = "&bull; " . _('Subnet') . ": \t\t " . $Subnets->transform_address($subnet['subnet'], "dotted") . "/" . $subnet['mask'];
# description
empty($subnet['description']) ?: ($content[] = "&bull; " . _('Description') . ":\t\t {$subnet['description']}");
# gateway
$gateway = $Subnets->find_gateway($subnet['id']);
if ($gateway !== false) {
    $content[] = "&bull; " . _('Gateway') . ": \t\t" . $Subnets->transform_to_dotted($gateway->ip_addr);
empty($subnet['vlanId']) ?: ($content[] = "&bull; " . _('VLAN') . ": \t\t\t {$vlan['number']} ({$vlan['name']})");
empty($subnet['vlanId']) ?: ($content[] = "&bull; " . _('VRF') . ": \t\t\t {$vrf['name']} ({$vrf['description']})");
# Nameserver sets
if (!empty($subnet['nameserverId'])) {
$Subnets = new Subnets($Database);
$Addresses = new Addresses($Database);
$Tools = new Tools($Database);
$Result = new Result();
# fetch all subnets
$all_subnets = $Tools->fetch_all_objects("subnets");
# loop and check usage for each, make sure it does not have any parent
foreach ($all_subnets as $k => $s) {
    // marked as full should not be checked
    if ($s->isFull != 1) {
        // parent check
        if (!$Subnets->has_slaves($s->id)) {
            // count number of addresses
            $cnt = $Addresses->count_subnet_addresses($s->id);
            // calculate usage
            $usage = $Subnets->calculate_subnet_usage($cnt, $s->mask, $s->subnet, $s->isFull);
            // if more than $threshold report
            if ($usage['freehosts_percent'] < 100 - $limit) {
                // this subnet has high usage, save it to array
                $out[$k]['subnet'] = $Subnets->transform_address($s->subnet, "dotted") . "/" . $s->mask;
                $out[$k]['description'] = $s->description;
                $out[$k]['usage'] = $usage;
# any fount
if (isset($out)) {
    // do something with output
 print "</tr>";
 print "<tbody id=device-{$deviceid}>";
 foreach ($query_result as $ip) {
     //get bitmask
     foreach ($masks as $k => $n) {
         if ($n->netmask == $ip['mask']) {
             $ip['bitmask'] = $k;
     $overlap = false;
     // check for overlapping
     if (isset($subnet)) {
         if ($subnet->isFolder != "1") {
             // check
             if ($Subnets->is_subnet_inside_subnet("{$ip['subnet']}/{$ip['bitmask']}", $Subnets->transform_address($subnet->subnet, "dotted") . "/" . $subnet->mask) === false) {
                 $overlap = true;
             // same mask
             if ($ip['subnet'] == $Subnets->transform_address($subnet->subnet, "dotted") && $ip['bitmask'] == $subnet->mask) {
                 $overlap = true;
     // check overlapping
     if ($overlap === false) {
         print "<tr id='tr-{$m}'>";
         print "<td>{$ip['subnet']}/{$ip['bitmask']}</td>";
         //section, description, hidden
print "<table class='ipaddress_subnet table table-noborder table-condensed' style='margin-top:10px;'>";
print "<tr>";
print "\t<th>" . _('Hostname') . "</th>";
print " <td>" . $resolve['name'] . "</td>\n";
print "</tr>";
print "<tr>";
print "\t<th>" . _('Address') . "</th>";
print " <td>" . $address['ip'] . "</td>\n";
print "</tr>";
print "<tr>";
print "\t<th>" . _('Subnet Mask') . "</th>";
print " <td>" . $mask . "</td>\n";
print "</tr>";
print "<tr>";
print "\t<th>" . _('Default Gateway') . "</th>";
print " <td>" . $Subnets->transform_address($gateway->ip_addr, "dotted") . "</td>\n";
print "</tr>";
print "</table>";

<!-- footer -->
<div class="pFooter">
        <div class="btn-group">
                <button class="btn btn-sm btn-default hidePopups"><?php 
print _('Close');

        <div class="manageSubnetEditResult"></div>
Beispiel #7
	<!-- divider -->
		<td colspan="2"><hr></td>

print _('Select new subnet');
			<select name="newSubnet" class="ip_addr form-control input-sm input-w-auto">
foreach ($Subnets->slaves as $slave) {
    $slave_subnet = (array) $Subnets->fetch_subnet(null, $slave);
    print "<option value='{$slave_subnet['id']}'>{$slave_subnet['description']} (" . $Subnets->transform_address($slave_subnet['subnet'], "dotted") . "/{$slave_subnet['mask']})</option>";


</table>	<!-- end edit ip address table -->
</form>		<!-- end IP address edit form -->


<!-- footer -->
<div class="pFooter">
	<div class="btn-group">
     print "</div>";
 } else {
     $c = 0;
     # for each IP in range modify
     while (gmp_cmp($m, $n) != 0) {
         # remove gateway if not 0
         if ($c != 0) {
         # reset IP address field
         $address['ip_addr'] = $m;
         # set multicast MAC
         if ($User->settings->enableMulticast == 1) {
             if ($Subnets->is_multicast($address['ip_addr'])) {
                 $address['mac'] = $Subnets->create_multicast_mac($Subnets->transform_address($address['ip_addr'], "dotted"));
         # multicast check
         if ($User->settings->enableMulticast == 1) {
             if ($Subnets->is_multicast($address['ip_addr'])) {
                 if (!$User->is_admin(false)) {
                     $mtest = $Subnets->validate_multicast_mac($address['mac'], $subnet['sectionId'], $subnet['vlanId'], MCUNIQUE);
                     if ($mtest !== true) {
                         $Result->show("danger", _($mtest), true);
         # validate and normalize MAC address
         if ($action !== "delete") {
Beispiel #9
$Result = new Result();
# verify that user is logged in
# validate csrf cookie
$_POST['csrf_cookie'] == $_SESSION['csrf_cookie'] ?: $Result->show("danger", _("Invalid CSRF cookie"), true);
# ID must be numeric
if (!is_numeric($_POST['subnetId'])) {
    $Result->show("danger", _("Invalid ID"), true);
# verify that user has write permissions for subnet
if ($Subnets->check_permission($User->user, $_POST['subnetId']) < 3) {
    $Result->show("danger", _('You do not have permissions to resize subnet') . '!', true);
# fetch old subnet details and set new
$subnet_old = (array) $Subnets->fetch_subnet(null, $_POST['subnetId']);
# verify resizing
$Subnets->verify_subnet_resize($subnet_old['subnet'], $_POST['newMask'], $subnet_old['id'], $subnet_old['vrfId'], $subnet_old['masterSubnetId'], $subnet_old['mask'], $subnet_old['sectionId']);
# we need to recalculate subnet address if needed
if ($subnet_old['mask'] < $_POST['newMask']) {
    $subnet_new['subnet'] = $subnet_old['subnet'];
} else {
    $new_boundaries = $Subnets->get_network_boundaries($Subnets->transform_address($subnet_old['subnet'], "dotted"), $_POST['newMask']);
    $subnet_new['subnet'] = $Subnets->transform_address($new_boundaries['network'], "decimal");
# set update values
$values = array("id" => $_POST['subnetId'], "subnet" => $subnet_new['subnet'], "mask" => $_POST['newMask']);
if (!$Subnets->modify_subnet("resize", $values)) {
    $Result->show("danger", _("Error resizing subnet") . "!", true);
} else {
    $Result->show("success", _("Subnet resized successfully") . "!", true);
Beispiel #10
  * Fetches all possible subnet addresses
  * @access private
  * @param $subnet		//subnet in decimal format
  * @param int $mask		//subnet mask
  * @return void			//array of ip addresses in decimal format
 private function get_all_possible_subnet_addresses($subnet, $mask)
     # initialize classes
     $Subnets = new Subnets($this->Database);
     # make sure we have proper subnet format
     $subnet = $Subnets->transform_address($subnet, "decimal");
     //fetch start and stop addresses
     $boundaries = (object) $Subnets->get_network_boundaries($subnet, $mask);
     //create array
     if ($mask == 32) {
         $ip[] = $Subnets->transform_to_decimal($boundaries->network);
     } elseif ($mask == 31) {
         $ip[] = $Subnets->transform_to_decimal($boundaries->network);
         $ip[] = $Subnets->transform_to_decimal($boundaries->broadcast);
     } else {
         //set loop limits
         $start = gmp_strval(gmp_add($Subnets->transform_to_decimal($boundaries->network), 1));
         $stop = gmp_strval($Subnets->transform_to_decimal($boundaries->broadcast));
         for ($m = $start; $m < $stop; $m++) {
             $ip[] = $m;
     return $ip;
Beispiel #11
# error - none found but not permitted
if ($inactive_hosts === false) {
    print "<blockquote style='margin-top:20px;margin-left:20px;'>";
    print "<p>" . _("No inactive hosts found") . "</p>";
    print "</blockquote>";
} elseif (!isset($out)) {
    print "<blockquote style='margin-top:20px;margin-left:20px;'>";
    print "<p>" . _("No inactive hosts found") . "</p>";
    print "</blockquote>";
} else {
    // table
    print "<table class='table table-top table-threshold'>";
    print "<tr>";
    print " <th></th>";
    print " <th>" . _("Address") . "</th>";
    print " <th>" . _("Subnet") . "</th>";
    print " <th>" . _("Hostname") . "</th>";
    print " <th>" . _("Last seen") . "</th>";
    print "</tr>";
    // print
    foreach ($out as $s) {
        print "<tr>";
        print " <td><span class='status status-error'></span></td>";
        print " <td><a href='" . create_link("subnets", $s->sectionId, $s->subnetId, "address-details", $s->id) . "'>" . $Subnets->transform_address($s->ip_addr) . "</a></td>";
        print " <td><a href='" . create_link("subnets", $s->sectionId, $s->subnetId) . "'>" . $Subnets->transform_address($s->subnet) . "/" . $s->mask . "</a></td>";
        print " <td>{$s->dns_name}</td>";
        print " <td>{$s->lastSeen}</td>";
        print "</tr>";
    print "</table>";
Beispiel #12
    array_multisort($used, SORT_DESC, $out);
    // table
    print "<table class='table table-threshold table-noborder'>";
    // print
    $m = 0;
    foreach ($out as $s) {
        if ($m < $slimit) {
            # set class
            $aclass = $s->usage->usedhosts_percent > $s->threshold ? "progress-bar-danger" : "progress-bar-info";
            # limit description
            $s->description = strlen($s->description) > 10 ? substr($s->description, 0, 10) . "..." : $s->description;
            $s->description = strlen($s->description) > 0 ? " (" . $s->description . ")" : "";
            # limit class
            $limit_class = $s->usage->until_threshold < 0 ? "progress-limit-negative" : "progress-limit";
            print "<tr>";
            print " <td><i class='fa fa-sfolder fa-sitemap' style='border-right: 1px solid #ccc;padding-right:4px;'></i> <a href='" . create_link("subnets", $s->sectionId, $s->id) . "'>" . $Subnets->transform_address($s->subnet) . "/" . $s->mask . "</a> " . $s->description . "</td>";
            print " <td>";
            print "     <div class='progress'>";
            print "     <div class='progress-bar {$aclass}' role='progressbar' rel='tooltip' title='" . _('Current usage') . ": " . $s->usage->usedhosts_percent . "%' aria-valuenow='" . $s->usage->usedhosts_percent . "' aria-valuemin='0' style='width: " . $s->usage->usedhosts_percent . "%;'>" . $s->usage->usedhosts_percent . "%</div>";
            print "     <div class='{$limit_class}' rel='tooltip'  title='" . _('Threshold') . ": " . $s->threshold . "%' style='margin-left:" . $s->usage->until_threshold . "%;'>&nbsp;</div>";
            print "     </div>";
            print " </td>";
            print "</tr>";
            // next index
    print "</table>";
    print "</div>";
        # ignore folders
        if ($subnet['isFolder']) {
        # store needed subnet information
        $subnet_data[$section['id']][$subnet['vrfId']][$subnet['ip']][$subnet['mask']] = $subnet;
        $subnet_data[$section['id']][$subnet['vrfId']][$subnet['ip']][$subnet['mask']]['type'] = $Subnets->identify_address($subnet['ip']);
        # grab IP addresses
        $ipaddresses = $Addresses->fetch_subnet_addresses($subnet['id']);
        if (sizeof($ipaddresses) == 0) {
        foreach ($ipaddresses as $ip) {
            $ip = (array) $ip;
            $edata[$section['id']][$subnet['vrfId']][$subnet['ip']][$subnet['mask']][$Subnets->transform_address($ip['ip_addr'], "dotted")] = $ip;
# Load available tags
$tag_data = array();
$ip_tags = (array) $Addresses->addresses_types_fetch();
foreach ($ip_tags as $c_tag) {
    $tag_data[$c_tag['type']] = $c_tag;
# Load available devices
$device_data = array();
$devices = $Tools->fetch_all_objects("devices", "hostname");
if ($devices !== false) {
    foreach ($devices as $c_dev) {
        $c_dev = (array) $c_dev;
Beispiel #14
$format_right =& $workbook->addFormat();
$format_left =& $workbook->addFormat();
$format_top =& $workbook->addFormat();
// Create a worksheet
//$worksheet =& $workbook->addWorksheet($subnet['description']);
$worksheet_name = $subnet['description'];
$worksheet_name = strlen($worksheet_name) > 30 ? substr($worksheet_name, 0, 27) . '...' : $worksheet_name;
$worksheet =& $workbook->addWorksheet($worksheet_name);
$lineCount = 0;
# Write title - subnet details
$worksheet->write($lineCount, $rowCount, $subnet['description'], $format_header);
$worksheet->write($lineCount, $rowCount, $Subnets->transform_address($subnet['subnet'], "dotted") . "/" . $subnet['mask'], $format_header);
# write VLAN details
$vlan = (array) $Tools->fetch_object("vlans", "vlanId", $subnet['vlanId']);
if ($vlan != false) {
    $vlan_text = strlen($vlan['name']) > 0 ? "vlan: {$vlan['number']} - {$vlan['name']}" : "vlan: {$vlan['number']}";
    $worksheet->write($lineCount, $rowCount, $vlan_text, $format_vlan);
//set row count
$rowCount = 0;
//write headers
if (isset($_GET['ip_addr']) && $_GET['ip_addr'] == "on") {
    $worksheet->write($lineCount, $rowCount, _('ip address'), $format_title);
Beispiel #15
            print "<div style='display:none'>alert alert-danger</div>";
            # result
            print "<div class='alert alert-warning'>";
            print "<strong>" . _("Warning") . "</strong>: " . _("Are you sure you want to delete IP address") . "?";
            print "<hr><div style='text-align:right'>";
            print "<div class='btn-group'>";
            print "\t<a class='btn btn-sm btn-danger editIPSubmitDelete' id='editIPSubmitDelete'>" . _("Confirm") . "</a>";
            print "</div>";
            print "</div>";
            print "</div>";
        } else {
            if (!$Addresses->modify_address($address)) {
                $Result->show("danger", _('Error inserting IP address') . "!", false);
            } else {
                $Result->show("success", _("IP {$action} successful"), false);
                // try to ping
                if ($subnet['pingSubnet'] == "1" && $action == "add") {
                    $Ping->ping_address($Subnets->transform_address($address['ip_addr'], "dotted"));
                    // update status
                    if ($pingRes == 0) {
                        // print alive
                        $Result->show("success", _("IP address") . " " . $Subnets->transform_address($address['ip_addr'], "dotted") . " " . _("is alive"), false);
                        // update status
Beispiel #16
$Admin = new Admin($Database, false);
$Subnets = new Subnets($Database);
$DNS = new DNS($Database);
$Result = new Result();
# insert to database
$discovered = 0;
//for mailing
foreach ($scan_subnets as $s) {
    if (sizeof(@$s->discovered) > 0) {
        foreach ($s->discovered as $ip) {
            // try to resolve hostname
            $tmp = new stdClass();
            $tmp->ip_addr = $ip;
            $hostname = $DNS->resolve_address($tmp, true);
            //set update query
            $values = array("subnetId" => $s->id, "ip_addr" => $Subnets->transform_address($ip, "decimal"), "dns_name" => $hostname['name'], "description" => "-- autodiscovered --", "note" => "This host was autodiscovered on " . date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), "lastSeen" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
            $Admin->object_modify("ipaddresses", "add", "id", $values);
            //set discovered
# send mail
if ($discovered > 0 && $send_mail) {
    # check for recipients
    foreach ($Admin->fetch_multiple_objects("users", "role", "Administrator") as $admin) {
        if ($admin->mailNotify == "Yes") {
            $recepients[] = array("name" => $admin->real_name, "email" => $admin->email);
    # none?
Beispiel #17
    //insert to ipaddresses table
    $values = array("action" => "add", "ip_addr" => $Addresses->transform_address($_POST['ip_addr'], "decimal"), "subnetId" => $_POST['subnetId'], "description" => @$_POST['description'], "dns_name" => @$_POST['dns_name'], "mac" => @$_POST['mac'], "owner" => @$_POST['owner'], "state" => @$_POST['state'], "switch" => @$_POST['switch'], "port" => @$_POST['port'], "note" => @$_POST['note']);
    if (!$Addresses->modify_address($values)) {
        $Result->show("danger", _("Failed to create IP address"), true);
    //accept message
    $values2 = array("id" => $_POST['requestId'], "processed" => 1, "accepted" => 1, "adminComment" => $comment);
    if (!$Admin->object_modify("requests", "edit", "id", $values2)) {
        $Result->show("danger", _("Cannot confirm IP address"), true);
    } else {
        $Result->show("success", _("IP request accepted/rejected"), false);
    # send mail
    //save subnt
    $tmp['subnetId'] = $_POST['subnetId'];
    // gateway
    $gateway = $Subnets->find_gateway($tmp['subnetId']);
    if ($gateway !== false) {
        $tmp['gateway'] = $Subnets->transform_address($gateway->ip_addr, "dotted");
    //set vlan
    $vlan = $Tools->fetch_object("vlans", "vlanId", $subnet['vlanId']);
    $tmp['vlan'] = $vlan == false ? "" : $vlan->number . " - " . $vlan->description;
    //set dns
    $dns = $Tools->fetch_object("nameservers", "id", $subnet['nameserverId']);
    $tmp['dns'] = $dns == false ? "" : $dns->description . " <br> " . str_replace(";", ", ", $dns->namesrv1);
    $_POST = array_merge($tmp, $_POST);
    $Tools->ip_request_send_mail("accept", $_POST);
Beispiel #18
$DNS = new DNS($Database);
$Scan = new Scan($Database);
$Result = new Result();
# insert to database
$discovered = 0;
//for mailing
foreach ($scan_subnets as $s) {
    if (sizeof(@$s->discovered) > 0) {
        foreach ($s->discovered as $ip) {
            // fetch subnet
            $subnet = $Subnets->fetch_subnet("id", $s->id);
            $nsid = $subnet === false ? false : $subnet->nameserverId;
            // try to resolve hostname
            $hostname = $DNS->resolve_address($ip, false, true, $nsid);
            //set update query
            $values = array("subnetId" => $s->id, "ip_addr" => $Subnets->transform_address($ip, "decimal"), "dns_name" => $hostname['name'], "description" => "-- autodiscovered --", "note" => "This host was autodiscovered on " . $nowdate, "lastSeen" => $nowdate, "state" => "2", "action" => "add");
            //set discovered
# update scan time
$Scan->ping_update_scanagent_checktime(1, $nowdate);
# send mail
if ($discovered > 0 && $send_mail) {
    # check for recipients
    foreach ($Admin->fetch_multiple_objects("users", "role", "Administrator") as $admin) {
        if ($admin->mailNotify == "Yes") {
            $recepients[] = array("name" => $admin->real_name, "email" => $admin->email);
Beispiel #19

<!-- header -->
<div class="pHeader"><?php 
print _('Link IPv4 subnet to IPv6 subnet');

<!-- content -->
<div class="pContent">
	<span class='muted'><?php 
print _('Select IPv6 subnet to link to current subnet');
print $Subnets->transform_address($subnet->subnet, "botted");
print $subnet->mask;

	<form id="editLinkedSubnet">

    <select name="linked_subnet" class="form-control input-sm input-w-auto" style="margin-bottom: 20px;">
        <option value="0"><?php 
print _("Not linked");