Beispiel #1

 * Scan subnet for new hosts
/* functions */
require dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../functions/functions.php';
# initialize user object
$Database = new Database_PDO();
$User = new User($Database);
$Admin = new Admin($Database, false);
$Subnets = new Subnets($Database);
$Result = new Result();
# verify that user is logged in
# ID must be numeric
if (!is_numeric($_POST['subnetId'])) {
    $Result->show("danger", _("Invalid ID"), true, true);
# verify that user has write permissionss for subnet
if ($Subnets->check_permission($User->user, $_POST['subnetId']) != 3) {
    $Result->show("danger", _('You do not have permissions to modify hosts in this subnet') . "!", true, true);
# fetch subnet details
$subnet = $Subnets->fetch_subnet(null, $_POST['subnetId']);
$subnet !== false ?: $Result->show("danger", _("Invalid ID"), true, true);
# IPv6 scanning is not supported
if ($Subnets->identify_address($subnet->subnet) == "IPv6") {
    $Result->show("danger", _('IPv6 scanning is not supported') . '!', true, true);
# fix description
Beispiel #2
  * Fetches changelog entries for all slave subnets recursive
  * @access public
  * @param mixed $subnetId
  * @param int $limit (default: 50)
  * @return void
 public function fetch_subnet_slaves_changlog_entries_recursive($subnetId, $limit = 50)
     # limit check
     if (!is_numeric($limit)) {
         $this->Result->show("danger", "Invalid limit", true);
         return false;
     # $subnetId check
     if (!is_numeric($subnetId)) {
         $this->Result->show("danger", "Invalid subnet Id", true);
         return false;
     # fetch all slave subnet ids
     $Subnets = new Subnets($this->Database);
     # remove master subnet ID
     $key = array_search($subnetId, $Subnets->slaves);
     $Subnets->slaves = array_unique($Subnets->slaves);
     # if some slaves are present get changelog
     if (sizeof($Subnets->slaves) > 0) {
         # set query
         $query = "select\n\t\t\t\t\t\t`u`.`real_name`,`o`.`sectionId`,`o`.`subnet`,`o`.`mask`,`o`.`isFolder`,`o`.`description`,`o`.`id`,`c`.`caction`,`c`.`cresult`,`c`.`cdate`,`c`.`cdiff`  from `changelog` as `c`, `users` as `u`, `subnets` as `o`\n\t\t\t\t\t\twhere `c`.`cuser` = `u`.`id` and `c`.`coid`=`o`.`id`\n\t\t\t\t\t\tand (";
         foreach ($Subnets->slaves as $slaveId) {
             if (!isset($args)) {
                 $args = array();
             $query .= "`c`.`coid` = ? or ";
             $args[] = $slaveId;
             //set keys
         $query = substr($query, 0, -3);
         $query .= ") and `c`.`ctype` = 'subnet' order by `c`.`cid` desc limit {$limit};";
         # fetch
         try {
             $logs = $this->Database->getObjectsQuery($query, $args);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $this->Result->show("danger", $e->getMessage(), false);
             return false;
         # return result
         return $logs;
     } else {
         return false;
Beispiel #3

 * Print truncate subnet
/* functions */
require dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../functions/functions.php';
# initialize user object
$Database = new Database_PDO();
$User = new User($Database);
$Admin = new Admin($Database, false);
$Subnets = new Subnets($Database);
$Addresses = new Addresses($Database);
$Result = new Result();
# verify that user is logged in
# create csrf token
$csrf = $User->create_csrf_cookie();
# id must be numeric
if (!is_numeric($_POST['subnetId'])) {
    $Result->show("danger", _("Invalid ID"), true, true);
# get subnet details
$subnet = $Subnets->fetch_subnet(null, $_POST['subnetId']);
# verify that user has write permissions for subnet
$subnetPerm = $Subnets->check_permission($User->user, $subnet->id);
if ($subnetPerm < 3) {
    $Result->show("danger", _('You do not have permissions to resize subnet') . '!', true, true);
Beispiel #4
    foreach ($scan_subnets as $sk => $s) {
        if (isset($add_tmp[$s->id])) {
            $scan_subnets[$sk]->discovered = $add_tmp[$s->id];
# print change
if ($Scan->debugging) {
    "\nDiscovered addresses:\n----------\n";
# reinitialize objects
$Database = new Database_PDO();
$Admin = new Admin($Database, false);
$Addresses = new Addresses($Database);
$Subnets = new Subnets($Database);
$DNS = new DNS($Database);
$Scan = new Scan($Database);
$Result = new Result();
# insert to database
$discovered = 0;
//for mailing
foreach ($scan_subnets as $s) {
    if (sizeof(@$s->discovered) > 0) {
        foreach ($s->discovered as $ip) {
            // fetch subnet
            $subnet = $Subnets->fetch_subnet("id", $s->id);
            $nsid = $subnet === false ? false : $subnet->nameserverId;
            // try to resolve hostname
            $hostname = $DNS->resolve_address($ip, false, true, $nsid);
            //set update query
Beispiel #5

 * Print edit folder
/* functions */
require dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../functions/functions.php';
# initialize user object
$Database = new Database_PDO();
$User = new User($Database);
$Admin = new Admin($Database, false);
$Sections = new Sections($Database);
$Subnets = new Subnets($Database);
$Tools = new Tools($Database);
$Result = new Result();
# verify that user is logged in
# create csrf token
$csrf = $User->csrf_cookie("create", "folder");
# strip tags - XSS
$_POST = $User->strip_input_tags($_POST);
# validate action
$Admin->validate_action($_POST['action'], true);
# ID must be numeric
if ($_POST['action'] != "add") {
    if (!is_numeric($_POST['subnetId'])) {
        $Result->show("danger", _("Invalid ID"), true, true);
# verify that user has permissions to add subnet
if ($_POST['action'] == "add") {

 * Script to check edited / deleted / new IP addresses
 * If all is ok write to database
# include required scripts
require dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../functions/functions.php';
# initialize required objects
$Database = new Database_PDO();
$Result = new Result();
$User = new User($Database);
$Subnets = new Subnets($Database);
$Tools = new Tools($Database);
$Addresses = new Addresses($Database);
$Log = new Logging($Database, $User->settings);
$Zones = new FirewallZones($Database);
$Ping = new Scan($Database);
# verify that user is logged in
# validate csrf cookie
$User->csrf_cookie("validate", "address", $_POST['csrf_cookie']) === false ? $Result->show("danger", _("Invalid CSRF cookie"), true) : "";
# validate action
$action = $_POST['action'];
//reset delete action form visual visual
if (isset($_POST['action-visual'])) {
    if (@$_POST['action-visual'] == "delete") {
        $action = "delete";
Beispiel #7

 * Function to add / edit / delete subnet
/* functions */
require dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../functions/functions.php';
# initialize user object
$Database = new Database_PDO();
$User = new User($Database);
$Admin = new Admin($Database, false);
$Subnets = new Subnets($Database);
$Sections = new Sections($Database);
$Addresses = new Addresses($Database);
$Tools = new Tools($Database);
$Result = new Result();
# verify that user is logged in
# ID must be numeric
if ($_POST['action'] == "add") {
    if (!is_numeric($_POST['sectionId'])) {
        $Result->show("danger", _("Invalid ID"), true);
} else {
    if (!is_numeric($_POST['subnetId'])) {
        $Result->show("danger", _("Invalid ID"), true);
    if (!is_numeric($_POST['sectionId'])) {
        $Result->show("danger", _("Invalid ID"), true);

# include required scripts
require dirname(__FILE__) . '/../functions.php';
# limit
$limit = 80;
// 80 percent threshold
# initialize objects
$Database = new Database_PDO();
$Subnets = new Subnets($Database);
$Addresses = new Addresses($Database);
$Tools = new Tools($Database);
$Result = new Result();
# fetch all subnets
$all_subnets = $Tools->fetch_all_objects("subnets");
# loop and check usage for each, make sure it does not have any parent
foreach ($all_subnets as $k => $s) {
    // marked as full should not be checked
    if ($s->isFull != 1) {
        // parent check
        if (!$Subnets->has_slaves($s->id)) {
            // count number of addresses
            $cnt = $Addresses->count_subnet_addresses($s->id);
            // calculate usage
            $usage = $Subnets->calculate_subnet_usage($cnt, $s->mask, $s->subnet, $s->isFull);
            // if more than $threshold report
            if ($usage['freehosts_percent'] < 100 - $limit) {
                // this subnet has high usage, save it to array
                $out[$k]['subnet'] = $Subnets->transform_address($s->subnet, "dotted") . "/" . $s->mask;
                $out[$k]['description'] = $s->description;
                $out[$k]['usage'] = $usage;
Beispiel #9

 * CSV import form + guide
/* functions */
require dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../functions/functions.php';
# classes
$Database = new Database_PDO();
$User = new User($Database);
$Tools = new Tools($Database);
$Addresses = new Addresses($Database);
$Subnets = new Subnets($Database);
$Result = new Result();
# verify that user is logged in
# permissions
$permission = $Subnets->check_permission($User->user, $_POST['subnetId']);
# die if write not permitted
if ($permission < 2) {
    $Result->show("danger", _('You cannot write to this subnet'), true);
# fetch subnet details
$subnet = $Subnets->fetch_subnet(null, $_POST['subnetId']);
$subnet !== false ?: $Result->show("danger", _("Invalid ID"), true, true);
# full
if ($_POST['type'] != "update-icmp" && $subnet->isFull == 1) {
    $Result->show("warning", _("Cannot scan as subnet is market as used"), true, true);
# get custom fields
$custom_address_fields = $Tools->fetch_custom_fields('ipaddresses');
Beispiel #10

 * Function to add / edit / delete section
/* functions */
require dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../functions/functions.php';
# initialize user object
$Database = new Database_PDO();
$User = new User($Database);
$Admin = new Admin($Database);
$Sections = new Sections($Database);
$Subnets = new Subnets($Database);
$Addresses = new Addresses($Database);
$Result = new Result();
# verify that user is logged in
# If confirm is not set print delete warning
if ($_POST['action'] == "delete" && !isset($_POST['deleteconfirm'])) {
    //for ajax to prevent reload
    print "<div style='display:none'>alert alert-danger</div>";
    print "<div class='alert alert-warning'>";
    //fetch all subsections
    $subsections = $Sections->fetch_subsections($_POST['id']);
    //print what will be deleted
    if (sizeof($subsections) > 0) {
        $subnets = $Subnets->fetch_section_subnets($_POST['id']);
        //fetch all subnets in section
        $num_subnets = sizeof($subnets);
        //number of subnets to be deleted
Beispiel #11
$resolve_config['emptyonly'] = true;
# if true it will only update the ones without DNS entry!
$resolve_config['subnets'] = array();
# which subnets to check - by id
# example -> array(1,3,5)	will only update subnets with id 1,3,5
# 	you can get id's and descriptions with following MySQL query:
#	select `id`,`description` from `subnets`;
$resolve_config['verbose'] = true;
# verbose response - prints results, cron will email it to you!
# include required scripts
require dirname(__FILE__) . '/../functions.php';
require dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../functions/classes/class.Thread.php';
# initialize objects
$Database = new Database_PDO();
$Admin = new Admin($Database, false);
$Subnets = new Subnets($Database);
$DNS = new DNS($Database);
$Result = new Result();
// set to 1 in case of errors
ini_set('display_errors', 0);
# cli required
if ($resolve_config['clionly'] && !defined('STDIN')) {
    $Result->show_cli("cli only\n", true);
} elseif (!$resolve_config['clionly'] && !defined('STDIN')) {
    $User = new User($Database);
    # verify that user is logged in
# If id is provided via STDIN resolve hosts for 1 subnet only,
Beispiel #12
  * Delete section, subsections, subnets and ip addresses
  * @access private
  * @param mixed $values
  * @return void
 private function section_delete($values)
     # subnets class
     $Subnets = new Subnets($this->Database);
     # save old values
     $old_section = $this->fetch_section("id", $values['id']);
     # check for subsections and store all ids
     $all_ids = $this->get_all_section_and_subsection_ids($values['id']);
     //array of section + all subsections
     # truncate and delete all subnets in all sections, than delete sections
     foreach ($all_ids as $id) {
         $section_subnets = $Subnets->fetch_section_subnets($id);
         if (sizeof($section_subnets) > 0) {
             foreach ($section_subnets as $ss) {
                 //delete subnet
                 $Subnets->modify_subnet("delete", array("id" => $ss->id));
         # delete all sections
         try {
             $this->Database->deleteRow("sections", "id", $id);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $this->Log->write("Section {$old_section->name} delete", "Failed to delete section {$old_section->name}<hr>" . $e->getMessage() . "<hr>" . $this->array_to_log($this->reformat_empty_array_fields($values, "NULL")), 2);
             $this->Result->show("danger", _("Error: ") . $e->getMessage(), false);
             return false;
     # write changelog
     $this->Log->write_changelog('section', "delete", 'success', $old_section, array());
     # log
     $this->Log->write("Section {$old_section->name} delete", "Section {$old_section->name} deleted<hr>" . $this->array_to_log($this->reformat_empty_array_fields((array) $old_section)), 0);
     return true;

 * Script to print mail notification form
# include required scripts
require dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../functions/functions.php';
# initialize required objects
$Database = new Database_PDO();
$Result = new Result();
$User = new User($Database);
$Subnets = new Subnets($Database);
$Tools = new Tools($Database);
$Addresses = new Addresses($Database);
# verify that user is logged in
# id must be numeric
is_numeric($_POST['id']) || strlen($_POST['id']) == 0 ?: $Result->show("danger", _("Invalid ID"), true);
# get IP address id
$id = $_POST['id'];
# fetch subnet, vlan and nameservers
$subnet = (array) $Subnets->fetch_subnet(null, $_POST['id']);
$vlan = (array) $Tools->fetch_object("vlans", "vlanId", $subnet['vlanId']);
$vrf = (array) $Tools->fetch_object("vrf", "vrfId", $subnet['vrfId']);
$nameservers = (array) $Tools->fetch_object("nameservers", "id", $subnet['nameserverId']);
# get all custom fields
$custom_fields = $Tools->fetch_custom_fields('subnets');
# checks
sizeof($subnet) > 0 ?: $Result->show("danger", _("Invalid subnet"), true);
# set title
$title = _('Subnet details') . ' :: ' . $Subnets->transform_address($subnet['subnet'], "dotted") . "/" . $subnet['mask'];
Beispiel #14

 * Function to add / edit / delete section
/* functions */
require dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../functions/functions.php';
# initialize user object
$Database = new Database_PDO();
$User = new User($Database);
$Admin = new Admin($Database, false);
$Subnets = new Subnets($Database);
$Sections = new Sections($Database);
$Addresses = new Addresses($Database);
$Tools = new Tools($Database);
$Result = new Result();
# verify that user is logged in
# ID must be numeric
if ($_POST['action'] == "add") {
    if (!is_numeric($_POST['sectionId'])) {
        $Result->show("danger", _("Invalid ID"), true);
} else {
    if (!is_numeric($_POST['subnetId'])) {
        $Result->show("danger", _("Invalid ID"), true);
# verify that user has permissions to add subnet
if ($_POST['action'] == "add") {
    if ($Sections->check_permission($User->user, $_POST['sectionId']) != 3) {
Beispiel #15

 * Print edit subnet
/* functions */
require dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../functions/functions.php';
# initialize user object
$Database = new Database_PDO();
$User = new User($Database);
$Admin = new Admin($Database, false);
$Sections = new Sections($Database);
$Subnets = new Subnets($Database);
$Tools = new Tools($Database);
$Result = new Result();
# verify that user is logged in
# verify that user has permissions to add subnet
if ($_POST['action'] == "add") {
    if ($Sections->check_permission($User->user, $_POST['sectionId']) != 3) {
        $Result->show("danger", _('You do not have permissions to add new subnet in this section') . "!", true, true);
} else {
    if ($Subnets->check_permission($User->user, $_POST['subnetId']) != 3) {
        $Result->show("danger", _('You do not have permissions to add edit/delete this subnet') . "!", true, true);
 *	This script can be called from administration, subnet edit in IP details page and from IPCalc!
 *	From IP address list we must also provide delete button!
Beispiel #16

 * Script to print add / edit / delete users
/* functions */
require dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../functions/functions.php';
# initialize user object
$Database = new Database_PDO();
$User = new User($Database);
$Admin = new Admin($Database);
$Subnets = new Subnets($Database);
$Tools = new Tools($Database);
$Result = new Result();
# verify that user is logged in
# create csrf token
$csrf = $User->csrf_cookie("create", "user");
# strip tags - XSS
$_POST = $User->strip_input_tags($_POST);
# validate action
$Admin->validate_action($_POST['action'], true);
# fetch custom fields
$custom = $Tools->fetch_custom_fields('users');
# fetch all languages
$langs = $Admin->fetch_all_objects("lang", "l_id");
# fetch all auth types
$auth_types = $Admin->fetch_all_objects("usersAuthMethod", "id");
# fetch all groups
$groups = $Admin->fetch_all_objects("userGroups", "g_id");
# set header parameters and fetch user

 *	Export search results
# include required scripts
require dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../functions/functions.php';
require dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../functions/PEAR/Spreadsheet/Excel/Writer.php';
# initialize required objects
$Database = new Database_PDO();
$Result = new Result();
$User = new User($Database);
$Subnets = new Subnets($Database);
$Sections = new Sections($Database);
$Tools = new Tools($Database);
$Addresses = new Addresses($Database);
# verify that user is logged in
# fetch search term
$search_term = $_REQUEST['search_term'];
//initialize Pear IPv6 object
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../functions/PEAR/Net/IPv6.php';
$Net_IPv6 = new Net_IPv6();
// ipv6 ?
if ($Net_IPv6->checkIPv6($search_term) != false) {
    $type = "IPv6";
} elseif (strlen($search_term) == 17 && substr_count($search_term, ":") == 5) {
    $type = "mac";
    //count : -> must be 5
} else {
    if (strlen($search_term) == 12 && substr_count($search_term, ":") == 0 && substr_count($search_term, ".") == 0) {
Beispiel #18

 * Script to print edit / delete / new IP address
 * Fetches info from database
# include required scripts
require dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../functions/functions.php';
# initialize required objects
$Database = new Database_PDO();
$Result = new Result();
$User = new User($Database);
$Subnets = new Subnets($Database);
$Tools = new Tools($Database);
$Addresses = new Addresses($Database);
# verify that user is logged in
# create csrf token
$csrf = $User->create_csrf_cookie();
# validate action
# validate post
is_numeric($_POST['subnetId']) ?: $Result->show("danger", _("Invalid subnet ID"), true, true);
is_numeric($_POST['id']) || strlen($_POST['id']) == 0 ?: $Result->show("danger", _("Invalid ID"), true, true);
# get posted values
$subnetId = $_POST['subnetId'];
$action = $_POST['action'];
$id = $_POST['id'];
# fetch subnet
$subnet = (array) $Subnets->fetch_subnet(null, $subnetId);
    $Database = new Database_PDO();
if (!isset($User)) {
    $User = new User($Database);
if (!isset($Admin)) {
    $Admin = new Admin($Database);
if (!isset($Tools)) {
    $Tools = new Tools($Database);
if (!isset($Sections)) {
    $Sections = new Sections($Database);
if (!isset($Subnets)) {
    $Subnets = new Subnets($Database);
# verify that user is logged in, to guard against direct access of page and possible exploits
# Get mask check
#automated $cidrformat = isset($_GET['cidrformat']) ? $_GET['cidrformat'] : "off";
#separate option $rebuildmnr = isset($_GET['rebuildmnr']) ? $_GET['rebuildmnr'] : "off";
# read again the custom fields, if any
if (!isset($custom_fields)) {
    $custom_fields = $Tools->fetch_custom_fields("subnets");
# fetch all l2 domains
$vlan_domains = $Admin->fetch_all_objects("vlanDomains", "id");
# load VLANs and process for easier later check
$vlan_data = array();
foreach ($vlan_domains as $vlan_domain) {
Beispiel #20

 * Print resize subnet
/* functions */
require dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../functions/functions.php';
# initialize user object
$Database = new Database_PDO();
$User = new User($Database);
$Admin = new Admin($Database, false);
$Subnets = new Subnets($Database);
$Addresses = new Addresses($Database);
$Result = new Result();
# verify that user is logged in
# id must be numeric
if (!is_numeric($_POST['subnetId'])) {
    $Result->show("danger", _("Invalid ID"), true);
# get subnet details
$subnet_old = $Subnets->fetch_subnet(null, $_POST['subnetId']);
# verify that user has write permissions for subnet
$subnetPerm = $Subnets->check_permission($User->user, $subnet_old->id);
if ($subnetPerm < 3) {
    $Result->show("danger", _('You do not have permissions to resize subnet') . '!', true);
# verify
$Subnets->subnet_split($subnet_old, $_POST['number'], $_POST['prefix'], $_POST['group'], $_POST['strict']);
# all good
$Result->show("success", _("Subnet splitted ok") . "!", true);
Beispiel #21
    # verify that user is logged in
    # set sorting
    $sort['direction'] = 'asc';
    $sort['field'] = 'ip_addr';
    $sort['directionNext'] = "desc";
} else {
    # use required functions
    require '../../../functions/functions.php';
    # database object
    $Database = new Database_PDO();
    # initialize objects
    $Result = new Result();
    $User = new User($Database);
    $Sections = new Sections($Database);
    $Subnets = new Subnets($Database);
    $Tools = new Tools($Database);
    $Addresses = new Addresses($Database);
    # verify that user is logged in
    # set sorting
    $tmp = explode("|", $_POST['direction']);
    $sort['field'] = $tmp[0];
    $sort['direction'] = $tmp[1];
    if ($sort['direction'] == "asc") {
        $sort['directionNext'] = "desc";
    } else {
        $sort['directionNext'] = "asc";
    # subnet-related variables
    $subnet = (array) $Subnets->fetch_subnet(null, $_POST['subnetId']);
Beispiel #22

# required functions
if (!is_object($User)) {
    require dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../functions/functions.php';
    # classes
    $Database = new Database_PDO();
    $User = new User($Database);
    $Tools = new Tools($Database);
    $Subnets = new Subnets($Database);
# user must be authenticated
# if direct request that redirect to tools page
if ($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] != "XMLHttpRequest") {
    header("Location: " . create_link("administration", "manageRequests"));
# fetch all requests
$requests = $Tools->requests_fetch(false);

if (!$requests) {
    print "<blockquote style='margin-top:20px;margin-left:20px;'>";
    print "<small>" . _("No IP address requests available") . "!</small><br>";
    print "</blockquote>";
} else {
Beispiel #23

 *	firewall zone fwzones-edit.php
 *	add, edit and delete firewall zones
# functions
require dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../functions/functions.php';
# initialize classes
$Database = new Database_PDO();
$User = new User($Database);
$Admin = new Admin($Database);
$Subnets = new Subnets($Database);
$Result = new Result();
$Zones = new FirewallZones($Database);
# validate session parameters
# validate $_POST['id'] values
if (!preg_match('/^[0-9]+$/i', $_POST['id'])) {
    $Result->show("danger", _("Invalid ID. Do not manipulate the POST values!"), true);
# validate $_POST['action'] values
if ($_POST['action'] != 'add' && $_POST['action'] != 'edit' && $_POST['action'] != 'delete') {
    $Result->show("danger", _("Invalid action. Do not manipulate the POST values!"), true);
# fetch module settings
$firewallZoneSettings = json_decode($User->settings->firewallZoneSettings, true);
# fetch old zone
if ($_POST['action'] != 'add') {
    $firewallZone = $Zones->get_zone($_POST['id']);
Beispiel #24

 * Script to print some stats on home page....
# required functions if requested via AJAX
if (!is_object(@$User)) {
    require dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../functions/functions.php';
    # classes
    $Database = new Database_PDO();
    $User = new User($Database);
    $Tools = new Tools($Database);
    $Subnets = new Subnets($Database);
    $Sections = new Sections($Database);
    $Log = new Logging($Database);
    $Result = new Result();
# user must be authenticated
# if direct request that redirect to tools page
if ($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] != "XMLHttpRequest") {
    header("Location: " . create_link("tools", "changelog"));
# changelog to syslog
if ($User->settings->log != "syslog") {
    /* get logs */
    $clogs = $Log->fetch_all_changelogs(false, "", 50);
# syslog
if ($User->settings->log == "syslog") {
    $Result->show("warning", _("Changelog files are sent to syslog"), false);
Beispiel #25

 * Script to print mail notification form
# include required scripts
require dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../functions/functions.php';
# initialize required objects
$Database = new Database_PDO();
$Result = new Result();
$User = new User($Database);
$Subnets = new Subnets($Database);
$Tools = new Tools($Database);
$Addresses = new Addresses($Database);
# verify that user is logged in
# id must be numeric
is_numeric($_POST['id']) || strlen($_POST['id']) == 0 ?: $Result->show("danger", _("Invalid ID"), true);
# get IP address id
$id = $_POST['id'];
# fetch address, subnet, vlan and nameservers
$address = (array) $Addresses->fetch_address(null, $id);
$subnet = (array) $Subnets->fetch_subnet(null, $address['subnetId']);
$vlan = (array) $Tools->fetch_object("vlans", "vlanId", $subnet['vlanId']);
$nameservers = (array) $Tools->fetch_object("nameservers", "id", $subnet['nameserverId']);
# get all custom fields
$custom_fields = $Tools->fetch_custom_fields('ipaddresses');
# checks
sizeof($address) > 0 ?: $Result->show("danger", _("Invalid ID"), true);
sizeof($subnet) > 0 ?: $Result->show("danger", _("Invalid subnet"), true);
# set title
Beispiel #26

 *	Generate XLS file for subnet
# include required scripts
require dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../functions/functions.php';
require dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../functions/PEAR/Spreadsheet/Excel/Writer.php';
# initialize required objects
$Database = new Database_PDO();
$Result = new Result();
$User = new User($Database);
$Subnets = new Subnets($Database);
$Tools = new Tools($Database);
$Addresses = new Addresses($Database);
# verify that user is logged in
# we dont need any errors!
//ini_set('display_errors', 0);
# fetch subnet details
$subnet = (array) $Subnets->fetch_subnet(null, $_GET['subnetId']);
# fetch all IP addresses in subnet
$addresses = $Addresses->fetch_subnet_addresses($_GET['subnetId'], "ip_addr", "asc");
# get all custom fields
$custom_fields = $Tools->fetch_custom_fields('ipaddresses');
# Create a workbook
$filename = "phpipam_subnet_export.xls";
$workbook = new Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer();
//formatting headers
$format_header =& $workbook->addFormat();
Beispiel #27

 * Print edit subnet
/* functions */
require dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../functions/functions.php';
# initialize user object
$Database = new Database_PDO();
$User = new User($Database);
$Admin = new Admin($Database);
$Sections = new Sections($Database);
$Subnets = new Subnets($Database);
$Result = new Result();
# verify that user is logged in
# ID must be numeric
if (!is_numeric($_POST['subnetId'])) {
    $Result->show("danger", _("Invalid ID"), true, true);
# get all groups
$groups = $Admin->fetch_all_objects("userGroups", "g_id");
# get subnet details
$subnet = $Subnets->fetch_subnet(null, $_POST['subnetId']);

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
/* bootstrap switch */
var switch_options = {
Beispiel #28

 * Print graph of Top IPv4 hosts by percentage
# required functions
if (!is_object(@$User)) {
    require dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../functions/functions.php';
    # classes
    $Database = new Database_PDO();
    $User = new User($Database);
    $Tools = new Tools($Database);
    $Subnets = new Subnets($Database);
    $Result = new Result();
# user must be authenticated
# set size parameters
$height = 200;
$slimit = 10;
# if direct request include plot JS
if ($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] != "XMLHttpRequest") {
    # get widget details
    if (!($widget = $Tools->fetch_object("widgets", "wfile", $_REQUEST['section']))) {
        $Result->show("danger", _("Invalid widget"), true);
    # reset size and limit
    $height = 350;
    $slimit = 20;
    # include flot JS
    print '<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="js/1.2/flot/jquery.flot.js"></script>';
Beispiel #29
    foreach ($addresses as $k => $a) {
        if ($a['newStatus'] == 0) {
# print change
if ($Scan->debugging) {
    print "\nAddress changes:\n----------\n";
# all done, mail diff?
if (sizeof($address_change) > 0 && $send_mail) {
    if (!is_object(@$Scan)) {
        $Database = new Database_PDO();
        $Subnets = new Subnets($Database);
        $Addresses = new Addresses($Database);
        $Tools = new Tools($Database);
        $Scan = new Scan($Database);
        $Result = new Result();
        // set exit flag to true
        // set debugging
    # check for recipients
    foreach ($Tools->fetch_multiple_objects("users", "role", "Administrator") as $admin) {
        if ($admin->mailNotify == "Yes") {
            $recepients[] = array("name" => $admin->real_name, "email" => $admin->email);
Beispiel #30

 * creates mac address from provided IP address
# include required scripts
require dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../functions/functions.php';
# initialize required objects
$Database = new Database_PDO();
$Result = new Result();
$User = new User($Database);
$Subnets = new Subnets($Database);
# verify that user is logged in
# check that multicast is enabled
if ($User->settings->enableMulticast != "1") {
# validations
if ($Subnets->verify_cidr($_POST['ip']) === false) {
if ($Subnets->is_multicast($_POST['ip']) === false) {
# get mac
$text = $Subnets->create_multicast_mac($_POST['ip']);
# print mas
if ($text === false) {
} else {