$EventManager->notify('HOST_IMAGE_Fail', array(HostName => $Host->get('name')));
     throw new Exception('Failed to update task.');
 $EventManager->notify('HOST_IMAGE_COMPLETE', array(HostName => $Host->get('name')));
 ////============================== Email Notification Start ==============================
 if ($FOGCore->getSetting('FOG_EMAIL_ACTION')) {
     $Inventory = current($FOGCore->getClass('InventoryManager')->find(array('hostID' => $Host->get('id'))));
     //Get inventory Data
     if ($Inventory && $Inventory->isValid()) {
         $SnapinJob = $Host->get('snapinjob');
         //Get Snapin(s) Used/Queued
         if ($SnapinJob && $SnapinJob->isValid()) {
             $SnapinTasks = $FOGCore->getClass('SnapinTaskManager')->find(array('stateID' => array(-1, 0, 1), 'jobID' => $SnapinJob->get('id')));
             foreach ($SnapinTasks as $SnapinTask) {
                 if ($SnapinTask && $SnapinTask->isValid()) {
                     $Snapin = new Snapin($SnapinTask->get('snapinID'));
                     if ($Snapin && $Snapin->isValid()) {
                         $SnapinNames[] = $Snapin->get('name');
         $StorageNode = new StorageNode($Task->get('NFSMemberID'));
         $emailbinary = $FOGCore->getSetting('FOG_EMAIL_BINARY') ? preg_replace('#\\$\\{server-name\\}#', $StorageNode && $StorageNode->isValid() ? $StorageNode->get('name') : 'fogserver', $FOGCore->getSetting('FOG_EMAIL_BINARY')) : '/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -f noreply@fogserver.com -i';
         ini_set('sendmail_path', $emailbinary);
         $snpusd = implode(', ', (array) $SnapinNames);
         //to list snapins as 1, 2, 3,  etc
         $engineer = ucwords($Task->get('createdBy'));
         //ucwords purely aesthetics
         $puser = ucwords($Inventory->get('primaryUser'));
         //ucwords purely aesthetics
 /** snapin_log_post()
 		Display's the dates to filter through.
 public function snapin_log_post()
     // Set title
     $this->title = _('FOG Snapin Log');
     // This gets the download links for which type of file you want.
     print "\n\t\t\t\t<h2>" . '<a href="export.php?type=csv&filename=SnapinLog" alt="Export CSV" title="Export CSV" target="_blank">' . $this->csvfile . '</a> <a href="export.php?type=pdf&filename=SnapinLog" alt="Export PDF" title="Export PDF" target="_blank">' . $this->pdffile . '</a></h2>';
     // Header Data
     $this->headerData = array(_('Snapin Name'), _('State'), _('Return Code'), _('Return Desc'), _('Create Date'), _('Create Time'));
     // Templates
     $this->templates = array('${snap_name}', '${snap_state}', '${snap_return}', '${snap_detail}', '${snap_create}', '${snap_time}');
     // Setup Report Maker for this class.
     $ReportMaker = new ReportMaker();
     // Set dates and check order is proper
     $date1 = $_REQUEST['date1'];
     $date2 = $_REQUEST['date2'];
     if ($date1 > $date2) {
         $date1 = $_REQUEST['date2'];
         $date2 = $_REQUEST['date1'];
     $date2 = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($date2 . '+1 day'));
     // This is just for the header in the CSV:
     $csvHead = array(_('Host ID'), _('Host Name'), _('Host MAC'), _('Snapin ID'), _('Snapin Name'), _('Snapin Description'), _('Snapin File'), _('Snapin Args'), _('Snapin Run With'), _('Snapin Run With Args'), _('Snapin State'), _('Snapin Return Code'), _('Snapin Return Detail'), _('Snapin Creation Date'), _('Snapin Creation Time'), _('Job Create Date'), _('Job Create Time'), _('Task Checkin Date'), _('Task Checkin Time'));
     foreach ((array) $csvHead as $csvHeader) {
     // Find all snapin tasks
     $SnapinTasks = $this->getClass('SnapinTaskManager')->find(array('checkin' => '', 'complete' => ''), 'OR', '', '', "BETWEEN '{$date1}' AND '{$date2}'");
     foreach ((array) $SnapinTasks as $SnapinTask) {
         $SnapinCheckin1 = $this->nice_date($SnapinTask->get('checkin'));
         $SnapinCheckin2 = $this->nice_date($SnapinTask->get('complete'));
         // Get the Task based on create date thru complete date
         // Get the snapin
         $Snapin = new Snapin($SnapinTask->get('snapinID'));
         // Get the Job
         $SnapinJob = new SnapinJob($SnapinTask->get('jobID'));
         // Get the Host
         $Host = new Host($SnapinJob->get('hostID'));
         $hostID = $SnapinJob->get('hostID');
         $hostName = $Host->isValid() ? $Host->get('name') : '';
         $hostMac = $Host->isValid() ? $Host->get('mac') : '';
         $snapinID = $SnapinTask->get('snapinID');
         $snapinName = $Snapin->isValid() ? $Snapin->get('name') : '';
         $snapinDesc = $Snapin->isValid() ? $Snapin->get('description') : '';
         $snapinFile = $Snapin->isValid() ? $Snapin->get('file') : '';
         $snapinArgs = $Snapin->isValid() ? $Snapin->get('args') : '';
         $snapinRw = $Snapin->isValid() ? $Snapin->get('runWith') : '';
         $snapinRwa = $Snapin->isValid() ? $Snapin->get('runWithArgs') : '';
         $snapinState = $SnapinTask->get('stateID');
         $snapinReturn = $SnapinTask->get('return');
         $snapinDetail = $SnapinTask->get('detail');
         $snapinCreateDate = $Snapin->isValid() ? $this->formatTime($Snapin->get('createdTime'), 'Y-m-d') : '';
         $snapinCreateTime = $Snapin->isValid() ? $this->formatTime($Snapin->get('createdTime'), 'H:i:s') : '';
         $jobCreateDate = $this->formatTime($SnapinJob->get('createdTime'), 'Y-m-d');
         $jobCreateTime = $this->formatTime($SnapinJob->get('createdTime'), 'H:i:s');
         $TaskCheckinDate = $SnapinCheckin1->format('Y-m-d');
         $TaskCheckinTime = $SnapinCheckin2->format('H:i:s');
         $this->data[] = array('snap_name' => $snapinName, 'snap_state' => $snapinState, 'snap_return' => $snapinReturn, 'snap_detail' => $snapinDetail, 'snap_create' => $snapinCreateDate, 'snap_time' => $snapinCreateTime);
     // This is for the pdf.
     $_SESSION['foglastreport'] = serialize($ReportMaker);
 /** edit()
 		Edit host form information.
 public function edit()
     // Find
     $Host = $this->obj;
     // Inventory find for host.
     $Inventory = $Host->get('inventory');
     // Image for this host
     $Image = $Host->getImage();
     // Get the associated Groups.
     // Title - set title for page title in window
     $this->title = sprintf('%s: %s', 'Edit', $Host->get('name'));
     if ($_REQUEST['approveHost']) {
         $Host->set('pending', null);
         if ($Host->save()) {
             $this->FOGCore->setMessage(_('Host approved'));
         } else {
             $this->FOGCore->setMessage(_('Host approval failed.'));
         $this->FOGCore->redirect('?node=' . $_REQUEST['node'] . '&sub=' . $_REQUEST['sub'] . '&id=' . $_REQUEST['id']);
     if ($Host->get('pending')) {
         print '<h2><a href="' . $this->formAction . '&approveHost=1">' . _('Approve this host?') . '</a></h2>';
     $this->attributes = array(array(), array());
     $this->templates = array('${field}', '${input}');
     if ($_REQUEST['confirmMac']) {
         try {
             $MAC = new MACAddress($_REQUEST['confirmMac']);
             if (!$MAC->isValid()) {
                 throw new Exception(_('Invalid MAC Address'));
             if ($Host->save()) {
                 $this->FOGCore->setMessage('MAC: ' . $MAC . ' Approved!');
         } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->FOGCore->redirect('?node=' . $_REQUEST['node'] . '&sub=' . $_REQUEST['sub'] . '&id=' . $_REQUEST['id']);
     if ($_REQUEST['approveAll'] == 1) {
         if ($Host->save()) {
             $this->FOGCore->setMessage('All Pending MACs approved.');
             $this->FOGCore->redirect('?node=' . $_REQUEST['node'] . '&sub=' . $_REQUEST['sub'] . '&id=' . $_REQUEST['id']);
     foreach ((array) $Host->get('additionalMACs') as $MAC) {
         if ($MAC && $MAC->isValid()) {
             $addMACs .= '<div><input class="additionalMAC" type="text" name="additionalMACs[]" value="' . $MAC . '" /><input title="' . _('Remove MAC') . '" type="checkbox" onclick="this.form.submit()" class="delvid" id="rm' . $MAC . '" name="additionalMACsRM[]" value="' . $MAC . '" /><label for="rm' . $MAC . '" class="icon fa fa-minus-circle hand">&nbsp;</label><span class="icon icon-hand" title="' . _('Make Primary') . '"><input type="radio" name="primaryMAC" value="' . $MAC . '" /></span><span class="icon icon-hand" title="' . _('Ignore MAC on Client') . '"><input type="checkbox" name="igclient[]" value="' . $MAC . '" ' . $Host->clientMacCheck($MAC) . ' /></span><span class="icon icon-hand" title="' . _('Ignore MAC for imaging') . '"><input type="checkbox" name="igimage[]" value="' . $MAC . '" ' . $Host->imageMacCheck($MAC) . '/></span><br/><span class="mac-manufactor"></span></div>';
     foreach ((array) $Host->get('pendingMACs') as $MAC) {
         if ($MAC && $MAC->isValid()) {
             $pending .= '<div><input class="pending-mac" type="text" name="pendingMACs[]" value="' . $MAC . '" /><a href="${link}&confirmMac=' . $MAC . '"><i class="icon fa fa-check-circle"></i></a><span class="mac-manufactor"></span></div>';
     if ($pending != null && $pending != '') {
         $pending .= '<div>' . _('Approve All MACs?') . '<a href="${link}&approveAll=1"><i class="icon fa fa-check-circle"></i></a></div>';
     $fields = array(_('Host Name') => '<input type="text" name="host" value="${host_name}" maxlength="15" class="hostname-input" />*', _('Primary MAC') => '<input type="text" name="mac" id="mac" value="${host_mac}" />*<span id="priMaker"></span><i class="icon add-mac fa fa-plus-circle hand" title="' . _('Add MAC') . '"></i>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class="icon icon-hand" title="' . _('Ignore MAC on Client') . '"><input type="checkbox" name="igclient[]" value="${host_mac}" ' . $Host->clientMacCheck() . ' /></span><span class="icon icon-hand" title="' . _('Ignore MAC for imaging') . '"><input type="checkbox" name="igimage[]" value="${host_mac}" ' . $Host->imageMacCheck() . '/></span><br/><span class="mac-manufactor"></span>', '<div id="additionalMACsRow">' . _('Additional MACs') . '</div>' => '<div id="additionalMACsCell">' . $addMACs . '</div>', $Host->get('pendingMACs') ? _('Pending MACs') : null => $Host->get('pendingMACs') ? $pending : null, _('Host Description') => '<textarea name="description" rows="8" cols="40">${host_desc}</textarea>', _('Host Product Key') => '<input id="productKey" type="text" name="key" value="${host_key}" />', _('Host Image') => '${host_image}', _('Host Kernel') => '<input type="text" name="kern" value="${host_kern}" />', _('Host Kernel Arguments') => '<input type="text" name="args" value="${host_args}" />', _('Host Primary Disk') => '<input type="text" name="dev" value="${host_devs}" />', '&nbsp' => '<input type="submit" value="' . _('Update') . '" />');
     $this->HookManager->processEvent('HOST_FIELDS', array('fields' => &$fields));
     print '<div id="tab-container">';
     print "<!-- General -->";
     print '<div id="host-general">';
     if ($Host->get('pub_key') || $Host->get('sec_tok')) {
         $this->form = '<center><div id="resetSecDataBox"></div><input type="button" id="resetSecData" /></center><br/>';
     print '<form method="post" action="' . $this->formAction . '&tab=host-general">';
     print '<h2>' . _('Edit host definition') . '</h2>';
     $imageSelect = $this->getClass('ImageManager')->buildSelectBox($Image->get('id'));
     foreach ($fields as $field => $input) {
         $this->data[] = array('field' => $field, 'input' => $input, 'host_id' => $Host->get('id'), 'host_name' => $Host->get('name'), 'host_mac' => $Host->get('mac'), 'link' => $this->formAction, 'host_desc' => $Host->get('description'), 'host_image' => $imageSelect, 'host_kern' => $Host->get('kernel'), 'host_args' => $Host->get('kernelArgs'), 'host_devs' => $Host->get('kernelDevice'), 'host_key' => base64_decode($Host->get('productKey')));
     // Hook
     $this->HookManager->processEvent('HOST_EDIT_GEN', array('headerData' => &$this->headerData, 'data' => &$this->data, 'templates' => &$this->templates, 'attributes' => &$this->attributes));
     print '</form></div>';
     unset($this->data, $this->form);
     print "<!-- Group Relationships -->";
     print '<div id="host-grouprel" class="organic-tabs-hidden">';
     print '<h2>' . _('Group Relationships') . '</h2>';
     // Create the Header:
     $this->headerData = array('<input type="checkbox" name="toggle-checkboxgroup" class="toggle-checkboxgroup" />', _('Name'), _('Members'));
     // Create the template:
     $this->templates = array('<input type="checkbox" name="group[]" value="${group_id}" class="toggle-group" />', sprintf('<a href="?node=group&sub=edit&id=${group_id}" title="Edit">${group_name}</a>'), '${group_count}');
     // Create the attributes:
     $this->attributes = array(array('width' => 16, 'class' => 'c'), array('width' => 90, 'class' => 'l'), array('width' => 40, 'class' => 'c'));
     foreach ($Host->get('groupsnotinme') as $Group) {
         if ($Group && $Group->isValid()) {
             $this->data[] = array('group_id' => $Group->get('id'), 'group_name' => $Group->get('name'), 'group_count' => $Group->getHostCount());
     if (count($this->data) > 0) {
         $this->HookManager->processEvent('HOST_GROUP_JOIN', array('headerData' => &$this->headerData, 'templates' => &$this->templates, 'attributes' => &$this->attributes, 'data' => &$this->data));
         print '<center><label for="hostGroupShow">' . _('Check here to see groups this host is not associated with') . '&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="checkbox" name="hostGroupShow" id="hostGroupShow" /></label></center>';
         print '<center><div id="hostGroupDisplay">';
         print '<form method="post" action="' . $this->formAction . '&tab=host-grouprel">';
         print '<input type="submit" name="addGroups" value="' . _('Add to Group(s)') . '" />';
         print '</form></div></center>';
     $this->headerData = array('<input type="checkbox" name="toggle-checkbox" class="toggle-checkboxAction" checked/>', _('Group Name'), _('Total Members'));
     $this->attributes = array(array('class' => 'c', 'width' => 16), array(), array());
     $this->templates = array('<input type="checkbox" name="groupdel[]" value="${group_id}" class="toggle-action" checked/>', '<a href="?node=group&sub=edit&id=${group_id}" title="' . _('Edit Group') . ':${group_name}">${group_name}</a>', '${group_count}');
     // Find Group Relationships
     foreach ((array) $Host->get('groups') as $Group) {
         if ($Group && $Group->isValid()) {
             $this->data[] = array('group_id' => $Group->get('id'), 'group_name' => $Group->get('name'), 'group_count' => $Group->getHostCount());
     // Hook
     $this->HookManager->processEvent('HOST_EDIT_GROUP', array('headerData' => &$this->headerData, 'data' => &$this->data, 'templates' => &$this->templates, 'attributes' => &$this->attributes));
     print '<form method="post" action="' . $this->formAction . '&tab=host-grouprel">';
     if (count($this->data) > 0) {
         print '<center><input type="submit" value="' . _('Delete Selected Group Associations') . '" name="remgroups"/></center>';
     unset($this->data, $this->headerData, $this->attributes);
     print '</form></div>';
     if (!$Host->get('pending')) {
     print "<!-- Printers -->";
     print '<div id="host-printers" class="organic-tabs-hidden">';
     print '<form method="post" action="' . $this->formAction . '&tab=host-printers">';
     // Create Header for non associated printers
     $this->headerData = array('<input type="checkbox" name="toggle-checkboxprint" class="toggle-checkboxprint" />', _('Printer Name'), _('Configuration'));
     // Template for these printers:
     $this->templates = array('<input type="checkbox" name="printer[]" value="${printer_id}" class="toggle-print" />', '<a href="?node=printer&sub=edit&id=${printer_id}">${printer_name}</a>', '${printer_type}');
     $this->attributes = array(array('width' => 16, 'class' => 'c'), array('width' => 50, 'class' => 'l'), array('width' => 50, 'class' => 'r'));
     foreach ((array) $Host->get('printersnotinme') as $Printer) {
         if ($Printer && $Printer->isValid() && !in_array($Printer->get('id'), (array) $PrinterIDs)) {
             $this->data[] = array('printer_id' => $Printer->get('id'), 'printer_name' => addslashes($Printer->get('name')), 'printer_type' => $Printer->get('config'));
     $PrintersFound = false;
     if (count($this->data) > 0) {
         $PrintersFound = true;
         print '<center><label for="hostPrinterShow">' . _('Check here to see what printers can be added') . '&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="checkbox" name="hostPrinterShow" id="hostPrinterShow" /></label></center>';
         print '<div id="printerNotInHost">';
         print '<h2>' . _('Add new printer(s) to this host') . '</h2>';
         $this->HookManager->processEvent('HOST_ADD_PRINTER', array('headerData' => &$this->headerData, 'data' => &$this->data, 'templates' => &$this->templates, 'attributes' => &$this->attributes));
         // Output
         print "</div>";
     $this->headerData = array('<input type="checkbox" name="toggle-checkbox" class="toggle-checkboxAction" checked/>', _('Default'), _('Printer Alias'), _('Printer Type'));
     $this->attributes = array(array('class' => 'c', 'width' => 16), array(), array(), array());
     $this->templates = array('<input type="checkbox" name="printerRemove[]" value="${printer_id}" class="toggle-action" checked/>', '<input class="default" type="radio" name="default" id="printer${printer_id}" value="${printer_id}"${is_default} /><label for="printer${printer_id}" class="icon icon-hand" title="' . _('Default Printer Select') . '">&nbsp;</label><input type="hidden" name="printerid[]" value="${printer_id}" />', '<a href="?node=printer&sub=edit&id=${printer_id}">${printer_name}</a>', '${printer_type}');
     print "<h2>" . _('Host Printer Configuration') . '</h2>';
     print "<p>" . _('Select Management Level for this Host') . '</p>';
     print "<p>";
     print '<input type="radio" name="level" value="0"' . ($Host->get('printerLevel') == 0 ? 'checked' : '') . ' />' . _('No Printer Management') . '<br/>';
     print '<input type="radio" name="level" value="1"' . ($Host->get('printerLevel') == 1 ? 'checked' : '') . ' />' . _('Add Only') . '<br/>';
     print '<input type="radio" name="level" value="2"' . ($Host->get('printerLevel') == 2 ? 'checked' : '') . ' />' . _('Add and Remove') . '<br/></p>';
     foreach ((array) $Host->get('printers') as $Printer) {
         if ($Printer && $Printer->isValid()) {
             $this->data[] = array('printer_id' => $Printer->get('id'), 'is_default' => $Host->getDefault($Printer->get('id')) ? 'checked' : '', 'printer_name' => addslashes($Printer->get('name')), 'printer_type' => $Printer->get('config'));
     // Hook
     $this->HookManager->processEvent('HOST_EDIT_PRINTER', array('headerData' => &$this->headerData, 'data' => &$this->data, 'templates' => &$this->templates, 'attributes' => &$this->attributes));
     // Output
     if ($PrintersFound || count($this->data) > 0) {
         print '<center><input type="submit" value="' . _('Update') . '" name="updateprinters"/>';
     if (count($this->data) > 0) {
         print '&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="submit" value="' . _('Remove selected printers') . '" name="printdel"/>';
     print "</center>";
     // Reset for next tab
     unset($this->data, $this->headerData);
     print '</form></div><!-- Snapins --><div id="host-snapins" class="organic-tabs-hidden">';
     print '<h2>' . _('Snapins') . '</h2>';
     print '<form method="post" action="' . $this->formAction . '&tab=host-snapins">';
     // Create the header:
     $this->headerData = array('<input type="checkbox" name="toggle-checkboxsnapin" class="toggle-checkboxsnapin" />', _('Snapin Name'), _('Created'));
     // Create the template:
     $this->templates = array('<input type="checkbox" name="snapin[]" value="${snapin_id}" class="toggle-snapin" />', sprintf('<a href="?node=%s&sub=edit&id=${snapin_id}" title="%s">${snapin_name}</a>', 'snapin', _('Edit')), '${snapin_created}');
     // Create the attributes:
     $this->attributes = array(array('width' => 16, 'class' => 'c'), array('width' => 90, 'class' => 'l'), array('width' => 20, 'class' => 'r'));
     foreach ((array) $Host->get('snapinsnotinme') as $Snapin) {
         if ($Snapin && $Snapin->isValid()) {
             $this->data[] = array('snapin_id' => $Snapin->get('id'), 'snapin_name' => $Snapin->get('name'), 'snapin_created' => $Snapin->get('createdTime'));
     if (count($this->data) > 0) {
         print '<center><label for="hostSnapinShow">' . _('Check here to see what snapins can be added') . '&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="checkbox" name="hostSnapinShow" id="hostSnapinShow" /></label>';
         print '<div id="snapinNotInHost">';
         $this->HookManager->processEvent('HOST_SNAPIN_JOIN', array('headerData' => &$this->headerData, 'data' => &$this->data, 'templates' => &$this->templates, 'attributes' => &$this->attributes));
         print '<input type="submit" value="' . _('Add Snapin(s)') . '" /></form></div></center>';
         print '<form method="post" action="' . $this->formAction . '&tab=host-snapins">';
     $this->headerData = array('<input type="checkbox" name="toggle-checkbox" class="toggle-checkboxAction" checked/>', _('Snapin Name'));
     $this->attributes = array(array('class' => 'c', 'width' => 16), array());
     $this->templates = array('<input type="checkbox" name="snapinRemove[]" value="${snap_id}" class="toggle-action" checked/>', '<a href="?node=snapin&sub=edit&id=${snap_id}">${snap_name}</a>');
     foreach ((array) $Host->get('snapins') as $Snapin) {
         if ($Snapin && $Snapin->isValid()) {
             $this->data[] = array('snap_id' => $Snapin->get('id'), 'snap_name' => $Snapin->get('name'));
     // Hook
     $this->HookManager->processEvent('HOST_EDIT_SNAPIN', array('headerData' => &$this->headerData, 'data' => &$this->data, 'templates' => &$this->templates, 'attributes' => &$this->attributes));
     // Output
     print '<center><input type="submit" name="snaprem" value="' . _('Remove selected snapins') . '"/></center></form></div>';
     // Reset for next tab
     unset($this->data, $this->headerData);
     print '<!-- Service Configuration -->';
     $this->attributes = array(array('width' => 270), array('class' => 'c'), array('class' => 'r'));
     $this->templates = array('${mod_name}', '${input}', '${span}');
     $this->data[] = array('mod_name' => 'Select/Deselect All', 'input' => '<input type="checkbox" class="checkboxes" id="checkAll" name="checkAll" value="checkAll" />', 'span' => '');
     print '<div id="host-service" class="organic-tabs-hidden">';
     print '<form method="post" action="' . $this->formAction . '&tab=host-service">';
     print '<h2>' . _('Service Configuration') . '</h2><fieldset>';
     print "<legend>" . _('General') . '</legend>';
     $ModOns = $this->getClass('ModuleAssociationManager')->find(array('hostID' => $Host->get('id')), '', '', '', '', '', '', 'moduleID');
     $moduleName = $this->getGlobalModuleStatus();
     foreach ($this->getClass('ModuleManager')->find() as $Module) {
         if ($Module && $Module->isValid()) {
             $this->data[] = array('input' => '<input type="checkbox" ' . ($moduleName[$Module->get('shortName')] || $moduleName[$Module->get('shortName')] && $Module->get('isDefault') ? 'class="checkboxes"' : '') . ' name="modules[]" value="${mod_id}" ${checked} ' . (!$moduleName[$Module->get('shortName')] ? 'disabled' : '') . ' />', 'span' => '<span class="icon fa fa-question fa-1x hand" title="${mod_desc}"></span>', 'checked' => in_array($Module->get('id'), $ModOns) ? 'checked' : '', 'mod_name' => $Module->get('name'), 'mod_shname' => $Module->get('shortName'), 'mod_id' => $Module->get('id'), 'mod_desc' => str_replace('"', '\\"', $Module->get('description')));
     unset($ModOns, $Module);
     $this->data[] = array('mod_name' => '&nbsp', 'input' => '', 'span' => '<input type="submit" name="updatestatus" value="' . _('Update') . '" />');
     // Hook
     $this->HookManager->processEvent('HOST_EDIT_SERVICE', array('headerData' => &$this->headerData, 'data' => &$this->data, 'templates' => &$this->templates, 'attributes' => &$this->attributes));
     // Output
     // Reset for next tab
     print '</fieldset></form>';
     print '<form method="post" action="' . $this->formAction . '&tab=host-service">';
     print "<fieldset>";
     print "<legend>" . _('Host Screen Resolution') . '</legend>';
     $this->attributes = array(array('class' => 'l', 'style' => 'padding-right: 25px'), array('class' => 'c'), array('class' => 'r'));
     $this->templates = array('${field}', '${input}', '${span}');
     $Services = $this->getClass('ServiceManager')->find(array('name' => array('FOG_SERVICE_DISPLAYMANAGER_X', 'FOG_SERVICE_DISPLAYMANAGER_Y', 'FOG_SERVICE_DISPLAYMANAGER_R')), 'OR', 'id');
     foreach ((array) $Services as $Service) {
         if ($Service && $Service->isValid()) {
             $this->data[] = array('input' => '<input type="text" name="${type}" value="${disp}" />', 'span' => '<span class="icon fa fa-question fa-1x hand" title="${desc}"></span>', 'field' => $Service->get('name') == 'FOG_SERVICE_DISPLAYMANAGER_X' ? _('Screen Width (in pixels)') : ($Service->get('name') == 'FOG_SERVICE_DISPLAY_MANAGER_Y' ? _('Screen Height (in pixels)') : ($Service->get('name') == 'FOG_SERVICE_DISPLAYMANAGER_R' ? _('Screen Refresh Rate (in Hz)') : '')), 'type' => $Service->get('name') == 'FOG_SERVICE_DISPLAYMANAGER_X' ? 'x' : ($Service->get('name') == 'FOG_SERVICE_DISPLAYMANAGER_Y' ? 'y' : ($Service->get('name') == 'FOG_SERVICE_DISPLAYMANAGER_R' ? 'r' : '')), 'disp' => $Service->get('name') == 'FOG_SERVICE_DISPLAYMANAGER_X' ? $Host->getDispVals('width') : ($Service->get('name') == 'FOG_SERVICE_DISPLAYMANAGER_Y' ? $Host->getDispVals('height') : ($Service->get('name') == 'FOG_SERVICE_DISPLAYMANAGER_R' ? $Host->getDispVals('refresh') : '')), 'desc' => $Service->get('description'));
     $this->data[] = array('field' => '', 'input' => '', 'span' => '<input type="submit" name="updatedisplay" value="' . _('Update') . '" />');
     // Hook
     $this->HookManager->processEvent('HOST_EDIT_DISPSERV', array('headerData' => &$this->headerData, 'data' => &$this->data, 'templates' => &$this->templates, 'attributes' => &$this->attributes));
     // Output
     // Reset for next tab
     print '</fieldset></form>';
     print '<form method="post" action="' . $this->formAction . '&tab=host-service">';
     print '<fieldset>';
     print "\n\t\t\t<legend>" . _('Auto Log Out Settings') . '</legend>';
     $this->attributes = array(array('width' => 270), array('class' => 'c'), array('class' => 'r'));
     $this->templates = array('${field}', '${input}', '${desc}');
     $Service = current($this->getClass('ServiceManager')->find(array('name' => 'FOG_SERVICE_AUTOLOGOFF_MIN')));
     $this->data[] = array('field' => _('Auto Log Out Time (in minutes)'), 'input' => '<input type="text" name="tme" value="${value}" />', 'desc' => '<span class="icon fa fa-question fa-1x hand" title="${serv_desc}"></span>', 'value' => $Host->getAlo() ? $Host->getAlo() : $Service->get('value'), 'serv_desc' => $Service->get('description'));
     $this->data[] = array('field' => '', 'input' => '', 'desc' => '<input type="submit" name="updatealo" value="' . _('Update') . '" />');
     // Hook
     $this->HookManager->processEvent('HOST_EDIT_ALO', array('headerData' => &$this->headerData, 'data' => &$this->data, 'templates' => &$this->templates, 'attributes' => &$this->attributes));
     // Output
     // Reset for next tab
     unset($this->data, $fields);
     print "</fieldset>";
     print "\n\t\t\t</form>";
     print "\n\t\t\t</div>";
     print "\n\t\t\t<!-- Inventory -->";
     $this->attributes = array(array(), array());
     $this->templates = array('${field}', '${input}');
     $fields = array(_('Primary User') => '<input type="text" value="${inv_user}" name="pu" />', _('Other Tag #1') => '<input type="text" value="${inv_oth1}" name="other1" />', _('Other Tag #2') => '<input type="text" value="${inv_oth2}" name="other2" />', _('System Manufacturer') => '${inv_sysman}', _('System Product') => '${inv_sysprod}', _('System Version') => '${inv_sysver}', _('System Serial Number') => '${inv_sysser}', _('System Type') => '${inv_systype}', _('BIOS Vendor') => '${bios_ven}', _('BIOS Version') => '${bios_ver}', _('BIOS Date') => '${bios_date}', _('Motherboard Manufacturer') => '${mb_man}', _('Motherboard Product Name') => '${mb_name}', _('Motherboard Version') => '${mb_ver}', _('Motherboard Serial Number') => '${mb_ser}', _('Motherboard Asset Tag') => '${mb_asset}', _('CPU Manufacturer') => '${cpu_man}', _('CPU Version') => '${cpu_ver}', _('CPU Normal Speed') => '${cpu_nspeed}', _('CPU Max Speed') => '${cpu_mspeed}', _('Memory') => '${inv_mem}', _('Hard Disk Model') => '${hd_model}', _('Hard Disk Firmware') => '${hd_firm}', _('Hard Disk Serial Number') => '${hd_ser}', _('Chassis Manufacturer') => '${case_man}', _('Chassis Version') => '${case_ver}', _('Chassis Serial') => '${case_ser}', _('Chassis Asset') => '${case_asset}', '<input type="hidden" name="update" value="1" />' => '<input type="submit" value="' . _('Update') . '" />');
     print "\n\t\t\t" . '<div id="host-hardware-inventory" class="organic-tabs-hidden">';
     print "\n\t\t\t" . '<form method="post" action="' . $this->formAction . '&tab=host-hardware-inventory">';
     print "\n\t\t\t<h2>" . _('Host Hardware Inventory') . '</h2>';
     if ($Inventory && $Inventory->isValid()) {
         foreach (array('cpuman', 'cpuversion') as $x) {
             $Inventory->set($x, implode(' ', array_unique(explode(' ', $Inventory->get($x)))));
         foreach ((array) $fields as $field => $input) {
             $this->data[] = array('field' => $field, 'input' => $input, 'inv_user' => $Inventory->get('primaryUser'), 'inv_oth1' => $Inventory->get('other1'), 'inv_oth2' => $Inventory->get('other2'), 'inv_sysman' => $Inventory->get('sysman'), 'inv_sysprod' => $Inventory->get('sysproduct'), 'inv_sysver' => $Inventory->get('sysversion'), 'inv_sysser' => $Inventory->get('sysserial'), 'inv_systype' => $Inventory->get('systype'), 'bios_ven' => $Inventory->get('biosvendor'), 'bios_ver' => $Inventory->get('biosversion'), 'bios_date' => $Inventory->get('biosdate'), 'mb_man' => $Inventory->get('mbman'), 'mb_name' => $Inventory->get('mbproductname'), 'mb_ver' => $Inventory->get('mbversion'), 'mb_ser' => $Inventory->get('mbserial'), 'mb_asset' => $Inventory->get('mbasset'), 'cpu_man' => $Inventory->get('cpuman'), 'cpu_ver' => $Inventory->get('cpuversion'), 'cpu_nspeed' => $Inventory->get('cpucurrent'), 'cpu_mspeed' => $Inventory->get('cpumax'), 'inv_mem' => $Inventory->getMem(), 'hd_model' => $Inventory->get('hdmodel'), 'hd_firm' => $Inventory->get('hdfirmware'), 'hd_ser' => $Inventory->get('hdserial'), 'case_man' => $Inventory->get('caseman'), 'case_ver' => $Inventory->get('caseversion'), 'case_ser' => $Inventory->get('caseserial'), 'case_asset' => $Inventory->get('caseasset'));
     } else {
     // Hook
     $this->HookManager->processEvent('HOST_INVENTORY', array('headerData' => &$this->headerData, 'data' => &$this->data, 'templates' => &$this->templates, 'attributes' => &$this->attributes));
     // Output
     // Reset for next tab
     unset($this->data, $fields);
     print "</form>";
     print "\n\t\t\t</div>";
     print "\n\t\t\t<!-- Virus -->";
     $this->headerData = array(_('Virus Name'), _('File'), _('Mode'), _('Date'), _('Clear'));
     $this->attributes = array(array(), array(), array(), array(), array());
     $this->templates = array('<a href="http://www.google.com/search?q=${virus_name}" target="_blank">${virus_name}</a>', '${virus_file}', '${virus_mode}', '${virus_date}', '<input type="checkbox" id="vir_del${virus_id}" class="delvid" name="delvid" onclick="this.form.submit()" value="${virus_id}" /><label for="${virus_id}" class="icon icon-hand" title="' . _('Delete') . ' ${virus_name}"><i class="icon fa fa-minus-circle link"></i>&nbsp;</label>');
     print "\n\t\t\t" . '<div id="host-virus-history" class="organic-tabs-hidden">';
     print "\n\t\t\t" . '<form method="post" action="' . $this->formAction . '&tab=host-virus-history">';
     print "\n\t\t\t" . '<h2>' . _('Virus History') . '</h2>';
     print "\n\t\t\t" . '<h2><a href="#"><input type="checkbox" class="delvid" id="all" name="delvid" value="all" onclick="this.form.submit()" /><label for="all">(' . _('clear all history') . ')</label></a></h2>';
     $Viruses = $this->getClass('VirusManager')->find(array('hostMAC' => $Host->get('mac')));
     foreach ((array) $Viruses as $Virus) {
         if ($Virus && $Virus->isValid()) {
             $this->data[] = array('virus_name' => $Virus->get('name'), 'virus_file' => $Virus->get('file'), 'virus_mode' => $Virus->get('mode') == 'q' ? _('Quarantine') : ($Virus->get('mode') == 's' ? _('Report') : 'N/A'), 'virus_date' => $Virus->get('date'), 'virus_id' => $Virus->get('id'));
     // Hook
     $this->HookManager->processEvent('HOST_VIRUS', array('headerData' => &$this->headerData, 'data' => &$this->data, 'templates' => &$this->templates, 'attributes' => &$this->attributes));
     // Output
     // Reset for next tab
     unset($this->data, $this->headerData);
     print "</form>";
     print "\n\t\t\t</div>";
     print "\n\t\t\t<!-- Login History -->";
     print "\n\t\t\t" . '<div id="host-login-history" class="organic-tabs-hidden">';
     print "\n\t\t\t<h2>" . _('Host Login History') . '</h2>';
     print "\n\t\t\t" . '<form id="dte" method="post" action="' . $this->formAction . '&tab=host-login-history">';
     $this->headerData = array(_('Time'), _('Action'), _('Username'), _('Description'));
     $this->attributes = array(array(), array(), array(), array());
     $this->templates = array('${user_time}', '${action}', '${user_name}', '${user_desc}');
     foreach ((array) $Host->get('users') as $UserLogin) {
         if ($UserLogin && $UserLogin->isValid()) {
             $Dates[] = $UserLogin->get('date');
     $Dates = array_unique((array) $Dates);
     if ($Dates) {
         print "\n\t\t\t<p>" . _('View History for') . '</p>';
         foreach ((array) $Dates as $Date) {
             if ($_REQUEST['dte'] == '') {
                 $_REQUEST['dte'] = $Date;
             $optionDate[] = '<option value="' . $Date . '" ' . ($Date == $_REQUEST['dte'] ? 'selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . $Date . '</option>';
         print "\n\t\t\t" . '<select name="dte" id="loghist-date" size="1" onchange="document.getElementById(\'dte\').submit()">' . implode($optionDate) . '</select>';
         print "\n\t\t\t" . '<a href="#" onclick="document.getElementByID(\'dte\').submit()"><i class="icon fa fa-play noBorder"></i></a></p>';
         foreach ((array) $Host->get('users') as $UserLogin) {
             if ($UserLogin && $UserLogin->isValid() && $UserLogin->get('date') == $_REQUEST['dte']) {
                 $this->data[] = array('action' => $UserLogin->get('action') == 1 ? _('Login') : ($UserLogin->get('action') == 0 ? _('Logout') : ''), 'user_name' => $UserLogin->get('username'), 'user_time' => $UserLogin->get('datetime'), 'user_desc' => $UserLogin->get('description'));
         // Hook
         $this->HookManager->processEvent('HOST_USER_LOGIN', array('headerData' => &$this->headerData, 'data' => &$this->data, 'templates' => &$this->templates, 'attributes' => &$this->attributes));
         // Output
     } else {
         print "\n\t\t\t<p>" . _('No user history data found!') . '</p>';
     // Reset for next tab
     unset($this->data, $this->headerData);
     print '<div id="login-history" style="width:575px;height:200px;" /></div>';
     print "\n\t\t\t</form>";
     print "\n\t\t\t</div>";
     print "\n\t\t\t" . '<div id="host-image-history" class="organic-tabs-hidden">';
     print "\n\t\t\t<h2>" . _('Host Imaging History') . '</h2>';
     // Header Data for host image history
     $this->headerData = array(_('Image Name'), _('Imaging Type'), '<small>' . _('Start - End') . '</small><br />' . _('Duration'));
     // Templates for the host image history
     $this->templates = array('${image_name}', '${image_type}', '<small>${start_time} - ${end_time}</small><br />${duration}');
     // Attributes
     $this->attributes = array(array(), array(), array());
     $ImagingLogs = $this->getClass('ImagingLogManager')->find(array('hostID' => $Host->get('id')));
     foreach ((array) $ImagingLogs as $ImageLog) {
         if ($ImageLog && $ImageLog->isValid()) {
             $Start = $ImageLog->get('start');
             $End = $ImageLog->get('finish');
             $this->data[] = array('start_time' => $this->formatTime($Start), 'end_time' => $this->formatTime($End), 'duration' => $this->diff($Start, $End), 'image_name' => $ImageLog->get('image'), 'image_type' => $ImageLog->get('type'));
     // Hook
     $this->HookManager->processEvent('HOST_IMAGE_HIST', array('headerData' => &$this->headerData, 'data' => &$this->data, 'templates' => &$this->templates, 'attributes' => &$this->attributes));
     // Output
     print "\n\t\t\t" . '</div>';
     print "\n\t\t\t" . '<div id="host-snapin-history">';
     $this->headerData = array(_('Snapin Name'), _('Start Time'), _('Complete'), _('Duration'), _('Return Code'));
     $this->templates = array('${snapin_name}', '${snapin_start}', '${snapin_end}', '${snapin_duration}', '${snapin_return}');
     $SnapinJobs = $this->getClass('SnapinJobManager')->find(array('hostID' => $Host->get('id')));
     foreach ((array) $SnapinJobs as $SnapinJob) {
         $SnapinTasks[] = $this->getClass('SnapinTaskManager')->find(array('jobID' => $SnapinJob->get('id')));
     foreach ((array) $SnapinTasks as $SnapinTask1) {
         foreach ($SnapinTask1 as $SnapinTask) {
             if ($SnapinTask && $SnapinTask->isValid()) {
                 $Snapin = new Snapin($SnapinTask->get('snapinID'));
                 $this->data[] = array('snapin_name' => $Snapin && $Snapin->isValid() ? $Snapin->get('name') : _('Snapin No longer exists'), 'snapin_start' => $this->formatTime($SnapinTask->get('checkin')), 'snapin_end' => $this->formatTime($SnapinTask->get('complete')), 'snapin_duration' => $this->diff($SnapinTask->get('checkin'), $SnapinTask->get('complete')), 'snapin_return' => $SnapinTask->get('return'));
     // Hook
     $this->HookManager->processEvent('HOST_SNAPIN_HIST', array('headerData' => &$this->headerData, 'data' => &$this->data, 'templates' => &$this->templates, 'attributes' => &$this->attributes));
     // Output
     print "\n\t\t\t" . '</div>';
     print "\n\t\t\t</div>";
    // Get the Jobs if possible
    $SnapinJob = $Host->get('snapinjob');
    // Get the Snapin Tasks if possible
    $SnapinTasks = $FOGCore->getClass('SnapinTaskManager')->find(array('stateID' => array(-1, 0, 1), 'jobID' => $SnapinJob->get('id')));
    // Cycle through all the host jobs that have awaiting snapin tasks.
    if ($SnapinJob && $SnapinJob->isValid()) {
        if ($_REQUEST['getSnapnames']) {
            foreach ((array) $SnapinTasks as $SnapinTask) {
                $Snapin = new Snapin($SnapinTask->get('snapinID'));
                $SnapinNames[] = $Snapin->get('name');
            $Snapins = implode(' ', (array) $SnapinNames);
        } else {
            if ($_REQUEST['getSnapargs']) {
                foreach ((array) $SnapinTasks as $SnapinTask) {
                    $Snapin = new Snapin($SnapinTask->get('snapinID'));
                    $SnapinArgs[] = $Snapin->get('args');
                $Snapins = implode(' ', (array) $SnapinArgs);
            } else {
                // Get the tasks of the job so long as they're active.
                $SnapinTasks = count($SnapinTasks);
                $Snapins = $SnapinTasks ? 1 : 0;
    print $Snapins;
} catch (Exception $e) {
    print $e->getMessage();

require_once '../commons/base.inc.php';
try {
    $Host = $FOGCore->getHostItem();
    // Try and get the task.
    $Task = $Host->get('task');
    // Work on the current Snapin Task.
    $SnapinTask = new SnapinTask($_REQUEST['taskid']);
    if (!$SnapinTask->isValid()) {
        throw new Exception('#!ns');
    //Get the snapin to work off of.
    $Snapin = new Snapin($SnapinTask->get('snapinID'));
    // Find the Storage Group
    if ($Snapin && $Snapin->getStorageGroup() && $Snapin->isValid() && $Snapin->getStorageGroup()->isValid()) {
        $StorageGroup = $Snapin->getStorageGroup();
    // Allow plugins to enact against this. (e.g. location)
    $HookManager->processEvent('SNAPIN_GROUP', array('Host' => &$Host, 'StorageGroup' => &$StorageGroup));
    // Assign the file for sending.
    if (!$StorageGroup || !$StorageGroup->isValid()) {
        if (file_exists(rtrim($FOGCore->getSetting('FOG_SNAPINDIR'), '/') . '/' . $Snapin->get('file'))) {
            $SnapinFile = rtrim($FOGCore->getSetting('FOG_SNAPINDIR'), '/') . '/' . $Snapin->get('file');
        } elseif (file_exists($Snapin->get('file'))) {
            $SnapinFile = $Snapin->get('file');
    } else {
        $StorageNode = $StorageGroup->getMasterStorageNode();
        // Allow plugins to enact against this. (e.g. location)
        $HookManager->processEvent('SNAPIN_NODE', array('Host' => &$Host, 'StorageNode' => &$StorageNode));
 // Only worry about if the Task is queued, in line, or in progress (for reporting reasons).
 $Task = $Host->get('task');
 // If the task is Valid and is not of type 12 or 13 report that it's waiting for other tasks.
 if ($Task && $Task->isValid() && $Task->get('typeID') != 12 && $Task->get('typeID') != 13) {
     throw new Exception('#!it');
 //Get the snapin job. There should be tasks if the Job is still viable.
 $SnapinJob = $Host->get('snapinjob');
 if (!$SnapinJob || !$SnapinJob->isValid()) {
     throw new Exception('#!ns');
 // Work on the current Snapin Task.
 $SnapinTask = current($FOGCore->getClass('SnapinTaskManager')->find(array('jobID' => $SnapinJob->get('id'), 'stateID' => array(-1, 0, 1)), '', 'name'));
 if ($SnapinTask && $SnapinTask->isValid()) {
     // Get the information (the Snapin itself)
     $Snapin = new Snapin($SnapinTask->get('snapinID'));
     // Check for task status. If it's got a numeric exitcode
     if (strlen($_REQUEST['exitcode']) > 0 && is_numeric($_REQUEST['exitcode'])) {
         // Place the task for records, but outside of recognizable as Complete or Done!
         $SnapinTask->set('stateID', '2')->set('return', $_REQUEST['exitcode'])->set('details', $_REQUEST['exitdesc'])->set('complete', $FOGCore->nice_date()->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
         if ($SnapinTask->save()) {
             print "#!ok";
         // If that was the last task, delete the job.
         if ($FOGCore->getClass('SnapinTaskManager')->count(array('stateID' => array(-1, 0, 1), 'jobID' => $SnapinJob->get('id'))) < 1) {
             // If it's part of a task deployment update the task information.
             $SnapinJob->set('stateID', 2)->save();
             if ($Task->isValid()) {
                 $Task->set('stateID', 4)->save();
 public function add_post()
     // Hook
     // POST
     try {
         // SnapinManager
         $SnapinManager = $this->getClass('SnapinManager');
         // Error checking
         $snapinName = trim($_REQUEST['name']);
         if (!$snapinName) {
             throw new Exception(_('Please enter a name to give this Snapin'));
         if ($SnapinManager->exists($snapinName)) {
             throw new Exception(_('Snapin already exists'));
         if (!$_REQUEST['storagegroup']) {
             throw new Exception(_('Please select a storage group for this snapin to reside in'));
         if ($_REQUEST['snapin'] || $_FILES['snapin']['name']) {
             if (!$_REQUEST['storagegroup']) {
                 $uploadfile = rtrim($_SESSION['FOG_SNAPINDIR'], '/') . '/' . basename($_FILES['snapin']['name']);
                 if (!is_dir($_SESSION['FOG_SNAPINDIR']) && !is_writeable($_SESSION['FOG_SNAPINDIR'])) {
                     throw new Exception('Failed to add snapin, unable to locate snapin directory.');
                 } else {
                     if (!is_writeable($_SESSION['FOG_SNAPINDIR'])) {
                         throw new Exception('Failed to add snapin, snapin directory is not writeable.');
                     } else {
                         if (file_exists($uploadfile)) {
                             throw new Exception('Failed to add snapin, file already exists.');
                         } else {
                             if (!move_uploaded_file($_FILES['snapin']['tmp_name'], $uploadfile)) {
                                 throw new Exception('Failed to add snapin, file upload failed.');
             } else {
                 // Will fail if the storage group is not assigned or found.
                 $StorageNode = $this->getClass('StorageGroup', $_REQUEST['storagegroup'])->getMasterStorageNode();
                 $src = $_FILES['snapin']['tmp_name'];
                 $dest = rtrim($StorageNode->get('snapinpath'), '/') . '/' . $_FILES['snapin']['name'];
                 $this->FOGFTP->set('host', $this->FOGCore->resolveHostname($StorageNode->get('ip')))->set('username', $StorageNode->get('user'))->set('password', $StorageNode->get('pass'));
                 if (!$this->FOGFTP->connect()) {
                     throw new Exception(_('Storage Node: ' . $this->FOGCore->resolveHostname($StorageNode->get('ip')) . ' FTP Connection has failed!'));
                 if (!$this->FOGFTP->chdir($StorageNode->get('snapinpath'))) {
                     if (!$this->FOGFTP->mkdir($StorageNode->get('snapinpath'))) {
                         throw new Exception(_('Failed to add snapin, unable to locate snapin directory.'));
                 // Try to delete the file.
                 if (!$this->FOGFTP->put($dest, $src)) {
                     throw new Exception(_('Failed to add snapin'));
         } else {
             if (empty($_REQUEST['snapinfileexist'])) {
                 throw new Exception('Failed to add snapin, no file was uploaded or selected for use');
         // Create new Object
         $Snapin = new Snapin(array('name' => $snapinName, 'description' => $_REQUEST['description'], 'file' => $_REQUEST['snapinfileexist'] ? $_REQUEST['snapinfileexist'] : $_FILES['snapin']['name'], 'args' => $_REQUEST['args'], 'createdTime' => $this->formatTime('now', 'Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'createdBy' => $_SESSION['FOG_USERNAME'], 'reboot' => isset($_REQUEST['reboot']) ? 1 : 0, 'runWith' => $_REQUEST['rw'], 'runWithArgs' => $_REQUEST['rwa']));
         // Save
         if ($Snapin->save()) {
             // Hook
             $this->HookManager->processEvent('SNAPIN_ADD_SUCCESS', array('Snapin' => &$Snapin));
             // Log History event
             $this->FOGCore->logHistory(sprintf('%s: ID: %s, Name: %s', _('Snapin created'), $Snapin->get('id'), $Snapin->get('name')));
             // Set session message
             $this->FOGCore->setMessage('Snapin added, Editing now!');
             // Redirect to new entry
             $this->FOGCore->redirect(sprintf('?node=%s&sub=edit&%s=%s', $this->request['node'], $this->id, $Snapin->get('id')));
         } else {
             // Database save failed
             throw new Exception('Add snapin failed.');
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // Hook
         $this->HookManager->processEvent('SNAPIN_ADD_FAIL', array('Snapin' => &$Snapin));
         // Log History event
         $this->FOGCore->logHistory(sprintf('%s add failed: Name: %s, Error: %s', _('Storage'), $_REQUEST['name'], $e->getMessage()));
         // Set session message
         // Redirect to new entry