Beispiel #1

include "Query.php";
$username = $_POST["uname"];
$password = $_POST["pwd"];
$q = new Query("SELECT * FROM player WHERE uname='{$username}' AND password='******';");
//$result = $q->getResult();
$count = $q->numRows();
//echo $username;
//echo $password;
//echo $count;
if ($count == 1) {
    // Update online bit status if login success
    $q = new Query("UPDATE player SET online=1");
    header("location:login_success.php?uname=" . $username);
} else {
Beispiel #2

$uname = $_GET["uname"];
include "../lib/Query.php";
$counter = new Query("Select * FROM statistics");
$userTotal = $counter->numRows();
$leaderboardLimit = 10;
if ($userTotal < $leaderboardLimit) {
    $leaderboardLimit = $userTotal;
$query = new Query("Select * FROM statistics ORDER BY points DESC, wins DESC, uname ASC LIMIT {$leaderboardLimit}");
echo '<html>
	  <h3>Hello ' . $uname . ', this is the Leaderboard page. </h3>
	  <table border="1">
	  <td>Total Games</td>
for ($i = 0; $i < $leaderboardLimit; $i++) {
    $row = $query->getRow($i);
    $username = $row[0];
    $wins = $row[1];
    //check to see if user was placed by another request
    $query = new Query("SELECT * FROM player WHERE ingame = 2 AND uname='{$uname}';");
    if ($query->numRows() == 1) {
        //get the gstate table and send it back
        $query = new Query("SELECT opponent FROM player WHERE uname='{$uname}';");
        $row = $query->getRow(0);
        $opponent = stripslashes($row[0]);
        echo $opponent . '_gstate';
//if we didnt find anything reply accordingly
//and reset ingame=0
if ($query->numRows() == 0) {
    $query = new Query("UPDATE player SET ingame=0 WHERE uname='{$uname}';");
    echo 0;
$row = $query->getRow(0);
$opponent = stripslashes($row[0]);
//match the two players
$query = new Query("UPDATE player SET opponent='{$opponent}' WHERE uname='{$uname}';");
$query = new Query("UPDATE player SET opponent='{$uname}' WHERE uname='{$opponent}';");
//set the two players ingame status to ingame
$query = new Query("UPDATE player SET ingame=2 WHERE uname='{$uname}' OR uname='{$opponent}';");
Beispiel #4

/*pollMove_2.php created by Tim Bouvier 11/26/2013
		Checks gamestate and returns a json 
		object with gamestate.*/
include '../lib/Query.php';
$winning_game = "";
$req_uname = $_GET["uname"];
$tbl = $_GET["tbl"];
$query = new Query("SELECT * FROM " . $tbl . ";");
//execute it and convert it to json eventually
//initialize gamestate array
for ($i = 0; $i < $query->numRows(); $i++) {
    $row = $query->getRow($i);
    $coordinates[$i] = stripslashes($row[1]);
if ($coordinates[0] == $coordinates[1] && $coordinates[1] == $coordinates[2] && $coordinates[1] != "") {
    $winning_game = $coordinates[1];
if ($coordinates[3] == $coordinates[4] && $coordinates[4] == $coordinates[5] && $coordinates[4] != "") {
    $winning_game = $coordinates[4];
if ($coordinates[6] == $coordinates[7] && $coordinates[7] == $coordinates[8] && $coordinates[7] != "") {
    $winning_game = $coordinates[7];
if ($coordinates[0] == $coordinates[3] && $coordinates[3] == $coordinates[6] && $coordinates[3] != "") {
    $winning_game = $coordinates[3];
if ($coordinates[1] == $coordinates[4] && $coordinates[4] == $coordinates[7] && $coordinates[4] != "") {
    $winning_game = $coordinates[4];
Beispiel #5

/* makeMove_2.php created by Tim Bouvier on 11/27/2013
   accepts client requests to make a move on the board 
   and validates or denies them.
include "../lib/Query.php";
$uname = $_GET["uname"];
$coordinate = $_GET["coordinate"];
$tbl = $_GET["tbl"];
$ret = 0;
//check if its their turn
$turn = new Query("SELECT * FROM player WHERE uname='{$uname}' AND turn=1;");
if ($turn->numRows() == 0) {
    echo 0;
//check if spot is valid
$query = new Query("SELECT uname FROM " . $tbl . " WHERE coordinate={$coordinate};");
$row = $query->getRow(0);
$res = stripslashes($row[0]);
if ($res == "") {
    //valid so now update the spot to the requesting user
    $update_row = new Query("UPDATE " . $tbl . " SET uname='{$uname}' WHERE coordinate={$coordinate};");
    //set their turn to inactive
    $turn_inactive = new Query("UPDATE player SET turn=0 WHERE uname='{$uname}';");
    //get opponents uname
  * Reset the last query to the first result
  * This needs to be used if the query has been 'looped through' 
  * until the end and you wish to loop through again
  * @access public
 public function reset()
     if (Query::numRows($this->last_query)) {
         mysql_data_seek($this->last_query, 0);
         $this->internal_pointer = 0;