Beispiel #1
function deleting($table, $where)
    $q = new Query();
    $q->table = $table;
    $q->where = $where;
 static function delete($id)
     $tname = static::tableName();
     $query = new Query($tname);
     $pk = static::$primaryKey;
     $query->delete($tname)->where("`{$tname}`.`{$pk}` = ?", [$id]);
     static::query($query, $query->params);
Beispiel #3
  * Delete a model from the database.
  * @param  int  $id
  * @return int
 public function delete($id = null)
     // If the delete method is being called on an existing model, we only want to delete
     // that model. If it is being called from an Eloquent query model, it is probably
     // the developer's intention to delete more than one model, so we will pass the
     // delete statement to the query instance.
     if (!$this->exists) {
         return $this->query->delete();
     return DB::connection(static::$connection)->table(static::table(get_class($this)))->delete($this->id);
 protected function removeRelation($object)
     if (!isset($this->owner)) {
         return false;
     // can't add without
     $owner = $this->owner;
     $joint = static::tableJoin($owner->tableName, $object->tableName);
     // get the joint table
     $query = new Query($joint);
     $query->delete($joint)->where("{$object->tableName} = ? AND {$owner->tableName} = ?", [$object->primaryKey, $owner->primaryKey]);
     static::query($query, $query->params);
Beispiel #5
 public function process($get, $post)
     if (!isset($post['course_id']) || !is_numeric($post['course_id']) || !isset($_COOKIE['sessionId']) || !is_numeric($_COOKIE['sessionId'])) {
         $this->failureReason = 'Sorry, there was an error.';
         return false;
     $query = new Query('action');
     // Select all the courses that are in this user's session and have this course id
     $result = $query->delete(array(array('course_id', '=', $post['course_id']), array('session_id', '=', $_COOKIE['sessionId'])));
     if (!$result) {
         // Abort because this course is already in the user's model
         $this->failureReason = 'Sorry, there was an error.';
         return false;
     return true;
 public function delSoporte($soporte)
     return $this->_query->delete($soporte);
Beispiel #7

include "sources/funciones.php";
if ($_SESSION["Activa"] and $_SESSION["Tipo_usuario"] == "administrador" and $_GET) {
    $id = $_GET['id'];
    require "sources/";
    $query = new Query();
    if ($query->delete("dependencia", "idDependencia={$id}")) {
        $respuesta = '
                    <img src="images/ok.png" width="100">
                        Dependencia eliminada correctamente.
    } else {
        $respuesta = '
                    <img src="images/error.png" width="100">
                        Ha ocurrido un error.
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    include 'sources/template/head.php';
            <meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="2;url=consultarDependencia.php" />
Beispiel #8
  * Create delete query
  * @param string			$table
  * @param string 		$handler
  * @return mixed
 public static function delete($table, $handler = null)
     return Query::delete($table, $handler);
Beispiel #9

include "sources/funciones.php";
if ($_SESSION["Activa"] and $_SESSION["Tipo_usuario"] == "administrador" and $_GET) {
    $id = $_GET['id'];
    require "sources/";
    $query = new Query();
    if ($query->delete("redaccion", "idRedaccion={$id}")) {
        $respuesta = '
                    <img src="images/ok.png" width="100">
                        Saludo eliminado correctamente.
    } else {
        $respuesta = '
                    <img src="images/error.png" width="100">
                        Ha ocurrido un error.
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    include 'sources/template/head.php';
            <meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="2;url=consultarRedaccion.php" />
addButton('btn btn-success', 'Submit', 'col-sm-offset-2 col-sm-4', 'Sign Up');
require_once 'Status.php';
require_once 'database.php';
$q = new Status($db);
$q->viewStatus('dvd', 'available', 'Return');
require_once "Query.php";
$crud_book = new Query(7, 'dvd', 'item_no,title,genre,description,price,rental_period,status');
$crud_book->mysqlConnect('localhost', 'root', '', 'video_rental');
echo "<hr/>";
echo "<hr/>";
echo "<hr/>";
echo "<hr/>";

Beispiel #11
  * Метод выполняет дамп таблицы
 public static function dumpTable($idColumn, $table, array $where = array(), $order = null)
     //Стартуем секундомер
     $secundomer = Secundomer::startedInst("Снятие дампа {$table}");
     //Отключим ограничение по времени
     //Получим экземпляр логгера
     $LOGGER = PsLogger::inst(__CLASS__);
     //Текущий пользователь
     $userId = AuthManager::getUserIdOrNull();
     //Для логов, запросов и все остального
     $table = strtoupper(PsCheck::tableName($table));
     //Макс кол-во записей
     $limit = PsDefines::getTableDumpPortion();
     //Проверим наличие id
     $idColumn = PsCheck::tableColName($idColumn);
     $LOGGER->info('Dumping table {}. Id column: {}, limit: {}. User id: {}.', $table, $idColumn, $limit, $userId);
     //Получаем лок (без ожидания)
     $lockName = "DUMP table {$table}";
     $locked = PsLock::lock($lockName, false);
     $LOGGER->info('Lock name: {}, locked ? {}.', $lockName, var_export($locked, true));
     if (!$locked) {
         return false;
         //Не удалось получить лок
     $zipDi = false;
     try {
         //1. Запрос на извлечение колва записей, подлежащих дампированию
         $queryCnt = Query::select("count({$idColumn}) as cnt", $table, $where);
         //2. Запрос на извлечение данных, подлежащих дампированию
         $queryDump = Query::select('*', $table, $where, null, $order, $limit);
         //3. Запрос на извлечение кодов дампируемых записей
         $selectIds = Query::select($idColumn, $table, $where, null, $order, $limit);
         //4. Запрос на удаление дампированных данных
         $queryDel = Query::delete($table, Query::plainParam("{$idColumn} in (select {$idColumn} from (" . $selectIds->build($delParams) . ') t )', $delParams));
         //Выполним запрос для получения кол-ва записей, подлежащих дампу
         $cnt = PsCheck::int(array_get_value('cnt', PSDB::getRec($queryCnt, null, true)));
         $LOGGER->info('Dump recs count allowed: {}.', $cnt);
         if ($cnt < $limit) {
             $LOGGER->info('SKIP dumping table, count allowed ({}) < limit ({})...', $cnt, $limit);
             $LOGGER->info("Query for extract dump records count: {$queryCnt}");
             return false;
         //Время дампа
         $date = PsUtil::fileUniqueTime(false);
         $time = time();
         //Название файлов
         $zipName = $date . ' ' . $table;
         //Элемент, указывающий на zip архив
         $zipDi = DirManager::stuff(null, array(self::DUMPS_TABLE, $table))->getDirItem(null, $zipName, PsConst::EXT_ZIP);
         $LOGGER->info('Dump to: [{}].', $zipDi->getAbsPath());
         if ($zipDi->isFile()) {
             $LOGGER->info('Dump file exists, skip dumping table...');
             return false;
         //Комментарий к таблице
         $commentToken[] = "Date: {$date}";
         $commentToken[] = "Time: {$time}";
         $commentToken[] = "Table: {$table}";
         $commentToken[] = "Manager: {$userId}";
         $commentToken[] = "Recs dumped: {$limit}";
         $commentToken[] = "Total allowed: {$cnt}";
         $commentToken[] = "Query dump cnt:   {$queryCnt}";
         $commentToken[] = "Query dump data:  {$queryDump}";
         $commentToken[] = "Query dump ids:   {$selectIds}";
         $commentToken[] = "Query del dumped: {$queryDel}";
         $comment = implode("\n", $commentToken);
         //Начинаем zip и сохраняем в него данные
         $zip = $zipDi->startZip();
         $zip->addFromString($zipName, serialize(PSDB::getArray($queryDump)));
         $LOGGER->info('Data successfully dumped, zip comment:');
         //Удалим те записи, дамп которых был снят
         $LOGGER->info('Clearing dumped table records...');
         $affected = PSDB::update($queryDel);
         $LOGGER->info('Rows deleted: {}.', $affected);
         $LOGGER->info('Dumping is SUCCESSFULLY finished. Total time: {} sec.', $secundomer->stop()->getAverage());
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         $LOGGER->info('Error occured: {}', $ex->getMessage());
         throw $ex;
     return $zipDi;
 public function removeResetTokensOfUser($userId)
     return Query::delete($this->getDomain()->getTableName(), "userId = :userId", array("userId" => $userId), 100);
Beispiel #13
 public function deleteCommentsFor($id, $type)
     $id = (int) $id;
     $type = (string) $type;
     Query::delete('comments')->where('record', $id)->andWhere('type', $type)->act();
Beispiel #14
 public static function delete($name)
     list($id, $keys) = self::parseName($name);
     // deleting (locally)
     if (empty($keys)) {
     } else {
         self::deleteSubKey(self::$fields[$id], $keys);
     // pushing changes to database
     if (!array_key_exists($id, self::$fields)) {
         // deleting field completely
         Query::delete('config')->where('name', $id)->act();
         self::$noSuchField[$id] = true;
     } else {
         // or only updating
         Query::update('config')->where('name', $id)->set('value', serialize(self::$fields[$id]))->act();
Beispiel #15

include "sources/funciones.php";
if ($_SESSION["Activa"] and $_SESSION["Tipo_usuario"] == "administrador" and $_GET) {
    $id = $_GET['id'];
    require "sources/";
    $query = new Query();
    if ($query->delete("login", "idLogin={$id}")) {
        $respuesta = '
                    <img src="images/ok.png" width="100">
                        Usuario eliminado correctamente.
    } else {
        $respuesta = '
                    <img src="images/error.png" width="100">
                        Ha ocurrido un error.
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    include 'sources/template/head.php';
            <meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="2;url=consultarUsuario.php" />
 private function removeOtherTokensOfUser($userId)
     Query::delete($this->getDomain()->getTableName(), "userId = :userId", array("userId" => $userId));
Beispiel #17
 public function delete()
     $query = new Query();
Beispiel #18

include "sources/funciones.php";
if ($_SESSION["Activa"] and $_SESSION["Tipo_usuario"] == "administrador" and $_GET) {
    $id = $_GET['id'];
    require "sources/";
    $query = new Query();
    if ($query->delete("revisor", "idRevisor={$id}")) {
        $respuesta = '
                    <img src="images/ok.png" width="100">
                        Revisor eliminado correctamente.
    } else {
        $respuesta = '
                    <img src="images/error.png" width="100">
                        Ha ocurrido un error.
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    include 'sources/template/head.php';
            <meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="2;url=consultarRevisor.php" />
  * Deletes entries from $tableName matching all the conditions in $where
  * @param A3gZ\Database\Interfaces\CamlInterface[] $where List of Caml conditions.
  * @param string $tableName Optional target table's name. If not given $this->tableName is used instead.
  * @return A3gZ\Database\AbstractTableDataGateway Self
 public function delete(array $where, $tableName = null)
     if (!isset($tableName) && !isset($this->tableName)) {
         throw new \Exception("Table name is required.");
     } elseif (!isset($tableName)) {
         $tableName = $this->tableName;
     $qry = Query::delete($tableName);
     // Inject conditions
     if (isset($where) && is_array($where)) {
         foreach ($where as $caml) {
     $qst = $qry->toSql();
     if ($this->execute($qst) === false) {
         return false;
     return $this;