         //It might be that the project is in draft and is not returned by the browse and so it is not
         //present in the session lists
         if (!$project) {
             $project = Project::getProjectById($project_id, false, PDO::FETCH_ASSOC, true);
         $my_id = Users::getMyId();
         if ($project['state'] == 'draft' && !($project['mentor_id'] == $my_id || $project['owner_id'] == $my_id || Users::isAdmin() || Groups::isAssociate(_PROJECT_OBJ, $project_id))) {
             jsonBadResult(t('You cannot view this proposal. It is in draft state.'));
         if (Users::isSuperVisor()) {
             $project['rate'] = Project::getRating($project_id, $my_id);
         } else {
             $project['rate'] = -2;
             if (Users::isStudent()) {
                 $table = tableName('student_favourite');
                 $favourite = db_select($table)->fields($table)->condition('pid', $project_id)->condition('uid', $my_id)->execute()->rowCount();
                 $project['favourite'] = $favourite != 0;
                 //Count the views of the students
                 $result = db_update(tableName('project'))->condition('pid', $project_id)->fields(array('views' => $project['views'] + 1))->execute();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         jsonBadResult(t('Could not get details of project') . (_DEBUG ? $e->getMessage() : ""));
 } else {