public function testCRUD() { //CREATE Test $newProject = new Project(); $projectName = 'This is a Test'; $newProject->setAttributes(array('name' => $projectName, 'description' => 'This project is for test purpose only', 'start_date' => '2010-11-15 15:00:00', 'end_date' => '2010-12-06 00:00:00', 'update_user_id' => 1, 'category' => 2, 'status' => 1, 'owner' => 1)); $this->assertTrue($newProject->save(false)); //READ Test $readProject = Project::model()->findByPk($newProject->id); $this->assertTrue($readProject instanceof Project); $this->assertEquals($projectName, $readProject->name); //UPDATE Test $updateProjectName = 'Updated Name2'; $newProject->name = $updateProjectName; $this->AssertTrue($newProject->save(false)); $updatedProject = Project::model()->findByPk($newProject->id); $this->assertTrue($updatedProject instanceof Project); $this->assertNotEquals($projectName, $updatedProject->name); //DELETE Test $deletedProjectId = $newProject->id; $newProject->delete(); $deletedProject = Project::model()->findByPk($newProject->id); $this->assertEquals(Null, $deletedProject); //GetUserVote Test $project = Project::model()->findByPk(18); $this->assertTrue($project->getUserVote(7) == true); //Vote Test $this->assertTrue($project->vote(1, 1) == 1); }
/** * Creates a new model. * If creation is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'view' page. */ public function actionCreate() { $model = new Project(); $model->attributes = $_POST; $result = $model->save(); $this->sendAjaxResponse($model); }
public function action_create() { $project_input = Input::get('project'); if ($project_input["project_type_id"] == "Other") { if (!Input::get('new_project_type_name')) { Session::flash('errors', array(__("r.flashes.new_project_no_project_type"))); return Redirect::to_route('new_projects')->with_input(); } elseif ($existing_project_type = ProjectType::where_name(Input::get('new_project_type_name'))->first()) { $project_input["project_type_id"] = $existing_project_type->id; } else { $project_type = new ProjectType(array('name' => Input::get('new_project_type_name'))); $project_type->save(); $project_input["project_type_id"] = $project_type->id; } } $project = new Project($project_input); $dt = new \DateTime($project_input["proposals_due_at"], new DateTimeZone('America/New_York')); // if user doesn't specify a date, set it to 1 month from now if (!$project_input["proposals_due_at"]) { $dt->modify('+1 month'); } $dt->setTimeZone(new DateTimeZone('UTC')); $project->proposals_due_at = $dt; if ($project->validator()->passes()) { $project->save(); $project->officers()->attach(Auth::officer()->id, array('owner' => true)); return Redirect::to_route('project_template', array($project->id)); } else { Session::flash('errors', $project->validator()->errors->all()); return Redirect::to_route('new_projects')->with_input(); } }
/** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * * @return Response */ public function store() { $userToken = Input::get('token'); $validation = Validator::make(['projectname' => Input::get('projectname'), 'description' => Input::get('description'), 'start_date' => Input::get('start_date'), 'end_date' => Input::get('end_date')], ['projectname' => 'required|min:4|max:40', 'description' => 'min:10|max:60', 'start_date' => 'required|date_format:"m/d/Y"', 'end_date' => 'required|date_format:"m/d/Y"']); if ($validation->fails()) { return Redirect::route('dashboard', array($userToken))->withErrors($validation); } else { $projectName = Input::get('projectname'); $projectDesc = Input::get('description'); $projectStart = Input::get('start_date'); $start_day = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($projectStart)); $projectEnd = Input::get('end_date'); $end_day = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($projectEnd)); $team_id = Input::get('team_id'); try { $project = new Project(); $project->project_title = $projectName; $project->project_desc = $projectDesc; $project->team_id = $team_id; $project->strat_date = $start_day; $project->end_date = $end_day; $project->save(); return Redirect::route('dashboard', array($userToken)); } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e; return 'Something is wrong!'; } } }
/** * Update project * * @param void * @return null */ function edit() { $this->wireframe->print_button = false; if ($this->request->isApiCall() && !$this->request->isSubmitted()) { $this->httpError(HTTP_ERR_BAD_REQUEST, null, true, true); } // if if ($this->active_project->isNew()) { $this->httpError(HTTP_ERR_NOT_FOUND); } // if if (!$this->active_project->canEdit($this->logged_user)) { $this->httpError(HTTP_ERR_FORBIDDEN); } // if $project_data = $this->request->post('project'); if (!is_array($project_data)) { $project_data = array('name' => $this->active_project->getName(), 'overview' => $this->active_project->getOverview(), 'default_visibility' => $this->active_project->getDefaultVisibility(), 'leader_id' => $this->active_project->getLeaderId(), 'group_id' => $this->active_project->getGroupId(), 'company_id' => $this->active_project->getCompanyId(), 'default_visibility' => $this->active_project->getDefaultVisibility(), 'starts_on' => $this->active_project->getStartsOn()); } // if $this->smarty->assign('project_data', $project_data); if ($this->request->isSubmitted()) { db_begin_work(); $old_name = $this->active_project->getName(); $this->active_project->setAttributes($project_data); if ($this->active_project->isModified('leader_id') && $this->active_project->getLeaderId()) { $leader = Users::findById($this->active_project->getLeaderId()); if (instance_of($leader, 'User')) { $this->active_project->setLeader($leader); } // if } // if if ($this->active_project->isModified('company_id')) { cache_remove('project_icons'); } // if $save = $this->active_project->save(); if ($save && !is_error($save)) { db_commit(); if ($this->request->isApiCall()) { $this->serveData($this->active_project, 'project'); } else { flash_success('Project :name has been updated', array('name' => $old_name)); $this->redirectToUrl($this->active_project->getOverviewUrl()); } // if } else { db_rollback(); if ($this->request->isApiCall()) { $this->serveData($save); } else { $this->smarty->assign('errors', $save); } // if } // if } // if }
function submit() { $data['title'] = 'Submit a Project'; $project = new Project(); if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { // Get the scalars. $project->from_array($_POST); // Convert properly to boolean if ($project->show_contact == 'yes') { $project->show_contact = TRUE; } else { $project->show_contact = FALSE; } // Handle the relations (tags) if ($project->save($this->_current_user())) { // validations run $this->_save_tags($project); $this->_submit_on_success(); } else { // invalid $data['error'] = $project->error->string; } } // Otherwise, render a form. $tags = new Tag(); foreach (array('field', 'type', 'location') as $category) { $tags->where('category', $category)->get(); $data[$category . '_tags'] = array(); foreach ($tags as $tag) { array_push($data[$category . '_tags'], $tag->name); } } $data['form'] = $project->render_form(array('title', 'start_date', 'end_date', 'field', 'type', 'location', 'text', 'show_contact')); $this->load->view('form_project', $data); }
public function createAssocAction() { $user = User::findFirst(); $project = new Project(); $project->user = $user; $project->title = "Moon walker"; $result = $project->save(); }
public static function createProject($id = '') { $project = new Project(); $project->name = "testProject"; $project->team_id = 1; $project->team_set_id = 1; $project->save(); self::pushObject($project); return $project; }
/** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * POST /projects * * @return Response */ public function store() { $input = Input::all(); $project = new Project($input); if ($project->save()) { return Redirect::route('projects.index')->with('message', 'Project created.'); } else { return Redirect::route('projects.create')->withInput()->withErrors($project->errors()); } }
public static function createProjectByNameForOwner($name, $owner) { $project = new Project(); $project->name = $name; $project->owner = $owner; $project->description = 'Description'; $saved = $project->save(); assert('$saved'); return $project; }
/** * Creates a new model. * If creation is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'show' page. */ public function actionCreate() { $model = new Project($this->action->id); if (isset($_POST['Project'])) { // collect user input data $model->attributes = $_POST['Project']; // validate with the current action as scenario and save without validation if (($validated = $model->validate()) !== false && ($saved = $model->save(false)) !== false) { if (isset($_POST['Company2Project'])) { // assigned companies $model->allCompany2Project = array(0 => new Company2Project('create')); $model->allCompany2Project[0]->projectId = $model->id; foreach ($model->allCompany2Project as $company2Project) { $company2Project->attributes = $_POST['Company2Project']; $company2Project->save(); } } if (isset($_POST['User2Project'])) { // assigned managers $model->allManager2Project = array(0 => new User2Project('create')); $model->allManager2Project[0]->projectId = $model->id; foreach ($model->allManager2Project as $user2Project) { $user2Project->attributes = $_POST['User2Project']; $user2Project->save(); } } // set success message MUserFlash::setTopSuccess(Yii::t('hint', 'The new "{title}" project record has been successfully created.', array('{title}' => MHtml::wrapInTag($model->title, 'strong')))); // go to the 'show' page $this->redirect(array('show', 'id' => $model->id)); } } else { // pre-assigned attributes (default values for a new record) $model->priority = Project::PRIORITY_MEDIUM; if (isset($_GET['companyId'])) { // company is known $model->allCompany2Project = array(0 => new Company2Project('create')); $model->allCompany2Project[0]->companyId = $_GET['companyId']; $model->allCompany2Project[0]->projectId = $model->id; } } if (!isset($model->allCompany2Project[0])) { // new associated company $model->allCompany2Project = array(0 => new Company2Project('create')); $model->allCompany2Project[0]->projectId = $model->id; } if (!isset($model->allManager2Project[0])) { // new associated manager $model->allManager2Project = array(0 => new User2Project('create')); $model->allManager2Project[0]->projectId = $model->id; $model->allManager2Project[0]->role = User2Project::MANAGER; } $this->render($this->action->id, array('model' => $model)); }
public function editProject() { $id = Input::get('id'); $project = null; if ($id) { $this->check_own($id); $project = Project::find($id); } $src_addr = trim(Input::get('src_addr')); $error = ''; if (Request::isMethod('post')) { if (!trim(Input::get('title'))) { $error = '请填写标题'; } if (!trim(Input::get('manager'))) { $error = '请填写项目管理员'; } if (!trim(Input::get('src_addr'))) { $error = '请填写源码地址'; } if (!$error) { $project_created = false; if ($project) { if ($project->src_addr != $src_addr) { //生成task 清理当前source目录 $clean_task = Task::create('delete', Auth::id(), array('project_id' => $project->id)); //生成task 重新checkout,注意前置任务 Task::create('checkout', Auth::id(), array('project_id' => $project->id), $clean_task); } } else { $project = new Project(); $project_created = true; } $project->title = trim(Input::get('title')); $project->manager = trim(Input::get('manager')); $project->vcs_type = trim(Input::get('vcs_type')); $project->src_addr = $src_addr; $project->ignore_files = trim(Input::get('ignore_files')); $project->comments = trim(Input::get('comments')); $project->username = trim(Input::get('username')); $project->password = trim(Input::get('password')); if (!isset(Project::$vcs_types[$project->vcs_type])) { $project->vcs_type = last(array_keys(Project::$vcs_types)); } $project->save(); if ($project_created) { //生成task checkout Task::create('checkout', Auth::id(), array('project_id' => $project->id)); } return Redirect::action('ProjectsController@allProjects'); } } return View::make('projects/edit', array('project' => $project, 'error' => $error)); }
public function testNoSave() { $p = new Project(); $p->id = 'ABC'; $p->name = 'abc'; try { $p->save(); } catch (EQMException $e) { $this->assertEquals($e->getMessage(), 'save() is not possible for entities without auto increment primary key'); } }
/** * Creates a new model. * If creation is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'view' page. */ public function actionCreate() { $model = new Project(); if (isset($_POST['Project'])) { $model->attributes = $_POST['Project']; if ($model->save()) { Yii::app()->user->setFlash('success', 'Project ' . $model->name . ' has been created successfully.'); $this->redirect(array('view', 'id' => $model->id)); } } $this->render('create', array('model' => $model)); }
/** * Creates a new model. * If creation is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'view' page. */ public function actionCreate() { $model = new Project(); // Uncomment the following line if AJAX validation is needed // $this->performAjaxValidation($model); if (isset($_POST['Project'])) { $model->attributes = $_POST['Project']; if ($model->save()) { $this->redirect(array('view', 'id' => $model->id)); } } $this->render('create', array('model' => $model)); }
public function add() { $project = new Project(); // Assign new values $project->slug = md5(time()); $project->created_by = Auth::user()->id; $project->save(); // Assign new attributes $project->url = URL::to('/project', array('slug' => $project->slug)); $project->date = date_format(date_create($project->created_at), "Y-m-d"); // Convert to JSON return $project->toJson(); }
public function executeCreate(sfWebRequest $request) { $name = $request->getParameter("name"); if (strlen($name) > 1 && strlen($name) < 45) { $p = new Project(); $p->setName($name); $p->save(); } else { $this->forward404("The project name is to long!"); } $this->executeList($request); $this->setLayout("list"); }
public function store() { $daterange = explode('-', Input::get('range')); $start_date = trim($daterange[0]); $end_date = trim($daterange[1]); $project = new Project(); $project->code = Input::get('code'); $project->name = Input::get('name'); $project->start_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($start_date)); $project->end_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($end_date)); $project->save(); Session::flash('message', 'Sukses membuat Project Baru'); }
public function createForUser($user, $attributes) { $project = new Project($attributes); if ($project->save()) { $user->projects()->associate($project); Mail::queue('projects.creation', compact('project'), function ($message) use($project) { $emails = $project->collaborators->lists('email'); $message->to($emails)->subject("New Project {$project->name} Added"); }); return $this->listener->projectCreationSucceeded($project); } else { return $this->listener->projectCreationFailed($project); } }
public function createForUser($user, $attributes) { $project = new Project($attributes); if ($project->save()) { $user->projects()->associate($project); Mail::queue('projects.creation', compact('project'), function ($message) use($project) { $emails = $project->collaborators->lists('email'); $message->to($emails)->subject("New Project {$project->name} Added"); }); } else { $this->errors[] = 'Something has gone wrong'; } return $project; }
public function executeUpdate() { $jira = new sfJiraPlugin($this->getUser()->getProfile()->getJiraLogin(), $this->getUser()->getProfile()->getJiraPassword()); $aProjects = $jira->getProjects(); foreach ($aProjects as $project) { #var_dump( $project ); $c = new Criteria(); $c->add(ProjectPeer::USER_ID, $this->getUser()->getProfile()->getId()); $c->add(ProjectPeer::KEY, $project->key); $p = ProjectPeer::doSelectOne($c); $c = new Criteria(); $c->add(UserPeer::JIRA_LOGIN, $project->lead); $u = UserPeer::doSelectOne($c); if (empty($p)) { $p = new Project(); $p->setKey($project->key); $p->setLeadId(!empty($u) ? $u->getId() : null); $p->setUserId($this->getUser()->getProfile()->getId()); $p->setName($project->name); $p->setUpdated(date('r')); $p->save(); } $issues = $jira->getIssuesForProject($p->getKey()); foreach ($issues as $issue) { #die($p->getKey()); if ($issue->assignee == $this->getUser()->getProfile()->getJiraLogin()) { $c = new Criteria(); $c->add(TaskPeer::KEY, $issue->key); $t = TaskPeer::doSelectOne($c); if (empty($t)) { $c = new Criteria(); $c->add(UserPeer::JIRA_LOGIN, $issue->reporter); $u = UserPeer::doSelectOne($c); $t = new Task(); $t->setProjectId($p->getId()); $t->setTitle($issue->summary); $t->setDescription($issue->description); $t->setKey($issue->key); $t->setUpdated(date('r')); $t->setStatusId($issue->status); $t->setPriorityId($issue->priority); $t->setLeadId(!empty($u) ? $u->getId() : null); $t->save(); } } } } $this->redirect('@homepage'); return sfView::NONE; }
public function testCopy() { Yii::app()->user->userModel = User::getByUsername('super'); $user = Yii::app()->user->userModel; $project = new Project(); $project->name = 'Project 1'; $project->owner = $user; $project->description = 'Description'; $user = UserTestHelper::createBasicUser('Steven'); $account = new Account(); $account->owner = $user; $account->name = DataUtil::purifyHtml("Tom & Jerry's Account"); $this->assertTrue($account->save()); $id = $account->id; unset($account); $account = Account::getById($id); $this->assertEquals("Tom & Jerry's Account", $account->name); $contact = ContactTestHelper::createContactByNameForOwner('Jerry', $user); $opportunity = OpportunityTestHelper::createOpportunityByNameForOwner('Jerry Opp', $user); $this->assertTrue($project->save()); $this->assertEquals(1, count($project->auditEvents)); $id = $project->id; $project->forget(); unset($project); $project = Project::getById($id); ProjectZurmoControllerUtil::resolveProjectManyManyAccountsFromPost($project, array('accountIds' => $account->id)); ProjectZurmoControllerUtil::resolveProjectManyManyContactsFromPost($project, array('contactIds' => $contact->id)); ProjectZurmoControllerUtil::resolveProjectManyManyOpportunitiesFromPost($project, array('opportunityIds' => $opportunity->id)); $this->assertEquals('Project 1', $project->name); $this->assertEquals('Description', $project->description); $this->assertEquals(1, $project->accounts->count()); $this->assertEquals(1, $project->contacts->count()); $this->assertEquals(1, $project->opportunities->count()); $task = TaskTestHelper::createTaskByNameWithProjectAndStatus('MyFirstKanbanTask', Yii::app()->user->userModel, $project, Task::STATUS_IN_PROGRESS); $kanbanItem1 = KanbanItem::getByTask($task->id); $this->assertEquals(KanbanItem::TYPE_IN_PROGRESS, $kanbanItem1->type); $this->assertEquals($task->project->id, $kanbanItem1->kanbanRelatedItem->id); $copyToProject = new Project(); ProjectZurmoCopyModelUtil::copy($project, $copyToProject); ProjectZurmoCopyModelUtil::processAfterCopy($project, $copyToProject); $this->assertTrue($copyToProject->save()); $this->assertEquals($copyToProject->name, $project->name); $this->assertEquals($copyToProject->description, $project->description); $this->assertEquals($copyToProject->status, $project->status); $project = Project::getByName('Project 1'); $this->assertEquals(2, count($project)); $tasks = Task::getAll(); $this->assertEquals(2, count($tasks)); }
public static function save() { $input = array("name" => $_POST["name"], "id" => $_POST["id"], "members" => $_POST["members"], "description" => $_POST["description"]); if ($_POST["action"] == "Save") { $project = new Project($input); $project->save(); } else { if ($_POST["action"] == "Delete") { $project = Project::getById($input["id"]); $project->delete(); } } //redirect so that we don't repost on refresh redirect_to("project"); }
function createAction() { $project = new Project(); $project->name = $_REQUEST['project_name']; $project->description = $_REQUEST['project_desc']; $project->dt_created = mysql_time(); $project->created_by = Pfw_Session::get('login_id'); try { $project->save(); } catch (Exception $e) { error_log("Caught exception with [" . $e->getMessage() . "]"); } $this->redirect("/home"); return; }
public function testCreate() { // CREATE new project $newProject = new Project(); $newProjectName = 'Test Project Creation'; $newProject->setAttributes(array('name' => $newProjectName, 'description' => 'This is a test for new project creation')); Yii::app()->user->setId($this->users('user1')->id); // Save the new project, triggering attribute validation $this->assertTrue($newProject->save()); // READ back the newly created project to ensure the creation worked $retrievedProject = Project::model()->findByPk($newProject->id); $this->assertTrue($retrievedProject instanceof Project); $this->assertEquals($newProjectName, $retrievedProject->name); $this->assertEquals(Yii::app()->user->id, $retrievedProject->create_user_id); }
public function testCreateNewProject() { // Create new record $model = new Project(); $model->name = 'SomeProject'; $model->description = 'A very good project'; $model->crash_report_files_disc_quota = 500 * 1024 * 1024; $model->crash_reports_per_group_quota = 100; $model->debug_info_files_disc_quota = 2 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024; // Apply changes $this->assertTrue($model->save()); // Find newly created record $model = Project::model()->findAll('name="SomeProject"'); $this->assertTrue($model != null); }
function generate_project() { $project = new Project(); //if we don't manually set this variable, the parameters from the $_POST array will be imported. We don't want //those parameters because then we would also be importing the Template id, which would effectively set this //new project model = this template model. We will manually set the parameters from the template that we want to //copy $project->params_imported = true; $project->set('client_id', Request::param('client_id')); $project->set('name', Request::param('name')); $project->set('start_date', Request::param('start_date')); $project->set('due_date', Request::param('due_date')); $project->save(); $this->project = $project; }
public function testRelationshipSave() { $timedate = TimeDate::getInstance(); $unid = uniqid(); $project = new Project(); $project->id = 'p_' . $unid; $project->name = 'test project ' . $unid; $project->estimated_start_date = $timedate->nowDate(); $project->estimated_end_date = $timedate->asUserDate($timedate->getNow(true)->modify("+7 days")); $project->new_with_id = true; $project->disable_custom_fields = true; $newProjectId = $project->save(); $this->project = $project; $savedProjectId = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne("\n SELECT project_id FROM projects_accounts\n WHERE project_id= '{$newProjectId}'\n AND account_id='{$this->account->id}'"); $this->assertEquals($newProjectId, $savedProjectId); }
public function testCreate() { //Create new project $newProject = new Project(); $newProjectName = 'Test Project 1'; $newProject->setAttributes(array('name' => $newProjectName, 'description' => 'Unit test for project creation')); //Set user Yii::app()->user->setID($this->users('user1')->id); $this->assertTrue($newProject->save()); //Read newly created project $retrievedProject = Project::model()->findByPk($newProject->id); $this->assertTrue($retrievedProject instanceof Project); $this->assertEquals($newProjectName, $retrievedProject->name); //Check user $this->assertEquals(Yii::app()->user->id, $retrievedProject->create_user_id); }
/** * Create the new project * * @return Response */ public function create() { // Rules $rules = array('name' => 'required'); // Create validation $validator = Validator::make(Input::all(), $rules); if ($validator->fails()) { return Redirect::back()->withErrors($validator)->withInput(); } $project = new Project(); $project->name = Input::get('name'); $project->client_id = Input::get('client_id'); $project->user_id = Auth::id(); $project->save(); return Redirect::back()->with('success', Input::get('name') . " has been created."); }