//include instagram api files
 $instagram = new MetzWeb\Instagram\Instagram(array('apiKey' => $instagram_client_id, 'apiSecret' => $instagram_client_secret, 'apiCallback' => $instagram_redirect_url));
 $instagram_login_info =& cw_session_register('instagram_login_info');
 //If code is empty, redirect user to instagram authentication page for code.
 //Code is required to aquire Access Token from instagram
 //Once we have access token, assign token to session variable
 //and we can redirect user back to page and login.
 if (isset($_GET['code'])) {
     if ($_GET['action'] == 'instagram_login') {
         // receive OAuth token object
         $data = $instagram->getOAuthToken($_GET['code']);
         // store user access token
         // now you have access to all authenticated user methods
         $result = $instagram->getUserMedia();
         $instagram_login_info['data'] = $data;
         $instagram_login_info['result'] = $result;
 if ($instagram_login_info['data']->user->id) {
     //For logged in user, get details from instagram using access token
     $instagram_user_id = $instagram_login_info['data']->user->id;
     $instagram_uname = $instagram_login_info['data']->user->username;
     $instagram_user_name = $instagram_login_info['data']->user->full_name;
     if (empty($instagram_user_name)) {
         $instagram_user_name = $instagram_uname;
     $instagram_email = "instagram-" . $instagram_user_id . "-tmp-email";
     $instagram_profile_image_url = $instagram_login_info['data']->user->profile_picture;
     //        $instagram_personMarkup         = "$instagram_email<div><img src='$instagram_profile_image_url?sz=50'></div>";
Beispiel #2
## Instagram Photos
$instagram_cache_key = 'instagram_data';
$media = null;
if (Cache::has($instagram_cache_key)) {
    $media = Cache::get($instagram_cache_key);
} else {
    $instagram = new MetzWeb\Instagram\Instagram(Config::get('site.instagram.api'));
    $result = $instagram->searchUser(Config::get('site.instagram.account_name'), 1);
    $account_id = $result->data[0]->id;
    #$account_id = Config::get('site.instagram.account_id');
    $result = $instagram->getUserMedia($account_id, 5);
    if (isset($result) && is_object($result) && $result->meta->code == 200) {
        $media = $result->data;
        Cache::add($instagram_cache_key, $media, 15);
## Paginator Set Current Page - It is WORK!!
## http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17386641/specify-a-page-for-pagination-laravel-4
$current_page = Input::get('tab') == 'blog' ? Input::get('page') : 1;
$blogs = Dic::valuesBySlug('blog', function ($query) {
    $query->orderBy('created_at', 'desc');