public function execute() { $versions = Config::getInstalledPhpVersions(); $currentVersion = Config::getCurrentPhpName(); if (empty($versions)) { return $this->logger->notice("Please install at least one PHP with your prefered version."); } if ($currentVersion === false or !in_array($currentVersion, $versions)) { $this->logger->writeln("* (system)"); } foreach ($versions as $version) { $versionPrefix = Config::getVersionInstallPrefix($version); if ($currentVersion == $version) { $this->logger->writeln($this->formatter->format(sprintf('* %-15s', $version), 'bold')); } else { $this->logger->writeln($this->formatter->format(sprintf(' %-15s', $version), 'bold')); } if ($this->options->dir) { $this->logger->writeln(sprintf(" Prefix: %s", $versionPrefix)); } // TODO: use Build class to get the variants if ($this->options->variants && file_exists($versionPrefix . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'phpbrew.variants')) { $info = unserialize(file_get_contents($versionPrefix . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'phpbrew.variants')); echo " Variants: "; echo wordwrap(VariantParser::revealCommandArguments($info), 75, " \\\n "); echo "\n"; } } }
public function execute($version) { $version = preg_replace('/^php-/', '', $version); $releaseList = ReleaseList::getReadyInstance($this->options); $releases = $releaseList->getReleases(); $versionInfo = $releaseList->getVersion($version); if (!$versionInfo) { throw new Exception("Version {$version} not found."); } $version = $versionInfo['version']; $distUrl = '' . $versionInfo['filename'] . '/from/this/mirror'; if ($mirrorSite = $this->options->mirror) { // $distUrl = $mirrorSite . '/distributions/' . $versionInfo['filename']; } $prepare = new PrepareDirectoryTask($this->logger, $this->options); $prepare->run(); $distFileDir = Config::getDistFileDir(); $download = new DownloadTask($this->logger, $this->options); $targetDir = $download->download($distUrl, $distFileDir, $versionInfo['md5']); if (!file_exists($targetDir)) { throw new Exception('Download failed.'); } $this->logger->info("Done, please look at: {$targetDir}"); }
public function execute() { $root = Config::getPhpbrewRoot(); $php = Config::getCurrentPhpName(); $file = "{$root}/php/{$php}/etc/php.ini"; Utils::editor($file); }
protected function getVersions() { $versions = Config::getInstalledPhpVersions(); return array_map(function ($version) { return str_replace('php-', '', $version); }, $versions); }
public function execute($extName, $version = 'stable') { $logger = $this->getLogger(); $extensions = array(); if (Utils::startsWith($extName, '+')) { $config = Config::getConfigParam('extensions'); $extName = ltrim($extName, '+'); if (isset($config[$extName])) { foreach ($config[$extName] as $extensionName => $extOptions) { $args = explode(' ', $extOptions); $extensions[$extensionName] = $this->getExtData($args); } } else { $logger->info('Extension set name not found. Have you configured it at the config.yaml file?'); } } else { $args = array_slice(func_get_args(), 1); $extensions[$extName] = $this->getExtData($args); } if ($this->options->{'php-version'} !== null) { $phpVersion = Utils::findLatestPhpVersion($this->options->{'php-version'}); Config::setPhpVersion($phpVersion); } foreach ($extensions as $extensionName => $extData) { $extension = new Extension($extensionName, $logger); $extension->install($extData->version, $extData->options); } Config::useSystemPhpVersion(); }
public function execute() { $releaseList = new ReleaseList(); $releases = array(); //always fetch list from remote when --old presents, because the local file may not contain the old versions // and --old is seldom used. if (!$releaseList->foundLocalReleaseList() || $this->options->update || $this->options->old) { $fetchTask = new FetchReleaseListTask($this->logger, $this->options); $releases = $fetchTask->fetch(); } else { $this->logger->info(sprintf('Read local release list (last update: %s UTC).', gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', filectime(Config::getPHPReleaseListPath())))); $releases = $releaseList->loadLocalReleaseList(); $this->logger->info('You can run `phpbrew update` or `phpbrew known --update` to get a newer release list.'); } foreach ($releases as $majorVersion => $versions) { if (version_compare($majorVersion, '5.2', 'le') && !$this->options->old) { continue; } $versionList = array_keys($versions); if (!$this->options->more) { array_splice($versionList, 8); } $this->logger->writeln($this->formatter->format("{$majorVersion}: ", 'yellow') . wordwrap(implode(', ', $versionList), 80, "\n" . str_repeat(' ', 5)) . (!$this->options->more ? ' ...' : '')); } if ($this->options->old) { $this->logger->warn('phpbrew need php 5.3 or above to run. build/switch to versions below 5.3 at your own risk.'); } }
public function execute() { $args = func_get_args(); // $currentVersion; $root = Config::getPhpbrewRoot(); $home = Config::getPhpbrewHome(); $buildDir = Config::getBuildDir(); $version = getenv('PHPBREW_PHP'); // XXX: get source dir from current build information $sourceDir = $buildDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $version; $this->logger->info($sourceDir); $cmd = new CommandBuilder('ctags'); $cmd->arg('--recurse'); $cmd->arg('-a'); $cmd->arg('-h'); $cmd->arg('.c.h.cpp'); $cmd->arg($sourceDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'main'); $cmd->arg($sourceDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'ext'); $cmd->arg($sourceDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Zend'); foreach ($args as $a) { $cmd->arg($a); } $this->logger->info($cmd->__toString()); $cmd->execute(); $this->logger->info("Done"); }
public function execute($version = null) { // get current version if (!$version) { $version = getenv('PHPBREW_PHP'); } // $currentVersion; $root = Config::getPhpbrewRoot(); $home = Config::getPhpbrewHome(); $lookup = getenv('PHPBREW_LOOKUP_PREFIX'); // $versionBuildPrefix = Config::getVersionBuildPrefix($version); // $versionBinPath = Config::getVersionBinPath($version); echo "export PHPBREW_ROOT={$root}\n"; echo "export PHPBREW_HOME={$home}\n"; echo "export PHPBREW_LOOKUP_PREFIX={$lookup}\n"; if ($version !== false) { // checking php version exists $version = Utils::findLatestPhpVersion($version); $targetPhpBinPath = Config::getVersionBinPath($version); if (!is_dir($targetPhpBinPath)) { throw new Exception("# php version: " . $version . " not exists."); } echo 'export PHPBREW_PHP=' . $version . "\n"; echo 'export PHPBREW_PATH=' . ($version ? Config::getVersionBinPath($version) : '') . "\n"; } }
public function arguments($args) { $args->add('extensions')->suggestions(function () { return array_map(function ($path) { return basename(basename($path, '.disabled'), '.ini'); }, glob(Config::getCurrentPhpDir() . '/var/db/*.{ini,disabled}', GLOB_BRACE)); }); }
public function __construct() { $this->root = Config::getPhpbrewRoot(); $this->baseDir = $this->root . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'register'; if (!file_exists($this->baseDir)) { mkdir($this->baseDir, 0755, true); } }
public function arguments($args) { $args->add('extensions')->suggestions(function () { $extension = '.ini.disabled'; return array_map(function ($path) use($extension) { return basename($path, $extension); }, glob(Config::getCurrentPhpDir() . "/var/db/*{$extension}")); }); }
public function testDownloadByCurlCommand() { $downloader = new UrlDownloaderForTest($this->logger, new OptionResult()); $downloader->setIsCurlCommandAvailable(true); $actualFilePath = tempnam(Config::getTempFileDir(), ''); $downloader->download('', $actualFilePath); $this->assertTrue($downloader->isCurlCommandAvailable()); $this->assertFileExists($actualFilePath); }
public function install(Extension $ext, array $configureOptions = array()) { $sourceDir = $ext->getSourceDirectory(); $pwd = getcwd(); $buildLogPath = $sourceDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'build.log'; $make = new MakeTask($this->logger, $this->options); $make->setBuildLogPath($buildLogPath); $this->logger->info("Log stored at: {$buildLogPath}"); $this->logger->info("Changing directory to {$sourceDir}"); chdir($sourceDir); if (!$this->options->{'no-clean'} && $ext->isBuildable()) { $clean = new MakeTask($this->logger, $this->options); $clean->setQuiet(); $clean->clean($ext); } if ($ext->getConfigM4File() !== "config.m4" && !file_exists($sourceDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'config.m4')) { symlink($ext->getConfigM4File(), $sourceDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'config.m4'); } // If the php version is specified, we should get phpize with the correct version. $this->logger->info('===> Phpize...'); Utils::system("phpize > {$buildLogPath} 2>&1", $this->logger); // here we don't want to use closure, because // 5.2 does not support closure. We haven't decided whether to // support 5.2 yet. $escapeOptions = array_map('escapeshellarg', $configureOptions); $this->logger->info("===> Configuring..."); $phpConfig = Config::getCurrentPhpConfigBin(); if (file_exists($phpConfig)) { $this->logger->debug("Appending argument: --with-php-config={$phpConfig}"); $escapeOptions[] = '--with-php-config=' . $phpConfig; } // Utils::system('./configure ' . join(' ', $escapeOptions) . ' >> build.log 2>&1'); $cmd = './configure ' . join(' ', $escapeOptions); if (!$this->logger->isDebug()) { $cmd .= " >> {$buildLogPath} 2>&1"; } Utils::system($cmd, $this->logger); $this->logger->info("===> Building..."); if ($this->logger->isDebug()) { passthru('make'); } else { $make->run($ext); } $this->logger->info("===> Installing..."); // This function is disabled when PHP is running in safe mode. if ($this->logger->isDebug()) { passthru('make install'); } else { $make->install($ext); } // TODO: use getSharedLibraryPath() $this->logger->debug("Installed extension library: " . $ext->getSharedLibraryPath()); // Try to find the installed path by pattern // Installing shared extensions: /Users/c9s/.phpbrew/php/php-5.4.10/lib/php/extensions/debug-non-zts-20100525/ chdir($pwd); $this->logger->info("===> Extension is installed."); }
public function arguments($args) { $args->add('extensions')->suggestions(function () { $extdir = Config::getBuildDir() . '/' . Config::getCurrentPhpName() . '/ext'; return array_filter(scandir($extdir), function ($d) use($extdir) { return $d != '.' && $d != '..' && is_dir($extdir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $d); }); }); }
public function execute() { $file = php_ini_loaded_file(); if (!file_exists($file)) { $php = Config::getCurrentPhpName(); $this->logger->warn("Sorry, I can't find the {$file} file for php {$php}."); return; } Utils::editor($file); }
public static function runUse($version) { putenv("PHPBREW_BIN=" . Config::getPhpbrewHome() . '/bin'); putenv("PHPBREW_HOME=" . Config::getPhpbrewHome()); putenv("PHPBREW_LOOKUP_PREFIX=/usr/local/Cellar:/usr/local"); putenv("PHPBREW_PATH=" . Config::getPhpbrewHome() . "/php/php-{$version}/bin"); putenv("PHPBREW_PHP=php-{$version}"); putenv("PHPBREW_ROOT=" . Config::getPhpbrewRoot()); putenv('PATH=' . getenv('PHPBREW_PATH') . ':' . self::getCleanPath()); }
private function _test($downloader) { $instance = DownloadFactory::getInstance($this->logger, new OptionResult(), $downloader); if ($instance->hasSupport(false)) { $actualFilePath = tempnam(Config::getTempFileDir(), ''); $instance->download('', $actualFilePath); $this->assertFileExists($actualFilePath); } else { $this->markTestSkipped(); } }
public function purgeExtension(Extension $ext) { if ($sourceDir = $ext->getSourceDirectory()) { $currentPhpExtensionDirectory = Config::getBuildDir() . '/' . Config::getCurrentPhpName() . '/ext'; $extName = $ext->getExtensionName(); $extensionDir = $currentPhpExtensionDirectory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $extName; if (file_exists($extensionDir)) { Utils::system("rm -rvf {$extensionDir}"); } } }
public function execute($buildName) { // this block is important for tests only $root = Config::getPhpbrewRoot(); $home = Config::getPhpbrewHome(); putenv("PHPBREW_ROOT={$root}"); putenv("PHPBREW_HOME={$home}"); putenv("PHPBREW_PHP={$buildName}"); putenv("PHPBREW_PATH={$root}/{$buildName}/bin"); putenv("PHPBREW_BIN={$home}/bin"); $this->logger->warning("You should not see this, if you see this, it means you didn't load the ~/.phpbrew/bashrc script, please check if bashrc is sourced in your shell."); }
public function patch($build, $options) { if ($this->check($build)) { $this->logger->info("---> Moving php.dSYM to php "); if (!$options->dryrun) { $dSYM = $build->getBinDirectory() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'php.dSYM'; $buildPrefix = Config::getBuildPrefix(); $php = $buildPrefix . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'bin' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'php'; rename($dSYM, $php); } } }
public function execute() { // $currentVersion; $root = Config::getPhpbrewRoot(); $home = Config::getPhpbrewHome(); $buildDir = Config::getBuildDir(); $buildPrefix = Config::getBuildPrefix(); // $versionBuildPrefix = Config::getVersionBuildPrefix($version); // $versionBinPath = Config::getVersionBinPath($version); if (!file_exists($root)) { mkdir($root, 0755, true); } touch($root . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.metadata_never_index'); // prevent spotlight index here if ($root != $home) { touch($home . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.metadata_never_index'); } if ($this->options->{'config'} !== null) { copy($this->options->{'config'}, $root . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'config.yaml'); } if (!file_exists($home)) { mkdir($home, 0755, true); } if (!file_exists($buildPrefix)) { mkdir($buildPrefix, 0755, true); } if (!file_exists($buildDir)) { mkdir($buildDir, 0755, true); } // write bashrc script to phpbrew home file_put_contents($home . '/bashrc', $this->getBashScript()); echo <<<EOS Phpbrew environment is initialized, required directories are created under {$home} Paste the following line(s) to the end of your ~/.bashrc and start a new shell, phpbrew should be up and fully functional from there: source {$home}/bashrc To enable PHP version info in your shell prompt, please set PHPBREW_SET_PROMPT=1 in your `~/.bashrc` before you source `~/.phpbrew/bashrc` export PHPBREW_SET_PROMPT=1 For further instructions, simply run `phpbrew` to see the help message. Enjoy phpbrew at \$HOME!! EOS; }
/** * Unpacks the source tarball file. * * @param string $targetFilePath absolute file path */ public function extract(Build $build, $targetFilePath, $extractDir = NULL) { $extractDirTemp = Config::getTempFileDir(); if (!$extractDir) { $extractDir = dirname($targetFilePath); } $extractedDirTemp = $extractDirTemp . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . preg_replace('#\\.tar\\.(gz|bz2)$#', '', basename($targetFilePath)); $extractedDir = $extractDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $build->getName(); if ($build->getState() >= Build::STATE_EXTRACT && file_exists($extractedDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'configure')) { $this->info("===> Distribution file was successfully extracted, skipping..."); return $extractedDir; } // NOTICE: Always extract to prevent incomplete extraction $this->info("===> Extracting {$targetFilePath} to {$extractedDirTemp}"); system("tar -C {$extractDirTemp} -xf {$targetFilePath}", $ret); if ($ret != 0) { throw new RuntimeException('Extract failed.'); } clearstatcache(true); if (!is_dir($extractedDirTemp)) { // retry with github extracted dir path $extractedDirTemp = $extractDirTemp . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'php-src-' . preg_replace('#\\.tar\\.(gz|bz2)$#', '', basename($targetFilePath)); if (!is_dir($extractedDirTemp)) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to find {$extractedDirTemp}"); } } if (is_dir($extractedDir)) { $this->info("===> Removing {$extractedDir}"); system("rm -rf {$extractedDir}", $ret); if ($ret !== 0) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to remove {$extractedDir}."); } } $this->info("===> Moving {$extractedDirTemp} to {$extractedDir}"); if (!rename($extractedDirTemp, $extractedDir)) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to move {$extractedDirTemp} to {$extractedDir}"); } $build->setState(Build::STATE_EXTRACT); return $extractedDir; /* * XXX: unless we have a fast way to verify the extraction. if ($this->options->force || ! file_exists($extractedDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'configure')) { $this->info("===> Extracting $targetFilePath..."); system("tar -C $dir -xjf $targetFilePath", $ret); if ($ret != 0) { die('Extract failed.'); } } else { $this->info("Found existing $extractedDir, Skip extracting."); } */ }
public function execute() { if ($this->options->{'php'} !== null) { $php = Utils::findLatestPhpVersion($this->options->{'php'}); } else { $php = Config::getCurrentPhpName(); } $buildDir = Config::getBuildDir(); $extDir = $buildDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $php . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'ext'; // listing all local extensions if (version_compare('php-' . phpversion(), $php, '==')) { $loaded = array_map('strtolower', get_loaded_extensions()); } else { $this->logger->info('PHP version is different from current active version.'); $this->logger->info('Only available extensions are listed.'); $this->logger->info('You will not see which of them are loaded.'); $loaded = array(); } // list for extensions which are not enabled $extensions = array(); if (is_dir($extDir)) { $fp = opendir($extDir); if ($fp !== false) { while ($file = readdir($fp)) { if ($file === '.' || $file === '..') { continue; } if (is_file($extDir . '/' . $file)) { continue; } $n = strtolower(preg_replace('#-[\\d\\.]+$#', '', $file)); if (in_array($n, $loaded)) { continue; } $extensions[] = $n; } sort($loaded); sort($extensions); closedir($fp); } } $this->logger->info('Loaded extensions:'); foreach ($loaded as $ext) { $this->logger->info(" [*] {$ext}"); } $this->logger->info('Available extensions:'); foreach ($extensions as $ext) { $this->logger->info(" [ ] {$ext}"); } }
public function execute() { $buildDir = Config::getCurrentBuildDir(); $extDir = $buildDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'ext'; // list for extensions which are not enabled $extensions = array(); $extensionNames = array(); // some extension source not in root directory $lookupDirectories = array('', 'ext', 'extension'); if (file_exists($extDir) && is_dir($extDir)) { $this->logger->debug("Scanning {$extDir}..."); foreach (scandir($extDir) as $extName) { if ($extName == "." || $extName == "..") { continue; } $dir = $extDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $extName; foreach ($lookupDirectories as $lookupDirectory) { $extensionDir = $dir . (empty($lookupDirectory) ? '' : DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $lookupDirectory); if ($m4files = ExtensionFactory::configM4Exists($extensionDir)) { $this->logger->debug("Loading extension information {$extName} from {$extensionDir}"); foreach ($m4files as $m4file) { try { $ext = ExtensionFactory::createM4Extension($extName, $m4file); // $ext = ExtensionFactory::createFromDirectory($extName, $dir); $extensions[$ext->getExtensionName()] = $ext; $extensionNames[] = $extName; break; } catch (Exception $e) { } } break; } } } } $this->logger->info('Loaded extensions:'); foreach ($extensions as $extName => $ext) { if (extension_loaded($extName)) { $this->describeExtension($ext); } } $this->logger->info('Available local extensions:'); foreach ($extensions as $extName => $ext) { if (extension_loaded($extName)) { continue; } $this->describeExtension($ext); } }
public function execute($buildName) { $prefix = Config::getVersionInstallPrefix($buildName); if (!file_exists($prefix)) { throw new Exception("{$prefix} does not exist."); } $prompter = new \CLIFramework\Prompter(); $answer = $prompter->ask("Are you sure to delete {$buildName}?", array('Y', 'n'), 'Y'); if (strtolower($answer) == "y") { Utils::recursive_unlink($prefix, $this->logger); $this->logger->info("{$buildName} is removed. I hope you're not surprised. :)"); } else { $this->logger->info("Let me guess, you drunk tonight."); } }
public function prepareForVersion($version) { $home = Config::getPhpbrewRoot(); $buildDir = Config::getBuildDir(); $variantsDir = Config::getVariantsDir(); $buildPrefix = Config::getVersionBuildPrefix($version); if (!file_exists($variantsDir)) { mkdir($variantsDir, 0755, true); } if (!file_exists($buildDir)) { mkdir($buildDir, 0755, true); } if (!file_exists($buildPrefix)) { mkdir($buildPrefix, 0755, true); } }
public function execute($appName) { $apps = AppStore::all(); if (!isset($apps[$appName])) { throw new Exception("App {$appName} not found."); } $app = $apps[$appName]; $targetDir = Config::getRoot() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'bin'; $target = $targetDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $app['as']; DownloadFactory::getInstance($this->logger, $this->options)->download($app['url'], $target); $this->logger->info('Changing permissions to 0755'); if ($mod = $this->options->chmod) { chmod($target, octdec($mod)); } else { chmod($target, 0755); } $this->logger->info("Downloaded at {$target}"); }
public function run(Build $build = NULL) { $dirs = array(); $dirs[] = Config::getPhpbrewRoot(); $dirs[] = Config::getPhpbrewHome(); $dirs[] = Config::getBuildDir(); $dirs[] = Config::getDistFileDir(); $dirs[] = Config::getVariantsDir(); if ($build) { $dirs[] = Config::getInstallPrefix() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $build->getName(); } foreach ($dirs as $dir) { if (!file_exists($dir)) { $this->logger->debug("Creating directory {$dir}"); mkdir($dir, 0755, true); } } }
public function execute($version) { if ($this->options->all) { $buildDir = Config::getBuildDir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $version; if (!file_exists($buildDir)) { $this->logger->info("Source directory " . $buildDir . " does not exist."); } else { $this->logger->info("Source directory " . $buildDir . " found, deleting..."); Utils::recursive_unlink($buildDir, $this->logger); } } else { $make = new MakeTask($this->logger); $make->setQuiet(); $build = new Build($version); if ($make->clean($build)) { $this->logger->info("Distribution is cleaned up. Woof! "); } } }
public function renameSourceDirectory(Extension $ext) { $currentPhpExtensionDirectory = Config::getBuildDir() . '/' . Config::getCurrentPhpName() . '/ext'; $extName = $ext->getExtensionName(); $name = $ext->getName(); $extensionDir = $currentPhpExtensionDirectory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $extName; $extensionExtractDir = $currentPhpExtensionDirectory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $name; if ($name != $extName) { $this->logger->info("===> Rename source directory to {$extensionDir}..."); $cmds = array("rm -rf {$extensionDir}", "mv {$extensionExtractDir} {$extensionDir}"); foreach ($cmds as $cmd) { $this->logger->debug($cmd); Utils::system($cmd); } // replace source directory to new source directory $sourceDir = str_replace($extensionExtractDir, $extensionDir, $ext->getSourceDirectory()); $ext->setSourceDirectory($sourceDir); $ext->setName($extName); } }