  * Insert an image upload into the mediawiki database tables.  If the
  * image insert was successful, a page showing the wiki text for their
  * image is shown.  Otherwise, if the image file name already exists in 
  * the database, a conflict page is returned to the user.
  * @param $type string with either 'overwrite' or blank -- specifies
  *   whether to force-overwrite an existing image
  * @param $name filename chosen by user for uploaded image
  * @param $mwname filename of the file in mediawiki DB
  * @param $fromIIA true iff source of call is Special:IntroImageAdder
  * @param $image_comment a comment attached to the image upload (only
  *   used if $fromIIA == true)
  * @return outputs either a wikitext results page (if image filename 
  *   didn't exist or force overwrite was selected) or a conflict page.
  *   Returns an error string or empty string if no error.
 private function insertImage($type, $name, $mwname, $fromIIA = false, $image_comment = '')
     global $wgRequest, $wgUser, $wgOut, $wgFileExtensions;
     if (!$fromIIA) {
         $license = $wgRequest->getVal('wpLicense', '');
         if (!empty($license)) {
             $attrib = $wgRequest->getVal('attribution');
             $comment = '{{' . $license . (!empty($attrib) ? '|' . $attrib : '') . '}}';
             if ($license != '') {
                 $wgUser->setOption('image_license', $license);
         } else {
             $comment = $wgRequest->getVal('ImageAttribution', '');
     } else {
         $comment = $image_comment;
     if (wfReadOnly()) {
         return wfMsg('eiu-readonly');
     if (!empty($mwname) && !empty($name)) {
         $name = urldecode($name);
         $name = preg_replace('/[^' . Title::legalChars() . ']|[:\\/\\\\]|\\?/', '-', $name);
         $name = preg_replace('@&@', '&', $name);
         $name = trim($name);
         // did they give no extension at all when they changed the name?
         list($first, $ext) = self::splitFilenameExt($name);
         $ext = strtolower($ext);
         $title = Title::makeTitleSafe(NS_IMAGE, $name);
         if (is_null($title) || !in_array($ext, $wgFileExtensions)) {
             return wfMsg('eiu-filetype-incorrect');
         $newFile = true;
         $titleExists = $title->exists();
         if (!$titleExists || $fromIIA) {
             // DB entry for file doesn't exist. User renamed their
             // upload or it never existed.
             if ($titleExists) {
                 $suggestedName = self::generateNewFilename($name);
                 $title = Title::makeTitleSafe(NS_IMAGE, $suggestedName);
             // is the target protected?
             $permErrors = $title->getUserPermissionsErrors('edit', $wgUser);
             $permErrorsUpload = $title->getUserPermissionsErrors('upload', $wgUser);
             if ($permErrors || $permErrorsUpload) {
                 return wfMsg('This image is protected');
             $temp_file = new LocalFile(Title::newFromText($mwname, NS_IMAGE), RepoGroup::singleton()->getLocalRepo());
             $file = new LocalFile($title, RepoGroup::singleton()->getLocalRepo());
             $file->upload($temp_file->getPath(), $comment, $comment);
         } elseif ($type == 'overwrite') {
             // DB entry exists and user selected to overwrite it
             $title = Title::newFromText($name, NS_IMAGE);
             // is the target protected?
             $permErrors = $title->getUserPermissionsErrors('edit', $wgUser);
             $permErrorsUpload = $title->getUserPermissionsErrors('upload', $wgUser);
             $permErrorsCreate = $title->exists() ? array() : $title->getUserPermissionsErrors('create', $wgUser);
             if ($permErrors || $permErrorsUpload || $permErrorsCreate) {
                 return wfMsg('This image is protected');
             $file_name = new LocalFile($title, RepoGroup::singleton()->getLocalRepo());
             $file_mwname = new TempLocalFile(Title::newFromText($mwname, NS_IMAGE), RepoGroup::singleton()->getLocalRepo());
             $file_name->upload($file_mwname->getPath(), $comment, $comment);
             $newFile = false;
         } elseif ($type == 'existing') {
             // DB entry exists and user doesn't want to overwrite or
             // rename, so they use the existing file from the DB.
             $title = Title::newFromText($name, NS_IMAGE);
         } else {
             // There was a conflict with an existing file in the
             // DB.  Title exists and overwrite action not taken yet.
             $data = array('wpUpload' => 1, 'wpSourceType' => 'web', 'wpUploadFileURL' => '');
             $form = new UploadForm(new FauxRequest($data, true));
             // generate title if current one is taken
             $suggestedName = self::generateNewFilename($name);
             // extensions check
             list($first, $ext) = self::splitFilenameExt($suggestedName);
             $title = Title::newFromText($name, NS_IMAGE);
             $file = wfFindFile($title);
             $vars = array('suggestedFirstPart' => $first, 'extension' => strtolower($ext), 'name' => $name, 'mwname' => $mwname, 'file' => $file, 'image_comment' => $comment);
             $wgOut->addHTML(EasyTemplate::html('eiu_conflict.tmpl.php', $vars));
             // return no error
             return '';
         // add watch to file is user needs it
         if ($wgUser->getOption('watchdefault') || $newFile && $wgUser->getOption('watchcreations')) {
         $db =& wfGetDB(DB_MASTER);
     } elseif (empty($mwname)) {
         $title = Title::makeTitleSafe(NS_IMAGE, $name);
     } elseif ($name !== null) {
         return WfMsg('eiu-warn3');
     } else {
         // name === null
         $title = Title::newFromText($mwname, NS_IMAGE);
     $file = wfFindFile($title);
     if (!is_object($file)) {
         return wfMsg('File not found');
     $details = self::splitValuePairs($wgRequest->getVal('image-details'));
     $tag = self::makeImageWikiTag($title, $file, $details);
     $vars = array('tag' => $tag, 'file' => $file, 'width' => $details['chosen-width'], 'height' => $details['chosen-height'], 'imageFilename' => $title->getText());
     if (!$fromIIA) {
         $vars['details'] = $details;
         $html = EasyTemplate::html('eiu_upload_summary.tmpl.php', $vars);
     } else {
         $html = IntroImageAdder::addIntroImage($vars);
     // return no error
     return '';
 public function getCount(&$dbr)
     return IntroImageAdder::getArticleCount($dbr);