Beispiel #1
 $db->where("categorie = '{$cat}'");
 $res = $db->exec();
 if ($db->num_rows($res) != 0) {
     echo "<table align=center border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>";
     while ($file = $db->fetch($res)) {
         echo "<tr><td>";
         echo "<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0 width=500><tr>";
         echo "<td valign=top><a href=\"?page=download&op=get&id={$file->id}\" target='_blank'><img src=images/download.gif align=absmiddle border=0></a></td>";
         echo "<td class=text2 width=100%><a href=\"?page=download&op=get&id={$file->id}\" target='_blank'><b>" . stripslashes($file->nom) . "</b></a>";
         echo "<br>";
         if ($file->description) {
             echo "<i>{$strDescription}</i> : " . nl2br(stripslashes($file->description)) . "<br>";
         if ($file->taille >= 0) {
             echo "<i>{$strTaille}</i> : " . CoolSize($file->taille) . "<br>";
         if ($file->hits >= 0) {
             echo "<i>{$strHits}</i> : <b>{$file->hits}</b><br>";
         $date = strftime(DATESTRING2, $file->date);
         echo "<i>{$strAjouteLe}</i> : {$date} ";
         if ($file->date > time() - 3 * 24 * 3600) {
             echo "<img src=\"images/new_3day.gif\" border=0 align=align=absmiddle>";
         } elseif ($file->date > time() - 7 * 24 * 3600) {
             echo "<img src=\"images/new_week.gif\" border=0 align=align=absmiddle>";
         } elseif ($file->date > time() - 21 * 24 * 3600) {
             echo "<img src=\"images/new_3week.gif\" border=0 align=align=absmiddle>";
         echo "<br>";
         echo "</td>";
function search($query, $min, $orderby, $show)
    global $prefix, $dbi, $admin, $bgcolor2, $module_name;
    include "modules/{$module_name}/d_config.php";
    include "header.php";
    if (!isset($min)) {
        $min = 0;
    if (!isset($max)) {
        $max = $min + $downloadsresults;
    if (isset($orderby)) {
        $orderby = convertorderbyin($orderby);
    } else {
        $orderby = "title ASC";
    if ($show != "") {
        $downloadsresults = $show;
    } else {
        $show = $downloadsresults;
    $query = check_html($query, nohtml);
    $query = addslashes($query);
    $result = sql_query("SELECT lid, cid, title, url, description, date, hits, downloadratingsummary, totalvotes, totalcomments, filesize, version, homepage FROM " . $prefix . "_downloads_downloads WHERE title LIKE '%{$query}%' OR description LIKE '%{$query}%' ORDER BY {$orderby} LIMIT {$min},{$downloadsresults}", $dbi);
    $fullcountresult = sql_query("SELECT lid, title, description, date, hits, downloadratingsummary, totalvotes, totalcomments FROM " . $prefix . "_downloads_downloads WHERE title LIKE '%{$query}%' OR description LIKE '%{$query}%' ", $dbi);
    $totalselecteddownloads = sql_num_rows($fullcountresult, $dbi);
    $nrows = sql_num_rows($result, $dbi);
    $x = 0;
    $the_query = stripslashes($query);
    $the_query = str_replace("\\'", "'", $the_query);
    echo "<br>";
    if ($query != "") {
        if ($nrows > 0) {
            echo "<font class=\"option\">" . _SEARCHRESULTS4 . ": <b>{$the_query}</b></font><br><br>" . "<table width=\"100%\" bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor2}\"><tr><td><font class=\"option\"><b>" . _USUBCATEGORIES . "</b></font></td></tr></table>";
            $result2 = sql_query("SELECT cid, title FROM " . $prefix . "_downloads_categories WHERE title LIKE '%{$query}%' ORDER BY title DESC", $dbi);
            while (list($cid, $stitle) = sql_fetch_row($result2, $dbi)) {
                $res = sql_query("SELECT * FROM " . $prefix . "_downloads_downloads WHERE cid={$cid}", $dbi);
                $numrows = sql_num_rows($res, $dbi);
                $result3 = sql_query("SELECT cid,title,parentid FROM " . $prefix . "_downloads_categories WHERE cid={$cid}", $dbi);
                list($cid3, $title3, $parentid3) = sql_fetch_row($result3, $dbi);
                if ($parentid3 > 0) {
                    $title3 = getparent($parentid3, $title3);
                $title3 = ereg_replace($query, "<b>{$query}</b>", $title3);
                echo "<strong><big>·</big></strong>&nbsp;<a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=viewdownload&amp;cid={$cid}\">{$title3}</a> ({$numrows})<br>";
            echo "<br><table width=\"100%\" bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor2}\"><tr><td><font class=\"option\"><b>" . _UDOWNLOADS . "</b></font></td></tr></table>";
            $orderbyTrans = convertorderbytrans($orderby);
            echo "<center><font class=\"content\">" . _SORTDOWNLOADSBY . ": " . "" . _TITLE . " (<a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=search&amp;query={$the_query}&amp;orderby=titleA\">A</a>\\<a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=search&amp;query={$the_query}&amp;orderby=titleD\">D</a>) " . "" . _DATE . " (<a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=search&amp;query={$the_query}&amp;orderby=dateA\">A</a>\\<a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=search&amp;query={$the_query}&amp;orderby=dateD\">D</a>) " . "" . _RATING . " (<a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=search&amp;query={$the_query}&amp;orderby=ratingA\">A</a>\\<a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=search&amp;query={$the_query}&amp;orderby=ratingD\">D</a>) " . "" . _POPULARITY . " (<a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=search&amp;query={$the_query}&amp;orderby=hitsA\">A</a>\\<a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=search&amp;query={$the_query}&amp;orderby=hitsD\">D</a>)" . "<br>" . _RESSORTED . ": {$orderbyTrans}</center><br><br><br>";
            while (list($lid, $cid, $title, $url, $description, $time, $hits, $downloadratingsummary, $totalvotes, $totalcomments, $filesize, $version, $homepage) = sql_fetch_row($result, $dbi)) {
                $downloadratingsummary = number_format($downloadratingsummary, $mainvotedecimal);
                $title = stripslashes($title);
                $description = stripslashes($description);
                $transfertitle = str_replace(" ", "_", $title);
                $title = ereg_replace($query, "<b>{$query}</b>", $title);
                global $prefix, $dbi, $admin;
                if (is_admin($admin)) {
                    if (eregi("http", $url)) {
                        echo "<a href=\"admin.php?op=DownloadsModDownload&amp;lid={$lid}\"><img src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/icon30.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"" . _EDIT . "\"></a>";
                    } else {
                        echo "<a href=\"admin.php?op=DownloadsModDownload&amp;lid={$lid}\"><img src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/download.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"" . _EDIT . "\"></a>";
                } else {
                    if (eregi("http", $url)) {
                        echo "<img src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/icon30.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\">";
                    } else {
                        echo "<img src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/download.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\">";
                echo "&nbsp;<a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=getit&amp;lid={$lid}\" CLASS=\"title\" TARGET=\"_blank\">{$title}</a>";
                newdownloadgraphic($datetime, $time);
                detecteditorial($lid, $transfertitle, 1);
                echo "<br>";
                $description = ereg_replace($query, "<b>{$query}</b>", $description);
                echo "<b>" . _DESCRIPTION . ":</b> {$description}<br>";
                setlocale(LC_TIME, $locale);
                ereg("([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{1,2})-([0-9]{1,2}) ([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2})", $time, $datetime);
                $datetime = strftime("" . _LINKSDATESTRING . "", mktime($datetime[4], $datetime[5], $datetime[6], $datetime[2], $datetime[3], $datetime[1]));
                $datetime = ucfirst($datetime);
                echo "<b>" . _VERSION . ":</b> {$version} <b>" . _FILESIZE . ":</b> " . CoolSize($filesize) . "<br>";
                echo "<b>" . _ADDEDON . ":</b> {$datetime} <b>" . _UDOWNLOADS . ":</b> {$hits}";
                /* voting & comments stats */
                if ($totalvotes == 1) {
                    $votestring = _VOTE;
                } else {
                    $votestring = _VOTES;
                if ($downloadratingsummary != "0" || $downloadratingsummary != "0.0") {
                    echo " <b>" . _RATING . ":</b> {$downloadratingsummary} ({$totalvotes} {$votestring})";
                echo "<br>";
                $result3 = sql_query("SELECT cid,title,parentid FROM " . $prefix . "_downloads_categories WHERE cid={$cid}", $dbi);
                list($cid3, $title3, $parentid3) = sql_fetch_row($result3, $dbi);
                if ($parentid3 > 0) {
                    $title3 = getparent($parentid3, $title3);
                echo "<B>" . _CATEGORY . ":</B> <A HREF=\"modules.php?name=Downloads&d_op=viewdownload&cid={$cid}\">{$title3}</A>";
                if ($homepage == "") {
                    echo "<br>";
                } else {
                    echo "<br><a href=\"{$homepage}\" target=\"new\">" . _HOMEPAGE . "</a> | ";
                echo "<a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=ratedownload&amp;lid={$lid}&amp;ttitle={$transfertitle}\">" . _RATERESOURCE . "</a>";
                echo " | <a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=viewdownloaddetails&amp;lid={$lid}&amp;ttitle={$transfertitle}\">" . _DETAILS . "</a>";
                if ($totalcomments != 0) {
                    echo " | <a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=viewdownloadcomments&amp;lid={$lid}&amp;ttitle={$transfertitle}>" . _SCOMMENTS . " ({$totalcomments})</a>";
                detecteditorial($lid, $transfertitle, 0);
                echo "<BR><BR>";
            echo "</font>";
            $orderby = convertorderbyout($orderby);
        } else {
            echo "<br><br><center><font class=\"option\"><b>" . _NOMATCHES . "</b></font><br><br>" . _GOBACK . "<br></center>";
        /* Calculates how many pages exist.  Which page one should be on, etc... */
        $downloadpagesint = $totalselecteddownloads / $downloadsresults;
        $downloadpageremainder = $totalselecteddownloads % $downloadsresults;
        if ($downloadpageremainder != 0) {
            $downloadpages = ceil($downloadpagesint);
            if ($totalselecteddownloads < $downloadsresults) {
                $downloadpageremainder = 0;
        } else {
            $downloadpages = $downloadpagesint;
        /* Page Numbering */
        if ($downloadpages != 1 && $downloadpages != 0) {
            echo "<br><br>" . "" . _SELECTPAGE . ": ";
            $prev = $min - $downloadsresults;
            if ($prev >= 0) {
                echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>[ <a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=search&amp;query={$the_query}&amp;min={$prev}&amp;orderby={$orderby}&amp;show={$show}\">" . " &lt;&lt; " . _PREVIOUS . "</a> ]</b> ";
            $counter = 1;
            $currentpage = $max / $downloadsresults;
            while ($counter <= $downloadpages) {
                $cpage = $counter;
                $mintemp = $perpage * $counter - $downloadsresults;
                if ($counter == $currentpage) {
                    echo "<b>{$counter}</b> ";
                } else {
                    echo "<a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=search&amp;query={$the_query}&amp;min={$mintemp}&amp;orderby={$orderby}&amp;show={$show}\">{$counter}</a> ";
            $next = $min + $downloadsresults;
            if ($x >= $perpage) {
                echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>[ <a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=search&amp;query={$the_query}&amp;min={$max}&amp;orderby={$orderby}&amp;show={$show}\">" . " " . _NEXT . " &gt;&gt;</a> ]</b>";
        echo "<br><br><center><font class=\"content\">" . "" . _TRY2SEARCH . " \"{$the_query}\" " . _INOTHERSENGINES . "<br>" . "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\";sc=on&amp;hl=on&amp;act=2006&amp;par=0&amp;q={$the_query}&amp;kl=XX&amp;stype=stext\">Alta Vista</a> - " . "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{$the_query}&amp;DU=days&amp;SW=web\">HotBot</a> - " . "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{$the_query}\">Infoseek</a> - " . "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{$the_query}\">Deja News</a> - " . "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{$the_query}&amp;maxhits=20\">Lycos</a> - " . "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{$the_query}\">Yahoo</a>" . "<br>" . "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\";query={$the_query}&amp;language=&amp;advanced=&amp;urlonly=&amp;withid=\">LinuxStart</a> - " . "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{$the_query}&amp;ui=sr\">1stLinuxSearch</a> - " . "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{$the_query}\">Google</a> - " . "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{$the_query}&amp;engine=Downloads\">LinuxDownloads</a> - " . "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{$the_query}&amp;section=projects\">Freshmeat</a> - " . "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{$the_query}\">JustLinux</a>" . "</font>";
    } else {
        echo "<center><font class=\"option\"><b>" . _NOMATCHES . "</b></font></center><br><br>";
    include "footer.php";
Beispiel #3
function edituser()
    global $prefix, $db, $user, $userinfo, $cookie, $module_name, $bgcolor2, $bgcolor3;
    if (is_user($user) and strtolower($userinfo['username']) == strtolower($cookie[1]) and $userinfo['user_password'] == $cookie[2]) {
        include "header.php";
        echo "<center><font class=\"title\"><b>" . _PERSONALINFO . "</b></font></center>";
        echo "<br>";
        echo "<br>";
        if (!preg_match('#^http[s]?:\\/\\/#i', $userinfo['user_website'])) {
            $userinfo['user_website'] = "http://" . $userinfo['user_website'];
        if (!preg_match('#^http[s]?\\:\\/\\/[a-z0-9\\-]+\\.([a-z0-9\\-]+\\.)?[a-z]+#i', $userinfo['user_website'])) {
            $userinfo['user_website'] = '';
        if (!preg_match('/^[0-9]+$/', $userinfo['user_icq'])) {
            $userinfo['user_icq'] = "";
        echo "<table class=forumline cellpadding=\"3\" border=\"0\" width='100%'>" . "<form name=\"Register\" action=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}\" method=\"post\">" . "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _USRNICKNAME . "</b>:</td><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'><b>" . $userinfo['username'] . "</b></td></tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _UREALNAME . "</b>:<br>" . _OPTIONAL . "</td><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'>" . "<input type=\"text\" name=\"realname\" value=\"" . $userinfo['name'] . "\" size=\"50\" maxlength=\"60\"></td></tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _UREALEMAIL . ":</b><br>" . _REQUIRED . "</td>" . "<td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'><input type=\"text\" name=\"user_email\" value=\"" . $userinfo['user_email'] . "\" size=\"50\" maxlength=\"255\"><br>" . _EMAILNOTPUBLIC . "</td></tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _UFAKEMAIL . ":</b><br>" . _OPTIONAL . "</td>" . "<td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'><input type=\"text\" name=\"femail\" value=\"" . $userinfo['femail'] . "\" size=\"50\" maxlength=\"255\"><br>" . _EMAILPUBLIC . "</td></tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _YOURHOMEPAGE . ":</b><br>" . _OPTIONAL . "</td>" . "<td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'><input type=\"text\" name=\"user_website\" value=\"" . $userinfo['user_website'] . "\" size=\"50\" maxlength=\"255\"></td></tr>";
        echo "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _YICQ . ":</b><br>" . _OPTIONAL . "</td>" . "<td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'><input type=\"text\" name=\"user_icq\" value=\"" . $userinfo['user_icq'] . "\" size=\"30\" maxlength=\"100\"></td></tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _YAIM . ":</b><br>" . _OPTIONAL . "</td>" . "<td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'><input type=\"text\" name=\"user_aim\" value=\"" . $userinfo['user_aim'] . "\" size=\"30\" maxlength=\"100\"></td></tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _YYIM . ":</b><br>" . _OPTIONAL . "</td>" . "<td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'><input type=\"text\" name=\"user_yim\" value=\"" . $userinfo['user_yim'] . "\" size=\"30\" maxlength=\"100\"></td></tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _YMSNM . ":</b><br>" . _OPTIONAL . "</td>" . "<td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'><input type=\"text\" name=\"user_msnm\" value=\"" . $userinfo['user_msnm'] . "\" size=\"30\" maxlength=\"100\"></td></tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _YLOCATION . ":</b><br>" . _OPTIONAL . "</td>" . "<td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'><input type=\"text\" name=\"user_from\" value=\"" . $userinfo['user_from'] . "\" size=\"30\" maxlength=\"100\"></td></tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _YOCCUPATION . ":</b><br>" . _OPTIONAL . "</td>" . "<td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'><input type=\"text\" name=\"user_occ\" value=\"" . $userinfo['user_occ'] . "\" size=\"30\" maxlength=\"100\"></td></tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _YINTERESTS . ":</b><br>" . _OPTIONAL . "</td>" . "<td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'><input type=\"text\" name=\"user_interests\" value=\"" . $userinfo['user_interests'] . "\" size=\"30\" maxlength=\"100\"></td></tr>";
        echo "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _RECEIVENEWSLETTER . "</b></td><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'>";
        if ($userinfo['newsletter'] == 1) {
            echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"newsletter\" value=\"1\" checked>" . _YES . " &nbsp;" . "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"newsletter\" value=\"0\">" . _NO . "";
        } elseif ($userinfo['newsletter'] == 0) {
            echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"newsletter\" value=\"1\">" . _YES . " &nbsp;" . "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"newsletter\" value=\"0\" checked>" . _NO . "";
        echo "</td></tr>";
        echo "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _ALWAYSSHOWEMAIL . ":</b></td><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'>";
        if ($userinfo['user_viewemail'] == 1) {
            echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"user_viewemail\" value=\"1\" checked>" . _YES . " &nbsp;" . "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"user_viewemail\" value=\"0\">" . _NO . "";
        } elseif ($userinfo['user_viewemail'] == 0) {
            echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"user_viewemail\" value=\"1\">" . _YES . " &nbsp;" . "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"user_viewemail\" value=\"0\" checked>" . _NO . "";
        echo "</td></tr>";
        echo "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _HIDEONLINE . ":</b></td><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'>";
        if ($userinfo['user_allow_viewonline'] == 1) {
            echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"user_allow_viewonline\" value=\"0\">" . _YES . " &nbsp;" . "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"user_allow_viewonline\" value=\"1\" checked>" . _NO . "";
        } elseif ($userinfo['user_allow_viewonline'] == 0) {
            echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"user_allow_viewonline\" value=\"0\" checked>" . _YES . " &nbsp;" . "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"user_allow_viewonline\" value=\"1\">" . _NO . "";
        echo "</td></tr>";
        echo "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _REPLYNOTIFY . ":</b><br>" . _REPLYNOTIFYMSG . "</td><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'>";
        if ($userinfo['user_notify'] == 1) {
            echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"user_notify\" value=\"1\" checked>" . _YES . " &nbsp;" . "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"user_notify\" value=\"0\">" . _NO . "";
        } elseif ($userinfo['user_notify'] == 0) {
            echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"user_notify\" value=\"1\">" . _YES . " &nbsp;" . "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"user_notify\" value=\"0\" checked>" . _NO . "";
        echo "</td></tr>";
        echo "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _PMNOTIFY . ":</b></td><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'>";
        if ($userinfo['user_notify_pm'] == 1) {
            echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"user_notify_pm\" value=\"1\" checked>" . _YES . " &nbsp;" . "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"user_notify_pm\" value=\"0\">" . _NO . "";
        } elseif ($userinfo['user_notify_pm'] == 0) {
            echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"user_notify_pm\" value=\"1\">" . _YES . " &nbsp;" . "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"user_notify_pm\" value=\"0\" checked>" . _NO . "";
        echo "</td></tr>";
        echo "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _POPPM . ":</b><br>" . _POPPMMSG . "</td><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'>";
        if ($userinfo['user_popup_pm'] == 1) {
            echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"user_popup_pm\" value=\"1\" checked>" . _YES . " &nbsp;" . "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"user_popup_pm\" value=\"0\">" . _NO . "";
        } elseif ($userinfo['user_popup_pm'] == 0) {
            echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"user_popup_pm\" value=\"1\">" . _YES . " &nbsp;" . "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"user_popup_pm\" value=\"0\" checked>" . _NO . "";
        echo "</td></tr>";
        echo "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _ATTACHSIG . ":</b></td><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'>";
        if ($userinfo['user_attachsig'] == 1) {
            echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"user_attachsig\" value=\"1\" checked>" . _YES . " &nbsp;" . "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"user_attachsig\" value=\"0\">" . _NO . "";
        } elseif ($userinfo['user_attachsig'] == 0) {
            echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"user_attachsig\" value=\"1\">" . _YES . " &nbsp;" . "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"user_attachsig\" value=\"0\" checked>" . _NO . "";
        echo "</td></tr>";
        echo "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _ALLOWBBCODE . "</b></td><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'>";
        if ($userinfo['user_allowbbcode'] == 1) {
            echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"user_allowbbcode\" value=\"1\" checked>" . _YES . " &nbsp;" . "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"user_allowbbcode\" value=\"0\">" . _NO . "";
        } elseif ($userinfo['user_allowbbcode'] == 0) {
            echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"user_allowbbcode\" value=\"1\">" . _YES . " &nbsp;" . "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"user_allowbbcode\" value=\"0\" checked>" . _NO . "";
        echo "</td></tr>";
        echo "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _ALLOWHTMLCODE . "</b></td><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'>";
        if ($userinfo['user_allowhtml'] == 1) {
            echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"user_allowhtml\" value=\"1\" checked>" . _YES . " &nbsp;" . "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"user_allowhtml\" value=\"0\">" . _NO . "";
        } elseif ($userinfo['user_allowhtml'] == 0) {
            echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"user_allowhtml\" value=\"1\">" . _YES . " &nbsp;" . "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"user_allowhtml\" value=\"0\" checked>" . _NO . "";
        echo "</td></tr>";
        echo "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _ALLOWSMILIES . "</b></td><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'>";
        if ($userinfo['user_allowsmile'] == 1) {
            echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"user_allowsmile\" value=\"1\" checked>" . _YES . " &nbsp;" . "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"user_allowsmile\" value=\"0\">" . _NO . "";
        } elseif ($userinfo['user_allowsmile'] == 0) {
            echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"user_allowsmile\" value=\"1\">" . _YES . " &nbsp;" . "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"user_allowsmile\" value=\"0\" checked>" . _NO . "";
        echo "</td></tr>";
        echo "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _FORUMSTIME . "</b></td><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'>";
        echo "<select name='user_timezone'>";
        for ($i = -12; $i < 13; $i++) {
            if ($i == 0) {
                $dummy = "GMT";
            } else {
                if (!ereg("-", $i)) {
                    $i = "+{$i}";
                $dummy = "GMT {$i} " . _HOURS . "";
            if ($userinfo['user_timezone'] == $i) {
                echo "<option name=\"user_timezone\" value=\"{$i}\" selected>{$dummy}</option>";
            } else {
                echo "<option name=\"user_timezone\" value=\"{$i}\">{$dummy}</option>";
        echo "</select>";
        echo "</td></tr>";
        echo "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _FORUMSDATE . ":</b><br>" . _FORUMSDATEMSG . "</b></td><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'>";
        echo "<input size='15' maxlength='14' type=\"text\" name=\"user_dateformat\" value=\"" . $userinfo['user_dateformat'] . "\">";
        echo "</td></tr>";
        echo "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _SIGNATURE . ":</b><br>" . _OPTIONAL . "</td>" . "<td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'><textarea wrap=\"virtual\" cols=\"70\" rows=\"15\" name=\"user_sig\">" . $userinfo['user_sig'] . "</textarea><br>" . _255CHARMAX . "</td></tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _EXTRAINFO . ":</b><br>" . _OPTIONAL . "</td>" . "<td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'><textarea wrap=\"virtual\" cols=\"70\" rows=\"15\" name=\"bio\">" . $userinfo['bio'] . "</textarea><br>" . _CANKNOWABOUT . "</td></tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _PASSWORD . "</b>:</td><br>" . "<td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'><input type=\"password\" name=\"user_password\" size=\"22\" maxlength=\"20\">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type=\"password\" name=\"vpass\" size=\"22\" maxlength=\"20\"><br>" . _TYPENEWPASSWORD . "</td></tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}' colspan='2' align='center'>" . "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"username\" value=\"" . $userinfo['username'] . "\">" . "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"user_id\" value=\"" . intval($userinfo['user_id']) . "\">" . "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"op\" value=\"saveuser\">" . "<input class=button type=\"submit\" value=\"" . _SAVECHANGES . "\">" . "</form></td></tr>";
        $avatar_category = !empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['avatarcategory']) ? $HTTP_POST_VARS['avatarcategory'] : '';
        $direktori = "modules/Forums/images/avatars";
        $dir = @opendir($direktori);
        $avatar_images = array();
        while ($file = @readdir($dir)) {
            if ($file != '.' && $file != '..' && !is_file($direktori . '/' . $file) && !is_link($direktori . '/' . $file)) {
                $sub_dir = @opendir($direktori . '/' . $file);
                $avatar_row_count = 0;
                $avatar_col_count = 0;
                while ($sub_file = @readdir($sub_dir)) {
                    if (preg_match('/(\\.gif$|\\.png$|\\.jpg|\\.jpeg)$/is', $sub_file)) {
                        $avatar_images[$file][$avatar_row_count][$avatar_col_count] = $file . '/' . $sub_file;
                        $avatar_name[$file][$avatar_row_count][$avatar_col_count] = ucfirst(str_replace("_", " ", preg_replace('/^(.*)\\..*$/', '\\1', $sub_file)));
                        if ($avatar_col_count == 5) {
                            $avatar_col_count = 0;
        if (empty($category)) {
            list($category, ) = each($avatar_images);
        $s_categories = '<select name="avatarcategory">';
        while (list($key) = each($avatar_images)) {
            $selected = $key == $category ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
            if (count($avatar_images[$key])) {
                $s_categories .= '<option value="' . $key . '"' . $selected . '>' . ucfirst($key) . '</option>';
        $s_categories .= '</select>';
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . $prefix . "_bbconfig";
        $result = $db->sql_query($sql);
        while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) {
            $board_config[$row['config_name']] = $row['config_value'];
        if ($userinfo['user_avatar_type'] == 1) {
            $userinfo['user_avatar'] = $board_config['avatar_path'] . "/" . $userinfo['user_avatar'];
        } elseif ($userinfo['user_avatar_type'] == 2) {
            $userinfo['user_avatar'] = $userinfo['user_avatar'];
        } else {
            $userinfo['user_avatar'] = $board_config['avatar_gallery_path'] . "/" . $userinfo['user_avatar'];
        echo "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}' colspan='2' align='center'>" . "<BR><b><h5>Avatar control panel</h5></b>" . "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'>Displays a small graphic image below your details in forum posts and on your profile. Only one image can be displayed at a time, its width can be no greater than " . $board_config['avatar_max_width'] . " pixels, the height no greater than " . $board_config['avatar_max_height'] . " pixels, and the file size no more than " . CoolSize($board_config['avatar_filesize']) . ".</td>";
        echo "<td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}' align=center>Current Avatar<BR><BR><IMG alt=\"\" src=\"{$userinfo['user_avatar']}\"></td></tr><BR>";
        if ($board_config['allow_avatar_local']) {
            echo "<form action=\"modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=avatarlist\" method=\"post\">" . "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>Select Avatar from gallery:</b></td>" . "<td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'>" . $s_categories . "&nbsp;<img src=\"images/right.gif\" align=middle>&nbsp;<INPUT class=button type=submit value=\"Show Gallery\"></td></tr>" . "</form>";
        } else {
            echo "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>Select Avatar from gallery:</b></td>" . "<td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'><b>Gallery Avatars Currently Disabled</b></td></tr>";
        if ($board_config['allow_avatar_upload']) {
            echo "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>Upload Avatar from your machine:</b></td>" . "<td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'><a href=\"modules.php?name=Forums&file=profile&mode=editprofile\"><b>Upload Through Forum Profile</b></a></td></tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>Upload Avatar from a URL:</b><br><SPAN class=gensmall>Enter the URL of the location containing the Avatar image and click on the submit button below, the Avatar image will be copied to this site.</SPAN></td>" . "<td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'><a href=\"modules.php?name=Forums&file=profile&mode=editprofile\"><b>Upload Through Forum Profile</b></a></td></tr>";
        } else {
            echo "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>Upload Avatar from your machine:</b></td>" . "<td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'><b>Currently Disabled</b></td></tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>Upload Avatar from a URL:</b><br><SPAN class=gensmall>Enter the URL of the location containing the Avatar image and click on the submit button below, the Avatar image will be copied to this site.</SPAN></td>" . "<td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'><b>Currently Disabled</b></td></tr>";
        if ($board_config['allow_avatar_remote']) {
            echo "<form action=\"modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=avatarlinksave\" method=\"post\">" . "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>Link to off-site Avatar:</b><br><SPAN class=gensmall>Enter the URL of the location containing the Avatar image you wish to link to and click on the submit button below.</SPAN></td>" . "<td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'><INPUT class=post style=\"WIDTH: 200px\" size=40 name=avatar></td></tr>";
        } else {
            echo "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>Link to off-site Avatar:</b><br><SPAN class=gensmall>Enter the URL of the location containing the Avatar image you wish to link to and click on the submit button below.</SPAN></td>" . "<td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'><b>Currently Disabled</b></td></tr>";
        echo "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}' colspan='2' align='center'>" . "<INPUT class=mainoption type=submit value=Save&nbsp;Avatar>" . "</form></TD></TR></TABLE>";
        include "footer.php";
    } else {
Beispiel #4
function NewDownloadsDate()
    global $downloadsprefix, $db, $module_name;
    $selectdate = intval($_GET['selectdate']);
    $dateDB = date("d-M-Y", $selectdate);
    $dateView = date("F d, Y", $selectdate);
    include "header.php";
    echo '<br />';
    $newdownloadDB = Date("Y-m-d", $selectdate);
    $totaldownloads = $db->sql_numrows($db->sql_query("SELECT * FROM " . $downloadsprefix . "_downloads WHERE date LIKE '%{$newdownloadDB}%'"));
    echo "<font class=\"option\"><b>{$dateView} - {$totaldownloads} " . _NEWDOWNLOADS . "</b></font>" . "<table width=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"10\" border=\"0\"><tr><td><font class=\"content\">";
    $sql = "SELECT lid, cid, title, description, date, hits, url, downloadratingsummary, totalvotes, totalcomments, filesize, version, homepage FROM " . $downloadsprefix . "_downloads WHERE date LIKE '%{$newdownloadDB}%' ORDER BY title ASC";
    $result = $db->sql_query($sql);
    while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) {
        $lid = $row['lid'];
        $cid = $row['cid'];
        $title = $row['title'];
        $description = $row['description'];
        $time = $row['date'];
        $hits = $row['hits'];
        $url = $row['url'];
        $downloadratingsummary = $row['downloadratingsummary'];
        $totalvotes = $row['totalvotes'];
        $totalcomments = $row['totalcomments'];
        $filesize = $row['filesize'];
        $version = $row['version'];
        $homepage = $row['homepage'];
        $downloadratingsummary = number_format($downloadratingsummary, $mainvotedecimal);
        if (can_admin('downloads')) {
            if (eregi("http", $url)) {
                echo "<a href=\"" . adminlink("{$module_name}&mode=DownloadsModDownload&amp;lid={$lid}") . "\"><img src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/icon30.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"" . _EDIT . "\"></a>";
            } else {
                echo "<a href=\"" . adminlink("{$module_name}&mode=DownloadsModDownload&amp;lid={$lid}") . "\"><img src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/download.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"" . _EDIT . "\"></a>";
        } else {
            if (eregi("http", $url)) {
                echo "<img src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/icon30.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\">";
            } else {
                echo "<img src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/download.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\">";
        echo "&nbsp;<a href=\"" . getlink("&amp;d_op=getit&amp;lid={$lid}") . "\" class=\"title\">{$title}</a>";
        $datetime = formatDateTime($time . ' 00:00:00', _DATESTRING3);
        detecteditorial($lid, 1);
        echo "<br /><b>" . _DESCRIPTION . ":</b> {$description}<br />";
        echo "<b>" . _VERSION . ":</b> {$version} <b>" . _FILESIZE . ":</b> " . CoolSize($filesize) . "<br />";
        echo "<b>" . _ADDEDON . ":</b> <b>{$datetime}</b> <b>" . _UDOWNLOADS . ":</b> {$hits}";
        $transfertitle = str_replace(" ", "_", $title);
        /* voting & comments stats */
        $votestring = $totalvotes == 1 ? _VOTE : _VOTES;
        if ($downloadratingsummary != "0" || $downloadratingsummary != "0.0") {
            echo " <b>" . _RATING . ":</b> {$downloadratingsummary} ({$totalvotes} {$votestring})";
        echo '<br />';
        $sql2 = "SELECT title FROM " . $downloadsprefix . "_categories WHERE cid='{$cid}'";
        $result2 = $db->sql_query($sql2);
        $row2 = $db->sql_fetchrow($result2);
        $ctitle = $row2[title];
        $ctitle = getparent($cid, $ctitle);
        echo "<B>" . _CATEGORY . ":</B> <A HREF=\"" . getlink("&amp;d_op=viewdownload&amp;cid={$cid}") . "\">{$ctitle}</A><br />";
        if ($homepage != "") {
            echo "<br /><a href=\"{$homepage}\" target=\"new\">" . _HOMEPAGE . "</a> | ";
        echo "<a href=\"" . getlink("&amp;d_op=ratedownload&amp;lid={$lid}") . "\">" . _RATERESOURCE . "</a>";
        if (is_user()) {
            echo " | <a href=\"" . getlink("&amp;d_op=brokendownload&amp;lid={$lid}") . "\">" . _REPORTBROKEN . "</a>";
        echo " | <a href=\"" . getlink("&amp;d_op=viewdownloaddetails&amp;lid={$lid}") . "\">" . _DETAILS . "</a>";
        if ($totalcomments != 0) {
            echo " | <a href=\"" . getlink("&amp;d_op=viewdownloadcomments&amp;lid={$lid}") . "\">" . _SCOMMENTS . " ({$totalcomments})</a>";
        detecteditorial($lid, 0);
        echo "<br /><br />";
    echo "</font></td></tr></table>";
    include "footer.php";
Beispiel #5
function NewDownloadsDate($selectdate)
    global $prefix, $db, $module_name, $admin, $user;
    $dateDB = date("d-M-Y", $selectdate);
    $dateView = date("F d, Y", $selectdate);
    include "header.php";
    echo "<br>";
    $newdownloadDB = Date("Y-m-d", $selectdate);
    $totaldownloads = $db->sql_numrows($db->sql_query("SELECT * FROM " . $prefix . "_downloads_downloads WHERE date LIKE '%{$newdownloadDB}%'"));
    echo "<font class=\"option\"><b>{$dateView} - {$totaldownloads} " . _NEWDOWNLOADS . "</b></font>" . "<table width=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"10\" border=\"0\"><tr><td><font class=\"content\">";
    $sql = "SELECT lid, cid, title, description, date, hits, url, downloadratingsummary, totalvotes, totalcomments, filesize, version, homepage FROM " . $prefix . "_downloads_downloads WHERE date LIKE '%{$newdownloadDB}%' ORDER BY title ASC";
    $result = $db->sql_query($sql);
    while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) {
        $lid = $row[lid];
        $cid = $row[cid];
        $title = $row[title];
        $description = $row[description];
        $time = $row[date];
        $hits = $row[hits];
        $url = $row[url];
        $downloadratingsummary = $row[downloadratingsummary];
        $totalvotes = $row[totalvotes];
        $totalcomments = $row[totalcomments];
        $filesize = $row[filesize];
        $version = $row[version];
        $homepage = $row[homepage];
        $downloadratingsummary = number_format($downloadratingsummary, $mainvotedecimal);
        $title = stripslashes($title);
        $description = stripslashes($description);
        if (is_admin($admin)) {
            if (eregi("http", $url)) {
                echo "<a href=\"admin.php?op=DownloadsModDownload&amp;lid={$lid}\"><img src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/icon30.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"" . _EDIT . "\"></a>";
            } else {
                echo "<a href=\"admin.php?op=DownloadsModDownload&amp;lid={$lid}\"><img src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/download.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"" . _EDIT . "\"></a>";
        } else {
            if (eregi("http", $url)) {
                echo "<img src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/icon30.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\">";
            } else {
                echo "<img src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/download.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\">";
        echo "&nbsp;<a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=getit&amp;lid={$lid}\" TARGET=\"_blank\" CLASS=\"title\">{$title}</a>";
        newdownloadgraphic($datetime, $time);
        detecteditorial($lid, $transfertitle, 1);
        echo "<br><b>" . _DESCRIPTION . ":</b> {$description}<br>";
        setlocale(LC_TIME, $locale);
        /* INSERT code for *editor review* here */
        ereg("([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{1,2})-([0-9]{1,2}) ([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2})", $time, $datetime);
        $datetime = strftime("" . _LINKSDATESTRING . "", mktime($datetime[4], $datetime[5], $datetime[6], $datetime[2], $datetime[3], $datetime[1]));
        $datetime = ucfirst($datetime);
        echo "<b>" . _VERSION . ":</b> {$version} <b>" . _FILESIZE . ":</b> " . CoolSize($filesize) . "<br>";
        echo "<b>" . _ADDEDON . ":</b> <b>{$datetime}</b> <b>" . _UDOWNLOADS . ":</b> {$hits}";
        $transfertitle = str_replace(" ", "_", $title);
        /* voting & comments stats */
        if ($totalvotes == 1) {
            $votestring = _VOTE;
        } else {
            $votestring = _VOTES;
        if ($downloadratingsummary != "0" || $downloadratingsummary != "0.0") {
            echo " <b>" . _RATING . ":</b> {$downloadratingsummary} ({$totalvotes} {$votestring})";
        echo "<br>";
        $sql2 = "SELECT title FROM " . $prefix . "_downloads_categories WHERE cid='{$cid}'";
        $result2 = $db->sql_query($sql2);
        $row2 = $db->sql_fetchrow($result2);
        $ctitle = $row2[title];
        $ctitle = getparent($cid, $ctitle);
        echo "<B>" . _CATEGORY . ":</B> <A HREF=\"modules.php?name=Downloads&d_op=viewdownload&cid={$cid}\">{$ctitle}</A>";
        if ($homepage == "") {
            echo "<br>";
        } else {
            echo "<br><a href=\"{$homepage}\" target=\"new\">" . _HOMEPAGE . "</a> | ";
        echo "<a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=ratedownload&amp;lid={$lid}&amp;ttitle={$transfertitle}\">" . _RATERESOURCE . "</a>";
        if (is_user($user)) {
            echo " | <a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=brokendownload&amp;lid={$lid}\">" . _REPORTBROKEN . "</a>";
        echo " | <a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=viewdownloaddetails&amp;lid={$lid}&amp;ttitle={$transfertitle}\">" . _DETAILS . "</a>";
        if ($totalcomments != 0) {
            echo " | <a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=viewdownloadcomments&amp;lid={$lid}&amp;ttitle={$transfertitle}\">" . _SCOMMENTS . " ({$totalcomments})</a>";
        detecteditorial($lid, $transfertitle, 0);
        echo "<br><br>";
    echo "</font></td></tr></table>";
    include "footer.php";
Beispiel #6
function viewsdownload($sid, $min, $orderby, $show)
    global $prefix, $dbi, $admin, $module_name, $user;
    include "modules/{$module_name}/d_config.php";
    include "header.php";
    if (!isset($min)) {
        $min = 0;
    if (!isset($max)) {
        $max = $min + $perpage;
    if (isset($orderby)) {
        $orderby = convertorderbyin($orderby);
    } else {
        $orderby = "title ASC";
    if ($show != "") {
        $perpage = $show;
    } else {
        $show = $perpage;
    echo "<br>";
    $result = sql_query("SELECT title,parentid FROM " . $prefix . "_downloads_categories WHERE cid={$cid}", $dbi);
    list($title, $parentid) = sql_fetch_row($result, $dbi);
    $title = getparentlink($parentid, $title);
    $title = "<a href=modules.php?name={$module_name}>" . _MAIN . "</a>/{$title}";
    echo "<center><font class=\"option\"><b>" . _CATEGORY . ": {$title}</b></font></center><br>";
    echo "<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"10\" cellpadding=\"0\" align=\"center\"><tr>";
    $result2 = sql_query("SELECT cid, title, cdescription FROM " . $prefix . "_downloads_categories WHERE parentid={$cid} order by title", $dbi);
    $count = 0;
    while (list($cid2, $title2, $cdescription2) = sql_fetch_row($result2, $dbi)) {
        echo "<td><font class=\"option\"><strong><big>·</big></strong> <a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=viewdownload&amp;cid={$cid2}\"><b>{$title2}</b></a></font>";
        if ($cdescription2) {
            echo "<font class=\"content\">{$cdescription2}</font><br>";
        } else {
            echo "<br>";
        $result3 = sql_query("SELECT cid, title FROM " . $prefix . "_downloads_categories WHERE parentid={$cid2} order by title limit 0,3", $dbi);
        $space = 0;
        while (list($cid3, $title3) = sql_fetch_row($result3, $dbi)) {
            if ($space > 0) {
                echo ",&nbsp;";
            echo "<font class=\"content\"><a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=viewdownload&amp;cid={$cid3}\">{$title3}</a></font>";
        if ($count < 1) {
            echo "</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>";
            $dum = 1;
        if ($count == 2) {
            echo "</td></tr><tr>";
            $count = 0;
            $dum = 0;
    if ($dum == 1) {
        echo "</tr></table>";
    } elseif ($dum == 0) {
        echo "<td></td></tr></table>";
    echo "<hr noshade size=\"1\">";
    $orderbyTrans = convertorderbytrans($orderby);
    echo "<br><center><font class=\"content\">" . _SORTDOWNLOADSBY . ": " . "" . _TITLE . " (<a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=viewdownload&amp;sid={$sid}&amp;orderby=titleA\">A</a>\\<a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=viewdownload&amp;sid={$sid}&amp;orderby=titleD\">D</a>)" . " " . _DATE . " (<a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=viewdownload&amp;sid={$sid}&amp;orderby=dateA\">A</a>\\<a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=viewdownload&amp;sid={$sid}&amp;orderby=dateD\">D</a>)" . " " . _RATING . " (<a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=viewdownload&amp;sid={$sid}&amp;orderby=ratingA\">A</a>\\<a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=viewdownload&amp;sid={$sid}&amp;orderby=ratingD\">D</a>)" . " " . _POPULARITY . " (<a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=viewdownload&amp;sid={$sid}&amp;orderby=hitsA\">A</a>\\<a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=viewdownload&amp;sid={$sid}&amp;orderby=hitsD\">D</a>)" . "<br><b>" . _RESSORTED . ": {$orderbyTrans}</b></font></center><br><br>";
    $result = sql_query("SELECT lid, url, title, description, date, hits, downloadratingsummary, totalvotes, totalcomments, filesize, version, homepage FROM " . $prefix . "_downloads_downloads WHERE sid={$sid} order by {$orderby} limit {$min},{$perpage}", $dbi);
    $fullcountresult = sql_query("SELECT lid, title, description, date, hits, downloadratingsummary, totalvotes, totalcomments FROM " . $prefix . "_downloads_downloads WHERE sid={$sid}", $dbi);
    $totalselecteddownloads = sql_num_rows($fullcountresult, $dbi);
    echo "<table width=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"10\" border=\"0\"><tr><td><font class=\"content\">";
    $x = 0;
    while (list($lid, $url, $title, $description, $time, $hits, $downloadratingsummary, $totalvotes, $totalcomments, $filesize, $version, $homepage) = sql_fetch_row($result, $dbi)) {
        $downloadratingsummary = number_format($downloadratingsummary, $mainvotedecimal);
        $title = stripslashes($title);
        $description = stripslashes($description);
        global $prefix, $dbi, $admin;
        if (is_admin($admin)) {
            echo "<a href=\"admin.php?op=DownloadsModDownload&amp;lid={$lid}\"><img src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/lwin.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"" . _EDIT . "\"></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;";
        } else {
            echo "<img src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/lwin.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\">&nbsp;&nbsp;";
        echo "<a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=getit&amp;lid={$lid}\">{$title}</a>";
        newdownloadgraphic($datetime, $time);
        /* code for *editor review* insert here	*/
        detecteditorial($lid, $transfertitle, 1);
        echo "<br><b>" . _DESCRIPTION . ":</b> {$description}<br>";
        setlocale(LC_TIME, $locale);
        ereg("([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{1,2})-([0-9]{1,2}) ([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2})", $time, $datetime);
        $datetime = strftime("" . _LINKSDATESTRING . "", mktime($datetime[4], $datetime[5], $datetime[6], $datetime[2], $datetime[3], $datetime[1]));
        $datetime = ucfirst($datetime);
        echo "<b>" . _VERSION . ":</b> {$version} <b>" . _FILESIZE . ":</b> " . CoolSize($filesize) . "<br>";
        echo "<b>" . _ADDEDON . ":</b> {$datetime} <b>" . _UDOWNLOADS . ":</b> {$hits}";
        $transfertitle = str_replace(" ", "_", $title);
        /* voting & comments stats */
        if ($totalvotes == 1) {
            $votestring = _VOTE;
        } else {
            $votestring = _VOTES;
        if ($downloadratingsummary != "0" || $downloadratingsummary != "0.0") {
            echo " <b>" . _RATING . ":</b> {$downloadratingsummary} ({$totalvotes} {$votestring})";
        if ($homepage == "") {
            echo "<br>";
        } else {
            echo "<br><a href=\"{$homepage}\" target=\"new\">" . _HOMEPAGE . "</a> | ";
        echo "<a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=ratedownload&amp;lid={$lid}&amp;ttitle={$transfertitle}\">" . _RATERESOURCE . "</a>";
        if (is_user($user)) {
            echo " | <a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=brokendownload&amp;lid={$lid}\">" . _REPORTBROKEN . "</a>";
        echo " | <a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=viewdownloaddetails&amp;lid={$lid}&amp;ttitle={$transfertitle}\">" . _DETAILS . "</a>";
        if ($totalcomments != 0) {
            echo " | <a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=viewdownloadcomments&amp;lid={$lid}&amp;ttitle={$transfertitle}\">" . _SCOMMENTS . " ({$totalcomments})</a>";
        detecteditorial($lid, $transfertitle, 0);
        echo "<br><br>";
    echo "</font>";
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    /* Calculates how many pages exist.  Which page one should be on, etc... */
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    /* Page Numbering */
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                echo "<b>{$counter}</b>&nbsp";
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            echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>[ <a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=viewdownload&amp;sid={$sid}&amp;min={$max}&amp;orderby={$orderby}&amp;show={$show}\">" . " " . _NEXT . " &gt;&gt;</a> ]</b> ";
    echo "</td></tr></table>";
    include "footer.php";
Beispiel #7
function edituser()
    global $prefix, $db, $user, $userinfo, $cookie, $module_name, $bgcolor2, $bgcolor3;
    if (is_user($user) and strtolower($userinfo['username']) == strtolower($cookie[1]) and $userinfo['user_password'] == $cookie[2]) {
        include "header.php";
        echo "<center><font class=\"title\"><b>" . _PERSONALINFO . "</b></font></center>";
        echo "<br>";
        echo "<br>";
        if (!eregi("http://", $userinfo[user_website])) {
            $userinfo[user_website] = "http://{$userinfo['user_website']}";
        echo "<table class=forumline cellpadding=\"3\" border=\"0\" width='100%'>" . "<form name=\"Register\" action=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}\" method=\"POST\">" . "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _USRNICKNAME . "</b>:</td><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'><b>{$userinfo['username']}</b></td></tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _UREALNAME . "</b>:<br>" . _REQUIRED . "</td><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'>" . "<input type=\"text\" name=\"realname\" value=\"{$userinfo['name']}\" size=\"50\" maxlength=\"60\"></td></tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _UREALEMAIL . ":</b><br>" . _REQUIRED . "</td>" . "<td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'><input type=\"text\" name=\"user_email\" value=\"{$userinfo['user_email']}\" size=\"50\" maxlength=\"255\"><br>" . _EMAILNOTPUBLIC . "</td></tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _UFAKEMAIL . ":</b><br>" . _OPTIONAL . "</td>" . "<td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'><input type=\"text\" name=\"femail\" value=\"{$userinfo['femail']}\" size=\"50\" maxlength=\"255\"><br>" . _EMAILPUBLIC . "</td></tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _REGNEWUSERTYPE . ":</b><br>" . _REQUIRED . "</td>" . "<td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'><select name=\"usertype\" size=1>" . getUserTypesOptionsWithSelected($userinfo[usertype]) . "</select></td></tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _REGNEWUSERGRADYEAR . ":</b><br>" . _REQUIRED . "</td>";
        echo "<td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'><select name=\"gradyear\" size=1>" . getGraduationYears($userinfo[gradyear]) . "</select></td></tr>\n" . "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _SPECIALIZATION . ":</b><br>" . _REQUIRED . "</td>";
        echo "<td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'><select name=\"specialization\" size=1>" . getSpecializationOptions($userinfo[specialization]) . "</select></td></tr>\n" . "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _SEX . ":</b><br>" . _OPTIONAL . "</td>";
        echo "<td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'><select name=\"sex\" size=1>" . getSexTypesOptionsWithSelected($userinfo[sex]) . "</select></td></tr>\n" . "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _DOB . ":</b><br>" . _OPTIONAL . "</td>" . "<td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'><input type=\"text\" name=\"dob\" value=\"{$userinfo['dob']}\" size=\"12\" maxlength=\"10\"></td></tr>\n";
        // is Married
        echo "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _MARTIALSTATUS . "</b></td><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'>";
        if ($userinfo[is_married] == 1) {
            echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"is_married\" value=\"1\" checked>" . _YES . " &nbsp;";
            echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"is_married\" value=\"0\">" . _NO . "";
        } else {
            echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"is_married\" value=\"1\">" . _YES . " &nbsp;";
            echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"is_married\" value=\"0\" checked>" . _NO . "";
        echo "</td></tr>";
        echo "" . "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _REGNEWUSERCOMPANY . ":</b><br>" . _REQUIRED . "</td>" . "<td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'><input type=\"text\" name=\"company\" value=\"{$userinfo['company']}\" size=\"50\" maxlength=\"50\"></td></tr>\n" . "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _REGNEWUSERDESGN . ":</b><br>" . _REQUIRED . "</td>" . "<td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'><input type=\"text\" name=\"designation\" value=\"{$userinfo['designation']}\" size=\"50\" maxlength=\"50\"></td></tr>\n" . "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}' colspan=2 align='center'><b>" . _COMPANYADDRESS . ":</b></tr>\n" . "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _ADDRESS1 . ":</b><br>" . _OPTIONAL . "</td>" . "<td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'><input type=\"text\" name=\"Company_Address_1\" value=\"{$userinfo['Company_Address_1']}\" size=\"50\" maxlength=\"50\"></td></tr>\n" . "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _ADDRESS2 . ":</b><br>" . _OPTIONAL . "</td>" . "<td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'><input type=\"text\" name=\"Company_Address_2\" value=\"{$userinfo['Company_Address_2']}\" size=\"50\" maxlength=\"50\"></td></tr>\n" . "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _CITY . ":</b><br>" . _OPTIONAL . "</td>" . "<td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'><input type=\"text\" name=\"Company_Address_CITY\" value=\"{$userinfo['Company_Address_CITY']}\" size=\"50\" maxlength=\"30\"></td></tr>\n" . "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _STATE . ":</b><br>" . _OPTIONAL . "</td>" . "<td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'><input type=\"text\" name=\"Company_Address_STATE\" value=\"{$userinfo['Company_Address_STATE']}\" size=\"50\" maxlength=\"30\"></td></tr>\n" . "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _COUNTRY . ":</b><br>" . _OPTIONAL . "</td>" . "<td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'><select name=\"Company_Address_COUNTRY\" size=1>" . getCountryOptionsWithSelectedOption($userinfo[Company_Address_COUNTRY]) . "</select></td></tr>\n" . "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _ZIP . ":</b><br>" . _OPTIONAL . "</td>" . "<td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'><input type=\"text\" name=\"Company_Address_ZIP\" value=\"{$userinfo['Company_Address_ZIP']}\" size=\"50\" maxlength=\"30\"></td></tr>\n" . "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _MOBILE . ":</b><br>" . _OPTIONAL . "</td>" . "<td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'><input type=\"text\" name=\"Company_Address_MOBILE\" value=\"{$userinfo['Company_Address_MOBILE']}\" size=\"50\" maxlength=\"30\"></td></tr>\n" . "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _PHONE . ":</b><br>" . _OPTIONAL . "</td>" . "<td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'><input type=\"text\" name=\"Company_Address_PHONE\" value=\"{$userinfo['Company_Address_PHONE']}\" size=\"50\" maxlength=\"30\"></td></tr>\n" . "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _FAX . ":</b><br>" . _OPTIONAL . "</td>" . "<td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'><input type=\"text\" name=\"Company_Address_FAX\" value=\"{$userinfo['Company_Address_FAX']}\" size=\"50\" maxlength=\"30\"></td></tr>\n" . "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _EMAIL . ":</b><br>" . _OPTIONAL . "</td>" . "<td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'><input type=\"text\" name=\"Company_Address_EMAIL\" value=\"{$userinfo['Company_Address_EMAIL']}\" size=\"50\" maxlength=\"50\"></td></tr>\n" . "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}' colspan=2 align='center'><b>" . _PERMANENTADDRESS . ":</b></tr>\n" . "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _ADDRESS1 . ":</b><br>" . _OPTIONAL . "</td>" . "<td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'><input type=\"text\" name=\"PERMANENT_Address_1\" value=\"{$userinfo['PERMANENT_Address_1']}\" size=\"50\" maxlength=\"50\"></td></tr>\n" . "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _ADDRESS2 . ":</b><br>" . _OPTIONAL . "</td>" . "<td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'><input type=\"text\" name=\"PERMANENT_Address_2\" value=\"{$userinfo['PERMANENT_Address_2']}\" size=\"50\" maxlength=\"50\"></td></tr>\n" . "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _CITY . ":</b><br>" . _OPTIONAL . "</td>" . "<td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'><input type=\"text\" name=\"PERMANENT_Address_CITY\" value=\"{$userinfo['PERMANENT_Address_CITY']}\" size=\"50\" maxlength=\"30\"></td></tr>\n" . "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _STATE . ":</b><br>" . _OPTIONAL . "</td>" . "<td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'><input type=\"text\" name=\"PERMANENT_Address_STATE\" value=\"{$userinfo['PERMANENT_Address_STATE']}\" size=\"50\" maxlength=\"30\"></td></tr>\n" . "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _COUNTRY . ":</b><br>" . _OPTIONAL . "</td>" . "<td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'><select name=\"PERMANENT_Address_COUNTRY\" size=1>" . getCountryOptionsWithSelectedOption($userinfo[PERMANENT_Address_COUNTRY]) . "</select></td></tr>\n" . "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _ZIP . ":</b><br>" . _OPTIONAL . "</td>" . "<td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'><input type=\"text\" name=\"PERMANENT_Address_ZIP\" value=\"{$userinfo['PERMANENT_Address_ZIP']}\" size=\"50\" maxlength=\"30\"></td></tr>\n" . "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _MOBILE . ":</b><br>" . _OPTIONAL . "</td>" . "<td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'><input type=\"text\" name=\"PERMANENT_Address_MOBILE\" value=\"{$userinfo['PERMANENT_Address_MOBILE']}\" size=\"50\" maxlength=\"30\"></td></tr>\n" . "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _PHONE . ":</b><br>" . _OPTIONAL . "</td>" . "<td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'><input type=\"text\" name=\"PERMANENT_Address_PHONE\" value=\"{$userinfo['PERMANENT_Address_PHONE']}\" size=\"50\" maxlength=\"30\"></td></tr>\n" . "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _FAX . ":</b><br>" . _OPTIONAL . "</td>" . "<td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'><input type=\"text\" name=\"PERMANENT_Address_FAX\" value=\"{$userinfo['PERMANENT_Address_FAX']}\" size=\"50\" maxlength=\"30\"></td></tr>\n" . "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _EMAIL . ":</b><br>" . _OPTIONAL . "</td>" . "<td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'><input type=\"text\" name=\"PERMANENT_Address_EMAIL\" value=\"{$userinfo['PERMANENT_Address_EMAIL']}\" size=\"50\" maxlength=\"50\"></td></tr>\n" . "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _YICQ . ":</b><br>" . _OPTIONAL . "</td>" . "<td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'><input type=\"text\" name=\"user_icq\" value=\"{$userinfo['user_icq']}\" size=\"30\" maxlength=\"100\"></td></tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _YAIM . ":</b><br>" . _OPTIONAL . "</td>" . "<td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'><input type=\"text\" name=\"user_aim\" value=\"{$userinfo['user_aim']}\" size=\"30\" maxlength=\"100\"></td></tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _YYIM . ":</b><br>" . _OPTIONAL . "</td>" . "<td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'><input type=\"text\" name=\"user_yim\" value=\"{$userinfo['user_yim']}\" size=\"30\" maxlength=\"100\"></td></tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _YMSNM . ":</b><br>" . _OPTIONAL . "</td>" . "<td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'><input type=\"text\" name=\"user_msnm\" value=\"{$userinfo['user_msnm']}\" size=\"30\" maxlength=\"100\"></td></tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}' colspan=2 align='center'><b>" . _ALUMNIPREFERENCES . ":</b></tr>\n";
        // DASF Membership
        echo "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _DASFMEMBER . "</b></td><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'>";
        if ($userinfo[dasf_member] == 1) {
            echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"dasf_member\" value=\"1\" checked>" . _YES . " &nbsp;" . "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"dasf_member\" value=\"0\">" . _NO . "";
        } else {
            echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"dasf_member\" value=\"1\">" . _YES . " &nbsp;" . "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"dasf_member\" value=\"0\" checked>" . _NO . "";
        echo "</td></tr>";
        echo "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _GUESTLECTURESOK . "</b></td><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'>";
        if ($userinfo[guest_lectures_ok] == 1) {
            echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"guest_lectures_ok\" value=\"1\" checked>" . _YES . " &nbsp;" . "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"guest_lectures_ok\" value=\"0\">" . _NO . "";
        } else {
            echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"guest_lectures_ok\" value=\"1\">" . _YES . " &nbsp;" . "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"guest_lectures_ok\" value=\"0\" checked>" . _NO . "";
        echo "</td></tr>";
        echo "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _GUESTLECTURESTOPICS . ":</b><br>" . _OPTIONAL . "</td>" . "<td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'><textarea wrap=\"virtual\" cols=\"50\" rows=\"3\" name=\"guest_lectures_topics\">{$userinfo['guest_lectures_topics']}</textarea><br>150 characters max</td></tr>";
        echo "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _SUMMERPROJECTSOK . "</b></td><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'>";
        if ($userinfo[summer_projects_ok] == 1) {
            echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"summer_projects_ok\" value=\"1\" checked>" . _YES . " &nbsp;" . "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"summer_projects_ok\" value=\"0\">" . _NO . "";
        } else {
            echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"summer_projects_ok\" value=\"1\">" . _YES . " &nbsp;" . "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"summer_projects_ok\" value=\"0\" checked>" . _NO . "";
        echo "</td></tr>";
        echo "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _PLACEMENTSOK . "</b></td><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'>";
        if ($userinfo[placements_ok] == 1) {
            echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"placements_ok\" value=\"1\" checked>" . _YES . " &nbsp;" . "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"placements_ok\" value=\"0\">" . _NO . "";
        } else {
            echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"placements_ok\" value=\"1\">" . _YES . " &nbsp;" . "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"placements_ok\" value=\"0\" checked>" . _NO . "";
        echo "</td></tr>";
        echo "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _FINANCIALAID . "</b></td><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'>";
        if ($userinfo[placements_ok] == 1) {
            echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"financial_help_ok\" value=\"1\" checked>" . _YES . " &nbsp;" . "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"financial_help_ok\" value=\"0\">" . _NO . "";
        } else {
            echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"financial_help_ok\" value=\"1\">" . _YES . " &nbsp;" . "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"financial_help_ok\" value=\"0\" checked>" . _NO . "";
        echo "</td></tr>";
        echo "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}' colspan=2 align='center'><b>" . _PERSONALPREFERENCES . ":</b></tr>\n" . "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _YOURHOMEPAGE . ":</b><br>" . _OPTIONAL . "</td>" . "<td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'><input type=\"text\" name=\"user_website\" value=\"{$userinfo['user_website']}\" size=\"50\" maxlength=\"255\"></td></tr>";
        			echo "<tr><td bgcolor='$bgcolor2'><b>"._YICQ.":</b><br>"._OPTIONAL."</td>"
          ."<td bgcolor='$bgcolor3'><input type=\"text\" name=\"user_icq\" value=\"$userinfo[user_icq]\" size=\"30\" maxlength=\"100\"></td></tr>"
          ."<tr><td bgcolor='$bgcolor2'><b>"._YAIM.":</b><br>"._OPTIONAL."</td>"
          ."<td bgcolor='$bgcolor3'><input type=\"text\" name=\"user_aim\" value=\"$userinfo[user_aim]\" size=\"30\" maxlength=\"100\"></td></tr>"
          ."<tr><td bgcolor='$bgcolor2'><b>"._YYIM.":</b><br>"._OPTIONAL."</td>"
          ."<td bgcolor='$bgcolor3'><input type=\"text\" name=\"user_yim\" value=\"$userinfo[user_yim]\" size=\"30\" maxlength=\"100\"></td></tr>"
          ."<tr><td bgcolor='$bgcolor2'><b>"._YMSNM.":</b><br>"._OPTIONAL."</td>"
          ."<td bgcolor='$bgcolor3'><input type=\"text\" name=\"user_msnm\" value=\"$userinfo[user_msnm]\" size=\"30\" maxlength=\"100\"></td></tr>"
          ."<tr><td bgcolor='$bgcolor2'><b>"._YLOCATION.":</b><br>"._OPTIONAL."</td>"
          ."<td bgcolor='$bgcolor3'><input type=\"text\" name=\"user_from\" value=\"$userinfo[user_from]\" size=\"30\" maxlength=\"100\"></td></tr>"
          ."<tr><td bgcolor='$bgcolor2'><b>"._YOCCUPATION.":</b><br>"._OPTIONAL."</td>"
          ."<td bgcolor='$bgcolor3'><input type=\"text\" name=\"user_occ\" value=\"$userinfo[user_occ]\" size=\"30\" maxlength=\"100\"></td></tr>"
          ."<tr><td bgcolor='$bgcolor2'><b>"._YINTERESTS.":</b><br>"._OPTIONAL."</td>"
          ."<td bgcolor='$bgcolor3'><input type=\"text\" name=\"user_interests\" value=\"$userinfo[user_interests]\" size=\"30\" maxlength=\"100\"></td></tr>";
        echo "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _RECEIVENEWSLETTER . "</b></td><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'>";
        if ($userinfo[newsletter] == 1) {
            echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"newsletter\" value=\"1\" checked>" . _YES . " &nbsp;" . "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"newsletter\" value=\"0\">" . _NO . "";
        } elseif ($userinfo[newsletter] == 0) {
            echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"newsletter\" value=\"1\">" . _YES . " &nbsp;" . "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"newsletter\" value=\"0\" checked>" . _NO . "";
        echo "</td></tr>";
        echo "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _ALWAYSSHOWEMAIL . ":</b></td><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'>";
        if ($userinfo[user_viewemail] == 1) {
            echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"user_viewemail\" value=\"1\" checked>" . _YES . " &nbsp;" . "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"user_viewemail\" value=\"0\">" . _NO . "";
        } elseif ($userinfo[user_viewemail] == 0) {
            echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"user_viewemail\" value=\"1\">" . _YES . " &nbsp;" . "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"user_viewemail\" value=\"0\" checked>" . _NO . "";
        echo "</td></tr>";
        echo "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _HIDEONLINE . ":</b></td><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'>";
        if ($userinfo[user_allow_viewonline] == 1) {
            echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"user_allow_viewonline\" value=\"0\">" . _YES . " &nbsp;" . "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"user_allow_viewonline\" value=\"1\" checked>" . _NO . "";
        } elseif ($userinfo[user_allow_viewonline] == 0) {
            echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"user_allow_viewonline\" value=\"0\" checked>" . _YES . " &nbsp;" . "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"user_allow_viewonline\" value=\"1\">" . _NO . "";
        echo "</td></tr>";
        echo "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _REPLYNOTIFY . ":</b><br>" . _REPLYNOTIFYMSG . "</td><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'>";
        if ($userinfo[user_notify] == 1) {
            echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"user_notify\" value=\"1\" checked>" . _YES . " &nbsp;" . "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"user_notify\" value=\"0\">" . _NO . "";
        } elseif ($userinfo[user_notify] == 0) {
            echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"user_notify\" value=\"1\">" . _YES . " &nbsp;" . "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"user_notify\" value=\"0\" checked>" . _NO . "";
        echo "</td></tr>";
        echo "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _PMNOTIFY . ":</b></td><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'>";
        if ($userinfo[user_notify_pm] == 1) {
            echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"user_notify_pm\" value=\"1\" checked>" . _YES . " &nbsp;" . "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"user_notify_pm\" value=\"0\">" . _NO . "";
        } elseif ($userinfo[user_notify_pm] == 0) {
            echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"user_notify_pm\" value=\"1\">" . _YES . " &nbsp;" . "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"user_notify_pm\" value=\"0\" checked>" . _NO . "";
        echo "</td></tr>";
        echo "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _POPPM . ":</b><br>" . _POPPMMSG . "</td><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'>";
        if ($userinfo[user_popup_pm] == 1) {
            echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"user_popup_pm\" value=\"1\" checked>" . _YES . " &nbsp;" . "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"user_popup_pm\" value=\"0\">" . _NO . "";
        } elseif ($userinfo[user_popup_pm] == 0) {
            echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"user_popup_pm\" value=\"1\">" . _YES . " &nbsp;" . "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"user_popup_pm\" value=\"0\" checked>" . _NO . "";
        echo "</td></tr>";
        echo "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _ATTACHSIG . ":</b></td><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'>";
        if ($userinfo[user_attachsig] == 1) {
            echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"user_attachsig\" value=\"1\" checked>" . _YES . " &nbsp;" . "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"user_attachsig\" value=\"0\">" . _NO . "";
        } elseif ($userinfo[user_attachsig] == 0) {
            echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"user_attachsig\" value=\"1\">" . _YES . " &nbsp;" . "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"user_attachsig\" value=\"0\" checked>" . _NO . "";
        echo "</td></tr>";
        echo "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _ALLOWBBCODE . "</b></td><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'>";
        if ($userinfo[user_allowbbcode] == 1) {
            echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"user_allowbbcode\" value=\"1\" checked>" . _YES . " &nbsp;" . "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"user_allowbbcode\" value=\"0\">" . _NO . "";
        } elseif ($userinfo[user_allowbbcode] == 0) {
            echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"user_allowbbcode\" value=\"1\">" . _YES . " &nbsp;" . "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"user_allowbbcode\" value=\"0\" checked>" . _NO . "";
        echo "</td></tr>";
        echo "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _ALLOWHTMLCODE . "</b></td><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'>";
        if ($userinfo[user_allowhtml] == 1) {
            echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"user_allowhtml\" value=\"1\" checked>" . _YES . " &nbsp;" . "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"user_allowhtml\" value=\"0\">" . _NO . "";
        } elseif ($userinfo[user_allowhtml] == 0) {
            echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"user_allowhtml\" value=\"1\">" . _YES . " &nbsp;" . "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"user_allowhtml\" value=\"0\" checked>" . _NO . "";
        echo "</td></tr>";
        echo "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _ALLOWSMILIES . "</b></td><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'>";
        if ($userinfo[user_allowsmile] == 1) {
            echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"user_allowsmile\" value=\"1\" checked>" . _YES . " &nbsp;" . "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"user_allowsmile\" value=\"0\">" . _NO . "";
        } elseif ($userinfo[user_allowsmile] == 0) {
            echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"user_allowsmile\" value=\"1\">" . _YES . " &nbsp;" . "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"user_allowsmile\" value=\"0\" checked>" . _NO . "";
        echo "</td></tr>";
        echo "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _FORUMSTIME . "</b></td><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'>";
        echo "<select name='user_timezone'>";
        for ($i = -12; $i < 13; $i++) {
            if ($i == 0) {
                $dummy = "GMT";
            } else {
                if (!ereg("-", $i)) {
                    $i = "+{$i}";
                $dummy = "GMT {$i} " . _HOURS . "";
            if ($userinfo[user_timezone] == $i) {
                echo "<option name=\"user_timezone\" value=\"{$i}\" selected>{$dummy}</option>";
            } else {
                echo "<option name=\"user_timezone\" value=\"{$i}\">{$dummy}</option>";
        echo "</select>";
        echo "</td></tr>";
        echo "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _FORUMSDATE . ":</b><br>" . _FORUMSDATEMSG . "</b></td><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'>";
        echo "<input size='15' maxlength='14' type=\"text\" name=\"user_dateformat\" value=\"{$userinfo['user_dateformat']}\">";
        echo "</td></tr>";
        echo "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _SIGNATURE . ":</b><br>" . _OPTIONAL . "</td>" . "<td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'><textarea wrap=\"virtual\" cols=\"50\" rows=\"5\" name=\"user_sig\">{$userinfo['user_sig']}</textarea><br>" . _255CHARMAX . "</td></tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _EXTRAINFO . ":</b><br>" . _OPTIONAL . "</td>" . "<td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'><textarea wrap=\"virtual\" cols=\"50\" rows=\"5\" name=\"bio\">{$userinfo['bio']}</textarea><br>" . _CANKNOWABOUT . "</td></tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>" . _PASSWORD . "</b>:</td><br>" . "<td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'><input type=\"password\" name=\"user_password\" size=\"22\" maxlength=\"20\">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type=\"password\" name=\"vpass\" size=\"22\" maxlength=\"20\"><br>" . _TYPENEWPASSWORD . "</td></tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}' colspan='2' align='center'>" . "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"username\" value=\"{$userinfo['username']}\">" . "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"user_id\" value=\"{$userinfo['user_id']}\">" . "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"op\" value=\"saveuser\">" . "<input class=button type=\"submit\" value=\"" . _SAVECHANGES . "\">" . "</form></td></tr>";
        $avatar_category = !empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['avatarcategory']) ? $HTTP_POST_VARS['avatarcategory'] : '';
        $direktori = "modules/Forums/images/avatars";
        $dir = @opendir($direktori);
        $avatar_images = array();
        while ($file = @readdir($dir)) {
            if ($file != '.' && $file != '..' && !is_file($direktori . '/' . $file) && !is_link($direktori . '/' . $file)) {
                $sub_dir = @opendir($direktori . '/' . $file);
                $avatar_row_count = 0;
                $avatar_col_count = 0;
                while ($sub_file = @readdir($sub_dir)) {
                    if (preg_match('/(\\.gif$|\\.png$|\\.jpg|\\.jpeg)$/is', $sub_file)) {
                        $avatar_images[$file][$avatar_row_count][$avatar_col_count] = $file . '/' . $sub_file;
                        $avatar_name[$file][$avatar_row_count][$avatar_col_count] = ucfirst(str_replace("_", " ", preg_replace('/^(.*)\\..*$/', '\\1', $sub_file)));
                        if ($avatar_col_count == 5) {
                            $avatar_col_count = 0;
        if (empty($category)) {
            list($category, ) = each($avatar_images);
        $s_categories = '<select name="avatarcategory">';
        while (list($key) = each($avatar_images)) {
            $selected = $key == $category ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
            if (count($avatar_images[$key])) {
                $s_categories .= '<option value="' . $key . '"' . $selected . '>' . ucfirst($key) . '</option>';
        $s_categories .= '</select>';
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . $prefix . "_bbconfig";
        $result = $db->sql_query($sql);
        while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) {
            $board_config[$row['config_name']] = $row['config_value'];
        if ($userinfo[user_avatar_type] == 1) {
            $userinfo[user_avatar] = $board_config['avatar_path'] . "/" . $userinfo[user_avatar];
        } elseif ($userinfo[user_avatar_type] == 2) {
            $userinfo[user_avatar] = $userinfo[user_avatar];
        } else {
            $userinfo[user_avatar] = $board_config[avatar_gallery_path] . "/" . $userinfo[user_avatar];
        echo "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}' colspan='2' align='center'>" . "<BR><b><h5>Avatar control panel</h5></b>" . "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'>Displays a small graphic image below your details in forum posts and on your profile. Only one image can be displayed at a time, its width can be no greater than " . $board_config['avatar_max_width'] . " pixels, the height no greater than " . $board_config['avatar_max_height'] . " pixels, and the file size no more than " . CoolSize($board_config['avatar_filesize']) . ".</td>";
        echo "<td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}' align=center>Current Avatar<BR><IMG alt=\"\" src=\"{$userinfo['user_avatar']}\" width=\"40\" height=\"50\"></td></tr><BR>";
        if ($board_config['allow_avatar_local']) {
            echo "<form action=\"modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=avatarlist\" method=\"post\">" . "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>Select Avatar from gallery:</b></td>" . "<td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'>" . $s_categories . "&nbsp;<img src=\"images/right.gif\" align=middle>&nbsp;<INPUT class=button type=submit value=\"Show Gallery\"></td></tr>" . "</form>";
        } else {
            echo "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>Select Avatar from gallery:</b></td>" . "<td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'><b>Gallery Avatars Currently Disabled</b></td></tr>";
        if ($board_config['allow_avatar_upload']) {
            echo "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>Upload Avatar from your machine:</b></td>" . "<td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'><a href=\"modules.php?name=Forums&file=profile&mode=editprofile\"><b>Upload Through Forum Profile</b></a></td></tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>Upload Avatar from a URL:</b><br><SPAN class=gensmall>Enter the URL of the location containing the Avatar image and click on the submit button below, the Avatar image will be copied to this site.</SPAN></td>" . "<td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'><a href=\"modules.php?name=Forums&file=profile&mode=editprofile\"><b>Upload Through Forum Profile</b></a></td></tr>";
        } else {
            echo "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>Upload Avatar from your machine:</b></td>" . "<td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'><b>Currently Disabled</b></td></tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>Upload Avatar from a URL:</b><br><SPAN class=gensmall>Enter the URL of the location containing the Avatar image and click on the submit button below, the Avatar image will be copied to this site.</SPAN></td>" . "<td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'><b>Currently Disabled</b></td></tr>";
        if ($board_config['allow_avatar_remote']) {
            echo "<form action=\"modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=avatarlinksave\" method=\"post\">" . "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>Link to off-site Avatar:</b><br><SPAN class=gensmall>Enter the URL of the location containing the Avatar image you wish to link to and click on the submit button below.</SPAN></td>" . "<td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'><INPUT class=post style=\"WIDTH: 200px\" size=40 name=avatar></td></tr>";
        } else {
            echo "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor2}'><b>Link to off-site Avatar:</b><br><SPAN class=gensmall>Enter the URL of the location containing the Avatar image you wish to link to and click on the submit button below.</SPAN></td>" . "<td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}'><b>Currently Disabled</b></td></tr>";
        echo "<tr><td bgcolor='{$bgcolor3}' colspan='2' align='center'>" . "<INPUT class=mainoption type=submit value=Submit>" . "</form></TD></TR></TABLE>";
        include "footer.php";
    } else {
Beispiel #8
function viewdownloaddetails()
    global $downloadsprefix, $db, $bgcolor1, $bgcolor2, $bgcolor3, $bgcolor4, $module_name;
    global $useoutsidevoting, $detailvotedecimal, $outsideweight, $anonymous, $userinfo;
    $lid = intval($_GET['lid']);
    include "header.php";
    $voteresult = $db->sql_query("SELECT rating, ratinguser, ratingcomments FROM " . $downloadsprefix . "_votedata WHERE ratinglid = {$lid}");
    $totalvotesDB = $db->sql_numrows($voteresult);
    $anonvotes = 0;
    $anonvoteval = 0;
    $outsidevotes = 0;
    $outsidevoteeval = 0;
    $regvoteval = 0;
    $topanon = 0;
    $bottomanon = 11;
    $topreg = 0;
    $bottomreg = 11;
    $topoutside = 0;
    $bottomoutside = 11;
    $avv = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    $rvv = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    $ovv = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    $truecomments = $totalvotesDB;
    while (list($ratingDB, $ratinguserDB, $ratingcommentsDB) = $db->sql_fetchrow($voteresult)) {
        if ($ratingcommentsDB == "") {
        if ($ratinguserDB == $anonymous) {
            $anonvoteval += $ratingDB;
        if ($useoutsidevoting == 1) {
            if ($ratinguserDB == 'outside') {
                $outsidevoteval += $ratingDB;
        } else {
            $outsidevotes = 0;
        if ($ratinguserDB != $anonymous && $ratinguserDB != "outside") {
            $regvoteval += $ratingDB;
        if ($ratinguserDB != $anonymous && $ratinguserDB != "outside") {
            if ($ratingDB > $topreg) {
                $topreg = $ratingDB;
            if ($ratingDB < $bottomreg) {
                $bottomreg = $ratingDB;
            for ($rcounter = 1; $rcounter < 11; $rcounter++) {
                if ($ratingDB == $rcounter) {
        if ($ratinguserDB == $anonymous) {
            if ($ratingDB > $topanon) {
                $topanon = $ratingDB;
            if ($ratingDB < $bottomanon) {
                $bottomanon = $ratingDB;
            for ($rcounter = 1; $rcounter < 11; $rcounter++) {
                if ($ratingDB == $rcounter) {
        if ($ratinguserDB == "outside") {
            if ($ratingDB > $topoutside) {
                $topoutside = $ratingDB;
            if ($ratingDB < $bottomoutside) {
                $bottomoutside = $ratingDB;
            for ($rcounter = 1; $rcounter < 11; $rcounter++) {
                if ($ratingDB == $rcounter) {
    $regvotes = $totalvotesDB - $anonvotes - $outsidevotes;
    if ($totalvotesDB == 0) {
        $finalrating = 0;
    } else {
        if ($anonvotes == 0 && $regvotes == 0) {
            /* Figure Outside Only Vote */
            $finalrating = $outsidevoteval / $outsidevotes;
            $finalrating = number_format($finalrating, $detailvotedecimal);
            $avgOU = $outsidevoteval / $totalvotesDB;
            $avgOU = number_format($avgOU, $detailvotedecimal);
        } else {
            if ($outsidevotes == 0 && $regvotes == 0) {
                /* Figure Anon Only Vote */
                $finalrating = $anonvoteval / $anonvotes;
                $finalrating = number_format($finalrating, $detailvotedecimal);
                $avgAU = $anonvoteval / $totalvotesDB;
                $avgAU = number_format($avgAU, $detailvotedecimal);
            } else {
                if ($outsidevotes == 0 && $anonvotes == 0) {
                    /* Figure Reg Only Vote */
                    $finalrating = $regvoteval / $regvotes;
                    $finalrating = number_format($finalrating, $detailvotedecimal);
                    $avgRU = $regvoteval / $totalvotesDB;
                    $avgRU = number_format($avgRU, $detailvotedecimal);
                } else {
                    if ($regvotes == 0 && $useoutsidevoting == 1 && $outsidevotes != 0 && $anonvotes != 0) {
                        /* Figure Reg and Anon Mix */
                        $avgAU = $anonvoteval / $anonvotes;
                        $avgOU = $outsidevoteval / $outsidevotes;
                        if ($anonweight > $outsideweight) {
                            /* Anon is 'standard weight' */
                            $newimpact = $anonweight / $outsideweight;
                            $impactAU = $anonvotes;
                            $impactOU = $outsidevotes / $newimpact;
                        } else {
                            /* Outside is 'standard weight' */
                            $newimpact = $outsideweight / $anonweight;
                            $impactOU = $outsidevotes;
                            $impactAU = $anonvotes / $newimpact;
                        $finalrating = ($avgOU * $impactOU + $avgAU * $impactAU) / ($impactAU + $impactOU);
                        $finalrating = number_format($finalrating, $detailvotedecimal);
                    } else {
                        /* REG User vs. Anonymous vs. Outside User Weight Calutions */
                        $impact = $anonweight;
                        $outsideimpact = $outsideweight;
                        if ($regvotes == 0) {
                            $avgRU = 0;
                        } else {
                            $avgRU = $regvoteval / $regvotes;
                        if ($anonvotes == 0) {
                            $avgAU = 0;
                        } else {
                            $avgAU = $anonvoteval / $anonvotes;
                        if ($outsidevotes == 0) {
                            $avgOU = 0;
                        } else {
                            $avgOU = $outsidevoteval / $outsidevotes;
                        $impactRU = $regvotes;
                        $impactAU = $anonvotes / $impact;
                        $impactOU = $outsidevotes / $outsideimpact;
                        $finalrating = ($avgRU * $impactRU + $avgAU * $impactAU + $avgOU * $impactOU) / ($impactRU + $impactAU + $impactOU);
                        $finalrating = number_format($finalrating, $detailvotedecimal);
    if (!isset($avgO)) {
        $avgOU = "";
    } else {
        $avgOU = number_format($avgOU, $detailvotedecimal);
    if (!isset($avgRU)) {
        $avgRU = "";
    } else {
        $avgRU = number_format($avgRU, $detailvotedecimal);
    if (!isset($avgAU)) {
        $avgAU = "";
    } else {
        $avgAU = number_format($avgAU, $detailvotedecimal);
    if ($topanon == 0) {
        $topanon = "";
    if ($bottomanon == 11) {
        $bottomanon = "";
    if ($topreg == 0) {
        $topreg = "";
    if ($bottomreg == 11) {
        $bottomreg = "";
    if ($topoutside == 0) {
        $topoutside = "";
    if ($bottomoutside == 11) {
        $bottomoutside = "";
    $totalchartheight = 70;
    $chartunits = $totalchartheight / 10;
    $avvper = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    $rvvper = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    $ovvper = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    $avvpercent = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    $rvvpercent = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    $ovvpercent = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    $avvchartheight = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    $rvvchartheight = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    $ovvchartheight = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    $avvmultiplier = 0;
    $rvvmultiplier = 0;
    $ovvmultiplier = 0;
    for ($rcounter = 1; $rcounter < 11; $rcounter++) {
        if ($anonvotes != 0) {
            $avvper[$rcounter] = $avv[$rcounter] / $anonvotes;
        if ($regvotes != 0) {
            $rvvper[$rcounter] = $rvv[$rcounter] / $regvotes;
        if ($outsidevotes != 0) {
            $ovvper[$rcounter] = $ovv[$rcounter] / $outsidevotes;
        $avvpercent[$rcounter] = number_format($avvper[$rcounter] * 100, 1);
        $rvvpercent[$rcounter] = number_format($rvvper[$rcounter] * 100, 1);
        $ovvpercent[$rcounter] = number_format($ovvper[$rcounter] * 100, 1);
        if ($avv[$rcounter] > $avvmultiplier) {
            $avvmultiplier = $avv[$rcounter];
        if ($rvv[$rcounter] > $rvvmultiplier) {
            $rvvmultiplier = $rvv[$rcounter];
        if ($ovv[$rcounter] > $ovvmultiplier) {
            $ovvmultiplier = $ovv[$rcounter];
    if ($avvmultiplier != 0) {
        $avvmultiplier = 10 / $avvmultiplier;
    if ($rvvmultiplier != 0) {
        $rvvmultiplier = 10 / $rvvmultiplier;
    if ($ovvmultiplier != 0) {
        $ovvmultiplier = 10 / $ovvmultiplier;
    for ($rcounter = 1; $rcounter < 11; $rcounter++) {
        $avvchartheight[$rcounter] = $avv[$rcounter] * $avvmultiplier * $chartunits;
        $rvvchartheight[$rcounter] = $rvv[$rcounter] * $rvvmultiplier * $chartunits;
        $ovvchartheight[$rcounter] = $ovv[$rcounter] * $ovvmultiplier * $chartunits;
        if ($avvchartheight[$rcounter] == 0) {
            $avvchartheight[$rcounter] = 1;
        if ($rvvchartheight[$rcounter] == 0) {
            $rvvchartheight[$rcounter] = 1;
        if ($ovvchartheight[$rcounter] == 0) {
            $ovvchartheight[$rcounter] = 1;
    $res = $db->sql_query("SELECT cid, date, hits, name, email, description, filesize, version, homepage, title FROM " . $downloadsprefix . "_downloads WHERE lid='{$lid}'");
    list($cid, $time, $hits, $auth_name, $email, $description, $filesize, $version, $homepage, $ttitle) = $db->sql_fetchrow($res);
    $displaytitle = $ttitle;
    echo '<br />';
    echo "<center><font class=\"title\">" . _DOWNLOADPROFILE . ": <A HREF=\"" . getlink("&amp;d_op=getit&amp;lid={$lid}") . "\">{$displaytitle}</A>";
    newdownloadgraphic(L10NTime::date('d-M-Y', $time . ' 00:00:00', $userinfo['user_dst'], $userinfo['user_timezone']));
    detecteditorial($lid, 1);
    $catResult = $db->sql_query("select title,cdescription,ldescription,parentid from " . $downloadsprefix . "_categories where cid='{$cid}'");
    list($catTitle, $cdescription, $ldescription, $parentid) = $db->sql_fetchrow($catResult);
    $catTitle = getparent($parentid, $catTitle);
    $catTitle = _MAIN . "/{$catTitle}";
    echo "</FONT><br /><br /><B>" . _CATEGORY . ":</B> <A HREF=\"" . getlink("&amp;d_op=viewdownload&amp;cid={$cid}") . "\">{$catTitle}</A></B><br />";
    $ttitle = ereg_replace(" ", "_", $ttitle);
    downl_infomenu_tpl($lid, $ttitle);
    echo "<br /><br /><b><u>" . _DOWNLOADRATINGDET . "</u></b><br />" . "<b>" . _TOTALVOTES . "</B> {$totalvotesDB}<br />" . "<b>" . _OVERALLRATING . ":</B> {$finalrating}<br /><br />" . "<div align=\"justify\" class=\"content\">{$description}</div>";
    if ($auth_name == "") {
        $auth_name = "<i>" . _UNKNOWN . "</i>";
    } else {
        if ($email == "") {
            $auth_name = "{$auth_name}";
        } else {
            $email = ereg_replace("@", " <i>at</i> ", $email);
            $email = ereg_replace("\\.", " <i>dot</i> ", $email);
            $auth_name = "{$auth_name} ({$email})";
    echo "<br /><b>" . _CREDITS_AUTHORS . ":</b> {$auth_name}<br />" . "<b>" . _VERSION . ":</b> {$version} <b>" . _FILESIZE . ":</b> " . CoolSize($filesize) . "</font><br /><br />" . "[ <b><a href=\"" . getlink("&amp;d_op=getit&amp;lid={$lid}") . "\">" . _DOWNLOADNOW . "</a></b> ";
    if ($homepage == "" or $homepage == "http://") {
        echo "]<br /><br />";
    } else {
        echo "| <a href=\"{$homepage}\" target=\"new\">" . _HOMEPAGE . "</a> ]<br /><br />";
    echo "<table align=\"center\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"2\" width=\"455\">" . "<tr><td colspan=\"2\" bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor2}\">" . "<font class=\"content\"><b>" . _REGISTEREDUSERS . "</b></font>" . "</td></tr>" . "<tr>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\">" . "<font class=\"content\">" . _NUMBEROFRATINGS . ": {$regvotes}</font>" . "</td>" . "<td rowspan=\"5\">";
    if ($regvotes == 0) {
        echo "<center><font class=\"content\">" . _NOREGUSERSVOTES . "</font></center>";
    } else {
        echo "<CENTER><table border=\"1\" WIDTH=\"200\">" . "<tr>" . "<td valign=\"top\" align=\"center\" colspan=\"10\" bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor2}\"><font class=\"content\">" . _BREAKDOWNBYVAL . "</font></td>" . "</tr>" . "<tr>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$rvv['1']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$rvvpercent['1']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$rvvchartheight['1']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$rvv['2']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$rvvpercent['2']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$rvvchartheight['2']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$rvv['3']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$rvvpercent['3']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$rvvchartheight['3']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$rvv['4']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$rvvpercent['4']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$rvvchartheight['4']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$rvv['5']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$rvvpercent['5']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$rvvchartheight['5']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$rvv['6']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$rvvpercent['6']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$rvvchartheight['6']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$rvv['7']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$rvvpercent['7']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$rvvchartheight['7']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$rvv['8']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$rvvpercent['8']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$rvvchartheight['8']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$rvv['9']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$rvvpercent['9']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$rvvchartheight['9']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$rvv['10']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$rvvpercent['10']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$rvvchartheight['10']}\"></td>" . "</tr>" . "<tr><td colspan=\"10\" bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor2}\" ALIGN=CENTER>" . "<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"200\"><tr>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">1</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">2</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">3</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">4</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">5</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">6</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">7</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">8</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">9</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">10</font></td>" . "</tr></table></CENTER>" . "</td></tr></table>";
    echo "</td>" . "</tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor2}\"><font class=\"content\">" . _DOWNLOADRATING . ": {$avgRU}</font></td></tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\"><font class=\"content\">" . _HIGHRATING . ": {$topreg}</font></td></tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor2}\"><font class=\"content\">" . _LOWRATING . ": {$bottomreg}</font></td></tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\"><font class=\"content\">" . _NUMOFCOMMENTS . ": {$truecomments}</font></td></tr>" . "<tr><td></td></tr>";
    if (isset($anonweight)) {
        echo "<tr><td valign=\"top\" colspan=\"2\"><font class=\"tiny\"><br /><br />" . $anonweight . ' ' . _TO . ' 1.</font></td></tr>';
    echo "<tr><td colspan=\"2\" bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor2}\"><font class=\"content\"><b>" . _UNREGISTEREDUSERS . "</b></font></td></tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\"><font class=\"content\">" . _NUMBEROFRATINGS . ": {$anonvotes}</font></td>" . "<td rowspan=\"5\">";
    if ($anonvotes == 0) {
        echo "<center><font class=\"content\">" . _NOUNREGUSERSVOTES . "</font></center>";
    } else {
        echo "<CENTER><table border=\"1\" width=\"200\">" . "<tr>" . "<td valign=\"top\" align=\"center\" colspan=\"10\" bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor2}\"><font class=\"content\">" . _BREAKDOWNBYVAL . "</font></td>" . "</tr>" . "<tr>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$avv['1']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$avvpercent['1']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$avvchartheight['1']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$avv['2']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$avvpercent['2']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$avvchartheight['2']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$avv['3']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$avvpercent['3']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$avvchartheight['3']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$avv['4']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$avvpercent['4']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$avvchartheight['4']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$avv['5']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$avvpercent['5']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$avvchartheight['5']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$avv['6']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$avvpercent['6']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$avvchartheight['6']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$avv['7']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$avvpercent['7']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$avvchartheight['7']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$avv['8']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$avvpercent['8']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$avvchartheight['8']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$avv['9']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$avvpercent['9']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$avvchartheight['9']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$avv['10']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$avvpercent['10']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$avvchartheight['10']}\"></td>" . "</tr>" . "<tr><td colspan=\"10\" bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor2}\">" . "<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"200\"><tr>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">1</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">2</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">3</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">4</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">5</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">6</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">7</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">8</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">9</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">10</font></td>" . "</tr></table>" . "</td></tr></table></CENTER>";
    echo "</td>" . "</tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor2}\"><font class=\"content\">" . _DOWNLOADRATING . ": {$avgAU}</font></td></tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\"><font class=\"content\">" . _HIGHRATING . ": {$topanon}</font></td></tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor2}\"><font class=\"content\">" . _LOWRATING . ": {$bottomanon}</font></td></tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\"><font class=\"content\">&nbsp;</font></td></tr>";
    if (isset($useoutsidevoting) && $useoutsidevoting == 1) {
        echo "<tr><td valign=top colspan=\"2\"><font class=\"tiny\"><br /><br />" . _WEIGHOUTNOTE . " {$outsideweight} " . _TO . " 1.</font></td></tr>" . "<tr><td colspan=\"2\" bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor2}\"><font class=\"content\"><b>" . _OUTSIDEVOTERS . "</b></font></td></tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\"><font class=\"content\">" . _NUMBEROFRATINGS . ": {$outsidevotes}</font></td>" . "<td rowspan=\"5\">";
        if ($outsidevotes == 0) {
            echo "<center><font class=\"content\">" . _NOOUTSIDEVOTES . "</font></center>";
        } else {
            echo "<CENTER><table border=\"1\" width=\"200\">" . "<tr>" . "<td valign=\"top\" align=\"center\" colspan=\"10\" bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor2}\"><font class=\"content\">" . _BREAKDOWNBYVAL . "</font></td>" . "</tr>" . "<tr>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$ovv['1']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$ovvpercent['1']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$ovvchartheight['1']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$ovv['2']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$ovvpercent['2']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$ovvchartheight['2']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$ovv['3']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$ovvpercent['3']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$ovvchartheight['3']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$ovv['4']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$ovvpercent['4']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$ovvchartheight['4']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$ovv['5']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$ovvpercent['5']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$ovvchartheight['5']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$ovv['6']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$ovvpercent['6']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$ovvchartheight['6']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$ovv['7']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$ovvpercent['7']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$ovvchartheight['7']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$ovv['8']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$ovvpercent['8']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$ovvchartheight['8']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$ovv['9']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$ovvpercent['9']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$ovvchartheight['9']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$ovv['10']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$ovvpercent['10']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$ovvchartheight['10']}\"></td>" . "</tr>" . "<tr><td colspan=\"10\" bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor2}\">" . "<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"200\"><tr>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">1</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">2</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">3</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">4</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">5</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">6</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">7</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">8</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">9</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">10</font></td>" . "</tr></table>" . "</td></tr></table></CENTER>";
        echo "</td>" . "</tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor2}\"><font class=\"content\">" . _DOWNLOADRATING . ": {$avgOU}</font></td></tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\"><font class=\"content\">" . _HIGHRATING . ": {$topoutside}</font></td></tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor2}\"><font class=\"content\">" . _LOWRATING . ": {$bottomoutside}</font></td></tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\"><font class=\"content\">&nbsp;</font></td></tr>";
    echo "</table><br /><br /><center>";
    echo "</center>";
    include "footer.php";
Beispiel #9
function viewdownload()
    global $downloadsprefix, $db, $perpage, $module_name, $bgcolor1, $bgcolor3, $show_links_num;
    $cid = intval($_GET['cid']);
    $min = isset($_GET['min']) ? intval($_GET['min']) : 0;
    $orderby = convertorderbyin($_GET['orderby']);
    $max = $min + $perpage;
    include "header.php";
    $result = $db->sql_query("SELECT title,cdescription,ldescription,parentid FROM " . $downloadsprefix . "_categories WHERE cid={$cid}");
    list($title, $cdescription, $ldescription, $parentid) = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
    $title = getparentlink($parentid, $title);
    $title = "<a href=" . getlink() . ">" . _MAIN . "</a>/{$title}";
    echo '<br />';
    if ($ldescription != '') {
        echo "{$ldescription}";
        echo '<br />';
    if ($cdescription != '') {
        $cdescription = "<br />" . $cdescription;
    echo "<center><font class=\"title\"><b>" . _CATEGORY . ": {$title}</b></font>{$cdescription}</center>";
    echo "<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"10\" cellpadding=\"0\" align=\"center\"><tr>";
    $result2 = $db->sql_query("SELECT cid, title, cdescription FROM " . $downloadsprefix . "_categories WHERE parentid={$cid} order by title");
    $count = 0;
    while (list($cid2, $title2, $cdescription2) = $db->sql_fetchrow($result2)) {
        if ($show_links_num == 1) {
            $cresult = $db->sql_query("SELECT * FROM " . $downloadsprefix . "_downloads WHERE cid={$cid2}");
            $cnumrows = $db->sql_numrows($cresult);
            $cnumm = " ({$cnumrows})";
        } else {
            $cnum = "";
        if ($cnumrows > 0) {
            $folder = "modules/Downloads/images/openfolder.gif";
        } else {
            $folder = "modules/Downloads/images/closedfolder.gif";
        if (can_admin('downloads')) {
            $folderImg = "<A HREF=\"" . adminlink("{$module_name}&mode=DownloadsModCat&amp;cat={$cid2}") . "\"><IMG SRC=\"{$folder}\" BORDER=0 ALT=\"" . _EDIT . "\"></A>";
        } else {
            $folderImg = "<IMG SRC=\"{$folder}\" BORDER=0 ALT=\"{$title2}\">";
        echo "<td valign=\"top\"><font class=\"title\">{$folderImg} <a href=\"" . getlink("&amp;d_op=viewdownload&amp;cid={$cid2}") . "\"><b>{$title2}</b></a></font>{$cnumm}";
        if ($cdescription2) {
            echo "<br /><font class=\"content\">{$cdescription2}</font><br />";
        } else {
            echo '<br />';
        $result3 = $db->sql_query("SELECT cid, title FROM " . $downloadsprefix . "_categories WHERE parentid={$cid2} order by title limit 0,3");
        $space = 0;
        while (list($cid3, $title3) = $db->sql_fetchrow($result3)) {
            if ($space > 0) {
                echo ",&nbsp;";
            if ($show_links_num == 1) {
                $cresult2 = $db->sql_query("SELECT * FROM " . $downloadsprefix . "_downloads WHERE cid={$cid3}");
                $cnumrows2 = $db->sql_numrows($cresult2);
                $cnum = " ({$cnumrows2})";
            } else {
                $cnum = "";
            echo "<font class=\"content\"><a href=\"" . getlink("&amp;d_op=viewdownload&amp;cid={$cid3}") . "\">{$title3}</a></font>{$cnum}";
        if ($count < 1) {
            echo "</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>";
            $dum = 1;
        if ($count == 2) {
            echo "</td></tr><tr>";
            $count = 0;
            $dum = 0;
    if ($dum == 1) {
        echo "</tr></table>";
    } elseif ($dum == 0) {
        echo "<td></td></tr></table>";
    echo "<hr noshade size=\"1\">";
    $orderbyTrans = convertorderbytrans($orderby);
    echo "<center><font class=\"content\">" . _SORTDOWNLOADSBY . ": " . _TITLE . " (<a href=\"" . getlink("&amp;d_op=viewdownload&amp;cid={$cid}&amp;orderby=titleA") . "\">A</a>\\<a href=\"" . getlink("&amp;d_op=viewdownload&amp;cid={$cid}&amp;orderby=titleD") . "\">D</a>) " . _DATE . " (<a href=\"" . getlink("&amp;d_op=viewdownload&amp;cid={$cid}&amp;orderby=dateA") . "\">A</a>\\<a href=\"" . getlink("&amp;d_op=viewdownload&amp;cid={$cid}&amp;orderby=dateD") . "\">D</a>) " . _RATING . " (<a href=\"" . getlink("&amp;d_op=viewdownload&amp;cid={$cid}&amp;orderby=ratingA") . "\">A</a>\\<a href=\"" . getlink("&amp;d_op=viewdownload&amp;cid={$cid}&amp;orderby=ratingD") . "\">D</a>) " . _POPULARITY . " (<a href=\"" . getlink("&amp;d_op=viewdownload&amp;cid={$cid}&amp;orderby=hitsA") . "\">A</a>\\<a href=\"" . getlink("&amp;d_op=viewdownload&amp;cid={$cid}&amp;orderby=hitsD") . "\">D</a>)" . "<br /><b>" . _RESSORTED . ": {$orderbyTrans}</b></font></center>";
    echo "<hr noshade size=\"1\">";
    $result = $db->sql_query("SELECT lid, title, url, description, date, hits, downloadratingsummary, totalvotes, totalcomments, filesize, version, homepage FROM " . $downloadsprefix . "_downloads WHERE cid={$cid} order by {$orderby} limit {$min},{$perpage} ");
    $fullcountresult = $db->sql_query("SELECT lid FROM " . $downloadsprefix . "_downloads WHERE cid={$cid}");
    $totalselecteddownloads = $db->sql_numrows($fullcountresult);
    echo "<table width=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"10\" border=\"0\"><tr><td><font class=\"content\">";
    $x = 0;
    $color = $bgcolor3;
    while (list($lid, $title, $url, $description, $time, $hits, $downloadratingsummary, $totalvotes, $totalcomments, $filesize, $version, $homepage) = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) {
        $downloadratingsummary = number_format($downloadratingsummary, $mainvotedecimal);
        $color = $color == $bgcolor3 ? $bgcolor1 : $bgcolor3;
        echo "<TABLE BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=2 CELLSPACING=0 WIDTH=100%><TR BGCOLOR=\"{$color}\"><TD>";
        if (can_admin('downloads')) {
            if (eregi("http", $url)) {
                echo "<a href=\"" . adminlink("{$module_name}&mode=DownloadsModDownload&amp;lid={$lid}") . "\"><img src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/icon30.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"" . _EDIT . "\"></a>";
            } else {
                echo "<a href=\"" . adminlink("{$module_name}&mode=DownloadsModDownload&amp;lid={$lid}") . "\"><img src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/download.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"" . _EDIT . "\"></a>";
        } else {
            if (eregi("http", $url)) {
                echo "<img src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/icon30.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\">";
            } else {
                echo "<img src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/download.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\">";
        echo "</td><td width=\"100%\" class=\"title\" valign=\"top\"><a href=\"" . getlink("&amp;d_op=getit&amp;lid={$lid}") . "\"><B>{$title}</b></a>";
        $datetime = formatDateTime($time . ' 00:00:00', _DATESTRING3);
        detecteditorial($lid, 1);
        echo "</td></tr><TR BGCOLOR=\"{$color}\"><TD COLSPAN=2>";
        echo "<DIV ALIGN=\"JUSTIFY\"><b>" . _DESCRIPTION . ":</b> {$description}</td></tr><TR BGCOLOR=\"{$color}\"><TD COLSPAN=2>";
        echo "<b>" . _VERSION . ":</b> {$version} <b>" . _FILESIZE . ":</b> " . CoolSize($filesize) . "<br />";
        echo "<b>" . _ADDEDON . ":</b> {$datetime} <b>" . _UDOWNLOADS . ":</b> {$hits}";
        $transfertitle = str_replace(" ", "_", $title);
        /* voting & comments stats */
        if ($totalvotes == 1) {
            $votestring = _VOTE;
        } else {
            $votestring = _VOTES;
        if ($downloadratingsummary != "0" || $downloadratingsummary != "0.0") {
            echo " <b>" . _RATING . ":</b> {$downloadratingsummary} ({$totalvotes} {$votestring})";
        if ($homepage == "") {
            echo '<br />';
        } else {
            echo "<br /><a href=\"{$homepage}\" target=\"new\">" . _HOMEPAGE . "</a> | ";
        echo "<a href=\"" . getlink("&amp;d_op=ratedownload&amp;lid={$lid}") . "\">" . _RATERESOURCE . "</a>";
        if (is_user()) {
            echo " | <a href=\"" . getlink("&amp;d_op=brokendownload&amp;lid={$lid}") . "\">" . _REPORTBROKEN . "</a>";
        echo " | <a href=\"" . getlink("&amp;d_op=viewdownloaddetails&amp;lid={$lid}") . "\">" . _DETAILS . "</a>";
        if ($totalcomments != 0) {
            echo " | <a href=\"" . getlink("&amp;d_op=viewdownloadcomments&amp;lid={$lid}") . "\">" . _SCOMMENTS . " ({$totalcomments})</a>";
        detecteditorial($lid, 0);
        echo "</div></td></tr></table><br />";
    echo "</font>";
    $orderby = convertorderbyout($orderby);
    /* Calculates how many pages exist. Which page one should be on, etc... */
    $downloadpagesint = $totalselecteddownloads / $perpage;
    $downloadpageremainder = $totalselecteddownloads % $perpage;
    if ($downloadpageremainder != 0) {
        $downloadpages = ceil($downloadpagesint);
        if ($totalselecteddownloads < $perpage) {
            $downloadpageremainder = 0;
    } else {
        $downloadpages = $downloadpagesint;
    /* Page Numbering */
    if ($downloadpages != 1 && $downloadpages != 0) {
        echo "<br /><br />";
        echo _SELECTPAGE . ": ";
        $prev = $min - $perpage;
        if ($prev >= 0) {
            echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>[ <a href=\"" . getlink("&amp;d_op=viewdownload&amp;cid={$cid}&amp;min={$prev}&amp;orderby={$orderby}") . "\">";
            echo " &lt;&lt; " . _PREVIOUSPAGE . "</a> ]</b> ";
        $counter = 1;
        $currentpage = $max / $perpage;
        while ($counter <= $downloadpages) {
            $cpage = $counter;
            $mintemp = $perpage * $counter - $perpage;
            if ($counter == $currentpage) {
                echo "<b>{$counter}</b>&nbsp";
            } else {
                echo "<a href=\"" . getlink("&amp;d_op=viewdownload&amp;cid={$cid}&amp;min={$mintemp}&amp;orderby={$orderby}") . "\">{$counter}</a> ";
        $next = $min + $perpage;
        if ($x >= $perpage) {
            echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>[ <a href=\"" . getlink("&amp;d_op=viewdownload&amp;cid={$cid}&amp;min={$max}&amp;orderby={$orderby}") . "\">" . _NEXTPAGE . " >></a> ]</b> ";
    echo "</td></tr></table>";
    include "footer.php";
Beispiel #10
function MostPopular()
    global $downloadsprefix, $db, $module_name, $mainvotedecimal;
    include "header.php";
    echo '<br />';
    echo "<table border=\"0\" width=\"100%\"><tr><td align=\"center\">";
    $mostpopdownloads = isset($_GET['ratenum']) ? intval($_GET['ratenum']) : 10;
    if (isset($_GET['ratetype']) && $_GET['ratetype'] == 'percent') {
        $topdownloadspercent = $mostpopdownloads;
        list($totalmostpopdownloads) = $db->sql_ufetchrow("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . $downloadsprefix . "_downloads", SQL_NUM, __FILE__);
        $mostpopdownloads = $mostpopdownloads / 100;
        $mostpopdownloads = $totalmostpopdownloads * $mostpopdownloads;
        $mostpopdownloads = round($mostpopdownloads);
        echo "<center><font class=\"option\"><b>" . _MOSTPOPULAR . " {$topdownloadspercent}% (" . _OFALL . " {$totalmostpopdownloads} " . _DOWNLOADS . ")</b></font></center><br />";
    } else {
        echo "<center><font class=\"option\"><b>" . _MOSTPOPULAR . " {$mostpopdownloads}</b></font></center><br />";
    echo "<center>" . _SHOWTOP . ": [ <a href=\"" . getlink("&amp;d_op=MostPopular&amp;ratenum=10&amp;ratetype=num") . "\">10</a> - " . "<a href=\"" . getlink("&amp;d_op=MostPopular&amp;ratenum=25&amp;ratetype=num") . "\">25</a> - " . "<a href=\"" . getlink("&amp;d_op=MostPopular&amp;ratenum=50&amp;ratetype=num") . "\">50</a> | " . "<a href=\"" . getlink("&amp;d_op=MostPopular&amp;ratenum=1&amp;ratetype=percent") . "\">1%</a> - " . "<a href=\"" . getlink("&amp;d_op=MostPopular&amp;ratenum=5&amp;ratetype=percent") . "\">5%</a> - " . "<a href=\"" . getlink("&amp;d_op=MostPopular&amp;ratenum=10&amp;ratetype=percent") . "\">10%</a> ]</center><br /><br /></td></tr>";
    $result = $db->sql_query("SELECT lid, cid, title, description, date, hits, url, downloadratingsummary, totalvotes, totalcomments, filesize, version, homepage FROM " . $downloadsprefix . "_downloads order by hits DESC limit 0, {$mostpopdownloads}");
    echo "<tr><td class=\"content\">";
    while (list($lid, $cid, $title, $description, $time, $hits, $url, $downloadratingsummary, $totalvotes, $totalcomments, $filesize, $version, $homepage) = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) {
        $downloadratingsummary = number_format($downloadratingsummary, $mainvotedecimal);
        if (can_admin('downloads')) {
            if (eregi("http", $url)) {
                echo "<a href=\"" . adminlink("{$module_name}&mode=DownloadsModDownload&amp;lid={$lid}") . "\"><img src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/icon30.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"" . _EDIT . "\" /></a>";
            } else {
                echo "<a href=\"" . adminlink("{$module_name}&mode=DownloadsModDownload&amp;lid={$lid}") . "\"><img src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/download.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"" . _EDIT . "\" /></a>";
        } else {
            if (eregi("http", $url)) {
                echo "<img src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/icon30.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" />";
            } else {
                echo "<img src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/download.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" />";
        echo "&nbsp;<a href=\"" . getlink("&amp;d_op=getit&amp;lid={$lid}") . "\" class=\"title\">{$title}</a>";
        $datetime = formatDateTime($time . ' 00:00:00', _DATESTRING3);
        detecteditorial($lid, 1);
        echo '<br />';
        echo "<b>" . _DESCRIPTION . ":</b> {$description}<br />";
        echo "<b>" . _VERSION . ":</b> {$version} <b>" . _FILESIZE . ":</b> " . CoolSize($filesize) . "<br />";
        echo "<b>" . _ADDEDON . ":</b> {$datetime} <b>" . _UDOWNLOADS . ":</b> <b>{$hits}</b>";
        $transfertitle = str_replace(" ", "_", $title);
        /* voting & comments stats */
        if ($totalvotes == 1) {
            $votestring = _VOTE;
        } else {
            $votestring = _VOTES;
        if ($downloadratingsummary != "0" || $downloadratingsummary != "0.0") {
            echo " <b>" . _RATING . ":</b> {$downloadratingsummary} ({$totalvotes} {$votestring})";
        echo '<br />';
        $result2 = $db->sql_query("SELECT title FROM " . $downloadsprefix . "_categories WHERE cid={$cid}");
        list($ctitle) = $db->sql_fetchrow($result2);
        $ctitle = getparent($cid, $ctitle);
        echo "<b>" . _CATEGORY . ":</b> <a href=\"" . getlink("&amp;d_op=viewdownload&amp;cid={$cid}") . "\">{$ctitle}</a>";
        if ($homepage == "") {
            echo '<br />';
        } else {
            echo "<br /><a href=\"{$homepage}\" target=\"new\">" . _HOMEPAGE . "</a> | ";
        echo "<a href=\"" . getlink("&amp;d_op=ratedownload&amp;lid={$lid}") . "\">" . _RATERESOURCE . "</a>";
        if (is_user()) {
            echo " | <a href=\"" . getlink("&amp;d_op=brokendownload&amp;lid={$lid}") . "\">" . _REPORTBROKEN . "</a>";
        echo " | <a href=\"" . getlink("&amp;d_op=viewdownloaddetails&amp;lid={$lid}") . "\">" . _DETAILS . "</a>";
        if ($totalcomments != 0) {
            echo " | <a href=\"" . getlink("&amp;d_op=viewdownloadcomments&amp;lid={$lid}") . "\">" . _SCOMMENTS . " ({$totalcomments})</a>";
        detecteditorial($lid, 0);
        echo "<br /><br />";
    echo "</td></tr></table>";
    include "footer.php";
function p_get_file($match, $directory, $level)
    // $directory = str_replace (" ", "%20", $directory);
    global $config, $strS, $strConfirmEffacerFile, $s_joueur;
    $cur_dir = $config['download_path'] . "/{$match}/{$directory}";
    $line_file = array();
    $cur_dir = str_replace("//", "/", $cur_dir);
    $nb_file = get_nb_file($cur_dir);
    $i = 0;
    $handle = opendir($cur_dir);
    while ($file = readdir($handle)) {
        if ($file != "." && $file != "..") {
            // Que des fichiers
            $filelist[] = $file;
    if ($filelist) {
    for ($f = 0; $f < count($filelist); $f++) {
        $file = $filelist[$f];
        if (p_is_file($file)) {
            $file_name = $file;
            $file_path = $cur_dir . $file;
            $file_size = filesize($file_path);
            $file_size = CoolSize($file_size);
            if (p_is_last($i, $nb_file)) {
                $image_l = "images/browser/b_vert_last_file.gif";
            } else {
                $image_l = "images/browser/b_vert_file.gif";
            $image = get_type($file_name);
            $b_vert = "";
            $b_vert = p_level($b_vert, $level, $directory);
            $line_file[$level] .= "\r\n\t\t\t\t  <tr align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\">\r\n\t\t\t\t    <td nowrap valign=\"middle\" colspan=\"2\">{$b_vert}<font face=\"Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><img src=\"{$image_l}\" width=\"15\" height=\"20\" align=\"absmiddle\" border=\"0\"><a href=\"{$file_path}\" target=\"_blank\">{$image}</a><a href=\"{$file_path}\" target=\"_blank\">{$file_name}</a>";
            if ($grade['a'] == 'a' || $grade['b'] == 'b' || $grade['t'] == 't' || $grade['u'] == 'u') {
                $line_file[$level] .= "&nbsp;<a href=\"?page=matchs_browser&op=delete&filename={$file_name}&match={$match}&directory={$directory}&header=win\" onclick=\"return confirm('{$strConfirmEffacerFile}');\">[{$strS}]</a>";
            $line_file[$level] .= "</font></td>\r\n\t\t\t\t    <td width=\"100\" align=\"left\"><font face=\"Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">{$file_size}</font></td>\r\n\t\t\t\t  </tr>\r\n\t\t\t";
    return $line_file;
Beispiel #12
function TopRated()
    global $downloadsprefix, $db, $module_name, $downloadvotemin, $topdownloads;
    include "header.php";
    echo '<br />';
    echo "<table border=\"0\" width=\"100%\"><tr><td align=\"center\">";
    if (isset($_GET['ratenum']) && isset($_GET['ratetype'])) {
        $topdownloads = intval($_GET['ratenum']);
        if ($_GET['ratetype'] == "percent") {
            $topdownloadspercentrigger = 1;
    if ($topdownloadspercentrigger == 1) {
        $topdownloadspercent = $topdownloads;
        list($totalrateddownloads) = $db->sql_ufetchrow("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . $downloadsprefix . "_downloads WHERE downloadratingsummary != 0", SQL_NUM, __FILE__);
        $topdownloads = $topdownloads / 100;
        $topdownloads = $totalrateddownloads * $topdownloads;
        $topdownloads = round($topdownloads);
    if ($topdownloadspercentrigger == 1) {
        echo "<center><font class=\"option\"><b>" . _DBESTRATED . " {$topdownloadspercent}% (" . _OF . " {$totalrateddownloads} " . _TRATEDDOWNLOADS . ")</b></font></center><br />";
    } else {
        echo "<center><font class=\"option\"><b>" . _DBESTRATED . " {$topdownloads} </b></font></center><br />";
    echo "</td></tr>" . "<tr><td><center>" . _NOTE . " {$downloadvotemin} " . _TVOTESREQ . "<br />" . _SHOWTOP . ":  [ <a href=\"" . getlink("&amp;d_op=TopRated&amp;ratenum=10&amp;ratetype=num") . "\">10</a> - " . "<a href=\"" . getlink("&amp;d_op=TopRated&amp;ratenum=25&amp;ratetype=num") . "\">25</a> - " . "<a href=\"" . getlink("&amp;d_op=TopRated&amp;ratenum=50&amp;ratetype=num") . "\">50</a> | " . "<a href=\"" . getlink("&amp;d_op=TopRated&amp;ratenum=1&amp;ratetype=percent") . "\">1%</a> - " . "<a href=\"" . getlink("&amp;d_op=TopRated&amp;ratenum=5&amp;ratetype=percent") . "\">5%</a> - " . "<a href=\"" . getlink("&amp;d_op=TopRated&amp;ratenum=10&amp;ratetype=percent") . "\">10%</a> ]</center><br /><br /></td></tr>";
    $sql = "SELECT lid, cid, title, description, date, hits, url, downloadratingsummary, totalvotes, totalcomments, filesize, version, homepage FROM " . $downloadsprefix . "_downloads WHERE downloadratingsummary != 0 AND totalvotes >= {$downloadvotemin} ORDER BY downloadratingsummary DESC LIMIT 0,{$topdownloads}";
    $result = $db->sql_query($sql);
    echo '<tr><td>';
    while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) {
        $lid = $row['lid'];
        $cid = $row['cid'];
        $title = $row['title'];
        $description = $row['description'];
        $time = $row['date'];
        $hits = $row['hits'];
        $url = $row['url'];
        $downloadratingsummary = number_format($row['downloadratingsummary'], $mainvotedecimal);
        $totalvotes = $row['totalvotes'];
        $totalcomments = $row['totalcomments'];
        $filesize = $row['filesize'];
        $version = $row['version'];
        $homepage = $row['homepage'];
        if (can_admin('downloads')) {
            if (eregi("http", $url)) {
                echo "<a href=\"" . adminlink("{$module_name}&mode=DownloadsModDownload&amp;lid={$lid}") . "\"><img src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/icon30.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"" . _EDIT . "\"></a>";
            } else {
                echo "<a href=\"" . adminlink("{$module_name}&amp;mode=DownloadsModDownload&amp;lid={$lid}") . "\"><img src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/download.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"" . _EDIT . "\"></a>";
        } else {
            if (eregi("http", $url)) {
                echo "<img src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/icon30.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\">";
            } else {
                echo "<img src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/download.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\">";
        echo "&nbsp;<a href=\"" . getlink("&amp;d_op=getit&amp;lid={$lid}") . "\" class=\"title\">{$title}</a>";
        $datetime = formatDateTime($time . ' 00:00:00', _DATESTRING3);
        detecteditorial($lid, 1);
        echo '<br />';
        echo "<b>" . _DESCRIPTION . ":</b> {$description}<br />";
        echo "<b>" . _VERSION . ":</b> {$version} <b>" . _FILESIZE . ":</b> " . CoolSize($filesize) . "<br />";
        echo "<b>" . _ADDEDON . ":</b> {$datetime} <b>" . _UDOWNLOADS . ":</b> {$hits}";
        $transfertitle = str_replace(" ", "_", $title);
        /* voting & comments stats */
        if ($totalvotes == 1) {
            $votestring = _VOTE;
        } else {
            $votestring = _VOTES;
        if ($downloadratingsummary != "0" || $downloadratingsummary != "0.0") {
            echo " <b>" . _RATING . ":</b> <b>{$downloadratingsummary}</b> ({$totalvotes} {$votestring})";
        echo '<br />';
        $sql2 = "SELECT title FROM " . $downloadsprefix . "_categories WHERE cid={$cid}";
        $result2 = $db->sql_query($sql2);
        $row2 = $db->sql_fetchrow($result2);
        $ctitle = $row2[title];
        $ctitle = getparent($cid, $ctitle);
        echo "<b>" . _CATEGORY . ":</b> <a href=\"" . getlink("&amp;d_op=viewdownload&cid={$cid}") . "\">{$ctitle}</a><br />";
        if ($homepage != "") {
            echo "<br /><a href=\"{$homepage}\" target=\"new\">" . _HOMEPAGE . "</a> | ";
        echo "<a href=\"" . getlink("&amp;d_op=ratedownload&amp;lid={$lid}") . "\">" . _RATERESOURCE . "</a>";
        if (is_user()) {
            echo " | <a href=\"" . getlink("&amp;d_op=brokendownload&amp;lid={$lid}") . "\">" . _REPORTBROKEN . "</a>";
        echo " | <a href=\"" . getlink("&amp;d_op=viewdownloaddetails&amp;lid={$lid}") . "\">" . _DETAILS . "</a>";
        if ($totalcomments != 0) {
            echo " | <a href=\"" . getlink("&amp;d_op=viewdownloadcomments&amp;lid={$lid}") . "\">" . _SCOMMENTS . " ({$totalcomments})</a>";
        detecteditorial($lid, 0);
        echo "<br /><br />";
    echo "</td></tr></table>";
    require 'footer.php';
Beispiel #13
function search()
    global $bgcolor2, $downloadsprefix, $downloadsresults, $db, $mainvotedecimal, $module_name;
    include "header.php";
    $min = isset($_GET['min']) ? intval($_GET['min']) : 0;
    $orderby = convertorderbyin($_GET['orderby']);
    if (isset($_GET['show']) && intval($_GET['show']) != 0) {
        $downloadsresults = intval($_GET['show']);
    } else {
        $show = $downloadsresults;
    $max = $min + $downloadsresults;
    $query = isset($_POST['query']) ? $_POST['query'] : $_GET['query'];
    $the_query = htmlprepare($query);
    $query = Fix_Quotes($query, true);
    $result = $db->sql_query("SELECT lid, cid, title, url, description, date, hits, downloadratingsummary, totalvotes, totalcomments, filesize, version, homepage FROM " . $downloadsprefix . "_downloads WHERE title LIKE '%{$query}%' OR description LIKE '%{$query}%' ORDER BY {$orderby} LIMIT {$min},{$downloadsresults}");
    $fullcountresult = $db->sql_query("SELECT lid, title, description, date, hits, downloadratingsummary, totalvotes, totalcomments FROM " . $downloadsprefix . "_downloads WHERE title LIKE '%{$query}%' OR description LIKE '%{$query}%' ");
    $totalselecteddownloads = $db->sql_numrows($fullcountresult);
    $nrows = $db->sql_numrows($result);
    $x = 0;
    echo '<br />';
    if ($query != "") {
        if ($nrows > 0) {
            echo "<font class=\"option\">" . _SEARCHRESULTS4 . ": <b>{$the_query}</b></font><br /><br />" . "<table width=\"100%\" bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor2}\"><tr><td><font class=\"option\"><b>" . _USUBCATEGORIES . "</b></font></td></tr></table>";
            $result2 = $db->sql_query("SELECT cid, title FROM " . $downloadsprefix . "_categories WHERE title LIKE '%{$query}%' ORDER BY title DESC");
            while (list($cid, $stitle) = $db->sql_fetchrow($result2)) {
                $res = $db->sql_query("SELECT * FROM " . $downloadsprefix . "_downloads WHERE cid={$cid}");
                $numrows = $db->sql_numrows($res);
                $result3 = $db->sql_query("SELECT cid,title,parentid FROM " . $downloadsprefix . "_categories WHERE cid={$cid}");
                list($cid3, $title3, $parentid3) = $db->sql_fetchrow($result3);
                if ($parentid3 > 0) {
                    $title3 = getparent($parentid3, $title3);
                $title3 = ereg_replace($query, "<b>{$query}</b>", $title3);
            echo "<br /><table width=\"100%\" bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor2}\"><tr><td><font class=\"option\"><b>" . _UDOWNLOADS . "</b></font></td></tr></table>";
            $orderbyTrans = convertorderbytrans($orderby);
            echo "<center><font class=\"content\">" . _SORTDOWNLOADSBY . ": " . _TITLE . " (<a href=\"" . getlink("&amp;d_op=search&amp;query={$the_query}&amp;orderby=titleA") . "\">A</a>\\<a href=\"" . getlink("&amp;d_op=search&amp;query={$the_query}&amp;orderby=titleD") . "\">D</a>) " . _DATE . " (<a href=\"" . getlink("&amp;d_op=search&amp;query={$the_query}&amp;orderby=dateA") . "\">A</a>\\<a href=\"" . getlink("&amp;d_op=search&amp;query={$the_query}&amp;orderby=dateD") . "\">D</a>) " . _RATING . " (<a href=\"" . getlink("&amp;d_op=search&amp;query={$the_query}&amp;orderby=ratingA") . "\">A</a>\\<a href=\"" . getlink("&amp;d_op=search&amp;query={$the_query}&amp;orderby=ratingD") . "\">D</a>) " . _POPULARITY . " (<a href=\"" . getlink("&amp;d_op=search&amp;query={$the_query}&amp;orderby=hitsA") . "\">A</a>\\<a href=\"" . getlink("&amp;d_op=search&amp;query={$the_query}&amp;orderby=hitsD") . "\">D</a>)" . "<br />" . _RESSORTED . ": {$orderbyTrans}</center><br /><br /><br />";
            while (list($lid, $cid, $title, $url, $description, $time, $hits, $downloadratingsummary, $totalvotes, $totalcomments, $filesize, $version, $homepage) = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) {
                $downloadratingsummary = number_format($downloadratingsummary, $mainvotedecimal);
                $transfertitle = str_replace(" ", "_", $title);
                $title = ereg_replace($query, "<b>{$query}</b>", $title);
                if (can_admin('downloads')) {
                    if (eregi("http", $url)) {
                        echo "<a href=\"" . adminlink("{$module_name}&mode=DownloadsModDownload&amp;lid={$lid}") . "\"><img src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/icon30.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"" . _EDIT . "\"></a>";
                    } else {
                        echo "<a href=\"" . adminlink("{$module_name}&mode=DownloadsModDownload&amp;lid={$lid}") . "\"><img src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/download.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"" . _EDIT . "\"></a>";
                } else {
                    if (eregi("http", $url)) {
                        echo "<img src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/icon30.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\">";
                    } else {
                        echo "<img src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/download.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\">";
                echo "&nbsp;<a href=\"" . getlink("&amp;d_op=getit&amp;lid={$lid}") . "\" class=\"title\">{$title}</a>";
                $datetime = formatDateTime($time . ' 00:00:00', _DATESTRING3);
                detecteditorial($lid, 1);
                echo '<br />';
                $description = ereg_replace($query, "<b>{$query}</b>", $description);
                echo "<b>" . _DESCRIPTION . ":</b> {$description}<br />";
                echo "<b>" . _VERSION . ":</b> {$version} <b>" . _FILESIZE . ":</b> " . CoolSize($filesize) . "<br />";
                echo "<b>" . _ADDEDON . ":</b> {$datetime} <b>" . _UDOWNLOADS . ":</b> {$hits}";
                /* voting & comments stats */
                if ($totalvotes == 1) {
                    $votestring = _VOTE;
                } else {
                    $votestring = _VOTES;
                if ($downloadratingsummary != "0" || $downloadratingsummary != "0.0") {
                    echo " <b>" . _RATING . ":</b> {$downloadratingsummary} ({$totalvotes} {$votestring})";
                echo '<br />';
                $result3 = $db->sql_query("SELECT cid,title,parentid FROM " . $downloadsprefix . "_categories WHERE cid={$cid}");
                list($cid3, $title3, $parentid3) = $db->sql_fetchrow($result3);
                if ($parentid3 > 0) {
                    $title3 = getparent($parentid3, $title3);
                echo "<B>" . _CATEGORY . ":</B> <A HREF=\"" . getlink("&amp;d_op=viewdownload&amp;cid={$cid}") . "\">{$title3}</A>";
                if ($homepage == "") {
                    echo '<br />';
                } else {
                    echo "<br /><a href=\"{$homepage}\" target=\"new\">" . _HOMEPAGE . "</a> | ";
                echo "<a href=\"" . getlink("&amp;d_op=ratedownload&amp;lid={$lid}") . "\">" . _RATERESOURCE . "</a>";
                echo " | <a href=\"" . getlink("&amp;d_op=viewdownloaddetails&amp;lid={$lid}") . "\">" . _DETAILS . "</a>";
                if ($totalcomments != 0) {
                    echo " | <a href=\"" . getlink("&amp;d_op=viewdownloadcomments&amp;lid={$lid}") . "\">" . _SCOMMENTS . " ({$totalcomments})</a>";
                detecteditorial($lid, 0);
                echo "<br /><br />";
            echo "</font>";
            $orderby = convertorderbyout($orderby);
        } else {
            echo "<br /><br /><center><font class=\"option\"><b>" . _NOMATCHES . "</b></font><br /><br />" . _GOBACK . "<br /></center>";
        /* Calculates how many pages exist.  Which page one should be on, etc... */
        $downloadpagesint = $totalselecteddownloads / $downloadsresults;
        $downloadpageremainder = $totalselecteddownloads % $downloadsresults;
        if ($downloadpageremainder != 0) {
            $downloadpages = ceil($downloadpagesint);
            if ($totalselecteddownloads < $downloadsresults) {
                $downloadpageremainder = 0;
        } else {
            $downloadpages = $downloadpagesint;
        /* Page Numbering */
        if ($downloadpages != 1 && $downloadpages != 0) {
            echo "<br /><br />" . _SELECTPAGE . ": ";
            $prev = $min - $downloadsresults;
            if ($prev >= 0) {
                echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>[ <a href=\"" . getlink("&amp;d_op=search&amp;query={$the_query}&amp;min={$prev}&amp;orderby={$orderby}&amp;show={$show}") . "\">" . " << " . _PREVIOUSPAGE . "</a> ]</b> ";
            $counter = 1;
            $currentpage = $max / $downloadsresults;
            while ($counter <= $downloadpages) {
                $cpage = $counter;
                $mintemp = $downloadsresults * $counter - $downloadsresults;
                if ($counter == $currentpage) {
                    echo "<b>{$counter}</b> ";
                } else {
                    echo "<a href=\"" . getlink("&amp;d_op=search&amp;query={$the_query}&amp;min={$mintemp}&amp;orderby={$orderby}&amp;show={$show}") . "\">{$counter}</a> ";
            $next = $min + $downloadsresults;
            if ($x >= $downloadsresults) {
                echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>[ <a href=\"" . getlink("&amp;d_op=search&amp;query={$the_query}&amp;min={$max}&amp;orderby={$orderby}&amp;show={$show}") . "\">" . _NEXTPAGE . " >></a> ]</b>";
        echo "<br /><br /><center><font class=\"content\">" . _TRY2SEARCH . " \"{$the_query}\" " . _INOTHERSENGINES . "<br />" . "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\";sc=on&amp;hl=on&amp;act=2006&amp;par=0&amp;q={$the_query}&amp;kl=XX&amp;stype=stext\">Alta Vista</a> - " . "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{$the_query}&amp;DU=days&amp;SW=web\">HotBot</a> - " . "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{$the_query}\">Infoseek</a> - " . "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{$the_query}\">Deja News</a> - " . "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{$the_query}&amp;maxhits=20\">Lycos</a> - " . "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{$the_query}\">Yahoo</a>" . "<br />" . "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\";query={$the_query}&amp;language=&amp;advanced=&amp;urlonly=&amp;withid=\">LinuxStart</a> - " . "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{$the_query}&amp;ui=sr\">1stLinuxSearch</a> - " . "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{$the_query}\">Google</a> - " . "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{$the_query}&amp;engine=Downloads\">LinuxDownloads</a> - " . "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{$the_query}&amp;section=projects\">Freshmeat</a> - " . "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{$the_query}\">JustLinux</a>" . "</font>";
    } else {
        echo "<center><font class=\"option\"><b>" . _NOMATCHES . "</b></font></center><br /><br />";
    include "footer.php";
Beispiel #14
function avatar_upload($avatar_mode, &$current_avatar, &$current_type, $avatar_filename, $avatar_realname, $avatar_filesize, $avatar_filetype, &$avatar_error)
    global $config, $db;
    global $strAvatarErreurUrl, $strAvatarErreurConnexion, $strAvatarErreurData, $strAvatarErreurWrite, $strAvatarErreurFileSize, $strAvatarErreurXYSize, $strAvatarErreurFileType;
    /*** si c'est un upload remote ***/
    if ($avatar_mode == 'remote' && preg_match('/^(http:\\/\\/)?([\\w\\-\\.]+)\\:?([0-9]*)\\/(.*)$/', $avatar_filename, $url_ary)) {
        if (empty($url_ary[4])) {
            $avatar_error = true;
        $base_get = '/' . $url_ary[4];
        $port = !empty($url_ary[3]) ? $url_ary[3] : 80;
        if (!($fsock = @fsockopen($url_ary[2], $port, $errno, $errstr))) {
            $avatar_error = true;
        @fputs($fsock, "GET {$base_get} HTTP/1.1\r\n");
        @fputs($fsock, "HOST: " . $url_ary[2] . "\r\n");
        @fputs($fsock, "Connection: close\r\n\r\n");
        while (!@feof($fsock)) {
            $avatar_data .= @fread($fsock, $config['avatar_filesize_max']);
        if (!preg_match('#Content-Length\\: ([0-9]+)[^ /][\\s]+#i', $avatar_data, $file_data1) || !preg_match('#Content-Type\\: image/[x\\-]*([a-z]+)[\\s]+#i', $avatar_data, $file_data2)) {
            $avatar_error = true;
        $avatar_filesize = $file_data1[1];
        $avatar_filetype = $file_data2[1];
        if ($avatar_filesize > 0 && $avatar_filesize < $config['avatar_filesize_max']) {
            $avatar_data = substr($avatar_data, strlen($avatar_data) - $avatar_filesize, $avatar_filesize);
            $tmp_path = $config['avatars_path'] . '/tmp';
            $tmp_filename = tempnam($tmp_path, uniqid(rand()) . '-');
            $fptr = @fopen($tmp_filename, 'wb');
            $bytes_written = @fwrite($fptr, $avatar_data, $avatar_filesize);
            if ($bytes_written != $avatar_filesize) {
                $avatar_error = true;
            list($width, $height) = @getimagesize($tmp_filename);
        } else {
            $avatar_error = true;
            show_erreur("{$strAvatarErreurFileSize} (" . CoolSize($config['avatar_filesize_max']) . ")");
    } elseif ($avatar_mode == 'local' && file_exists($avatar_filename)) {
        if ($avatar_filesize <= $config['avatar_filesize_max'] && $avatar_filesize > 0) {
            preg_match('#image\\/[x\\-]*([a-z]+)#', $avatar_filetype, $avatar_filetype);
            $avatar_filetype = $avatar_filetype[1];
        } else {
            $avatar_error = true;
            show_erreur("{$strAvatarErreurFileSize} (" . CoolSize($config['avatar_filesize_max']) . ")");
        list($width, $height) = @getimagesize($avatar_filename);
    if (!($imgtype = check_image_type($avatar_filetype))) {
        $avatar_error = true;
        show_erreur("{$strAvatarErreurFileType} ({$avatar_filetype})");
    if ($width <= $config['avatar_x_max'] && $height <= $config['avatar_y_max']) {
        $new_filename = uniqid(rand()) . $imgtype;
        /*** si un avatar upload&eacute; existe deja pour l'entit&eacute;, on l'efface ***/
        if ($current_type == 'U' && $current_avatar != '') {
            if (file_exists($config['avatars_path'] . "/{$current_avatar}")) {
                @unlink($config['avatars_path'] . "/{$current_avatar}");
        if ($avatar_mode == 'remote') {
            @copy($tmp_filename, $config['avatars_path'] . "/{$new_filename}");
        } elseif ($avatar_mode == 'local') {
            @move_uploaded_file($avatar_filename, $config['avatars_path'] . "/{$new_filename}");
        @chmod($config['avatars_path'] . "/{$new_filename}", 0777);
        $avatar_sql = "avatar = '{$new_filename}', avatar_type = 'U'";
    } else {
        $avatar_error = true;
        show_erreur("{$strAvatarErreurXYSize} (" . $config['avatar_x_max'] . "x" . $config['avatar_y_max'] . ")");
    return $avatar_sql;
Beispiel #15
function MostPopular($ratenum, $ratetype)
    global $prefix, $dbi, $admin, $module_name, $user;
    include "header.php";
    include "modules/{$module_name}/d_config.php";
    echo "<br>";
    echo "<table border=\"0\" width=\"100%\"><tr><td align=\"center\">";
    if ($ratenum != "" && $ratetype != "") {
        $mostpopdownloads = $ratenum;
        if ($ratetype == "percent") {
            $mostpopdownloadspercentrigger = 1;
    if ($mostpopdownloadspercentrigger == 1) {
        $topdownloadspercent = $mostpopdownloads;
        $result = sql_query("SELECT * FROM " . $prefix . "_downloads_downloads", $dbi);
        $totalmostpopdownloads = sql_num_rows($result, $dbi);
        $mostpopdownloads = $mostpopdownloads / 100;
        $mostpopdownloads = $totalmostpopdownloads * $mostpopdownloads;
        $mostpopdownloads = round($mostpopdownloads);
    if ($mostpopdownloadspercentrigger == 1) {
        echo "<center><font class=\"option\"><b>" . _MOSTPOPULAR . " {$topdownloadspercent}% (" . _OFALL . " {$totalmostpopdownloads} " . _DOWNLOADS . ")</b></font></center>";
    } else {
        echo "<center><font class=\"option\"><b>" . _MOSTPOPULAR . " {$mostpopdownloads}</b></font></center>";
    echo "<tr><td><center>" . _SHOWTOP . ": [ <a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=MostPopular&amp;ratenum=10&amp;ratetype=num\">10</a> - " . "<a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=MostPopular&amp;ratenum=25&amp;ratetype=num\">25</a> - " . "<a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=MostPopular&amp;ratenum=50&amp;ratetype=num\">50</a> | " . "<a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=MostPopular&amp;ratenum=1&amp;ratetype=percent\">1%</a> - " . "<a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=MostPopular&amp;ratenum=5&amp;ratetype=percent\">5%</a> - " . "<a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=MostPopular&amp;ratenum=10&amp;ratetype=percent\">10%</a> ]</center><br><br></td></tr>";
    $result = sql_query("SELECT lid, cid, title, description, date, hits, url, downloadratingsummary, totalvotes, totalcomments, filesize, version, homepage FROM " . $prefix . "_downloads_downloads order by hits DESC limit 0,{$mostpopdownloads} ", $dbi);
    echo "<tr><td>";
    while (list($lid, $cid, $title, $description, $time, $hits, $url, $downloadratingsummary, $totalvotes, $totalcomments, $filesize, $version, $homepage) = sql_fetch_row($result, $dbi)) {
        $downloadratingsummary = number_format($downloadratingsummary, $mainvotedecimal);
        $title = stripslashes($title);
        $description = stripslashes($description);
        global $prefix, $dbi, $admin;
        if (is_admin($admin)) {
            if (eregi("http", $url)) {
                echo "<a href=\"admin.php?op=DownloadsModDownload&amp;lid={$lid}\"><img src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/icon30.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"" . _EDIT . "\"></a>";
            } else {
                echo "<a href=\"admin.php?op=DownloadsModDownload&amp;lid={$lid}\"><img src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/download.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"" . _EDIT . "\"></a>";
        } else {
            if (eregi("http", $url)) {
                echo "<img src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/icon30.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\">";
            } else {
                echo "<img src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/download.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\">";
        echo "&nbsp;<font class=\"content\"><a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=getit&amp;lid={$lid}\" CLASS=\"title\" TARGET=\"_blank\">{$title}</a>";
        newdownloadgraphic($datetime, $time);
        detecteditorial($lid, $transfertitle, 1);
        echo "<br>";
        echo "<b>" . _DESCRIPTION . ":</b> {$description}<br>";
        setlocale(LC_TIME, $locale);
        ereg("([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{1,2})-([0-9]{1,2}) ([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2})", $time, $datetime);
        $datetime = strftime("" . _LINKSDATESTRING . "", mktime($datetime[4], $datetime[5], $datetime[6], $datetime[2], $datetime[3], $datetime[1]));
        $datetime = ucfirst($datetime);
        echo "<b>" . _VERSION . ":</b> {$version} <b>" . _FILESIZE . ":</b> " . CoolSize($filesize) . "<br>";
        echo "<b>" . _ADDEDON . ":</b> {$datetime} <b>" . _UDOWNLOADS . ":</b> <b>{$hits}</b>";
        $transfertitle = str_replace(" ", "_", $title);
        /* voting & comments stats */
        if ($totalvotes == 1) {
            $votestring = _VOTE;
        } else {
            $votestring = _VOTES;
        if ($downloadratingsummary != "0" || $downloadratingsummary != "0.0") {
            echo " <b>" . _RATING . ":</b> {$downloadratingsummary} ({$totalvotes} {$votestring})";
        echo "<br>";
        $result2 = sql_query("SELECT title FROM " . $prefix . "_downloads_categories WHERE cid={$cid}", $dbi);
        list($ctitle) = sql_fetch_row($result2, $dbi);
        $ctitle = getparent($cid, $ctitle);
        echo "<B>" . _CATEGORY . ":</B> <A HREF=\"modules.php?name=Downloads&d_op=viewdownload&cid={$cid}\">{$ctitle}</A>";
        if ($homepage == "") {
            echo "<br>";
        } else {
            echo "<br><a href=\"{$homepage}\" target=\"new\">" . _HOMEPAGE . "</a> | ";
        echo "<a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=ratedownload&amp;lid={$lid}&amp;ttitle={$transfertitle}\">" . _RATERESOURCE . "</a>";
        if (is_user($user)) {
            echo " | <a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=brokendownload&amp;lid={$lid}\">" . _REPORTBROKEN . "</a>";
        echo " | <a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=viewdownloaddetails&amp;lid={$lid}&amp;ttitle={$transfertitle}\">" . _DETAILS . "</a>";
        if ($totalcomments != 0) {
            echo " | <a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=viewdownloadcomments&amp;lid={$lid}&amp;ttitle={$transfertitle}\">" . _SCOMMENTS . " ({$totalcomments})</a>";
        detecteditorial($lid, $transfertitle, 0);
        echo "<br><br>";
    echo "</font></td></tr></table>";
    include "footer.php";
Beispiel #16
function viewdownloaddetails($lid)
    global $prefix, $db, $admin, $bgcolor1, $bgcolor2, $bgcolor3, $bgcolor4, $module_name, $anonymous;
    include "header.php";
    include "modules/{$module_name}/d_config.php";
    $lid = intval($lid);
    $voteresult = $db->sql_query("SELECT rating, ratinguser, ratingcomments FROM " . $prefix . "_downloads_votedata WHERE ratinglid = '{$lid}'");
    $totalvotesDB = $db->sql_numrows($voteresult);
    $totalvotesDB = intval($totalvotesDB);
    $anonvotes = 0;
    $anonvoteval = 0;
    $outsidevotes = 0;
    $outsidevoteval = 0;
    $regvoteval = 0;
    $topanon = 0;
    $bottomanon = 11;
    $topreg = 0;
    $bottomreg = 11;
    $topoutside = 0;
    $bottomoutside = 11;
    $avv = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    $rvv = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    $ovv = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    $truecomments = $totalvotesDB;
    while (list($ratingDB, $ratinguserDB, $ratingcommentsDB) = $voteresult->fetch_row()) {
        $ratingDB = intval($ratingDB);
        if (empty($ratingcommentsDB)) {
        if ($ratinguserDB == $anonymous) {
            $anonvoteval += $ratingDB;
        if ($useoutsidevoting == 1) {
            if ($ratinguserDB == 'outside') {
                $outsidevoteval += $ratingDB;
        } else {
            $outsidevotes = 0;
        if ($ratinguserDB != $anonymous && $ratinguserDB != "outside") {
            $regvoteval += $ratingDB;
        if ($ratinguserDB != $anonymous && $ratinguserDB != "outside") {
            if ($ratingDB > $topreg) {
                $topreg = $ratingDB;
            if ($ratingDB < $bottomreg) {
                $bottomreg = $ratingDB;
            for ($rcounter = 1; $rcounter < 11; $rcounter++) {
                if ($ratingDB == $rcounter) {
        if ($ratinguserDB == $anonymous) {
            if ($ratingDB > $topanon) {
                $topanon = $ratingDB;
            if ($ratingDB < $bottomanon) {
                $bottomanon = $ratingDB;
            for ($rcounter = 1; $rcounter < 11; $rcounter++) {
                if ($ratingDB == $rcounter) {
        if ($ratinguserDB == "outside") {
            if ($ratingDB > $topoutside) {
                $topoutside = $ratingDB;
            if ($ratingDB < $bottomoutside) {
                $bottomoutside = $ratingDB;
            for ($rcounter = 1; $rcounter < 11; $rcounter++) {
                if ($ratingDB == $rcounter) {
    $regvotes = $totalvotesDB - $anonvotes - $outsidevotes;
    if ($totalvotesDB == 0) {
        $finalrating = 0;
    } else {
        if ($anonvotes == 0 && $regvotes == 0) {
            /* Figure Outside Only Vote */
            $finalrating = $outsidevoteval / $outsidevotes;
            $finalrating = number_format($finalrating, $detailvotedecimal);
            $avgOU = $outsidevoteval / $totalvotesDB;
            $avgOU = number_format($avgOU, $detailvotedecimal);
        } else {
            if ($outsidevotes == 0 && $regvotes == 0) {
                /* Figure Anon Only Vote */
                $finalrating = $anonvoteval / $anonvotes;
                $finalrating = number_format($finalrating, $detailvotedecimal);
                $avgAU = $anonvoteval / $totalvotesDB;
                $avgAU = number_format($avgAU, $detailvotedecimal);
            } else {
                if ($outsidevotes == 0 && $anonvotes == 0) {
                    /* Figure Reg Only Vote */
                    $finalrating = $regvoteval / $regvotes;
                    $finalrating = number_format($finalrating, $detailvotedecimal);
                    $avgRU = $regvoteval / $totalvotesDB;
                    $avgRU = number_format($avgRU, $detailvotedecimal);
                } else {
                    if ($regvotes == 0 && $useoutsidevoting == 1 && $outsidevotes != 0 && $anonvotes != 0) {
                        /* Figure Reg and Anon Mix */
                        $avgAU = $anonvoteval / $anonvotes;
                        $avgOU = $outsidevoteval / $outsidevotes;
                        if ($anonweight > $outsideweight) {
                            /* Anon is 'standard weight' */
                            $newimpact = $anonweight / $outsideweight;
                            $impactAU = $anonvotes;
                            $impactOU = $outsidevotes / $newimpact;
                            $finalrating = ($avgOU * $impactOU + $avgAU * $impactAU) / ($impactAU + $impactOU);
                            $finalrating = number_format($finalrating, $detailvotedecimal);
                        } else {
                            /* Outside is 'standard weight' */
                            $newimpact = $outsideweight / $anonweight;
                            $impactOU = $outsidevotes;
                            $impactAU = $anonvotes / $newimpact;
                            $finalrating = ($avgOU * $impactOU + $avgAU * $impactAU) / ($impactAU + $impactOU);
                            $finalrating = number_format($finalrating, $detailvotedecimal);
                    } else {
                        /* REG User vs. Anonymous vs. Outside User Weight Calutions */
                        $impact = $anonweight;
                        $outsideimpact = $outsideweight;
                        if ($regvotes == 0) {
                            $avgRU = 0;
                        } else {
                            $avgRU = $regvoteval / $regvotes;
                        if ($anonvotes == 0) {
                            $avgAU = 0;
                        } else {
                            $avgAU = $anonvoteval / $anonvotes;
                        if ($outsidevotes == 0) {
                            $avgOU = 0;
                        } else {
                            $avgOU = $outsidevoteval / $outsidevotes;
                        $impactRU = $regvotes;
                        $impactAU = $anonvotes / $impact;
                        $impactOU = $outsidevotes / $outsideimpact;
                        $finalrating = ($avgRU * $impactRU + $avgAU * $impactAU + $avgOU * $impactOU) / ($impactRU + $impactAU + $impactOU);
                        $finalrating = number_format($finalrating, $detailvotedecimal);
    if (!isset($avgOU) || $avgOU == 0 || $avgOU == "") {
        $avgOU = "";
    } else {
        $avgOU = number_format($avgOU, $detailvotedecimal);
    if (!isset($avgRU) || $avgRU == 0 || $avgRU == "") {
        $avgRU = "";
    } else {
        $avgRU = number_format($avgRU, $detailvotedecimal);
    if (!isset($avgAU) || $avgAU == 0 || $avgAU == "") {
        $avgAU = "";
    } else {
        $avgAU = number_format($avgAU, $detailvotedecimal);
    if ($topanon == 0) {
        $topanon = "";
    if ($bottomanon == 11) {
        $bottomanon = "";
    if ($topreg == 0) {
        $topreg = "";
    if ($bottomreg == 11) {
        $bottomreg = "";
    if ($topoutside == 0) {
        $topoutside = "";
    if ($bottomoutside == 11) {
        $bottomoutside = "";
    $totalchartheight = 70;
    $chartunits = $totalchartheight / 10;
    $avvper = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    $rvvper = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    $ovvper = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    $avvpercent = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    $rvvpercent = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    $ovvpercent = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    $avvchartheight = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    $rvvchartheight = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    $ovvchartheight = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    $avvmultiplier = 0;
    $rvvmultiplier = 0;
    $ovvmultiplier = 0;
    for ($rcounter = 1; $rcounter < 11; $rcounter++) {
        if ($anonvotes != 0) {
            $avvper[$rcounter] = $avv[$rcounter] / $anonvotes;
        if ($regvotes != 0) {
            $rvvper[$rcounter] = $rvv[$rcounter] / $regvotes;
        if ($outsidevotes != 0) {
            $ovvper[$rcounter] = $ovv[$rcounter] / $outsidevotes;
        $avvpercent[$rcounter] = number_format($avvper[$rcounter] * 100, 1);
        $rvvpercent[$rcounter] = number_format($rvvper[$rcounter] * 100, 1);
        $ovvpercent[$rcounter] = number_format($ovvper[$rcounter] * 100, 1);
        if ($avv[$rcounter] > $avvmultiplier) {
            $avvmultiplier = $avv[$rcounter];
        if ($rvv[$rcounter] > $rvvmultiplier) {
            $rvvmultiplier = $rvv[$rcounter];
        if ($ovv[$rcounter] > $ovvmultiplier) {
            $ovvmultiplier = $ovv[$rcounter];
    if ($avvmultiplier != 0) {
        $avvmultiplier = 10 / $avvmultiplier;
    if ($rvvmultiplier != 0) {
        $rvvmultiplier = 10 / $rvvmultiplier;
    if ($ovvmultiplier != 0) {
        $ovvmultiplier = 10 / $ovvmultiplier;
    for ($rcounter = 1; $rcounter < 11; $rcounter++) {
        $avvchartheight[$rcounter] = $avv[$rcounter] * $avvmultiplier * $chartunits;
        $rvvchartheight[$rcounter] = $rvv[$rcounter] * $rvvmultiplier * $chartunits;
        $ovvchartheight[$rcounter] = $ovv[$rcounter] * $ovvmultiplier * $chartunits;
        if ($avvchartheight[$rcounter] == 0) {
            $avvchartheight[$rcounter] = 1;
        if ($rvvchartheight[$rcounter] == 0) {
            $rvvchartheight[$rcounter] = 1;
        if ($ovvchartheight[$rcounter] == 0) {
            $ovvchartheight[$rcounter] = 1;
    $ttitle = htmlentities($ttitle);
    $transfertitle = ereg_replace("_", " ", $ttitle);
    $displaytitle = stripslashes($transfertitle);
    $res = $db->sql_query("SELECT title, name, email, description, filesize, version, homepage FROM " . $prefix . "_downloads_downloads WHERE lid='{$lid}'");
    list($title, $auth_name, $email, $description, $filesize, $version, $homepage) = $res->fetch_row();
    $ttitle = filter($title, "nohtml");
    $displaytitle = $ttitle;
    $auth_name = filter($auth_name, "nohtml");
    $email = filter($email, "nohtml");
    $description = filter($description);
    $homepage = filter($homepage, "nohtml");
    echo "<br>";
    echo "<center><font class=\"option\"><b>" . _DOWNLOADPROFILE . ": {$displaytitle}</b></font><br><br>";
    echo "<br><br>" . _DOWNLOADRATINGDET . "<br>" . "" . _TOTALVOTES . " {$totalvotesDB}<br>" . "" . _OVERALLRATING . ": {$finalrating}<br><br>" . "<font class=\"content\">{$description}<br>";
    if (empty($auth_name)) {
        $auth_name = "<i>" . _UNKNOWN . "</i>";
    } else {
        if (empty($email)) {
            $auth_name = "{$auth_name}";
        } else {
            $email = ereg_replace("@", " <i>at</i> ", $email);
            $email = ereg_replace("\\.", " <i>dot</i> ", $email);
            $auth_name = "{$auth_name} ({$email})";
    echo "<br><b>" . _AUTHOR . ":</b> {$auth_name}<br>" . "<b>" . _VERSION . ":</b> {$version} <b>" . _FILESIZE . ":</b> " . CoolSize($filesize) . "</font><br><br>" . "[ <b><a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&amp;d_op=getit&amp;lid={$lid}\">" . _DOWNLOADNOW . "</a></b> ";
    if (empty($homepage) or $homepage == "http://") {
        echo "]<br><br>";
    } else {
        echo "| <a href=\"{$homepage}\" target=\"new\">" . _HOMEPAGE . "</a> ]<br><br>";
    echo "<table align=\"center\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"2\" width=\"455\">" . "<tr><td colspan=\"2\" bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor2}\">" . "<font class=\"content\"><b>" . _REGISTEREDUSERS . "</b></font>" . "</td></tr>" . "<tr>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\">" . "<font class=\"content\">" . _NUMBEROFRATINGS . ": {$regvotes}</font>" . "</td>" . "<td rowspan=\"5\" width=\"200\">";
    if ($regvotes == 0) {
        echo "<center><font class=\"content\">" . _NOREGUSERSVOTES . "</font></center>";
    } else {
        echo "<table border=\"1\" width=\"200\">" . "<tr>" . "<td valign=\"top\" align=\"center\" colspan=\"10\" bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor2}\"><font class=\"content\">" . _BREAKDOWNBYVAL . "</font></td>" . "</tr>" . "<tr>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$rvv['1']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$rvvpercent['1']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$rvvchartheight['1']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$rvv['2']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$rvvpercent['2']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$rvvchartheight['2']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$rvv['3']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$rvvpercent['3']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$rvvchartheight['3']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$rvv['4']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$rvvpercent['4']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$rvvchartheight['4']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$rvv['5']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$rvvpercent['5']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$rvvchartheight['5']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$rvv['6']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$rvvpercent['6']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$rvvchartheight['6']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$rvv['7']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$rvvpercent['7']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$rvvchartheight['7']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$rvv['8']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$rvvpercent['8']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$rvvchartheight['8']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$rvv['9']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$rvvpercent['9']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$rvvchartheight['9']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$rvv['10']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$rvvpercent['10']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$rvvchartheight['10']}\"></td>" . "</tr>" . "<tr><td colspan=\"10\" bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor2}\">" . "<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"200\"><tr>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">1</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">2</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">3</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">4</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">5</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">6</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">7</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">8</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">9</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">10</font></td>" . "</tr></table>" . "</td></tr></table>";
    echo "</td>" . "</tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor2}\"><font class=\"content\">" . _DOWNLOADRATING . ": {$avgRU}</font></td></tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\"><font class=\"content\">" . _HIGHRATING . ": {$topreg}</font></td></tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor2}\"><font class=\"content\">" . _LOWRATING . ": {$bottomreg}</font></td></tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\"><font class=\"content\">" . _NUMOFCOMMENTS . ": {$truecomments}</font></td></tr>" . "<tr><td></td></tr>" . "<tr><td valign=\"top\" colspan=\"2\"><font class=\"tiny\"><br><br>" . _WEIGHNOTE . " {$anonweight} " . _TO . " 1.</font></td></tr>" . "<tr><td colspan=\"2\" bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor2}\"><font class=\"content\"><b>" . _UNREGISTEREDUSERS . "</b></font></td></tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\"><font class=\"content\">" . _NUMBEROFRATINGS . ": {$anonvotes}</font></td>" . "<td rowspan=\"5\" width=\"200\">";
    if ($anonvotes == 0) {
        echo "<center><font class=\"content\">" . _NOUNREGUSERSVOTES . "</font></center>";
    } else {
        echo "<table border=\"1\" width=\"200\">" . "<tr>" . "<td valign=\"top\" align=\"center\" colspan=\"10\" bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor2}\"><font class=\"content\">" . _BREAKDOWNBYVAL . "</font></td>" . "</tr>" . "<tr>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$avv['1']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$avvpercent['1']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$avvchartheight['1']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$avv['2']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$avvpercent['2']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$avvchartheight['2']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$avv['3']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$avvpercent['3']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$avvchartheight['3']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$avv['4']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$avvpercent['4']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$avvchartheight['4']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$avv['5']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$avvpercent['5']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$avvchartheight['5']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$avv['6']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$avvpercent['6']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$avvchartheight['6']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$avv['7']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$avvpercent['7']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$avvchartheight['7']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$avv['8']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$avvpercent['8']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$avvchartheight['8']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$avv['9']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$avvpercent['9']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$avvchartheight['9']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$avv['10']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$avvpercent['10']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$avvchartheight['10']}\"></td>" . "</tr>" . "<tr><td colspan=\"10\" bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor2}\">" . "<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"200\"><tr>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">1</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">2</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">3</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">4</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">5</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">6</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">7</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">8</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">9</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">10</font></td>" . "</tr></table>" . "</td></tr></table>";
    echo "</td>" . "</tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor2}\"><font class=\"content\">" . _DOWNLOADRATING . ": {$avgAU}</font></td></tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\"><font class=\"content\">" . _HIGHRATING . ": {$topanon}</font></td></tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor2}\"><font class=\"content\">" . _LOWRATING . ": {$bottomanon}</font></td></tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\"><font class=\"content\">&nbsp;</font></td></tr>";
    if ($useoutsidevoting == 1) {
        echo "<tr><td valign=top colspan=\"2\"><font class=\"tiny\"><br><br>" . _WEIGHOUTNOTE . " {$outsideweight} " . _TO . " 1.</font></td></tr>" . "<tr><td colspan=\"2\" bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor2}\"><font class=\"content\"><b>" . _OUTSIDEVOTERS . "</b></font></td></tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\"><font class=\"content\">" . _NUMBEROFRATINGS . ": {$outsidevotes}</font></td>" . "<td rowspan=\"5\" width=\"200\">";
        if ($outsidevotes == 0) {
            echo "<center><font class=\"content\">" . _NOOUTSIDEVOTES . "</font></center>";
        } else {
            echo "<table border=\"1\" width=\"200\">" . "<tr>" . "<td valign=\"top\" align=\"center\" colspan=\"10\" bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor2}\"><font class=\"content\">" . _BREAKDOWNBYVAL . "</font></td>" . "</tr>" . "<tr>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$ovv['1']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$ovvpercent['1']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$ovvchartheight['1']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$ovv['2']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$ovvpercent['2']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$ovvchartheight['2']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$ovv['3']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$ovvpercent['3']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$ovvchartheight['3']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$ovv['4']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$ovvpercent['4']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$ovvchartheight['4']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$ovv['5']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$ovvpercent['5']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$ovvchartheight['5']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$ovv['6']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$ovvpercent['6']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$ovvchartheight['6']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$ovv['7']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$ovvpercent['7']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$ovvchartheight['7']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$ovv['8']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$ovvpercent['8']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$ovvchartheight['8']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$ovv['9']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$ovvpercent['9']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$ovvchartheight['9']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$ovv['10']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$ovvpercent['10']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$ovvchartheight['10']}\"></td>" . "</tr>" . "<tr><td colspan=\"10\" bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor2}\">" . "<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"200\"><tr>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">1</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">2</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">3</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">4</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">5</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">6</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">7</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">8</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">9</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">10</font></td>" . "</tr></table>" . "</td></tr></table>";
        echo "</td>" . "</tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor2}\"><font class=\"content\">" . _DOWNLOADRATING . ": {$avgOU}</font></td></tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\"><font class=\"content\">" . _HIGHRATING . ": {$topoutside}</font></td></tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor2}\"><font class=\"content\">" . _LOWRATING . ": {$bottomoutside}</font></td></tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\"><font class=\"content\">&nbsp;</font></td></tr>";
    echo "</table><br><br><center>";
    echo "</center>";
    include "footer.php";
Beispiel #17
 case "menu":
 case "AddDownload":
 case "NewDownloads":
     require_once "new.php";
 case "NewDownloadsDate":
     require_once "new.php";
 case "CoolSize":
 case "TopRated":
     require_once "top.php";
     TopRated($ratenum, $ratetype);
 case "MostPopular":
     require_once "pop.php";
     MostPopular($ratenum, $ratetype);
 case "viewdownload":
     require_once "view.php";
     viewdownload($cid, $min, $orderby, $show);
 case "viewsdownload":
     require_once "view.php";