Beispiel #1
  * Learn about an IP address
  * @return	@e void		[Outputs to screen]
 protected function _learnIP()
     if ($this->request['ip'] == "") {
         return false;
     $ip = trim($this->request['ip']);
     $resolved = $this->lang->words['t_partip'];
     $exact = 0;
     if (substr_count($ip, '.') == 3) {
         $exact = 1;
     if (strstr($ip, '*')) {
         $exact = 0;
         $ip = str_replace("*", "", $ip);
     // Warning...ipv6 doesn't tend to resolve properly on
     // some Windows machines - this seems to be an OS limitation
     if (IPSLib::validateIPv6($ip) == true) {
         $exact = 1;
     if ($exact == 1) {
         $resolved = @gethostbyaddr($ip);
         $query = "='" . $ip . "'";
     } else {
         $query = " LIKE '" . $ip . "%'";
     $results = IPSLib::findIPAddresses($query);
     // INIT
     $registered = array();
     $posted = array();
     $voted = array();
     $emailed = array();
     $validating = array();
     // Find registered members
     if (count($results['members'])) {
         foreach ($results['members'] as $m) {
             $m['_joined'] = ipsRegistry::getClass('class_localization')->getDate($m['joined'], 'SHORT');
             $registered[] = $m;
     // Find Names POSTED under
     if (count($results['posts'])) {
         foreach ($results['posts'] as $m) {
             $m['members_display_name'] = $m['members_display_name'] ? $m['members_display_name'] : $this->lang->words['t_guest'];
             $m['email'] = $m['email'] ? $m['email'] : $this->lang->words['t_notavail'];
             $m['_post_date'] = ipsRegistry::getClass('class_localization')->getDate($m['date'], 'SHORT');
             $posted[] = $m;
     // Find Names VOTED under
     if (count($results['voters'])) {
         foreach ($results['voters'] as $m) {
             $m['members_display_name'] = $m['members_display_name'] ? $m['members_display_name'] : $this->lang->words['t_guest'];
             $m['email'] = $m['email'] ? $m['email'] : $this->lang->words['t_notavail'];
             $m['_vote_date'] = ipsRegistry::getClass('class_localization')->getDate($m['date'], 'SHORT');
             $voted[] = $m;
     // Find Names VALIDATING under
     if (count($results['validating'])) {
         foreach ($results['validating'] as $m) {
             $m['members_display_name'] = $m['members_display_name'] ? $m['members_display_name'] : $this->lang->words['t_guest'];
             $m['email'] = $m['email'] ? $m['email'] : $this->lang->words['t_notavail'];
             $m['_entry_date'] = ipsRegistry::getClass('class_localization')->getDate($m['date'], 'SHORT');
             $validating[] = $m;
     // And output
     $this->registry->output->html .= $this->html->learnIPResults($resolved, $registered, $posted, $voted, $emailed, $validating, $results);
  * Authorize
  * @access	public
  * @return	@e void
 public function __construct()
     /* Make object */
     $this->registry = ipsRegistry::instance();
     $this->DB = $this->registry->DB();
     $this->settings =& $this->registry->fetchSettings();
     $this->request =& $this->registry->fetchRequest();
     // Got a cookie wookey?
     $_adsess = ipsRegistry::$request['adsess'];
     $_time_out_mins = defined('IPB_ACP_SESSION_TIME_OUT') ? IPB_ACP_SESSION_TIME_OUT : 60;
     // If the cookie doesn't match URL... use URL?
     if ($_adsess) {
         $this->session_type = 'url';
         ipsRegistry::$request['adsess'] = $_adsess;
     // Continue...
     if (!ipsRegistry::$request['adsess']) {
         // No URL adsess found, lets log in.
         return $this->_response(0, '');
     } else {
         // We have a URL adsess, lets verify...
         $this->DB->build(array('select' => '*', 'from' => 'core_sys_cp_sessions', 'where' => "session_id='" . IPSText::md5clean(ipsRegistry::$request['adsess']) . "'"));
         $session_data = $this->DB->fetch();
         $_tab_data = unserialize($session_data['session_app_data']);
         $_tab_data = is_array($_tab_data) ? $_tab_data : array();
         if ($session_data['session_id'] == "") {
             // Fail-safe, no DB record found, lets log in..
             return $this->_response(0, '');
         } else {
             if ($session_data['session_member_id'] == "") {
                 // No member ID is stored, log in!
                 return $this->_response(0, 'session_nomemberid');
             } else {
                 // Key is good, check the member details
                 $this->DB->build(array('select' => 'm.*', 'from' => array('members' => 'm'), 'where' => "member_id=" . intval($session_data['session_member_id']), 'add_join' => array(0 => array('select' => 'g.*', 'from' => array('groups' => 'g'), 'where' => 'm.member_group_id=g.g_id', 'type' => 'left'), 1 => array('select' => 's.*', 'from' => array('core_sys_login' => 's'), 'where' => 's.sys_login_id = m.member_id', 'type' => 'left'))));
                 self::$data_store = $this->DB->fetch();
                 self::$data_store = self::instance()->setUpSecondaryGroups(self::$data_store);
                 // Get perms
                 if (self::$data_store['member_id'] == "") {
                     // Ut-oh, no such member, log in!
                     return $this->_response(0, 'session_invalidmid');
                 } else {
                     // Member found, check passy
                     //if ( $session_data['session_member_login_key'] != self::$data_store['member_login_key'] )
                     //	//--------------------------------------------
                     //	// Passys don't match..
                     //	//--------------------------------------------
                     //	return $this->_response( 0, 'Session member password mismatch' );
                     // Do we have admin access?
                     if (self::$data_store['g_access_cp'] != 1) {
                         return $this->_response(0, 'session_noaccess');
                     } else {
                         $this->_validated = TRUE;
     // If we're here, we're valid...
     if ($this->_validated === TRUE) {
         if ($session_data['session_running_time'] < time() - $_time_out_mins * 60) {
             self::$data_store = array();
             $this->_validated = FALSE;
             return $this->_response(0, 'session_timeout');
         } else {
             if (IPB_ACP_IP_MATCH) {
                 if ($session_data['session_ip_address'] != self::instance()->ip_address or !IPSLib::validateIPv4($session_data['session_ip_address']) and !IPSLib::validateIPv6($session_data['session_ip_address']) or !IPSLib::validateIPv4(self::instance()->ip_address) and !IPSLib::validateIPv6(self::instance()->ip_address)) {
                     self::$data_store = array();
                     $this->_validated = FALSE;
                     return $this->_response(0, 'session_mismatchip');
         // Fix up secondary groups
         if (self::$data_store['mgroup_others']) {
             $groups_id = explode(',', self::$data_store['mgroup_others']);
             $masks = array();
             $cache = ipsRegistry::cache()->getCache('group_cache');
             if (count($groups_id)) {
                 foreach ($groups_id as $pid) {
                     if (empty($cache[$pid]['g_id'])) {
                     // Got masks?
                     if ($cache[$pid]['g_perm_id']) {
                         self::$data_store['g_perm_id'] .= ',' . $cache[$pid]['g_perm_id'];
         // Current Location, used for online list
         $module = ipsRegistry::$request['module'] != 'ajax' ? ipsRegistry::$request['module'] : $session_data['session_location'];
         $location = $session_data['session_url'];
         if (IPS_APP_COMPONENT && ipsRegistry::$request['module'] != 'ajax') {
             $location = str_ireplace("login=yes", "", ipsRegistry::$settings['query_string_safe']);
             $location = ltrim($location, '?');
             $location = preg_replace("!adsess=(\\w){32}!", "", $location);
             $location = preg_replace("!&mshow=(.+?)*!i", "", $location);
             $location = preg_replace("!&st=(.+?)*!i", "", $location);
             $location = preg_replace("!&messageinabottleacp=(.+?)*!i", "", $location);
         /* Compare user-agent stuff */
         $session_data['_session_app_data'] = unserialize($session_data['session_app_data']);
         if (is_array($session_data['_session_app_data']) and $session_data['_session_app_data']['uagent_key']) {
             if ($session_data['_session_app_data']['uagent_raw'] != self::instance()->user_agent) {
                 $session_data['_session_app_data'] = self::_processUserAgent();
                 $session_data['_session_app_data']['uagent_raw'] = self::instance()->user_agent;
         } else {
             $session_data['_session_app_data'] = self::_processUserAgent();
             $session_data['_session_app_data']['uagent_raw'] = self::instance()->user_agent;
         // Done...
         $this->DB->update('core_sys_cp_sessions', array('session_running_time' => time(), 'session_location' => $module, 'session_url' => $location, 'session_app_data' => serialize($session_data['_session_app_data']), 'session_member_name' => self::$data_store['members_display_name']), 'session_member_id=' . intval(self::$data_store['member_id']) . " and session_id='" . ipsRegistry::$request['adsess'] . "'");
         return $this->_response(1, '', $session_data['_session_app_data']);
  * Singleton init method
  * @return	@e void
 protected static function init()
     if (self::$initiated !== TRUE) {
         // IP Address
         if (ipsRegistry::$settings['xforward_matching']) {
             //foreach( array_reverse( explode( ',', my_getenv('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR') ) ) as $x_f ) // See
             foreach (explode(',', my_getenv('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR')) as $x_f) {
                 $addrs[] = trim($x_f);
             $addrs[] = my_getenv('HTTP_CLIENT_IP');
             $addrs[] = my_getenv('HTTP_X_CLUSTER_CLIENT_IP');
             $addrs[] = my_getenv('HTTP_PROXY_USER');
         $addrs[] = my_getenv('REMOTE_ADDR');
         // Do we have one yet?
         foreach ($addrs as $ip) {
             // IP v4
             if (IPSLib::validateIPv4($ip)) {
                 self::instance()->ip_address = $ip;
             } else {
                 if (IPSLib::validateIPv6($ip)) {
                     self::instance()->ip_address = $ip;
         // Make sure we take a valid IP address
         if (!self::instance()->ip_address and !isset($_SERVER['SHELL']) and $_SERVER['SESSIONNAME'] != 'Console') {
             if (!defined('IPS_IS_SHELL') or !IPS_IS_SHELL) {
                 print "Could not determine your IP address";
         // Get user-agent, browser and OS
         self::instance()->user_agent = IPSText::parseCleanValue(my_getenv('HTTP_USER_AGENT'));
         self::instance()->operating_system = self::_fetch_os();
         if (IPS_AREA == 'admin') {
             $classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary(IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/session/adminSessions.php', 'adminSessions');
              * Support for extending the session class
             if (is_file(IPS_ROOT_PATH . "sources/classes/session/ssoAdminSessions.php")) {
                 $classToLoadA = IPSLib::loadLibrary(IPS_ROOT_PATH . "sources/classes/session/ssoAdminSessions.php", 'ssoAdminSessions');
                  * Does the ssoAdminSessions class exist?
                 if (class_exists($classToLoadA)) {
                     $parent = get_parent_class($classToLoadA);
                      * Is it a child of adminSessions
                     if ($parent == $classToLoad) {
                         self::$session_class = new $classToLoadA();
                     } else {
                         self::$session_class = new $classToLoad();
             } else {
                 self::$session_class = new $classToLoad();
         } else {
             $classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary(IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/session/publicSessions.php', 'publicSessions');
              * Support for extending the session class
             if (is_file(IPS_ROOT_PATH . "sources/classes/session/ssoPublicSessions.php")) {
                 $classToLoadA = IPSLib::loadLibrary(IPS_ROOT_PATH . "sources/classes/session/ssoPublicSessions.php", 'ssoPublicSessions');
                  * Does the ssoPublicSessions class exist?
                 if (class_exists($classToLoadA)) {
                     $parent = get_parent_class($classToLoadA);
                      * Is it a child of publicSessions
                     if ($parent == $classToLoad) {
                         self::$session_class = new $classToLoadA();
                     } else {
                         self::$session_class = new $classToLoad();
             } else {
                 self::$session_class = new $classToLoad();
             // Set other
             self::$data_store['publicSessionID'] = self::$session_class->session_data['id'];
         // Set user agent
         $_cookie = IPSCookie::get("uagent_bypass");
         self::$data_store['userAgentKey'] = isset(self::$session_class->session_data['uagent_key']) ? self::$session_class->session_data['uagent_key'] : '';
         self::$data_store['userAgentType'] = isset(self::$data_store['uagent_type']) ? self::$data_store['uagent_type'] : self::$session_class->session_data['uagent_type'];
         self::$data_store['userAgentVersion'] = isset(self::$session_class->session_data['uagent_version']) ? self::$session_class->session_data['uagent_version'] : '';
         self::$data_store['userAgentBypass'] = $_cookie ? true : (isset(self::$session_class->session_data['uagent_bypass']) ? self::$session_class->session_data['uagent_bypass'] : '');
         self::$data_store['forumsModeratorData'] = array();
         /* Some mobile app set up */
         if (self::$data_store['userAgentType'] == 'mobileApp') {
             /* This converts non UTF-8 POST/GET data in __construct */
             $classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary(IPS_ROOT_PATH . '/sources/base/ipsMobileApp.php', 'ipsMobileApp');
             ipsRegistry::setClass('isMobileApp', new $classToLoad());
  * Our singleton INIT function
  * @access	protected
  * @return	@e void
 protected static function init()
     if (self::$initiated !== TRUE) {
         // IP Address
         if (ipsRegistry::$settings['xforward_matching']) {
             foreach (array_reverse(explode(',', my_getenv('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'))) as $x_f) {
                 $addrs[] = trim($x_f);
             $addrs[] = my_getenv('HTTP_CLIENT_IP');
             $addrs[] = my_getenv('HTTP_X_CLUSTER_CLIENT_IP');
             $addrs[] = my_getenv('HTTP_PROXY_USER');
         $addrs[] = my_getenv('REMOTE_ADDR');
         // Do we have one yet?
         foreach ($addrs as $ip) {
             // IP v4
             if (IPSLib::validateIPv4($ip)) {
                 self::instance()->ip_address = $ip;
             } else {
                 if (IPSLib::validateIPv6($ip)) {
                     self::instance()->ip_address = $ip;
         // Make sure we take a valid IP address
         if (!self::instance()->ip_address and !isset($_SERVER['SHELL']) and $_SERVER['SESSIONNAME'] != 'Console') {
             print "Could not determine your IP address";
         if (IPS_IS_UPGRADER) {
             require_once IPS_ROOT_PATH . "setup/sources/classes/session/sessions.php";
             self::$session_class = new sessions();
         } else {