  * function __construct
  * <pre>
  * Initialize the object.
  * </pre>
  * @param $pathModuleRoot [STRING] The path to the module's root dir.
  * @param $viewer [OBJECT] The viewer object.
  * @param $sortBy [STRING] Field data to sort listManager by.
  * @param $managerInit [INTEGER] Initialization value for the listManager.
  * @return [void]
 function __construct($pathModuleRoot, $viewer, $sortBy, $year_id = "", $campus_id = "")
     $this->pathModuleRoot = $pathModuleRoot;
     $this->viewer = $viewer;
     $this->year_id = $year_id;
     $this->campus_id = $campus_id;
     // echo 'campusID['.$this->campus_id.']<br/>';
     //        $this->managerInit = $managerInit;
     // Now load the access Priviledge manager of this viewer
     $this->adminManager = new RowManager_AdminManager();
     // Get the person ID
     $accessManager = new RowManager_AccessManager();
     $personID = $accessManager->getPersonID();
     // Get the permissions the person has.
     // need to filter displayed data by campus associated with campus admin
     $campusAdminSearchCondition = '';
     if ($this->adminManager->hasSitePriv()) {
         $campusManager = new RowManager_CampusManager();
         $this->campusList = $campusManager->getListIterator();
         $this->accessibleCampuses = $this->campusList->getDropListArray();
     } else {
         if ($this->adminManager->hasCampusPriv()) {
             $campusAdminManager = new RowManager_CampusAdminManager();
             $adminID = $this->adminManager->getID();
             // echo 'adminID['.$adminID.']<br/>';
             $campusList = $campusAdminManager->getListIterator();
             $campusArray = $campusList->getDataList();
             $campusIDsList = "";
             // init the CSV of campus IDs associated with admin
             foreach (array_keys($campusArray) as $k) {
                 $record = current($campusArray);
                 $campusIDsList .= $record['campus_id'] . ',';
                 // create list of admin campuses
             $campusIDsList = substr($campusIDsList, 0, -1);
             // remove last comma
             $campusAdminSearchCondition = 'cim_hrdb_assignment.campus_id in (' . $campusIDsList . ')';
         } else {
             if ($this->adminManager->isStaff($viewer->getID())) {
                 $staffManager = new RowManager_StaffManager();
                 $multiTableManager = new MultiTableManager();
                 $assignmentManager = new RowManager_AssignmentsManager();
                 $multiTableManager->addRowManager($assignmentManager, new JoinPair($assignmentManager->getJoinOnPersonID(), $staffManager->getJoinOnPersonID()));
                 $campusManager = new RowManager_CampusManager();
                 $multiTableManager->addRowManager($campusManager, new JoinPair($campusManager->getJoinOnCampusID(), $assignmentManager->getJoinOnCampusID()));
                 $this->campusList = $multiTableManager->getListIterator();
                 $campusIDsList = "";
                 // init the CSV of campus IDs associated with admin
                 while ($this->campusList->moveNext()) {
                     $campusAssignObject = $this->campusList->getCurrent(new RowManager_AssignmentsManager());
                     $campusObject = $this->campusList->getCurrent(new RowManager_CampusManager());
                     $campusIDsList .= $campusAssignObject->getCampusID() . ',';
                     // create list of admin campuses
                 $campusIDsList = substr($campusIDsList, 0, -1);
                 // remove last comma
                 $campusAdminSearchCondition = 'cim_hrdb_assignment.campus_id in (' . $campusIDsList . ')';
     $yearManager = new RowManager_YearInSchoolManager();
     $this->yearValueList = $yearManager->getListIterator();
     $this->yearValues = $this->yearValueList->getDropListArray();
     // Add value to drop-list for showing person data for people not having person_year record
     $keys = array_keys($this->yearValues);
     $this->UNASSIGNED_IDX = $keys[count($this->yearValues) - 1] + 1;
     // assumes autoincrement is active on table
     $this->yearValues[$this->UNASSIGNED_IDX] = page_ViewStudentYearInSchool::UNASSIGNED;
     // 					echo 'values = <pre>'.print_r($this->yearValues, true).'</pre>';
     // modify the year_id if necessary
     if ($this->year_id == page_ViewStudentYearInSchool::DISPLAY_ALL_ID) {
         // setting the year_id to blank will get entries from all the years
         $this->year_id = '';
     } else {
         if ($this->year_id == '') {
             // no campus has been specified
             // choose a default campus if none specified
             // echo 'No campus specified<br/>';
             // get the first element from the accessible list
             foreach ($this->yearValues as $key => $value) {
                 $this->year_id = $key;
             // assert campus_id should now be something
             if ($this->year_id == '') {
                 die("ERROR - year_id not set to anything<br/>");
     $dataAccessObject = new MultiTableManager();
     // Check if regular choice made (i.e. person has some year_in_school record)
     if ($this->year_id != $this->UNASSIGNED_IDX) {
         $personYearManager = new RowManager_PersonYearManager();
         // SOMEWHAT REDUNDANT GIVEN addSearchCondition (which is required)
         $yearManager = new RowManager_YearInSchoolManager();
         $joinPair = new JoinPair($personYearManager->getJoinOnYearID(), $yearManager->getJoinOnYearID());
         $dataAccessObject->addRowManager($yearManager, $joinPair);
         $personManager = new RowManager_PersonManager();
         $joinPair1 = new JoinPair($personManager->getJoinOnPersonID(), $personYearManager->getJoinOnPersonID());
         $dataAccessObject->addRowManager($personManager, $joinPair1);
         $assignmentManager = new RowManager_AssignmentsManager();
         $joinPair2 = new JoinPair($personYearManager->getJoinOnPersonID(), $assignmentManager->getJoinOnPersonID());
         $dataAccessObject->addRowManager($assignmentManager, $joinPair2);
         $campusManager = new RowManager_CampusManager();
         $joinPair3 = new JoinPair($assignmentManager->getJoinOnCampusID(), $campusManager->getJoinOnCampusID());
         $dataAccessObject->addRowManager($campusManager, $joinPair3);
         if ($sortBy == '') {
             $sortBy = 'campus_shortDesc,person_lname';
         if ($this->year_id != '') {
             $dataAccessObject->addSearchCondition('cim_hrdb_person_year.year_id = ' . $this->year_id);
         // filter by campuses assigned to this campus admin
         if ($campusAdminSearchCondition != '') {
         $this->listManager = $dataAccessObject->getListIterator();
     } else {
         // 	        $personYearManager = new RowManager_PersonYearManager();
         // 	        $personYearManager->setYear($this->year_id);	// SOMEWHAT REDUNDANT GIVEN addSearchCondition (which is required)
         // 	        $dataAccessObject->addRowManager( $personYearManager );
         // 	        $yearManager = new RowManager_YearInSchoolManager();
         // 	        $joinPair = new JoinPair($personYearManager->getJoinOnYearID(), $yearManager->getJoinOnYearID());
         // 	        $dataAccessObject->addRowManager( $yearManager, $joinPair );
         $personManager = new RowManager_PersonManager();
         $assignmentManager = new RowManager_AssignmentsManager();
         $joinPair2 = new JoinPair($personManager->getJoinOnPersonID(), $assignmentManager->getJoinOnPersonID());
         $dataAccessObject->addRowManager($assignmentManager, $joinPair2);
         $campusManager = new RowManager_CampusManager();
         $joinPair3 = new JoinPair($assignmentManager->getJoinOnCampusID(), $campusManager->getJoinOnCampusID());
         $dataAccessObject->addRowManager($campusManager, $joinPair3);
         if ($sortBy == '') {
             $sortBy = 'campus_shortDesc,person_lname';
         // get sub-query data for filtering out registrants that have already been registered for event
         $subManager = new RowManager_PersonYearManager();
         $personYearManager = new MultiTableManager();
         $registered_SQL = $personYearManager->createSQL();
         //          echo "<br>CREATED SQL 1 = ".$registered_SQL;
         // actually creates the sub-query ensuring that registrants listed do NOT have personyear records
         $negateSubQuery = true;
         $addSubQuery = true;
         $dataAccessObject->constructSubQuery('person_id', $registered_SQL, $negateSubQuery, $addSubQuery);
         // filter by campuses assigned to this campus admin
         if ($campusAdminSearchCondition != '') {
         $this->listManager = $dataAccessObject->getListIterator();
     /** TEST **/
     //         $values = $this->listManager->getDataList();
     //         echo 'values found = <pre>'.print_r($values,true).'</pre>';
     /** END TEST **/
     // now initialize the labels for this page
     // start by loading the default field labels for this Module
     $languageID = $viewer->getLanguageID();
     $seriesKey = modulecim_hrdb::MULTILINGUAL_SERIES_KEY;
     $pageKey = modulecim_hrdb::MULTILINGUAL_PAGE_FIELDS;
     $this->labels = new MultilingualManager($languageID, $seriesKey, $pageKey);
     // then load the page specific labels for this page
     $pageKey = page_ViewStudentYearInSchool::MULTILINGUAL_PAGE_KEY;
Beispiel #2
  * viewer_id [INTEGER]  The user(viewer) id.
  * priv_id [INTEGER]  The privilege ID assigned to the user(viewer).
 $Admin = new RowManager_AdminManager();
  * CampusAdmin Table
  * Manage for the CampusAdmin table.
  * campusadmin_id [INTEGER]  ID for the assignment
  * admin_id [INTEGER]  The id from the admin table.
  * campus_id [INTEGER]  The id for the campus being assigned to the viewer.
 $CampusAdmin = new RowManager_CampusAdminManager();
  * Staff Table
  * DAObj to manage the staff table.
  * staff_id [INTEGER]  The id for the staff member.
  * person_id [INTEGER]  The id of the person who is staff.
 $Staff = new RowManager_StaffManager();
  * Viewer Table
  * function __construct
  * <pre>
  * Initialize the object.
  * </pre>
  * @param $pathModuleRoot [STRING] The path to the module's root dir.
  * @param $viewer [OBJECT] The viewer object.
  * @param $sortBy [STRING] Field data to sort listManager by.
  * @param $managerInit [INTEGER] Initialization value for the listManager.
  * @return [void]
 function __construct($pathModuleRoot, $viewer, $sortBy, $campus_id = "")
     $this->pathModuleRoot = $pathModuleRoot;
     $this->viewer = $viewer;
     $this->campus_id = $campus_id;
     // echo 'campusID['.$this->campus_id.']<br/>';
     //        $this->managerInit = $managerInit;
     // Now load the access Priviledge manager of this viewer
     $this->adminManager = new RowManager_AdminManager();
     // Get the person ID
     $accessManager = new RowManager_AccessManager();
     $personID = $accessManager->getPersonID();
     // Get the permissions the person has.
     if ($this->adminManager->hasSitePriv()) {
         $campusManager = new RowManager_CampusManager();
         $this->campusList = $campusManager->getListIterator();
         $this->accessibleCampuses = $this->campusList->getDropListArray();
     } else {
         if ($this->adminManager->hasCampusPriv()) {
             $campusAdminManager = new RowManager_CampusAdminManager();
             $adminID = $this->adminManager->getID();
             // echo 'adminID['.$adminID.']<br/>';
             $multiTableManager = new MultiTableManager();
             $campusManager = new RowManager_CampusManager();
             $multiTableManager->addRowManager($campusManager, new JoinPair($campusManager->getJoinOnCampusID(), $campusAdminManager->getJoinOnCampusID()));
             $this->campusList = $multiTableManager->getListIterator();
             $this->accessibleCampuses = array();
             while ($this->campusList->moveNext()) {
                 $campusAdminObject = $this->campusList->getCurrent(new RowManager_CampusAdminManager());
                 $campusObject = $this->campusList->getCurrent(new RowManager_CampusManager());
                 $this->accessibleCampuses[$campusAdminObject->getCampusID()] = $campusObject->getLabel();
         } else {
             if ($this->adminManager->isStaff($viewer->getID())) {
                 $staffManager = new RowManager_StaffManager();
                 $multiTableManager = new MultiTableManager();
                 $assignmentManager = new RowManager_AssignmentsManager();
                 $multiTableManager->addRowManager($assignmentManager, new JoinPair($assignmentManager->getJoinOnPersonID(), $staffManager->getJoinOnPersonID()));
                 $campusManager = new RowManager_CampusManager();
                 $multiTableManager->addRowManager($campusManager, new JoinPair($campusManager->getJoinOnCampusID(), $assignmentManager->getJoinOnCampusID()));
                 $this->campusList = $multiTableManager->getListIterator();
                 $this->accessibleCampuses = array();
                 while ($this->campusList->moveNext()) {
                     $campusAssignObject = $this->campusList->getCurrent(new RowManager_AssignmentsManager());
                     $campusObject = $this->campusList->getCurrent(new RowManager_CampusManager());
                     $this->accessibleCampuses[$campusAssignObject->getCampusID()] = $campusObject->getLabel();
             } else {
                 $campusManager = new RowManager_CampusManager();
                 $this->campusList = $campusManager->getListIterator();
                 $this->accessibleCampuses = $this->campusList->getDropListArray();
     // modify the campus_id if necessary
     if ($this->campus_id == page_PeoplebyCampuses::DISPLAY_ALL_ID) {
         // setting the campus id to blank will get entries from all the campuses
         $this->campus_id = '';
     } else {
         if ($this->campus_id == '') {
             // no campus has been specified
             // choose a default campus if none specified
             // echo 'No campus specified<br/>';
             // get the first element from the accessible list
             foreach ($this->accessibleCampuses as $key => $value) {
                 $this->campus_id = $key;
             // assert campus_id should now be something
             if ($this->campus_id == '') {
                 die("ERROR - campusID not set to anything<br/>");
     $dataAccessObject = new MultiTableManager();
     $assignmentsManager = new RowManager_AssignmentsManager();
     $personManager = new RowManager_PersonManager();
     $joinPair = new JoinPair($personManager->getJoinOnPersonID(), $assignmentsManager->getJoinOnPersonID());
     $dataAccessObject->addRowManager($personManager, $joinPair);
     $this->accessManager = new RowManager_AccessManager();
     $joinPair2 = new JoinPair($personManager->getJoinOnPersonID(), $this->accessManager->getJoinOnPersonID(), JOIN_TYPE_LEFT);
     $dataAccessObject->addRowManager($this->accessManager, $joinPair2);
     $this->viewerManager = new RowManager_UserManager();
     $joinPair3 = new JoinPair($this->accessManager->getJoinOnViewerID(), $this->viewerManager->getJoinOnViewerID(), JOIN_TYPE_LEFT);
     $dataAccessObject->addRowManager($this->viewerManager, $joinPair3);
     if ($sortBy == '') {
         $sortBy = 'person_lname';
     $this->listManager = $dataAccessObject->getListIterator();
     // now initialize the labels for this page
     // start by loading the default field labels for this Module
     $languageID = $viewer->getLanguageID();
     $seriesKey = modulecim_hrdb::MULTILINGUAL_SERIES_KEY;
     $pageKey = modulecim_hrdb::MULTILINGUAL_PAGE_FIELDS;
     $this->labels = new MultilingualManager($languageID, $seriesKey, $pageKey);
     // then load the page specific labels for this page
     $pageKey = page_PeoplebyCampuses::MULTILINGUAL_PAGE_KEY;
  * function processData
  * <pre>
  * Processes the data for this form.
  * </pre>
  * @return [void]
 function processData()
     // save the value of the Foriegn Key(s)
     // store values in table manager object.
     // now update the DB with the values
     if (!$this->dataManager->isLoaded()) {
         // create the new admin entry
         // get the primary key value of the newly created admin
         $adminID = $this->dataManager->getID();
         // echo 'adminID['.$adminID.']<br/>';
         // echo 'Creating new entry<br/>';
         // if priv is campus level
         if ($this->dataManager->hasCampusPriv()) {
             // echo 'CAMPUS LEVEL PRIV<br/>';
             $personID = $this->dataManager->getPersonID();
             // echo 'personID['.$personID.']<br/>';
             // find out all the campuses the person is assigned to
             $assignmentManager = new RowManager_AssignmentsManager();
             // for each assigned campus, give campus level admin access
             $campusList = $assignmentManager->getListIterator();
             while ($campusAssignment = $campusList->getNext()) {
                 // echo 'found campus <br/>';
                 $campusAdminManager = new RowManager_CampusAdminManager();
         } else {
             // echo 'SUPER ADMIN PRIV<br/>';
             // do nothing
     } else {
  * function getHTML
  * <pre>
  * This method returns the HTML data generated by this object.
  * </pre>
  * @return [STRING] HTML Display data.
 function getHTML()
     // Uncomment the following line if you want to create a template
     // tailored for this page:
     //$path = $this->pathModuleRoot.'templates/';
     // Otherwise use the standard Templates for the site:
      * store the link values
     // example:
     // $this->linkValues[ 'view' ] = 'add/new/href/data/here';
     // store the link labels
     $this->linkLabels['edit'] = $this->labels->getLabel('[Edit]');
     $this->linkLabels['del'] = $this->labels->getLabel('[Delete]');
     $this->linkLabels['cont'] = $this->labels->getLabel('[Continue]');
     // $this->linkLabels[ 'view' ] = 'new link label here';
      * store any additional link Columns
     // example:
     //$title = $this->labels->getLabel( '[title_groups]');
     //$columnLabel = $this->labels->getLabel( '[groups]');
     //$link = $this->linkValues[ 'groups' ];
     //$fieldName = 'accessgroup_id';
     //$this->addLinkColumn( $title, $columnLabel, $link, $fieldName);
      * Update any label tags ...
     // example:
     // $name = $user->getName();
     // $this->labels->setLabelTag( '[Title]', '[userName]', $name);
     // NOTE:  this parent method prepares the $this->template with the
     // common AdminBox data.
     // store the statevar id to edit
     $this->template->set('editEntryID', $this->campusadmin_id);
     // store all the fields to the template
      * Form related Template variables:
      * Insert the date start/end values for the following date fields:
     // example:
     //$this->template->set( 'startYear_[fieldName]', 2000);
     //$this->template->set( 'endYear_[fieldName]', 2010);
     $this->linkLabels['cont'] = $this->labels->getLabel('[Continue]');
      * List related Template variables :
     // Store the XML Node name for the Data Access Field List
     $xmlNodeName = RowManager_CampusAdminManager::XML_NODE_NAME;
     $this->template->set('rowManagerXMLNodeName', $xmlNodeName);
     // store the primary key field name for the data being displayed
     $this->template->set('primaryKeyFieldName', 'campusadmin_id');
     // store data list to the template
     // NOTE: we initialize it here to make sure we capture any new data
     // from a recent processData() call.
     $dataAccessManager = new RowManager_CampusAdminManager();
     //        $this->dataList = new CampusAdminList( $this->sortBy );
     $this->dataList = $dataAccessManager->getListIterator();
     $this->template->setXML('dataList', $this->dataList->getXML());
      *  Set up any additional data transfer to the Template here...
     $campusManager = new RowManager_CampusManager();
     $campusList = $campusManager->getListIterator();
     $campusArray = $campusList->getDropListArray();
     $this->template->set('list_campus_id', $campusArray);
     $templateName = 'siteAdminBox.php';
     // if you are creating a custom template for this page then
     // replace $templateName with the following:
     //$templateName = 'page_ViewCampuses.php';
     return $this->template->fetch($templateName);
  * function __construct
  * <pre>
  * Initialize the object.
  * </pre>
  * @param $pathModuleRoot [STRING] The path to this module's root directory
  * @param $viewer [OBJECT] The viewer object.
  * @param $formAction [STRING] The action on a form submit
  * @param $ [INTEGER] Value used to initialize the rowManager
  * @return [void]
 function __construct($pathModuleRoot, $viewer, $formAction, $person_id, $campus_id, $person_year_id = '')
     // NOTE: be sure to call the parent constructor before trying to
     //       use the ->formXXX arrays...
     parent::__construct($formAction, FormProcessor_EditStudentYearInSchool::FORM_FIELDS, FormProcessor_EditStudentYearInSchool::FORM_FIELD_TYPES);
     $this->pathModuleRoot = $pathModuleRoot;
     $this->viewer = $viewer;
     $this->formAction = $formAction;
     $this->campus_id = $campus_id;
     $this->person_id = $person_id;
     $this->person_year_id = $person_year_id;
     //        if ($person_year_id == '')
     //        {
     // 	       if (isset($person_id))
     // 	       {
     // 		       if (isset($campus_id))
     // 		       {
     // 		       }
     // 	       }
     //        }
     /**** Check privileges and initialize campus drop-down list ***/
     // Now load the access Priviledge manager of this viewer
     $this->adminManager = new RowManager_AdminManager();
     // Get the person ID
     $accessManager = new RowManager_AccessManager();
     $personID = $accessManager->getPersonID();
     // Get the permissions the person has.
     if ($this->adminManager->hasSitePriv()) {
         $campusManager = new RowManager_CampusManager();
         $this->campusList = $campusManager->getListIterator();
         $this->accessibleCampuses = $this->campusList->getDropListArray();
     } else {
         if ($this->adminManager->hasCampusPriv()) {
             $campusAdminManager = new RowManager_CampusAdminManager();
             $adminID = $this->adminManager->getID();
             // echo 'adminID['.$adminID.']<br/>';
             $multiTableManager = new MultiTableManager();
             $campusManager = new RowManager_CampusManager();
             $multiTableManager->addRowManager($campusManager, new JoinPair($campusManager->getJoinOnCampusID(), $campusAdminManager->getJoinOnCampusID()));
             $this->campusList = $multiTableManager->getListIterator();
             $this->accessibleCampuses = array();
             while ($this->campusList->moveNext()) {
                 $campusAdminObject = $this->campusList->getCurrent(new RowManager_CampusAdminManager());
                 $campusObject = $this->campusList->getCurrent(new RowManager_CampusManager());
                 $this->accessibleCampuses[$campusAdminObject->getCampusID()] = $campusObject->getLabel();
         } else {
             if ($this->adminManager->isStaff($viewer->getID())) {
                 $staffManager = new RowManager_StaffManager();
                 $multiTableManager = new MultiTableManager();
                 $assignmentManager = new RowManager_AssignmentsManager();
                 $multiTableManager->addRowManager($assignmentManager, new JoinPair($assignmentManager->getJoinOnPersonID(), $staffManager->getJoinOnPersonID()));
                 $campusManager = new RowManager_CampusManager();
                 $multiTableManager->addRowManager($campusManager, new JoinPair($campusManager->getJoinOnCampusID(), $assignmentManager->getJoinOnCampusID()));
                 $this->campusList = $multiTableManager->getListIterator();
                 $this->accessibleCampuses = array();
                 while ($this->campusList->moveNext()) {
                     $campusAssignObject = $this->campusList->getCurrent(new RowManager_AssignmentsManager());
                     $campusObject = $this->campusList->getCurrent(new RowManager_CampusManager());
                     $this->accessibleCampuses[$campusAssignObject->getCampusID()] = $campusObject->getLabel();
             } else {
                 $campusManager = new RowManager_CampusManager();
                 $this->campusList = $campusManager->getListIterator();
                 $this->accessibleCampuses = $this->campusList->getDropListArray();
     // modify the campus_id if necessary
     if ($this->campus_id == FormProcessor_EditStudentYearInSchool::DISPLAY_ALL_ID) {
         // setting the campus id to blank will get entries from all the campuses
         $this->campus_id = '';
     } else {
         if ($this->campus_id == '') {
             // no campus has been specified
             // choose a default campus if none specified
             // echo 'No campus specified<br/>';
             // get the first element from the accessible list
             foreach ($this->accessibleCampuses as $key => $value) {
                 $this->campus_id = $key;
             // assert campus_id should now be something
             if ($this->campus_id == '') {
                 die("ERROR - campusID not set to anything<br/>");
     /*** end privilege checking and campus droplist setup ***/
     //         echo 'campus = '.$this->campus_id;
     // create new rowManager (a List Iterator obj.)
     $statuses = '0,1,6';
     // filter by assignment status in ('undefined', 'current student', 'unknown')
     $this->rowManager = new PersonYearList($this->campus_id, $statuses, 'year_id,person_lname');
     // figure out the important fields for the rowItems
     $fieldsOfInterest = implode(',', $this->formFields);
     $this->primaryIDs = array();
     // for each row item ...
     $i = 0;
     $valid_values = explode(',', RowManager_PersonYearManager::FIELD_LIST);
     while ($rowItem = $this->rowManager->getNext()) {
         // make sure rowItems have valid entries in the DB
         if (!$rowItem->isLoaded()) {
         // set the fields of interest ...
         // get the primaryID of this rowItem
         $primaryID = $rowItem->getPrimaryKeyValue();
         $this->primaryIDs[$i] = $primaryID;
         $person_id = -1;
         // now initialize beginning form values from rowItem object
         for ($indx = 0; $indx < count($this->formFields); $indx++) {
             $key = $this->formFields[$indx];
             if (in_array($key, $valid_values)) {
                 $this->formValues[$key . $primaryID] = $rowItem->getValueByFieldName($key);
                 if ($key == 'person_id') {
                     $person_id = $this->formValues[$key . $primaryID];
             } else {
                 if ($person_id != '-1') {
                     $person_manager = new RowManager_PersonManager($person_id);
                     $this->formValues[$key . $primaryID] = $person_manager->getValueByFieldName($key);
                 } else {
                     $this->formValues[$key . $primaryID] = "";
         // next field
     // next rowItem in rowManager
     //         echo 'array = <pre>'.print_r($this->formValues,true).'</pre>';
     // now initialize the labels for this page
     // start by loading the default field labels for this Module
     $languageID = $viewer->getLanguageID();
     $seriesKey = modulecim_hrdb::MULTILINGUAL_SERIES_KEY;
     $pageKey = modulecim_hrdb::MULTILINGUAL_PAGE_FIELDS;
     $this->labels = new MultilingualManager($languageID, $seriesKey, $pageKey);
     // then load the page specific labels for this page
     $pageKey = FormProcessor_EditStudentYearInSchool::MULTILINGUAL_PAGE_KEY;
     // load the site default form link labels