public function getDataSet($postData, $dcTable, $facility_id, $occur_date, $properties) { $date_end = $postData['date_end']; $date_end = \Helper::parseDate($date_end); $mdlName = $postData[config("constants.tabTable")]; $mdl = "App\\Models\\{$mdlName}"; // \DB::enableQueryLog(); $dataSet = $mdl::whereDate("{$dcTable}.BEGIN_DATE", '>=', $occur_date)->whereDate("{$dcTable}.BEGIN_DATE", '<=', $date_end)->select("{$dcTable}.ID as {$dcTable}", "{$dcTable}.ID as DT_RowId", "{$dcTable}.*")->get(); // \Log::info(\DB::getQueryLog()); return ['dataSet' => $dataSet]; }
public function getDataSet($postData, $dcTable, $facility_id, $occur_date, $properties) { $storage_id = $postData['Storage']; $date_end = $postData['date_end']; $date_end = \Helper::parseDate($date_end); $mdlName = $postData[config("constants.tabTable")]; $mdl = "App\\Models\\{$mdlName}"; $pdCargo = PdCargo::getTableName(); $dataSet = $mdl::join($pdCargo, "{$dcTable}.CARGO_ID", '=', "{$pdCargo}.ID")->whereDate("{$dcTable}.DATE_UNLOAD", '>=', $occur_date)->whereDate("{$dcTable}.DATE_UNLOAD", '<=', $date_end)->where("{$pdCargo}.STORAGE_ID", '=', $storage_id)->select("{$dcTable}.ID as {$dcTable}", "{$dcTable}.ID as DT_RowId", "{$dcTable}.*")->get(); return ['dataSet' => $dataSet]; }
public function getDataSet($postData, $dcTable, $facility_id, $occur_date, $properties) { $mdlName = $postData[config("constants.tabTable")]; $mdl = "App\\Models\\{$mdlName}"; $object_id = $postData['EnergyUnit']; $date_end = $postData['date_end']; $date_end = \Helper::parseDate($date_end); $euWheres = ['EU_ID' => $object_id]; // \DB::enableQueryLog(); $dataSet = $mdl::where($euWheres)->whereBetween('EFFECTIVE_DATE', [$occur_date, $date_end])->select("ID as DT_RowId", "{$dcTable}.*")->orderBy('EFFECTIVE_DATE')->get(); // \Log::info(\DB::getQueryLog()); return ['dataSet' => $dataSet]; }
public function getDataSet($postData, $dcTable, $facility_id, $occur_date, $properties) { $storage_id = $postData['Storage']; $date_end = $postData['date_end']; $date_end = \Helper::parseDate($date_end); $mdlName = $postData[config("constants.tabTable")]; $mdl = "App\\Models\\{$mdlName}"; $pdVoyage = PdVoyage::getTableName(); // \DB::enableQueryLog(); $dataSet = $mdl::join($pdVoyage, "{$dcTable}.VOYAGE_ID", '=', "{$pdVoyage}.ID")->whereDate("{$pdVoyage}.SCHEDULE_DATE", '>=', $occur_date)->whereDate("{$pdVoyage}.SCHEDULE_DATE", '<=', $date_end)->where("{$pdVoyage}.STORAGE_ID", '=', $storage_id)->select("{$dcTable}.ID as {$dcTable}", "{$dcTable}.ID as DT_RowId", "{$dcTable}.*")->get(); // \Log::info(\DB::getQueryLog()); return ['dataSet' => $dataSet]; }
public function getDataSet($postData, $dcTable, $facility_id, $occur_date, $properties) { $mdlName = $postData[config("constants.tabTable")]; $mdl = "App\\Models\\{$mdlName}"; $date_end = $postData['date_end']; $date_end = \Helper::parseDate($date_end); $dataSet = null; $codeDeferGroupType = CodeDeferGroupType::getTableName(); $where = ['FACILITY_ID' => $facility_id]; $dataSet = $mdl::leftJoin($codeDeferGroupType, "{$dcTable}.DEFER_GROUP_TYPE", '=', "{$codeDeferGroupType}.ID")->where($where)->whereDate("{$dcTable}.BEGIN_TIME", '>=', $occur_date)->whereDate("{$dcTable}.END_TIME", '<=', $date_end)->select("{$dcTable}.ID as {$dcTable}", "{$codeDeferGroupType}.CODE as DEFER_GROUP_CODE", "{$dcTable}.ID as DT_RowId", "{$dcTable}.ID", "{$dcTable}.*")->get(); $bunde = ['FACILITY_ID' => $facility_id]; $extraDataSet = $this->getExtraDataSet($dataSet, $bunde); return ['dataSet' => $dataSet, 'extraDataSet' => $extraDataSet]; }
public function getDataSet($postData, $dcTable, $facility_id, $occur_date, $properties) { $mdlName = $postData[config("constants.tabTable")]; $mdl = "App\\Models\\{$mdlName}"; $object_id = $postData['Tank']; $date_end = $postData['date_end']; $date_end = \Helper::parseDate($date_end); $tank = Tank::getTableName(); $wheres = ['TANK_ID' => $object_id]; // \DB::enableQueryLog(); $dataSet = $mdl::join($tank, "{$dcTable}.TANK_ID", '=', "{$tank}.ID")->where($wheres)->whereBetween('OCCUR_DATE', [$occur_date, $date_end])->select("{$dcTable}.ID as {$dcTable}", "{$dcTable}.TANK_ID as OBJ_ID", "{$tank}.PRODUCT as FLOW_PHASE", "{$dcTable}.ID as DT_RowId", "{$dcTable}.OCCUR_DATE as T_OCCUR_DATE", "{$dcTable}.*")->orderBy("{$dcTable}.OCCUR_DATE")->orderBy("{$dcTable}.LOADING_TIME")->orderBy("{$dcTable}.TICKET_NO")->get(); // \Log::info(\DB::getQueryLog()); return ['dataSet' => $dataSet]; }
public function getDataSet($postData, $dcTable, $facility_id, $occur_date, $properties) { $accountId = $postData['PdLiftingAccount']; $date_end = array_key_exists('date_end', $postData) ? $postData['date_end'] : null; if ($date_end) { $date_end = \Helper::parseDate($date_end); } // \DB::enableQueryLog(); // $sSQL="SELECT a.ID, $fields FROM PD_LIFTING_ACCOUNT_MTH_DATA a WHERE LIFTING_ACCOUNT_ID = $accountId order by BALANCE_MONTH"; // \Log::info(\DB::getQueryLog()); $pdLiftingAccountMthData = PdLiftingAccountMthData::getTableName(); $query = PdLiftingAccountMthData::where("LIFTING_ACCOUNT_ID", $accountId)->select("{$pdLiftingAccountMthData}.*", "{$pdLiftingAccountMthData}.ID as {$pdLiftingAccountMthData}", "{$pdLiftingAccountMthData}.ID as DT_RowId")->orderBy("BALANCE_MONTH"); $dataSet = $query->get(); return ['dataSet' => $dataSet]; }
public function getDataSet($postData, $dcTable, $facility_id, $occur_date, $properties) { $date_end = $postData['date_end']; $date_end = \Helper::parseDate($date_end); $storage_id = $postData['Storage']; $mdlName = $postData[config("constants.tabTable")]; $mdl = "App\\Models\\{$mdlName}"; $pdCargo = PdCargo::getTableName(); // \DB::enableQueryLog(); $dataSet = $mdl::join($pdCargo, function ($query) use($pdCargo, $storage_id, $dcTable) { $query->on("{$dcTable}.CARGO_ID", '=', "{$pdCargo}.ID")->where("{$pdCargo}.STORAGE_ID", '=', $storage_id); })->whereDate("{$dcTable}.REQUEST_DATE", '<=', $date_end)->whereDate("{$dcTable}.REQUEST_DATE", '>=', $occur_date)->select("{$dcTable}.ID as {$dcTable}", "{$dcTable}.ID as DT_RowId", "{$dcTable}.*")->orderBy("{$dcTable}")->get(); // \Log::info(\DB::getQueryLog()); $extraDataSet = $this->getExtraDataSet($dataSet); return ['dataSet' => $dataSet, 'extraDataSet' => $extraDataSet]; }
public function getDataSet($postData, $dcTable, $facility_id, $occur_date, $properties) { $date_end = array_key_exists('date_end', $postData) ? $postData['date_end'] : null; if ($date_end) { $date_end = \Helper::parseDate($date_end); } $storageId = $postData['Storage']; $pd_voyage = PdVoyage::getTableName(); $pd_cargo = PdCargo::getTableName(); $pd_voyage_detail = PdVoyageDetail::getTableName(); $column = array(); $ObjColumn = $properties['properties']; foreach ($ObjColumn as $p) { array_push($column, "{$pd_voyage}.{$p->data}"); } array_push($column, "{$pd_voyage_detail}.ID AS DT_RowId"); array_push($column, "{$pd_voyage}.ID AS VOYAGE_ID"); array_push($column, "{$pd_voyage_detail}.PARCEL_NO as MASTER_NAME"); $dataSet = PdVoyage::join($pd_cargo, "{$pd_voyage}.CARGO_ID", '=', "{$pd_cargo}.ID")->join($pd_voyage_detail, "{$pd_voyage_detail}.VOYAGE_ID", '=', "{$pd_voyage}.ID")->where(["{$pd_cargo}.STORAGE_ID" => $storageId])->whereDate('SCHEDULE_DATE', '>=', $occur_date)->whereDate('SCHEDULE_DATE', '<=', $date_end)->orderBy("DT_RowId")->get($column); return ['dataSet' => $dataSet]; }
public function getDataSet($postData, $dcTable, $facility_id, $occur_date, $properties) { $date_end = array_key_exists('date_end', $postData) ? $postData['date_end'] : null; if ($date_end) { $date_end = \Helper::parseDate($date_end); } $mdlName = $postData[config("constants.tabTable")]; $mdl = "App\\Models\\{$mdlName}"; $storage = Storage::getTableName(); $pdCargoNomination = PdCargoNomination::getTableName(); // \DB::enableQueryLog(); $query = $mdl::join($storage, "{$dcTable}.STORAGE_ID", '=', "{$storage}.ID")->leftJoin($pdCargoNomination, "{$pdCargoNomination}.CARGO_ID", '=', "{$dcTable}.ID")->where(["{$storage}.FACILITY_ID" => $facility_id])->select("{$dcTable}.ID as {$dcTable}", "{$dcTable}.ID as DT_RowId", "{$pdCargoNomination}.ID as IS_NOMINATED", "{$dcTable}.*"); // ->orderBy('EFFECTIVE_DATE') // ->get(); if ($date_end) { $query->whereDate("{$dcTable}.REQUEST_DATE", '<=', $date_end); } if ($occur_date) { $query->whereDate("{$dcTable}.REQUEST_DATE", '>=', $occur_date); } $dataSet = $query->get(); // \Log::info(\DB::getQueryLog()); return ['dataSet' => $dataSet]; }
public function getDataSet($postData, $dcTable, $facility_id, $occur_date, $properties) { $date_end = $postData['date_end']; $date_end = \Helper::parseDate($date_end); $auditTrail = AuditTrail::getTableName(); $codeAuditReason = CodeAuditReason::getTableName(); $beginDate = $occur_date; if ($postData['IntObjectType'] > 0) { $objectName = IntObjectType::where("ID", $postData['IntObjectType'])->select("CODE")->first(); $objectName = $objectName ? $objectName->CODE : ""; $objectType = strtoupper(str_replace(' ', '_', $objectName)) . '_%'; } else { $objectType = '%'; } // $result = array(); // \DB::enableQueryLog(); $dataSet = AuditTrail::leftjoin($codeAuditReason, "{$auditTrail}.REASON", '=', "{$codeAuditReason}.ID")->where(["{$auditTrail}.FACILITY_ID" => $facility_id])->whereDate("{$auditTrail}.WHEN", '>=', $occur_date)->whereDate("{$auditTrail}.WHEN", '<=', $date_end)->where('TABLE_NAME', 'like', $objectType)->select(['ACTION', 'WHO', 'WHEN', 'TABLE_NAME', 'COLUMN_NAME', 'RECORD_ID', 'OBJECT_DESC', 'OLD_VALUE', 'NEW_VALUE', "{$codeAuditReason}.NAME AS REASON"])->get(); // \Log::info(\DB::getQueryLog()); /* foreach ($loadAudittrail as $v){ $v->WHEN = date('m-d-Y', strtotime($v->WHEN)); array_push($result, $v); } return response ()->json ( array ( 'result' => $result ) ); */ /* $dataSet = $mdl::whereDate("$dcTable.BEGIN_DATE",'>=',$occur_date) ->whereDate("$dcTable.BEGIN_DATE",'<=',$date_end) ->select( "$dcTable.ID as $dcTable", "$dcTable.ID as DT_RowId", "$dcTable.*") ->get(); */ return ['dataSet' => $dataSet]; }
public function testformula(Request $request) { $data = $request->all(); $str = ""; $fid = $data['fid']; $occur_date = $data['occur_date']; if (!$occur_date) { $result = FoVar::where(['formula_id' => $fid])->orderBy('ORDER')->select('*')->get(); $need_occur_date = false; foreach ($result as $row) { if (strpos($row->STATIC_VALUE, '@OCCUR_DATE') !== false) { $need_occur_date = true; break; } } if ($need_occur_date) { $str = "need_occur_date"; return response()->json($str); } } if (!$occur_date) { $occur_date = Carbon::now(); } else { $occur_date = \Helper::parseDate($occur_date); } $param = Formula::find($fid); $v = \FormulaHelpers::evalFormula($param, $occur_date, true); //echo $v; return response()->json($v); }
public function run(Request $request) { $postData = $request->all(); $date_end = $postData['date_end']; $date_end = \Helper::parseDate($date_end); $object_id = $postData['EnergyUnit']; $phase_type = $postData['ExtensionPhaseType']; $value_type = $postData['ExtensionValueType']; $data_source = $postData['ExtensionDataSource']; $table = $postData['EnergyUnit']; $mdl = \Helper::getModelName($table); $cb_update_db = $postData['cb_update_db']; $a = $postData['a']; $b = $postData['b']; $u = $postData['u']; $l = $postData['l']; $m = $postData['m']; $c1 = $postData['c1']; $c2 = $postData['c2']; $date_begin = $postData['date_begin']; $date_begin = \Helper::parseDate($date_begin); $date_from = $postData['f_from_date']; $date_from = \Helper::parseDate($date_from); $date_to = $postData['f_to_date']; $date_to = \Helper::parseDate($date_to); $from_date = $date_begin; $mkey = "_" . date("Ymdhis_") . rand(100, 1000); $data = ""; $continous = true; $lastT = null; if (array_key_exists('forecast', $postData)) { $txt_modify_data = $postData['forecast']; $ds = explode("\n", $txt_modify_data); foreach ($ds as $line) { if ($line) { $ls = explode(",", $line); if (count($ls) >= 2) { $t = trim($ls[0]); $v = trim($ls[1]); $data .= ($data ? "\r\n" : "") . "{$t},{$v}"; if ($lastT && $t - $lastT != 1 && $continous) { $continous = false; } $lastT = $t; } } } } else { $qData = $this->getDataSet($postData, null, null, $date_begin, null); $dataSet = $qData['dataSet']; foreach ($dataSet as $row) { $occur_date = $row->OCCUR_DATE; $time = $occur_date->diffInDays($from_date); $value = $row->V; $data .= ($data ? "\r\n" : "") . "{$time},{$value}"; if ($lastT && $time - $lastT != 1 && $continous) { $continous = false; } $lastT = $time; } } file_put_contents("data{$mkey}.txt", $data); //$end = '2013-08-29'; //$start = '2013-08-25'; /* $d1 = strtotime($date_from) - strtotime($date_begin); $d1 = floor($d1/(60*60*24)); $d2 = strtotime($date_to) - strtotime($date_begin); $d2 = floor($d2/(60*60*24)); */ $d1 = $date_from->timestamp - $date_begin->timestamp; $d1 = floor($d1 / (60 * 60 * 24)); $d2 = $date_to->timestamp - $date_begin->timestamp; $d2 = floor($d2 / (60 * 60 * 24)); $timeForecast = ""; for ($i = $d1; $i < $d2 + 1; $i++) { $timeForecast .= ($timeForecast ? "\r\n" : "") . $i; if ($lastT && $i - $lastT != 1 && $continous) { $continous = false; } $lastT = $i; } $sqls = []; $warning = ''; if (!$continous) { $warning = "Timing is not continuous"; } file_put_contents("t{$mkey}.txt", $timeForecast); // echo "<b>Time forecast:</b> ".$timeForecast."<br>"; if ($a === "0" || $a === "1") { $params = "{$a},{$b},0,0,0,0,0"; } else { if ($c2 > 0) { $params = "{$a},{$b},0,0,0,{$c1},{$c2}"; } else { $params = "{$a},{$b},{$l},{$u},{$m},{$c1},0"; } } file_put_contents("prop{$mkey}.txt", $params); $error = []; $results = []; if (!file_exists('pdforecast.exe')) { $error[] = "Exec file not found"; } else { if (file_exists("data{$mkey}.txt") && file_exists("t{$mkey}.txt") && file_exists("prop{$mkey}.txt")) { set_time_limit(300); exec("pdforecast.exe {$mkey}"); if (file_exists("error{$mkey}.txt")) { $error[] = file_get_contents("error{$mkey}.txt", true); } if (file_exists("forecast_q{$mkey}.csv")) { // echo "<b>Result:</b><br>"; $file = fopen("forecast_q{$mkey}.csv", "r"); $configuration = auth()->user()->getConfiguration(); $format = $configuration['time']['DATE_FORMAT_CARBON']; //'m/d/Y'; while (!feof($file)) { $line = fgets($file); // echo $line; // $result.= $line; $result = ['value' => $line]; if ($line) { $xs = explode(",", $line); if (count($xs >= 2)) { $x_time = trim($xs[0]); $x_value = trim($xs[1]); if ($x_time >= $d1) { // $x_time=($x_time)*60*60*24+strtotime($date_begin); $beginTimeStamp = $date_begin->timestamp; $x_time = $x_time * 60 * 60 * 24 + $beginTimeStamp; // $x_date=date('Y-m-d',$x_time); $x_date = Carbon::createFromTimestamp($x_time); // $x_date = $x_date->createFromTimestamp($x_time); // echo " ($x_date) "; $rxDate = $x_date ? $x_date->format($format) : $x_date; // $result.= " ($rxDate) "; $result['date'] = $rxDate; if ($cb_update_db == 'true') { $field = "EU_DATA_{$value_type}"; $field = strtoupper($field); $attributes = ['EU_ID' => $object_id, 'OCCUR_DATE' => $x_date, "FLOW_PHASE" => $phase_type]; $values = ['EU_ID' => $object_id, 'OCCUR_DATE' => $x_date, "FLOW_PHASE" => $phase_type, $field => $x_value]; \DB::enableQueryLog(); EnergyUnitDataForecast::updateOrCreate($attributes, $values); $result['sql'] = \Helper::logger(); } } } } $results[] = $result; // echo "<br>"; } \DB::disableQueryLog(); fclose($file); } else { // logError("Result file not found"); $error[] = "Result file not found"; } } else { // logError("Input files not found"); $error[] = "Input files not found"; } } $finalResults = ['data' => $data, 'warning' => $warning, 'params' => $params, 'time' => $timeForecast, 'result' => $results, 'error' => $error, 'key' => $mkey]; $this->cleanFiles($mkey); return response()->json($finalResults); }
public function run(Request $request) { $postData = $request->all(); $phase_type = $postData['ExtensionPhaseType']; $cb_update_db = $postData['cb_update_db']; $occur_date = $postData['date_begin']; $value_type = $postData['ExtensionValueType']; $occur_date = \Helper::parseDate($occur_date); $inputDataSet = $this->getInputDataSet($postData, $occur_date); $objdata = $inputDataSet['data']; $objinfo = $inputDataSet['info']; $mkey = ""; // $mkey = "_".date("Ymdhis_").rand(100,1000)/* ."hung_test" */; $preos = ""; $files = ['gas' => "{$preos}" . "prvap.exe", 'oil' => "{$preos}" . "prliq.exe", 'data' => "{$preos}" . "data{$mkey}.txt", 'm_ij' => "{$preos}" . "m_ij{$mkey}.txt", 'prop' => "{$preos}" . "prop{$mkey}.txt", 'error' => "{$preos}" . "error{$mkey}.txt", 'PR_single_V' => "{$preos}" . "PR_single_V{$mkey}.csv", 'PR_single_L' => "{$preos}" . "PR_single_L{$mkey}.csv"]; $cc = count($objdata); if ($cc <= 0) { return response('empty input data', 401); } //['error'=>"empty input data"]; $ele = array_values($objdata)[0]; $data = ""; $inputData = []; foreach ($ele as $key => $value) { $ss = []; foreach ($objdata as $source => $objValue) { if ($objValue[$key] !== "") { $ss[] = $objValue[$key]; $inputData[] = $objValue[$key] . " <- [{$source}][{$key}]"; } } if (count($ss) > 0) { $data .= ($data ? "\r\n" : "") . implode(",", $ss); } } file_put_contents($files['data'], $data); $error = []; $results = []; $sqls = []; //Gas $exe = $phase_type == 2 ? $files['gas'] : $files['oil']; if (!file_exists($exe)) { $error[] = "Exec {$exe} file not found"; } else { if (file_exists($files['data'])) { set_time_limit(300); exec("{$exe} {$mkey}"); if (file_exists($files['error'])) { $error[] = file_get_contents($files['error'], true); } if (file_exists($files['PR_single_V'])) { $fileName = $files['PR_single_V']; $file = fopen($fileName, "r"); $lastline = ""; $result = []; while (!feof($file)) { $line = fgets($file); $result[] = $line; if ($line) { if ($line) { $lastline = $line; } } } $results[$fileName] = $result; fclose($file); $fileName = $files['PR_single_L']; $file = fopen($fileName, "r"); $lastline = ""; $result = []; while (!feof($file)) { $line = fgets($file); $result[] = $line; if ($line) { if ($line) { $lastline = $line; } } } $results[$fileName] = $result; fclose($file); if ($lastline && $cb_update_db == 'true') { $xs = explode(",", $lastline); $i = 0; foreach ($xs as $svol) { if ($i < count($objinfo)) { $src = $objinfo[$i]["src"]; $pre = $objinfo[$i]["pre"]; $table = $src . "_DATA_VALUE"; $field = $pre . "_DATA_{$value_type}"; $field = strtoupper($field); $attributes = ["OCCUR_DATE" => $occur_date]; if ($src == "ENERGY_UNIT") { $attributes['FLOW_PHASE'] = $phase_type; } $attributes["{$pre}" . "_ID"] = $objinfo[$i]["obj_id"]; $values = $attributes; $values[$field] = $svol; $mdl = \Helper::getModelName($table); \DB::enableQueryLog(); $mdl::updateOrCreate($attributes, $values); $sqls[] = \Helper::logger(); } $i++; } \DB::disableQueryLog(); } } else { $error[] = "Result file not found"; } } else { $error[] = "Input files not found"; } } $finalResults = ['data' => $inputData, 'warning' => '', 'result' => $results, 'error' => $error, 'key' => $mkey, 'exe' => $exe, 'sqls' => $sqls]; // $this->cleanFiles($mkey); return response()->json($finalResults); }
public function gen(Request $request) { try { $postData = $request->all(); $result = \DB::transaction(function () use($postData) { $contract_id = $postData['contract_id']; $storage_id = $postData['PdContractQtyFormula']; $code1st = array_key_exists("code1st", $postData) ? $postData["code1st"] : 0; $year1 = array_key_exists("year1", $postData) ? $postData["year1"] : 0; $code2nd = array_key_exists("code2nd", $postData) ? $postData["code2nd"] : 0; $year = array_key_exists("year", $postData) ? $postData["year"] : 0; $month = array_key_exists("month", $postData) ? $postData["month"] : 0; $day = array_key_exists("day", $postData) ? $postData["day"] : ""; $seq = array_key_exists("seq", $postData) ? $postData["seq"] : 0; $liftacc = array_key_exists("PdLiftingAccount", $postData) ? $postData["PdLiftingAccount"] : 0; $priority = array_key_exists("PdCodeCargoPriority", $postData) ? $postData["PdCodeCargoPriority"] : 0; $qtytype = array_key_exists("PdCodeCargoQtyType", $postData) ? $postData["PdCodeCargoQtyType"] : 0; $date1st = array_key_exists("date1st", $postData) ? $postData["date1st"] : 0; $avgqty = array_key_exists("avgqty", $postData) ? $postData["avgqty"] : 0; $uom = array_key_exists("PdCodeMeasUom", $postData) ? $postData["PdCodeMeasUom"] : 0; $adjtime = array_key_exists("PdCodeTimeAdj", $postData) ? $postData["PdCodeTimeAdj"] : 0; $tolerance = array_key_exists("PdCodeQtyAdj", $postData) ? $postData["PdCodeQtyAdj"] : 0; $qty = array_key_exists("qty", $postData) ? $postData["qty"] : 0; $n = strlen($seq); $num = $seq + 1 - 1; $count = 0; $x_qty = 0; if ($qty <= 0) { return "Quantity value must be greater than zero"; } if ($avgqty <= 0) { return "Average quantity value must be greater than zero"; } $date1st = \Helper::parseDate($date1st); $requestDate = $date1st; while (true) { $x_qty += $avgqty; $exit = $x_qty >= $qty; $code = $code1st . $year1 . $code2nd . $year . $month . $day . str_pad($num, $n, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); PdCargo::where("CODE", $code)->delete(); PdCargo::insert(["CODE" => $code, "NAME" => $code, "LIFTING_ACCT" => $liftacc, "STORAGE_ID" => $storage_id, "REQUEST_DATE" => $requestDate, "REQUEST_QTY" => $avgqty, "REQUEST_UOM" => $uom, "PRIORITY" => $priority, "QUANTITY_TYPE" => $qtytype, "CONTRACT_ID" => $contract_id]); $num++; $requestDate = $requestDate->addMonths(6); if ($exit) { break; } } return "Sucess"; }); } catch (\Exception $e) { $result = "could not generate cargo"; \Log::info("\n---gen cargo--\nException wher run transation\n "); \Log::info($e->getMessage()); \Log::info($e->getTraceAsString()); // return response($e->getMessage(), 400); } return response()->json($result); }
public function getDataSet($postData, $dcTable, $facility_id, $occur_date, $properties) { $mdlName = $postData[config("constants.tabTable")]; $mdl = "App\\Models\\{$mdlName}"; $date_end = $postData['date_end']; $date_end = \Helper::parseDate($date_end); $storage_id = $postData['Storage']; $pdCargoLoad = PdCargoLoad::getTableName(); $terminalTimesheetData = TerminalTimesheetData::getTableName(); $pdCodeLoadActivity = PdCodeLoadActivity::getTableName(); $pdBerth = PdBerth::getTableName(); $pdCargo = PdCargo::getTableName(); $pdCodeDemurrageEbo = PdCodeDemurrageEbo::getTableName(); $pdCargoUnload = PdCargoUnload::getTableName(); $demurrage = Demurrage::getTableName(); $pdContractData = PdContractData::getTableName(); $result = array(); $aryMst = array(); $lquery = PdCargoLoad::whereHas("TerminalTimesheetData", function ($query) use($terminalTimesheetData) { $query->where("{$terminalTimesheetData}.IS_LOAD", '=', 1); })->join($pdCargo, function ($query) use($pdCargo, $pdCargoLoad, $storage_id) { $query->on("{$pdCargo}.ID", '=', "{$pdCargoLoad}.CARGO_ID")->where("{$pdCargo}.STORAGE_ID", '=', $storage_id); })->leftJoin($pdBerth, "{$pdCargoLoad}.BERTH_ID", '=', "{$pdBerth}.ID")->leftJoin($pdCodeDemurrageEbo, "{$pdCargoLoad}.DEMURRAGE_EBO", '=', "{$pdCodeDemurrageEbo}.ID")->select("{$pdCargoLoad}.CARGO_ID", "{$pdCargoLoad}.BERTH_ID", "{$pdCargoLoad}.ID as ID", "{$pdCargoLoad}.DATE_LOAD", "{$pdCargoLoad}.DEMURRAGE_EBO", "{$pdBerth}.NAME as BERTH_NAME", "{$pdCargo}.NAME as CARGO_NAME", "{$pdCargo}.CONTRACT_ID", "{$pdCodeDemurrageEbo}.NAME as DEMURRAGE_EBO_NAME")->with(["TerminalTimesheetData" => function ($query) use($terminalTimesheetData) { $query->where("{$terminalTimesheetData}.IS_LOAD", '=', 1); }])->with(["Demurrage" => function ($query) use($terminalTimesheetData, $demurrage) { $query->where("{$demurrage}.ACTIVITY_ID", '=', "{$terminalTimesheetData}.ACTIVITY_ID"); }])->with(["PdContractData" => function ($query) use($pdContractData, $pdCargo) { $query->where("{$pdContractData}.CONTRACT_ID", '=', "{$pdCargo}.CONTRACT_ID"); }]); $ulquery = PdCargoUnload::whereHas("TerminalTimesheetData", function ($query) use($terminalTimesheetData) { $query->whereNull("{$terminalTimesheetData}.IS_LOAD")->orWhere("{$terminalTimesheetData}.IS_LOAD", '=', 0); })->join($pdCargo, function ($query) use($pdCargo, $pdCargoUnload, $storage_id) { $query->on("{$pdCargo}.ID", '=', "{$pdCargoUnload}.CARGO_ID")->where("{$pdCargo}.STORAGE_ID", '=', $storage_id); })->leftJoin($pdBerth, "{$pdCargoUnload}.BERTH_ID", '=', "{$pdBerth}.ID")->leftJoin($pdCodeDemurrageEbo, "{$pdCargoUnload}.DEMURRAGE_EBO", '=', "{$pdCodeDemurrageEbo}.ID")->select("{$pdCargoUnload}.CARGO_ID", "{$pdCargoUnload}.BERTH_ID", "{$pdCargoUnload}.ID as ID", "{$pdCargoUnload}.DATE_UNLOAD as DATE_LOAD", "{$pdCargoUnload}.DEMURRAGE_EBO", "{$pdBerth}.NAME as BERTH_NAME", "{$pdCargo}.NAME as CARGO_NAME", "{$pdCargo}.CONTRACT_ID", "{$pdCodeDemurrageEbo}.NAME as DEMURRAGE_EBO_NAME")->with(["TerminalTimesheetData" => function ($query) use($terminalTimesheetData) { $query->whereNull("{$terminalTimesheetData}.IS_LOAD")->orWhere("{$terminalTimesheetData}.IS_LOAD", '=', 0); }])->with(["Demurrage" => function ($query) use($terminalTimesheetData, $demurrage) { $query->where("{$demurrage}.ACTIVITY_ID", '=', "{$terminalTimesheetData}.ACTIVITY_ID"); }])->with(["PdContractData" => function ($query) use($pdContractData, $pdCargo) { $query->where("{$pdContractData}.CONTRACT_ID", '=', "{$pdCargo}.CONTRACT_ID"); }]); // $query = $lquery->union($ulquery);//->orderBy("START_TIME","desc"); $ldataSet = $lquery->get(); $uldataSet = $ulquery->get(); $dataSet = $ldataSet->merge($uldataSet); // $dataSet = $uldataSet; $DT_RowId = 100; foreach ($dataSet as $key => $t) { $t->DT_RowId = $DT_RowId++; $timesheetDatas = $t->TerminalTimesheetData; $demurrages = $t->Demurrage; $pdContractDatas = $t->PdContractData; $rate = $pdContractDatas && $pdContractDatas->count() > 0 ? $pdContractDatas->first()->ATTRIBUTE_VALUE : 0; foreach ($timesheetDatas as $index => $tsheet) { $elapse_time = null; if ($tsheet->END_TIME && $tsheet->START_TIME) { $endTime = $tsheet->END_TIME; $startTime = $tsheet->START_TIME; $elapse_time = $endTime->diffInHours($startTime); } $elapse_time = !$elapse_time || $elapse_time < 0 ? null : $elapse_time; $tsheet->ELAPSE_TIME = $elapse_time; $demurrage = $demurrages->where("ACTIVITY_ID", $tsheet->ACTIVITY_ID)->first(); $tsheet->OVERRIDE_AMOUNT = $demurrage ? $demurrage->OVERRIDE_AMT : ""; $amount = $elapse_time ? $elapse_time * $rate : null; $tsheet->AMOUNT = $amount && $amount != 0 ? $amount : "0.000"; $tsheet->RATE_HOUR = $rate == 0 ? null : $rate; if ($index == 0) { $t->TE_ID = $tsheet->ID; $t->IS_LOAD = $tsheet->IS_LOAD; $t->ACTIVITY_NAME = $tsheet->ACTIVITY_ID; $t->START_TIME = $tsheet->getAttributes()["START_TIME"]; $t->END_TIME = $tsheet->getAttributes()["END_TIME"]; $t->ELAPSE_TIME = $tsheet->ELAPSE_TIME; $t->OVERRIDE_AMOUNT = $tsheet->OVERRIDE_AMOUNT; $t->RATE_HOUR = $tsheet->RATE_HOUR; $t->AMOUNT = $tsheet->AMOUNT; } } } return ['dataSet' => $dataSet]; }
public function loadUserLog(Request $request) { $data = $request->all(); $date_from = \Helper::parseDate($data['DATE_FROM']); $date_to = \Helper::parseDate($data['DATE_TO']); $username = trim($data['USERNAME']); $result = array(); $logUser = LogUser::getTableName(); $loadUserLog = DB::table($logUser . ' AS a')->whereDate('a.LOGIN_TIME', '>=', $date_from)->whereDate('a.LOGIN_TIME', '<=', $date_to)->where(function ($q) use($username) { if ($username != "All") { $q->where(['a.USERNAME' => $username]); } })->select(['a.USERNAME', 'a.LOGIN_TIME', 'a.LOGOUT_TIME', 'a.IP'])->get(); return response()->json(array('result' => $loadUserLog)); }
public function getDataSet($postData, $dcTable, $facility_id, $occur_date, $properties) { $mdlName = $postData[config("constants.tabTable")]; $mdl = "App\\Models\\{$mdlName}"; $src_type_id = $postData['CodeQltySrcType']; $date_end = $postData['date_end']; $date_end = \Helper::parseDate($date_end); $filterBy = $postData['cboFilterBy']; $extraDataSet = []; $dataSet = null; $codeQltySrcType = CodeQltySrcType::getTableName(); // $qltData = $mdl::getTableName(); $uoms = $properties['uoms']; $sourceTypekey = array_search('CodeQltySrcType', array_column($uoms, 'id')); $sourceTypes = $uoms[$sourceTypekey]['data']; $objectType = null; $src_type_ids = $src_type_id == 0 ? [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] : [$src_type_id]; $query = null; // \DB::enableQueryLog(); foreach ($src_type_ids as $srcTypeId) { $where = ['SRC_TYPE' => $srcTypeId]; switch ($srcTypeId) { case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: $objectType = $sourceTypes->find($srcTypeId); $objectType = $objectType->CODE; $cquery = $mdl::join($objectType, function ($query) use($objectType, $facility_id, $dcTable) { $query->on("{$objectType}.ID", '=', "{$dcTable}.SRC_ID")->where("{$objectType}.FACILITY_ID", '=', $facility_id); })->where($where)->whereDate("{$dcTable}.{$filterBy}", '>=', $occur_date)->whereDate("{$dcTable}.{$filterBy}", '<=', $date_end)->select("{$dcTable}.ID as {$dcTable}", "{$dcTable}.ID as DT_RowId", "{$dcTable}.ID", "{$dcTable}.*")->orderBy($dcTable); // ->get(); $query = $query == null ? $cquery : $query->union($cquery); break; case 5: $objectType = $sourceTypes->find($srcTypeId); $objectType = $objectType->CODE; $storage = Storage::getTableName(); $pdVoyageDetail = PdVoyageDetail::getTableName(); $pdVoyage = PdVoyage::getTableName(); $cquery = $mdl::join($pdVoyageDetail, "{$dcTable}.SRC_ID", '=', "{$pdVoyageDetail}.ID")->join($pdVoyage, "{$pdVoyageDetail}.VOYAGE_ID", '=', "{$pdVoyage}.ID")->join($storage, function ($query) use($storage, $facility_id, $pdVoyage) { $query->on("{$storage}.ID", '=', "{$pdVoyage}.STORAGE_ID")->where("{$storage}.FACILITY_ID", '=', $facility_id); })->where($where)->whereDate($filterBy, '>=', $occur_date)->whereDate($filterBy, '<=', $date_end)->select("{$dcTable}.ID as {$dcTable}", "{$dcTable}.ID as DT_RowId", "{$dcTable}.ID", "{$dcTable}.*")->orderBy($dcTable); // ->get(); $query = $query == null ? $cquery : $query->union($cquery); break; case 6: $objectType = $sourceTypes->find($srcTypeId); $objectType = $objectType->CODE; $cquery = $mdl::where($where)->whereDate($filterBy, '>=', $occur_date)->whereDate($filterBy, '<=', $date_end)->select("{$dcTable}.ID as {$dcTable}", "{$dcTable}.ID as DT_RowId", "{$dcTable}.ID", "{$dcTable}.*")->orderBy($dcTable); // ->get(); $query = $query == null ? $cquery : $query->union($cquery); break; } } if ($query != null) { $dataSet = $query->get(); } // \Log::info(\DB::getQueryLog()); $sourceColumn = 'SRC_TYPE'; if ($dataSet && $dataSet->count() > 0) { if ($src_type_id > 0) { $srcTypeData = $this->getExtraDatasetBy($objectType, $facility_id); if ($srcTypeData) { $extraDataSet[$sourceColumn] = []; $extraDataSet[$sourceColumn][$src_type_id] = $srcTypeData; } } else { // \DB::enableQueryLog(); $bySrcTypes = $dataSet->groupBy('SRC_ID'); // \Log::info(\DB::getQueryLog()); if ($bySrcTypes) { $extraDataSet[$sourceColumn] = []; foreach ($bySrcTypes as $key => $srcType) { $srcTypeID = $srcType[0]->SRC_TYPE; $table = $sourceTypes->find($srcTypeID); $table = $table->CODE; $srcTypeData = $this->getExtraDatasetBy($table, $facility_id); if ($srcTypeData) { $extraDataSet[$sourceColumn][$srcTypeID] = $srcTypeData; } } } } } return ['dataSet' => $dataSet, 'extraDataSet' => $extraDataSet]; }
public function getDataSet($postData, $dcTable, $facility_id, $occur_date, $properties) { $accountId = $postData['PdLiftingAccount']; $date_end = array_key_exists('date_end', $postData) ? $postData['date_end'] : null; if ($date_end) { $date_end = \Helper::parseDate($date_end); } // \DB::enableQueryLog(); // \Log::info(\DB::getQueryLog()); $pdCargo = PdCargo::getTableName(); $pdCargoNomination = PdCargoNomination::getTableName(); $shipCargoBlmr = ShipCargoBlmr::getTableName(); $flowDataValue = FlowDataValue::getTableName(); $flow = Flow::getTableName(); $pdLiftingAccount = PdLiftingAccount::getTableName(); $query = ShipCargoBlmr::join($pdCargo, function ($query) use($shipCargoBlmr, $accountId, $pdCargo) { $query->on("{$pdCargo}.ID", '=', "{$shipCargoBlmr}.CARGO_ID")->where("{$pdCargo}.LIFTING_ACCT", '=', $accountId); })->whereNotNull("{$shipCargoBlmr}.DATE_TIME")->whereDate("{$shipCargoBlmr}.DATE_TIME", '>=', $occur_date)->whereDate("{$shipCargoBlmr}.DATE_TIME", '<=', $date_end)->select("{$shipCargoBlmr}.CARGO_ID", "{$pdCargo}.NAME as cargo_name", "{$shipCargoBlmr}.DATE_TIME as xdate", \DB::raw("null as nom_qty"), "{$shipCargoBlmr}.ITEM_VALUE as b_qty"); $cquery = PdCargoNomination::join($pdCargo, function ($query) use($pdCargoNomination, $accountId, $pdCargo) { $query->on("{$pdCargo}.ID", '=', "{$pdCargoNomination}.CARGO_ID")->where("{$pdCargo}.LIFTING_ACCT", '=', $accountId); })->whereDate("{$pdCargoNomination}.NOMINATION_DATE", '>=', $occur_date)->whereDate("{$pdCargoNomination}.NOMINATION_DATE", '<=', $date_end)->select("{$pdCargoNomination}.CARGO_ID", "{$pdCargo}.NAME as cargo_name", "{$pdCargoNomination}.NOMINATION_DATE as xdate", "{$pdCargoNomination}.NOMINATION_QTY as nom_qty", \DB::raw("null as b_qty")); $query->union($cquery); $xquery = \DB::table(\DB::raw("({$query->toSql()}) as x"))->select('x.CARGO_ID', 'x.cargo_name', 'x.xdate', \DB::raw('sum(x.nom_qty) as n_qty'), \DB::raw('sum(x.b_qty) as b_qty'))->addBinding($query->getBindings())->groupBy('x.xdate')->groupBy('x.CARGO_ID'); $xxquery = \DB::table(\DB::raw("({$xquery->toSql()}) as x"))->select('x.cargo_name', 'x.xdate', 'x.n_qty', 'x.b_qty', \DB::raw('null as flow_name'), \DB::raw('null as flow_qty'), \DB::raw('-ifnull(x.b_qty,x.n_qty) as cal_qty'))->addBinding($xquery->getBindings()); $flowquery = FlowDataValue::join($flow, "{$flowDataValue}.FLOW_ID", '=', "{$flow}.ID")->join($pdLiftingAccount, function ($query) use($pdLiftingAccount, $accountId, $flow) { $query->on("{$pdLiftingAccount}.PROFIT_CENTER", '=', "{$flow}.COST_INT_CTR_ID")->where("{$pdLiftingAccount}.ID", '=', $accountId); })->whereDate("{$flowDataValue}.OCCUR_DATE", '>=', $occur_date)->whereDate("{$flowDataValue}.OCCUR_DATE", '<=', $date_end)->select(\DB::raw("null as cargo_name"), "{$flowDataValue}.OCCUR_DATE as xdate", \DB::raw("null as n_qty"), \DB::raw("null as b_qty"), \DB::raw("concat({$flow}.name,' (',round({$pdLiftingAccount}.INTEREST_PCT),'%)') as flow_name"), \DB::raw("round({$flowDataValue}.FL_DATA_GRS_VOL*{$pdLiftingAccount}.INTEREST_PCT/100,3) as flow_qty"), \DB::raw("round({$flowDataValue}.FL_DATA_GRS_VOL*{$pdLiftingAccount}.INTEREST_PCT/100,3) as cal_qty"))->groupBy("{$flowDataValue}.OCCUR_DATE")->groupBy("{$flow}.ID"); $xxquery->union($flowquery); $xxxquery = \DB::table(\DB::raw("({$xxquery->toSql()}) as x"))->select('x.*', \DB::raw('case when x.b_qty is null then x.n_qty else null end as n_qty'), \DB::raw('sum(x.flow_qty) as flow_qty'), \DB::raw('ifnull(sum(x.cal_qty),0) cal_qty'), \DB::raw("'' as UOM"))->addBinding($xxquery->getBindings())->groupBy("x.xdate")->groupBy("x.cargo_name")->groupBy("x.flow_name"); $dataSet = $xxxquery->get(); $month = ""; $balance = 0; foreach ($dataSet as $key => $item) { $date = Carbon::parse($item->xdate); $monthOfItem = $date->month; //$item->xdate; if ($month != $monthOfItem) { $monthData = PdLiftingAccountMthData::where("LIFTING_ACCOUNT_ID", $accountId)->whereMonth('BALANCE_MONTH', '=', $monthOfItem)->select("BAL_VOL")->first(); $balance = $monthData != null ? $monthData->BAL_VOL : 0; $month = $monthOfItem; } $balance += $item->cal_qty; $item->cal_qty = $balance; $dataSet[$key] = $item; } /* $dataSet = $dataSet->each(function ($item, $key) use ($accountId,&$month,&$balance){ }); */ return ['dataSet' => $dataSet]; /* $sSQL="select x.xdate, DATE_FORMAT(x.xdate,'%m/%d/%Y') sdate, DATE_FORMAT(x.xdate,'%m/01/%Y') xmonth, x.cargo_name, case when x.b_qty is null then x.n_qty else null end n_qty, x.b_qty b_qty, x.flow_name, sum(x.flow_qty) flow_qty, ifnull(sum(x.cal_qty),0) cal_qty from( select x.cargo_name, x.xdate, x.n_qty, x.b_qty, null flow_name, null flow_qty, -ifnull(x.b_qty,x.n_qty) cal_qty from( SELECT x.cargo_name, x.xdate, sum(x.nom_qty) n_qty, sum(x.b_qty) b_qty from( select a.cargo_id, cargo_name, a.NOMINATION_DATE xdate, a.NOMINATION_QTY nom_qty, null b_qty from pd_cargo_nomination a, pd_cargo b where and b.LIFTING_ACCT=$accountId and a.NOMINATION_DATE between '$date_from' and '$date_to' union all select a.cargo_id, cargo_name, date(a.DATE_TIME) xdate, null nom_qty, a.ITEM_VALUE b_qty from ship_cargo_blmr a, pd_cargo b where and b.LIFTING_ACCT=$accountId and a.DATE_TIME is not null and date(a.DATE_TIME) between '$date_from' and '$date_to' ) x group by x.xdate,x.cargo_id ) x union all select x.cargo_name, x.xdate, null n_qty, null b_qty, x.flow_name, x.flow_qty, x.flow_qty cal_qty from( select null cargo_name, a.occur_date xdate, concat(,' (',round(d.INTEREST_PCT),'%)') flow_name, round(a.FL_DAY_GRS_VOL*d.INTEREST_PCT/100,3) flow_qty from flow_day_value a, flow b, pd_lifting_account d where$accountId and d.PROFIT_CENTER=b.COST_INT_CTR_ID and #and b.DISP in ('PROD_OIL','IMPORT_OIL') and a.OCCUR_DATE between '$date_from' and '$date_to' group by a.occur_date, ) x ) x group by x.xdate,x.cargo_name,x.flow_name"; */ }
public function loadChart(Request $request) { $options = $request->only('title', 'minvalue', 'maxvalue', 'date_begin', 'date_end', 'input', "bgcolor"); $title = $options['title']; $minvalue = $options['minvalue']; $maxvalue = $options['maxvalue']; $date_begin = $options['date_begin']; $date_end = $options['date_end']; $input = $options['input']; $bgcolor = $options["bgcolor"]; $isrange = is_numeric($minvalue) && $maxvalue > $minvalue; $date_begin = \Helper::parseDate($date_begin); $date_end = \Helper::parseDate($date_end); $ss = explode(",", $input); $k = 0; $maxV = 0; $minV = PHP_INT_MAX; $strData = ""; foreach ($ss as $s) { $tmp = []; $phase_type = -1; $xs = explode(":", $s); $chart_name = $xs[5]; $chart_type = $xs[4]; $types = explode("~", $xs[3]); $vfield = $types[0]; $chart_color = $xs[count($xs) - 1]; if (!(substr($chart_color, 0, 1) == "#" && strlen($chart_color) > 1)) { $chart_color = ""; } $datefield = "OCCUR_DATE"; $is_eutest = false; $is_deferment = false; $obj_type_id_field = null; if ($xs[0] == "TANK") { $obj_type_id_field = "TANK_ID"; } else { if ($xs[0] == "STORAGE") { $obj_type_id_field = "STORAGE_ID"; } else { if ($xs[0] == "FLOW") { $obj_type_id_field = "FLOW_ID"; } else { if ($xs[0] == "EU_TEST") { $obj_type_id_field = "EU_ID"; } else { if ($xs[0] == "ENERGY_UNIT") { $obj_type_id_field = "EU_ID"; $chart_type = $xs[5]; $chart_name = $xs[6]; $vfield = $xs[3]; $types = explode("~", $xs[4]); $phase_type = $types[0]; } } } } } if (!$obj_type_id_field) { continue; } $pos = strpos($xs[3], "@"); if ($pos > 0) { $xs[3] = substr($xs[3], $pos + 1); } $table_name = $xs[2]; $entity = strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', $table_name)); $entity = ucwords($entity); $entity = str_replace(' ', '', $entity); if (strtolower(substr($entity, 0, strlen("EuTest"))) == "eutest") { $is_eutest = true; $datefield = "EFFECTIVE_DATE"; } else { if (strtolower($entity) == "deferment") { $is_deferment = true; $datefield = "BEGIN_TIME"; $obj_type_id_field = "DEFER_TARGET"; } } $model = 'App\\Models\\' . $entity; $va = $xs[0]; $pa1 = $xs[1]; //\DB::enableQueryLog (); $tmp = $model::where([$obj_type_id_field => $pa1])->where(function ($q) use($va, $is_eutest, $phase_type) { if ($va == "ENERGY_UNIT" && !$is_eutest) { $q->where(['FLOW_PHASE' => $phase_type]); } })->whereDate($datefield, '>=', $date_begin)->whereDate($datefield, '<=', $date_end)->orderBy($datefield)->take(300)->get([$vfield . ' AS V', "{$datefield}"]); //\Log::info ( \DB::getQueryLog () ); $i = 0; // DB::raw('DATE_FORMAT('.$datefield.', "%Y,%m-1,%d")'); if ($k > 0) { $strData .= ",{"; } else { $strData .= "{"; } $strData .= "type: '" . $chart_type . "',\n"; $strData .= "name: '" . preg_replace('/\\s+/', '_@', $chart_name) . "',\n"; $strData .= "type: '" . $chart_type . "',\n"; $strData .= $chart_color ? "color: '{$chart_color}',\n" : ""; //$strData .= "name: '".$chart_name."',"; $strData .= "data: ["; foreach ($tmp as $row) { if ($row->V == "") { $row->V = 0; } if ($row->V > $maxV) { $maxV = $row->V; } if ($row->V < $minV) { $minV = $row->V; } if ($i > 0) { $strData .= ",\r\n"; } $dateTime = $row->{$datefield}; $dateTimeText = sprintf("%d,%d,%d", $dateTime->year, $dateTime->month - 1, $dateTime->day); $strData .= "[Date.UTC(" . $dateTimeText . "), " . $row->V . "]"; $i++; } $strData .= "]}\r\n"; $k++; } $min1 = $minV < 0 ? $minV : 0; $div = 5; if ($isrange) { $min1 = $minvalue; $max1 = $maxvalue; } else { $x = ceil($maxV); $xs = strval($x); $xl = strlen($xs) - 1; $n = (int) $xs[0]; $t = pow(10, $xl); $x = ceil(2 * $maxV / $t) / 2; $max1 = $x * $t; if ($max1 / $div * ($div - 1) > $maxV) { $max1 = $max1 / $div * ($div - 1); $div -= 1; } } $tickInterval1 = ($max1 - ($min1 > 0 ? $min1 : 0)) / $div; $tickInterval2 = 0; $min2 = 0; $max2 = 0; $x = $this->convertUOM($tickInterval1, 'kL', 'm3'); if (is_numeric($x)) { $tickInterval2 = $x; if ($isrange) { $min2 = $this->convertUOM($min1, 'kL', 'm3'); } } if ($tickInterval2 > 0) { $max2 = ($min2 < 0 ? 0 : $min2) + $tickInterval2 * $div; } return view('front.graph_loadchart', ['min1' => $min1, 'max1' => $max1, 'min2' => $min2, 'max2' => $max2, 'title' => $title != "null" ? $title : "", 'series' => $strData]); }
public function getDataSet($postData, $dcTable, $facility_id, $occur_date, $properties) { $flow_phase = $postData['ExtensionPhaseType']; $object_id = $postData['ObjectName']; $source_type = $postData['IntObjectTypeName']; $date_from = $occur_date; $date_to = $postData['date_end']; $date_to = \Helper::parseDate($date_to); if ($object_id <= 0) { return response("Object Name {$object_id} not okay", 401); } $obj_id_prefix = $source_type; $field_prefix = $source_type; $idField = $source_type; $modelName = $this->getModelName($source_type, $postData); $mdl = "App\\Models\\" . $modelName; $selects = ["ID as DT_RowId", "OCCUR_DATE"]; $where = []; if ($source_type == "ENERGY_UNIT") { $obj_id_prefix = "EU"; $idField = $obj_id_prefix; $where["FLOW_PHASE"] = $flow_phase; $selects[] = "FLOW_PHASE as EU_FLOW_PHASE"; $selects[] = "EU_ID"; } else { if ($source_type == "FLOW") { $obj_id_prefix = "FL"; $selects[] = "FLOW_ID"; } else { $selects[] = "{$idField}" . "_ID"; } } if ($source_type == "FLOW" || $source_type == "ENERGY_UNIT") { $field_prefix = $obj_id_prefix . "_DATA"; } $selects[] = "{$field_prefix}" . "_GRS_VOL"; $selects[] = "{$field_prefix}" . "_GRS_MASS"; $selects[] = "{$field_prefix}" . "_GRS_ENGY"; $selects[] = "{$field_prefix}" . "_GRS_PWR"; $where["{$idField}" . "_ID"] = $object_id; // \DB::enableQueryLog(); $dataSet = $mdl::where($where)->whereBetween('OCCUR_DATE', [$date_from, $date_to])->select($selects)->orderBy('OCCUR_DATE')->get(); // \Log::info(\DB::getQueryLog()); return ['dataSet' => $dataSet]; }
public function save(Request $request) { // sleep(2); // return response()->json('[]'); // throw new Exception("not Save"); $postData = $request->all(); if (!array_key_exists('editedData', $postData) && !array_key_exists('deleteData', $postData)) { return response()->json('no data 2 update!'); } if (!array_key_exists('editedData', $postData)) { $editedData = false; } else { $editedData = $postData['editedData']; } $facility_id = null; if (array_key_exists('Facility', $postData)) { $facility_id = $postData['Facility']; } $occur_date = null; if (array_key_exists('date_begin', $postData)) { $occur_date = $postData['date_begin']; $occur_date = \Helper::parseDate($occur_date); } $affectedIds = []; $this->preSave($editedData, $affectedIds, $postData); try { $resultTransaction = \DB::transaction(function () use($postData, $editedData, $affectedIds, $occur_date, $facility_id) { $this->deleteData($postData); if (!$editedData) { return []; } $lockeds = []; $ids = []; $resultRecords = []; // \DB::enableQueryLog(); foreach ($editedData as $mdlName => $mdlData) { $modelName = $this->getModelName($mdlName, $postData); $mdl = "App\\Models\\" . $modelName; if ($mdl::$ignorePostData) { unset($editedData[$mdlName]); continue; } $ids[$mdlName] = []; $resultRecords[$mdlName] = []; $tableName = $mdl::getTableName(); $locked = \Helper::checkLockedTable($tableName, $occur_date, $facility_id); if ($locked) { $lockeds[$mdlName] = "Data of {$modelName} with facility {$facility_id} was locked on {$occur_date} "; unset($editedData[$mdlName]); continue; } foreach ($mdlData as $key => $newData) { $columns = $mdl::getKeyColumns($newData, $occur_date, $postData); $originNewData = $mdlData[$key]; $mdlData[$key] = $newData; $returnRecord = $mdl::updateOrCreateWithCalculating($columns, $newData); if ($returnRecord) { $affectRecord = $returnRecord->updateDependRecords($occur_date, $originNewData, $postData); $returnRecord->updateAudit($columns, $newData, $postData); $ids[$mdlName][] = $returnRecord['ID']; $resultRecords[$mdlName][] = $returnRecord; if ($affectRecord) { $ids[$mdlName][] = $affectRecord['ID']; $resultRecords[$mdlName][] = $affectRecord; } } } $editedData[$mdlName] = $mdlData; } // \Log::info(\DB::getQueryLog()); // $objectIds = array_unique($objectIds); //doFormula in config table $affectColumns = []; foreach ($editedData as $mdlName => $mdlData) { $modelName = $this->getModelName($mdlName, $postData); $cls = \FormulaHelpers::doFormula($modelName, 'ID', $ids[$mdlName]); if (is_array($cls) && count($cls) > 0) { $affectColumns[$mdlName] = $cls; } } foreach ($resultRecords as $mdlName => $records) { foreach ($records as $key => $returnRecord) { $returnRecord->afterSaving($postData); } } if ($this->isApplyFormulaAfterSaving) { //get affected object with id $objectWithformulas = []; foreach ($editedData as $mdlName => $mdlData) { $mdl = "App\\Models\\" . $mdlName; foreach ($mdlData as $key => $newData) { $columns = array_keys($newData); if (array_key_exists($mdlName, $affectColumns)) { $columns = array_merge($columns, $affectColumns[$mdlName]); } $uColumns = $mdl::getKeyColumns($newData, $occur_date, $postData); $columns = array_diff($columns, $uColumns); $aFormulas = $this->getAffectedObjects($mdlName, $columns, $newData); $objectWithformulas = array_merge($objectWithformulas, $aFormulas); } } $objectWithformulas = array_unique($objectWithformulas); //apply Formula in formula table $applieds = \FormulaHelpers::applyAffectedFormula($objectWithformulas, $occur_date); if ($applieds && count($applieds)) { foreach ($applieds as $apply) { $mdlName = $apply->modelName; if (!array_key_exists($mdlName, $ids)) { $ids[$mdlName] = []; } $ids[$mdlName][] = $apply->ID; $ids[$mdlName] = array_unique($ids[$mdlName]); $resultRecords[$mdlName][] = $apply; $resultRecords[$mdlName] = array_unique($resultRecords[$mdlName]); } } } $this->afterSave($resultRecords, $occur_date); $resultTransaction = []; if (count($lockeds) > 0) { $resultTransaction['lockeds'] = $lockeds; } $resultTransaction['ids'] = $ids; return $resultTransaction; }); } catch (\Exception $e) { \Log::info("\n----------------------hehe--------------------------------------------------------------------------\nException wher run transation\n "); // \Log::info($e->getTraceAsString()); // return response($e->getMessage(), 400); throw $e; } //get updated data after apply formulas $updatedData = []; if (array_key_exists('ids', $resultTransaction)) { foreach ($resultTransaction['ids'] as $mdlName => $updatedIds) { // $updatedData[$mdlName] = $mdl::findMany($objectIds); $modelName = $this->getModelName($mdlName, $postData); $mdl = "App\\Models\\" . $modelName; $updatedData[$mdlName] = $mdl::findManyWithConfig($updatedIds); } } // \Log::info(\DB::getQueryLog()); $results = ['updatedData' => $updatedData, 'postData' => $postData]; if (array_key_exists('lockeds', $resultTransaction)) { $results['lockeds'] = $resultTransaction['lockeds']; } return response()->json($results); }