/** * Add: vdot/intensity */ protected function addCalculations() { if ($this->Context->dataview()->vdot()->value() > 0 || $this->Context->activity()->jdIntensity() > 0) { $this->BoxedValues[] = new BoxedValue(Helper::Unknown($this->Context->dataview()->vdot()->value(), '-'), '', __('VDOT'), $this->Context->dataview()->vdotIcon()); $this->BoxedValues[] = new BoxedValue(Helper::Unknown($this->Context->activity()->jdIntensity(), '-'), '', __('Training points')); } }
/** * Add running dynamics */ protected function addRunningDynamics() { if ($this->Context->activity()->groundcontact() > 0 || $this->Context->activity()->verticalOscillation() > 0) { $Contact = new BoxedValue(Helper::Unknown($this->Context->activity()->groundcontact(), '-'), 'ms', __('Ground contact')); $Contact->defineAsFloatingBlock('w50'); $Oscillation = new BoxedValue(Helper::Unknown(round($this->Context->activity()->verticalOscillation() / 10, 1), '-'), 'cm', __('Vertical oscillation')); $Oscillation->defineAsFloatingBlock('w50'); $this->BoxedValues[] = $Contact; $this->BoxedValues[] = $Oscillation; } }
/** * Show values */ protected function showValues() { $ModelQuery = new Performance\ModelQuery(); $ModelQuery->execute(DB::getInstance()); $TSBmodel = new Performance\TSB($ModelQuery->data(), Configuration::Trimp()->daysForCTL(), Configuration::Trimp()->daysForATL()); $TSBmodel->calculate(); $MonotonyQuery = new Performance\ModelQuery(); $MonotonyQuery->setRange(time() - (Monotony::DAYS - 1) * DAY_IN_S, time()); $MonotonyQuery->execute(DB::getInstance()); $Monotony = new Monotony($MonotonyQuery->data()); $Monotony->calculate(); $VDOT = Configuration::Data()->vdot(); $ATLmax = Configuration::Data()->maxATL(); $CTLmax = Configuration::Data()->maxCTL(); $ModelATLmax = $TSBmodel->maxFatigue(); $ModelCTLmax = $TSBmodel->maxFitness(); if ($ModelATLmax > $ATLmax) { Configuration::Data()->updateMaxATL($ModelATLmax); $ATLmax = $ModelATLmax; } if ($ModelCTLmax > $CTLmax) { Configuration::Data()->updateMaxCTL($ModelCTLmax); $CTLmax = $ModelCTLmax; } $ATLabsolute = $TSBmodel->fatigueAt(0); $CTLabsolute = $TSBmodel->fitnessAt(0); $TSBabsolute = $TSBmodel->performanceAt(0); $TrimpValues = array('ATL' => round(100 * $ATLabsolute / $ATLmax), 'ATLstring' => Configuration::Trimp()->showInPercent() ? round(100 * $ATLabsolute / $ATLmax) . ' %' : $ATLabsolute, 'CTL' => round(100 * $CTLabsolute / $CTLmax), 'CTLstring' => Configuration::Trimp()->showInPercent() ? round(100 * $CTLabsolute / $CTLmax) . ' %' : $CTLabsolute, 'TSB' => round(100 * $TSBabsolute / max($ATLabsolute, $CTLabsolute, 1)), 'TSBstring' => Configuration::Trimp()->showTSBinPercent() ? sprintf("%+d", round(100 * $TSBabsolute / max($ATLabsolute, $CTLabsolute))) . ' %' : sprintf("%+d", $TSBabsolute)); $TSBisPositive = $TrimpValues['TSB'] > 0; $maxTrimpToBalanced = ceil($TSBmodel->maxTrimpToBalanced($CTLabsolute, $ATLabsolute)); $restDays = ceil($TSBmodel->restDays($CTLabsolute, $ATLabsolute)); $JDQuery = Cache::get(self::CACHE_KEY_JD_POINTS); if (is_null($JDQuery)) { $JDQueryLastWeek = DB::getInstance()->query('SELECT SUM(`jd_intensity`) FROM `' . PREFIX . 'training` WHERE `time`>=' . Time::Weekstart(time() - 7 * DAY_IN_S) . ' AND `time`<' . Time::Weekend(time() - 7 * DAY_IN_S) . ' AND accountid = ' . SessionAccountHandler::getId()); $JDQueryThisWeek = DB::getInstance()->query('SELECT SUM(`jd_intensity`) FROM `' . PREFIX . 'training` WHERE `time`>=' . Time::Weekstart(time()) . ' AND `time`<' . Time::Weekend(time()) . ' AND accountid = ' . SessionAccountHandler::getId()); $JDQuery['LastWeek'] = Helper::Unknown($JDQueryLastWeek->fetchColumn(), 0); $JDQuery['ThisWeek'] = Helper::Unknown($JDQueryThisWeek->fetchColumn(), 0); Cache::set(self::CACHE_KEY_JD_POINTS, $JDQuery, '600'); } $JDPointsLastWeek = $JDQuery['LastWeek']; $JDPointsThisWeek = $JDQuery['ThisWeek']; $JDPointsPrognosis = round($JDPointsThisWeek / (7 - (Time::Weekend(time()) - time()) / DAY_IN_S) * 7); $Values = array(array('show' => $this->Configuration()->value('show_vdot'), 'bars' => array(new ProgressBarSingle(2 * round($VDOT - 30), ProgressBarSingle::$COLOR_BLUE)), 'bar-tooltip' => '', 'value' => number_format($VDOT, 2), 'title' => __('VDOT'), 'small' => '', 'tooltip' => __('Current average VDOT')), array('show' => $this->Configuration()->value('show_basicendurance'), 'bars' => array(new ProgressBarSingle(BasicEndurance::getConst(), ProgressBarSingle::$COLOR_BLUE)), 'bar-tooltip' => '', 'value' => BasicEndurance::getConst() . ' %', 'title' => __('Basic endurance'), 'small' => '', 'tooltip' => __('<em>Experimental value!</em><br>100 % means: you had enough long runs and kilometers per week to run a good marathon, based on your current VDOT.')), array('show' => $this->Configuration()->value('show_trimpvalues'), 'bars' => array(new ProgressBarSingle($TrimpValues['ATL'], ProgressBarSingle::$COLOR_BLUE)), 'bar-tooltip' => sprintf(__('Current value: %s<br>Maximal value: %s<br>as percentage: %s %'), $ATLabsolute, $ATLmax, $TrimpValues['ATL']), 'value' => $TrimpValues['ATLstring'], 'title' => __('Fatigue'), 'small' => '(ATL)', 'tooltip' => __('Actual Training Load<br><small>Average training impulse of the last weeks in relation to your maximal value.</small>')), array('show' => $this->Configuration()->value('show_trimpvalues'), 'bars' => array(new ProgressBarSingle($TrimpValues['CTL'], ProgressBarSingle::$COLOR_BLUE)), 'bar-tooltip' => sprintf(__('Current value: %s<br>Maximal value: %s<br>as percentage: %s %'), $CTLabsolute, $CTLmax, $TrimpValues['CTL']), 'value' => $TrimpValues['CTLstring'], 'title' => __('Fitness level'), 'small' => '(CTL)', 'tooltip' => __('Chronical Training Load<br><small>Average training impulse of the last months in relation to your maximal value.</small>')), array('show' => $this->Configuration()->value('show_trimpvalues'), 'bars' => array(new ProgressBarSingle(abs($TrimpValues['TSB']) / 2, $TSBisPositive ? ProgressBarSingle::$COLOR_GREEN : ProgressBarSingle::$COLOR_RED, $TSBisPositive ? 'right' : 'left')), 'bar-tooltip' => 'TSB = CTL - ATL<br>' . sprintf(__('absolute: %s<br>as percentage: %s %'), $CTLabsolute . ' - ' . $ATLabsolute . ' = ' . sprintf("%+d", $TSBabsolute), $TrimpValues['TSB']), 'value' => $TrimpValues['TSBstring'], 'title' => __('Stress Balance'), 'small' => '(TSB)', 'tooltip' => __('Training Stress Balance (= CTL - ATL)<br>> 0: You are relaxing.<br>' . '< 0: You are training hard.')), array('show' => $this->Configuration()->value('show_trimpvalues') && !$TSBisPositive, 'bars' => array(new ProgressBarSingle(100 * $restDays / 7, ProgressBarSingle::$COLOR_BLUE)), 'bar-tooltip' => '', 'value' => $restDays, 'title' => __('Rest days'), 'small' => '', 'tooltip' => __('Rest days needed to reach TSB = 0')), array('show' => $this->Configuration()->value('show_trimpvalues') && $TSBisPositive, 'bars' => array(new ProgressBarSingle(100 * $maxTrimpToBalanced / 1000, ProgressBarSingle::$COLOR_BLUE)), 'bar-tooltip' => '', 'value' => $maxTrimpToBalanced, 'title' => __('Easy TRIMP'), 'small' => '', 'tooltip' => __('Max TRIMP that will still keep you at TSB = 0')), array('show' => $this->Configuration()->value('show_trimpvalues_extra'), 'bars' => array(new ProgressBarSingle($Monotony->valueAsPercentage(), $Monotony->value() > Monotony::CRITICAL ? ProgressBarSingle::$COLOR_RED : $Monotony->value() > Monotony::WARNING ? ProgressBarSingle::$COLOR_ORANGE : ProgressBarSingle::$COLOR_GREEN)), 'bar-tooltip' => 'Monotony = avg(Trimp)/stddev(Trimp)', 'value' => number_format($Monotony->value(), 2), 'title' => __('Monotony'), 'small' => '', 'tooltip' => __('Monotony<br><small>Monotony of your last seven days.<br>Values below 1.5 are preferable.</small>')), array('show' => $this->Configuration()->value('show_trimpvalues_extra'), 'bars' => array(new ProgressBarSingle($Monotony->trainingStrainAsPercentage(), $Monotony->trainingStrainAsPercentage() >= 75 ? ProgressBarSingle::$COLOR_RED : ($Monotony->trainingStrainAsPercentage() >= 50 ? ProgressBarSingle::$COLOR_ORANGE : ProgressBarSingle::$COLOR_GREEN))), 'bar-tooltip' => 'Training strain = sum(Trimp)*Monotony', 'value' => round($Monotony->trainingStrain()), 'title' => __('Training strain'), 'small' => '', 'tooltip' => __('Training strain<br><small>of your last seven days</small>')), array('show' => $this->Configuration()->value('show_jd_intensity'), 'bars' => array(new ProgressBarSingle($JDPointsPrognosis / 2, ProgressBarSingle::$COLOR_LIGHT), new ProgressBarSingle($JDPointsThisWeek / 2, ProgressBarSingle::$COLOR_RED)), 'bar-goal' => $JDPointsLastWeek / 2, 'bar-tooltip' => sprintf(__('This week: %s training points<br>Prognosis: ca. %s training points<br>Last week: %s training points'), $JDPointsThisWeek, $JDPointsPrognosis, $JDPointsLastWeek), 'value' => $JDPointsThisWeek, 'title' => __('Training points'), 'small' => '', 'tooltip' => __('Training intensity by Jack Daniels.<br>' . 'Jack Daniels considers the following levels:<br>' . '50 points: Beginner<br>' . '100 points: Advanced Runner<br>' . '200 points: Pro Runner'))); $this->showTableForValues($Values); }
/** * Constructor * @param \Runalyze\View\Activity\Context $Context */ public function __construct(\Runalyze\View\Activity\Context $Context) { $WindDirection = $Context->activity()->weather()->windDegree(); $CardinalDirection = CardinalDirection::getDirection($WindDirection->value()); parent::__construct(\Helper::Unknown($CardinalDirection . ' / ' . $WindDirection->string(false), '-'), $WindDirection->unit(), $WindDirection->label()); }
/** * Display table-row for a competition * @param array $data */ private function displayWKTr(array $data) { $Activity = new Activity\Entity($data); $Linker = new Linker($Activity); $Dataview = new Dataview($Activity); echo '<tr class="r"> <td>' . $this->getIconForCompetition($data['id']) . '</td> <td class="c small">' . $Linker->weekLink() . '</a></td> <td class="l"><strong>' . $Linker->linkWithComment() . '</strong></td> <td>' . $Dataview->distance(1) . '</td> <td>' . $Dataview->duration()->string(Duration::FORMAT_COMPETITION) . '</td> <td class="small">' . $Dataview->pace()->value() . '</td> <td class="small">' . Helper::Unknown($Activity->hrAvg()) . ' / ' . Helper::Unknown($Activity->hrMax()) . ' bpm</td> <td class="small">' . ($Activity->weather()->isEmpty() ? '' : $Activity->weather()->fullString($Activity->isNight())) . '</td> </tr>'; }
/** * Constructor * @param \Runalyze\View\Activity\Context $Context */ public function __construct(\Runalyze\View\Activity\Context $Context) { $humidity = $Context->activity()->weather()->humidity(); parent::__construct(\Helper::Unknown($humidity->string(false), '-'), $humidity->unit(), $humidity->label()); }
/** * Constructor * @param \Runalyze\View\Activity\Context $Context */ public function __construct(\Runalyze\View\Activity\Context $Context) { $Distance = new \Runalyze\Activity\Distance($Context->activity()->distance()); parent::__construct(\Helper::Unknown(round($Distance->valueInPreferredUnit(), 2), '-'), $Distance->unit(), $Distance->label()); }
/** * Constructor * @param \Runalyze\View\Activity\Context $Context */ public function __construct(\Runalyze\View\Activity\Context $Context) { parent::__construct(\Helper::Unknown(\Runalyze\Activity\VerticalRatio::format($Context->activity()->verticalRatio(), false), '-'), '%', __('Vertical Ratio')); }
/** * Set boxed values */ protected function setBoxedValues() { $Distance = new Distance($this->Context->activity()->distance()); $this->BoxedValues = array(new BoxedValue(Helper::Unknown($Distance->string(false, false), '-.--'), $Distance->unit(), __('Distance')), new BoxedValue($this->Context->dataview()->duration()->string(), '', __('Time')), new BoxedValue($this->Context->dataview()->elapsedTime(), '', __('Elapsed time')), new BoxedValue($this->Context->dataview()->pace()->value(), $this->Context->dataview()->pace()->appendix(), __('Pace')), new BoxedValue(Helper::Unknown($this->Context->activity()->hrAvg(), '-'), 'bpm', __('ø Heartrate')), new BoxedValue(Helper::Unknown($this->Context->activity()->hrMax(), '-'), 'bpm', __('max. Heartrate')), new BoxedValue($this->Context->activity()->calories(), 'kcal', __('Calories')), new BoxedValue(Helper::Unknown($this->Context->dataview()->vdot()->value(), '-'), '', __('VDOT'), $this->Context->dataview()->vdotIcon()), new BoxedValue($this->Context->activity()->trimp(), '', __('TRIMP')), new Box\Elevation($this->Context)); }
/** * Display the content (old design) */ protected function displayContentInOldDesign() { $Weight = ''; $Pulse = ''; $Analyse = ''; $UserData = new UserData(DataObject::$LAST_OBJECT); if ($this->Configuration()->value('use_weight')) { $Weight = __('Weight') . ': <strong>' . Helper::Unknown($UserData->getWeight(), '-') . ' kg</strong><br>'; } if ($this->Configuration()->value('use_pulse')) { $Pulse = Helper::Unknown($UserData->getPulseRest(), '-') . ' bpm / ' . Helper::Unknown($UserData->getPulseMax()) . ' bpm'; } else { $Pulse = Helper::Unknown($UserData->getPulseMax(), '-') . ' bpm'; } if ($this->Configuration()->value('use_body_fat')) { $Analyse = __('Fat') . ': ' . Helper::Unknown($UserData->getBodyFat(), '-') . ' %, ' . __('Water') . ': ' . Helper::Unknown($UserData->getWater(), '-') . ' %, ' . __('Muscles') . ': ' . Helper::Unknown($UserData->getMuscles(), '-') . ' %'; } $AnalyseIsHidden = $this->Configuration()->value('use_weight') || $this->Configuration()->value('use_pulse'); if (!$AnalyseIsHidden && !$this->Configuration()->value('use_body_fat')) { return; } echo ' <div id="sportler-content"> <span class="right">' . $Pulse . '</span> ' . Ajax::flotChange($Weight, 'sportler_flots', 'sportler_weights') . ' ' . Ajax::flotChange($Analyse, 'sportler_flots', 'sportler_analyse', !$AnalyseIsHidden) . ' <div id="sportler_flots" class="flot-changeable" style="position:relative;width:320px;height:150px;margin:0 auto;"> <div class="flot ' . Ajax::$IMG_WAIT . '" id="sportler_weights" style="width:320px;height:150px;position:absolute;"></div> <div class="flot ' . Ajax::$IMG_WAIT . ($AnalyseIsHidden ? ' flot-hide' : '') . '" id="sportler_analyse" style="width:320px;height:150px;position:absolute;"></div> </div> </div>'; include FRONTEND_PATH . '../plugin/' . $this->key() . '/Plot.gewicht.php'; include FRONTEND_PATH . '../plugin/' . $this->key() . '/Plot.analyse.php'; }
/** * Show data in table view * @param array $data * @param array $timeset */ private function showDataInTableView($data, $timeset) { $Factory = new Factory(SessionAccountHandler::getId()); if (empty($data)) { echo '<p><em>' . __('No data available.') . '</em></p>'; } else { foreach ($data as $dat) { $Sport = $Factory->sport($dat['sportid']); $result = $dat['count_distance'] >= $dat['count'] / 2 ? Distance::format($dat['distance']) : Duration::format($dat['time_in_s']); echo '<p><span class="right"><small><small>(' . sprintf(__('%u-times'), Helper::Unknown($dat['count'], '0')) . ')</small></small> ' . $result . '</span> '; echo $Sport->icon()->code() . ' <strong>' . $Sport->name() . '</strong></p>'; } } echo '<small class="right">' . __('since') . ' ' . date("d.m.Y", $timeset['start']) . '</small>'; echo HTML::clearBreak(); }
/** * Constructor * @param \Runalyze\View\Activity\Context $Context */ public function __construct(\Runalyze\View\Activity\Context $Context) { $StrideLength = $Context->dataview()->strideLength(); parent::__construct(\Helper::Unknown($StrideLength->valueInPreferredUnit(), '-'), $StrideLength->unit(), $StrideLength->label()); }
/** * Constructor * @param \Runalyze\View\Activity\Context $Context */ public function __construct(\Runalyze\View\Activity\Context $Context) { $Elevation = $Context->dataview()->elevation(); parent::__construct(\Helper::Unknown($Elevation->valueInPreferredUnit(), '-'), $Elevation->unit(), $Elevation->label()); }
/** * @covers Helper::Unknown */ public function testUnknown() { $this->assertEquals('?', Helper::Unknown(null)); $this->assertEquals('-', Helper::Unknown(0, '-')); $this->assertEquals(1, Helper::Unknown(1, '-')); $this->assertEquals('test', Helper::Unknown('test', '-')); }
/** * Constructor * @param \Runalyze\View\Activity\Context $Context */ public function __construct(\Runalyze\View\Activity\Context $Context) { $PoolLength = new Activity\PoolLength($Context->swimdata()->poollength()); parent::__construct(\Helper::Unknown($PoolLength->valueInPreferredUnit(), '-'), $PoolLength->unit(), $PoolLength->label()); }
{ return $text; } } if (!function_exists('_e')) { function _e($text, $domain = 'runalyze') { echo $text; } } if (!function_exists('_n')) { function _n($msg1, $msg2, $n, $domain = 'runalyze') { if ($n == 1) { return $msg1; } return $msg2; } } if (!function_exists('_ne')) { function _ne($msg1, $msg2, $n, $domain = 'runalyze') { if ($n == 1) { echo $msg1; } echo $msg2; } } // Load helper class Helper::Unknown('');
/** * Constructor * @param \Runalyze\View\Activity\Context $Context */ public function __construct(\Runalyze\View\Activity\Context $Context) { parent::__construct(\Helper::Unknown(substr($Context->dataview()->gradientInPercent(), 0, -11), '-'), '%', __('ø Gradient')); }