public static function method_get_layout_blocks_in_json()
     $layout = headway_post('layout', false);
     $layout_status = HeadwayLayout::get_status($layout);
     if ($layout_status['customized'] != true) {
         return false;
     self::json_encode(array('blocks' => HeadwayBlocksData::get_blocks_by_layout($layout, true), 'wrappers' => HeadwayWrappers::get_layout_wrappers($layout, true)));
Beispiel #2
  * Traverses up the hierarchy tree to figure out which layout is being used.
  * @return mixed
 public static function get_current_in_use()
     //If the user is viewing the site through the iframe and the mode is set to Layout, then display that exact layout.
     if (headway_get('ve-layout') && (HeadwayRoute::is_visual_editor_iframe() || HeadwayRoute::is_visual_editor())) {
         return headway_get('ve-layout');
     //Get hierarchy
     $hierarchy = array_reverse(self::get_current_hierarchy());
     //Loop through entire hierarchy to find which one is customized or has a template
     foreach ($hierarchy as $layout) {
         $status = self::get_status($layout);
         //If the layout isn't customized or using a template, skip to next, otherwise we return the current layout in the next line.
         if ($status['customized'] === false && $status['template'] === false) {
         //If the layout has a template assigned to it, use the template.  Templates will take precedence over customized status.
         if ($status['template']) {
             return 'template-' . $status['template'];
         //If it's a customized layout, then use the layout itself after making sure there are blocks on the layout
         if ($status['customized'] && count(HeadwayBlocksData::get_blocks_by_layout($layout)) > 0) {
             return $layout;
     //If there's still not a customized layout, loop through the top-level layouts and find the first one that's customized.
     $top_level_layouts = array('index', 'single', 'archive', 'four04');
     if (get_option('show_on_front') == 'page') {
         $top_level_layouts[] = 'front_page';
     foreach ($top_level_layouts as $top_level_layout) {
         $status = self::get_status($top_level_layout);
         if ($status['customized'] === false && $status['template'] === false) {
         //If the layout has a template assigned to it, use the template.  Templates will take precedence over customized status.
         if ($status['template']) {
             return 'template-' . $status['template'];
         //If it's a customized layout and the layout has blocks, then use the layout itself
         if ($status['customized'] && count(HeadwayBlocksData::get_blocks_by_layout($top_level_layout)) > 0) {
             return $top_level_layout;
     //If there STILL isn't a customized layout, just return the top level of the current layout.
     return end($hierarchy);
 public function __construct()
     $this->id = HeadwayLayout::get_current_in_use();
     $this->blocks = HeadwayBlocksData::get_blocks_by_layout($this->id);
     $this->wrappers = HeadwayWrappers::get_layout_wrappers($this->id);
Beispiel #4
 public static function register_block_element_instances()
     if ((headway_get('layout-in-use') || headway_post('layout')) && !headway_get('compiler-cache')) {
         $layout_id = headway_get('layout-in-use') ? headway_get('layout-in-use') : headway_post('layout');
         $register_block_mirrors = true;
         if (!($blocks = HeadwayBlocksData::get_blocks_by_layout($layout_id))) {
             return false;
     } else {
         $register_block_mirrors = false;
         if (!($blocks = HeadwayBlocksData::get_all_blocks())) {
             return false;
     foreach ($blocks as $block) {
         /* Do not register instance for block that's in a mirrored wrapper */
         if (HeadwayWrappers::get_wrapper_mirror(HeadwayWrappers::get_wrapper(headway_get('wrapper', $block)))) {
         /* If it's a mirrored block then we'll register it as long as $register_block_mirrors is true */
         if ($block_mirror = HeadwayBlocksData::is_block_mirrored($block)) {
             if (!$register_block_mirrors) {
             $block = $block_mirror;
         $default_name = self::block_type_nice($block['type']) . ' #' . $block['id'];
         $name = headway_get('alias', $block['settings'], $default_name);
         HeadwayElementAPI::register_element_instance(array('group' => 'blocks', 'element' => 'block-' . $block['type'], 'id' => $block['type'] . '-block-' . $block['id'], 'name' => $name, 'selector' => '#block-' . $block['id'], 'layout' => $block['layout']));
         /* Register sub elements */
         $block_element = HeadwayElementAPI::get_element('block-' . $block['type']);
         foreach (headway_get('children', $block_element, array()) as $block_element_sub_element) {
             /* Make sure that the element supports instances */
             if (!headway_get('supports-instances', $block_element_sub_element)) {
             /* Register instance */
             $instance_selector = str_replace('.block-type-' . $block['type'], '#block-' . $block['id'], $block_element_sub_element['selector']);
             HeadwayElementAPI::register_element_instance(array('group' => 'blocks', 'grandparent' => 'block-' . $block['type'], 'element' => $block_element_sub_element['id'], 'id' => $block_element_sub_element['id'] . '-block-' . $block['id'], 'name' => $name . ' - ' . $block_element_sub_element['name'], 'selector' => $instance_selector, 'layout' => $block['layout']));
             /* Register instance states as instances */
             if (!empty($block_element_sub_element['states']) && is_array($block_element_sub_element['states'])) {
                 foreach ($block_element_sub_element['states'] as $instance_state_id => $instance_state_info) {
                     HeadwayElementAPI::register_element_instance(array('group' => 'blocks', 'grandparent' => 'block-' . $block['type'], 'element' => $block_element_sub_element['id'], 'id' => $block_element_sub_element['id'] . '-block-' . $block['id'] . '-state-' . $instance_state_id, 'name' => $name . ' - ' . $block_element_sub_element['name'] . ' (State: ' . $instance_state_info['name'] . ')', 'selector' => str_replace('.block-type-' . $block['type'], '#block-' . $block['id'], $instance_state_info['selector']), 'layout' => $block['layout'], 'state-of' => $block_element_sub_element['id'] . '-block-' . $block['id'], 'state-name' => $instance_state_info['name']));
         /* /foreach */
 public static function export_layout($layout_id)
     /* Set up variables */
     if (!($layout_name = HeadwayLayout::get_name($layout_id))) {
         die('Error: Invalid layout.');
     $layout = array('name' => $layout_name, 'blocks' => HeadwayBlocksData::get_blocks_by_layout($layout_id));
     /* Convert all mirrored blocks into original blocks by pulling their mirror target's settings */
     /* Loop through each block in the template and check if it's mirrored.  If it is, replace it with the block that it's mirroring */
     foreach ($layout['blocks'] as $layout_block_index => $layout_block) {
         if (!($mirrored_block = HeadwayBlocksData::is_block_mirrored($layout_block))) {
         $layout['blocks'][$layout_block_index] = $mirrored_block;
     /* Spit the file out */
     return self::to_json('Headway Layout - ' . $layout_name, 'layout', $layout);
 public static function save($options, $current_layout = false, $mode = false)
     if (!$current_layout) {
         $current_layout = headway_post('layout');
     if (!$mode) {
         $mode = headway_post('mode');
     //Handle triple slash bullshit
     if (get_magic_quotes_gpc() === 1) {
         $options = array_map('stripslashes_deep', $options);
     $blocks = isset($options['blocks']) ? $options['blocks'] : null;
     $wrappers = isset($options['wrappers']) ? $options['wrappers'] : null;
     $layout_options = isset($options['layout-options']) ? $options['layout-options'] : null;
     $options_inputs = isset($options['options']) ? $options['options'] : null;
     $design_editor_inputs = isset($options['design-editor']) ? $options['design-editor'] : null;
     //Set the current layout to customized if it's the grid mode
     if ($mode == 'grid') {
         HeadwayLayoutOption::set($current_layout, 'customized', true);
     /* Blocks */
     if ($blocks) {
         foreach ($blocks as $id => $methods) {
             foreach ($methods as $method => $value) {
                 switch ($method) {
                     case 'new':
                         if (HeadwayBlocksData::get_block($id)) {
                         $dimensions = explode(',', $blocks[$id]['dimensions']);
                         $position = explode(',', $blocks[$id]['position']);
                         $settings = isset($blocks[$id]['settings']) ? $blocks[$id]['settings'] : array();
                         $args = array('id' => $id, 'type' => $value, 'position' => array('left' => $position[0], 'top' => $position[1]), 'dimensions' => array('width' => $dimensions[0], 'height' => $dimensions[1]), 'settings' => $settings);
                         HeadwayBlocksData::add_block($current_layout, $args);
                     case 'delete':
                         HeadwayBlocksData::delete_block($current_layout, $id);
                     case 'dimensions':
                         $dimensions = explode(',', $value);
                         $args = array('dimensions' => array('width' => $dimensions[0], 'height' => $dimensions[1]));
                         HeadwayBlocksData::update_block($current_layout, $id, $args);
                     case 'position':
                         $position = explode(',', $value);
                         $args = array('position' => array('left' => $position[0], 'top' => $position[1]));
                         HeadwayBlocksData::update_block($current_layout, $id, $args);
                     case 'wrapper':
                         $args = array('wrapper' => $value);
                         HeadwayBlocksData::update_block($current_layout, $id, $args);
                     case 'settings':
                         //Retrieve all blocks from layout
                         $layout_blocks = HeadwayBlocksData::get_blocks_by_layout($current_layout);
                         //Get the block from the layout
                         $block = headway_get($id, $layout_blocks);
                         //If block doesn't exist, we can't do anything.
                         if (!$block) {
                         //If there aren't any options, then don't do anything either
                         if (!is_array($value) || count($value) === 0) {
                         $block['settings'] = array_merge($block['settings'], $value);
                         HeadwayBlocksData::update_block($current_layout, $id, $block);
     /* End Blocks */
     /* Wrappers */
     if ($wrappers) {
         /* Pluck last-id out of wrappers and send it to DB */
         if (headway_get('last-id', $wrappers)) {
             $last_id = $wrappers['last-id'];
             HeadwayOption::set('last-id', $last_id, 'wrappers');
         /* Save layout wrappers to dB */
         HeadwayOption::set($current_layout, $wrappers, 'wrappers');
     /* End Wrappers */
     /* Layout Options */
     if ($layout_options) {
         foreach ($layout_options as $group => $options) {
             foreach ($options as $option => $value) {
                 HeadwayLayoutOption::set($current_layout, $option, $value, $group);
     /* End Layout Options */
     /* Options */
     if ($options_inputs) {
         foreach ($options_inputs as $group => $options) {
             foreach ($options as $option => $value) {
                 HeadwayOption::set($option, $value, $group);
     /* End Options */
     /* Design Editor Inputs */
     if ($design_editor_inputs) {
         /* If skin import is set to true then nuke all design settings to prevent overlapping settings */
         if (headway_get('skin-import', $design_editor_inputs)) {
         /* End skin import nuke */
         /* Handle skin templates */
         $skin_templates = headway_get('skin-import-templates', $design_editor_inputs);
         if (is_array($skin_templates) && count($skin_templates)) {
             $skin_template_block_id_translations = array();
             $skin_template_wrapper_id_translations = array();
             foreach ($skin_templates as $skin_template_name => $skin_template_blocks) {
                 /* Pluck wrappers array out of blocks array */
                 $skin_template_wrappers = $skin_template_blocks['wrappers'];
                 $template = HeadwayLayout::add_template($skin_template_name, $skin_template_blocks, $skin_template_wrappers);
                 /* Use + rather than array_merge because + preserves numeric keys */
                 $skin_template_block_id_translations = $skin_template_block_id_translations + $template['block-id-translations'];
                 $skin_template_wrapper_id_translations = $skin_template_wrapper_id_translations + $template['wrapper-id-translations'];
             /* Re-map block IDs in instances according to block ID translations */
             foreach ($design_editor_inputs as $element_id => $element_data) {
                 if (!is_array($element_data) || !isset($element_data['special-element-instance'])) {
                 foreach ($element_data['special-element-instance'] as $instance_id => $instance_properties) {
                     $instance_id_fragments = explode('-', $instance_id);
                     $instance_potential_block_id_search = preg_match('/\\bblock\\b\\-[0-9]+/', $instance_id, $instance_potential_block_id_search_results);
                     $instance_potential_block_id = str_replace('block-', '', end($instance_potential_block_id_search_results));
                     $instance_potential_wrapper_id = $instance_id_fragments[1];
                     /* Wrapper instance conditional. Modify new instance ID accordingly */
                     if (strpos($instance_id, 'wrapper-') === 0 && isset($skin_template_wrapper_id_translations[intval($instance_potential_wrapper_id)])) {
                         $new_wrapper_id = $skin_template_wrapper_id_translations[intval($instance_potential_wrapper_id)]['id'];
                         $new_wrapper_layout = $skin_template_wrapper_id_translations[intval($instance_potential_wrapper_id)]['layout'];
                         $new_instance_id = 'wrapper-' . $new_wrapper_id . '-layout-' . $new_wrapper_layout;
                         /* Block instance conditional.  Modify new instance ID accordingly */
                     } else {
                         if (strpos($instance_id, 'block-') !== false && is_numeric($instance_potential_block_id) && isset($skin_template_block_id_translations[intval($instance_potential_block_id)])) {
                             $new_block_id = $skin_template_block_id_translations[intval($instance_potential_block_id)];
                             $new_instance_id = str_replace('block-' . $instance_potential_block_id, 'block-' . $new_block_id, $instance_id);
                             /* Not a proper block or wrapper instance, just skip it */
                         } else {
                     /* Remove existing instance key/value pair */
                     /* Add new instance key/value pair with new instance ID */
                     $design_editor_inputs[$element_id]['special-element-instance'][$new_instance_id] = $instance_properties;
         /* End skin template handling */
         /* Loop through to get every element and its properties */
         foreach ($design_editor_inputs as $element_id => $element_data) {
             if (!is_array($element_data) || !isset($element_data['group'])) {
             $element_group = $element_data['group'];
             //Dispatch depending on type of element data
             foreach ($element_data as $element_data_node => $element_data_node_data) {
                 //Handle different nodes depending on what they are
                 if ($element_data_node == 'properties') {
                     //Set each property for the regular element
                     foreach ($element_data_node_data as $property_id => $property_value) {
                         HeadwayElementsData::set_property($element_group, $element_id, $property_id, $property_value);
                     //Handle instances, states, etc.
                 } else {
                     if (strpos($element_data_node, 'special-element-') === 0) {
                         $special_element_type = str_replace('special-element-', '', $element_data_node);
                         //Loop through the special elements
                         foreach ($element_data_node_data as $special_element => $special_element_properties) {
                             //Set the special element properties now
                             foreach ($special_element_properties as $special_element_property => $special_element_property_value) {
                                 HeadwayElementsData::set_special_element_property($element_group, $element_id, $special_element_type, $special_element, $special_element_property, $special_element_property_value);
         /* End loop */
     /* End Design Editor Inputs */
     //This hook is used by cache flushing, plugins, etc.  Do not fire on preview save because it'll flush preview options
     if (!headway_get('ve-preview')) {
     return true;
Beispiel #7
 public static function list_pages($pages = null)
     //Since this function is recursive, we must designate the default like this
     if ($pages === null) {
         $pages = HeadwayLayout::get_pages();
         $root_pages = true;
     $return = '';
     $return .= '<ul>' . "\n";
      * Only show the message the function is being called for the first time (not showing children) and that the 
      * mode is NOT the grid and the grid is supported still.
     if (isset($root_pages) && HeadwayVisualEditor::get_current_mode() !== 'grid' && current_theme_supports('headway-grid')) {
         $return .= '<li class="layout-item info-layout-item"><span class="layout"><strong>To add blocks to a new layout, please switch to the Grid mode.</strong></span></li>';
     foreach ($pages as $id => $children) {
         $layout_id_fragments = explode('-', $id);
         $status = HeadwayLayout::get_status($id, true);
         $class = array('layout-item');
         if (is_array($children) && count($children) !== 0 && headway_post('mode') === 'grid') {
             $class[] = 'has-children';
         if ($status['customized'] === true && !$status['template'] && count(HeadwayBlocksData::get_blocks_by_layout($id)) > 0) {
             $class[] = 'layout-item-customized';
         if ($status['template']) {
             $class[] = 'layout-item-template-used';
         if ($id === headway_post('currentLayout')) {
             $class[] = 'layout-selected';
         $template_id = $status['template'] ? 'template-' . $status['template'] : 'none';
         $template_name = $status['template'] ? HeadwayLayout::get_name('template-' . $status['template']) : null;
         /* Take care of layouts that are the front page or blog index */
         if (get_option('show_on_front') === 'page' && (isset($layout_id_fragments[1]) && $layout_id_fragments[1] == 'page') || apply_filters('headway_layout_selector_no_edit_item_' . $id, false)) {
             /* If the page is set as the static homepage or blog page, hide it if they don't have children.  The Blog Index and Front Page layouts will override them. */
             if (end($layout_id_fragments) == get_option('page_on_front') || end($layout_id_fragments) == get_option('page_for_posts') || apply_filters('headway_layout_selector_no_edit_item_' . $id, false)) {
                 /* Layout has children--add the no edit class and has children class. */
                 if (is_array($children) && count($children) !== 0) {
                     $class[] = 'layout-item-no-edit';
                     /* If the layout doesn't have children, then just hide it. */
                 } else {
         /* Set layouts that aren't customized in the DE to no edit */
         if (headway_post('mode') === 'design') {
             /* Handle layouts that aren't customized or have a template */
             if (headway_get('customized', $status, false) === false || headway_get('template', $status, false) !== false) {
                 /* If there ARE customized children, add the no-edit class */
                 if (is_array($children) && count($children) !== 0) {
                     $show_node = false;
                     //Get the variable ready
                     /* Check if the children are customized. */
                     if (self::is_any_layout_child_customized($children)) {
                         $class[] = 'layout-item-no-edit';
                         $class[] = 'has-children';
                         $class[] = 'has-customized-children';
                         $show_node = true;
                     /* If the children aren't customized, then don't display it at all */
                     if (!isset($show_node) || !$show_node) {
                     /* If there aren't any children, do not display the node at all */
                 } else {
                 /* Handle layouts that are customized */
         /* Add other classes */
         if (is_array($children) && count($children) && self::is_any_layout_child_customized($children)) {
             $class[] = 'has-children';
             $class[] = 'has-customized-children';
         /* Get post status */
         $post_status = headway_get('post_status', $status);
         $formatted_post_status = $post_status && $post_status != 'Published' ? '<span class="status status-post-status">(' . $post_status . ')</span>' : null;
         /* Output Stuff */
         $return .= '<li class="' . implode(' ', array_filter($class)) . '">';
         $return .= '<span class="layout-has-customized-children tooltip" title="This layout has customized children.">&deg;</span>';
         $return .= '<span data-layout-id="' . $id . '" data-layout-url="' . HeadwayLayout::get_url($id) . '" class="layout layout-page">';
         $return .= '<strong>' . htmlspecialchars(HeadwayLayout::get_name($id)) . '</strong>';
         $return .= $formatted_post_status;
         $return .= '<span class="status status-template" data-template-id="' . $template_id . '">' . $template_name . '</span>';
         $return .= '<span class="status status-customized">Customized</span>';
         $return .= '<span class="status status-currently-editing">Currently Editing</span>';
         $return .= '<span class="remove-template layout-selector-button">Remove Template</span>';
         if (HeadwayVisualEditor::get_current_mode() !== 'design') {
             $return .= '<span class="edit layout-selector-button">Edit</span>';
         } else {
             $return .= '<span class="edit layout-selector-button">View</span>';
         $return .= '<span class="revert layout-selector-button tooltip" title="Resetting a layout will remove all of its blocks&lt;br /&gt;so it inherits the blocks of a parent layout.">Reset</span>';
         $return .= '</span>' . "\n";
         if (is_array($children) && count($children) !== 0) {
             $return .= self::list_pages($children);
         $return .= '</li>' . "\n";
     $return .= '</ul>' . "\n";
     return $return;
Beispiel #8
    public static function display_canvas()
        echo '<!DOCTYPE HTML>
		<html lang="en">


			<meta charset="' . get_bloginfo('charset') . '" />
			<link rel="profile" href="" />

			<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1" />
			<meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="no-cache" />

			<title>Visual Editor Grid: ' . wp_title(false, false) . '</title>';
        echo '</head><!-- /head -->

		<body class="visual-editor-iframe-grid ' . join(' ', get_body_class()) . '">';
        $wrappers = HeadwayWrappers::get_layout_wrappers(HeadwayLayout::get_current_in_use());
        $blocks = HeadwayBlocksData::get_blocks_by_layout(HeadwayLayout::get_current_in_use());
        echo '<div id="whitewrap" data-wrappers="' . htmlspecialchars(json_encode($wrappers)) . '">';
        foreach ($wrappers as $wrapper_id => $wrapper_settings) {
            /* Setup wrapper classes */
            $wrapper_classes = array('wrapper');
            $wrapper_classes[] = headway_get('use-independent-grid', $wrapper_settings) ? 'independent-grid' : null;
            $wrapper_classes[] = $wrapper_settings['fluid'] ? 'wrapper-fluid' : 'wrapper-fixed';
            $wrapper_classes[] = $wrapper_settings['fluid'] && $wrapper_settings['fluid-grid'] ? 'wrapper-fluid-grid' : 'wrapper-fixed-grid';
            if (HeadwayWrappers::get_wrapper_mirror($wrapper_settings)) {
                $wrapper_classes[] = 'wrapper-mirrored';
            /* Populate wrapper with its blocks */
            $wrapper_blocks = array();
            foreach ($blocks as $block_id => $block) {
                /* Grab blocks belonging to this wrapper */
                if (headway_get('wrapper', $block, HeadwayWrappers::$default_wrapper_id) === $wrapper_id) {
                    $wrapper_blocks[$block_id] = $block;
                /* If last wrapper, grab all blocks on this layout with invalid wrapper IDs to make sure they're editable somewhere */
                $last_wrapper_id = array_slice(array_keys($wrappers), -1, 1);
                $last_wrapper_id = $last_wrapper_id[0];
                if ($last_wrapper_id == $wrapper_id && !headway_get(headway_get('wrapper', $block, HeadwayWrappers::$default_wrapper_id), $wrappers)) {
                    $wrapper_blocks[$block_id] = $block;
            /* Output the wrapper */
            echo '<div id="' . $wrapper_id . '" class="' . implode(' ', array_filter($wrapper_classes)) . '">';
            echo '<div class="wrapper-mirror-overlay"></div><!-- .wrapper-mirror-overlay -->';
            self::display_grid_blocks($wrapper_blocks, $wrapper_settings);
            echo '</div><!-- #wrapper-' . $wrapper_id . ' -->';
        echo '<div id="wrapper-buttons-template">';
        echo '<div class="wrapper-top-margin-handle wrapper-handle wrapper-margin-handle" title="Drag to change wrapper top margin"><span></span><span></span><span></span></div>';
        echo '<div class="wrapper-drag-handle wrapper-handle tooltip tooltip-right" title="Drag to change wrapper order"><span></span><span></span><span></span></div>';
        echo '<div class="wrapper-bottom-margin-handle wrapper-handle wrapper-margin-handle" title="Drag to change wrapper bottom margin"><span></span><span></span><span></span></div>';
        echo '<div class="wrapper-options tooltip tooltip-right" title="Click to open wrapper options"><span></span></div>';
        echo '</div><!-- .wrapper-buttons -->';
        echo '</div><!-- #whitewrap -->