function content($block) { //Use header image if there is one if ($header_image_src = parent::get_setting($block, 'header-image')) { do_action('headway_before_header_link'); if (parent::get_setting($block, 'resize-header-image', true)) { $block_width = HeadwayBlocksData::get_block_width($block); $block_height = HeadwayBlocksData::get_block_height($block); $header_image_url = headway_resize_image($header_image_src, $block_width, $block_height); } else { $header_image_url = $header_image_src; } echo '<a href="' . home_url() . '" class="banner-image"><img src="' . $header_image_url . '" alt="' . get_bloginfo('name') . '" /></a>'; do_action('headway_after_header_link'); //No image present } else { do_action('headway_before_header_link'); echo '<span class="banner"><a href="' . home_url() . '">' . get_bloginfo('name') . '</a></span>'; do_action('headway_after_header_link'); if (!parent::get_setting($block, 'hide-tagline', false)) { if ((is_front_page() || is_home()) && get_option('show_on_front') != 'page') { echo '<h1 class="tagline">' . get_bloginfo('description') . '</h1>' . "\n"; } else { echo '<span class="tagline">' . get_bloginfo('description') . '</span>' . "\n"; } do_action('headway_after_tagline'); } } }
/** * Over time, there may be issues to be corrected between updates or naming conventions to be changed between updates. * All of that will be processed here. **/ public static function db_upgrade($db_version) { /* Pre-3.0.3 */ if (version_compare($db_version, '3.0.3', '<')) { self::fix_serialization_in_db(); self::repair_blocks(); } /** * Pre-3.2.3 * * Change the old wrapper-horizontal-padding and wrapper-vertical-padding to design editor values **/ if (version_compare($db_version, '3.2.3', '<')) { $horizontal_padding = HeadwayOption::get('wrapper-horizontal-padding', 'general', 15); $vertical_padding = HeadwayOption::get('wrapper-vertical-padding', 'general', 15); HeadwayElementsData::set_property('structure', 'wrapper', 'padding-top', $vertical_padding); HeadwayElementsData::set_property('structure', 'wrapper', 'padding-bottom', $vertical_padding); HeadwayElementsData::set_property('structure', 'wrapper', 'padding-left', $horizontal_padding); HeadwayElementsData::set_property('structure', 'wrapper', 'padding-right', $horizontal_padding); } /** * Pre-3.4 * * - Change block and wrapper margins to Design Editor values * - Convert Media blocks to Slider or Embed blocks **/ if (version_compare($db_version, '3.4', '<')) { /* Change block and wrapper margins to Design Editor values */ HeadwayElementsData::set_property('structure', 'wrapper', 'margin-top', HeadwayOption::get('wrapper-top-margin', 'general', 30)); HeadwayElementsData::set_property('structure', 'wrapper', 'margin-bottom', HeadwayOption::get('wrapper-bottom-margin', 'general', 30)); HeadwayElementsData::set_property('default-elements', 'default-block', 'margin-bottom', HeadwayOption::get('block-bottom-margin', 'general', 10)); /* Convert Media blocks to Slider or Embed blocks */ $media_blocks = HeadwayBlocksData::get_blocks_by_type('media'); if (is_array($media_blocks) && count($media_blocks)) { foreach ($media_blocks as $media_block_id => $media_block_layout_id) { $media_block = HeadwayBlocksData::get_block($media_block_id); $media_block_mode = headway_get('mode', $media_block['settings'], 'embed'); switch ($media_block_mode) { case 'embed': HeadwayBlocksData::update_block($media_block['layout'], $media_block['id'], array('type' => 'embed')); break; case 'image-rotator': $slider_images = array(); foreach (headway_get('images', $media_block['settings'], array()) as $media_block_image) { $slider_images[] = array('image' => $media_block_image, 'image-description' => null, 'image-hyperlink' => null); } HeadwayBlocksData::update_block($media_block['layout'], $media_block['id'], array('type' => 'slider', 'settings' => array('images' => $slider_images))); break; } } } } /* Add action to flush caches */ do_action('headway_db_upgrade'); /* Update the version here. */ $headway_settings = get_option('headway', array('version' => 0)); $headway_settings['version'] = HEADWAY_VERSION; update_option('headway', $headway_settings); return true; }
public static function delete_post($postid) { $post = get_post($postid); $post_type = get_post_type_object($post->post_type); /* If the post type is a revision then don't do anything. */ if ($post->post_type == 'revision') { return false; } /* Figure out the layout ID */ //If it has no parents, just stop. if ($post->post_parent === 0) { $layout_id = 'single-' . $post_type->name . '-' . $post->ID; //Otherwise, figure out parents and grandparents } else { //Set up variables $posts = array($post->ID); $parents_str = ''; //Get to business while ($post->post_parent != 0) { $posts[] = $post->post_parent; $post = get_post($post->post_parent); } foreach (array_reverse($posts) as $post_id) { $layout_id = 'single-' . $post_type->name . '-' . $parents_str . $post_id; $parents_str .= $post_id . '-'; } } //Delete the blocks for the page/post HeadwayBlocksData::delete_by_layout($layout_id); }
function motopressCEAddHeadwayFix($post_id, $tmp_post_id, $post_type) { if (defined('HEADWAY_VERSION')) { global $wpdb; if (version_compare(HEADWAY_VERSION, '3.7.10', '>=') || property_exists($wpdb, 'hw_wrappers')) { global $wp_query; $originalWpQuery = $wp_query; $key = $post_type === 'page' ? 'page_id' : 'p'; $wp_query = new WP_Query($key . '=' . $post_id); if (have_posts()) { while (have_posts()) { the_post(); } } $layoutId = HeadwayLayout::get_current_in_use(); $wrappers = HeadwayWrappersData::get_wrappers_by_layout($layoutId); // if ($wrappers[0]['id'] !== 'default') { if (!array_key_exists('default', $wrappers)) { $sep = preg_quote(HeadwayLayout::$sep); if (preg_match('/^single' . $sep . '[a-z]+' . $sep . '\\d+$/is', $layoutId)) { $layoutTmpId = str_replace($post_id, $tmp_post_id, $layoutId); } else { $layoutTmpId = 'single' . HeadwayLayout::$sep . $post_type . HeadwayLayout::$sep . $tmp_post_id; } update_option('motopress-ce-hw-layout', $layoutTmpId); foreach ($wrappers as $wrapper_id => $wrapper) { $wrapperId = HeadwayWrappersData::add_wrapper($layoutTmpId, $wrapper); $blocks = HeadwayBlocksData::get_blocks_by_wrapper($layoutId, $wrapper_id); foreach ($blocks as $block_id => &$block) { $block['wrapper_id'] = $wrapperId; $block['wrapper'] = $wrapperId; HeadwayBlocksData::add_block($layoutTmpId, $block); } unset($block); } $transient_id_customized_layouts = 'hw_customized_layouts_template_' . HeadwayOption::$current_skin; $customized_layouts = get_transient($transient_id_customized_layouts); if (!$customized_layouts) { $customized_layouts = array_unique($wpdb->get_col($wpdb->prepare("SELECT layout FROM {$wpdb->hw_blocks} WHERE template = '%s'", HeadwayOption::$current_skin))); } if (!in_array($layoutTmpId, $customized_layouts)) { $customized_layouts[] = $layoutTmpId; set_transient($transient_id_customized_layouts, $customized_layouts); } } wp_reset_postdata(); $wp_query = $originalWpQuery; } else { $layout = get_option('headway_layout_options_' . $post_id); if ($layout) { update_option('headway_layout_options_' . $tmp_post_id, $layout); } else { delete_option('headway_layout_options_' . $tmp_post_id); } } } }
function content($block) { $images = parent::get_setting($block, 'images', array()); $block_width = HeadwayBlocksData::get_block_width($block); $block_height = HeadwayBlocksData::get_block_height($block); $has_images = false; foreach ($images as $image) { if ($image['image']) { $has_images = true; break; } } if (!$has_images) { echo '<div class="alert alert-yellow"><p>There are no images to display.</p></div>'; return; } $no_slide_class = count($images) === 1 ? ' flexslider-no-slide' : ''; echo '<div class="flexslider' . $no_slide_class . '">'; /* Put in viewport div for sliders that only have 1 image and don't slide */ if (count($images) === 1) { echo '<div class="flex-viewport">'; } echo '<ul class="slides">'; foreach ($images as $image) { if (!$image['image']) { continue; } $output = array('image' => array('src' => parent::get_setting($block, 'crop-resize-images', true) ? headway_resize_image($image['image'], $block_width, $block_height) : $image['image'], 'alt' => headway_fix_data_type(headway_get('image-alt', $image)), 'title' => headway_fix_data_type(headway_get('image-title', $image)), 'caption' => headway_fix_data_type(headway_get('image-description', $image))), 'hyperlink' => array('href' => headway_fix_data_type(headway_get('image-hyperlink', $image)), 'target' => headway_fix_data_type(headway_get('image-open-link-in-new-window', $image, false)) ? ' target="_blank"' : null)); echo '<li>'; /* Open hyperlink if user added one for image */ if ($output['hyperlink']['href']) { echo '<a href="' . $output['hyperlink']['href'] . '"' . $output['hyperlink']['target'] . '>'; } /* Don't forget to display the ACTUAL IMAGE */ echo '<img src="' . $output['image']['src'] . '" alt="' . $output['image']['alt'] . '" title="' . $output['image']['title'] . '" />'; /* Closing tag for hyperlink */ if ($output['hyperlink']['href']) { echo '</a>'; } /* Caption */ if (!empty($output['image']['caption'])) { echo '<p class="flex-caption">' . $output['image']['caption'] . '</p>'; } echo '</li>'; } echo '</ul>'; /* Put in viewport div for sliders that only have 1 image and don't slide */ if (count($images) === 1) { echo '</div><!-- .flex-viewport -->'; } echo '</div><!-- .flexslider -->'; }
function content($block) { if ($embed_url = parent::get_setting($block, 'embed-url', false)) { $block_width = HeadwayBlocksData::get_block_width($block); $block_height = HeadwayBlocksData::get_block_height($block); $embed_code = wp_oembed_get($embed_url, array('width' => $block_width, 'height' => $block_height)); //Make the width and height exactly what the block's dimensions are. $embed_code = preg_replace(array('/width="\\d+"/i', '/height="\\d+"/i'), array('width="' . $block_width . '"', 'height="' . $block_height . '"'), $embed_code); echo $embed_code; } else { echo '<div class="alert alert-yellow"><p>There is no content to display. Please enter a valid embed URL in the visual editor.</p></div>'; } }
/** * Anything in here will be displayed when the block is being displayed. **/ function content($block) { global $SlideDeckPlugin; /* Make sure SlideDeck is activated and working */ if (!is_object($SlideDeckPlugin)) { echo '<div class="alert alert-red"><p>SlideDeck must be installed and activated in order for the SlideDeck block to work properly.</p></div>'; return; } /* Get the chosen SlideDeck ID */ $slidedeck_id = parent::get_setting($block, 'slidedeck-id', null); /* Make sure that there's a selected SlideDeck */ if (empty($slidedeck_id)) { echo '<div class="alert alert-red"><p>Please choose a SlideDeck to display.</p></div>'; return; } $slidedeck_query = $SlideDeckPlugin->SlideDeck->get($slidedeck_id); if (empty($slidedeck_query)) { echo '<div class="alert alert-red"><p>The SlideDeck you previously chose must\'ve been deleted or moved elsewhere. Please select another SlideDeck to display.</p></div>'; return; } /* Setup arguments */ $args = array('id' => $slidedeck_id, 'width' => null, 'height' => null); if (parent::get_setting($block, 'use-block-size', true)) { $args['width'] = HeadwayBlocksData::get_block_width($block); $args['height'] = HeadwayBlocksData::get_block_height($block); $args['proportional'] = false; } if (HeadwayRoute::is_visual_editor_iframe()) { $args['iframe'] = true; } if (!HeadwayRoute::is_visual_editor_iframe() && HeadwayResponsiveGrid::is_active()) { $args['ress'] = true; } /* Work around for iframe dimensions */ $GLOBALS['slidedeck-width'] = $args['width']; $GLOBALS['slidedeck-height'] = $args['height']; add_filter('slidedeck_dimensions', array(__CLASS__, 'modify_slidedeck_iframe_size_for_ajax'), 10, 5); /* End work around for iframe dimensions */ /* Show the SlideDeck! */ echo $SlideDeckPlugin->shortcode($args); /* Remove any filters if necessary */ remove_filter('slidedeck_dimensions', array(__CLASS__, 'modify_slidedeck_iframe_size_for_ajax')); if (isset($GLOBALS['slidedeck-width'])) { unset($GLOBALS['slidedeck-width']); } if (isset($GLOBALS['slidedeck-height'])) { unset($GLOBALS['slidedeck-height']); } /* End removing filters */ }
static function block_heights() { if (!($blocks = HeadwayBlocksData::get_all_blocks())) { return false; } $return = ''; //Retrieve the blocks so we can check if the block type is fixed or fluid height $block_types = HeadwayBlocks::get_block_types(); foreach ($blocks as $block) { $selector = '#block-' . $block['id']; /* If the block is mirrored then change the selector */ if ($mirrored_block_id = HeadwayBlocksData::is_block_mirrored($block, true)) { $selector = '#block-' . $mirrored_block_id . '.block-original-' . $block['id']; } //If it's a fluid block (which blocks ARE by default), then we need to use min-height. Otherwise, if it's fixed, we use height. if (headway_get('fixed-height', headway_get($block['type'], $block_types), false) !== true) { $return .= $selector . ' { min-height: ' . $block['dimensions']['height'] . 'px; }'; } else { $return .= $selector . ' { height: ' . $block['dimensions']['height'] . 'px; }'; } } return $return; }
static function get_blocks_select_options_for_mirroring($block_type) { $return = ''; $blocks = HeadwayBlocksData::get_blocks_by_type($block_type); //If there are no blocks, then just return the Do Not Mirror option. if (!isset($blocks) || !is_array($blocks)) { return $return; } foreach ($blocks as $block_id => $layout_id) { //Get the block instance $block = HeadwayBlocksData::get_block($block_id); //If the block is mirrored, skip it if (headway_get('mirror-block', $block['settings'], false)) { continue; } //If the block is in the same layout as the current block, then do not allow it to be used as a block to mirror. if ($layout_id == headway_post('layout')) { continue; } //Create the default name by using the block type and ID $default_name = HeadwayBlocks::block_type_nice($block['type']) . ' #' . $block['id']; //If we can't get a name for the layout, then things probably aren't looking good. Just skip this block. if (!($layout_name = HeadwayLayout::get_name($layout_id))) { continue; } //Get alias if it exists, otherwise use the default name $return .= '<option value="' . $block['id'] . '">' . headway_get('alias', $block['settings'], $default_name) . ' – ' . $layout_name . '</option>'; } return $return; }
function modify_arguments($args = false) { $this->tab_notices['widget-area-content'] = 'To add widgets to this widget area, go to <a href="' . admin_url('widgets.php') . '" target="_blank">WordPress Admin » Appearance » Widgets</a> and add the widgets to <em>' . HeadwayBlocksData::get_block_name($args['block_id']) . ' — ' . 'ID: ' . $args['blockID'] . '</em>.'; }
public function display() { if (!$this->blocks) { return $this->display_no_blocks_message(); } foreach ($this->wrappers as $wrapper_id => $wrapper_settings) { $wrapper_id_for_blocks = $wrapper_id; /* Check if mirroring. If mirroring, change wrapper ID to the wrapper being mirrored and preserve original ID for a later class */ if ($wrapper_being_mirrored = HeadwayWrappers::get_wrapper_mirror($wrapper_settings)) { $mirrored_wrapper_id = $wrapper_being_mirrored['id']; $wrapper_id_for_blocks = $mirrored_wrapper_id; foreach (HeadwayBlocksData::get_blocks_by_wrapper($wrapper_being_mirrored['layout'], $mirrored_wrapper_id) as $block_from_mirrored_wrapper) { $this->blocks[$block_from_mirrored_wrapper['id']] = $block_from_mirrored_wrapper; } } /* Grab blocks belonging to this wrapper */ $wrapper_blocks = array(); foreach ($this->blocks as $block_id => $block) { if (headway_get('wrapper', $block, HeadwayWrappers::$default_wrapper_id) === $wrapper_id_for_blocks) { $wrapper_blocks[$block_id] = $block; } /* If there's only one wrapper and the block does not have a proper ID or is default, move it to that wrapper */ if (count($this->wrappers) === 1 && (headway_get('wrapper', $block) === null || headway_get('wrapper', $block) == 'wrapper-default' || !isset($this->wrappers[headway_get('wrapper', $block)]))) { $wrapper_blocks[$block_id] = $block; } } /* Setup wrapper classes */ $wrapper_column_width = headway_get('use-independent-grid', $wrapper_settings) ? headway_get('column-width', $wrapper_settings) : HeadwayOption::get('column-width', false, HeadwayWrappers::$default_column_width); $wrapper_gutter_width = headway_get('use-independent-grid', $wrapper_settings) ? headway_get('gutter-width', $wrapper_settings) : HeadwayOption::get('gutter-width', false, HeadwayWrappers::$default_gutter_width); $wrapper_classes = array('wrapper'); $wrapper_classes[] = $wrapper_settings['fluid'] ? 'wrapper-fluid' : 'wrapper-fixed'; $wrapper_classes[] = HeadwayResponsiveGrid::is_active() ? 'responsive-grid' : null; $wrapper_classes[] = headway_get('use-independent-grid', $wrapper_settings) ? 'independent-grid' : null; $wrapper_classes[] = 'grid-' . ($wrapper_settings['fluid-grid'] || HeadwayResponsiveGrid::is_enabled() ? 'fluid' : 'fixed') . '-' . $wrapper_settings['columns'] . '-' . $wrapper_column_width . '-' . $wrapper_gutter_width; $wrapper_classes[] = $wrapper_being_mirrored ? 'wrapper-mirroring-' . HeadwayWrappers::format_wrapper_id($mirrored_wrapper_id) : null; $last_wrapper_id = array_slice(array_keys($this->wrappers), -1, 1); $last_wrapper_id = $last_wrapper_id[0]; $first_wrapper_id = array_keys($this->wrappers); $first_wrapper_id = $first_wrapper_id[0]; if ($last_wrapper_id == $wrapper_id) { $wrapper_classes[] = 'wrapper-last'; } else { if ($first_wrapper_id == $wrapper_id) { $wrapper_classes[] = 'wrapper-first'; } } /* Custom wrapper classes */ $custom_css_classes = explode(' ', str_replace(' ', ' ', str_replace(',', ' ', htmlspecialchars(strip_tags(headway_get('css-classes', $wrapper_settings, '')))))); $wrapper_classes = array_merge($wrapper_classes, $custom_css_classes); /* Display the wrapper */ do_action('headway_before_wrapper'); echo '<div id="' . $wrapper_id . '" class="' . implode(' ', array_unique(array_filter($wrapper_classes))) . '">' . "\n\n"; do_action('headway_wrapper_open'); $wrapper = new HeadwayGridRenderer($wrapper_blocks, $wrapper_settings); $wrapper->render_grid(); do_action('headway_wrapper_close'); echo '</div><!-- .wrapper -->' . "\n\n"; do_action('headway_after_wrapper'); /* End displaying wrapper */ } }
function modify_arguments($args = false) { $this->tab_notices['nav-menu-content'] = 'To add items to this navigation menu, go to <a href="' . admin_url('nav-menus.php') . '" target="_blank">WordPress Admin » Appearance » Menus</a>. Then, create a menu and assign it to <em>' . HeadwayBlocksData::get_block_name($args['blockID']) . '</em> in the <strong>Theme Locations</strong> box.'; }
function display_thumbnail($post, $area = 'above-title') { if (!has_post_thumbnail() || !$this->get_setting('show-post-thumbnails', true) || !apply_filters('headway_featured_image_src', wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_post_thumbnail_id(), 'full'))) { return; } $entry_thumbnail_position = $this->get_setting('use-entry-thumbnail-position', true) ? HeadwayLayoutOption::get($post->ID, 'position', 'post-thumbnail') : false; $position = $entry_thumbnail_position ? $entry_thumbnail_position : $this->get_setting('post-thumbnail-position', 'left'); if ($area == 'above-content' && $position != 'above-content' || $area == 'above-title' && $position == 'above-content') { return; } /* Get the size for cropping */ if ($position == 'left' || $position == 'right') { $thumbnail_width = $this->get_setting('post-thumbnail-size', 125); $thumbnail_height = $thumbnail_width; } else { $thumbnail_width = HeadwayBlocksData::get_block_width($this->block); $thumbnail_height = $thumbnail_width * ($this->get_setting('post-thumbnail-height-ratio', 35) * 0.01); } /* Get the image URL */ if ($this->get_setting('crop-post-thumbnails', true)) { $thumbnail = apply_filters('headway_featured_image_src', wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_post_thumbnail_id(), 'full')); $thumbnail_url = apply_filters('headway_featured_image_url', headway_resize_image($thumbnail[0], $thumbnail_width, $thumbnail_height)); } else { $thumbnail = apply_filters('headway_featured_image_src', wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_post_thumbnail_id(), array($thumbnail_width, $thumbnail_height))); $thumbnail_url = apply_filters('headway_featured_image_url', $thumbnail[0]); $thumbnail_width = $thumbnail[1]; $thumbnail_height = $thumbnail[2]; } echo ' <a href="' . get_permalink() . '" class="post-thumbnail post-thumbnail-' . $position . '"> <img src="' . esc_url($thumbnail_url) . '" alt="' . get_the_title() . '" width="' . $thumbnail_width . '" height="' . $thumbnail_height . '" /> </a> '; }
public static function list_pages($pages = null) { //Since this function is recursive, we must designate the default like this if ($pages === null) { $pages = HeadwayLayout::get_pages(); $root_pages = true; } $return = ''; $return .= '<ul>' . "\n"; /** * Only show the message the function is being called for the first time (not showing children) and that the * mode is NOT the grid and the grid is supported still. **/ if (isset($root_pages) && HeadwayVisualEditor::get_current_mode() !== 'grid' && current_theme_supports('headway-grid')) { $return .= '<li class="layout-item info-layout-item"><span class="layout"><strong>To add blocks to a new layout, please switch to the Grid mode.</strong></span></li>'; } foreach ($pages as $id => $children) { $layout_id_fragments = explode('-', $id); $status = HeadwayLayout::get_status($id, true); $class = array('layout-item'); if (is_array($children) && count($children) !== 0 && headway_post('mode') === 'grid') { $class[] = 'has-children'; } if ($status['customized'] === true && !$status['template'] && count(HeadwayBlocksData::get_blocks_by_layout($id)) > 0) { $class[] = 'layout-item-customized'; } if ($status['template']) { $class[] = 'layout-item-template-used'; } if ($id === headway_post('currentLayout')) { $class[] = 'layout-selected'; } $template_id = $status['template'] ? 'template-' . $status['template'] : 'none'; $template_name = $status['template'] ? HeadwayLayout::get_name('template-' . $status['template']) : null; /* Take care of layouts that are the front page or blog index */ if (get_option('show_on_front') === 'page' && (isset($layout_id_fragments[1]) && $layout_id_fragments[1] == 'page') || apply_filters('headway_layout_selector_no_edit_item_' . $id, false)) { /* If the page is set as the static homepage or blog page, hide it if they don't have children. The Blog Index and Front Page layouts will override them. */ if (end($layout_id_fragments) == get_option('page_on_front') || end($layout_id_fragments) == get_option('page_for_posts') || apply_filters('headway_layout_selector_no_edit_item_' . $id, false)) { /* Layout has children--add the no edit class and has children class. */ if (is_array($children) && count($children) !== 0) { $class[] = 'layout-item-no-edit'; /* If the layout doesn't have children, then just hide it. */ } else { continue; } } } /* Set layouts that aren't customized in the DE to no edit */ if (headway_post('mode') === 'design') { /* Handle layouts that aren't customized or have a template */ if (headway_get('customized', $status, false) === false || headway_get('template', $status, false) !== false) { /* If there ARE customized children, add the no-edit class */ if (is_array($children) && count($children) !== 0) { $show_node = false; //Get the variable ready /* Check if the children are customized. */ if (self::is_any_layout_child_customized($children)) { $class[] = 'layout-item-no-edit'; $class[] = 'has-children'; $class[] = 'has-customized-children'; $show_node = true; } /* If the children aren't customized, then don't display it at all */ if (!isset($show_node) || !$show_node) { continue; } /* If there aren't any children, do not display the node at all */ } else { continue; } /* Handle layouts that are customized */ } } /* Add other classes */ if (is_array($children) && count($children) && self::is_any_layout_child_customized($children)) { $class[] = 'has-children'; $class[] = 'has-customized-children'; } /* Get post status */ $post_status = headway_get('post_status', $status); $formatted_post_status = $post_status && $post_status != 'Published' ? '<span class="status status-post-status">(' . $post_status . ')</span>' : null; /* Output Stuff */ $return .= '<li class="' . implode(' ', array_filter($class)) . '">'; $return .= '<span class="layout-has-customized-children tooltip" title="This layout has customized children.">°</span>'; $return .= '<span data-layout-id="' . $id . '" data-layout-url="' . HeadwayLayout::get_url($id) . '" class="layout layout-page">'; $return .= '<strong>' . htmlspecialchars(HeadwayLayout::get_name($id)) . '</strong>'; $return .= $formatted_post_status; $return .= '<span class="status status-template" data-template-id="' . $template_id . '">' . $template_name . '</span>'; $return .= '<span class="status status-customized">Customized</span>'; $return .= '<span class="status status-currently-editing">Currently Editing</span>'; $return .= '<span class="remove-template layout-selector-button">Remove Template</span>'; if (HeadwayVisualEditor::get_current_mode() !== 'design') { $return .= '<span class="edit layout-selector-button">Edit</span>'; } else { $return .= '<span class="edit layout-selector-button">View</span>'; } $return .= '<span class="revert layout-selector-button tooltip" title="Resetting a layout will remove all of its blocks<br />so it inherits the blocks of a parent layout.">Reset</span>'; $return .= '</span>' . "\n"; if (is_array($children) && count($children) !== 0) { $return .= self::list_pages($children); } $return .= '</li>' . "\n"; } $return .= '</ul>' . "\n"; return $return; }
public static function display_block($block, $where = null) { //We'll allow this function to take either an integer argument to look up the block or to use the existing if (!is_array($block)) { $block = HeadwayBlocksData::get_block($block); } //Check that the block exists if (!is_array($block) || !$block) { return false; } $block_types = HeadwayBlocks::get_block_types(); //Set the original block for future use $original_block = $block; $original_block_id = $block['id']; //Set the block style to null so we don't get an ugly notice down the road if it's not used. $block_style_attr = null; //Check if the block type exists if (!($block_type_settings = headway_get($block['type'], $block_types, array()))) { $block['requested-type'] = $block['type']; $block['type'] = 'unknown'; } //Get the custom CSS classes and change commas to spaces and remove double spaces and remove HTML $custom_css_classes = str_replace(' ', ' ', str_replace(',', ' ', htmlspecialchars(strip_tags(headway_get('css-classes', $block['settings'], ''))))); $block_classes = array_unique(array_filter(explode(' ', $custom_css_classes))); $block_classes[] = 'block'; $block_classes[] = 'block-type-' . $block['type']; $block_classes[] = headway_get('fixed-height', $block_type_settings, false) !== true ? 'block-fluid-height' : 'block-fixed-height'; //Block Styles if (HEADWAY_CHILD_THEME_ACTIVE && ($block_style = headway_get(HEADWAY_CHILD_THEME_ID . '-block-style', $block['settings']))) { $block_style_classes = explode(' ', headway_get('class', headway_get($block_style, HeadwayChildThemeAPI::$block_styles))); foreach ($block_style_classes as $block_style_class) { $block_classes[] = $block_style_class; } } //If the block is being displayed in the Grid, then we need to make it work with absolute positioning. if ($where == 'grid') { $block_classes[] = 'grid-width-' . $original_block['dimensions']['width']; $block_classes[] = 'grid-left-' . $original_block['position']['left']; $block_style_attr = ' style="height: ' . $original_block['dimensions']['height'] . 'px; top: ' . $original_block['position']['top'] . 'px;"'; } //If the responsive grid is active, then add the responsive block hiding classes if (HeadwayResponsiveGrid::is_enabled()) { $responsive_block_hiding = headway_get('responsive-block-hiding', $block['settings'], array()); if (is_array($responsive_block_hiding) && count($responsive_block_hiding) > 0) { foreach ($responsive_block_hiding as $device) { $block_classes[] = 'responsive-block-hiding-device-' . $device; } } } //If it's a mirrored block, change $block to the mirrored block if ($mirrored_block = HeadwayBlocksData::is_block_mirrored($block)) { $block = $mirrored_block; $block['original'] = $original_block; //Add Classes for the mirroring $block_classes[] = 'block-mirrored'; if ($where != 'grid') { $block_classes[] = 'block-mirroring-' . $mirrored_block['id']; $block_classes[] = 'block-original-' . $original_block_id; } } //Fetch the HTML tag for the block $block_tag = ($html_tag = headway_get('html-tag', $block_type_settings)) ? $html_tag : 'div'; //The ID attribute for the block. This will change if mirrored. $block_id_for_id_attr = $block['id']; //Original block ID to be used in the Visual Editor if (HeadwayRoute::is_visual_editor_iframe()) { $block_data_attrs = implode(' ', array('data-id="' . str_replace('block-', '', $original_block_id) . '"', 'data-block-mirror="' . (isset($mirrored_block) ? $mirrored_block['id'] : '') . '"', 'data-block-mirror-layout-name="' . (isset($mirrored_block) ? HeadwayLayout::get_name($mirrored_block['layout']) : '') . '"', 'data-grid-left="' . $original_block['position']['left'] . '"', 'data-grid-top="' . $original_block['position']['top'] . '"', 'data-width="' . $original_block['dimensions']['width'] . '"', 'data-height="' . $original_block['dimensions']['height'] . '"', 'data-alias="' . headway_get('alias', headway_get('settings', $original_block, array())) . '"')); } else { $block_data_attrs = null; } //The grid will display blocks entirely differently and not use hooks. if ($where != 'grid') { do_action('headway_before_block', $block); do_action('headway_before_block_' . $block['id'], $block); echo '<' . $block_tag . ' id="block-' . $block_id_for_id_attr . '" class="' . implode(' ', array_filter(apply_filters('headway_block_class', $block_classes, $block))) . '"' . $block_style_attr . $block_data_attrs . '>'; do_action('headway_block_open', $block); do_action('headway_block_open_' . $block['id'], $block); echo '<div class="block-content">'; do_action('headway_block_content_open', $block); do_action('headway_block_content_open_' . $block['id'], $block); do_action('headway_block_content_' . $block['type'], $block); do_action('headway_block_content_close', $block); do_action('headway_block_content_close_' . $block['id'], $block); echo '</div><!-- .block-content -->' . "\n"; do_action('headway_block_close', $block); do_action('headway_block_close_' . $block['id'], $block); echo '</' . $block_tag . '><!-- #block-' . $block_id_for_id_attr . ' -->' . "\n"; do_action('headway_after_block', $block); do_action('headway_after_block_' . $block['id'], $block); //Show the block in the grid } else { $show_content_in_grid = self::block_type_exists($block['type']) ? headway_get('show-content-in-grid', $block_type_settings, false) : false; if (!$show_content_in_grid) { $block_classes[] = 'hide-content-in-grid'; } if (!self::block_type_exists($block['type'])) { $block_classes[] = 'block-error'; } echo '<' . $block_tag . ' id="block-' . $block_id_for_id_attr . '" class="' . implode(' ', array_filter($block_classes)) . '"' . $block_style_attr . $block_data_attrs . '>'; echo '<div class="block-content-fade block-content">'; if (!self::block_type_exists($block['type'])) { self::unknown_block_content($block); } else { if (!$show_content_in_grid) { echo '<p class="hide-content-in-grid-notice"><strong>Notice:</strong> <em>' . self::block_type_nice($block['type']) . '</em> blocks do not display in the Grid Mode. Please switch to the Design mode to see the content in this block.</p>'; } } echo '</div><!-- .block-content-fade -->' . "\n"; echo '</' . $block_tag . '><!-- #block-' . $block_id_for_id_attr . ' -->' . "\n"; } //Spit the ID back out return $block['id']; }
public function get_blocks_select_options_for_mirroring() { $block_type = $this->block['type']; $blocks = HeadwayBlocksData::get_blocks_by_type($block_type); $options = array('' => '– Do Not Mirror –'); //If there are no blocks, then just return the Do Not Mirror option. if (!isset($blocks) || !is_array($blocks)) { return $options; } foreach ($blocks as $block_id => $layout_id) { //Get the block instance $block = HeadwayBlocksData::get_block($block_id); //If the block is mirrored, skip it if (HeadwayBlocksData::is_block_mirrored($block)) { continue; } /* Do not show block that's in a mirrored wrapper */ if (HeadwayWrappers::get_wrapper_mirror(HeadwayWrappers::get_wrapper(headway_get('wrapper', $block)))) { continue; } //Create the default name by using the block type and ID $default_name = HeadwayBlocks::block_type_nice($block['type']) . ' #' . $block['id']; //If we can't get a name for the layout, then things probably aren't looking good. Just skip this block. if (!($layout_name = HeadwayLayout::get_name($layout_id))) { continue; } //Make sure the block exists if (!HeadwayBlocksData::block_exists($block['id'])) { continue; } $current_layout_suffix = $this->block['layout'] == $layout_id ? ' (Warning: Same Layout)' : null; //Get alias if it exists, otherwise use the default name $options[$block['id']] = headway_get('alias', $block['settings'], $default_name) . ' – ' . $layout_name . $current_layout_suffix; } //Remove the current block from the list unset($options[$this->block['id']]); return $options; }
public static function display_canvas() { echo '<!DOCTYPE HTML> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="' . get_bloginfo('charset') . '" /> <link rel="profile" href="" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1" /> <meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="no-cache" /> <title>Visual Editor Grid: ' . wp_title(false, false) . '</title>'; do_action('headway_grid_iframe_head'); echo '</head><!-- /head --> <body class="visual-editor-iframe-grid ' . join(' ', get_body_class()) . '">'; $wrappers = HeadwayWrappers::get_layout_wrappers(HeadwayLayout::get_current_in_use()); $blocks = HeadwayBlocksData::get_blocks_by_layout(HeadwayLayout::get_current_in_use()); echo '<div id="whitewrap" data-wrappers="' . htmlspecialchars(json_encode($wrappers)) . '">'; foreach ($wrappers as $wrapper_id => $wrapper_settings) { /* Setup wrapper classes */ $wrapper_classes = array('wrapper'); $wrapper_classes[] = headway_get('use-independent-grid', $wrapper_settings) ? 'independent-grid' : null; $wrapper_classes[] = $wrapper_settings['fluid'] ? 'wrapper-fluid' : 'wrapper-fixed'; $wrapper_classes[] = $wrapper_settings['fluid'] && $wrapper_settings['fluid-grid'] ? 'wrapper-fluid-grid' : 'wrapper-fixed-grid'; if (HeadwayWrappers::get_wrapper_mirror($wrapper_settings)) { $wrapper_classes[] = 'wrapper-mirrored'; } /* Populate wrapper with its blocks */ $wrapper_blocks = array(); foreach ($blocks as $block_id => $block) { /* Grab blocks belonging to this wrapper */ if (headway_get('wrapper', $block, HeadwayWrappers::$default_wrapper_id) === $wrapper_id) { $wrapper_blocks[$block_id] = $block; } /* If last wrapper, grab all blocks on this layout with invalid wrapper IDs to make sure they're editable somewhere */ $last_wrapper_id = array_slice(array_keys($wrappers), -1, 1); $last_wrapper_id = $last_wrapper_id[0]; if ($last_wrapper_id == $wrapper_id && !headway_get(headway_get('wrapper', $block, HeadwayWrappers::$default_wrapper_id), $wrappers)) { $wrapper_blocks[$block_id] = $block; } } /* Output the wrapper */ echo '<div id="' . $wrapper_id . '" class="' . implode(' ', array_filter($wrapper_classes)) . '">'; echo '<div class="wrapper-mirror-overlay"></div><!-- .wrapper-mirror-overlay -->'; self::display_grid_blocks($wrapper_blocks, $wrapper_settings); echo '</div><!-- #wrapper-' . $wrapper_id . ' -->'; } echo '<div id="wrapper-buttons-template">'; echo '<div class="wrapper-top-margin-handle wrapper-handle wrapper-margin-handle" title="Drag to change wrapper top margin"><span></span><span></span><span></span></div>'; echo '<div class="wrapper-drag-handle wrapper-handle tooltip tooltip-right" title="Drag to change wrapper order"><span></span><span></span><span></span></div>'; echo '<div class="wrapper-bottom-margin-handle wrapper-handle wrapper-margin-handle" title="Drag to change wrapper bottom margin"><span></span><span></span><span></span></div>'; echo '<div class="wrapper-options tooltip tooltip-right" title="Click to open wrapper options"><span></span></div>'; echo '</div><!-- .wrapper-buttons -->'; do_action('headway_grid_iframe_footer'); echo '</div><!-- #whitewrap --> </body> </html>'; }
public function render_input($input) { //Fill defaults $defaults = array('tooltip' => false, 'default' => false, 'callback' => null); //Merge defaults $input = array_merge($defaults, $input); //Fix up inputs $input = $this->parse_function_args($input); if (!isset($input['name']) || !isset($input['type'])) { return; } /* Set up main input variables */ $input['name'] = strtolower($input['name']); $input['group'] = isset($input['group']) ? $input['group'] : $this->options_group; $input['tooltip'] = isset($input['tooltip']) && $input['tooltip'] != false ? $input['tooltip'] : false; /* Populate the value */ $input['default'] = isset($input['default']) ? $input['default'] : null; if (isset($this->wrapper) && $this->wrapper && !isset($input['value'])) { $input['value'] = HeadwayWrappers::get_wrapper_setting($this->wrapper, $input['name'], $input['default']); } else { if (isset($this->block) && $this->block && !isset($input['value'])) { $input['value'] = HeadwayBlocksData::get_block_setting($this->block, $input['name'], $input['default']); } else { if (!isset($input['value'])) { $input['value'] = HeadwayOption::get($input['name'], $input['group'], $input['default']); } } } /* Setup Attributes */ $attributes_array = array('id' => isset($this->block) && $this->block ? 'input-' . $this->block['id'] . '-' . $input['name'] : 'input-' . $input['group'] . '-' . $input['name'], 'name' => $input['name'], 'data-group' => $input['group']); /* Set up the callback attribute */ $attributes_array['data-callback'] = htmlspecialchars('(function(args){var input=args.input;var value=args.value;var block=args.block || null;' . $input['callback'] . '})'); /* Set up data handler override if it's used */ if (headway_get('data-handler-callback', $input)) { $attributes_array['data-data-handler-callback'] = htmlspecialchars('(function(args){' . $input['data-handler-callback'] . '})'); } /* Set up toggle attribute */ if (headway_get('toggle', $input)) { $attributes_array['data-toggle'] = htmlspecialchars(json_encode($input['toggle'])); } /* No save attribute */ if (headway_get('no-save', $input, false)) { $attributes_array['data-no-save'] = 'true'; } /* Turn attributes array into a string for HTML */ $input['attributes'] = ''; foreach ($attributes_array as $attribute => $attribute_value) { $input['attributes'] .= $attribute . '="' . $attribute_value . '" '; } $input['attributes'] = trim($input['attributes']); /* If it's a repeater then handle it before it's handled as an input */ if ($input['type'] == 'repeater') { return $this->repeater($input); } /* Handle regular input */ if (method_exists($this, 'input_' . str_replace('-', '_', $input['type']))) { /* Handle all types except for raw HTML input */ if ($input['type'] != 'raw-html') { echo '<div class="input input-' . $input['type'] . '" id="input-' . $input['name'] . '">'; if ($input['tooltip']) { echo '<div class="tooltip-button" title="' . htmlspecialchars($input['tooltip']) . '"></div>'; } call_user_func(array($this, 'input_' . str_replace('-', '_', $input['type'])), $input); echo '</div><!-- #input-' . $input['name'] . ' -->'; } else { call_user_func(array($this, 'input_' . str_replace('-', '_', $input['type'])), $input); } } /* End regular input handling */ }
public static function save($options, $current_layout = false, $mode = false) { if (!$current_layout) { $current_layout = headway_post('layout'); } if (!$mode) { $mode = headway_post('mode'); } //Handle triple slash bullshit if (get_magic_quotes_gpc() === 1) { $options = array_map('stripslashes_deep', $options); } $blocks = isset($options['blocks']) ? $options['blocks'] : null; $wrappers = isset($options['wrappers']) ? $options['wrappers'] : null; $layout_options = isset($options['layout-options']) ? $options['layout-options'] : null; $options_inputs = isset($options['options']) ? $options['options'] : null; $design_editor_inputs = isset($options['design-editor']) ? $options['design-editor'] : null; //Set the current layout to customized if it's the grid mode if ($mode == 'grid') { HeadwayLayoutOption::set($current_layout, 'customized', true); } /* Blocks */ if ($blocks) { foreach ($blocks as $id => $methods) { foreach ($methods as $method => $value) { switch ($method) { case 'new': if (HeadwayBlocksData::get_block($id)) { continue; } $dimensions = explode(',', $blocks[$id]['dimensions']); $position = explode(',', $blocks[$id]['position']); $settings = isset($blocks[$id]['settings']) ? $blocks[$id]['settings'] : array(); $args = array('id' => $id, 'type' => $value, 'position' => array('left' => $position[0], 'top' => $position[1]), 'dimensions' => array('width' => $dimensions[0], 'height' => $dimensions[1]), 'settings' => $settings); HeadwayBlocksData::add_block($current_layout, $args); break; case 'delete': HeadwayBlocksData::delete_block($current_layout, $id); break; case 'dimensions': $dimensions = explode(',', $value); $args = array('dimensions' => array('width' => $dimensions[0], 'height' => $dimensions[1])); HeadwayBlocksData::update_block($current_layout, $id, $args); break; case 'position': $position = explode(',', $value); $args = array('position' => array('left' => $position[0], 'top' => $position[1])); HeadwayBlocksData::update_block($current_layout, $id, $args); break; case 'wrapper': $args = array('wrapper' => $value); HeadwayBlocksData::update_block($current_layout, $id, $args); break; case 'settings': //Retrieve all blocks from layout $layout_blocks = HeadwayBlocksData::get_blocks_by_layout($current_layout); //Get the block from the layout $block = headway_get($id, $layout_blocks); //If block doesn't exist, we can't do anything. if (!$block) { continue; } //If there aren't any options, then don't do anything either if (!is_array($value) || count($value) === 0) { continue; } $block['settings'] = array_merge($block['settings'], $value); HeadwayBlocksData::update_block($current_layout, $id, $block); break; } } } } /* End Blocks */ /* Wrappers */ if ($wrappers) { /* Pluck last-id out of wrappers and send it to DB */ if (headway_get('last-id', $wrappers)) { $last_id = $wrappers['last-id']; unset($wrappers['last-id']); HeadwayOption::set('last-id', $last_id, 'wrappers'); } /* Save layout wrappers to dB */ HeadwayOption::set($current_layout, $wrappers, 'wrappers'); } /* End Wrappers */ /* Layout Options */ if ($layout_options) { foreach ($layout_options as $group => $options) { foreach ($options as $option => $value) { HeadwayLayoutOption::set($current_layout, $option, $value, $group); } } } /* End Layout Options */ /* Options */ if ($options_inputs) { foreach ($options_inputs as $group => $options) { foreach ($options as $option => $value) { HeadwayOption::set($option, $value, $group); } } } /* End Options */ /* Design Editor Inputs */ if ($design_editor_inputs) { /* If skin import is set to true then nuke all design settings to prevent overlapping settings */ if (headway_get('skin-import', $design_editor_inputs)) { HeadwayElementsData::delete_all(); } /* End skin import nuke */ /* Handle skin templates */ $skin_templates = headway_get('skin-import-templates', $design_editor_inputs); if (is_array($skin_templates) && count($skin_templates)) { $skin_template_block_id_translations = array(); $skin_template_wrapper_id_translations = array(); foreach ($skin_templates as $skin_template_name => $skin_template_blocks) { /* Pluck wrappers array out of blocks array */ $skin_template_wrappers = $skin_template_blocks['wrappers']; unset($skin_template_blocks['wrappers']); $template = HeadwayLayout::add_template($skin_template_name, $skin_template_blocks, $skin_template_wrappers); /* Use + rather than array_merge because + preserves numeric keys */ $skin_template_block_id_translations = $skin_template_block_id_translations + $template['block-id-translations']; $skin_template_wrapper_id_translations = $skin_template_wrapper_id_translations + $template['wrapper-id-translations']; } /* Re-map block IDs in instances according to block ID translations */ foreach ($design_editor_inputs as $element_id => $element_data) { if (!is_array($element_data) || !isset($element_data['special-element-instance'])) { continue; } foreach ($element_data['special-element-instance'] as $instance_id => $instance_properties) { $instance_id_fragments = explode('-', $instance_id); $instance_potential_block_id_search = preg_match('/\\bblock\\b\\-[0-9]+/', $instance_id, $instance_potential_block_id_search_results); $instance_potential_block_id = str_replace('block-', '', end($instance_potential_block_id_search_results)); $instance_potential_wrapper_id = $instance_id_fragments[1]; /* Wrapper instance conditional. Modify new instance ID accordingly */ if (strpos($instance_id, 'wrapper-') === 0 && isset($skin_template_wrapper_id_translations[intval($instance_potential_wrapper_id)])) { $new_wrapper_id = $skin_template_wrapper_id_translations[intval($instance_potential_wrapper_id)]['id']; $new_wrapper_layout = $skin_template_wrapper_id_translations[intval($instance_potential_wrapper_id)]['layout']; $new_instance_id = 'wrapper-' . $new_wrapper_id . '-layout-' . $new_wrapper_layout; /* Block instance conditional. Modify new instance ID accordingly */ } else { if (strpos($instance_id, 'block-') !== false && is_numeric($instance_potential_block_id) && isset($skin_template_block_id_translations[intval($instance_potential_block_id)])) { $new_block_id = $skin_template_block_id_translations[intval($instance_potential_block_id)]; $new_instance_id = str_replace('block-' . $instance_potential_block_id, 'block-' . $new_block_id, $instance_id); /* Not a proper block or wrapper instance, just skip it */ } else { continue; } } /* Remove existing instance key/value pair */ unset($design_editor_inputs[$element_id]['special-element-instance'][$instance_id]); /* Add new instance key/value pair with new instance ID */ $design_editor_inputs[$element_id]['special-element-instance'][$new_instance_id] = $instance_properties; } } } /* End skin template handling */ /* Loop through to get every element and its properties */ foreach ($design_editor_inputs as $element_id => $element_data) { if (!is_array($element_data) || !isset($element_data['group'])) { continue; } $element_group = $element_data['group']; //Dispatch depending on type of element data foreach ($element_data as $element_data_node => $element_data_node_data) { //Handle different nodes depending on what they are if ($element_data_node == 'properties') { //Set each property for the regular element foreach ($element_data_node_data as $property_id => $property_value) { HeadwayElementsData::set_property($element_group, $element_id, $property_id, $property_value); } //Handle instances, states, etc. } else { if (strpos($element_data_node, 'special-element-') === 0) { $special_element_type = str_replace('special-element-', '', $element_data_node); //Loop through the special elements foreach ($element_data_node_data as $special_element => $special_element_properties) { //Set the special element properties now foreach ($special_element_properties as $special_element_property => $special_element_property_value) { HeadwayElementsData::set_special_element_property($element_group, $element_id, $special_element_type, $special_element, $special_element_property, $special_element_property_value); } } } } } } /* End loop */ } /* End Design Editor Inputs */ //This hook is used by cache flushing, plugins, etc. Do not fire on preview save because it'll flush preview options if (!headway_get('ve-preview')) { do_action('headway_visual_editor_save'); } return true; }
public static function enqueue_action($block_id) { $block = HeadwayBlocksData::get_block($block_id); return gravity_form_enqueue_scripts(parent::get_setting($block, 'form-id', null), parent::get_setting($block, 'use-ajax', false)); }
/** * Use this to enqueue styles or scripts for your block. This method will be execute when the block type is on * the current page you are viewing. Also, not only is it page-specific, the method will execute for every instance * of that block type on the current page. * * This method will be executed at the WordPress 'wp' hook * * REMOVE THIS METHOD IF NOT USING IT **/ function enqueue_action($block_id) { $block = HeadwayBlocksData::get_block($block_id); return; }
public static function add_template($template_name = null, $blocks = null, $wrappers = null) { $templates = HeadwayOption::get('list', 'templates', array()); $last_template_id = HeadwayOption::get('last-id', 'templates', 0); /* These two variables be used for when a blocks/wrappers imported ID is different than the one that it ends up with... i.g. skin importing to line up instances */ $block_id_translations = array(); $wrapper_id_translations = array(); /* Build name */ $id = $last_template_id + 1; $template_name = $template_name ? $template_name : 'Template ' . $id; /* Add template to templates array so it can be sent to DB */ $templates[$id] = $template_name; /* Send array to DB */ HeadwayOption::set('list', $templates, 'templates'); HeadwayOption::set('last-id', $id, 'templates'); /* Add blocks and wrappers */ if ($blocks && $wrappers) { /* Format wrappers */ foreach ($wrappers as $wrapper_id => $wrapper_settings) { $old_wrapper_id = $wrapper_id; $new_wrapper = HeadwayWrappers::add_wrapper('template-' . $id, $wrapper_settings); $wrapper_id_translations[str_replace('wrapper-', '', $old_wrapper_id)] = array('id' => $new_wrapper['id'], 'layout' => 'template-' . $id); } /* Add blocks */ foreach ($blocks as $block) { $old_block_id = $block['id']; unset($block['id']); unset($block['layout']); /* Update block's wrapper ID to match the real ID of the imported wrapper because if you link to the old ID from the export file then it won't match up */ $block['wrapper'] = 'wrapper-' . $wrapper_id_translations[str_replace('wrapper-', '', $block['wrapper'])]['id']; $new_block_id = HeadwayBlocksData::add_block('template-' . $id, $block); $block_id_translations[$old_block_id] = $new_block_id; } } /* End adding wrappers and blocks */ return array('id' => $id, 'name' => $template_name, 'block-id-translations' => $block_id_translations, 'wrapper-id-translations' => $wrapper_id_translations); }
public static function notice_no_widgets_or_menus() { global $pagenow; if ($pagenow != 'widgets.php' && $pagenow != 'nav-menus.php') { return false; } $grid_mode_url = add_query_arg(array('visual-editor' => 'true', 'visual-editor-mode' => 'grid'), home_url()); //Show the widgets message if no widget blocks exist. if ($pagenow == 'widgets.php') { $widget_area_blocks = HeadwayBlocksData::get_blocks_by_type('widget-area'); if (!empty($widget_area_blocks)) { return; } if (!current_theme_supports('headway-grid')) { return; } echo '<div class="updated" style="margin-top: 15px;"> <p>Headway has detected that you have no Widget Area blocks. If you wish to use the WordPress widgets system with Headway, please add a Widget Area block in the <a href="' . $grid_mode_url . '" target="_blank">Visual Editor: Grid</a>.</p> <style type="text/css"> div.error.below-h2 { display: none; } div.error.below-h2 + p { display: none; } </style> </div>'; } //Show the navigation menus message if no navigation blocks exist. if ($pagenow == 'nav-menus.php') { $navigation_blocks = HeadwayBlocksData::get_blocks_by_type('navigation'); if (!empty($navigation_blocks)) { return; } if (!current_theme_supports('headway-grid')) { return; } echo '<div class="updated"> <p>Headway has detected that you have no Navigation blocks. If you wish to use the WordPress menus system with Headway, please add a Navigation block in the <a href="' . $grid_mode_url . '" target="_blank">Visual Editor: Grid</a>.</p> </div>'; } }
public static function export_layout($layout_id) { /* Set up variables */ if (!($layout_name = HeadwayLayout::get_name($layout_id))) { die('Error: Invalid layout.'); } $layout = array('name' => $layout_name, 'blocks' => HeadwayBlocksData::get_blocks_by_layout($layout_id)); /* Convert all mirrored blocks into original blocks by pulling their mirror target's settings */ /* Loop through each block in the template and check if it's mirrored. If it is, replace it with the block that it's mirroring */ foreach ($layout['blocks'] as $layout_block_index => $layout_block) { if (!($mirrored_block = HeadwayBlocksData::is_block_mirrored($layout_block))) { continue; } $layout['blocks'][$layout_block_index] = $mirrored_block; } /* Spit the file out */ return self::to_json('Headway Layout - ' . $layout_name, 'layout', $layout); }
?> Page For Posts: <?php echo get_option('page_for_posts') . "\n"; ?> <?php if (!headway_get('exclude-counts')) { ?> Amount of Posts: ~<?php echo $post_count->publish . "\n"; ?> Amount of Pages: ~<?php echo $page_count->publish . "\n"; ?> Amount of Blocks: ~<?php echo count(HeadwayBlocksData::get_all_blocks()) . "\n"; ?> <?php } ?> Responsive Grid: <?php echo HeadwayResponsiveGrid::is_enabled() ? 'Enabled' . "\n" : 'Disabled' . "\n"; ?> Caching Allowed: <?php echo HeadwayCompiler::can_cache() ? 'Yes' . "\n" : 'No' . "\n"; ?> Caching Enabled: <?php echo HeadwayCompiler::caching_enabled() ? 'Yes' . "\n" : 'No' . "\n"; ?>
public static function secure_method_delete_template() { //Retreive templates $templates = HeadwayOption::get('list', 'templates', array()); //Unset the deleted ID $id = headway_post('template_to_delete'); //Delete template if it exists and send array back to DB if (isset($templates[$id])) { unset($templates[$id]); //Delete the blocks from the template HeadwayBlocksData::delete_by_layout('template-' . $id); //Delete all options from the template HeadwayLayoutOption::delete_all_from_layout('template-' . $id); //Delete template from templates list HeadwayOption::set('list', $templates, 'templates'); do_action('headway_visual_editor_delete_template'); echo 'success'; } else { echo 'failure'; } }