 * @method
 * Returns a list or user.
 * @name PMFGetUserEmailAddress
 * @label PMF Get User Email Address
 * @link http://wiki.processmaker.com/index.php/ProcessMaker_Functions#PMFGetUserEmailAddress.28.29
 * @param string(32) or Array | $id | Case ID | Id of the case.
 * @param string(32) | $APP_UID = null | Application ID | Id of the Application.
 * @param string(32) | $prefix = "usr" | prefix | Id of the task.
 * @return array | $aRecipient | Array of the Recipient | Return an Array of the Recipient.
function PMFGetUserEmailAddress($id, $APP_UID = null, $prefix = 'usr')
    require_once 'classes/model/UsersPeer.php';
    require_once 'classes/model/AppDelegation.php';
    if (is_string($id) && trim($id) == "") {
        return false;
    if (is_array($id) && count($id) == 0) {
        return false;
    //recipient to store the email addresses
    $aRecipient = array();
    $aItems = array();
     * First at all the $id user input can be by example erik@colosa.com
     * 2.this $id param can be a array by example Array('000000000001','000000000002') in this case $prefix is necessary
     * 3.this same param can be a array by example Array('usr|000000000001', 'usr|-1', 'grp|2245141479413131441')
     * The second thing is that the return type will be configurated depend of the input type (using $retType)
    if (is_array($id)) {
        $aItems = $id;
        $retType = 'array';
    } else {
        $retType = 'string';
        if (strpos($id, ",") !== false) {
            $aItems = explode(',', $id);
        } else {
            array_push($aItems, $id);
    foreach ($aItems as $sItem) {
        //cleaning for blank spaces into each array item
        $sItem = trim($sItem);
        if (strpos($sItem, "|") !== false) {
            // explode the parameter because  always will be compose with pipe separator to indicate
            // the type (user or group) and the target mai
            list($sType, $sID) = explode('|', $sItem);
            $sType = trim($sType);
            $sID = trim($sID);
        } else {
            $sType = $prefix;
            $sID = $sItem;
        switch ($sType) {
            case 'ext':
                if (G::emailAddress($sID)) {
                    array_push($aRecipient, $sID);
            case 'usr':
                if ($sID == '-1') {
                    // -1: Curent user, load from user record
                    if (isset($APP_UID)) {
                        $oAppDelegation = new AppDelegation();
                        $aAppDel = $oAppDelegation->getLastDeleration($APP_UID);
                        if (isset($aAppDel)) {
                            $oUserRow = UsersPeer::retrieveByPK($aAppDel['USR_UID']);
                            if (isset($oUserRow)) {
                                $sID = $oUserRow->getUsrEmail();
                            } else {
                                throw new Exception('User with ID ' . $oAppDelegation->getUsrUid() . 'doesn\'t exist');
                            if (G::emailAddress($sID)) {
                                array_push($aRecipient, $sID);
                } else {
                    $oUserRow = UsersPeer::retrieveByPK($sID);
                    if ($oUserRow != null) {
                        $sID = $oUserRow->getUsrEmail();
                        if (G::emailAddress($sID)) {
                            array_push($aRecipient, $sID);
            case 'grp':
                $oGroups = new Groups();
                $oCriteria = $oGroups->getUsersGroupCriteria($sID);
                $oDataset = GroupwfPeer::doSelectRS($oCriteria);
                while ($oDataset->next()) {
                    $aGroup = $oDataset->getRow();
                    //to validate email address
                    if (G::emailAddress($aGroup['USR_EMAIL'])) {
                        array_push($aRecipient, $aGroup['USR_EMAIL']);
            case 'dyn':
                $oCase = new Cases();
                $aFields = $oCase->loadCase($APP_UID);
                $aFields['APP_DATA'] = array_merge($aFields['APP_DATA'], G::getSystemConstants());
                //to validate email address
                if (isset($aFields['APP_DATA'][$sID]) && G::emailAddress($aFields['APP_DATA'][$sID])) {
                    array_push($aRecipient, $aFields['APP_DATA'][$sID]);
    switch ($retType) {
        case 'array':
            return $aRecipient;
        case 'string':
            return implode(',', $aRecipient);
            return $aRecipient;
Beispiel #2
if (($RBAC_Response = $RBAC->userCanAccess("PM_USERS")) != 1) {
    return $RBAC_Response;
$_POST['action'] = get_ajax_value('action');
switch ($_POST['action']) {
    case 'showUsers':
        $oGroups = new Groups();
        $oGroup = new Groupwf();
        $aFields = $oGroup->load($_POST['sGroupUID']);
        global $G_PUBLISH;
        $G_PUBLISH = new Publisher();
        //$G_PUBLISH->AddContent('xmlform', 'xmlform', 'groups/groups_UsersListTitle', '', array('GRP_NAME' => $aFields['GRP_TITLE']));
        $G_PUBLISH->AddContent('propeltable', 'groups/paged-table2', 'groups/groups_UsersList', $oGroups->getUsersGroupCriteria($_POST['sGroupUID']), array('GRP_UID' => $_POST['sGroupUID'], 'GRP_NAME' => $aFields['GRP_TITLE']));
        $oHeadPublisher =& headPublisher::getSingleton();
        G::RenderPage('publish', 'raw');
    case 'assignUser':
        $oGroup = new Groups();
        $oGroup->addUserToGroup($_POST['GRP_UID'], $_POST['USR_UID']);
    case 'assignAllUsers':
        $oGroup = new Groups();
        $aUsers = explode(',', $_POST['aUsers']);
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($aUsers); $i++) {
            $oGroup->addUserToGroup($_POST['GRP_UID'], $aUsers[$i]);
   function executed by the cron
   this function will synchronize users from ldap/active directory to PM users tables
   @return void
 public function executeCron($debug)
     $rbac =& RBAC::getSingleton();
     if (is_null($rbac->authSourcesObj)) {
         $rbac->authSourcesObj = new AuthenticationSource();
     $plugin = new ldapAdvanced();
     $plugin->sSystem = $rbac->sSystem;
     //Get all authsource for this plugin ( ldapAdvanced plugin, because other authsources are not needed )
     $arrayAuthenticationSource = $plugin->getAuthSources();
     $aDepartments = $plugin->getDepartments("");
     $aGroups = $plugin->getGroups();
     //$arrayDepartmentUserAd = array(); //(D) Update Users
     //$arrayGroupUserAd = array(); //(G) Update Users
     //echo "\n";
     foreach ($arrayAuthenticationSource as $value) {
         $arrayAuthenticationSourceData = $value;
         $plugin->debugLog("ldapadvanced.php > function executeCron() > foreach > \$arrayAuthenticationSourceData ---->\n" . print_r($arrayAuthenticationSourceData, true));
         $plugin->sAuthSource = $arrayAuthenticationSourceData["AUTH_SOURCE_UID"];
         $plugin->ldapcnn = null;
         //Get all User (USR_UID, USR_USERNAME, USR_AUTH_USER_DN) registered in RBAC with this Authentication Source
         $plugin->frontEndShow("TEXT", "Authentication Source: " . $arrayAuthenticationSourceData["AUTH_SOURCE_NAME"]);
         $plugin->log(null, "Executing cron for Authentication Source: " . $arrayAuthenticationSourceData["AUTH_SOURCE_NAME"]);
         //Get all departments from Ldap/ActiveDirectory and build a hierarchy using dn (ou->ou parent)
         $aLdapDepts = $plugin->searchDepartments();
         //Obtain all departments from PM with a valid department in LDAP/ActiveDirectory
         $aRegisteredDepts = $plugin->getRegisteredDepartments($aLdapDepts, $aDepartments);
         $plugin->debugLog("ldapadvanced.php > function executeCron() > foreach > \$aRegisteredDepts ---->\n" . print_r($aRegisteredDepts, true));
         //Get all group from Ldap/ActiveDirectory
         $aLdapGroups = $plugin->searchGroups();
         //Obtain all groups from PM with a valid group in LDAP/ActiveDirectory
         $aRegisteredGroups = $plugin->getRegisteredGroups($aLdapGroups, $aGroups);
         $plugin->debugLog("ldapadvanced.php > function executeCron() > foreach > \$aRegisteredGroups ---->\n" . print_r($aRegisteredGroups, true));
         //Get all users from Removed OU
         $this->usersRemovedOu = $plugin->getUsersFromRemovedOu($arrayAuthenticationSourceData);
         $this->deletedRemoved = count($this->usersRemovedOu);
         $this->deletedRemovedUsers = "";
         $this->dAlready = 0;
         $this->dMoved = 0;
         $this->dImpossible = 0;
         $this->dCreated = 0;
         $this->dRemoved = 0;
         $this->dAlreadyUsers = "";
         $this->dMovedUsers = "";
         $this->dImpossibleUsers = "";
         $this->dCreatedUsers = "";
         $this->dRemovedUsers = "";
         $this->gAlready = 0;
         $this->gMoved = 0;
         $this->gImpossible = 0;
         $this->gCreated = 0;
         $this->gRemoved = 0;
         $this->gAlreadyUsers = "";
         $this->gMovedUsers = "";
         $this->gImpossibleUsers = "";
         $this->gCreatedUsers = "";
         $this->gRemovedUsers = "";
         //Department - Synchronize Users
         $numDepartments = count($aRegisteredDepts);
         $count = 0;
         $plugin->debugLog("ldapadvanced.php > function executeCron() > foreach > \$numDepartments ----> {$numDepartments}");
         foreach ($aRegisteredDepts as $registeredDept) {
             //(D) Update Users
             //if (!isset($arrayDepartmentUserAd[$registeredDept["DEP_UID"]])) {
             //    $arrayDepartmentUserAd[$registeredDept["DEP_UID"]] = array(); //Current users in department based in Active Directory
             //$arrayAux = $this->departmentSynchronizeUsers($plugin, $numDepartments, $count, $registeredDept);
             //$arrayAux = array_merge($arrayDepartmentUserAd[$registeredDept["DEP_UID"]], $arrayAux);
             //$arrayDepartmentUserAd[$registeredDept["DEP_UID"]] = array_unique($arrayAux);
             $arrayAux = $this->departmentSynchronizeUsers($plugin, $numDepartments, $count, $registeredDept);
         //Department - Print log
         $logResults = sprintf("- Departments -> Existing users: %d, moved: %d, impossible: %d, created: %d, removed: %d", $this->dAlready, $this->dMoved, $this->dImpossible, $this->dCreated, $this->dRemoved);
         $plugin->frontEndShow("TEXT", $logResults);
         $plugin->log(null, $logResults);
         //Group - Synchronize Users
         $numGroups = count($aRegisteredGroups);
         $count = 0;
         $plugin->debugLog("ldapadvanced.php > function executeCron() > foreach > \$numGroups ----> {$numGroups}");
         foreach ($aRegisteredGroups as $registeredGroup) {
             //(G) Update Users
             //if (!isset($arrayGroupUserAd[$registeredGroup["GRP_UID"]])) {
             //    $arrayGroupUserAd[$registeredGroup["GRP_UID"]] = array(); //Current users in group based in Active Directory
             //$arrayAux = $this->groupSynchronizeUsers($plugin, $numGroups, $count, $registeredGroup);
             //$arrayAux = array_merge($arrayGroupUserAd[$registeredGroup["GRP_UID"]], $arrayAux);
             //$arrayGroupUserAd[$registeredGroup["GRP_UID"]] = array_unique($arrayAux);
             $arrayAux = $this->groupSynchronizeUsers($plugin, $numGroups, $count, $registeredGroup);
         //Group - Print log
         $logResults = sprintf("- Groups -> Existing users: %d, moved: %d, impossible: %d, created: %d, removed: %d", $this->gAlready, $this->gMoved, $this->gImpossible, $this->gCreated, $this->gRemoved);
         $plugin->frontEndShow("TEXT", $logResults);
         $plugin->log(null, $logResults);
         if (isset($arrayAuthenticationSourceData["AUTH_SOURCE_DATA"]["DEPARTMENTS_TO_UNASSIGN"])) {
             if (is_array($arrayAuthenticationSourceData["AUTH_SOURCE_DATA"]["DEPARTMENTS_TO_UNASSIGN"])) {
                 foreach ($arrayAuthenticationSourceData["AUTH_SOURCE_DATA"]["DEPARTMENTS_TO_UNASSIGN"] as $departmentUID) {
                     // Delete manager assignments
                     $criteriaSet = new Criteria("workflow");
                     $criteriaSet->add(UsersPeer::USR_REPORTS_TO, "");
                     $criteriaWhere = new Criteria("workflow");
                     $criteriaWhere->add(UsersPeer::DEP_UID, $departmentUID);
                     $criteriaWhere->add(UsersPeer::USR_REPORTS_TO, "", Criteria::NOT_EQUAL);
                     $this->deletedManager = BasePeer::doUpdate($criteriaWhere, $criteriaSet, Propel::getConnection("workflow"));
                     // Delete department assignments
                     $criteriaSet = new Criteria("workflow");
                     $criteriaSet->add(UsersPeer::DEP_UID, "");
                     $criteriaWhere = new Criteria("workflow");
                     $criteriaWhere->add(UsersPeer::DEP_UID, $departmentUID);
                     $this->dMoved += UsersPeer::doCount($criteriaWhere);
                     BasePeer::doUpdate($criteriaWhere, $criteriaSet, Propel::getConnection("workflow"));
             $rbac =& RBAC::getSingleton();
         if (isset($arrayAuthenticationSourceData["AUTH_SOURCE_DATA"]["GROUPS_TO_UNASSIGN"])) {
             if (is_array($arrayAuthenticationSourceData["AUTH_SOURCE_DATA"]["GROUPS_TO_UNASSIGN"])) {
                 foreach ($arrayAuthenticationSourceData["AUTH_SOURCE_DATA"]["GROUPS_TO_UNASSIGN"] as $groupUID) {
                     // Delete manager assignments
                     $groupsInstance = new Groups();
                     $criteria = $groupsInstance->getUsersGroupCriteria($groupUID);
                     $dataset = UsersPeer::doSelectRS($criteria);
                     $users = array();
                     while ($row = $dataset->getRow()) {
                         $users[] = $row["USR_UID"];
                     $criteriaSet = new Criteria("workflow");
                     $criteriaSet->add(UsersPeer::USR_REPORTS_TO, "");
                     $criteriaWhere = new Criteria("workflow");
                     $criteriaWhere->add(UsersPeer::USR_UID, $users, Criteria::IN);
                     $criteriaWhere->add(UsersPeer::USR_REPORTS_TO, "", Criteria::NOT_EQUAL);
                     $this->deletedManager = BasePeer::doUpdate($criteriaWhere, $criteriaSet, Propel::getConnection("workflow"));
                     // Delete group assignments
                     $criteria = new Criteria("workflow");
                     $criteria->add(GroupUserPeer::GRP_UID, $groupUID);
                     $this->gMoved += GroupUserPeer::doCount($criteria);
                     BasePeer::doDelete($criteria, Propel::getConnection("workflow"));
             $rbac =& RBAC::getSingleton();
         // Delete the managers that not exists in PM
         $criteria = new Criteria("rbac");
         $criteria->add(RbacUsersPeer::USR_AUTH_USER_DN, "", Criteria::NOT_EQUAL);
         $dataset = RbacUsersPeer::doSelectRS($criteria);
         $existingUsers = array();
         while ($row = $dataset->getRow()) {
             $existingUsers[] = $row["USR_AUTH_USER_DN"];
         foreach ($this->managersHierarchy as $managerDN => $subordinates) {
             if (!in_array($managerDN, $existingUsers)) {
         // Get the managers assigments counters
         $deletedManagersAssignments = self::array_diff_assoc_recursive($this->oldManagersHierarchy, $this->managersHierarchy);
         $newManagersAssignments = self::array_diff_assoc_recursive($this->managersHierarchy, $this->oldManagersHierarchy);
         $deletedManagers = array();
         $newManagers = array();
         $movedManagers = array();
         if (is_array($deletedManagersAssignments)) {
             foreach ($deletedManagersAssignments as $dn1 => $subordinates1) {
                 foreach ($subordinates1 as $subordinate) {
                     if (!in_array($subordinate, $deletedManagers)) {
                         $deletedManagers[] = $subordinate;
                     foreach ($newManagersAssignments as $dn2 => $subordinates2) {
                         if (isset($subordinates2[$subordinate])) {
                             $movedManagers[] = $subordinate;
         if (is_array($newManagersAssignments)) {
             foreach ($newManagersAssignments as $dn1 => $subordinates1) {
                 foreach ($subordinates1 as $subordinate) {
                     if (!in_array($subordinate, $newManagers)) {
                         $newManagers[] = $subordinate;
                     foreach ($deletedManagersAssignments as $dn2 => $subordinates2) {
                         if (isset($subordinates2[$subordinate])) {
                             if (!in_array($subordinate, $movedManagers)) {
                                 $movedManagers[] = $subordinate;
         //Print and log the users's information
         //Deleted/Removed Users
         $logResults = sprintf("- Deleted/Removed Users: %d", $this->deletedRemoved);
         $plugin->frontEndShow("TEXT", $logResults);
         $plugin->log(null, $logResults);
         if ($this->deletedRemoved > 0) {
             $plugin->log(null, "Deleted/Removed Users: ");
             $plugin->log(null, $this->deletedRemovedUsers);
         if ($this->dAlready + $this->gAlready > 0) {
             $plugin->log(null, "Existing Users: ");
             $plugin->log(null, $this->dAlreadyUsers . " " . $this->gAlreadyUsers);
         if ($this->dMoved + $this->gMoved > 0) {
             $plugin->log(null, "Moved Users: ");
             $plugin->log(null, $this->dMovedUsers . " " . $this->gMovedUsers);
         if ($this->dImpossible + $this->gImpossible > 0) {
             $plugin->log(null, "Impossible Users: ");
             $plugin->log(null, $this->dImpossibleUsers . " " . $this->gImpossibleUsers);
         if ($this->dCreated + $this->gCreated > 0) {
             $plugin->log(null, "Created Users: ");
             $plugin->log(null, $this->dCreatedUsers . " " . $this->gCreatedUsers);
         if ($this->dRemoved + $this->gRemoved > 0) {
             $plugin->log(null, "Removed Users: ");
             $plugin->log(null, $this->dRemovedUsers . " " . $this->gRemovedUsers);
         //Print and log the managers assignments"s information
         $logResults = sprintf("- Managers assignments: created %d, moved %d, removed %d", count($newManagers) - count($movedManagers), count($movedManagers), count($deletedManagers) - count($movedManagers) + $this->deletedManager);
         $plugin->frontEndShow("TEXT", $logResults);
         $plugin->log(null, $logResults);
         //Update Users data based on the LDAP Server
     //(D) Update Users
     ////Department //Upgrade users in departments
     //foreach ($arrayDepartmentUserAd as $departmentUid => $arrayUserAd) {
     //    $plugin->setArrayDepartmentUsers($departmentUid); //INITIALIZE DATA
     //    $arrayAux = array_diff(array_keys($plugin->arrayDepartmentUsersByUid), $arrayUserAd);
     //    $this->departmentRemoveUsers($departmentUid, $arrayAux);
     //(G) Update Users
     ////Group //Upgrade users in groups
     //foreach ($arrayGroupUserAd as $groupUid => $arrayUserAd) {
     //    $plugin->setArrayGroupUsers($groupUid); //INITIALIZE DATA
     //    $arrayAux = array_diff(array_keys($plugin->arrayGroupUsersByUid), $arrayUserAd);
     //    $this->groupRemoveUsers($groupUid, $arrayAux);
     //// Developed by Gary and Ronald
     //$usersInfo = $plugin->ASUpdateInfo('');
     //if (isset($usersInfo) && $usersInfo > 0) {
     //    $this->dMoved = $usersInfo;
     //// End Developed by Gary and Ronald