public function getSecurity() { $this->data = array('groups' => Groups::all(), 'pageTitle' => 'Login And Security', 'pageNote' => 'Login Configuration and Setting', 'hybrid' => Config::get('hybridauth'), 'groups' => Groups::all()); $this->layout->nest('content', 'admin/config/security', $this->data)->with('menus', $this->menus); }
function postSave($id = 0) { $rules = array('title' => 'required', 'alias' => 'required|alpha_dash', 'filename' => 'required|alpha', 'status' => 'required'); $validator = Validator::make(Input::all(), $rules); if ($validator->passes()) { $content = Input::get('content'); $data = $this->validatePost('tb_pages'); if (Input::get('pageID') == 1) { $filename = public_path() . "protected/app/views/pages/template/home.blade.php"; } else { $filename = public_path() . "protected/app/views/pages/template/" . Input::get('filename') . ".blade.php"; } $fp = fopen($filename, "w+"); fwrite($fp, $content); fclose($fp); $groups = Groups::all(); $access = array(); foreach ($groups as $group) { $access[$group->group_id] = isset($_POST['group_id'][$group->group_id]) ? '1' : '0'; } $data['access'] = json_encode($access); $data['allow_guest'] = Input::get('allow_guest'); $data['template'] = Input::get('template'); $this->model->insertRow($data, Input::get('pageID')); self::createRouters(); return Redirect::to('pages')->with('message', SiteHelpers::alert('success', 'Data Has Been Save Successfull')); } else { return Redirect::to('pages/add/' . $id)->with('message', SiteHelpers::alert('error', 'The following errors occurred'))->withErrors($validator)->withInput(); } }