Beispiel #1
  * Run an internal request from one handler to another.
 public function run($uri, $data = array(), $internal = true)
     $c = new Controller(count(self::$hooks) > 0 ? self::$hooks : conf('Hooks'));
     $handler = $c->route($uri);
     if (!isset(self::$called[$uri])) {
         self::$called[$uri] = 1;
     } else {
     return $c->handle($handler, $internal, $data);
Beispiel #2
	 * The front controller only has one static method, `run()`, which
	public static function run ($argv, $argc) {
		 * For compatibility with PHP 5.4's built-in web server, we bypass
		 * the front controller for requests with file extensions and
		 * return false.
		if (php_sapi_name () === 'cli-server' && isset ($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) && preg_match ('/\.[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/', parse_url ($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], PHP_URL_PATH))) {
			return false;

		 * Normalize slashes for servers that are still poorly
		 * configured...
		if (get_magic_quotes_gpc ()) {
			function stripslashes_gpc (&$value) {
				$value = stripslashes ($value);
			array_walk_recursive ($_GET, 'stripslashes_gpc');
			array_walk_recursive ($_POST, 'stripslashes_gpc');
			array_walk_recursive ($_COOKIE, 'stripslashes_gpc');
			array_walk_recursive ($_REQUEST, 'stripslashes_gpc');

		 * Check ELEFANT_ENV environment variable to determine which
		 * configuration to load. Also include the Elefant version,
		 * autoloader, and core functions, and set the default
		 * timezone to avoid warnings in date functions.
		define ('ELEFANT_ENV', getenv ('ELEFANT_ENV') ? getenv ('ELEFANT_ENV') : 'config');
		require ('conf/version.php');
		require ('lib/Autoloader.php');
		require ('lib/Functions.php');
		date_default_timezone_set(conf ('General', 'timezone'));
		ini_set ('session.cookie_httponly', 1);
		ini_set ('session.use_only_cookies', 1);

		 * Set the default error reporting level to All except Notices,
		 * and turn off displaying errors. Error handling/debugging can
		 * be done by setting conf[General][debug] to true, causing full
		 * debug traces to be displayed with highlighted code in the
		 * browser (*for development purposes only*), or by checking
		 * the error log for errors.
		error_reporting (E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
		if (conf ('General', 'display_errors')) {
			ini_set ('display_errors', 'On');
		} else {
			ini_set ('display_errors', 'Off');

		 * Enable the debugger if conf[General][debug] is true.
		require ('lib/Debugger.php');
		Debugger::start (conf ('General', 'debug'));

		 * Include the core libraries used by the front controller
		 * to dispatch and respond to requests.
		require ('lib/DB.php');
		require ('lib/Page.php');
		require ('lib/I18n.php');
		require ('lib/Controller.php');
		require ('lib/Template.php');
		require ('lib/View.php');

		 * If we're on the command line, set the request to use
		 * the first argument passed to the script.
		if (defined ('STDIN')) {
			$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = '/' . $argv[1];

		 * Initialize some core objects. These function as singletons
		 * because only one instance of them per request is desired
		 * (no duplicate execution for things like loading translation
		 * files).
		$i18n = new I18n ('lang', conf ('I18n'));
		$page = new Page;
		$controller = new Controller (conf ('Hooks'));
		$tpl = new Template (conf ('General', 'charset'), $controller);
		$controller->page ($page);
		$controller->i18n ($i18n);
		$controller->template ($tpl);
		View::init ($tpl);

		 * Check for a bootstrap.php file in the root of the site
		 * and if found, use it for additional app-level configurations
		 * (Dependency Injection, custom logging settings, etc.).
		if (file_exists ('bootstrap.php')) {
			require ('bootstrap.php');

		 * Initialize the built-in cache support. Provides a
		 * consistent cache API (based on Memcache) so we can always
		 * include caching in our handlers and in the front controller.
		if (! isset ($cache) || ! is_object ($cache)) {
			$cache = Cache::init (conf ('Cache'));
		$controller->cache ($cache);

		 * Provide global access to core objects, although the preferred
		 * way of accessing these is via the Controller object (`$this`
		 * in handlers).
		$GLOBALS['i18n'] = $i18n;
		$GLOBALS['page'] = $page;
		$GLOBALS['controller'] = $controller;
		$GLOBALS['tpl'] = $tpl;
		$GLOBALS['cache'] = $cache;

		 * Run any config level route overrides.
		if (file_exists ('conf/routes.php')) {
			$_routes = parse_ini_file ('conf/routes.php',true);
			if (isset($_routes['Disable'])){
			foreach ($_routes['Disable'] as $_route => $_strict) {
				if (
					(!$_strict && strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],$_route) === 0 && $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] !== $_route) //match from left, exclude exact
					($_strict && $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] == $_route) // match exact
				) {
					$page->body = $controller->run (conf ('General', 'error_handler'), array (
						'code' => 404,
						'title' => 'Page not found.',
						'message' => ''
					echo $page->render ($tpl, $controller); // render 404 page and exit
					return true;
			if (isset($_routes['Redirect'])){
			foreach ($_routes['Redirect'] as $_old => $_new) {
				if ($_old !== $_new && $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] == $_old) $controller->redirect($_new);
			if (isset($_routes['Alias'])){
			foreach ($_routes['Alias'] as $_old => $_new) {
				if (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],$_old) === 0) {
					$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = str_replace($_old,$_new,$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);

		 * Route the request to the appropriate handler and get
		 * the handler's response.
		if ($i18n->url_includes_lang) {
			$handler = $controller->route ($i18n->new_request_uri);
		} else {
			$handler = $controller->route ($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
		$page->body = $controller->handle ($handler, false);

		 * Control caching of the response
		if (conf ('Cache', 'control') && !conf ('General', 'debug')) {
			/* Cache control is ON */
			if (session_id () === '' && $page->cache_control)
				if (isset ($_SERVER["SERVER_SOFTWARE"]) && strpos ($_SERVER["SERVER_SOFTWARE"],"nginx") !== false) {
					/* Allow NGINX to cache this request  - see */
					$controller->header ('X-Accel-Buffering: yes');
					$controller->header ('X-Accel-Expires: ' . conf ('Cache', 'expires'));
				/* Standard http headers */
				$controller->header ('Cache-Control: public, no-cache="set-cookie", must-revalidate, proxy-revalidate, max-age=0');
				$controller->header ('Pragma: public');
				$controller->header ('Expires: ' . gmdate ('D, d M Y H:i:s', time () + conf ('Cache', 'expires')) . ' GMT');
			} else {
				if (isset ($_SERVER["SERVER_SOFTWARE"]) && strpos ($_SERVER["SERVER_SOFTWARE"],"nginx") !== false) {
					/* Do NOT allow NGINX to cache this request - see */
					$controller->header ('X-Accel-Buffering: no');
					$controller->header ('X-Accel-Expires: 0');

				/* Standard http headers */
				$controller->header ('Pragma: no-cache');
				$controller->header ('Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate');
				$controller->header ('Expires: 0');
		} else {
			if (isset ($_SERVER["SERVER_SOFTWARE"]) && strpos ($_SERVER["SERVER_SOFTWARE"],"nginx") !== false) {
				/* Do NOT allow NGINX to cache this request by default  - see */
				$controller->header ('X-Accel-Buffering: no');
				$controller->header ('X-Accel-Expires: 0');

		 * Render and send the output to the client, using gzip
		 * compression if conf[General][compress_output] is true.
		$out = $page->render ($tpl, $controller);
		if (extension_loaded ('zlib') && conf ('General', 'compress_output')) {
			ini_set ('zlib.output_compression', 4096);
		@session_write_close ();
		echo $out;
		return true;
Beispiel #3
    						  array( 'OR', array( array( '=', 'campo', 'valor' ) ) ) )
      *			[1] array( '=', 'campo' , 'valor' )
      *			[2] array( 'OR' , array( array( '=' , campo', 'valor' ) ) )
      *			[3] array( 'IN', 'campo', array( '1' , '2' , '3' ) )
      *		)
      * OR
      *	    array( '=' , 'campo' , 'valor' )
    //TODO: Compatibilizar as configs relativas aos modulos, adicionando os mesmo nos parametros passados
    public static function serviceName($URI, $original = false)
        $concept = "";
        if ($original && isset($original['concept']) && $original['concept']) {
            $concept = $original['concept'];
        } elseif (isset($URI['concept']) && $URI['concept']) {
            $concept = $URI['concept'];
        if ((!isset($URI['service']) || !$URI['service']) && $concept) {
            if (!isset(self::$config[$concept])) {
                self::$config[$concept] = self::loadConfig($concept);
            $URI['service'] = self::$config[$concept]['service'];
        if (!isset($URI['service'])) {
            throw new Exception("CONFIGURATION ERROR: service name from concept '{$concept}' not found");
        return $URI;
Controller::$cache = Controller::loadCache();