Beispiel #1
 public function dashboard()
     if (!User::isLoggedIn()) {
         die('You must be logged in to view this page.');
     //do we need to set a default?
     if (!User::$me->get('dashboard_style')) {
         User::$me->set('dashboard_style', 'large_thumbnails');
     //okay, pull in our dashboard style.
     $this->set('dashboard_style', User::$me->get('dashboard_style'));
     //are there any apps requesting access?
     $this->set('request_tokens', OAuthToken::getRequestTokensByIP()->getAll());
     $this->addTemplate('bot_thumbnail_template', Controller::byName('bot')->renderTemplate('thumbnail'));
     $this->addTemplate('bot_list_template', Controller::byName('bot')->renderTemplate('dashboard_list'));
     $this->addTemplate('job_list_template', Controller::byName('job')->renderTemplate('job_list'));
     $this->addScript('initial_data', "var initialData = " . Controller::byName('main')->renderView('dashboard_data'), "text/javascript");
Beispiel #2
 public function forgotpass()
     $this->setTitle("Retrieve Forgotten Password");
     if ($this->args('submit')) {
         $user = User::byEmail($this->args('email'));
         if ($user->isHydrated()) {
             //give them a pass hash.
             $user->set('pass_reset_hash', sha1(mt_rand() . mt_rand() . mt_rand()));
             $link = "http://" . SITE_HOSTNAME . $user->getUrl() . "/resetpass:"******"forgot his/her password. :P", $user);
             Email::queue($user, "Password Reset", $text, $html);
             $this->set('status', "We have sent a reset password confirmation email to '" . $this->args('email') . "'.");
         } else {
             $this->set('error', "We could not find an account with that email address.");
Beispiel #3
    if ($status) {
        echo Controller::byName('htmltemplate')->renderView('statusbar', array('message' => $status));
    } elseif ($error) {
        echo Controller::byName('htmltemplate')->renderView('errorbar', array('message' => $error));
    } elseif ($user->get('force_password_change')) {
        echo Controller::byName('htmltemplate')->renderView('errorbar', array('message' => 'You are required to change your password before continuing.'));
	<form method="post" autocomplete="off" action="/user:<?php 
    echo $user->id;
		<table class="BaseForm">
				<td valign="top"><b>Enter Password</b></td>
				<td><input type="password" name="changepass1" class="input-medium"></td>
Beispiel #4

if ($megaerror) {
    echo Controller::byName('htmltemplate')->renderView('errorbar', array('message' => $megaerror));
} else {
	<form class="form-horizontal" method="post" autocomplete="off" action="<?php 
    echo $bot->getUrl();
	 <input type="hidden" name="submit" value="1">
		<div class="alert alert-block">
		  <h4 class="alert-heading">Warning!</h4>
			Are you sure you want to delete this bot?  This is permanent and will remove all information about this bot, including any jobs it has been assigned or completed.<br/><br/>
			<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Delete Bot</button>
Beispiel #5
 :: <a href="/bots">see all</a>
    echo Controller::byName('bot')->renderView('draw_bots', array('bots' => $bots));
    if (!empty($errors)) {
  	<div class="row">
  	  <div class="span12">
    	  <h3>Error Log</h3>
        echo Controller::byName('main')->renderView('draw_error_log', array('errors' => $errors, 'hide' => 'user'));
} else {
  <div class="hero-unit">
    <h1>BotQueue has arrived!</h1>
    <p>The open source, distributed fabrication software you've been dreaming about. Srsly.</p>
      <img src="/img/botqueue.png" width="1013" height="403" align="center">
    <h3>Okay, so what does that mean?</h3>
Beispiel #6

if ($megaerror) {
    echo Controller::byName('htmltemplate')->renderView('errorbar', array('message' => $megaerror));
} else {
    echo Controller::byName('browse')->renderView('pagination_info', array('collection' => $activities, 'word' => 'activity'));
    echo Controller::byName('main')->renderView('draw_activities', array('activities' => $activities->getAll(), 'user' => $user));
    echo Controller::byName('browse')->renderView('pagination', array('collection' => $activities, 'base_url' => '/user:'******'/activity'));
Beispiel #7
 :: <a href="/jobs/complete">see all</a>
echo Controller::byName('job')->renderView('draw_jobs_small', array('jobs' => $complete));
	<div class="span6">
			Failed Jobs
if ($failure_count) {
				:: 1-<?php 
    echo min(10, $failure_count);
 of <?php 
    echo $failure_count;
 :: <a href="/jobs/failure">see all</a>
echo Controller::byName('job')->renderView('draw_jobs_small', array('jobs' => $failure));
Beispiel #8
  This file is part of BotQueue.

  BotQueue is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
  (at your option) any later version.

  BotQueue is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  GNU General Public License for more details.

  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  along with BotQueue.  If not, see <>.
define("START_TIME", microtime(true));
include "../extensions/global.php";
//include(EXTENSIONS_DIR . "session.php");
//are we in the right place?
    header("Location: http://" . SITE_HOSTNAME . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
// If page requires SSL, and we're not in SSL mode,
// redirect to the SSL version of the page
if (FORCE_SSL && $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != 443) {
    header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently");
    header("Location: https://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
Beispiel #9
    // If page requires SSL, and we're not in SSL mode,
    // redirect to the SSL version of the page
    if (FORCE_SSL && $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != 443) {
        header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently");
        header("Location: https://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
    //get our stuff.
    $mode = $_GET['mode'];
    $controller = $_GET['controller'];
    $view = $_GET['view'];
    // What mode are we looking at, ajax or html
    if (!$mode) {
        $mode = 'html';
    // The main controller is the default
    if (!$controller) {
        $controller = 'main';
    if (!$view) {
        throw new Exception("No view specified");
    // load the content
    $main = Controller::byName($controller);
    // render the views
    $content = $main->renderView($view);
    // add in headers and footers for html, or nothing for ajax
    echo Controller::byName("{$mode}Template")->renderView('main', array('content' => $content, 'title' => $main->get('title'), 'area' => $main->get('area')));
} catch (Exception $ex) {
    echo "Something bad happened: " . $ex->getMessage();
<div class="row">
foreach ($bots as $row) {
    echo Controller::byName("bot")->renderView("thumbnail", array('size' => 3, 'bot' => $row['Bot'], 'job' => $row['Job']));
Beispiel #11
 public function render()
     return Controller::byName('wizard')->renderView('view', array('forms' => $this->forms, 'name' => $this->name, 'active' => $this->activeForm, 'wizardMode' => $this->wizardMode));
Beispiel #12

 * @package botqueue_job
 * @var string $megaerror
 * @var int $page
 * @var int $per_page
 * @var int $total
 * @var array $jobs
 * @var string $status
if ($megaerror) {
    echo Controller::byName('htmltemplate')->renderView('errorbar', array('message' => $megaerror));
} else {
    echo Controller::byName('browse')->renderView('pagination_info', array('page' => $page, 'per_page' => $per_page, 'total' => $total, 'word' => 'job'));
    echo Controller::byName('job')->renderView('draw_jobs', array('jobs' => $jobs));
    echo Controller::byName('browse')->renderView('pagination', array('page' => $page, 'per_page' => $per_page, 'base_url' => "/jobs/{$status}", 'total' => $total));
Beispiel #13
<div class="row">
	<div class="span6">
echo Controller::byName('upload')->renderView('uploader', array('payload' => array('type' => 'new_job')));
	<div class="span6">
		<h2>How it works</h2>
			<li>You upload a GCode file to our server.</li>
			<li>You specify the queue and # of prints you want.</li>
			<li>The client software downloads and executes each job.</li>
			<li>You take your shiny new stuff and do awesomeness.</li>
		<h2>Accepted filetypes</h2>
			<li>At this point in time, we only accept <strong>.gcode</strong> files.</li>
			<li>In <i>Version 2</i>, we will be adding online slicer support.  Stay tuned.</li>
Beispiel #14

if (!empty($errors)) {
    echo Controller::byName('htmltemplate')->renderView('errorbar', array('message' => 'There were errors creating your queue.'));

<form class="form-horizontal" method="post" autocomplete="off" action="/queue/create">
 <input type="hidden" name="submit" value="1">
    <div class="control-group <?php 
echo $errorfields['name'];
      <label class="control-label" for="iname">Queue Name</label>
      <div class="controls">
        <input type="text" class="input-xlarge" id="iname" name="name" value="<?php 
echo $name;
if ($errors['name']) {
					<span class="help-inline"><?php 
    echo $errors['name'];
Beispiel #15
 public function render()
     return Controller::byName('form')->renderView(strtolower(get_class($this)), array('field' => $this));
Beispiel #16
	<div class="span6">
			On Deck Jobs
			:: 1-<?php 
echo min(5, $on_deck_count);
 of <?php 
echo $on_deck_count;
 :: <a href="/jobs/available">see all</a>
echo Controller::byName('job')->renderView('draw_on_deck_jobs', array('jobs' => $on_deck));
	<div class="span6">
			Finished Jobs
			:: 1-<?php 
echo min(5, $finished_count);
 of <?php 
echo $finished_count;
 :: <a href="/jobs/complete">see all</a>
echo Controller::byName('job')->renderView('draw_finished_jobs', array('jobs' => $finished));
Beispiel #17
        echo $feed['url'];

<body class="preview" data-spy="scroll" data-target=".subnav" data-offset="50">
<div class="container">

echo Controller::byName('htmltemplate')->renderView('menubar', array('area' => $area));

	<section id="content" style="margin-top:60px">
if ($title) {
			<div class="page-header">
    echo $title;
Beispiel #18
						<th>Config Data:</th>
						  <button class="btn" onclick="$(this).hide(); $('#config_data').show()">Click to show config data</button>
						  <span id="config_data" style="display: none"><?php 
    echo nl2br(Utility::sanitize($config->get('config_data')));

	<div class="row">
		<div class="span6">
      <h3>Slice Jobs</h3>
    echo Controller::byName('slicer')->renderView('draw_jobs_small', array('jobs' => $jobs));
		<div class="span6">
    echo Controller::byName('bot')->renderView('draw_bots_small', array('bots' => $bots));
Beispiel #19
<div class="row">
	<div class="span12">
if (!empty($bots)) {
    echo Controller::byName('main')->renderView('dashboard_medium_thumbnails', array('bots' => $bots));
} else {
      <div class="alert">
        <strong>No active bots found!</strong>
Beispiel #20
				<th>I joined</th>
    echo Utility::getTimeAgo($user->get('registered_on'));
    echo Utility::formatDate($user->get('registered_on'));
    if ($user->get('bio')) {
        echo Utility::convertToHTML($user->get('bio'));
	<h2>Recent Activity Stream</h2>
    echo Controller::byName('main')->renderView('draw_activities', array('activities' => $activities));
    echo Controller::byName('browse')->renderView('pagination', array('page' => 1, 'per_page' => 25, 'base_url' => '/user:'******'/activity', 'total' => $activity_total));
Beispiel #21
  * @param Bot $bot
  * @return string
 public static function getStatusHTML($bot)
     return Controller::byName('bot')->renderView('statusbutton', array('bot' => $bot));
Beispiel #22

 * @package botqueue_comment
 * @var string $megaerror
 * @var Form $form
if ($megaerror) {
    echo Controller::byName('htmltemplate')->renderView('errorbar', array('message' => $megaerror));
} else {
    echo Controller::byName('comment')->renderView('draw_all', array('comments' => $comments));
    echo $form->render('horizontal');
Beispiel #23
					<h5>Download other modules</h5>
					<pre>git submodule update --init</pre>

					<h5>Run it!</h5>
					<pre>python -m bumblebee</pre>

				<div class="tab-pane" id="osx_install">
echo Controller::byName('help')->renderView('osx_installation');

				<div class="tab-pane" id="raspi_install">
echo Controller::byName('help')->renderView('raspberry_pi_installation');

				<div class="tab-pane" id="windows_install">
					<span class="text-error">Windows is not currently supported by BotQueue - patches welcome!</span>

		<h4>Step <?php 
echo $i++;
: Authorize the client software</h4>

		<p>From the command line, navigate to the <strong>Bumblebee</strong> folder and run this command: <strong>python
Beispiel #24
 public function register()
     $registerForm = $this->_createRegisterForm();
     $this->set('register_form', $registerForm);
     if ($registerForm->checkSubmitAndValidate($this->args())) {
         $username = $this->args('username');
         if (!Verify::username($username, $reason)) {
             /** @var FormField $field */
             $field = $registerForm->get('username');
         $email = $this->args('email');
         $testUser = User::byEmail($email);
         if ($testUser->isHydrated()) {
             /** @var FormField $emailField */
             $emailField = $registerForm->get('email');
             $emailField->error("That email is already being used");
         if ($this->args('pass1') != $this->args('pass2')) {
             /** @var FormField $field */
             $field = $registerForm->get('pass2');
             $field->error("Your passwords do not match");
         if (!$registerForm->hasError()) {
             $user = new User();
             $user->set('username', $username);
             $user->set('email', $email);
             $user->set('pass_hash', User::hashPass($this->args('pass1')));
             $user->set('registered_on', date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
             //create a default queue for them
             $q = new Queue();
             $q->set("name", 'Default');
             $q->set("user_id", $user->id);
             Activity::log("registered a new account on BotQueue.", $user);
             $text = Controller::byName('email')->renderView('new_user', array('user' => $user));
             $html = Controller::byName('email')->renderView('new_user_html', array('user' => $user));
             Email::queue($user, "Welcome to " . RR_PROJECT_NAME . "!", $text, $html);
             //automatically log them in.
             $token = $user->createToken();
Beispiel #25
<div class="row">
	<div class="span12">
if (!empty($bots)) {
    echo Controller::byName('main')->renderView('dashboard_' . $dashboard_style, array('bots' => $bots));
} else {
      <div class="alert">
        <strong>No active bots found!</strong>

 * @package botqueue_form
 * @var Form $form
if ($form->hasError()) {
    echo Controller::byName('htmltemplate')->renderView('errorbar', array('message' => "There was an error with your form submission."));

<form class="form-inline" method="<?php 
echo $form->method;
" action="<?php 
echo $form->action;
" enctype="multipart/form-data">
echo $form->renderFields();
	<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary"><?php 
echo $form->submitText;
Beispiel #27

echo Controller::byName('notifications')->renderView('draw', array('notifications' => $notifications));
if (count($notifications) == 0) {
	<h1>No new notifications</h1>

<a href="/notifications/all">Click here</a> to see past notifications.
Beispiel #28
>Medium Thumbnails</option>
        <option value="small_thumbnails" <?php 
    echo $style == 'small_thumbnails' ? 'selected' : '';
>Small Thumbnails</option>
        <option value="list" <?php 
    echo $style == 'list' ? 'selected' : '';
>Detailed List</option>
    <div class="clearfix"></div>
  <div id="Dashtron"><?php 
    echo Controller::byName('main')->renderView('dashboard');
  <div id="DashtronHidden" style="display: none;"></div>

    setInterval(loadDashtron, 10000);
    function loadDashtron()
      if ($('#autoload_dashboard').is(':checked'))
        var dashboard_style = $("#dashboard_style").val();
        var url = "/ajax/main/dashboard/" + dashboard_style;
        var jqxhr = $.get(url, function(data) {
          if(dashboard_style == $("#dashboard_style").val()) {
Beispiel #29

if ($megaerror) {
    echo Controller::byName('htmltemplate')->renderView('errorbar', array('message' => $megaerror));
} else {
    echo Controller::byName('browse')->renderView('pagination_info', array('page' => $page, 'per_page' => $per_page, 'total' => $total, 'word' => 'job'));
    echo Controller::byName('job')->renderView('draw_jobs', array('jobs' => $jobs));
    echo Controller::byName('browse')->renderView('pagination', array('page' => $page, 'per_page' => $per_page, 'base_url' => $file->getUrl() . "/jobs", 'total' => $total));
Beispiel #30
			It is can control the following types of machines:
			<li>Most RepRap Machines (w/ <a href="">grbl</a>, <a
					href="">Sprinter</a>, <a
					href="">marlin</a>, etc)
			<li>MakerBot Replicator - experimental / shitty driver that barely works.</li>
		<p>It can control the following types of machines:</p>

			The <a href="">latest version</a> of Bumblebee is
$c = Controller::byName('APIV1');
echo $c::$api_version;

			For instructions on how to install and configure Bumblebee, please see the <a href="/help">help</a> page.

			<img src="/img/bumblebee.png" width="558" height="232">
	<div class="span6">