$payment->installments = 3;
$card = new BraspagCard();
$card->brand = "Visa";
$card->cardNumber = "4532117080573700";
$card->expirationDate = "12/2015";
$card->holder = "Test T S Testando";
$card->securityCode = "000";
$payment->creditCard = $card;
$recurrent = new BraspagRecurrentPayment();
$recurrent->authorizeNow = true;
$recurrent->endDate = "2020-08-01";
$recurrent->interval = "Monthly";
$payment->recurrentPayment = $recurrent;
$sale->payment = $payment;
$api = new BraspagApiServices();
$result = $api->CreateSale($sale);
if (is_a($result, 'BraspagSale')) {
     * In this case, you made a succesful call to API and receive a Sale object in response
    echo "<li><a href=\"example_all_get.php?paymentId={$sale->payment->paymentId}\" target=\"_blank\">Get Card</a></li></ul>";
    $api->debug($sale, "Card Recurrent Success!");
} elseif (is_array($result)) {
     * In this case, you made a Bad Request and receive a collection with all errors
    $api->debug($result, "Bad Request Auth!");
} else {
     * In this case, you received other error, such as Forbidden or Unauthorized