$cartItem->name = "ItemTeste";
$cartItem->quantity = 1;
$cartItem->sku = "201411170235134521346";
$cartItem->unitPrice = 123;
$cartItem->risk = "High";
// Nível do risco do produto.
$cartItem->timeHedge = "Normal";
$cartItem->type = "AdultContent";
$cartItem->velocityHedge = "High";
$cartItem->passenger = $passenger;
array_push($cartItems, $cartItem);
$cart->items = $cartItems;
$fraudAnalysis->browser = $browser;
$fraudAnalysis->cart = $cart;
$sale->payment->fraudAnalysis = $fraudAnalysis;
$api = new BraspagApiServices();
$result = $api->createSale($sale);
if (is_a($result, 'BraspagSale')) {
     * In this case, you made a succesful call to API and receive a Sale object in response
    echo "<ul><li><a href=\"example_credit_capture.php?paymentId={$sale->payment->paymentId}\" target=\"_blank\">Capture Card</a></li>";
    echo "<li><a href=\"example_credit_void.php?paymentId={$sale->payment->paymentId}\" target=\"_blank\">Void Card</a></li>";
    echo "<li><a href=\"example_all_get.php?paymentId={$sale->payment->paymentId}\" target=\"_blank\">Get Card</a></li></ul>";
    BraspagUtils::debug($sale, "Card Success!");
} elseif (is_array($result)) {
     * In this case, you made a Bad Request and receive a collection with all errors
    BraspagUtils::debug($result, "Bad Request Auth!");
} else {

header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/src/BraspagApiIncludes.php";
$paymentId = $_GET['paymentId'];
$captureRequest = new BraspagCaptureRequest();
$captureRequest->amount = 1500;
$api = new BraspagApiServices();
$result = $api->capture($paymentId, $captureRequest);
if (is_a($result, 'BraspagCaptureResponse')) {
     * In this case, you made a succesful call to API and receive a CaptureResponse object in response
    BraspagUtils::debug($sale, "Capture Response Succesful!");
} elseif (is_array($result)) {
     * In this case, you made a Bad Request and receive a collection with all errors
    BraspagUtils::debug($result, "Bad Request:");
} else {
     * In this case, you received other error, such as Forbidden or Unauthorized
    BraspagUtils::debug($result, "HTTP Status Code:");

header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/src/BraspagApiIncludes.php";
$paymentId = $_GET['paymentId'];
$voidAmount = 1500;
$api = new BraspagApiServices();
$result = $api->void($paymentId, $voidAmount);
if (is_a($result, 'BraspagVoidResponse')) {
     * In this case, you made a succesful call to API and receive a VoidResponse object in response
    BraspagUtils::debug($result, "Void Response succesful:");
} elseif (is_array($result)) {
     * In this case, you made a Bad Request and receive a collection with all errors
    BraspagUtils::debug($result, "Bad Request:");
} else {
     * In this case, you received other error, such as Forbidden or Unauthorized
    BraspagUtils::debug($result, "HTTP Status Code:");

header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/src/BraspagApiIncludes.php";
$paymentId = $_GET['paymentId'];
$voidAmount = 1500;
$api = new BraspagApiServices();
$result = $api->Void($paymentId, $voidAmount);
if (is_a($result, 'BraspagVoidResponse')) {
     * In this case, you made a succesful call to API and receive a VoidResponse object in response
    $api->debug($result, "Void Response succesful:");
} elseif (is_array($result)) {
     * In this case, you made a Bad Request and receive a collection with all errors
    $api->debug($result, "Bad Request:");
} else {
     * In this case, you received other error, such as Forbidden or Unauthorized
    $api->debug($result, "HTTP Status Code:");
$payment->provider = "Simulado";
$payment->installments = 3;
$card = new BraspagCard();
$card->brand = "Visa";
$card->cardNumber = "4532117080573700";
$card->expirationDate = "12/2015";
$card->holder = "Test T S Testando";
$card->securityCode = "000";
$payment->creditCard = $card;
$recurrent = new BraspagRecurrentPayment();
$recurrent->authorizeNow = true;
$recurrent->endDate = "2020-08-01";
$recurrent->interval = "Monthly";
$payment->recurrentPayment = $recurrent;
$sale->payment = $payment;
$api = new BraspagApiServices();
$result = $api->CreateSale($sale);
if (is_a($result, 'BraspagSale')) {
     * In this case, you made a succesful call to API and receive a Sale object in response
    echo "<li><a href=\"example_all_get.php?paymentId={$sale->payment->paymentId}\" target=\"_blank\">Get Card</a></li></ul>";
    $api->debug($sale, "Card Recurrent Success!");
} elseif (is_array($result)) {
     * In this case, you made a Bad Request and receive a collection with all errors
    $api->debug($result, "Bad Request Auth!");
} else {
     * In this case, you received other error, such as Forbidden or Unauthorized
$address->city = "Rio de Janeiro";
$address->complement = "Sala 934";
$address->country = "BRA";
$address->district = "Centro";
$address->number = "160";
$address->state = "RJ";
$address->street = "Av. Marechal Câmara";
$address->zipCode = "20020-080";
$customer->address = $address;
$sale->customer = $customer;
$payment = new BraspagEletronicTransferPayment();
$payment->amount = 15900;
$payment->provider = "Bradesco";
$payment->returnUrl = "http://www.braspag.com.br";
$sale->payment = $payment;
$api = new BraspagApiServices();
$result = $api->CreateSale($sale);
if (is_a($result, 'BraspagSale')) {
     * In this case, you made a succesful call to API and receive a Sale object in response
    echo "<li><a href=\"example_all_get.php?paymentId={$sale->payment->paymentId}\" target=\"_blank\">Get EletronicTransfer</a></li></ul>";
    $api->debug($sale, "Eletronic Transfer Success!");
} elseif (is_array($result)) {
     * In this case, you made a Bad Request and receive a collection with all errors
    $api->debug($result, "Bad Request Auth!");
} else {
     * In this case, you received other error, such as Forbidden or Unauthorized

header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/src/BraspagApiIncludes.php";
$paymentId = $_GET['paymentId'];
$api = new BraspagApiServices();
$result = $api->get($paymentId);
if (is_a($result, 'BraspagSale')) {
     * In this case, you made a succesful call to API and receive a Sale object in response
    BraspagUtils::debug($result, 'Success:');
} elseif (is_array($result)) {
     * In this case, you made a Bad Request and receive a collection with all errors
    BraspagUtils::debug($result, 'Bad Request:');
} else {
     * In this case, you received other error, such as Forbidden or Unauthorized
    BraspagUtils::debug($result, 'HTTP Status Code:');

header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/src/BraspagApiIncludes.php";
$paymentId = $_GET['paymentId'];
$captureRequest = new BraspagCaptureRequest();
$captureRequest->amount = 1500;
$api = new BraspagApiServices();
$result = $api->Capture($paymentId, $captureRequest);
if (is_a($result, 'BraspagCaptureResponse')) {
     * In this case, you made a succesful call to API and receive a CaptureResponse object in response
    $api->debug($sale, "Capture Response Succesful!");
} elseif (is_array($result)) {
     * In this case, you made a Bad Request and receive a collection with all errors
    $api->debug($result, "Bad Request:");
} else {
     * In this case, you received other error, such as Forbidden or Unauthorized
    $api->debug($result, "HTTP Status Code:");