Beispiel #1
<!-- Footer -->
  <div class="container">
$footer = new Block('be-theme-pro-footer');

$block1 = new Block('be-theme-pro-footer-col-1');
Beispiel #2
<div class="content">
   <div class="container">
      <div class="row">	  	  <div class="span12">
$slide_titles = array("Theme Title #1", "Theme Title #2", "Theme Title #3", "Theme Title #4", "Theme Title #5");
$slide_texts = array("Select EDIT and click on this block to display the banner slider settings. Add / Edit images, titles and this description text for each slide.", "Select EDIT and click on this block to display the banner slider settings. Add / Edit images, titles and this description text for each slide.", "Select EDIT and click on this block to display the banner slider settings. Add / Edit images, titles and this description text for each slide.", "Select EDIT and click on this block to display the banner slider settings. Add / Edit images, titles and this description text for each slide.", "Select EDIT and click on this block to display the banner slider settings. Add / Edit images, titles and this description text for each slide.");
$slide_images = array(get_theme_path() . "img/be_banner1.jpg", get_theme_path() . "img/be_banner2.jpg", get_theme_path() . "img/be_banner3.jpg", get_theme_path() . "img/be_banner4.jpg", get_theme_path() . "img/be_banner5.jpg");
$slide_urls = array("#", "#", "#", "#", "#");
<!-- Content Starts -->
$content_holder = new Block("be-theme-pro-home-content-holder");
$line1 = new Block("be-theme-pro-home-slider");
$line1->html("<div class=''>{content}</div>");
$line1->set_data('slide_title', $slide_titles);
$line1->set_data('slide_image', $slide_images);
$line1->set_data('slide_text', $slide_texts);
$line1->set_data('slide_url', $slide_urls);
$line1->set_data('style', array('margin-left' => '0px'));
<!-- 2nd Line of Blocks -->

Beispiel #3
<!-- Content starts -->

<div class="content">
   <div class="container">
      <div class="row">
         <div class="span12">
            <!-- Service starts -->
               <div class="row">
                  <div class="span12">
$holder = new Block('business-commodore-1-theme-service-holder');
<!-- 1st Line of Blocks -->
$line1 = new Block('business-commodore-1-theme-service-line1');
                           <div class="row">
                              <div class="hero span12">
Beispiel #4

$line1 = new Block("business-commodore-1-theme-portfolio-line1");
                     <!-- Portfolio hero -->
                     <div class="hero">
                        <!-- Title -->
                        <!-- para -->
                        <p>Praesent at tellus porttitor nisl porttitor sagittis. Mauris in massa ligula, a tempor nulla. Ut tempus interdum mauris vel vehicula. Nulla ullamcorper tortor commodo in sagittis est accumsan.</p>
                     <!-- Portfolio -->