  * Load the blocks from the database and save them to memcached
  *  @param bool $bFromSlave Whether to load data from slaves or master
 function loadFromDB($bFromSlave = false)
     global $wgUseMemCached, $wgMemc;
     $this->mData = array();
     # Selecting FOR UPDATE is a convenient way to serialise the memcached and DB operations,
     # which is necessary even though we don't update the DB
     if (!$bFromSlave) {
         Block::enumBlocks('wfBlockCacheInsert', '', EB_FOR_UPDATE);
         #$wgMemc->set( $this->mMemcKey, $this->mData, 0 );
     } else {
         Block::enumBlocks('wfBlockCacheInsert', '');
Beispiel #2
 function showList($msg)
     global $wgOut;
     if ("" != $msg) {
     global $wgRequest;
     list($this->limit, $this->offset) = $wgRequest->getLimitOffset();
     $this->counter = 0;
     $paging = '<p>' . wfViewPrevNext($this->offset, $this->limit, Title::makeTitle(NS_SPECIAL, 'Ipblocklist'), 'ip=' . urlencode($this->ip)) . "</p>\n";
     $search = $this->searchForm();
     if (!Block::enumBlocks(array(&$this, "addRow"), 0)) {
         // FIXME hack to solve #bug 1487
         $wgOut->addHTML('<li>' . wfMsgHtml('ipblocklistempty') . '</li>');
 function showList($msg)
     global $wgOut;
     if ("" != $msg) {
     // FIXME hack to solve #bug 1487
     if (!Block::enumBlocks("wfAddRow", 0)) {
         $wgOut->addHTML('<li>' . wfMsg('ipblocklistempty') . '</li>');
 function showList($msg)
     global $wgOut;
     if ("" != $msg) {
     Block::enumBlocks("wfAddRow", 0);