public function updatePost(ApiTester $I)
     $id = $I->haveRecord('posts', $this->getPostAttributes(['title' => 'Game of Thrones']));
     $I->sendPUT($this->endpoint . "/{$id}", ['title' => 'Lord of Thrones']);
     $I->seeResponseContainsJson(['title' => 'Lord of Thrones']);
     $I->seeRecord('posts', ['title' => 'Lord of Thrones']);
     $I->dontSeeRecord('posts', ['title' => 'Game of Thrones']);
 public function createPost(ApiTester $I)
     $I->sendPOST($this->endpoint, ['title' => 'Game of Rings', 'body' => 'By George Tolkien']);
     $I->seeResponseContainsJson(['title' => 'Game of Rings']);
     $id = $I->grabDataFromJsonResponse('id');
     $I->seeRecord('posts', ['id' => $id, 'title' => 'Game of Rings']);
     $I->sendGET($this->endpoint . "/{$id}");
     $I->seeResponseContainsJson(['title' => 'Game of Rings']);
 public function updateDiscussion(ApiTester $I)
     $I->wantTo('update a discussion via API');
     $user = $I->amAuthenticated();
     $discussion = Factory::create('Flarum\\Core\\Models\\Discussion', ['start_user_id' => $user->id]);
     $I->sendPUT($this->endpoint . '/' . $discussion->id, ['discussions' => ['title' => 'foo']]);
     $I->expect('the discussion title was updated');
     $I->seeResponseContainsJson(['title' => 'foo']);
     $I->expect('the discussion was updated in the database');
     $id = $I->grabDataFromJsonResponse('');
     $I->seeRecord('discussions', ['id' => $id, 'title' => 'foo']);
Beispiel #4

$I = new ApiTester($scenario);
$I->wantTo('create a new device');
$user = $I->haveAnAccount();
$I->amHttpAuthenticated($user['email'], $user['password']);
$I->sendPOST('devices', ['mac' => '00:19:20:A1:B4:FC', 'name' => 'Manuel']);
$I->sendPOST('devices', ['ip' => '', 'mac' => '00:19:20:A1:B4:FC', 'name' => 'Manuel']);
$I->seeHttpHeader('Location', 'http://localhost/api/v1/devices/1');
$I->seeResponseContainsJson(['data' => ['ip' => '', 'name' => 'Manuel', 'on_home_page' => 'auto', 'group' => null]]);
$I->seeRecord('devices', ['ip' => '', 'mac' => '00:19:20:A1:B4:FC', 'name' => 'Manuel', 'public' => 'auto', 'group' => null]);

$I = new ApiTester($scenario);
$I->wantTo('poke with optional configuration parameters');
$I->sendPOST('devices/poke', ['ip' => '', 'mac' => '00:19:20:A1:B4:FC', 'name' => 'Manuel', 'public' => 'false', 'group' => 'strebl']);
$I->seeHttpHeader('Location', 'http://localhost/api/v1/devices/1');
$I->seeResponseContainsJson(['data' => ['ip' => '', 'name' => 'Manuel', 'on_home_page' => 'false', 'group' => 'strebl']]);
$I->seeRecord('devices', ['ip' => '', 'mac' => '00:19:20:A1:B4:FC', 'name' => 'Manuel', 'public' => 'false', 'group' => 'strebl']);
$I->seeRecord('pokes', ['ip' => '', 'mac' => '00:19:20:A1:B4:FC']);