Beispiel #1
 public function readList(ApiTester $I)
     $tableData = $I->getTableShortData();
     $tableData['title'] = 'Search';
     $tableData['description'] = 'Concrete';
     $table1 = $I->createTable($tableData);
     $tableData['title'] = 'Search';
     $tableData['description'] = 'Another';
     $table2 = $I->createTable($tableData);
     $tableData['title'] = 'caps';
     $tableData['description'] = 'EXAMPLE';
     $table3 = $I->createTable($tableData);
     $tableData['title'] = 'mank@34ind';
     $tableData['description'] = 'example';
     $table4 = $I->createTable($tableData);
     foreach ($I->getResponseFields()->data as $item) {
         $I->sendGET('api/v1/admin/tables/' . $item->_id);
     $queries = ['title=arc' => ['amount' => 2, 'ids' => [$table1->_id, $table2->_id]], 'title=@34' => ['amount' => 1, 'ids' => [$table4->_id]], 'description=EXA' => ['amount' => 2, 'ids' => [$table3->_id, $table4->_id]]];
     foreach ($queries as $query => $data) {
         $response = $I->getResponseFields()->data;
         $I->assertEquals($data['amount'], count($response), "Wrong amount of the tables for query {$query}");
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($response); ++$i) {
             $id = $response[$i]->_id;
             $I->assertTrue(in_array($id, $data['ids']), "Id '{$id}' should not be in response for query {$query}");
         $I->assertTrue(0 == count($data['ids']), "Next ids should be in response: " . implode(',', $data['ids']) . ". Query: {$query}");
Beispiel #2
 public function accessForCheck(ApiTester $I)
     $first_user = $I->createUser(true, '', false);
     $second_user = $I->createUser(true);
     $consumer = $I->createConsumer();
     $table = $I->createTable();
     $table_id = $table->_id;
     $data = ['borrowers_phone_verification' => 'Positive', 'contact_person_phone_verification' => 'Positive', 'internal_credit_history' => 'Positive', 'employment' => true, 'property' => true, 'matching_rules_type' => 'decision'];
     $I->sendPOST("api/v1/tables/{$table_id}/decisions", $data);
     $I->seeResponseContains("Project owner is not activated, try again later");
     $I->sendPOST('api/v1/projects/users', ['user_id' => $second_user->_id, 'role' => 'manager', 'scope' => ['tables_view', 'decisions_make']]);
     $I->sendPOST("api/v1/tables/{$table_id}/decisions", $data);
     $I->seeResponseContains("Project owner is not activated, try again later");
     $I->sendPOST("api/v1/tables/{$table_id}/decisions", $data);
     $I->seeResponseContains("Project owner is not activated, try again later");
     $I->sendPOST('api/v1/users/verify/email', ['token' => $first_user->sandbox->token_email->token]);