Beispiel #1
 function testGenerateHelperFunctions()
     $name = 'namespaced_name';
     $Route = new AkRoute('/author/:name');
     AkRouterHelper::generateHelperFunctionsFor($name, $Route);
Beispiel #2
  * Returns the URL for the set of +$options+ provided. This takes the same options 
  * as url_for. For a list, see the documentation for AKActionController::urlFor.
  * Note that it'll set ('only_path' => true) so you'll get /controller/action instead of the 
  * part (makes it harder to parse httpd log files)
 public function url_for($options = array(), $parameters_for_method_reference = null)
     if ($options instanceof AkBaseModel) {
         $options = AkRouterHelper::getUrlParamsForModel($options);
     $default_options = array('only_path' => true);
     $options = array_merge($default_options, $options);
     return $this->_controller->urlFor($options, $parameters_for_method_reference);
Beispiel #3
 public function connectNamed($name, $url_pattern = '', $defaults = array(), $requirements = array(), $conditions = array())
     $this->handleApiShortcuts($url_pattern, $defaults, $requirements);
     if (isset($defaults['conditions'])) {
         throw new Exception('Could not connect named route with conditions');
     $Route = new AkRoute($url_pattern, $defaults, $requirements, $conditions);
     if ($this->generate_helper_functions && !empty($name)) {
         AkRouterHelper::generateHelperFunctionsFor($name, $Route);
     return $this->addRoute($name, $Route);
Beispiel #4
  * Redirects the browser to the target specified in +options+. This parameter can take one of three forms:
  * * <tt>Array</tt>: The URL will be generated by calling $this->urlFor with the +options+.
  * * <tt>String starting with protocol:// (like http://)</tt>: Is passed straight through
  * as the target for redirection.
  * * <tt>String not containing a protocol</tt>: The current protocol and host is prepended to the string.
  * * <tt>back</tt>: Back to the page that issued the Request-> Useful for forms that are
  * triggered from multiple places.
  *   Short-hand for redirectTo(Request->env["HTTP_REFERER"])
  * Examples:
  *   redirectTo(array('action' => 'show', 'id' => 5));
  *   redirectTo('');
  *   redirectTo('/images/screenshot.jpg');
  *   redirectTo('back');
  * The redirection happens as a "302 Moved" header.
 public function redirectTo($options = array(), $parameters_for_method_reference = null)
     if ($options instanceof AkBaseModel) {
         $options = AkRouterHelper::getUrlParamsForModel($options);
     if (is_string($options)) {
         if (preg_match('/^\\w+:\\/\\/.*/', $options)) {
             if ($this->hasPerformed()) {
             AK_LOG_EVENTS && !empty($this->_Logger) ? $this->_Logger->message('Redirected to ' . $options) : null;
             $this->Response->redirected_to = $options;
             $this->performed_redirect = true;
         } elseif ($options == 'back') {
         } else {
             $this->redirectTo($this->Request->getProtocol() . $this->Request->getHostWithPort() . $options);
     } else {
         if (empty($parameters_for_method_reference)) {
             $this->Response->redirected_to = $options;
         } else {
             $this->redirectTo($this->urlFor($options, $parameters_for_method_reference));
             $this->Response->redirected_to = $options;
             $this->Response->redirected_to_method_params = $parameters_for_method_reference;
Beispiel #5
  * Creates a form and a scope around a specific model object, which is then used as a base for questioning about
  * values for the fields. Examples:
  *   <?php $f = $form_helper->form_for('person', $Person, array('url' => array('action' => 'update'))); ?>
  *     First name: <?= $f->text_field('first_name'); ?>
  *     Last name : <?= $f->text_field('last_name'); ?>
  *     Biography : <?= $f->text_area('biography'); ?>
  *     Admin?    : <?= $f->check_box('admin'); ?>
  *   <?= $f->end_form_tag(); ?>
  * The form_for yields a form_builder object, in this example as $f, which emulates the API for the stand-alone
  * FormHelper methods, but without the object name. So instead of <tt>$form_helper->text_field('person', 'name');</tt>,
  * you get away with <tt>$f->text_field('name');</tt>.
  * That in itself is a modest increase in comfort. The big news is that form_for allows us to more easily escape the instance
  * variable convention, so while the stand-alone approach would require <tt>$form_helper->text_field('person', 'name', array('object' => $Person));</tt>
  * to work with local variables instead of instance ones, the form_for calls remain the same. You simply declare once with
  * <tt>'person', $Person</tt> and all subsequent field calls save <tt>'person'</tt> and <tt>'object' => $Person</tt>.
  * Also note that form_for doesn't create an exclusive scope. It's still possible to use both the stand-alone FormHelper methods
  * and methods from FormTagHelper. Example:
  *   <?php $f = $form_helper->form_for('person', $Person, array('url' => array('action' => 'update'))); ?>
  *     First name: <?= $f->text_field('first_name'); ?>
  *     Last name : <?= $f->text_field('last_name'); ?>
  *     Biography : <?= $f->text_area('person', $Biography); ?>
  *     Admin?    : <?= $form_helper->check_box_tag('person[admin]', $Person->company->isAdmin()); ?>
  *   <?= $f->end_form_tag(); ?>
  * Note: This also works for the methods in FormOptionHelper and DateHelper that are designed to work with an object as base.
  * Like collection_select and datetime_select.
 public function form_for($object_name, &$object = null, $options = array())
     $this->object_name = $object_name;
     if (empty($object)) {
         $object = $this->_controller->{$object_name};
     if (!$object instanceof AkBaseModel) {
         throw new Exception('$object is of type ' . gettype($object) . '. Expected instance of AkBaseModel.');
     if (empty($options['url'])) {
         $options['url'] = AkRouterHelper::getUrlParamsForModel($object);
     $url_for_options = $options['url'];
     $_SESSION['_csrf_token'] = sha1(Ak::uuid() . AK_REMOTE_IP . time());
     echo $this->_controller->ak_form_tag_helper->form_tag($url_for_options, $options);
     echo '<div style="margin:0;padding:0;display:inline"><input name="authenticity_token" type="hidden" value="' . $_SESSION['_csrf_token'] . '" /></div>';
     if (!$object->isNewRecord()) {
         echo '<div style="margin:0;padding:0;display:inline"><input name="_method" type="hidden" value="put" /></div>';
     return $this->fields_for($object_name, $object);
Beispiel #6
            $multiple_expected_php .= $expected_php;
        $AkSintags = new AkSintagsParser();
        $php = $AkSintags->parse($sintags);
        if ($php != $expected_php) {
            $test_results['errors'][] = " FAILED!\n" . "\n-------\nWith Sintags: \n" . $sintags . "\n" . "\n-------\ngenerated: \n" . $php . "\n" . "\n-------\nwhile expected: \n" . $expected_php . "\n-------------\n";
        } else {
            $test_results['success'][] = $sintags;
    if ($all_in_one_test) {
        $AkSintags = new AkSintagsParser();
        $php = $AkSintags->parse($multiple_sintags);
        if ($php != $multiple_expected_php) {
            $test_results['errors'][] = " FAILED!\n" . "\n-------\nWith Sintags: \n" . $multiple_sintags . "\n" . "\n-------\ngenerated: \n" . $php . "\n" . "\n-------\nwhile expected: \n" . $multiple_expected_php . "\n-------------\n";
        } else {
            $test_results['success'][] = $sintags;
AkRouterHelper::generateHelperFunctionsFor('named_route', new AkRoute('/'));
echo "\nRunning Sintags tests\n";
echo count((array) @$test_results['success']) . " tests passed\n";
if (!empty($test_results['errors'])) {
    echo join("\n", $test_results['errors']);
    echo count($test_results['errors']) . " failure/s!!!";
echo "\nCompleted running tests.\n";
Beispiel #7
 public function Helper($match, $state, $position = null, $is_inline_function = false)
     switch ($state) {
         case AK_LEXER_ENTER:
             if (preg_match('/=+$/', trim($match))) {
                 $this->avoid_php_tags = $this->_current_function_opening = false;
                 $this->output .= '<?php ' . $this->_convertSintagsVarToPhp(trim($match, " =(\n\t" . $this->_SINTAGS_OPEN_HELPER_TAG)) . ' = (';
                 return true;
             $method_name = trim($match, " =(\n\t" . $this->_SINTAGS_OPEN_HELPER_TAG);
             $helper = $this->_getHelperNameForMethod($method_name);
             $named_route = in_array($method_name, AkRouterHelper::getDefinedFunctions());
             if ($helper || $named_route) {
                 $this->avoid_php_tags = !$is_inline_function && !strstr($match, '=');
                 $this->_current_function_opening = strlen($this->output);
                 if (!$this->avoid_php_tags) {
                     $this->output .= $is_inline_function ? '' : '<?php echo ';
                 if ($named_route) {
                     $this->output .= "{$method_name}(";
                 } else {
                     if (!strpos($helper, 'helper')) {
                         $method_name = AkInflector::variablize($method_name);
                     if ($helper == 'controller') {
                         $this->output .= "\$controller->{$method_name}(";
                     } else {
                         $this->output .= "\$controller->{$helper}->{$method_name}(";
                 return true;
             } else {
                 $this->addError(Ak::t('Could not find a helper to handle the method "%method" you called in your view', array('%method' => $method_name)));
             return false;
         case AK_LEXER_UNMATCHED:
             $match = trim($match);
             if ($match == ',') {
                 $this->output .= $match . ' ';
             } elseif ($match == $this->_SINTAGS_HASH_KEY_VALUE_DELIMITER) {
                 if (empty($this->_inside_array) && empty($this->_has_last_argument_params)) {
                     $current_function = substr($this->output, $this->_current_function_opening);
                     $function_opening = strrpos($current_function, '(') + 1;
                     $last_comma = strrpos($current_function, ',') + 1;
                     $insert_point = $function_opening > $last_comma && $last_comma === 1 ? $function_opening : $last_comma;
                     $this->output = substr($this->output, 0, $this->_current_function_opening + $insert_point) . ' array(' . ltrim(substr($this->output, $this->_current_function_opening + $insert_point));
                     $this->_has_last_argument_params = true;
                 $this->output .= ' => ';
         case AK_LEXER_EXIT:
             $this->output .= (!empty($this->_has_last_argument_params) ? ')' : '') . ')' . ($this->avoid_php_tags ? '' : ($is_inline_function ? '' : '; ?>'));
             $this->_has_last_argument_params = false;
     return true;
Beispiel #8
 private function connectNamed($name, $url_pattern, $defaults = array(), $requirements = array(), $conditions = array())
     $this->handleApiShortcuts($url_pattern, $defaults, $requirements);
     $Route = new AkRoute($url_pattern, $defaults, $requirements, $conditions);
     if ($this->generate_helper_functions) {
         AkRouterHelper::generateHelperFunctionsFor($name, $Route);
     return $this->addRoute($name, $Route);
Beispiel #9
 public function test_sintags_helpers()
     AkRouterHelper::generateHelperFunctionsFor('named_route', $this->mock('AkRoute'));